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Containers without docker
Cedric Clyburn
OpenShift Developer Advocate, Red Hat
What motivated you to come to this talk?
Why run containers without docker?
Hi, I’m Cedric Clyburn!
Who am I?
$ whoami
OpenShift Developer Advocate at Red Hat. Student at NC State University!
Love Kubernetes ☸ , Open Source Software, and Video Creation 🎥
Red Hat Developer Getting
Started Series

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This document summarizes Docker concepts and provides steps for a local Docker development setup. It introduces Docker images, containers, and registries. It then outlines requirements for development and production configurations and provides examples of setting up a Node.js/Angular frontend and Django backend using Docker images. The document concludes with notes on continuous integration and architecture options.

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OpenShift Commons - Adopting Podman, Skopeo and Buildah for Building and Mana...

KubeCon OpenShift Commons - How Podman, Skopeo and Buildah provide a drop in replacement for Docker. How Podman offers better security using a fork-exec model. Building images with buildah. Introducing podman-compose and the Red Hat Universal Base Image.

DCSF 19 Building Your Development Pipeline
DCSF 19 Building Your Development Pipeline  DCSF 19 Building Your Development Pipeline
DCSF 19 Building Your Development Pipeline

Oliver Pomeroy, Docker & Laura Tacho, Cloudbees Enterprises often want to provide automation and standardisation on top of their container platform, using a pipeline to build and deploy their containerized applications. However this opens up new challenges; Do I have to build a new CI/CD Stack? Can I build my CI/CD pipeline with Kubernetes orchestration? What should my build agents look like? How do I integrate my pipeline into my enterprise container registry? In this session full of examples and how-to's, Olly and Laura will guide you through common situations and decisions related to your pipelines. We'll cover building minimal images, scanning and signing images, and give examples on how to enforce compliance standards and best practices across your teams.

Why run containers
without docker?
Why do we use Docker?
Why not use Docker?
Are there alternatives?
Why are we using containers in the first place?
Applications running in containers can
easily be deployed to different platforms
and clouds
Consistent operation
Increased portability
DevOps teams know applications will run
the same, and containers support agile
Less overhead
Containers require less system resources
than traditional or hardware VM
Benefits of containers
Since emerging in 2013, containers have exploded
in popularity due to Docker
▸ Consists of the Docker Engine
・ Client (docker)
・ Server (daemon)
▸ Pioneered/supported standardization of
container technology
Why Docker is so widely adopted for managing containers.
Docker’s role in containers

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PuppetConf 2017: What’s in the Box?!- Leveraging Puppet Enterprise & Docker- ...

“Docker, Docker, Docker.” It’s a phrase we hear often, but what are containers, what can they be used for, and why should you know more about them? In this session, Grace (Puppet) and Tricia (AppDynamics) will introduce attendees to Docker and help them build and deploy their first container with Puppet. They will leverage the docker_image_build module from the Puppet Forge and take attendees through the proper workflow for coupling Docker and Puppet together. The session will focus on how to use some of the newest Docker features, such as multi-stage build files and password stores within Docker so you can pass "secrets" to a swarm for login credentials. The goal is to provide newcomers with a working proficiency of how to get started deploying containers using Puppet as their automation tool.

puppetconf 2017
Docker puebla bday #4 celebration
Docker puebla bday #4 celebrationDocker puebla bday #4 celebration
Docker puebla bday #4 celebration

This document summarizes a Docker meetup event in Puebla, Mexico celebrating the 4th anniversary of Docker. The meetup included talks about Docker platform and hands-on labs. Ramon Morales gave a presentation about Docker and its components including images, containers, registries, and Docker Engine. He explained how Docker works and potential use cases. The event aimed to educate the local developer community about Docker and encourage participation in the global Docker community.

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Package your Java EE Application using Docker and Kubernetes

The document discusses packaging Java EE applications using Docker and Kubernetes. It provides an overview of Docker concepts like images, containers and registries. It then discusses Kubernetes which provides an orchestration system for Docker containers to provide capabilities like self-healing, auto-restarting and scheduling containers across hosts. Key Kubernetes concepts discussed include pods, services and replication controllers. Finally it provides some recipes for running Java EE applications on Kubernetes using Docker containers.

