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Write powerful Javascript
modules to make your apps
DevNation 2016
Brian Leathem
Field Workforce Management

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Building single page applications
Building single page applicationsBuilding single page applications
Building single page applications

A Lecture given in Aalto University course "Design of WWW Services". Single page app is already several years old web application paradigm that is now gaining traction due to the interest towards HTML5 and particularly cross-platform mobile (web) applications. The presentation overviews the single page application paradigm and compares it with other web app paradigms. The presentation uses Backbone.js as the sample and gives practical tips on how to best structure Backbone.js applications. It contains an extensive set of tips and links in the notes section. The reader is adviced to download the presentation for better readability of the notes.

Building Modern Web Apps with MEAN Stack
Building Modern Web Apps with MEAN StackBuilding Modern Web Apps with MEAN Stack
Building Modern Web Apps with MEAN Stack

Help basic understanding of typical web application, the requirements from modern web applications and how MEAN stack help meeting those requirements

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An Unexpected Solution to Microservices UI Composition
An Unexpected Solution to Microservices UI CompositionAn Unexpected Solution to Microservices UI Composition
An Unexpected Solution to Microservices UI Composition

This document describes a company's transition from a monolithic .NET application to a microservices architecture hosted on AWS. It details their use of a UI composition pattern using Nginx, ESI, and Jigsaw to compose fragments from different services into complete pages. This allows independent deployment of features while maintaining performance. Key aspects include caching of assets and responses, combining stylesheets and scripts, and isolation of services through separate CSS and JS packages.

Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Nuts and bolts
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
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This document provides an overview of ASP.NET MVC, including its components and advantages over ASP.NET Web Forms. ASP.NET MVC is based on the model-view-controller design pattern and allows complete control over HTML. It uses separate classes for models, controllers, and views, and follows a REST-like routing structure. Some key advantages of ASP.NET MVC include testability, clean separation of concerns, and SEO-friendly URLs.

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This document discusses Kendo UI, an online spreadsheet tool using Kendo UI. It provides an overview of Kendo UI, including what it includes like widgets, frameworks and data visualization. It then discusses the new spreadsheet widget in beta, highlighting key features like cell formatting, multiple sheets and merging cells. Finally, it briefly mentions experimental Angular 2 support and new web component support in Kendo UI.

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L'architettura serverless va sempre più di moda e innovative tecnologie come le Azure Functions ci consentono di implementarla facilmente. Come possiamo calare in questa realtà un prodotto consolidato come SQL Server che all'apparenza sembra non essere tagliato per questi scenari? In questa sessione vedremo come sfruttare SQL Server e l'estensibilità delle Azure Functions per costruire solutioni Serverless. Sessione tenuta il 11/06/2021 a SQL Start 2021.

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Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Modularity in Software Engineering
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)

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Dale Brooks Resume D
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Dale Brooks Resume D

Dale Brooks has over 26 years of experience in business intelligence consulting with expertise in SAP Business Objects, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft BI tools including SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL Server Integration Services, and SQL Server Analysis Services. He has extensive experience designing, developing, and implementing ETL processes, data warehouses, and reports.

Azure Umbraco workshop
Azure Umbraco workshopAzure Umbraco workshop
Azure Umbraco workshop

Second edition of this popular interactive workshop, this time we focussed on the new “Windows Azure Accelerator for Umbraco” CodePlex project. Topics Web & Worker Role Virtual Machine sizes & performance Storage Types: Blobs, Tables, Azure SQL, queues No local persistant storage Network Load Balancing (round robin) Scale out to multiple instances Multiples websites in one Azure account Azure Content Delivery Network Swap between development & production environments Typical monthly costs to host Umbraco site Q&A

acceleratorload balancingazure
Single page applications
Single page applicationsSingle page applications
Single page applications

This document provides an overview of single page applications (SPAs), including their motivation, introduction, examples, architecture, advantages and disadvantages, tools, and a demo. SPAs aim to improve user experience by only loading necessary content instead of entire pages when navigating a site. This reduces load times compared to traditional multi-page applications. The document discusses tools like Knockout.js that can be used to build SPAs and notes that server-side code moves to exposing RESTful APIs while client-side code handles navigation and UI logic. It concludes with advertising a demo of an SPA built with John Papa's Hot Towel template to further illustrate SPA concepts.
At large scale
Keynote Microservices
At small scales: Keeping your code DRY

