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Cyber Risks in Hong Kong:
Challenges for Civil Society and
What Next?
Charles Mok
Global Digital Policy Incubator, Cyber Policy Center
Stanford University
July 2, 2023
Before NSL
A look back at one of the freest Internet
environments in Asia
From freedom to censorship
• Before NSL (2020)
• No official or legal mechanism to censor
• No external firewall or filtering mechanism
• Regional telecom hub for underseas cables and datacenters
• Government attempts to introduce censorship
• 2012: Consultation of Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles
• Proposal for mandatory “operator-level content filtering” withdrawn
after public opposition
• 2016: Copyright Ordinance Amendments
• Criminalization of online derivative works of copyrighted materials
• Withdrawn by government in legislature after filibuster in legislature
Can China’s Great Firewall extend to Hong Kong?
• China
• State-owned telecom controls external gateways from 3 coastal cities
with backbone of at least 7 other inland cities (2014)
• China failed to live up to its commitment when joining WTO (2001) for
“ICT and telecom market opening to foreign producers”
• Numerous laws and operational infrastructure to conduct censorship
• Hong Kong’s telecom regime was completely liberalized since 2003
• Buy back incumbent’s external exclusivity license in 1998
• Telecom Ordinance: No limit on number of licenses and foreign
• No law or censorship infrastructure, until the NSL
• Vibrant civil society, until the NSL

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Research on Digital Security Act 2018
Research on Digital Security Act 2018Research on Digital Security Act 2018
Research on Digital Security Act 2018

This document provides an overview and analysis of the Digital Security Act 2018 in Bangladesh. It discusses the purpose of the act to address cybersecurity issues, the controversies around limitations to civil liberties, and an evaluation of the act's constitutionality and viability based on international guidelines. The document examines specific sections of the act that are controversial and violate constitutional rights. It provides recommendations to address these issues in both the short and long term through legislative amendments and capacity building.

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Wikimania 2013 keynote: One Internet Two Systems

Charles Mok is a Legislative Councillor in Hong Kong representing the information technology sector. This document provides an overview of internet usage and censorship in China and Hong Kong. It notes that while Hong Kong has no censorship, certain laws like the Computer Crime Ordinance govern internet use. The document calls for more transparency around government requests for user data and content removal to ISPs to protect civil liberties. It also discusses China's increasing censorship and strategies to evade restrictions, as well as the balance Chinese authorities aim to strike between control and economic growth online.

wiki wikimania internet china gfw hk hongkong cens
How to shut down the Internet in Hong Kong?
• Emergency Regulations Ordinance (Cap. 241)
• (1) On any occasion which the Chief Executive in Council may consider to be an
occasion of emergency or public danger he may make any regulations whatsoever
which he may consider desirable in the public interest.
• (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of subsection (1), such
regulations may provide for
(a)censorship, and the control and suppression of publications, writings, maps,
plans, photographs, communications and means of communication;
• The ERO was used many times in the last three yers to bypass the legislature
• Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap. 106) Section 13
• 13. Possession of telecommunications stations taken by government in emergencies
• (1) Where, in the opinion of the Governor, an emergency has arisen in which it is
expedient for the public service that the Government should have control over
telecommunications stations, the Governor, by warrant under his hand, may direct
or cause such telecommunications stations as are specified in the warrant to be
taken possession of and to be used for the service of the Government…
The decline of trust of Internet freedom
• Downloading of
FireChat during
Hong Kong’s
Movement (2014),
as in Taiwan’s
Movement (2014)
• People worried about
Internet shutdown
though it never
2019 Anti-extradition bill protests
• Widespread use of Telegram groups
• Apple App Store removal of apps
2019 Anti-extradition bill protests
• Doxxing, from both sides, but law
enforcement on one side only

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Chinese Digital Repression
Chinese Digital RepressionChinese Digital Repression
Chinese Digital Repression

Charles Mok discusses China's repressive digital practices, including the Great Firewall that censors the internet, massive government surveillance through tools like facial recognition, and the social credit system. He notes that China is exporting this model of digital control through projects like the Digital Silk Road and by providing technologies to other countries. However, China faces pushback in some Western nations and its efforts to influence global technology standards have met resistance from organizations like IETF and IEEE. Overall, China is actively working to spread its model of internet governance and fragment the global internet while facing challenges to its vision from advocates of multistakeholder governance.

