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Kafka at the Edge: An IoT scenario with
OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka
Bernard Tison
Red Hat
▸ What is Apache Kafka, and how are we using it?
▸ IoT use case
▸ Demo
▸ Questions
Apache Kafka is a distributed system designed for streams. It
is built to be an high-availability, horizontally-scalable,
fault-tolerant, commit log, and allows distributed data
streams and stream processing applications.
Known use cases are:
▸ High-performance data pipelines
▸ Streaming analytics
▸ Data integration
▸ Event bus in Event Driven Architecture
What is Kafka?
What is Apache Kafka?
Open-source distributed event streaming platform
Learn more on the Apache Kafka
community page:
Brokers, topics, partitions, producers, and consumers!
What is Kafka?
What is Apache Kafka?
Kafka Cluster
Broker A Broker B Broker C
Consumer Group
Topic: Clicks Topic: Purchases
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3

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Event-driven Applications with Kafka, Micronaut, and AWS Lambda | Dave Klein,...Event-driven Applications with Kafka, Micronaut, and AWS Lambda | Dave Klein,...
Event-driven Applications with Kafka, Micronaut, and AWS Lambda | Dave Klein,...

One of the great things about running applications in the cloud is that you only pay for the resources that you use. But that also makes it more important than ever for our applications to be resource-efficient. This becomes even more critical when we use serverless functions. Micronaut is an application framework that provides dependency injection, developer productivity features, and excellent support for Apache Kafka. By performing dependency injection, AOP, and other productivity-enhancing magic at compile time, Micronaut allows us to build smaller, more efficient microservices and serverless functions. In this session, we'll explore the ways that Apache Kafka and Micronaut work together to enable us to build fast, efficient, event-driven applications. Then we'll see it in action, using the AWS Lambda Sink Connector for Confluent Cloud.

kafka summitapache kafkamicronaut
Cloud native Kafka | Sascha Holtbruegge and Margaretha Erber, HiveMQ
Cloud native Kafka | Sascha Holtbruegge and Margaretha Erber, HiveMQCloud native Kafka | Sascha Holtbruegge and Margaretha Erber, HiveMQ
Cloud native Kafka | Sascha Holtbruegge and Margaretha Erber, HiveMQ

Joins in Kafka Streams and ksqlDB are a killer-feature for data processing and basic join semantics are well understood. However, in a streaming world records are associated with timestamps that impact the semantics of joins: welcome to the fabulous world of _temporal_ join semantics. For joins, timestamps are as important as the actual data and it is important to understand how they impact the join result. In this talk we want to deep dive on the different types of joins, with a focus of their temporal aspect. Furthermore, we relate the individual join operators to the overall ""time engine"" of the Kafka Streams query runtime and explain its relationship to operator semantics. To allow developers to apply their knowledge on temporal join semantics, we provide best practices, tip and tricks to ""bend"" time, and configuration advice to get the desired join results. Last, we give an overview of recent, and an outlook to future, development that improves joins even further.

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Why Cloud-Native Kafka Matters: 4 Reasons to Stop Managing it Yourself
Why Cloud-Native Kafka Matters: 4 Reasons to Stop Managing it YourselfWhy Cloud-Native Kafka Matters: 4 Reasons to Stop Managing it Yourself
Why Cloud-Native Kafka Matters: 4 Reasons to Stop Managing it Yourself

The document discusses 4 reasons to use a cloud-native Kafka service like Confluent Cloud instead of managing Kafka yourself. It notes that managing Kafka requires significant investment of time and resources for tasks like architecture planning, cluster sizing, software upgrades, and more. A cloud-native service handles all operational overhead automatically so you can focus on your core business. Confluent Cloud specifically offers elastic scaling, infinite data retention, global access across clouds, and integrations to make it a complete data streaming platform.

dataversitydataversity webinarsdata
What is Kafka?
What is Apache Kafka?
▸ The Admin API to manage and inspect topics, brokers, and other Kafka objects.
▸ The Producer API to publish (write) a stream of events to one or more Kafka topics.
▸ The Consumer API to subscribe to (read) one or more topics and to process the
stream of events produced to them.
▸ The Kafka Streams API to implement stream processing applications and
▸ The Kafka Connect API to build and run reusable data import/export connectors
that consume (read) or produce (write) streams of events from and to external
systems and applications so they can integrate with Kafka.
High-throughput, high-availability, and decoupled data pipeline.
What is Kafka?
Hub and Spoke Architecture
10s of thousands of events
Consumers/Data Sinks
OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka
Development Preview trial available for free at:
Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka
Complete solution for stream-based applications
OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka
Hosted & managed (99.95% SLA)
Kafka cluster
Streamlined developer experience: a curated solution
with a developer-first, consistent experience
Delivered as a service, managed by Red Hat SRE -
24x7 global support and a 99.95% service-level
agreement (SLA)
Real-time, streaming data broker - Dedicated Apache
Kafka cluster deliver as a service in the cloud and
location of choice
▸ Access to Kafka brokers, topics, and partitions
▸ Configuration management
▸ Metrics and monitoring
▸ UI / CLI / API / service bindings
▸ Integrated identity & access management
CLI Service Binding