Open Container Initiative
Created as a standard for running/managing container images.
▸ Created by Docker, Red Hat, et al. in June 2015
▸ Makes sure all container runtimes can run images produced by any
build tool by creating industry standards
・ Runtime specification
・ Image specification
Docker has a few long-standing concerns for
engineers and developers alike.
▸ Security downsides of Docker
▸ Needs a daemon to run, as well as root
▸ Dockershim depreciation in K8s v1.24
It can make a big difference!
Why care about what engine we use?
Docker now isn’t the only
container engine in the
- Podman
- Buildah

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Presentato al sesto WebMeetup del Machine Learning / Data Science Meetup Roma:

Podman, Buildah, and Quarkus - The Latest in Linux Containers Technologies
Podman, Buildah, and Quarkus - The Latest in Linux Containers Technologies Podman, Buildah, and Quarkus - The Latest in Linux Containers Technologies
Podman, Buildah, and Quarkus - The Latest in Linux Containers Technologies

Podman, Buildah, and CRI-O are new open source projects that address early concerns with Docker like requiring a daemon, secret handling issues, and root/privileged concerns. Podman is a daemonless container engine that provides a Docker-compatible command line. Buildah is a tool for building OCI container images without needing a daemon. CRI-O implements the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for running containers securely in production clusters without daemons.

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Docker module 1

This two-day training covers Docker concepts including installation, working with containers and images, building images with Dockerfiles, and integrating Docker with OpenStack. Day one focuses on the Docker introduction, installation, containers, images, Dockerfiles, and using Nova to run Docker containers as compute instances. It also covers using Glance as a Docker image registry. Day two covers Docker clustering with Kubernetes, networking, Docker Hub, case studies, and the Docker source code. It concludes with developing platforms and running Hadoop on Docker containers.

▸ Buildah is a daemonless (and rootless) tool to
produce OCI compliant images
▸ Can build images from Dockerfiles
▸ Handy as part of the CI/CD pipeline
▸ Podman is a daemonless (and rootless) open
source container engine for developing,
managing, and running OCI Containers
▸ Directly interacts with image registry,
containers, and image storage with runC
Two powerful tools that can replace Docker functionality.
Alternatives to using Docker
Why switch from Docker to
Podman and Buildah?
Great question!
While a great tool, Docker is monolithic and tries to do
everything instead of specializing in a few different
Docker is a monolithic tool
Docker has been the standard for working with containers,
but is far from being the only container engine. Learning
others can help us understand more about containerization.
To understand containers better
With the K8s dockershim depreciation and move to
containerd/cri-o, companies are moving towards
alternative tools for working with containers.
Industry is rapidly advancing
- Podman: Running
- Buildah: Building image
from a Dockerfile
- Podman: Pushing
images to registries
- Bonus: Using Skopeo
to migrate images
Demo time!
1 $ sudo dnf -y install podman
Started with
1 Installing Podman on

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This document discusses Docker, an open source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. It begins by describing common problems in application deployment and how virtual machines address some issues but introduce overhead. It then summarizes the history and rapid growth of Docker since its launch in 2013. The rest of the document dives into technical aspects of Docker like how images and containers work, comparisons to virtual machines, security considerations, the Docker workflow, and how Docker relates to DevOps and continuous delivery practices.

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Running the Oracle SOA Suite Environment in a Docker Container

Running the Oracle SOA Suite Environment in a Docker Container The document discusses running the Oracle SOA Suite environment in a Docker container. It begins with an introduction to Docker and its benefits over virtual machines. It then demonstrates various Docker commands like run, logs, images, ps to launch and manage containers. It also covers building custom images using Dockerfiles. The document provides examples to showcase common Docker tasks like committing changes to an image, pulling images, stopping and removing containers.