digital repressiondigital authoritarianismchina
Cyber Law & Crime (Information Technology Act, 2000)
Cyber Law & Crime (Information Technology Act, 2000)Cyber Law & Crime (Information Technology Act, 2000)
Cyber Law & Crime (Information Technology Act, 2000)

This document provides an overview of cyber law and cyber crime in India. It begins with definitions of cyber law and cyber space. It then discusses the need for cyber law in India due to increasing internet usage and cyber crimes. The document outlines the history and key provisions of the Information Technology Act 2000 and its 2008 amendment. It discusses rules notified under the IT Act and other laws amended by it like the IPC and Evidence Act. It also classifies and provides examples of different types of cyber crimes and offenders. Finally, it discusses some important case laws related to cyber crimes in India.

cyber crimeinformation technologycyber law
7. Technology law jurisprudence 14012016.ppt
7. Technology law jurisprudence 14012016.ppt7. Technology law jurisprudence 14012016.ppt
7. Technology law jurisprudence 14012016.ppt

Ppt on technology law and jurisprudence

High Court injunction to censor Internet content (2019.10.31)
• The Police and the Secretary for Justice applied for and was granted a High
Court injunction
• Prohibiting anyone from communicating through “any Internet-based
platform” any materials that “promotes, encourages or incites the use or
threat of violence, intended or likely to cause” bodily injury or property
• Broad and vague scope causing chilling effect on freedom of expression
• Bypass going through the legislative process
• Local civil society (Internet Society Hong Kong) applied for discharge or
restriction on the injunction, after a successful crowdfunding drive
• High Court ruled to continue the injunction with minor amendments to
emphasize the willfulness of the act
• Injunction was extended and remains in force
The new era
Censorship without but beyond the
Great Firewall
National Security Law (2020)
• Mainland law imposed on Hong Kong — not based on Common Law —
targeting against “secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with
foreign forces”
• Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the Law of the People's Republic of
China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR:
• A “designated police officer” can order to take down messages or
contention any electronic platform that was deemed “likely to constitute
an offense endangering national security”
• Failure to comply means the service provider may face seizure of their
electronic devices, plus fines and prison terms up to 6 months
• Chief Executive may authorize the police to intercept communications and
conduct surveillance to “prevent and detect offenses endangering
national security”
• The universal reach of the law’s extraterritorial power (long arm jurisdiction)
After NSL
• Civil society in retreat
• Civil society have relied on social media and online services
• Self censorship — removing social media posts or entire profiles
• Online fundraising becomes difficult to impossible
• Media
• Major online and traditional outlets were closed: Apple Daily, StandNews, etc.
• But Hong Kong journalists are extraordinarily resilient: we are now witnessing a realignment
of online press outlets, both in Hong Kong or diaspora
• Blocking of websites hosted overseas
• HKChronicles (doxxing of police officers and pro-Beijing figures)
• Taiwan’s Transitional Justice Commission*, Presbyterian Church*, DPP*, Recruitment Centre
of National Armed Force
• 2021 Hong Kong Charter
• June 4th Incident Online Museum
• Hong Kong Watch (UK human rights group)
• Some were later reported to be accessible again (*)

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The Supreme Court invalidated Section 66A of the IT Act 2000 finding it violated freedom of expression protections. The new IT Rules 2021 now regulate online content and require social media and streaming platforms to appoint grievance officers and publish compliance reports. However, several high courts have issued interim orders noting concerns that the new rules' broad content restrictions could violate constitutional freedoms. The courts will further examine whether the IT Rules 2021 overreach in regulating online speech.