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Presentation from South Bay.NET meetup on 3/30. Speaker: Matt Howlett, Software Engineer at Confluent Apache Kafka is a scalable streaming platform that forms a key part of the infrastructure at many companies including Uber, Netflix, Walmart, Airbnb, Goldman Sachs and LinkedIn. In this talk Matt will give a technical overview of Kafka, discuss some typical use cases (from surge pricing to fraud detection to web analytics) and show you how to use Kafka from within your C#/.NET applications.

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Confluent Developer Training
Confluent Developer TrainingConfluent Developer Training
Confluent Developer Training

This three-day course teaches developers how to build applications that can publish and subscribe to data from an Apache Kafka cluster. Students will learn Kafka concepts and components, how to use Kafka and Confluent APIs, and how to develop Kafka producers, consumers, and streams applications. The hands-on course covers using Kafka tools, writing producers and consumers, ingesting data with Kafka Connect, and more. It is designed for developers who need to interact with Kafka as a data source or destination.

confluentdeveloper trainingapache kafka
Keeping Your Data Close and Your Caches Hotter (Ricardo Ferreira, Confluent) ...
Keeping Your Data Close and Your Caches Hotter (Ricardo Ferreira, Confluent) ...Keeping Your Data Close and Your Caches Hotter (Ricardo Ferreira, Confluent) ...
Keeping Your Data Close and Your Caches Hotter (Ricardo Ferreira, Confluent) ...

The distributed cache is becoming a popular technique to improve performance and simplify the data access layer when dealing with databases. Bringing the data as close as possible to the CPU allows unparalleled execution speed as well as horizontal scalability. This approach is often successful when used in a microservices design in which the cache is accessed only by a single API. However, it becomes more challenging if multiple applications are involved and changes are made to the database directly by other applications. The data held in the cache eventually becomes stale and no longer consistent with its underlying database. When consistency problems arise, the Engineering team must address that through additional coding — which directly jeopardizes the team’s ability to be agile between releases. This talk presents a set of patterns for cache-based architectures that aim to keep the caches always hot; by using Apache Kafka and its connectors to accomplish that goal. It will be shown how to set up these patterns across different IMDGs such as Hazelcast, Apache Ignite or Coherence. These patterns can be used in conjunction with different cache topologies such as cache-aside, read-through, write-behind, and refresh-ahead, making it reusable enough to be used as a framework to achieve data consistency in any architecture that relies on distributed caches.

▸ Based on the Strimzi community project that provides an
optimized version of Apache Kafka on Kubernetes
▸ Access to customer dedicated Kafka instances. Each
instance provides Kafka core capabilities
▸ Kafka instances are configured based on opinionated
recommendations made by Red Hat experts
OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka
A dedicated, fully managed, Apache Kafka cluster
An opinionated experience for your Kafka service
Apache Kafka
optimized for OpenShift
There is More
▸ AMQ Broker: MQTT broker
▸ Apache Camel: bridge MQTT to Kafka
▸ Debezium: captures row-level changes to database tables and passes
corresponding change events to Kafka
▸ GraphQL: query language and server-side runtime for APIs that prioritizes giving
clients exactly the data they request and no more.

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Distributed Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Apache Kafka (William McL...
Distributed Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Apache Kafka (William McL...Distributed Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Apache Kafka (William McL...
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Managing a distributed system like Apache Kafka can be extremely challenging, especially when you try to approach monitoring and managing from a single centralized GUI approach. In this talk come here and see a demo of a more decoupled approach to Kafka management and Kafka Monitoring where data is centralized but access is is distributed to scale to enterprise deployments, CICD pipelines and much much more.

Friends don't let friends do dual writes: Outbox pattern with OpenShift Strea...
Friends don't let friends do dual writes: Outbox pattern with OpenShift Strea...Friends don't let friends do dual writes: Outbox pattern with OpenShift Strea...
Friends don't let friends do dual writes: Outbox pattern with OpenShift Strea...

Dual writes are a common source of issues in distributed event-driven applications. A dual write occurs when an application has to change data in two different systems - for instance, when an application needs to persist data in the database and send a Kafka message to notify other systems. If one of these two operations fail, you might end up with inconsistent data which can be hard to detect and fix. OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka is Red Hat's fully hosted and managed Apache Kafka service targeting development teams that want to incorporate streaming data and scalable messaging in their applications, without the burden of setting up and maintaining a Kafka cluster infrastructure. Debezium is an open source distributed platform for change data capture. Built on top of Apache Kafka, it allows applications to react to inserts, updates, and deletes in your databases. In this session you will learn how you can leverage OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka and Debezium to avoid the dual write issue in an event-driven application using the outbox pattern. More specifically, we will show you how to: Provision a Kafka cluster on OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka. Deploy and configure Debezium to use OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka. Refactor an application to leverage Debezium and OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka to avoid the dual write problem.

red hatred hat developerdebezium
Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Cloud Native Data Streaming Microservices with Spring...
Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Cloud Native Data Streaming Microservices with Spring...Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Cloud Native Data Streaming Microservices with Spring...
Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Cloud Native Data Streaming Microservices with Spring...

