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Charles Mok 莫乃光 | Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University | 開放⽂化基⾦會 數位公⺠研討會 | 2023.4.8
Digital Authoritarianism: Global Trends, Challenges and
Opportunities for Taiwan
Global Digital Authoritarianism Trends
• Rising Digital Repression and Techno Autocracy
• Through technology, operation and laws 透過技術、運作和法律⼿段
• Censorship, Surveillance, Disinformation 內容審查、監察、虛假資料
• Internet Shutdowns 封閉網際網路
• Democracies too ⺠主國家也不能倖免
• UK’s Online Safety Bill, etc.: Limits on E2EE 網絡安全法例對點對點加密的限制
• Removal of “disinformation” or “illegal” content 移除「假消息」和「非法內容」的法例
Last year, we were discussing the “Splinternet”
This year, we are talking about “Fragmentation”
• Data Fragmentation: Cyber or Digital Sovereignty beginning with Data Sovereignty and Data Residency Laws
• Infrastructure Fragmentation: From undersea cables to space satellites
• Semiconductor Supply Chain Fragmentation — 半導體供應鏈碎片化
• User Experience Fragmentation: Apps or websites, from GFW to TikTok — it’s both sides now
• AI Fragmentation — ⼈⼯智能碎片化
• Technology Standards Fragmentation: The standards, the process, the authority
• Regulatory Fragmentation: Misinformation laws, cybersecurity laws, real-name and registration requirements, etc. in both
autocratic and democratic countries

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Iurii Garasym. The future crimes and predestination of cyber security. Though...
Iurii Garasym. The future crimes and predestination of cyber security. Though...Iurii Garasym. The future crimes and predestination of cyber security. Though...
Iurii Garasym. The future crimes and predestination of cyber security. Though...

Iurii Garasym, Director of Corporate Security at ELEKS and President of Cloud Security Alliance Lviv Chapter The future crimes and predestination of cybersecurity. Thoughts aloud in a whiskey bar. Iurii’s professional goal is to make business survivable. He focuses on security program development/improvement based on emerging security solutions and integrates those into business goals, objectives, strategy and activities.

Cybersecurity aspects of blockchain and cryptocurrency
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Cybersecurity aspects of blockchain and cryptocurrency

Slides from Tony Martin-Vegue's presentation at PRMIA 2018 Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance Round Table in San Francisco, CA | April 11, 2018 "Cybersecurity Aspects of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency" Abstract: Many companies are considering blockchain technologies to make transactions faster, more secure and cost effective. If you are performing risk analysis on these emerging technologies, you ask be asking yourself: how do I even start to analyze risk when there are so many unknowns? A successful analysis requires a paradigm shift in thinking into two areas: casting aside the defense-in-depth metaphor to describe security controls; and, how we assess and analyze risk of new and emerging technologies that have a high degree of uncertainty. This talk will cover how to reframe your assessments for emerging technologies, such as blockchain, and how risk quantification methodologies such as Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) can help answer some of these questions and produce a credible risk assessment.

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Cybercrime: Radically Rethinking the Global Threat
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Cybercrime: Radically Rethinking the Global Threat

Cybercrime is nothing new. What is different now is the intimacy, reach and size of those attacks. There are hundreds of billions in losses each year. This unsettling state of affairs has created a binary world with really only two kinds of companies: those that have been hacked and admit it, and those that have been hacked and don't admit it or don’t know it yet. Worse yet, for the vast majority of individuals, very few of us have been untouched whether we know it or not. In NTT i³’s book “CyberCrime: Radically Rethinking the Global Threat,” Rich Boyer, Chief Architect for Security and Dr. Kenji Takahashi, VP Product Management for Security examine the current arms race between cybercriminals and their diverse and agile toolkits and the radically new approaches to cybersecurity that the enterprise must adopt to compete and win.

