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Charles Mok | Stanford Cyber Policy Center |
Internet Society |Tech for Good Asia | March 24 2023
Tech for Good, continued
What did we talk about last year?
March 25, 2022
• Tech’s challenges: big tech, misinformation, etc.
• AI and Data
• Blockchain and decentralization
• Metaverse
• Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: cybersecurity, cyberwar?
• Post-COVID future: surveillance, censorship, splinternet….
One year later….now what?
More than chatbots
• From ChatGPT to GPT4 (generative pre-
trained transformer)
• “Reinforcement learning from human
• Monetization — Microsoft/OpenAI Bing/
ce vs Google?
• What about Chinese AI? ⽂⼼⼀⾔ Ernie Bot?
• Call it censorship, or call it moderation?
• “What should I do to kill the most
• Q: Is the future bright, or scary?
From AI to ChatGPT

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[cb22] From Parroting to Echoing: The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...
[cb22]  From Parroting to Echoing:  The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...[cb22]  From Parroting to Echoing:  The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...
[cb22] From Parroting to Echoing: The Evolution of China’s Bots-Driven Info...

Social media is no doubt a critical battlefield for threat actors to launch InfoOps, especially in a critical moment such as wartime or the election season. We have seen Bot-Driven Information Operations (InfoOps, aka influence campaign) have attempted to spread disinformation, incite protests in the physical world, and doxxing against journalists. China's Bots-Driven InfoOps, despite operating on a massive scale, are often considered to have low impact and very little organic engagement. In this talk, we will share our observations on these persistent Bots-Driven InfoOps and dissect their harmful disinformation campaigns circulated in cyberspace. In the past, most bots-driven operations simply parroted narratives of the Chinese propaganda machine, mechanically disseminating the same propaganda and disinformation artifacts made by Chinese state media. However, recently, we saw the newly created bots turn to post artifacts in a livelier manner. They utilized various tactics, including reposting screenshots of forum posts and disguised as members of “Milk Tea Alliance,” to create a false appearance that such content is being echoed across cyberspace. We particularly focus on an ongoing China's bots-driven InfoOps targeting Taiwan, which we dub "Operation ChinaRoot." Starting in mid-2021, the bots have been disseminating manipulated information about Taiwan's local politics and Covid-19 measures. Our further investigation has also identified the linkage between Operation ChinaRoot and other Chinese state-linked networks such as DRAGONBRIDGE and Spamouflage.

Digital Natives: the new generation
Digital Natives: the new generationDigital Natives: the new generation
Digital Natives: the new generation

Digital Natives refer to those born after 1980 who have grown up in a world surrounded by digital technology. They comprise 30% of the population in developed countries and will make up 50% of the workforce by 2018. Digital Natives spend more time online than watching TV and are highly engaged with social media. Their online activities tend to be more collaborative and interactive compared to older Digital Immigrants. Companies must understand how to market to Digital Natives across various virtual media in a consistent way. They also need to consider how social media can impact their talent management, customer service, and public relations strategies. Failing to address the characteristics of Digital Natives could pose risks to a company, while leveraging their capabilities could open new opportunities.

digital nativesconsultingsocial networking
Future of education late 2016
Future of education late 2016Future of education late 2016
Future of education late 2016

This document discusses trends in education and technology that could shape the future. It identifies several technology trends like the rise of mobile devices, virtual and augmented reality, automation, and disintegrated computing. It also examines trends in higher education like the globalization of education, alternative models and certifications, demographic changes, and the role of MOOCs and technology in teaching and research. The document argues that these present choices about priorities like reinvesting in public education, embracing openness and globalization, preparing for automation, and encouraging democratic digital literacy.

A bad year
• The dominos of FTX collapse
• Stalled?
• Web3
• Blockchain applications
• Q: And Hong Kong wants to join
the party now when it is almost
over, or is it over?
Blockchain & crypto
Is there any point talking about it?
No one can be spared?
Cyberwar is near/here
The present may be all about

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The document discusses Coursedot, a company that aims to become a one-stop shop for technology training. Coursedot offers training content from over 480 providers through various formats like online courses, videos, and e-books. It has achieved global reach in 3 years and worked with major companies. The document also outlines Coursedot's mission to make training accessible and its vision to become one of the largest IT training companies through innovative delivery methods.

