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Analyzing Java Applications Using Thermostat (Omair Majid)
Analyzing Java Applications Using Thermostat
Omair Majid
● Performance
● Thermostat
● Demos
● Plugins
● Getting Involved
What Do You Care About?

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Streaming huge databases using logical decoding
Streaming huge databases using logical decodingStreaming huge databases using logical decoding
Streaming huge databases using logical decoding

This talk was delivered on FOSDEM PGDay 2016, on 29th of January. It discusses the options to stream consistent snapshot of the data existing in a database prior to creating a logical replication slot.

postgresql logical decoding replication streaming
Using Flame Graphs
Using Flame GraphsUsing Flame Graphs
Using Flame Graphs

Slides used for an internal training. This explains how to generate Flame Graphs using Java Flight Recorder dumps. There is also an example to use Linux "perf_events" to generate a Java Mixed-Mode Flame Graph.

Load testing in Zonky with Gatling
Load testing in Zonky with GatlingLoad testing in Zonky with Gatling
Load testing in Zonky with Gatling

Introduction to Gatling performance testing tool and how we used it for testing Zonky's REST API. Example of running distributed performance tests in AWS Fargate with real-time monitoring with Logstash/ElasticSearch/Kibana stack.

Performance - Host
● What information do I care about?
– OS
– Memory
– IO
Performance JVM
● What JVM information do I care about?
– CPU Usage
– Memory Regions
– Garbage Collection
– Loaded Classes
– JMX Notifications
– JIT Compilation Time
– I/O Calls
– Threads
JVM Actions
● What can I ask the JVM to do?
– Heap Dumps
– Invoke Garbage Collector
– Deadlock Detection
– Inject Custom Code
Too many things!

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Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)
Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)
Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)

Red Hat Software Collections, OpenShift and the Red Hat Container Development Kit open up many new possibilities for Python developers targeting Red Hat Enterprise Linux. At the same time, the wider Python ecosystem is undergoing two significant transitions - one being the ongoing migration from Python 2 to Python 3, and the other the shift to correctly validating HTTPS connections by default. In this session we will cover the currently available options for developing with Python on Red Hat platforms, as well as provide some insight into where things are headed in the context of the wider Python ecosystem.

Java Threads: Lightweight Processes
Java Threads: Lightweight ProcessesJava Threads: Lightweight Processes
Java Threads: Lightweight Processes

Guest lecture at Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT) on 24th November 2018 Covers following topics: Concurrency Processes and Threads Concurrent vs Parallel Programming Preemptive multitasking Context Switches Java Threads Thread Dumps Java Troubleshooting, Profiling, Monitoring and Management Tools Synchronization Thread Interference Memory Consistency Errors Synchronized Methods Intrinsic Locks and Synchronization Atomic Access Liveness Deadlock Starvation Livelock Flame Graphs

LAS16-307: Benchmarking Schedutil in Android
LAS16-307: Benchmarking Schedutil in AndroidLAS16-307: Benchmarking Schedutil in Android
LAS16-307: Benchmarking Schedutil in Android

This document summarizes benchmarking results that compare the performance and power efficiency of Android's schedutil CPU scheduler against the existing ondemand and interactive schedulers. Tests were conducted on a Hikey development board using various workloads before and after applying the Energy Aware Scheduling patches. While schedutil showed competitive performance in many tests, some regressions were observed in user experience metrics like recent app switching and gallery scrolling, as well as higher energy usage when combined with the EAS patches, indicating areas for further optimization.

● Serviceability and Monitoring for OpenJDK
● Multiple Hosts/JVMs
● Plug-in Architecture
● Command Line & GUI
● Open Source
$ thermostat local
$ thermostat web-storage-service
$ thermostat shell

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Patroni - HA PostgreSQL made easy
Patroni - HA PostgreSQL made easyPatroni - HA PostgreSQL made easy
Patroni - HA PostgreSQL made easy

This document discusses Patroni, an open-source tool for managing high availability PostgreSQL clusters. It describes how Patroni uses a distributed configuration system like Etcd or Zookeeper to provide automated failover for PostgreSQL databases. Key features of Patroni include manual and scheduled failover, synchronous replication, dynamic configuration updates, and integration with backup tools like WAL-E. The document also covers some of the challenges of building automatic failover systems and how Patroni addresses issues like choosing a new master node and reattaching failed nodes.

Gdb basics for my sql db as (percona live europe 2019)
Gdb basics for my sql db as (percona live europe 2019)Gdb basics for my sql db as (percona live europe 2019)
Gdb basics for my sql db as (percona live europe 2019)

Why should you have gdb (and --debuginfo) installed on your production MySQL servers and what DBA can do with gdb...

