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Charles Mok, Global Digital Policy Incubator, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University. Jan/Feb 2024.
Digital Repression and Techno-
Digital Repression/Techno-Authoritarianism
What does it mean to you?
• Censorship
• Disinformation / Propaganda
• Surveillance / Privacy
• Cyberattacks / Cybersecurity — state-sponsored
• Cyber Sovereignty
• Internet Shutdown / Fragmentation
• Trend:
• From defensive to o
• From local to beyond borders
China’s Great Firewall (GFW)
Digital Repression 1.0
• “Keeping things out,” at
• Technology and laws, but also infrastructural and operational: Total control
• State-controlled telecom sector: from gateways to providers
• Massive human resources for real-time monitoring
• Tackling Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 (user-generated content) to the mobile/social media world
• More proactive surveillance and disinformation
• The future is AI?
• No longer de
ned by boundaries of borders — GFW going global
But the GFW is not for everyone
Calling for GFW 2.0
• Example of Cambodia’s National Internet Gateway (work in progress since 2021)
• Telecom infrastructure control and huge cost to surveil
• Dependency on foreign/global platforms and telcos (except for China)
• The evolution of digital repression is still based on the four pillars of the GFW:
• Technology — The Digital Silk Road
• Law — more speci
c and targeted local laws with global reach
• Infrastructure, and operation — exert control via legal enforcement

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This document provides an overview and analysis of the Digital Security Act 2018 in Bangladesh. It discusses the purpose of the act to address cybersecurity issues, the controversies around limitations to civil liberties, and an evaluation of the act's constitutionality and viability based on international guidelines. The document examines specific sections of the act that are controversial and violate constitutional rights. It provides recommendations to address these issues in both the short and long term through legislative amendments and capacity building.

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This document discusses several cyber security challenges and issues including: 1. Legal and policy issues surrounding data protection, privacy, and the need for international cyber regulations. 2. Technical issues such as the use of digital currencies, anonymity tools, and privacy policies across different platforms and service providers. 3. Emerging technologies like cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) present new security risks as more devices are connected but often lack adequate protections. 4. The Observer Research Foundation proposes research topics around Internet governance and how to effectively respond to cyber attacks within existing legal frameworks.

Digital Authoritarian Legal Developments
Some examples
• India
• IT Rules amendments 2021 — removal of misinformation, control over platforms
• Digital Personal Data Protection 2023 — to block services on vague grounds
• Telecom Act 2023 - interception of communications for national security
• Singapore
• Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) 2019 — content removal and punishment
against “fake news”
• Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA) 2023 — Heavy
nes and jail terms against those deemed to be
“preparing or planning” to publish “forbidden” information online without declaring foreign involvement;
unprecedented powers of government scrutiny and restrictions on the
nancial a
airs of targeted individuals and
• The common characteristics: Broad and vague.
Example for even just a civil case
• //The sweeping order comes as a result of legal
action by a group purporting to represent Appin’s
digital training centers — who say their students’
reputations are damaged by Reuters’ allegedly
false reporting. Last month, Additional District
Judge Rakesh Kumar Singh ruled that the story
should be suppressed pending trial.//
• Other media (Wired, Lawfare, Brookings Institute
etc.) removed references or excerpts: //Several of
the U.S. platforms who later removed content
became aware of the disputed allegations not
because they were following Indian legal news, but
after hearing from Khare’s American
rm, Clare
• “Everyone except” The Citizen Lab “complied”
• Beyond laws, think about the power of a
“cooperative” foreign judiciary
The power of a court
Democracies make bad laws too
Global assault on privacy by encryption is led by Western democracies
• UK’s Online Safety Bill has passed in 2023
• Australia proposing “industry standard for Relevant Electronic Services and Designated Internet Services” (2023)
• US laws in Congress:
• EARN IT Act (Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act of 2022): To establish
a National Commission on Online Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention, and for other purposes
• STOP CSAM Act (Strengthening Transparency and Obligations to Protect Children Su
ering from Abuse and
Mistreatment Act of 2023)
• KOSA (Kids Online Safety Act of 2022): To protect the safety of children on the internet.
• Autocrats can justify themselves: “Democracies (you guys) do it too.”
• Exception: The EU and the European Parliament, which moved to act against mass surveillance and any ban on
What’s next? Transnational Digital Repression
Trend 1: In
uencing global technology standards
• China’s e
ort to sponsor and in
uence global technology standard setting bodies:
• Attempts to migrate standard-setting and Internet operational powers from multi-
stakeholder bodies such as IEEE, IETF, ICANN etc. to government-led bodies such
as ITU and its subgroups, under the UN
• E
orts are often led via proxies such as Huawei and academic research institutions
• Attempts to set up its own axis of nations and corporations such as the World
Internet Congress to support its vision for more government control for better
“security, safety and harmony” of the future Internet, in the name of national and
global security, anti-terrorism and combatting cybercrime.