Section 65 – Tampering with computer Source Documents.pptx
Section 65 – Tampering with computer Source Documents.pptxSection 65 – Tampering with computer Source Documents.pptx
Section 65 – Tampering with computer Source Documents.pptx

The document discusses cyber crime and cyber laws in India. It defines cyber crime and categorizes it into computer as target and computer as weapon. It then defines cyber law and discusses the importance of cyber law in protecting individuals. It explains key concepts like cyber jurisprudence, Information Technology Act 2000, roles of certifying authorities, controller of certifying authority, and adjudicating officer. It also summarizes some key sections of the IT Act and offenses covered under the Indian Penal Code relating to cyber crimes.

it act
12 04-03-anal-ict-tunisia
12 04-03-anal-ict-tunisia12 04-03-anal-ict-tunisia
12 04-03-anal-ict-tunisia

The document analyzes internet freedom in Tunisia and finds that reforms are needed to protect freedom of expression online. While internet censorship has decreased since President Ben Ali was ousted, repressive laws from his government remain on the books, posing a threat to free speech. These laws impose liability on internet service providers for third-party content and require monitoring and removing content deemed contrary to public order or morals. Reforms are recommended to remove these problematic provisions and bring internet regulation in line with international standards.

Arrests for online postings: no need to even invoke NSL
Legislative changes and
proposals since NSL,
with many more to come
The new national security only priority
will make life harder for civil society
and everyone else
Telecommunications (Registration of SIM Cards) Regulation
• Mobile SIM card registration — “real name system”
• Proposed: Jan 2021
• Effective: Sep 2021
• Registration began: March 2022
• What other countries require SIM card registration for users?
• Biometric registration required: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin,
China, Ghana, Jordan, Lesotho, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Oman,
Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tajikistan,
Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and
• Considering biometric registration: Argentina, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Japan,
Lebanon, Liberia, North Korea, and Russia
• No such requirement for Hong Kong yet
Personal Data (Privacy) Amendment 2021
• From privacy and data protection to only anti-doxxing
• After several high-profiled data breach incidents (e.g. Cathay Pacific), the
government was consulting for strengthening the privacy law, including the
levels of fines, in the 2016-2020 legislative session.
• After the NSL, the new privacy commissioner (since September 2020) and the
government ignored all other privacy and data protection issue and only
focused on stopping online doxxing.
• Amendments proposed: Jul 2021
• Legislation passed: Sep 2021
• Take effect: Oct 2021
• “Following the amendment of the law in October 2021, up to (last) December
(2022) the commission had handled 2,128 doxxing cases, resulting in 114
criminal investigations and 32 referrals to the police for action.”

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The document discusses cyber jurisdiction and international conventions on cybercrime. It notes that determining jurisdiction in cybercrime cases is challenging as the internet crosses borders. The key international agreements discussed are the Budapest Convention, which harmonizes laws against cybercrime, and a new Russian-led UN resolution to establish another convention. India has concerns about signing the Budapest Convention due to issues of sovereignty but supported the Russian resolution.

Information technology and law and trai
Information technology and law and traiInformation technology and law and trai
Information technology and law and trai

The document discusses key aspects of information technology and telecommunications law in India. It provides an overview of the Information Technology Act 2000 and the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Act 1997. The IT Act aims to provide a legal framework for e-commerce and digital transactions. TRAI was established to regulate the telecom sector and ensure consumer interests are protected. The document outlines important sections of the IT Act regarding cybercrimes and data privacy. It also explains the purpose and functions of TRAI in regulating tariffs and resolving disputes in the telecom industry.

it acttelecom regulatory authority of indiait act amendments
Privacy and Data Protection in South Africa
Privacy and Data Protection in South AfricaPrivacy and Data Protection in South Africa
Privacy and Data Protection in South Africa

South Africa has strong constitutional protections for privacy and personal data. The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) provides extensive privacy rights and obligations similar to the EU GDPR, though it has not yet fully come into force. Sectoral laws also regulate privacy in areas like electronic communications, financial services, health, and children. Recent developments include the appointment of an Information Regulator in 2016 to oversee POPI compliance and the publication of draft POPI regulations in 2017 and 2018. Once POPI is fully enacted, it will repeal the interim Electronic Communications and Transactions Act and require businesses to comply within 12 months.

