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Charles Mok | Internet Society | July 26 2023
Threats to the Internet
My brief background
A “multi-roles” stakeholder’s view
• Technical engineering background
• ISP entrepreneur
• Trade associations and civil
society (ISOC HK co-founder)
• Legislator
• Academia (Stanford Cyber Policy
• ISOC Trustee
Threats to the Internet?
• Digital repression
• Surveillance & privacy protection
• Misinformation & disinformation
• Internet shutdowns
• Digital sovereignty
• Cybersecurity
• AI
• The Internet meets geopolitics
Whatever happened to: One World, One Internet?

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Internet of things
Internet of thingsInternet of things
Internet of things

This document provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT). It discusses the history and development of IoT from 1997 to present day. Key points covered include the extraordinary benefits of IoT such as status updates, diagnostics, upgrades, control/automation, and location mapping. The document also addresses security and privacy challenges with collecting and sharing personal data through connected devices. Example applications of IoT highlighted are in manufacturing, infrastructure, transportation, healthcare, and media/advertising. The future of IoT is predicted to focus on enterprise, home, and government sectors, with enterprise being the largest at an estimated 9.1 billion devices by 2019.

All The Things: Security, Privacy & Safety in a World of Connected Devices
All The Things: Security, Privacy & Safety in a World of Connected DevicesAll The Things: Security, Privacy & Safety in a World of Connected Devices
All The Things: Security, Privacy & Safety in a World of Connected Devices

Much of our technology today is connected to the Internet and communicating information about us, our homes and businesses, back to manufacturers in order to give us something of value in return. It is estimated that by 2025, there may be as many as 80 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices connected to the Internet. As IoT becomes a normal part of our everyday lives, at home, on the road, and at the office, privacy, security and safety become paramount. This presentation will set the stage: What is IoT? How is it used today? How will it be used in the future? IoT provides both opportunities and risk to society, and IoT devices need to be secured as this world of connected devices become critical to how society functions.

Internet of Things & Wearable Technology: Unlocking the Next Wave of Data-Dri...
Internet of Things & Wearable Technology: Unlocking the Next Wave of Data-Dri...Internet of Things & Wearable Technology: Unlocking the Next Wave of Data-Dri...
Internet of Things & Wearable Technology: Unlocking the Next Wave of Data-Dri...

"Internet of Things & Wearable Technology: Unlocking the Next Wave of Data-Driven Innovation." A presentation by Adam Thierer (Mercatus Center at George Mason University) made on September 11, 2014 at AEI-FCC Conference on "Regulating the Evolving Broadband Ecosystem."

All about fragmentation?
Data fragmentation
Data/cyber/digital sovereignty
Not to mention AI & the supply chain
Fragmentation of everything on/of/for the Internet
Regulatory fragmentation

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How Can Policymakers and Regulators Better Engage the Internet of Things?
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How Can Policymakers and Regulators Better Engage the Internet of Things?

The world today is seemingly always plugged into the Internet and technologies are constantly sharing data about our personal and professional lives. Device connectivity is on an upward trend with Cisco estimating that 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. Collection and data sharing by these devices introduces a host of new vulnerabilities, raising concerns about safety, security, and privacy for policymakers and regulators.

IoT-Where is the Money? - Chandrashekar Raman, Engagement Manager, IoT Strate...
IoT-Where is the Money? - Chandrashekar Raman, Engagement Manager, IoT Strate...IoT-Where is the Money? - Chandrashekar Raman, Engagement Manager, IoT Strate...
IoT-Where is the Money? - Chandrashekar Raman, Engagement Manager, IoT Strate...