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Censorship, Surveillance and Cyber Threats in Hong Kong.pdf

This document summarizes the decline of internet freedom in Hong Kong over recent years. It describes how censorship was previously non-existent but increased after the national security law was passed in 2020. This allowed authorities to order taking down of online content and surveillance. Many websites and apps were blocked or self-censored in response. Real name registration for SIM cards was also introduced, tightening government control over online activities. The future may include further pressure on global internet platforms to censor in Hong Kong as well as local legislation increasing government powers over online speech.


The Common Good Digital Framework (CGDF) is a proposed campaign and platform to monitor violations of ethical values and standards related to artificial intelligence, personal data, cyber security, and digital activity by governments and large organizations. The CGDF will focus on issues like AI bias, privacy, and cyber security, and will generate policy recommendations in response to identified problems. It will utilize partners, advisors, and social media to distribute its findings and recommendations in order to influence policymaking and encourage corrective actions. The goal is to establish new ethical norms and regulations to help guide digital progress for the benefit of all humanity.

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International internet governance
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International internet governance

This document provides an overview of internet governance and policy best practices. It covers: - Definitions of internet governance and the issues it encompasses such as infrastructure, standards, legal matters and access. - A brief history of internet governance including the establishment of key organizations like ICANN, IETF and involvement of the UN. - An introduction to content control including the types of content commonly restricted, technical and legal methods of control, and a global overview of censorship. - Issues regarding regulation of content by private companies as well as challenges in the quasi-public sphere. - Examples of content restriction cases and efforts to protect free expression on private platforms like the Global Network Initiative.

Trend 2: Extraterritoriality
• Manufacturing a new legal basis:
Extending global jurisdiction for data
laws, national security laws, etc.
• You’re not “safe anywhere”: A global
chilling e
ect, at the minimum, and
more, wherever you are.
Transnational Digital Repression
Transnational Digital Repression
Trend 3: Taking over the Rule-based World Order
• Not taking it down, but taking it over!
• Case: UN Cybercrime Convention
• Governments cooperating to combat cybercrime (a truly huge problem!), that should be a good thing, right?
• How to de
ne cybercrime? Anything done with a PC or phone, including expressing dissent?
• Broad community concerns: Gender, LGBTQ+, religion, labor, political dissent, etc.
• Power of secret investigation for governments to obtain and share data from global Internet platforms
• How can platforms not comply? The “follow local law” excuse.
• Serious erosion of the basis of MLAT and extradition agreements between countries — actually, bad for combatting
• Western governments are quite muted in the convention discussion (except Canada)
• Largely represented by justice and law enforcement branches, not human rights and diplomatic branches
• Lack public awareness — perfect example of a process that excluded the civil society and private sector i.e. the “UN”
The Global Weaponization of Legal and
Technological Means to Limit Online
Freedom and Redefine Truth For
Citizens Anywhere
• The Everything, Everywhere Censorship of China (2023)
• Internet Impact Brief: Cambodia National Internet Gateway
• How a Judge in India Prevented Americans From Seeing a Blockbuster Report
• Joint Statement on the Proposed Cybercrime Treaty Ahead of the Concluding

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Chinas Great FirewallChina has a population of over 14 bil.pdf
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Chinas Great FirewallChina has a population of over 14 bil.pdf