But doxxing continues, against the opposition
Cybercrime consultation by the Law Reform Commission
• Consultation paper released on Jun 2022
• “Legal vacuum” in Hong Kong for lack of cybercrime law
• Main concerns of the LRC’s proposals in the consultation:
• No need to prove intent: e.g. “mere unauthorized access should be
criminalized as a summary offense, which does not require malice to be
an element of the offense, subject to the statutory defense of
reasonable excuse.”
• Pre-registration for cybersecurity firms, professionals and researchers
in order to establish defense or exemption?
• Making available or possessing devices or data for committing a crime
• “Anyone who owns a knife that can be used to commit a crime?”
• Risks for any IT platforms, service providers, cloud service providers
Cybercrime consultation by the Law Reform Commission
• Jurisdictional constraints
• What does it mean by “threatening Hong Kong’s security” or “serious damage
to Hong Kong’s public authority”?
• Long arm of extraterritorial jurisdiction again?
• Harsh proposed sentencing
• Up to 14 years imprisonment for aggravated offense.
• Maximum sentence for the aggravated offense for illegal interference with
computer data and a computer system is recommended to be life
• The NSL factor
• The consultation paper stated: “The duty of Hong Kong to safeguard national
security reaffirmed the need for reform of cybercrime laws in Hong Kong
and the sub-committee has taken this into consideration in its pursuit of the
cybercrime project.”
Consultation on Regulation of Crowdfunding Activities
• Erecting further political vetting to make sure no crowdfunding for political activities or civic
activism will be possible, beyond existing under the Securities and Futures Ordinance,
Money Lenders Ordinance and other current oversight under social welfare regulations
• Proposed Crowdfunding Affairs Office (CAO) will require prior applications for any
crowdfunding activity that “raises funds from individuals or entities of Hong Kong, or
individuals or entities located in Hong Kong.”
• “The location of publicizing such activities can be any places, including Hong Kong
and other places, and with declared purposes that are related to Hong Kong or not.”
— in other words, anyone, anywhere, anything.
• Propose “real-name system” for donors, for CAO inspection.
• Propose that "online platforms specifically designed for crowdfunding purpose” should
register with the CAO, including providing “at least one person with a physical address
in Hong Kong” as the designated representative of the platform — the “hostage-taking"
• Global crowdfunding platforms may simply not take any Hong Kong related fundraising
activities in future.

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Cyber crime laws in Pakistan
Cyber crime laws in PakistanCyber crime laws in Pakistan
Cyber crime laws in Pakistan

The document provides an overview of cyber crime laws in Pakistan. It discusses the Electronic Transaction Ordinance of 2002, which was the first legislation to recognize electronic documentation and provide legal protections for online transactions. It also discusses the Electronic/Cyber Crime Bill of 2007 and the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act of 2016, both of which expanded the scope of cyber crimes and penalties. The Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act established new cyber crime offenses and granted new investigative powers to law enforcement agencies.

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APNIC General Counsel Craig Ng discusses legal cooperation to overcome jurisdictional and territorial limits in cybercrime investigations at the 33rd TWNIC IP OPM in Taipei, Taiwan, on 5 December 2019.

IP Transition and Net Neutrality: Why Local Governments Should Care
IP Transition and Net Neutrality:Why Local Governments Should CareIP Transition and Net Neutrality:Why Local Governments Should Care
IP Transition and Net Neutrality: Why Local Governments Should Care

This document discusses issues related to the transition to IP networks and net neutrality rules. Regarding the IP transition, it notes that the public telephone network is being replaced by an IP-based network, which could impact services, reliability, and regulatory obligations. On net neutrality, it explains the debate around whether and how to regulate broadband providers to prevent blocking or discrimination of internet traffic. Local governments should be concerned with how these changes could impact services, public safety networks, and economic development. The FCC is considering new rules around an "open internet" and prohibiting blocking of lawful content.

