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The New Generic and
Extensible Code Editor
Easily-extendable Eclipse Text Editor for quick
language support and more
Sopot Cela Mickael Istria
Why ‘Generic’ ?
- One Editor & Multiple per-language extensions versus One Editor per language approach
- Instead of creating an editor, ‘smarten up’ the generic editor to sense and support a language
- Extensible autocomplete
- Extensible hover (tooltip) information
- Extensible syntax highlighting
- Similar concept to the way Notepad++ works
The editor is an empty shell, it will do as much as content you provide it through
“Extensible”, you said?

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Log cat kotlindsl
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Log cat kotlindsl

Kotlin DSL is a domain-specific language that uses Kotlin features to provide a readable, declarative syntax with minimal boilerplate code. It exploits Kotlin's capabilities like lambdas and infix notation to write code in a DSL-like style with little effort. As an internal DSL built on Kotlin, it does not have its own syntax but rather is a library that offers a DSL interface. Kotlin DSL promises benefits like static typing, enhanced IDE support, interoperability, maximum readability, and consistency through using the same language for code and configurations.

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Starting c++
Starting c++Starting c++
Starting c++

C++ is a general-purpose programming language that is compiled into machine-readable code. It allows for high-level programming through the use of compilers that translate human-readable C++ code into low-level machine code. A C++ program structure typically includes header files, a main function that returns 0, and statements that output text like "Hello World!". C++ builds upon C by adding object-oriented programming capabilities like classes.

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How to build your own programming language
How to build your own programming language  How to build your own programming language
How to build your own programming language

This document provides information on how to build your own programming language. It discusses why someone would want to learn how to build a programming language, including to better understand computers and existing languages. It also outlines some of the key components involved, such as lexers, parsers, compilers, interpreters, grammars, and ASTs. The document recommends starting simply, such as with domain-specific languages or template languages, and provides several resources for learning more about building programming languages.

Content-type centric
- You want to add features for a given language, not much for an editor.
- Extensions register themselves against content-types, the editor picks
the active one according to the content-type of current document.
- You can either create a custom content-type or use a pre-defined one
And how exactly does it work in practice?
1. Get a new or existing plug-in project
2. Add an extension to e.g. org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.presentationReconcilers
a. Supply a content-type for which this code will work
3. Write the presentation (or autocomplete or hover) logic code
And how does the
code look?

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.Net Overview
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.Net Overview

The .NET Framework is a software platform that allows developers to write and run applications and web services in any compliant language. It provides a common language runtime, libraries, and tools to simplify development. The framework supports multiple languages like C# and VB.NET which compile to intermediate language code that is executed by the common language runtime on any compliant operating system.

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The .NET Framework 3.5 has several main components: (1) The Common Language Runtime (CLR) performs memory management, exception handling, security checking, and just-in-time compilation of code. (2) The .NET Framework Class Library contains reusable classes, interfaces, and data types. (3) Components also include Windows Forms, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows CardSpace, and LINQ.

Underlying Vision
1. Productivity & Time to market: Make possible quick language support with
very little boilerplate
2. Separation of concerns: Abstract out the provider of the ‘smartness’ for a
given language
a. Opens the road to using language servers
3. Quality, maintenance & DRY: do we need as many text editors as
a. More consistency
b. More factorization (less maintenance cost)
c. Less memory consumption
Language Server Protocol (LSP)
LSP defines a unified way to get edition assist (completion, hover,
rename…) from whatever “blackbox”.
LSP in Eclipse
Many LSP operations already doable with Eclipse commands and
handlers: hook LSP-based handler on commands when supported.
Hooking hover and completion now doable with Eclipse Generic
LSP in Eclipse (cont’d)
Eclipse IDE user
Launch Config
Launch Config
Launch Config
Launch Config
Protocol over * streams

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Swift programming language
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Swift is a new programming language developed by Apple as a replacement for Objective-C. It incorporates modern programming language design and borrows concepts from other languages like Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C#, CLU, and more. Swift code is compiled with the LLVM compiler to produce optimized native code and works seamlessly with existing Objective-C code and Cocoa frameworks. It focuses on performance, safety, and ease of use through features like type safety, modern control flow syntax, and interactive playgrounds.

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REBOL is a simple yet powerful programming language that allows developers to quickly build applications. It has several advantages including being small in size, not requiring many files or configurations, and being very easy to learn and use. Some key things that can be done with just a few lines of REBOL code include creating graphical user interfaces, downloading and parsing web pages, and networking tasks like port scanning. The document discusses both strengths and weaknesses of REBOL, and encourages programmers to try it for its simplicity and flexibility.

Future of PHP
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Future of PHP

PHP is changing from a simple template-ing language and html decorator to a fully fledged server side language.

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User to manually associate a language server and a content-type. No code, no
plugin! Requires user to manually define content types
Move this to!
Next steps for Eclipse and LSP
Demo schedule
1. Sample .gradle syntax highlighting support
2. Language server demo: C# editor
Demo 1
Demo 2

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TypeScript for Alfresco and CMIS - Alfresco DevCon 2012 San Jose

This presentation was given during the second Lightning Talk session at the Alfresco DevCon 2012 in San Jose. This briefly covered some languages that can be translated to JavaScript (TypeScript, Dart, ActionScript, CoffeeScript) and used for developing HTML5/JS web applications and mobile web apps. TypeScript seems to be the best choice. IDEs and editors currently supporting TypeScript were listed. My plans to support various Alfresco and CMIS things was covered: port CMIS Spaces and FlexSpaces from Flex/AS3 to TypeScript, TypeScript wrappers for AlfJS and CMIS.JS, additional Alfresco and CMIS TypeScript libraries, sample showing a Share dashlet, and a TypeScript definition file for intellisense / compile time type checking for Alfresco WebScripts.