China's Great Firewall China has a population of over 1.4 billion people, and more than 700 million of its citizens are Internet users. Given those statistics, it is perhaps not surprising that China is the world's leader in e-commerce, with 40 percent of global sales volumedouble that of the United States. China is also the home of 4 of the world's top 12 Internet companies ranked by market capitalization: e-commerce giant Alibaba, social-media and gaming company Tencent, search specialist Baidu, and smartphone maker Xiaomi. China has accomplished all this while implementing a system of Internet censorship and surveillance measures, dubbed the Golden Shield Project and the Great Firewall, which are some of the strictest in the world. China's attempt to control access and limit content available to its citizens began shortly after the Internet's introduction in China. The country's Golden Shield Project and the Great Firewall are part of immense, multifaceted Internet surveillance and content control system that is augmented by workers who delete and add posts to spin any debate in favor of the government's stance. The goal of the Chinese government is to block all content it deems undesirable, particularly news stories that are unfavorable to China or its leaders, as well as references to infamous events, such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. While the Golden Shield Project is focused on domestic sites, the Great Firewall stands at the international gateways, keeping out unwanted foreign sites using a sophisticated and multitiered system. According to Simon Denyer, the Washington Post's bureau chief in China, "The Great Firewall is an attempt to bridge one of the country's most fundamental contradictionsto have an economy intricately connected to the outside world but a political culture closed off from such 'Western values' as free speech and democracy." Chinese Internet users have their own censored versions of popular services, including Baidu (instead of Google), Weibo (instead of Twitter), WeChat (instead of Facebook), and Youku (instead of YouTube). In addition, the Great Firewall blocks roughly 25 percent of all Internet sites, including the Chinese and English news websites of the Reuters news agency, Bloomberg LP, the Guardian, and the New York Times so that they are inaccessible in China. Some Chinese Internet users are able to gain access to restricted content through the use of virtual private networks (VPNs), which help users elude the restrictions of the Great Firewall by changing the IP address on their computer, laptop, or mobile device into one of many offered by the VPN provider. So, while a user may be accessing the Internet from a city within China, the VPN makes it look like the user is in Japan or some other country where Internet access is unrestricted. In addition, once users activate their VPN, they are connected to one of its servers via a dedicated, encrypted link, ensuring all of the data flowing back and fo.

Charles Mok
Global Digital Policy Incubator
Cyber Policy Center
Stanford University

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Digital Repression and Techno-Authoritarianism