ip transitionfccnet neutrality
A lot more to come
• Cybersecurity law
• Critical infrastructure? Global jurisdiction?
• Misinformation law
• Remove any undesirable content without invoking NSL
• More pressure on platforms and Internet service providers
• Article 23 local national security law legislation and upgrades for NSL
• Relating to “treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central
or theft of state
secrets” and
political ties
• ….
A case study
The “national anthem” that isn’t and
Google in the crossfire
Google: The culprit or a scapegoat?
• Feb 28, 2023: Wrong “national anthem” for Hong Kong played at ice hockey
match in Korea: “Glory to Hong Kong” (the “Song”)
• The organizer claim they downloaded the wrong song from Google search result.
• Hong Kong government and legislature pressured Google to rectify; Google said
they only relied on established algorithm.
• Indeed, how do you ban a search term for something that does not exist: “Hong
Kong national anthem”?
• After months of stalemate, the Secretary of Justice filed an injunction to the high
court to ban:
• Broadcasting, performing, printing, publishing, selling, offering for sale,
distributing, disseminating, displaying or reproducing in any way (including
online), whether its melody or lyrics or in combination (including any
adaptation of the Song, the melody and/or lyrics of which are substantially
the same as the Song) with intent to insult the national anthem.
To stay or to leave, is that the question?
• 32 instances of the Song was listed in the
appendix of application for the injunction
• Jun 12: Court asked HK government if the
sought ban is global. HK govt: No.
• Court will reconvene on Jul 21.
• Use of injunction to bypass even the rubber-
stamp legislative process
• Lack of western reaction, e.g. US or EU
• Civil society letter to platforms
• It’s more about just Google/YouTube —
Meta, Apple, Spotify, and more
• So, will Google leave Hong Kong?
• Ban the “Song” now, anything in future.

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The Cyber Law Regime in India
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The document provides an overview of cyber law in India. It discusses: 1) Cyber law is a vast study that includes many acts like the IT Act, Evidence Act, IPC, and CrPC. Understanding cyber issues like http and https is challenging for lawyers. 2) The IT Act aims to provide legal recognition for electronic transactions and commerce. It has administrative, civil, and criminal provisions to regulate cyber issues. 3) Other laws like the IPC, Evidence Act, and CrPC also apply to cyber crimes in areas like hacking, identity theft, and online fraud. The Evidence Act has provisions for digital evidence admissibility. 4) Investigating cyber crimes is difficult due to the

Internet in Ukraine
Internet in UkraineInternet in Ukraine
Internet in Ukraine

Ukraine has one of the lowest levels of internet penetration in Europe at 25%. The .ua domain needs to be redelegated as the organization listed with IANA no longer exists and a private company now administers it. State authorities sometimes seize servers without court orders, mixing up addresses, under the guise of fighting cybercrime. Proposed legislation to fight child pornography called the "404 Law" was criticized for being technically illiterate and enabling excessive government control over internet users and ISPs. While amended, it still poses risks by requiring ISPs to store user connection data without defined procedures.

Threats to the Internet
Threats to the Internet Threats to the Internet
Threats to the Internet

Charles Mok discusses various threats facing the internet, including digital repression, surveillance, misinformation, internet shutdowns, and data/cyber sovereignty. He notes that data, standards, infrastructure, and values are fragmenting. Regulatory fragmentation is also occurring as democracies seek backdoors, while authoritarians view cybersecurity as a means of regime security and push for more government control over internet governance through conferences like the World Internet Conference. Overall, Mok argues the vision of "One World, One Internet" is under threat from increasing fragmentation across many areas.

internetinternet fragmentationisoc
The bigger
geopolitical picture
It’s not just about Hong Kong anymore.
De facto sanction on Hong Kong’s critical digital infrastructure
• Since 2019, the US has effectively banned any submarine cable with US
involvement to terminate in Hong Kong.
Goodbye, regional infrastructure hub?
• Not only is Hong Kong’s role
as a telecom, Internet and
data center and cloud service
hub diminished, the
reconfiguration of undersea
cables to mitigate risks in the
South China Sea has
tremendous implications on
the security and resilience
of connectivity in East and
Southeast Asia.
• Or maybe there is no need to
worry? Cambodia is said to be
building a new cable to Hong Kong.
Isolated from western technologies
• Part of China
• No ChatGPT, no Bard
• Still has VPN, for now
• Government does not want foreign firms to
leave, but it will be a hard act to balance

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This document discusses the trend of governments using access restrictions as a policy tool for compliance. It notes that censorship has existed as long as the internet, through methods like the Great Firewall of China. The document examines perspectives from 2011 that viewed access restrictions as minor inconveniences rather than censorship. It analyzes how the UK uses a protective DNS service to block malware while maintaining it is not censorship. Examples from Hong Kong and predictions for other Asian countries show how access restrictions have become mandated under national security laws. The document raises the question of whether similar trends could occur in other countries like the US and Taiwan.