The Future of Digital Freedom
The Future of Digital FreedomThe Future of Digital Freedom
The Future of Digital Freedom

The document discusses the importance of building the digital commons to ensure future digital freedom. It identifies threats such as censorship, surveillance and loss of innovation that could undermine digital freedom. It argues that increasing use of free software, free culture and peer production can help address these threats by improving security, transparency and access. The key message is that supporting creative commons now through contributing to open knowledge and technologies is critical for maintaining digital rights in the future.

Internet squared of the people empowered by blockchain and disruptive technol...
Internet squared of the people empowered by blockchain and disruptive technol...Internet squared of the people empowered by blockchain and disruptive technol...
Internet squared of the people empowered by blockchain and disruptive technol...

Internet^2 (Internet Squared) of the People empowered by blockchain and disruptive technologies. ( ) Blockchain can solve the two big issues that Internet has faced: trust and platform monopoly. With blockchain and many disruptive technologies, Internet is evolving to a new phase that we like to define as INTERNET SQUARED. We will share this concept, its impact, and future with emphasizing the blockchain’s potential and trends. As the technology rules the world, INTERNET SQUARED will bring great changes in our society. 인터넷^2: 인터넷스퀘어드 - 블락체인과 혁신기술로 무장한 시민이 주인인 인터넷스퀘어드 ( ) 블락체인을 여러 혁신 기술의 하나가 아닌 모든 기술을 연계하는 인터넷의 진화로 정의해야할 만큼 중요하다는 의미에서 인터넷스퀘어드 개념을 제안합니다. 블락체인은 기존 인터넷이 갖는 신뢰와 독점 플랫폼 문제를 해결할 수 있는 해법입니다. 인터넷은 정보, 기술 및 사람을 연결해 가치를 증폭하는 네트웤으로 최근 급부상하는 블락체인과 다양한 혁신기술이 접목됨으로써 인터넷은 새로운 차원으로 진화하고 있습니다. 이와 같은 새로운 차원의 인터넷을 인터넷스퀘어드로 정의하고 그 배경과 의미그리고 향후 발전 방향을 공유하고자 합니다. 이를 통해 블락체인의 잠재력과 가능성을 짚어봅니다. 기술이 세상을 지배하는 시대에 인터넷스퀘어드는 이러한 기술의 총합을 뜻하는 것으로서 우리 사회에 거대한 변화를 몰고 올 것입니다.

internet squaredkorea squaredsociety squared
Data fragmentation
Data/cyber/digital sovereignty
Both sides now
App fragmentation
Infrastructure fragmentation
Undersea cables meet geopolitics
Standards fragmentation
We don’t talk anymore?
• Who should set the standards?
• Or the ITU?
• Multi-stakeholderism or
• Huawei’s standards
• New IP and IPv6+
• 6G
• Built-in surveillance?

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Disruptive Technology, Philanthropy & Civil Society
Disruptive Technology, Philanthropy & Civil SocietyDisruptive Technology, Philanthropy & Civil Society
Disruptive Technology, Philanthropy & Civil Society

This document discusses several disruptive technologies and their potential impacts and opportunities for funders and civil society organizations. It covers artificial intelligence, blockchain/cryptocurrency, big data, and more. Some key points discussed are: 1) These technologies could enable new ways for CSOs to achieve their missions or operate more efficiently. 2) However, they may also disrupt existing models and create new problems to address. 3) Technologies like blockchain could increase transparency and enable direct transfers, while cryptocurrencies present opportunities but also challenges around volatility. The document examines issues around algorithmic giving, data ownership, and how technologies might affect beneficiaries.

Teacher presentation 7.9.18
Teacher presentation 7.9.18Teacher presentation 7.9.18
Teacher presentation 7.9.18

The document discusses Coursedot, a company that aims to become the leading provider of technology training by curating content from various training providers and publishers. It outlines Coursedot's mission to be the starting point for individuals and organizations seeking technology training. Coursedot's vision is to become one of the largest IT training companies without owning instructors or content by democratizing corporate training. The document notes that Coursedot currently has over 480 training providers and publishers on its marketplace and has achieved global outreach in 3 years, serving major companies in IT training, finance, telecom and other industries.

