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Cyber-bullying  網上欺凌 Social, Economic and Political Perspectives For Rotary Club of Central Charles Mok Internet Society Hong Kong August 4, 2010
What is Cyber-bullying  網上欺凌 When the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person (National Crime Prevention Council, USA) A situation when a child or teen is repeatedly 'tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted' by another child or teenager using text messaging, email, instant messaging or any other type of digital technology (
It's nothing new? Compared to traditional or physical bullying Anonymity of attackers Often involves personal data (privacy) Widespread effect; difficult to remove Difficult to avoid  Psychological vs physical effect
Notable overseas cases Ryan Halligan (1989-2003) –  committed suicide in Vermont after repeatedly bullied by classmates and being sent IM messages accusing him of being gay Magan Meier (1992-2006) –  committed suicide after being  bullied on MySpace by one of her friends' mother, and a neighbor,  Lori Drew, pretending to be a  young boy (Josh Evans).
Local cases 港女大鬧元朗聯興行事件 女事主不滿店長要求旺角分店將貨 品價格修正而發生口角,女事主更 拍攝片段以博取網民同情;女事主 遭起底 大學生被指推女朋友落樓梯事件 有人聲稱從 xanga 轉貼一篇文章, 指一名徐姓男生把懷孕的女朋友推 下樓梯;男事主遭起底,支持與反 對男事主的網民激辯。 算不算:巴士阿叔?陳冠希?
Implications Are these cases unique to the cyber world? How to balance the public's right to know – public good, or when concerning public figures, who are public figures? How to define cyber-bullying if handle by legislation?  Will they be effective? Exposing subject's identity  人肉搜尋、起底
Legislative attempts Several US states pursuing legislations Some city ordinances passed, making online harassment a misdemeanor Problematic to define: 'coerce, intimidate, harass or cause other substantial emotional stress'? California State Assembly Bill 86 2008 gives school the authority to discipline students for bullying others offline or online
Bullying, news, or public interest?
維基解密  (WikiLeaks)
莫乃光  Charles Mok [email_address]

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  • 1. Cyber-bullying 網上欺凌 Social, Economic and Political Perspectives For Rotary Club of Central Charles Mok Internet Society Hong Kong August 4, 2010
  • 2. What is Cyber-bullying 網上欺凌 When the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person (National Crime Prevention Council, USA) A situation when a child or teen is repeatedly 'tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted' by another child or teenager using text messaging, email, instant messaging or any other type of digital technology (
  • 3. It's nothing new? Compared to traditional or physical bullying Anonymity of attackers Often involves personal data (privacy) Widespread effect; difficult to remove Difficult to avoid Psychological vs physical effect
  • 4. Notable overseas cases Ryan Halligan (1989-2003) – committed suicide in Vermont after repeatedly bullied by classmates and being sent IM messages accusing him of being gay Magan Meier (1992-2006) – committed suicide after being bullied on MySpace by one of her friends' mother, and a neighbor, Lori Drew, pretending to be a young boy (Josh Evans).
  • 5. Local cases 港女大鬧元朗聯興行事件 女事主不滿店長要求旺角分店將貨 品價格修正而發生口角,女事主更 拍攝片段以博取網民同情;女事主 遭起底 大學生被指推女朋友落樓梯事件 有人聲稱從 xanga 轉貼一篇文章, 指一名徐姓男生把懷孕的女朋友推 下樓梯;男事主遭起底,支持與反 對男事主的網民激辯。 算不算:巴士阿叔?陳冠希?
  • 6. Implications Are these cases unique to the cyber world? How to balance the public's right to know – public good, or when concerning public figures, who are public figures? How to define cyber-bullying if handle by legislation? Will they be effective? Exposing subject's identity 人肉搜尋、起底
  • 7. Legislative attempts Several US states pursuing legislations Some city ordinances passed, making online harassment a misdemeanor Problematic to define: 'coerce, intimidate, harass or cause other substantial emotional stress'? California State Assembly Bill 86 2008 gives school the authority to discipline students for bullying others offline or online
  • 8. Bullying, news, or public interest?
  • 12. 莫乃光 Charles Mok [email_address]