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- Web3 aims to decentralize the internet using blockchain technology, removing centralized intermediaries and allowing users to own their own data. This could enable new forms of direct participation like immutable voting. However, others are skeptical that people want to manage their own servers or infrastructure. There are also concerns that Web3 platforms could become controlled by venture capitalists like previous iterations. Some countries and organizations are experimenting with blockchain applications for areas like elections, funding, and transparency. Ensuring governance models are inclusive and address potential threats will be important as Web3 develops.

Sanctions and sanction busting
Last but not least, “aided” by the west?
• Hong Kong’s upcoming legislature spree will not be short of references to
examples from recent western legislations:
• Germany’s NetzDG (Network Enforcement Act) — on “misinformation”
• UK’s Online Safety Bill — to break end-to-end encryption
• Similarly, the US’s EARN IT Act
• France’s draft bill to “regulate and secure the digital space” and its
draft Military Planning Law (LPM)
• Many people worry about the effect of draconian Chinese digital laws on
Hong Kong. I worry even more about such laws from western
Charles Mok
Visiting Scholar
Global Digital Policy Incubator
Cyber Policy Center
Stanford University

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Cyber Risks in Hong Kong

  • 1. Cyber Risks in Hong Kong: Challenges for Civil Society and What Next? Charles Mok Global Digital Policy Incubator, Cyber Policy Center Stanford University July 2, 2023
  • 2. Before NSL A look back at one of the freest Internet environments in Asia
  • 3. From freedom to censorship • Before NSL (2020) • No official or legal mechanism to censor • No external firewall or filtering mechanism • Regional telecom hub for underseas cables and datacenters • Government attempts to introduce censorship • 2012: Consultation of Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance • Proposal for mandatory “operator-level content filtering” withdrawn after public opposition • 2016: Copyright Ordinance Amendments • Criminalization of online derivative works of copyrighted materials • Withdrawn by government in legislature after filibuster in legislature
  • 4. Can China’s Great Firewall extend to Hong Kong? • China • State-owned telecom controls external gateways from 3 coastal cities with backbone of at least 7 other inland cities (2014) • China failed to live up to its commitment when joining WTO (2001) for “ICT and telecom market opening to foreign producers” • Numerous laws and operational infrastructure to conduct censorship • Hong Kong’s telecom regime was completely liberalized since 2003 • Buy back incumbent’s external exclusivity license in 1998 • Telecom Ordinance: No limit on number of licenses and foreign ownership • No law or censorship infrastructure, until the NSL • Vibrant civil society, until the NSL
  • 5. How to shut down the Internet in Hong Kong? • Emergency Regulations Ordinance (Cap. 241) • (1) On any occasion which the Chief Executive in Council may consider to be an occasion of emergency or public danger he may make any regulations whatsoever which he may consider desirable in the public interest. • (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of subsection (1), such regulations may provide for (a)censorship, and the control and suppression of publications, writings, maps, plans, photographs, communications and means of communication; • The ERO was used many times in the last three yers to bypass the legislature • Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap. 106) Section 13 • 13. Possession of telecommunications stations taken by government in emergencies • (1) Where, in the opinion of the Governor, an emergency has arisen in which it is expedient for the public service that the Government should have control over telecommunications stations, the Governor, by warrant under his hand, may direct or cause such telecommunications stations as are specified in the warrant to be taken possession of and to be used for the service of the Government…
  • 6. The decline of trust of Internet freedom • Downloading of FireChat during Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement (2014), as in Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement (2014) • People worried about Internet shutdown though it never happened.
  • 7. 2019 Anti-extradition bill protests • Widespread use of Telegram groups • Apple App Store removal of apps
  • 8. 2019 Anti-extradition bill protests • Doxxing, from both sides, but law enforcement on one side only