Started with
Installing Podman on
Verify installation
2 $ podman --version
podman version 3.4.2
Started with
Installing Podman on
Verify installation
3 $ podman run -dt -p 8080:80/tcp
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 4f53b8f15873 done
Copying blob 3b60f356ab85 done
Copying blob 1805d911aae4 done
Copying blob c229119241af done
Copying blob e3709b515d9c done
Copying config 118b6abfbf done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
3 Run a httpd container
Started with
Installing Podman on
Verify installation
4 $ podman ps
STATUS httpd-foreground 25 seconds ago
Up 26 seconds ago
PORTS NAMES>80/tcp nostalgic_almeida
3 Run a httpd container
4 Check container status
Started with
Installing Podman on
Verify installation
5 $ curl http://localhost:8080
<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>
3 Run a httpd container
4 Check container status
5 Test the httpd container

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Developing and Deploying PHP with Docker

The document discusses using Docker for developing and deploying PHP applications. It begins with an introduction to Docker, explaining that Docker allows applications to be assembled from components and eliminates friction between development, testing and production environments. It then covers some key Docker concepts like containers, images and the Docker daemon. The document demonstrates building a simple PHP application as a Docker container, including creating a Dockerfile and building/running the container. It also discusses some benefits of Docker like portability, separation of concerns between developers and DevOps, and immutable build artifacts.

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Docker for Fun and Profit

The document introduces Docker and how to use it to containerize applications. It discusses building a Docker image from a Dockerfile that includes an app and its dependencies. It shows how to run the containerized app and interact with it. Finally, it discusses potential uses of Docker like deploying apps, continuous integration testing, and sharing development environments through containers.

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This document discusses Docker, DevAssistant, and how they can help with development workflows. It summarizes that Docker allows for containerization of applications and their dependencies to enable portable deployment. While Docker simplifies development in some ways, properly setting up related containers and services can be complex. DevAssistant aims to address this by providing plugins to automate common development tasks like initializing projects, installing dependencies, and configuring container-based environments. The document demonstrates how DevAssistant can help simplify using Docker for development. It concludes with information on a competition to earn a free beer by following instructions using DevAssistant.

1 $ sudo dnf -y install buildah
Started with
1 Installing Buildah on
Started with
Installing Buildah on
Verify installation
2 $ buildah --version
buildah version 1.23.1 (image-spec 1.0.1-dev, runtime-spec 1.0.2-dev)
Started with
Installing Buildah on
Verify installation
3 $ git clone
Cloning into 'flask-app'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 28, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (28/28), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done.
remote: Total 28 (delta 4), reused 27 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (28/28), 19.78 MiB | 14.00 MiB/s, done.
$ cd flask-app
$ ls Dockerfile requirements.txt templates
$ cat Dockerfile
3 Pull a git repo with a cool
Started with
Installing Buildah on
Verify installation
4 $ buildah bud -t flask-app .
STEP 1/9: FROM alpine:3.5
Resolved "alpine" as an alias
Trying to pull
$ buildah images
localhost/flask-app latest bd2f0ba33d4d 32 seconds ago
65.7 MB
$ ls Dockerfile requirements.txt templates
$ cat Dockerfile
3 Pull a git repo with a cool
4 Build-from-Dockerfile using

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This presentation gives a brief understanding of docker architecture, explains what docker is not, followed by a description of basic commands and explains CD/CI as an application of docker.

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Accelerate your development with Docker

This document provides an overview of Docker and containers. It begins with a brief introduction to 12 Factor Applications methodology and then defines what Docker is, explaining that containers utilize Linux namespaces and cgroups to isolate processes. It describes the Docker software and ecosystem, including images, registries, Docker CLI, Docker Compose, building images with Dockerfile, and orchestrating with tools like Kubernetes. It concludes with a live demo and links to additional resources.

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DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps
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DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps

In 2022 we heard your GitOps questions at meetups and gatherings, big stages and local panels and one question was often top of mind: how do I get started? The benefits of GitOps are calling your name, but getting started isn’t that straightforward. Red Hat is excited to kick off 2023 with a DevNation TechTalk, focused on GitOps to help you sift through your questions. At DevNation you’ll hear from passionate GitOps practitioners about the pitfalls to avoid and hurdles to jump while kicking off or evolving your GitOps practices. This event is aimed at audiences that are new to GitOps or early in their practice development within a cloud native environment. During this live session you’ll learn: Upcoming updates and key milestones in the ArgoCD roadmap and how Red Hat will support them How to simplify the delivery GitOps across multi-cloud environments GitOps best practices from experts at: PostNord Strålfors: Filip Jansson Arbetsförmedlingen: Misho Kmetovski & Richard Hermansson Swiss Railways (SBB): Manuel Wallrapp & Thomas Bruederli Plus stick around for an “Ask me Anything” segment to ask any outstanding questions live.

