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11 CLI tools every developer should know | DevNation Tech Talk
11 CLI tools every developer should know | DevNation Tech Talk11 CLI tools every developer should know | DevNation Tech Talk
11 CLI tools every developer should know | DevNation Tech Talk

What's your favorite IDE? VS Code? IDEA? Eclipse? Visual Studio? The right IDE is fundamental to your productivity as a developer, but you might need something else to become more outstanding. Why don't we take a look at your terminal? Come to this session to learn eleven CLI tools that will boost your developer productivity.

red hatred hat developerdevnation live
A Microservices approach with Cassandra and Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
A Microservices approach with Cassandra and Quarkus | DevNation Tech TalkA Microservices approach with Cassandra and Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
A Microservices approach with Cassandra and Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

We will dissect the world famous todo app that provides a REST API (which is the foundation of microservices) with data backed by Apache Cassandra. We will leverage the TODO MVC and the TODO backend projects with the back end that we will build with Quarkus and Cassandra. Attendees will get an overview of Cassandra, including the driver for Quarkus. Through live coding (that attendees can try out later) in a cloud-based environment, primarily in Quarkus and Cassandra, attendees will understand how to implement and connect the APIs to the backend and leverage the generic client(s)provided. After attending this session attendees will walk away with a good understanding of implementing microservices using Cassandra and Quarkus. They will also get a working knowledge of how Astra (Cassandra as a service) can be leveraged in other solutions.

red hatred hat developermicroservices
GitHub Actions and OpenShift: ​​Supercharging your software development loops...
GitHub Actions and OpenShift: ​​Supercharging your software development loops...GitHub Actions and OpenShift: ​​Supercharging your software development loops...
GitHub Actions and OpenShift: ​​Supercharging your software development loops...

Every software developer wants more productivity. What if the only commands you needed to deploy were "git commit" and "git push"? Join us as we walk you through a live demonstration of how you can ship your lovely application code from your local machine to a free OpenShift cluster, fully automated through GitHub Actions. By the end of this session, you'll have a sound understanding of building a GitHub Action workflow for your codebase that leverages OpenShift to deploy your application.

red hatred hat developerdevnation live
GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk
GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk
     B I T . L Y / G I T H U B - M A K E O V E R
T H A N K Y O U !
 majson  bartoszmajsak

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To the moon and beyond with Java 17 APIs! | DevNation Tech Talk
To the moon and beyond with Java 17 APIs! | DevNation Tech TalkTo the moon and beyond with Java 17 APIs! | DevNation Tech Talk
To the moon and beyond with Java 17 APIs! | DevNation Tech Talk

Since moving to a 6 monthly release cadence, the Java platform is evolving more dynamically than ever before. It can be quite a challenge to stay on top of all the changes and new features. In this talk we're going to explore the most important developments in the Java API: which classes have been added, and what has been removed? Join Duke, the Java mascot, for a trip to space and learn which exciting new APIs provided by the Java platform can help him with his journey: The Java Vector API for utilizing the SIMD capabilities of modern CPU architectures The Foreign Linker API for integrating with native code The JFR Event Streaming API for publishing JDK Flight Recorder Events We'll also take a look at some useful changes to the Java runtime, such as CDS archives for a faster spaceship..., uhm, application launch!

red hatred hat developerdevnation live
Profile your Java apps in production on Red Hat OpenShift with Cryostat | Dev...
Profile your Java apps in production on Red Hat OpenShift with Cryostat | Dev...Profile your Java apps in production on Red Hat OpenShift with Cryostat | Dev...
Profile your Java apps in production on Red Hat OpenShift with Cryostat | Dev...

Did you know that OpenJDK comes with Java Flight Recorder (JFR), an embedded production time profiler? Cryostat provides easy and secure access to JFR across container boundaries so you can profile that performance bottleneck, or find that annoying bug. Join this session to learn about using Cryostat to profile Java applications in production on OpenShift.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
Kafka at the Edge: an IoT scenario with OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka | ...
Kafka at the Edge: an IoT scenario with OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka | ...Kafka at the Edge: an IoT scenario with OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka | ...
Kafka at the Edge: an IoT scenario with OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka | ...

This document discusses Apache Kafka and Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka. It begins with an overview of what Apache Kafka is and its common use cases. It then demonstrates how Red Hat OpenShift Streams provides a managed Apache Kafka cluster as a service, including a dedicated cluster, configuration management, metrics, monitoring and other features to provide a streamlined developer experience. It concludes with information on trying OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka and additional resources.

devnation livedevnation tech talkdevnation
A T T R I B U T I O N S - P H O T O S F R O M U N S P L A S H . C O M
Opening slide
Demo: Fireworks Picture
Honorable mentions

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