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Our talk at EclipseCon Europe 2014

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Php vs most valuable differences to learn and select the best one f...
Php vs   most valuable differences to learn and select the best one f...Php vs   most valuable differences to learn and select the best one f...
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We all know that PHP and ASP.NET both are quite popular languages in the programming world as both have broad bases and used by a number of developers.

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Use it now!
1. Try it out!
a. We have a plug-in template wizard for that
b. Try it for your use-case and give feedback
2. Contribute basic support for a language
a. It doesn’t have to be a well-defined language
b. E.g. we have a sample for .project file editor
Future Plans
1. Get Generic Editor infrastructure improved
a. improve extensibility areas
b. continuous bug fixes as adoption grows
2. Language Server push
a. project proposal (LSP4E, ecLSP…) in progress. Come to be registered as Interested Parties
Many thanks to those who helped with reviewing
Questions time

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ALPHA Script is a unified programming meta-language that can be converted into specific code for various programming languages using directives. It allows for simplicity, unification, and interoperability across languages. ALPHA Script works by converting its syntax into XML that can then be parsed by language-specific converters to output code for that language. It is not a programming language itself and instead provides a common front-end and framework that different languages can utilize.

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The document discusses the Java programming language and programming process. It explains that Java source code is compiled into bytecode, which is then interpreted by a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and executed on any computer. It describes the structure of Java programs including classes, methods, and comments. The document also discusses the different types of errors that can occur including syntax errors detected by the compiler, runtime errors detected during execution, and logic errors that produce incorrect results.

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The document provides an overview of the Ruby programming language, describing its key features and syntax. Ruby is an interpreted, object-oriented scripting language created in 1993 by Yukihiro Matsumoto. It can run on various platforms and is used to develop web applications. The document outlines Ruby's support for objects, classes, modules and blocks as well as its clean, easy to learn syntax.

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EclipseCon Europe 2016, S. Cela, M.Istria: Eclipse Generic and Extensible Editor and Language Servers

  • 1. The New Generic and Extensible Code Editor Easily-extendable Eclipse Text Editor for quick language support and more Sopot Cela Mickael Istria
  • 2. Why ‘Generic’ ? - One Editor & Multiple per-language extensions versus One Editor per language approach - Instead of creating an editor, ‘smarten up’ the generic editor to sense and support a language
  • 3. Features - Extensible autocomplete - Extensible hover (tooltip) information - Extensible syntax highlighting - Similar concept to the way Notepad++ works
  • 4. The editor is an empty shell, it will do as much as content you provide it through extensions “Extensible”, you said?
  • 5. Content-type centric - You want to add features for a given language, not much for an editor. - Extensions register themselves against content-types, the editor picks the active one according to the content-type of current document. - You can either create a custom content-type or use a pre-defined one
  • 6. And how exactly does it work in practice? 1. Get a new or existing plug-in project 2. Add an extension to e.g. org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.presentationReconcilers a. Supply a content-type for which this code will work 3. Write the presentation (or autocomplete or hover) logic code
  • 7. And how does the code look?
  • 9. Underlying Vision 1. Productivity & Time to market: Make possible quick language support with very little boilerplate 2. Separation of concerns: Abstract out the provider of the ‘smartness’ for a given language a. Opens the road to using language servers 3. Quality, maintenance & DRY: do we need as many text editors as languages a. More consistency b. More factorization (less maintenance cost) c. Less memory consumption
  • 10. Language Server Protocol (LSP) LSP defines a unified way to get edition assist (completion, hover, rename…) from whatever “blackbox”.
  • 11. LSP in Eclipse Many LSP operations already doable with Eclipse commands and handlers: hook LSP-based handler on commands when supported. Hooking hover and completion now doable with Eclipse Generic Editor
  • 12. LSP in Eclipse (cont’d) Eclipse IDE user /ide Generic and extensible editor LSP Integration Hover Completion OmniSharp Launch Config VSCode-CSS Launch Config VSCode-JSON Launch Config Whatever Launch Config Local Local ? Protocol over * streams LSP4J workspace
  • 13. User to manually associate a language server and a content-type. No code, no plugin! Requires user to manually define content types Move this to! Next steps for Eclipse and LSP
  • 14. Demo schedule 1. Sample .gradle syntax highlighting support 2. Language server demo: C# editor
  • 17. Use it now! 1. Try it out! a. We have a plug-in template wizard for that b. Try it for your use-case and give feedback 2. Contribute basic support for a language a. It doesn’t have to be a well-defined language b. E.g. we have a sample for .project file editor
  • 18. Future Plans 1. Get Generic Editor infrastructure improved a. improve extensibility areas b. continuous bug fixes as adoption grows 2. Language Server push a. project proposal (LSP4E, ecLSP…) in progress. Come to be registered as Interested Parties
  • 19. Many thanks to those who helped with reviewing