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• Academic 學術:Stanford Cyber Policy Center 美國 史丹福⼤學 網絡政策中⼼

• Civil Society 公⺠社會:Internet Society 互聯網協會

• Public Service 公共服務:Former Legislative Council HK 前香港立法會

• Industry 業界:Founder HKNet (ISP) 網絡服務商 創業者
Digital Authoritarianism

Global Digital Authoritarianism Trends
• 以科技⽅式、⼿段、法律達致威權控制⼈⺠

• Mass Data Collection ⼤量數據蒐集

• Surveillance 監察

• Censorship 內容審查

• Disinformation 虛假資訊

• Laws 法律

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Fake News and the Trouble with Facebook
Fake News and the Trouble with FacebookFake News and the Trouble with Facebook
Fake News and the Trouble with Facebook

The document discusses the phenomenon of fake news, describing it as either stories aimed at generating profit through social media clicks or propaganda intended to influence political discourse. It notes fake news proliferated on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter during the 2016 US election. While platforms have taken steps to curb fake news, it remains a challenge due to factors like users not checking sources and algorithms prioritizing engaging content. Potential solutions proposed include restricting anonymous users, offering alternative social media options, and reforming platforms' business models.

fake newsjournalismethics
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Eleanor Roosevelt Courage Project
Eleanor Roosevelt Courage ProjectEleanor Roosevelt Courage Project
Eleanor Roosevelt Courage Project

Eleanor Roosevelt was a courageous and active first lady who worked tirelessly for many causes. She joined numerous organizations, spoke out on important issues, and helped many citizens through her correspondence. Eleanor challenged racial segregation and advocated for women's and civil rights. She remained dedicated to helping others despite facing disagreement and criticism.

Mass Data Collection
Mass Data Collection ⼤量數據蒐集
Where do all the data go? 數據去哪裡?
Surveillance 監察
Facial recognition 臉部辨識
Surveillance 監察
Governments requests for backdoors to encryption 政府要求平台解密
• 中國、美國、英國、歐盟、澳洲等,



• US (proposed EARN-IT Act), UK 

(proposed Online Safety Act), EU 

(proposed child protection law), 

and other laws in Australia etc.

• China already requires companies to

provide backdoors or key escrows to 

government for public security or 

intelligence gathering

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Koulutus Rasekossa, 27.2.2020, Harto Pönkä, Innowise

Censorship 內容審查
Not only the content, it’s the solidarity 不僅是審查內容,是防⽌團結
2011 茉莉花運動
2022 河南村鎮銀⾏危機
Disinformation & Misinformation 虛假訊息
Fake News! 假新聞!
Laws 法律
In the name of cyber sovereignty, misinformation, cyber & national security…
• India 印度: Information Technology Act etc.

• Singapore 新加坡: POFMA (Protection from Online Falsehood & Manipulation Act),
Cybersecurity Act, Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act…

• Indonesia 印尼: series of law requiring platform registration and content deletion

• Cambodia 柬埔寨: National Internet Gateway

• Thailand 泰國: Computer Criminal Act, and new proposed China-styled

• Vietnam 越南: Cybersecurity law

• Myanmar 緬甸: Cybersecurity law
Digital Authoritarianism is Splintering the Internet

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Legal obligations and responsibilities of data processors and controllers und...
Legal obligations and responsibilities of data processors and controllers und...Legal obligations and responsibilities of data processors and controllers und...
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This webinar covers: -The definitions of ‘data controller’ and ‘data processor’ under the GDPR.​ -The responsibilities and obligations of controllers and processors.​ -The data breach reporting responsibilities of controllers and processors.​ -The liability of, and penalties that may be imposed on, data processors and controllers.​ -The appointment of joint controllers and subcontracting processors The webinar can be found here

gdprdata processorscontrollers
1031031 twnic研討會與談-網路與個資保護
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參加2014年10月31日研討會與談的資料-說明網路隱私與資訊廣泛運用是衝突的、個資法第27條對於資訊安全的要求,以及個資法上自然人單純個人或家庭活動的解釋等。 本簡報僅代表個人意見!

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What is big data
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Regional Network Infrastructure
South China Seas Dispute: Impact on Network Infrastructure
Risks for East Taiwan Coast?

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20150416【網路智慧新臺灣政策白皮書】 副院長與網路社群有約

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China's New 10-dash line? 中國新⼗段線?
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《前海:IT業發展與機遇》-- 在梁繼昌議員主辦的論壇的分享(2013.4.27)。

前海 it
Policy recommendations
What does it have to do with Civil

How can civil society protect Taiwan’s Internet freedom?
• 台灣網絡⾃由是否因⽽⾯對任何危機?

• ⾏政部⾨和成立專責機構責任的劃分?

• 新專責機構的任命和權⼒及其獨立性?

• 境外數據儲存及域外管轄的不確定性?

• 協助教育社群,引導關注

• 針對重要議題,組織群眾

• 提升國際對台灣網絡⾃由議題的了解
International participation
• 政府應該推動數位轉型、產業化及⼈才發展,公⺠社會亦可爭取更⼤本⼟及國際空間...

• 利⽤數位公⺠社會及開放數據等領域的發展經驗,更多參與區域


• 加強參與國際及亞太區網絡管治(Internet governance)及


• 爭取市⺠社會及技術社群透過政府參與制定關於未來網絡及數據


• 台灣的⾃由和⺠主是是台灣最成功和最⼤的優勢,也可以成為最


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大数据知识及技术简介(Introduction to basic concepts and techiques of big data in Chinese)
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大数据知识及技术简介(Introduction to basic concepts and techiques of big data in Chinese)

This powerpoint does a introduction to basic concepts and techiques of big data. It's target readers are normal people starts to be interested in "Big Data" and data analytics.

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Charles Mok 莫乃光


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