gitopsdevnationdevnation tech talk
Started with
Installing Buildah on
Verify installation
5 $ podman run -d -p 5000:5000 --events-backend=file flask-app
3 Pull a git repo with a cool
4 Build-from-Dockerfile using
5 Run the container from the
local image
Publish images
1 Authenticate on the
1 $ podman login
Username: cedricclyburn
Login Succeeded!
Publish images
Authenticate on the
Push image just like using
2 $ podman push flask-app
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob f566c57e6f2d skipped: already exists
Copying blob 92b59f4c9ef0 done
Copying config a6bc29a90c done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Skopeo is a specialized tool to perform various
operations on images & image repositories.
▸ Ability to inspect a remote image without
pulling it to the host
▸ Copy an image from and to registries
▸ Daemonless and rootless
Optional section marker or title
Not to worry, Skopeo can help
Oh shoot! Docker started enforcing rate limits!

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devnationdevnation tech talkred hat
Started with
1 Installing Skopeo on
1 $ sudo dnf -y install skopeo
Started with
Installing Skopeo on
Login to Docker Hub &
Quay if you haven’t already
2 $ skopeo login
$ skopeo login
Started with
Installing Skopeo on
Login to Docker Hub &
Quay if you haven’t already
3 $ skopeo inspect docker://cedricclyburn/flask-app
"Name": "",
"RepoTags": [
3 Test inspecting your image
Started with
Installing Skopeo on
Login to Docker Hub &
Quay if you haven’t already
4 $ skopeo copy docker://cedricclyburn/flask-app:latest
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 8cae0e1ac61c skipped: already exists
Copying blob 3ac9880798ec skipped: already exists
Copying config a6bc29a90c done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
3 Test inspecting your image
4 Copy the image over to the
new registry

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This document discusses using metrics to monitor Quarkus applications. It recommends metrics like throughput, memory usage, queue time, average response time, and error rates. It explains how Quarkus supports Micrometer for instrumenting applications with metrics and integrating with monitoring systems. The document includes a demo of adding metrics to code. It provides tips for using annotations and tags to gain more insights from metrics. Source code examples are linked.

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Loom is among the most highly anticipated projects in the Java world. It promises to address concurrency and Java execution model issues by providing virtual threads. Thus, there is no need to write concurrent programs using asynchronous or reactive APIs; it will be possible to use the traditional imperative model and let Loom handle the rest. The JVM will execute the program and leverage non-blocking APIs automatically! Sounds good, doesn't it? How does it work, though? Are there any hidden costs? What is Loom going to change in modern Java frameworks? We will answer these questions in this talk. Starting with the integration of Loom in Quarkus, we will compare the different approaches we considered, discuss their respective pros and cons, and show how Loom might change the Java world.

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
Closing remarks
A few things to remember before we finish up
This talk isn’t meant to persuade you to completely ditch Docker, but instead to
show you the larger tool landscape for building, running, managing, and
distributing containers. Every tool has it’s pros and cons, and having alternatives
for any form of technology is inherently a good thing!
Containers without docker
Thank you!
Cedric Clyburn
OpenShift Developer Advocate

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Containers without docker | DevNation Tech Talk