  • 9. High Court injunction to censor Internet content (2019.10.31) • The Police and the Secretary for Justice applied for and was granted a High Court injunction • Prohibiting anyone from communicating through “any Internet-based platform” any materials that “promotes, encourages or incites the use or threat of violence, intended or likely to cause” bodily injury or property damage • Broad and vague scope causing chilling effect on freedom of expression • Bypass going through the legislative process • Local civil society (Internet Society Hong Kong) applied for discharge or restriction on the injunction, after a successful crowdfunding drive • High Court ruled to continue the injunction with minor amendments to emphasize the willfulness of the act • Injunction was extended and remains in force
  • 10. The new era Censorship without but beyond the Great Firewall
  • 11. National Security Law (2020) • Mainland law imposed on Hong Kong — not based on Common Law — targeting against “secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces” • Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR: • A “designated police officer” can order to take down messages or contention any electronic platform that was deemed “likely to constitute an offense endangering national security” • Failure to comply means the service provider may face seizure of their electronic devices, plus fines and prison terms up to 6 months • Chief Executive may authorize the police to intercept communications and conduct surveillance to “prevent and detect offenses endangering national security” • The universal reach of the law’s extraterritorial power (long arm jurisdiction)
  • 12. After NSL • Civil society in retreat • Civil society have relied on social media and online services • Self censorship — removing social media posts or entire profiles • Online fundraising becomes difficult to impossible • Media • Major online and traditional outlets were closed: Apple Daily, StandNews, etc. • But Hong Kong journalists are extraordinarily resilient: we are now witnessing a realignment of online press outlets, both in Hong Kong or diaspora • Blocking of websites hosted overseas • HKChronicles (doxxing of police officers and pro-Beijing figures) • Taiwan’s Transitional Justice Commission*, Presbyterian Church*, DPP*, Recruitment Centre of National Armed Force • 2021 Hong Kong Charter • June 4th Incident Online Museum • Hong Kong Watch (UK human rights group) • Some were later reported to be accessible again (*)
  • 13. Arrests for online postings: no need to even invoke NSL
  • 14. Legislative changes and proposals since NSL, with many more to come The new national security only priority will make life harder for civil society and everyone else
  • 15. Telecommunications (Registration of SIM Cards) Regulation • Mobile SIM card registration — “real name system” • Proposed: Jan 2021 • Effective: Sep 2021 • Registration began: March 2022 • What other countries require SIM card registration for users? • Biometric registration required: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, China, Ghana, Jordan, Lesotho, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and Zambia • Considering biometric registration: Argentina, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, North Korea, and Russia • No such requirement for Hong Kong yet
  • 16. Personal Data (Privacy) Amendment 2021 • From privacy and data protection to only anti-doxxing • After several high-profiled data breach incidents (e.g. Cathay Pacific), the government was consulting for strengthening the privacy law, including the levels of fines, in the 2016-2020 legislative session. • After the NSL, the new privacy commissioner (since September 2020) and the government ignored all other privacy and data protection issue and only focused on stopping online doxxing. • Amendments proposed: Jul 2021 • Legislation passed: Sep 2021 • Take effect: Oct 2021 • “Following the amendment of the law in October 2021, up to (last) December (2022) the commission had handled 2,128 doxxing cases, resulting in 114 criminal investigations and 32 referrals to the police for action.” 16
  • 17. But doxxing continues, against the opposition
  • 18. Cybercrime consultation by the Law Reform Commission • Consultation paper released on Jun 2022 • “Legal vacuum” in Hong Kong for lack of cybercrime law • Main concerns of the LRC’s proposals in the consultation: • No need to prove intent: e.g. “mere unauthorized access should be criminalized as a summary offense, which does not require malice to be an element of the offense, subject to the statutory defense of reasonable excuse.” • Pre-registration for cybersecurity firms, professionals and researchers in order to establish defense or exemption? • Making available or possessing devices or data for committing a crime • “Anyone who owns a knife that can be used to commit a crime?” • Risks for any IT platforms, service providers, cloud service providers etc. 18
  • 19. Cybercrime consultation by the Law Reform Commission • Jurisdictional constraints • What does it mean by “threatening Hong Kong’s security” or “serious damage to Hong Kong’s public authority”? • Long arm of extraterritorial jurisdiction again? • Harsh proposed sentencing • Up to 14 years imprisonment for aggravated offense. • Maximum sentence for the aggravated offense for illegal interference with computer data and a computer system is recommended to be life imprisonment. • The NSL factor • The consultation paper stated: “The duty of Hong Kong to safeguard national security reaffirmed the need for reform of cybercrime laws in Hong Kong and the sub-committee has taken this into consideration in its pursuit of the cybercrime project.” 19