  • 1. Charles Mok, Global Digital Policy Incubator, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University. Jan/Feb 2024. Digital Repression and Techno- Authoritarianism
  • 2. Digital Repression/Techno-Authoritarianism What does it mean to you? • Censorship • Disinformation / Propaganda • Surveillance / Privacy • Cyberattacks / Cybersecurity — state-sponsored • Cyber Sovereignty • Internet Shutdown / Fragmentation • Trend: • From defensive to o ff ensive • From local to beyond borders
  • 3. China’s Great Firewall (GFW) Digital Repression 1.0 • “Keeping things out,” at fi rst • Technology and laws, but also infrastructural and operational: Total control • State-controlled telecom sector: from gateways to providers • Massive human resources for real-time monitoring • Tackling Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 (user-generated content) to the mobile/social media world • More proactive surveillance and disinformation • The future is AI? • No longer de fi ned by boundaries of borders — GFW going global
  • 4. But the GFW is not for everyone Calling for GFW 2.0 • Example of Cambodia’s National Internet Gateway (work in progress since 2021) • Telecom infrastructure control and huge cost to surveil • Dependency on foreign/global platforms and telcos (except for China) • The evolution of digital repression is still based on the four pillars of the GFW: • Technology — The Digital Silk Road • Law — more speci fi c and targeted local laws with global reach • Infrastructure, and operation — exert control via legal enforcement
  • 5. Digital Authoritarian Legal Developments Some examples • India • IT Rules amendments 2021 — removal of misinformation, control over platforms • Digital Personal Data Protection 2023 — to block services on vague grounds • Telecom Act 2023 - interception of communications for national security • Singapore • Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) 2019 — content removal and punishment against “fake news” • Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA) 2023 — Heavy fi nes and jail terms against those deemed to be “preparing or planning” to publish “forbidden” information online without declaring foreign involvement; unprecedented powers of government scrutiny and restrictions on the fi nancial a ff airs of targeted individuals and entities. • The common characteristics: Broad and vague.
  • 6. Example for even just a civil case • //The sweeping order comes as a result of legal action by a group purporting to represent Appin’s digital training centers — who say their students’ reputations are damaged by Reuters’ allegedly false reporting. Last month, Additional District Judge Rakesh Kumar Singh ruled that the story should be suppressed pending trial.// • Other media (Wired, Lawfare, Brookings Institute etc.) removed references or excerpts: //Several of the U.S. platforms who later removed content became aware of the disputed allegations not because they were following Indian legal news, but after hearing from Khare’s American fi rm, Clare Locke.// • “Everyone except” The Citizen Lab “complied” • Beyond laws, think about the power of a “cooperative” foreign judiciary The power of a court
  • 7. Democracies make bad laws too Global assault on privacy by encryption is led by Western democracies • UK’s Online Safety Bill has passed in 2023 • Australia proposing “industry standard for Relevant Electronic Services and Designated Internet Services” (2023) • US laws in Congress: • EARN IT Act (Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act of 2022): To establish a National Commission on Online Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention, and for other purposes • STOP CSAM Act (Strengthening Transparency and Obligations to Protect Children Su ff ering from Abuse and Mistreatment Act of 2023) • KOSA (Kids Online Safety Act of 2022): To protect the safety of children on the internet. • Autocrats can justify themselves: “Democracies (you guys) do it too.” • Exception: The EU and the European Parliament, which moved to act against mass surveillance and any ban on encryption
  • 8. What’s next? Transnational Digital Repression Trend 1: In fl uencing global technology standards • China’s e ff ort to sponsor and in fl uence global technology standard setting bodies: ITU, IEEE, IETF, etc. • Attempts to migrate standard-setting and Internet operational powers from multi- stakeholder bodies such as IEEE, IETF, ICANN etc. to government-led bodies such as ITU and its subgroups, under the UN • E ff orts are often led via proxies such as Huawei and academic research institutions • Attempts to set up its own axis of nations and corporations such as the World Internet Congress to support its vision for more government control for better “security, safety and harmony” of the future Internet, in the name of national and global security, anti-terrorism and combatting cybercrime.
  • 9. Trend 2: Extraterritoriality • Manufacturing a new legal basis: Extending global jurisdiction for data laws, national security laws, etc. • You’re not “safe anywhere”: A global chilling e ff ect, at the minimum, and more, wherever you are. Transnational Digital Repression
  • 10. Transnational Digital Repression Trend 3: Taking over the Rule-based World Order • Not taking it down, but taking it over! • Case: UN Cybercrime Convention • Governments cooperating to combat cybercrime (a truly huge problem!), that should be a good thing, right? • How to de fi ne cybercrime? Anything done with a PC or phone, including expressing dissent? • Broad community concerns: Gender, LGBTQ+, religion, labor, political dissent, etc. • Power of secret investigation for governments to obtain and share data from global Internet platforms • How can platforms not comply? The “follow local law” excuse. • Serious erosion of the basis of MLAT and extradition agreements between countries — actually, bad for combatting crimes! • Western governments are quite muted in the convention discussion (except Canada) • Largely represented by justice and law enforcement branches, not human rights and diplomatic branches • Lack public awareness — perfect example of a process that excluded the civil society and private sector i.e. the “UN”
  • 11. The Global Weaponization of Legal and Technological Means to Limit Online Freedom and Redefine Truth For Citizens Anywhere
  • 12. References • The Everything, Everywhere Censorship of China (2023) • Internet Impact Brief: Cambodia National Internet Gateway national-internet-gateway/ • How a Judge in India Prevented Americans From Seeing a Blockbuster Report story-00136339 • Joint Statement on the Proposed Cybercrime Treaty Ahead of the Concluding Session fi les/media_2024/01/Joint.Advocacy.Statement- Cybercrime.Convention-Jan.23.2024.pdf
  • 13. Charles Mok Global Digital Policy Incubator Cyber Policy Center Stanford University