This document discusses building microservices for data streaming and processing using Spring Cloud and Kafka. It provides an overview of Spring Cloud Stream and how it can be used to build event-driven microservices that connect to Kafka. It also discusses how Spring Cloud Data Flow can be used to orchestrate and deploy streaming applications and topologies. The document includes code samples of building a basic Kafka Streams processor application using Spring Cloud Stream and deploying it as part of a streaming data flow. It concludes with proposing a demonstration of these techniques.

Product Overview
Try it out!
▸ GitHub repo: (WIP)
▸ Try Kafka:
▸ Streams for Apache Kafka YouTube playlist:
▸ Streams for Apache Kafka getting started blog post:
Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise
open source software solutions. Award-winning
support, training, and consulting services make
Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500.
Thank you

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  • 1. Kafka at the Edge: An IoT scenario with OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka Bernard Tison Red Hat 1
  • 2. Agenda 2 Agenda ▸ What is Apache Kafka, and how are we using it? ▸ IoT use case ▸ Demo ▸ Questions
  • 3. 3 Apache Kafka is a distributed system designed for streams. It is built to be an high-availability, horizontally-scalable, fault-tolerant, commit log, and allows distributed data streams and stream processing applications. Known use cases are: ▸ High-performance data pipelines ▸ Streaming analytics ▸ Data integration ▸ Event bus in Event Driven Architecture What is Kafka? What is Apache Kafka? Open-source distributed event streaming platform Learn more on the Apache Kafka community page:
  • 4. Source: Brokers, topics, partitions, producers, and consumers! What is Kafka? 4 What is Apache Kafka? Kafka Cluster Broker A Broker B Broker C Consumer Group Topic: Clicks Topic: Purchases P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Producers
  • 5. Source: What is Kafka? 5 APIs What is Apache Kafka? ▸ The Admin API to manage and inspect topics, brokers, and other Kafka objects. ▸ The Producer API to publish (write) a stream of events to one or more Kafka topics. ▸ The Consumer API to subscribe to (read) one or more topics and to process the stream of events produced to them. ▸ The Kafka Streams API to implement stream processing applications and microservices. ▸ The Kafka Connect API to build and run reusable data import/export connectors that consume (read) or produce (write) streams of events from and to external systems and applications so they can integrate with Kafka.
  • 6. High-throughput, high-availability, and decoupled data pipeline. What is Kafka? 6 Hub and Spoke Architecture 10s of thousands of events Producers/Data Sources Consumers/Data Sinks
  • 7. OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka 7 Development Preview trial available for free at:
  • 8. Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka Complete solution for stream-based applications OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka 8 Metrics & monitoring Configuration mgmt Hosted & managed (99.95% SLA) Kafka cluster Broker(s) Topic(s) Streamlined developer experience: a curated solution with a developer-first, consistent experience Delivered as a service, managed by Red Hat SRE - 24x7 global support and a 99.95% service-level agreement (SLA) Real-time, streaming data broker - Dedicated Apache Kafka cluster deliver as a service in the cloud and location of choice ▸ Access to Kafka brokers, topics, and partitions ▸ Configuration management ▸ Metrics and monitoring ▸ UI / CLI / API / service bindings ▸ Integrated identity & access management STREAMLINED DEVELOPER EXPERIENCE UI API CLI Service Binding
  • 9. 9 ▸ Based on the Strimzi community project that provides an optimized version of Apache Kafka on Kubernetes ▸ Access to customer dedicated Kafka instances. Each instance provides Kafka core capabilities ▸ Kafka instances are configured based on opinionated recommendations made by Red Hat experts OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka A dedicated, fully managed, Apache Kafka cluster An opinionated experience for your Kafka service Apache Kafka implementation optimized for OpenShift
  • 10. 10 There is More ▸ AMQ Broker: MQTT broker ▸ Apache Camel: bridge MQTT to Kafka ▸ Debezium: captures row-level changes to database tables and passes corresponding change events to Kafka ▸ GraphQL: query language and server-side runtime for APIs that prioritizes giving clients exactly the data they request and no more.
  • 11. 11
  • 13. 13 Product Overview Try it out!
  • 14. 14 Resources ▸ GitHub repo: (WIP) ▸ Try Kafka: ▸ Streams for Apache Kafka YouTube playlist: ▸ Streams for Apache Kafka getting started blog post: eams-apache-kafka
  • 15. 15 Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. Thank you