  • 20. Consultation on Regulation of Crowdfunding Activities • Erecting further political vetting to make sure no crowdfunding for political activities or civic activism will be possible, beyond existing under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Money Lenders Ordinance and other current oversight under social welfare regulations • Proposed Crowdfunding Affairs Office (CAO) will require prior applications for any crowdfunding activity that “raises funds from individuals or entities of Hong Kong, or individuals or entities located in Hong Kong.” • “The location of publicizing such activities can be any places, including Hong Kong and other places, and with declared purposes that are related to Hong Kong or not.” — in other words, anyone, anywhere, anything. • Propose “real-name system” for donors, for CAO inspection. • Propose that "online platforms specifically designed for crowdfunding purpose” should register with the CAO, including providing “at least one person with a physical address in Hong Kong” as the designated representative of the platform — the “hostage-taking" rule. • Global crowdfunding platforms may simply not take any Hong Kong related fundraising activities in future.
  • 21. A lot more to come • Cybersecurity law • Critical infrastructure? Global jurisdiction? • Misinformation law • Remove any undesirable content without invoking NSL • More pressure on platforms and Internet service providers • Article 23 local national security law legislation and upgrades for NSL • Relating to “treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets” and overseas political ties • ….
  • 22. A case study The “national anthem” that isn’t and Google in the crossfire
  • 23. Google: The culprit or a scapegoat? • Feb 28, 2023: Wrong “national anthem” for Hong Kong played at ice hockey match in Korea: “Glory to Hong Kong” (the “Song”) • The organizer claim they downloaded the wrong song from Google search result. • Hong Kong government and legislature pressured Google to rectify; Google said they only relied on established algorithm. • Indeed, how do you ban a search term for something that does not exist: “Hong Kong national anthem”? • After months of stalemate, the Secretary of Justice filed an injunction to the high court to ban: • Broadcasting, performing, printing, publishing, selling, offering for sale, distributing, disseminating, displaying or reproducing in any way (including online), whether its melody or lyrics or in combination (including any adaptation of the Song, the melody and/or lyrics of which are substantially the same as the Song) with intent to insult the national anthem.
  • 24. To stay or to leave, is that the question? • 32 instances of the Song was listed in the appendix of application for the injunction • Jun 12: Court asked HK government if the sought ban is global. HK govt: No. • Court will reconvene on Jul 21. • Use of injunction to bypass even the rubber- stamp legislative process • Lack of western reaction, e.g. US or EU • Civil society letter to platforms • It’s more about just Google/YouTube — Meta, Apple, Spotify, and more • So, will Google leave Hong Kong? • Ban the “Song” now, anything in future.
  • 25. The bigger geopolitical picture It’s not just about Hong Kong anymore.
  • 26. De facto sanction on Hong Kong’s critical digital infrastructure • Since 2019, the US has effectively banned any submarine cable with US involvement to terminate in Hong Kong.
  • 27. Goodbye, regional infrastructure hub? • Not only is Hong Kong’s role as a telecom, Internet and data center and cloud service hub diminished, the reconfiguration of undersea cables to mitigate risks in the South China Sea has tremendous implications on the security and resilience of connectivity in East and Southeast Asia. • Or maybe there is no need to worry? Cambodia is said to be building a new cable to Hong Kong.
  • 28. Isolated from western technologies • Part of China • No ChatGPT, no Bard • Still has VPN, for now • Government does not want foreign firms to leave, but it will be a hard act to balance
  • 30. Last but not least, “aided” by the west? • Hong Kong’s upcoming legislature spree will not be short of references to examples from recent western legislations: • Germany’s NetzDG (Network Enforcement Act) — on “misinformation” • UK’s Online Safety Bill — to break end-to-end encryption • Similarly, the US’s EARN IT Act • France’s draft bill to “regulate and secure the digital space” and its draft Military Planning Law (LPM) • Many people worry about the effect of draconian Chinese digital laws on Hong Kong. I worry even more about such laws from western democracies.
  • 31. Charles Mok Visiting Scholar Global Digital Policy Incubator Cyber Policy Center Stanford University