Military Flight Training - Digital Technology Disruption Ahead?
Military Flight Training - Digital Technology Disruption Ahead?Military Flight Training - Digital Technology Disruption Ahead?
Military Flight Training - Digital Technology Disruption Ahead?

Looking at some of the latest digital technology trends and developments that will or may impact on military flight training. Presented at the 7th SMi Annual Military Flight Training Conference - London 10/11 October 2018.

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Regulatory fragmentation
In the name of cybersecurity, misinformation…for your own good
Regulatory fragmentation
But democracies wants backdoors too 🤦
Values fragmentation
Declaration for the Future of the Internet ~ US Summit for Democracy
Values fragmentation
World Internet Conference — China and friends
• Extension of the Digital Silk
• “Internationalization” of
Internet and “cyberspace”

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How to design a decentralisation: is blockchain & token needed or just a buzz...
How to design a decentralisation: is blockchain & token needed or just a buzz...How to design a decentralisation: is blockchain & token needed or just a buzz...
How to design a decentralisation: is blockchain & token needed or just a buzz...

A presentation from a talk of Dr Maxim Orlovsky on Bitcoin Meetup in Munich The rise of blockchain technologies has given a promise of massive decentralisation, that may solve problems of fragile central parts, transparency, middle-men, conflicts of interests in many industries. The talk starts with the wider discussion of the "blockchain" ecosystem and the possible practical use-cases it may have inspired, paying attention to the traps of bad practices and anti-patterns, like using a token as a solution for all of the problems. In the second part, we describe a practical use case where the decentralisation is needed: censorship-resistant computing and AI platform. The global community has become aware of many economic, social and futuristic problems that can appear due to dramatic progress in Artificial Intelligence development over the recent years. Can blockchain solve at least some of these problems, or make them worse? How two of these technologies can be synergic and what challenges have to be solved on the route for building decentralised AI applications? A decentralised network with resistance to censorship is essential if we are ever to see a general AI evolving to near- or post-human intelligence.

Bob Gourley
Bob GourleyBob Gourley
Bob Gourley

The document summarizes seven megatrends - Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Mobility, Big Data, Robotics, Internet of Things, and Cybersecurity. It discusses the future of each trend, current trends, and open questions. Some benefits mentioned are improved collaboration, education, healthcare, safety, and business models. However, some risks include increased threats to privacy, job displacement, and security issues. The document recommends organizations consider how these trends could impact their operations and how to leverage new technologies while mitigating risks.

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New Industrial Revolution and Implictations for CFOs
New Industrial Revolution and Implictations for CFOsNew Industrial Revolution and Implictations for CFOs
New Industrial Revolution and Implictations for CFOs

My slides from a presentation for the annual event, CFO of the Year (Årets CFO) in Stockholm in November 2016,

Can we still win?
It’s up to you.
Charles Mok
Visiting Scholar, Global Digital Policy
Incubator, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford
Trustee, Internet Society
Director, Tech for Good Asia

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  • 1. Charles Mok | Stanford Cyber Policy Center | Internet Society |Tech for Good Asia | March 24 2023 Tech for Good, continued
  • 2. What did we talk about last year? March 25, 2022 • Tech’s challenges: big tech, misinformation, etc. • AI and Data • Blockchain and decentralization • Metaverse • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: cybersecurity, cyberwar? • Post-COVID future: surveillance, censorship, splinternet….
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  • 6. Is there any point talking about it? Metaverse
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  • 10. Both sides now App fragmentation
  • 12. Standards fragmentation We don’t talk anymore? • Who should set the standards? • IETF/IERF/IAB, IEEE, W3C… • Or the ITU? • Multi-stakeholderism or governments? • Huawei’s standards • New IP and IPv6+ • 6G • Built-in surveillance?
  • 13. Regulatory fragmentation In the name of cybersecurity, misinformation…for your own good
  • 14. Regulatory fragmentation But democracies wants backdoors too 🤦
  • 15. Values fragmentation Declaration for the Future of the Internet ~ US Summit for Democracy
  • 16. Values fragmentation World Internet Conference — China and friends • Extension of the Digital Silk Road • “Internationalization” of Internet and “cyberspace” governance
  • 17. Can we still win? It’s up to you.
  • 18. Charles Mok Visiting Scholar, Global Digital Policy Incubator, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University Trustee, Internet Society Director, Tech for Good Asia