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The next focal point of China-US techno-political con
Since 2019: US ban on new undersea cables to China & Hong Kong
Now, it’s all about avoiding the South China Sea
截圖 2023-04-03 14.41.06
China’s retaliatory response to US undersea cable ban
• Financial Times: “A cable under construction
called SJC2, which will connect Japan to
Singapore as well as Taiwan and Hong Kong,
has been delayed by more than a year
because of Chinese objections and lengthy
permit issues, according to industry
“China held up approval for sea-
prospecting for the cable — owned by a
consortium including China Mobile, Chunghwa
Telecom and Meta — for several months in its
territorial waters around Hong Kong. The
authorities cited concerns that the contractor
might conduct spying or install extraneous
IEEE ComSec Tech Blog

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This document provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT). It discusses the history and development of IoT from 1997 to present day. Key points covered include the extraordinary benefits of IoT such as status updates, diagnostics, upgrades, control/automation, and location mapping. The document also addresses security and privacy challenges with collecting and sharing personal data through connected devices. Example applications of IoT highlighted are in manufacturing, infrastructure, transportation, healthcare, and media/advertising. The future of IoT is predicted to focus on enterprise, home, and government sectors, with enterprise being the largest at an estimated 9.1 billion devices by 2019.

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This document provides a high-level summary of a cybersecurity briefing presented by Paul C Dwyer on March 26th 2015. It discusses various cyber threats including cybercrime, cyber warfare, cyber espionage, and more. Specific topics covered include the cyber threat landscape, what cyber threats want to achieve, cybercrime drivers and statistics, the progression of threats over the past 10 years, cybercrime tools and operations, and predictions for the future of cybersecurity challenges.

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The document discusses cybersecurity issues and strategies. It provides background on the Internet Security Alliance (ISA), including its mission, priority programs, and board of directors. It then analyzes the changing threat landscape, characteristics of new attackers, insider threats, and the advanced persistent threat (APT). The document calls for a total risk management approach across technical, economic, legal and human resources functions to address cybersecurity challenges.

Who’s the Contractor? The Case of SeaWeMe-6
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• Cable connecting Singapore to France with
consortium members including: China
Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom,
Microsoft, Orange SA (France), Singtel,
Bangladesh Submarine Cable, Bharti Airtel
(India), Sri Lanka Telecom, Telecom Egypt, etc.
• Consortium members rejected HMN Tech
(formerly Huawei Marine Networks) as
• China Telecom and China Unicom left the
consortium, replaced by Telecom Malaysia
Berhad, Telin (Indonesia)
Cutting o
Taiwan: Possibly the biggest cyber threat
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Taiwan’s Cybersecurity and Data Protection Crisis
• “Taiwan is barraged by 20 to 40 million cyberattacks from abroad per month” 台灣在⾯
• Insu
cient data protection regulations 數據安全保障法律不⾜
• Insu
nes 處罰不⾜
• Inconsistent requirements for incident noti
cations 事故通知要求不⼀致
• Government bodies exempted 政府部⾨獲得豁免
• Passing the buck: Lack of independent data and privacy regulator 沒有獨立數據/個資/

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This presentation provides an overview of cyber security. It begins with an introduction to cyber security, explaining that it refers to the technologies and processes designed to protect computers, networks, and data from unauthorized access and cyber attacks. It then covers the importance of cyber security, citing increased cyber crimes, vulnerabilities in various industries, and the CIA triad model of ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Additionally, it distinguishes between security, which protects data, and privacy, which relates to controlling how personal information is used. Finally, it briefly defines cyber crimes and common types like hacking, phishing, malware, and ransomware, before offering some safety tips to avoid becoming a victim.

Introduction to Internet Governance and Cyber-security
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Cyber-Security subtopic in Internet Governance educational series Online course

cyber securityinternet governance

The document provides an introduction to cyber security for board members. It defines cyber security as how individuals and organizations reduce the risk of cyber attacks by protecting devices, services, and personal information from theft or damage. It discusses the National Cyber Security Centre's role in understanding, guiding, responding to, and preventing cyber security incidents. It also highlights myths about cyber security and analyzes the costs of the TalkTalk data breach to demonstrate cyber security's importance. The document concludes that cyber security is a board-level responsibility given organizations' reliance on digital technology and potential costs of cyber incidents.