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Introducing Workflow Architectures Using Grails - Greach 2015
Introducing Workflow Architectures Using Grails - Greach 2015Introducing Workflow Architectures Using Grails - Greach 2015
Introducing Workflow Architectures Using Grails - Greach 2015

Following new trends, as microservices architecture style and developer-friendly BPM solutions, we want to present our active open source projects using Grails

dev-friendly bpmcamundaactiviti
.Net template solution architecture
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.Net template solution architecture

The document describes a .NET template solution architecture that is flexible, maintainable, sustainable, understandable, testable, and allows for easy addition of new features. It recommends layering the solution into projects for the frontend, services, data access, entities/DTOs, repositories, view models, inversion of control, and mapping entities to view models. Each layer has specific responsibilities and dependencies designed to separate concerns and enable loose coupling between layers.

repositoryunit of framework
ASP .NET MVC - best practices
ASP .NET MVC - best practicesASP .NET MVC - best practices
ASP .NET MVC - best practices

This document provides 11 best practices for ASP.NET MVC architecture and development. It recommends deleting unused account controller code, isolating controllers from external dependencies, using an inversion of control container, avoiding magic strings, following the POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern, separating domain and view models, not using code behind in views, bundling and minifying scripts/CSS, leveraging areas, caching data, and questions the use of repositories on top of a unit of work. It also outlines common MVC layers including models, data access with repositories, a service layer, and presentation layer.

Why DRY?
Bring it back to
Front-end and back-end
Javascript Libraries

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Mern stack developement
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Mern stack developement

MERN is one of several MEAN stack (MongoDB Express Angular Node) variants in which the traditional Angular.js frontend framework is replaced with React.js. MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node) is another variant, and really any frontend JavaScript framework can work.Node.js is a popular and powerful JavaScript server platform, and Express.js is a server-side web framework. Regardless of which variant you choose, ME(RVA)N is the best way to work with JavaScript and JSON from start to finish. DURATION:60 days

mern stackmern stack developmentbest mern stack development
Owning Web Performance
Owning Web PerformanceOwning Web Performance
Owning Web Performance

This document discusses various techniques for measuring web page performance, including: - Navigation Timing API for measuring page load times - Resource Timing API for measuring resource load times - Headless browsers like PhantomJS and Chrome for automated performance testing - Speedgun.js for leveraging these APIs and running performance tests from a Node server - Continuous performance monitoring using Speedgun.js and sending results to a centralized server

web performance
Web Applications Development with MEAN Stack
Web Applications Development with MEAN StackWeb Applications Development with MEAN Stack
Web Applications Development with MEAN Stack

The webinar introduces the MEAN stack for developing web applications with MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. It discusses the benefits of the full-stack JavaScript solution and covers introductions to each component - MongoDB for data storage, Node.js as the server-side environment, Express as the web framework, and AngularJS for the front-end. The agenda also includes demonstrations of MEAN app architecture, folder structure, and a discussion of jobs trends in web development frameworks and programming languages.

webapplicationmean stackmongodb
Javascript Build Tools
Frontend / UI
Javascript Libraries

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Berlin.JAR: Web future without web frameworks
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Berlin.JAR: Web future without web frameworks with SOFEA and SOUI. Examples using Jersey, Pure JS, jQuery, OpenAJAX

The MEAN stack - SoCalCodeCamp - june 29th 2014
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The MEAN stack - SoCalCodeCamp - june 29th 2014

The document discusses the MEAN stack, which is a full-stack JavaScript solution for building web applications using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. It describes each component, how they work together, typical application architecture, and example applications that are well-suited for the MEAN stack. Additional tools like NPM, Bower, Grunt, Yeoman, and sample generators are also covered.

mean stackangularjsnodejs
CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)
CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)
CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)

Scale changes everything. What once was quite adequate for enterprise messaging can't scale to support "Internet of Things". We need new protocols, patterns and architectures to support this new world. This session will start with basic introduction to the concept of Internet of Things. Next it will discuss general technical challenges involved with the concept and explain why it is becoming mainstream now. Now we’re ready to start talking about solutions. We will introduce some messaging patterns (like telemetry and command/control) and protocols (such as MQTT and AMQP) used in these scenarios. Finally we will see how Apache ActiveMQ is gearing up for this race. We will show tips for horizontal and vertical scaling of the broker, related projects that can help with deployments and what the future development road map looks like.

Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Other libraries
More prescriptive frameworks
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High Performance Data Storage in a Microservices Environment
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This document discusses using microservices and in-memory data grids for high performance data storage and analytics. It shows how Apache Spark can be used for real-time analytics on data stored in an in-memory data grid. Examples are provided of SQL queries run on Spark to analyze user data and posts from a social network. The results are collected and written back to the data grid.

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Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)
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Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)

Despite the popularity and hype of containers, there is no need to regard containers as a block box. It is important to have an awareness of what's going on under the hood to help optimize your container requirements. In this session, we'll discuss: - Namespacing in the kernel - Copy-on-write storage choices - Portable container formats - Available container alternatives - Validation, trust, and content addressability with image verification See examples and options for your use-cases.

MicroServices for Java Developers
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MicroServices for Java Developers

The document discusses microservices for Java developers. It introduces Christian Posta, a principal middleware specialist and architect who works with large microservices and is a blogger and speaker on topics like DevOps, integration, and microservices. It then discusses how creating value through software is about speed, iteration, and continuous improvement. It covers concepts like distributed configuration, service discovery, load balancing, circuit breakers, and versioning/routing that are important for microservices. Finally, it mentions container cluster management with Kubernetes and technologies like Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Fabric8 that can help with microservices development.

CSS libraries
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Kubernetes for Java Developers
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Kubernetes for Java Developers

By Rafael Benevides and Edson Yanaga Yes, Docker is great. We are all very aware of that, but now it’s time to take the next step: wrapping it all and deploying to a production environment. For this scenario, we need something more. For that “more,” we have Kubernetes by Google, a container platform based on the same technology used to deploy billions of containers per month on Google’s infrastructure. Ready to leverage your Docker skills and package your current Java app (WAR, EAR, or JAR)? Come to this session to see how your current Docker skill set can be easily mapped to Kubernetes concepts and commands. And get ready to deploy your containers in production.

red hatgooglekubernetes
DevOps Moves To Production (Lori MacVittie)
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DevOps Moves To Production (Lori MacVittie)

Delivering an app or service fast and frequently to production isn't the same as delivering the app or service fast and frequently to its intended users. Before an app is actually 'live' it has to run the gauntlet of production deployment that stands between it and real, live users. While DevOps has helped organizations make huge strides toward continuous delivery in dev and test environments, the production environment remains a very real obstacle in realizing continuous deployment. The biggest hurdle in that obstacle course is a narrow definition of DevOps that fails to include a broad set of technologies and tools outside the Dev and Ops domain. In this session we'll explore the underlying elements of a comprehensive DevOps approach (SDN, CD/CI, and Agile) and how they mix, match, and combine to enable the operational transformation DevOps promises to achieve the ultimate goal of IT agility: continuous deployment.

Reactive Distributed Applications with Vert.x
Reactive Distributed Applications with Vert.xReactive Distributed Applications with Vert.x
Reactive Distributed Applications with Vert.x

By Clement Escoffier Sorry, there is no free lunch—distributed applications are complex. You can embrace any trends such as microservices, but developing a distributed application is a challenge. Why? Distributed systems have many reasons to fail: technically they’re complicated, and the theory behind distributed systems is also complicated. Vert.x is a toolkit for building reactive distributed applications on top of the Java Virtual Machine in Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, or Ceylon. Vert.x does not hide the complexity of distributed applications; it lets you manage it. Vert.x applications are able to manage failures, can use several protocols and interaction styles, can handle heavy loads, and can cope with most of the requirements of modern applications.

devopsred hatlinux
Module Repository
Bower is dead.
Npm is king.
Jspm is looking good.
Considerations for a module system
Design Goals

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Java and DevOps: Supercharge Your Delivery Pipeline with Containers
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Java and DevOps: Supercharge Your Delivery Pipeline with Containers

The document discusses how containers can help supercharge a software delivery pipeline by allowing developers and operations teams to work more collaboratively. It notes that containers offer benefits like resource consolidation and use of developer-friendly tools. It also advertises an upcoming event on optimizing Java applications for microservices using MicroProfile standards.