  • 1. DevNation Containers without docker Cedric Clyburn OpenShift Developer Advocate, Red Hat 1
  • 2. 2 What motivated you to come to this talk?
  • 3. Agenda 3 Why run containers without docker? Alternatives Demo!
  • 4. 4 Hi, I’m Cedric Clyburn! Who am I? $ whoami OpenShift Developer Advocate at Red Hat. Student at NC State University! Love Kubernetes ☸ , Open Source Software, and Video Creation 🎥 Red Hat Developer Getting Started Series @cedricclyburn cedricclyburn
  • 6. Why do we use Docker? Why not use Docker? Are there alternatives? 6
  • 7. Why are we using containers in the first place? 7 Applications running in containers can easily be deployed to different platforms and clouds Consistent operation Increased portability DevOps teams know applications will run the same, and containers support agile efforts Less overhead Containers require less system resources than traditional or hardware VM environments Benefits of containers
  • 8. Since emerging in 2013, containers have exploded in popularity due to Docker ▸ Consists of the Docker Engine ・ Client (docker) ・ Server (daemon) ▸ Pioneered/supported standardization of container technology 8 Why Docker is so widely adopted for managing containers. Docker’s role in containers
  • 9. Open Container Initiative Created as a standard for running/managing container images. 9 ▸ Created by Docker, Red Hat, et al. in June 2015 ▸ Makes sure all container runtimes can run images produced by any build tool by creating industry standards ・ Runtime specification ・ Image specification
  • 10. Docker has a few long-standing concerns for engineers and developers alike. ▸ Security downsides of Docker ▸ Needs a daemon to run, as well as root privileges ▸ Dockershim depreciation in K8s v1.24 10 It can make a big difference! Why care about what engine we use?
  • 11. Docker now isn’t the only container engine in the ecosystem. 11
  • 13. ▸ Buildah is a daemonless (and rootless) tool to produce OCI compliant images ▸ Can build images from Dockerfiles ▸ Handy as part of the CI/CD pipeline 13 ▸ Podman is a daemonless (and rootless) open source container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI Containers ▸ Directly interacts with image registry, containers, and image storage with runC Two powerful tools that can replace Docker functionality. Alternatives to using Docker
  • 14. Why switch from Docker to Podman and Buildah? 14 Great question! While a great tool, Docker is monolithic and tries to do everything instead of specializing in a few different features. Docker is a monolithic tool Docker has been the standard for working with containers, but is far from being the only container engine. Learning others can help us understand more about containerization. To understand containers better With the K8s dockershim depreciation and move to containerd/cri-o, companies are moving towards alternative tools for working with containers. Industry is rapidly advancing
  • 15. 15 - Podman: Running containers - Buildah: Building image from a Dockerfile - Podman: Pushing images to registries - Bonus: Using Skopeo to migrate images Demo time!
  • 16. 1 $ sudo dnf -y install podman Installed: podman-1:3.4.2-9.module+el8.5.0+13852+150547f7.x86_64 $ Getting Started with Podman 1 Installing Podman on RHEL/CentOS 16
  • 17. Getting Started with Podman 1 2 Installing Podman on RHEL/CentOS Verify installation 17 2 $ podman --version podman version 3.4.2 $
  • 18. Getting Started with Podman 1 2 Installing Podman on RHEL/CentOS Verify installation 18 3 $ podman run -dt -p 8080:80/tcp Trying to pull Getting image source signatures Copying blob 4f53b8f15873 done Copying blob 3b60f356ab85 done Copying blob 1805d911aae4 done Copying blob c229119241af done Copying blob e3709b515d9c done Copying config 118b6abfbf done Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures 03d2a46a928cfa57427caa1fd6afd4cc7a6a2d61a2b4a431a6d1d30 6a6aefe26 $ 3 Run a httpd container
  • 19. Getting Started with Podman 1 2 Installing Podman on RHEL/CentOS Verify installation 19 4 $ podman ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS httpd-foreground 25 seconds ago Up 26 seconds ago PORTS NAMES>80/tcp nostalgic_almeida $ 3 Run a httpd container 4 Check container status