Challenges with Taiwan’s Government Digital Transformation
• Who is in charge? MODA? 誰是話事⼈?誰能負
• How is “digital policy” de
ned? 什麼是數位政
• Who’s in charge of IT strategy, budget,
development and operation? Centralized vs.
decentralized? 誰管資訊技術策略、預算、開
• “MODA to lead by example rather than by
Legislative/Governance Gridlock?
• Digital Intermediary Service Bill 數
• eID
• Open Information Legislation 開放
• The e
ect on international data
exchange and trade opportunities
due to insu
cient data protection
governance regime
• Toward Digital Diplomacy 數位外交
Taiwan as a digital hub?
• Infrastructure. Law. Governance. 基建、法律、管治
• View from the private sector 企業怎看?
• Companies who want to move to Taiwan are forced to go to Singapore
• Competitive advantages over Japan: Cost, language (English), human resource
• Bureaucracy, tax and foreign exchange controls make it hard to attract regional
headquarters; companies can only set up o
ce for their Taiwan business only
Charles Mok 莫乃光
Visiting Scholar, Cyber Policy
Center, Stanford University
Trustee, Internet Society
Founder, Tech for Good Asia

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Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., VP for Policy and Director of Technology Studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, wrote about the splinternets concept for Forbes in 2001, calling splinternets multiple Internets “where prespecified ground rules regarding privacy and other governance issues replace regulation and central planning.”

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The document discusses Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity challenges in manufacturing. It provides an overview of the evolving threat landscape, including common hacking techniques like spearphishing and malware. The presentation emphasizes the importance of cyber hygiene practices for manufacturers such as updating software, using strong unique passwords, training employees on security basics, and not browsing as an administrator. It promotes attending an upcoming cybersecurity forum to learn more on topics that will help protect manufacturing organizations from emerging threats.

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Matthew Sinclair

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20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
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20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024


