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$> finger $(whoami)
Login: vbatts Name: Vincent Batts
Directory: /home/vbatts Shell: /bin/bash
Such mail.
$> id -Gn
devel opencontainers docker appc redhat golang slackware
Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)
Copy-On-Write (CoW)
p.s. Don't forget to fill out the surveys!

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Continuous Deployment with Kubernetes, Docker and GitLab CI

This document discusses continuous deployment of Clojure services to Kubernetes using Docker and GitLab CI. It provides an overview of Docker, Kubernetes, deploying a sample Clojure service, and configuring GitLab CI for continuous integration and deployment. The sample Clojure service is built as a Docker image, tested using GitLab CI, and deployed to Kubernetes clusters for testing and production using configuration files and GitLab CI pipelines.

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Automate CI/CD with Rancher
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But Not a VM
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(only on some versions of util-linux)
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Presented by: Brent Laster Presented at the All Things Open 2021 Raleigh, NC, USA Raleigh Convention Center Abstract: In this talk, open-source author, trainer and DevOps director Brent Laster will provide a solid introduction to GitHub Actions. You’ll learn about the core parts and pieces that make up an action, as well as the types of functionality and features they provide. You’ll also see how to combine them in simple workflows to accomplish basic tasks as well as how they can fit into a CI/CD environment.

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This document outlines the steps to set up a CI/CD pipeline with Kubernetes and Kublr. It describes using Kublr to automate the deployment and configuration of Kubernetes clusters. It then discusses setting up the necessary DevOps tools like Jenkins, Nexus, and monitoring within the Kubernetes environment to enable continuous integration and continuous delivery of applications. The general approach involves connecting these tools with a Git repository to build, test, and deploy code changes automatically through the pipeline to development and production clusters.

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The document provides instructions for getting started with Okteto Cloud, a platform for developing and deploying containerized applications. It summarizes how to install the Okteto CLI, configure access to an Okteto Cloud namespace, and deploy sample applications written in Go, Python, Node.js, and Ruby by applying Kubernetes manifest files and using Okteto commands. It also lists credentials and links for the service.

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