“Internet of Things (IoT) – Where is the Money?” - This talk highlighted the need for innovative business and technical models. Top 5 key takeaways from the session: 1) Analyze business models from the perspective of targeting “control points” (allows disproportionate share of value e.g. platform), “network externalities” (users generate more users e.g. facebook) and “virtuous cycle” (self-propogating value system e.g. Twitter: tweets generating more, value, tweeters and users) 2) Fog computing (solutions at the edge of the network) should be considered for "time sensitive" or "mission critical" solutions 3) IoT Stats 2013: $1.7B funding, 186 deals, 30% up YOY, 75% up on exits, largely in platforms; Cisco estimates 50B connected devices by 2020, economic value of 19 trillion added in next decade 4) Manufacturing and Smart Cities most immediate opportunities in Enterprise space 5) Key Challenges are security and time-sensitive networking. In summary, IoT Startups focused in a hot space need to pick clever business models relative to the competition.

iot business technical models
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Accessibility and Digital Identity

Slides from talk Andrew Arch gave at the Digital Identity Show as part of the 2018 Tech in Government Conference

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Standards fragmentation
• Who sets the standards?
• Or the ITU?
• Multi-stakeholderism or
government control?
Infrastructure fragmentation
Undersea cables meet geopolitics
Regulatory fragmentation
But democracies wants backdoors too 🤦
Values fragmentation
Declaration for the Future of the Internet ~ US Summit for Democracy

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Overview of blockchain technology from a historical and future perspective - what does this mean for value creation in society.

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The document provides an overview and introduction to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It discusses that the IIoT involves devices that communicate and interact without direct human involvement, and reliability is important as failures can be catastrophic. The document outlines several major areas of IIoT development, including sensors, data analytics from large amounts of collected data, and autonomous machine-to-machine control without human intervention.

industrial iotiioti.i.o.t
Values fragmentation
World Internet Conference — China and friends
• Extending the Digital Silk
• “Internationalization” of
Internet governance?
• “Cyberspace”
The authoritarians’ view of Internet governance?
Cybersecurity = Regime security
• China’s top diplomat has called for “fairness and
justice” in cyberspace, urging emerging economies
to jointly oppose all attempts at scienti
technological or internet dominance, and prevent
the web from being used to foment military
one-upmanship or “colour revolutions”.
• The meeting on cybersecurity included delegates
from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa,
the emerging markets giving the informal bloc its
name. Representatives of several other countries
also attended, including Belarus, Iran, Saudi Arabia,
the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Egypt,
Burundi and Cuba.
Charles Mok
Visiting Scholar, Global Digital Policy
Incubator, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford
Trustee, Internet Society

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Threats to the Internet

  • 1. Charles Mok | Internet Society | July 26 2023 Threats to the Internet
  • 2. My brief background A “multi-roles” stakeholder’s view • Technical engineering background • ISP entrepreneur • Trade associations and civil society (ISOC HK co-founder) • Legislator • Academia (Stanford Cyber Policy Center) • ISOC Trustee •
  • 3. Threats to the Internet? • Digital repression • Surveillance & privacy protection • Misinformation & disinformation • Internet shutdowns • Digital sovereignty • Cybersecurity • AI • The Internet meets geopolitics
  • 4. Whatever happened to: One World, One Internet?
  • 7. Not to mention AI & the supply chain Fragmentation of everything on/of/for the Internet
  • 9. Standards fragmentation • Who sets the standards? • IETF/IERF/IAB, IEEE, W3C… • Or the ITU? • Multi-stakeholderism or government control?
  • 11. Regulatory fragmentation But democracies wants backdoors too 🤦
  • 12. Values fragmentation Declaration for the Future of the Internet ~ US Summit for Democracy
  • 13. Values fragmentation World Internet Conference — China and friends • Extending the Digital Silk Road • “Internationalization” of Internet governance? • “Cyberspace” governance?
  • 14. The authoritarians’ view of Internet governance? Cybersecurity = Regime security • China’s top diplomat has called for “fairness and justice” in cyberspace, urging emerging economies to jointly oppose all attempts at scienti fi c, technological or internet dominance, and prevent the web from being used to foment military one-upmanship or “colour revolutions”. • The meeting on cybersecurity included delegates from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the emerging markets giving the informal bloc its name. Representatives of several other countries also attended, including Belarus, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Burundi and Cuba.
  • 15. Charles Mok Visiting Scholar, Global Digital Policy Incubator, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University Trustee, Internet Society