  • 1. Charles Mok 莫乃光 | Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University | 開放⽂化基⾦會 數位公⺠研討會 | 2023.4.8 全球數位威權趨勢 及對台灣的挑戰和機遇 Digital Authoritarianism: Global Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Taiwan
  • 2. 全球數位威權趨勢 Global Digital Authoritarianism Trends • Rising Digital Repression and Techno Autocracy • Through technology, operation and laws 透過技術、運作和法律⼿段 • Censorship, Surveillance, Disinformation 內容審查、監察、虛假資料 • Internet Shutdowns 封閉網際網路 • Democracies too ⺠主國家也不能倖免 • UK’s Online Safety Bill, etc.: Limits on E2EE 網絡安全法例對點對點加密的限制 • Removal of “disinformation” or “illegal” content 移除「假消息」和「非法內容」的法例
  • 3. 去年,我們在談論「網絡分裂」 Last year, we were discussing the “Splinternet”
  • 4. 今年,我們要談談「網路碎片化」 This year, we are talking about “Fragmentation” • Data Fragmentation: Cyber or Digital Sovereignty beginning with Data Sovereignty and Data Residency Laws 數據碎片化:數位主權由數據本⼟法例要求開始 • Infrastructure Fragmentation: From undersea cables to space satellites 基建碎片化:由海底電纜到太空衛星 • Semiconductor Supply Chain Fragmentation — 半導體供應鏈碎片化 • User Experience Fragmentation: Apps or websites, from GFW to TikTok — it’s both sides now ⽤⼾體驗碎片化:由中國防火長城到各國禁⽤TikTok等應⽤ • AI Fragmentation — ⼈⼯智能碎片化 • Technology Standards Fragmentation: The standards, the process, the authority 科技標準碎片化:標準、程序、權⼒ • Regulatory Fragmentation: Misinformation laws, cybersecurity laws, real-name and registration requirements, etc. in both autocratic and democratic countries 規管碎片化:立法規管假消息、網絡安全等,要求個⼈實名或企業登記,無論在專制及⺠主都⼀樣
  • 5. 中美科技戰的下⼀個焦點:海底電纜 The next focal point of China-US techno-political con fl ict
  • 7. 今天,新建海纜都要繞過南中國海 Now, it’s all about avoiding the South China Sea 截圖 2023-04-03 14.41.06
  • 8. 中國如何回應美國禁⽌海纜登陸? China’s retaliatory response to US undersea cable ban • Financial Times: “A cable under construction called SJC2, which will connect Japan to Singapore as well as Taiwan and Hong Kong, has been delayed by more than a year because of Chinese objections and lengthy permit issues, according to industry executives. “China held up approval for sea- fl oor prospecting for the cable — owned by a consortium including China Mobile, Chunghwa Telecom and Meta — for several months in its territorial waters around Hong Kong. The authorities cited concerns that the contractor might conduct spying or install extraneous equipment….” IEEE ComSec Tech Blog
  • 9. Who’s the Contractor? The Case of SeaWeMe-6 誰是外判商?看 SeaWeMe-6 海纜個案 • Cable connecting Singapore to France with consortium members including: China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, Microsoft, Orange SA (France), Singtel, Bangladesh Submarine Cable, Bharti Airtel (India), Sri Lanka Telecom, Telecom Egypt, etc. • Consortium members rejected HMN Tech (formerly Huawei Marine Networks) as contractor • China Telecom and China Unicom left the consortium, replaced by Telecom Malaysia Berhad, Telin (Indonesia)
  • 12. 台灣的網絡及數據安全危機 Taiwan’s Cybersecurity and Data Protection Crisis • “Taiwan is barraged by 20 to 40 million cyberattacks from abroad per month” 台灣在⾯ 對每個⽉2-4千萬的網絡攻擊 • Insu ffi cient data protection regulations 數據安全保障法律不⾜ • Insu ffi cient fi nes 處罰不⾜ • Inconsistent requirements for incident noti fi cations 事故通知要求不⼀致 • Government bodies exempted 政府部⾨獲得豁免 • Passing the buck: Lack of independent data and privacy regulator 沒有獨立數據/個資/ 隱私監管機關,各政府部⾨互相推諉
  • 13. Challenges with Taiwan’s Government Digital Transformation 台灣政府數位轉型的挑戰 • Who is in charge? MODA? 誰是話事⼈?誰能負 責?數位發展部? • How is “digital policy” de fi ned? 什麼是數位政 策?是否包括⾏政權⼒和責任? • Who’s in charge of IT strategy, budget, development and operation? Centralized vs. decentralized? 誰管資訊技術策略、預算、開 發、運作?集中或分散治理? • “MODA to lead by example rather than by regulation”
  • 14. 成也立法/管治,敗也立法/管治 Legislative/Governance Gridlock? • Digital Intermediary Service Bill 數 位中介服務法 • eID • Open Information Legislation 開放 資料法 • The e ff ect on international data exchange and trade opportunities due to insu ffi cient data protection governance regime 數據保障法例和治理的落後對參與 國際數據交換及貿易的影響 • Toward Digital Diplomacy 數位外交
  • 15. Taiwan as a digital hub? 台灣可以成為區域數位樞紐嗎? • Infrastructure. Law. Governance. 基建、法律、管治 • View from the private sector 企業怎看? • Companies who want to move to Taiwan are forced to go to Singapore 希望來台的企業轉向新加坡 • Competitive advantages over Japan: Cost, language (English), human resource 比較⽇本的競爭優勢:成本、語⾔(英語)、⼈才 • Bureaucracy, tax and foreign exchange controls make it hard to attract regional headquarters; companies can only set up o ffi ce for their Taiwan business only 官僚治理、稅務和外匯限制令企業難以在台設立區域總部,只能在台設立管理台灣本地業務 的辦公室
  • 16. Charles Mok 莫乃光 Visiting Scholar, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University Trustee, Internet Society Founder, Tech for Good Asia