Kafka monitoring and metrics
Kafka monitoring and metricsKafka monitoring and metrics
Kafka monitoring and metrics

Kafka monitoring and metrics With Docker, Grafana, Prometheus, JMX and JConsole By Touraj Ebrahimi Senior Java Developer and Java Architect github: toraj58 bitbucket: toraj58 twitter: @toraj58


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Performance optimization techniques for Java code
Performance optimization techniques for Java codePerformance optimization techniques for Java code
Performance optimization techniques for Java code

The presentation covers the the basics of performance optimizations for real-world Java code. It starts with a theoretical overview of the concepts followed by several live demos showing how performance bottlenecks can be diagnosed and eliminated. The demos include some non-trivial multi-threaded examples inspired by real-world applications.

LAS16-101: Efficient kernel backporting
LAS16-101: Efficient kernel backportingLAS16-101: Efficient kernel backporting
LAS16-101: Efficient kernel backporting

LAS16-101: Efficient kernel backporting Speakers: Alex Shi Date: September 26, 2016 ★ Session Description ★ In computer/mobile product world, due to the stability, project timeline, etc considerations, latest upstream kernel isn’t their preference. The long term stable kernel is. But if you want to some of the latest features which only is in upstream kernel,you will have to backport them to old stable kernel. This presentation will share the kernel feature backport experience with audience, help them understand how to do backports quickly and effectively without detailed knowledge of the target feature, thus giving more flexibility and Improving productivity when making products. We will use some examples, to discuss how to get info from backport request, how to find necessary commits, how to get dependency, how to resolve conflicts, and finally how to test it. ★ Resources ★ Etherpad: Presentations & Videos: ★ Event Details ★ Linaro Connect Las Vegas 2016 – #LAS16 September 26-30, 2016

JCache / JSR107 shortcomings
JCache / JSR107  shortcomingsJCache / JSR107  shortcomings
JCache / JSR107 shortcomings

JCache has some shortcomings for caching implementations: 1) It lacks support for asynchronous and transactional features that modern caches require. 2) The basic semantics of storing values are not well-defined, leading to unnecessary copying of values between caches and applications. 3) Some methods like remove() and getAll() have behaviors that do not match common expectations for maps and irritate users. 4) Details of expiration policies are also not clearly specified, making it difficult for caches to implement time-based expiration consistently.

jcache jsr107 java caching
New Features
● Heap Tree Map
● Profiling
● Setup
● Tab Completion
● I/O Metrics
● New GC Details
● Security Improvements

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An Introduction To Java Profiling
An Introduction To Java ProfilingAn Introduction To Java Profiling
An Introduction To Java Profiling

This document introduces Java profiling and the YourKit Java Profiler tool. It discusses how profiling can be used to measure and locate performance bottlenecks, memory leaks, and unnecessary memory allocation. The YourKit Java Profiler is presented as a commercial tool that offers on-demand CPU, memory, and concurrency profiling along with IDE integration and support for various Java versions and operating systems. A demonstration of the tool is provided.

cache2k, Java Caching, Turbo Charged, FOSDEM 2015
cache2k, Java Caching, Turbo Charged, FOSDEM 2015cache2k, Java Caching, Turbo Charged, FOSDEM 2015
cache2k, Java Caching, Turbo Charged, FOSDEM 2015

cache2k is one of the best performing Java in memory cache solution available today. The talk details about the internal design and latest research on the used low overhead eviction algorithm. At the end benchmarks are presented comparing the speed of different cache solutions including EHCache, Infinispan and Google Guava.

BUD17-218: Scheduler Load tracking update and improvement
BUD17-218: Scheduler Load tracking update and improvement BUD17-218: Scheduler Load tracking update and improvement
BUD17-218: Scheduler Load tracking update and improvement

Session ID: BUD17-218 Session Name: Scheduler Load tracking update and improvement - BUD17-218 Speaker: Vincent Guittot Track: Power Management ★ Session Summary ★ The Per Entity Load Tracking (PELT) is a key stone in tasks placement of the scheduler but suffers of some weakness when it’s not just bugs. During the last LPC, it has been decided to fix all pending issues of PELT before starting to consider another load tracking mechanism for scheduler and/or EAS. This session will show the improvement reached since the last connect and the LPC as well as the next ones. We will also looks at the RT class which lacks a good load tracking. --------------------------------------------------- ★ Resources ★ Event Page: Presentation: Video: --------------------------------------------------- ★ Event Details ★ Linaro Connect Budapest 2017 (BUD17) 6-10 March 2017 Corinthia Hotel, Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 43-49, 1073 Hungary --------------------------------------------------- Keyword: Power-management, scheduler, PELT --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on Social Media