rhelred hatlinux
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and JenkinsMicroservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins

By Rafael Benevides and Christian Posta A lot of functionality necessary for running in a microservices architecture have been built into Kubernetes; why would you re-invent the wheel with lots of complicated client-side libraries? Have you ever asked why you should use containers and what are the benefits for your application? This talk will present a microservices application that have been built using different Java platforms: WildFly Swarm and Vert.x. Then we will deploy this application in a Kubernetes cluster to present the advantages of containers for MSA (Microservices Architectures) and DevOps. The attendees will learn how to create, edit, build, deploy Java Microservices, and also how to perform service discovery, rolling updates, persistent volumes and much more. Finally we will fix a bug and see how a CI/CD Pipeline automates the process and reduces the deployment time.

Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)
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Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)

Red Hat Software Collections, OpenShift and the Red Hat Container Development Kit open up many new possibilities for Python developers targeting Red Hat Enterprise Linux. At the same time, the wider Python ecosystem is undergoing two significant transitions - one being the ongoing migration from Python 2 to Python 3, and the other the shift to correctly validating HTTPS connections by default. In this session we will cover the currently available options for developing with Python on Red Hat platforms, as well as provide some insight into where things are headed in the context of the wider Python ecosystem.

Design Constraints
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)

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Architecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring-Integration 2.x
Architecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring-Integration 2.xArchitecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring-Integration 2.x
Architecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring-Integration 2.x

The document discusses architecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring Integration 2.x. It provides an overview of enterprise integration and options for integration, including Spring Integration. It also discusses features of Spring Integration like configuration through XML and demonstrates integrating applications with Amazon Web Services.

javaamazon elastic compute cloudcloud computing
Enterprise Integration Patterns na nuvem com Spring Integration
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Enterprise Integration Patterns na nuvem com Spring Integration

O documento apresenta Edson Yanaga e discute integração empresarial usando padrões de integração empresarial com Spring Integration na nuvem. O documento explica o que é integração empresarial, critérios e opções de integração e como Spring Integration implementa padrões de integração empresarial para aplicações na nuvem.

eipspring integrationtdc2012
TDC 2014 SP - E o DeltaSpike ?
TDC 2014 SP - E o DeltaSpike ?TDC 2014 SP - E o DeltaSpike ?
TDC 2014 SP - E o DeltaSpike ?

O documento apresenta o DeltaSpike, um conjunto de extensões portáteis para CDI que fornecem funcionalidades úteis para aplicações Java que não são suportadas pela especificação CDI. O DeltaSpike inclui módulos para segurança, JPA, JSF, validação de beans, agendamento de tarefas e outros que facilitam o desenvolvimento com CDI. O DeltaSpike não é um framework completo, mas sim um conjunto de ferramentas que estendem as capacidades do CDI.

In the module:
module.exports = '';
In the application:
Mediator Pattern
function(object, ts) {
self.create(object, ts)
.then(function(object) {
.publish('done:wfm:workorder:create:'+ ts,
Mediator Pattern in a cloud app
WFM Architecture

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Microservices with Kubernetes, Docker, and Jenkins

Presentation made with Christian Posta at JavaOne 2016 Online Google slides version:

7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...

The document provides an overview of 7 must-try user experience tactics for developers: 1) use user stories to understand user needs, 2) sketch designs to explore options before coding, 3) map user flows to optimize tasks, 4) move away from data tables to reduce overload, 5) use whitespace for readability and prioritization, 6) conduct guerrilla testing of 10 minutes to save re-coding, and 7) gather user feedback through the live experience and provide support tools. The document includes examples and explanations for each tactic.

It's not tools, Stupid
It's not tools, StupidIt's not tools, Stupid
It's not tools, Stupid

DevOps is primarily about culture, not tools. It aims to break down barriers between development and operations teams through continuous improvement. While tools are important, they don't define DevOps or ensure its goals are met. True DevOps requires cultural changes like empowering workers, eliminating fear, and prioritizing quality over metrics. It draws from philosophies like eliminating silos, constant learning, and taking responsibility for organizational change.

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Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
RainCatcher Modules

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