  • 20. Getting Started with Podman 1 2 Installing Podman on RHEL/CentOS Verify installation 20 5 $ curl http://localhost:8080 <html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html> $ 3 Run a httpd container 4 Check container status 5 Test the httpd container
  • 21. 1 $ sudo dnf -y install buildah Installed: buildah-1:1.23.1-2.module+el8.5.0+13436+9c05b4ba.x86_64 $ Getting Started with Buildah 1 Installing Buildah on RHEL/CentOS 21
  • 22. Getting Started with Buildah 1 2 Installing Buildah on RHEL/CentOS Verify installation 22 2 $ buildah --version buildah version 1.23.1 (image-spec 1.0.1-dev, runtime-spec 1.0.2-dev) $
  • 23. Getting Started with Buildah 1 2 Installing Buildah on RHEL/CentOS Verify installation 23 3 $ git clone Cloning into 'flask-app'... remote: Enumerating objects: 28, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (28/28), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done. remote: Total 28 (delta 4), reused 27 (delta 3), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (28/28), 19.78 MiB | 14.00 MiB/s, done. $ cd flask-app $ ls Dockerfile requirements.txt templates $ cat Dockerfile 3 Pull a git repo with a cool demo
  • 24. Getting Started with Buildah 1 2 Installing Buildah on RHEL/CentOS Verify installation 24 4 $ buildah bud -t flask-app . STEP 1/9: FROM alpine:3.5 Resolved "alpine" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/000-shortnames.conf) Trying to pull … $ buildah images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE localhost/flask-app latest bd2f0ba33d4d 32 seconds ago 65.7 MB $ ls Dockerfile requirements.txt templates $ cat Dockerfile 3 Pull a git repo with a cool demo 4 Build-from-Dockerfile using Buildah
  • 25. Getting Started with Buildah 1 2 Installing Buildah on RHEL/CentOS Verify installation 25 5 $ podman run -d -p 5000:5000 --events-backend=file flask-app 5a2b312048442f104cf6601af922436e2589b1cf083c7f7385bc2d21 ea18dc3f $ 3 Pull a git repo with a cool demo 4 Build-from-Dockerfile using Buildah 5 Run the container from the local image
  • 26. Publish images to Docker/Quay 1 Authenticate on the registry 26 1 $ podman login Username: cedricclyburn Password: Login Succeeded! $
  • 27. Publish images to Docker/Quay 1 2 Authenticate on the registry Push image just like using Docker 27 2 $ podman push flask-app Getting image source signatures Copying blob f566c57e6f2d skipped: already exists Copying blob 92b59f4c9ef0 done Copying config a6bc29a90c done Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures $
  • 28. Skopeo is a specialized tool to perform various operations on images & image repositories. ▸ Ability to inspect a remote image without pulling it to the host ▸ Copy an image from and to registries ▸ Daemonless and rootless Optional section marker or title 28 Not to worry, Skopeo can help Oh shoot! Docker started enforcing rate limits!
  • 29. Getting Started with Skopeo 1 Installing Skopeo on RHEL/CentOS 29 1 $ sudo dnf -y install skopeo Installed: skopeo-2:1.5.2-1.module+el8.5.0+13517+4134e2e1.x86_64 $
  • 30. Getting Started with Skopeo 1 2 Installing Skopeo on RHEL/CentOS Login to Docker Hub & Quay if you haven’t already 30 2 $ skopeo login $ skopeo login
  • 31. Getting Started with Skopeo 1 2 Installing Skopeo on RHEL/CentOS Login to Docker Hub & Quay if you haven’t already 31 3 $ skopeo inspect docker://cedricclyburn/flask-app { "Name": "", "Digest": "sha256:cb514a90d0ca805e24e5cb7c98d1ba1d33d583ca375211ef ccb89adca88ca724", "RepoTags": [ "latest" ], … $ 3 Test inspecting your image
  • 32. Getting Started with Skopeo 1 2 Installing Skopeo on RHEL/CentOS Login to Docker Hub & Quay if you haven’t already 32 4 $ skopeo copy docker://cedricclyburn/flask-app:latest docker:// Getting image source signatures Copying blob 8cae0e1ac61c skipped: already exists Copying blob 3ac9880798ec skipped: already exists Copying config a6bc29a90c done Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures $ 3 Test inspecting your image 4 Copy the image over to the new registry
  • 33. Closing remarks A few things to remember before we finish up 33 This talk isn’t meant to persuade you to completely ditch Docker, but instead to show you the larger tool landscape for building, running, managing, and distributing containers. Every tool has it’s pros and cons, and having alternatives for any form of technology is inherently a good thing!
  • 34. 34 Containers without docker DevNation Thank you! Cedric Clyburn OpenShift Developer Advocate @cedricclyburn