● Customize Agent and/or Client
– Collect, Record, Analyze your own metrics
– Integrate your own tools
● Most Built-in Functionality are Plugins
● Loaded using OSGi
● Documented & Stable API
Release History
Initial Release
May 2012
Version 1.0
November 2013
Version 1.2
December 2014
Version 1.4
November 2015
● Adhering to standard API versioning
● API breaking changes Thermostat 2.0→
● Non-breaking changes Thermostat 1.6→
● Bug fixes Thermostat 1.4.x→

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Trace kernel code tips
Trace kernel code tipsTrace kernel code tips
Trace kernel code tips

This document discusses dynamically tracing C code using runtime execution logs. It provides tips for building the environment, using the menuconfig system, makefiles, toolchains and runtime tracing with Qemu logs and Linux ftrace. Ftrace in particular allows tracing kernel functions and call graphs to help understand code flow and task relationships when statically tracing C/C++ sources proves difficult due to macros and configurations.

PLNOG 4: Leszek Urbański - A modern HTTP accelerator for content providers
PLNOG 4: Leszek Urbański - A modern HTTP accelerator for content providersPLNOG 4: Leszek Urbański - A modern HTTP accelerator for content providers
PLNOG 4: Leszek Urbański - A modern HTTP accelerator for content providers

Varnish is an open-source reverse proxy and cache that is commonly used to accelerate dynamic websites. It uses a virtual memory backend and multi-threaded worker model to achieve high performance. Varnish has a configuration language called VCL that allows customizing caching and backend rules. Proper use of Varnish requires optimizing object caching, compression, purging, and operating system settings.

Lambdas : Beyond The Basics
Lambdas : Beyond The BasicsLambdas : Beyond The Basics
Lambdas : Beyond The Basics

Presentation from Riga Dev Day talking about Lambda expressions and the Stream API in JDK8. This session, as the title suggests, goes beyond the basics and discusses some of the different ways you need to think to use a functional style of programming in Java.

Future Tasks
● Byteman Integration
● Platform API
● Integration with more tools
● Security Improvements
Try Us
● Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7
– Red Hat Software Collections (1.1+, 2.0+)
yum install thermostat1-thermostat
● Fedora 21+
yum install thermostat
● Source Releases
● Potential Tasks
– New Metrics
– Porting to other architectures or operating systems
– New Clients (Web, Mobile, Eclipse?)
● Mailing List
#thermostat on freenode
Don't Miss
● Monitoring application-specific behavior using Thermostat and
– Presented by Andrew Dinn, creator of Byteman
– Wednesday 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
– Room 132

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7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...

The document provides an overview of 7 must-try user experience tactics for developers: 1) use user stories to understand user needs, 2) sketch designs to explore options before coding, 3) map user flows to optimize tasks, 4) move away from data tables to reduce overload, 5) use whitespace for readability and prioritization, 6) conduct guerrilla testing of 10 minutes to save re-coding, and 7) gather user feedback through the live experience and provide support tools. The document includes examples and explanations for each tactic.

It's not tools, Stupid
It's not tools, StupidIt's not tools, Stupid
It's not tools, Stupid

DevOps is primarily about culture, not tools. It aims to break down barriers between development and operations teams through continuous improvement. While tools are important, they don't define DevOps or ensure its goals are met. True DevOps requires cultural changes like empowering workers, eliminating fear, and prioritizing quality over metrics. It draws from philosophies like eliminating silos, constant learning, and taking responsibility for organizational change.

devopsculturered hat
Agile Is A Four-Letter Word (Jen Krieger)
Agile Is A Four-Letter Word (Jen Krieger)Agile Is A Four-Letter Word (Jen Krieger)
Agile Is A Four-Letter Word (Jen Krieger)

Based on a wide variety of surveys taken over recent years, many companies are transitioning to something that looks more like Agile than the processes they were using in previous years. However, that transition doesn’t necessarily mean implementations have been done respectfully of the Agile Manifesto and the principles behind it. In large part, industry trends seem to indicate that the sloganization of the word has done a significant disservice to the ideas that were originally founded in 2001. To add even more pain, most people seem to be entirely unaware of the core basis of Agile which is the idea to embrace change but inspect and adapt to that change. Are we lost as an industry? Is there anyway we can recover from this problem? In this session, attendees can expect to engage in a conversation about the rise of the Agile community, the negative and positive impact it has had on the industry, and how you individually can help your organizations and teams lower the risk of encountering the negative problems, and speed your way towards the positives. Topics will include: - The intentions behind agile - Ways you can rework or improve your not so great agile situation - Things you should avoid from the start.

Thank you

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