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Agile Is A Four-Letter Word (Jen Krieger)
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
Agile is a four-letter word
Jen Krieger
Chief Agile Architect
Red Hat
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
The Terrible History of Agile
as told by someone who lived it
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on

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Pair programming pair testing working together with the developers by Simon ...
Pair programming  pair testing working together with the developers by Simon ...Pair programming  pair testing working together with the developers by Simon ...
Pair programming pair testing working together with the developers by Simon ...

In my scrum team, as a tester, I'm responsible for the test work to be done. Most of that test work is done manually. We need to automate those test cases. But, when? And how? The developers and and the tester can do a lot together. Some times we test together. Some times we program together. Some times I'm on my own, testing or creating/writing automation scripts. In my talk I will share my experiences what I'm doing with my developer colleagues. From the moment we start development on the feature (Epic or user story) up until we ship it. We explore, build and test the feature. Based on that we create scripts for automation on various levels. From unit test level up until end to end testing. Take aways from this session are: - How to work together with your developer(s) - Motivate your stakeholders to work this way - Give tester a way to participate in coding and learn from the experience - Provide Agile coaches a way how to set up automation in a scrum team

leanagileagile me 2018
Jira Portfolio by Elad Ben-Noam
Jira Portfolio by Elad Ben-NoamJira Portfolio by Elad Ben-Noam
Jira Portfolio by Elad Ben-Noam

This document discusses using Jira Portfolio for agile planning and management. It describes how the Product Owner can use Portfolio to plan at the program level by ranking epics and branches of work. It also describes how the Project Manager can use Portfolio to track multiple teams' progress, dependencies, and capacity. Finally, it outlines some current limitations of Portfolio and how SAFe uses it for program execution and planning at scale.

agile israel 2019
Bridging the Distance through Agile Game Development
Bridging the Distance through Agile Game DevelopmentBridging the Distance through Agile Game Development
Bridging the Distance through Agile Game Development

Aðalsteinn "Alli" Óttarsson", Technical Producer CCP. Synopsis: Massively multiplayer online game developer CCP has been pursuing a multi-product development effort and has teams scattered across the globe. In 2008 CCP decided transition the production of its flagship product EVE Online to agile development and at the same time release their most ambitious expansion to the online universe. In order to achieve this CCP shifted a large portion of their globally distributed resources from working on separate local projects to one unified development effort using Scrum. While getting an insight into the fascinating field of game development attendees will learn about the structure of the project, its roll-out and how the company as a whole transitioned to Agile throughout the release and how the entire development arm of the company has now unified around the framework. Alli covers the biggest hurdles and impediments the company was faced with and how they were solved as well as how the development teams and management embraced agility and the cultural change.

@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
Deliver working software
frequently, from a
couple of weeks to a
couple of months, with a
preference to the
shorter timescale.
By	Emilie	Reutenauer	-	h1ps://

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The perfect PR
The perfect PR  The perfect PR
The perfect PR

This document provides tips for creating effective pull requests. It recommends that submitters review their own code, write clear titles and descriptions, use good commit messages, and keep code changes short. Reviewers should provide constructive feedback, ask questions, and review in short sessions. Tools like code analysis and checklists can help reviewers. Pair programming and early feedback can improve code quality before a pull request. The goal is for teams to work collaboratively through the pull request process.

On Track: The ART of Avoiding a Train Wreck
On Track: The ART of Avoiding a Train WreckOn Track: The ART of Avoiding a Train Wreck
On Track: The ART of Avoiding a Train Wreck

Presented at Agile2017. Practical tips & real life traps to watch out for when launching and leading AWESOME Agile Release Trains using the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).

scaled agile frameworkagile release train
JIRA Portfolio: Failing to plan is your best plan for failure
JIRA Portfolio: Failing to plan is your best plan for failureJIRA Portfolio: Failing to plan is your best plan for failure
JIRA Portfolio: Failing to plan is your best plan for failure

The document discusses how JIRA Portfolio can help organizations plan projects by organizing backlogs, managing team capacity and release cadences, and visualizing dependencies and strategic initiatives. It highlights key features like organizing backlogs, planning with team capacity and releases in mind, and ensuring dependencies are considered. The goal is to help answer common questions around delivering on time, reacting to changing priorities, and keeping focused on overall business goals.

atlassianjirajira portfolio
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with
a preference to the shorter timescale.
Teams focused on features and everything else was “ignored.” The word deliver is not
clearly defined.
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with
a preference to the shorter timescale.
Teams focused on features and everything else was “ignored.” The word deliver is not
clearly defined.
Define what ‘delivery’ means for your organization.
Allow teams to routinely drive down the costs of technical debt and outstanding bugs.
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
Continuous attention to
technical excellence and
good design enhances
By	Sarah	Goff-Dupont-

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Aviram E. has more than years in building outsourced teams. He will present his vision of how to buiild an outsourced team for AV/VR, what are the trends in that, what are the important issues to cover when doing that and more.

Engineering Principles in Practice
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Engineering Principles in Practice

In this talk, I shared about Skyscanner's Engineering Principles and how we put them in practice within our team. I gave real examples and links to resources for further reading.

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Agile ME Meetup: Agile A-Z - Chapter 4: The Feedback Loop
Agile ME Meetup: Agile A-Z - Chapter 4: The Feedback LoopAgile ME Meetup: Agile A-Z - Chapter 4: The Feedback Loop
Agile ME Meetup: Agile A-Z - Chapter 4: The Feedback Loop

What is Agile? - What are the roles in Agile development? How do we implement or scale with Agile? Which Agile processes should I use in my case? There are so many questions about Agile, so in a series of Meetups, we will try to uncover as many aspects of Agile as possible, in order to provide the full overview of Agility in organisations. The form will be a combination of presentations and discussions, so everyone has a chance to address their thoughts on the matter. In the first chapter, we had a more "general" talk about what Agile software development is, and the value behind it. What does it mean to be Agile? - In the second chapter we looked into the Product Owner role and the many expectations and responsibilities that comes along with the "titel" - and in the third chapter we turned our focus towards the Scrum Master, his role, responsibilities and the ceremonies in SCRUM. In the fourth chapter - the last this year - we will focus on the feedback loop. In order to be agile, to inspect and adapt and to learn fast you need to get feedback, so a strong and quick feedback loop is essential for succes with Agile. In the chapter we will be covering the following topics: • Failing is learning • Feedback loop • DevOps

agile software developmentagilefeedback
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
Because organizational change wasn’t the focus of the move towards Agile, teams had a
siloed approach. Subject matter experts often involved too late. Project Managers
focused on the process, rather than what it meant for teams to succeed technically.
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
Because organizational change wasn’t the focus of the move towards Agile, teams had a
siloed approach. Subject matter experts often involved too late. Project Managers
focused on the process, rather than what it meant for teams to succeed technically.
Allow teams to automate the technical aspects of delivering software.
Encourage the growth of a DevOps community in your company.
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
At regular intervals, the
team reflects on how to
become more effective,
then tunes and adjusts its
behavior accordingly.

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The Cultural Changes of Feature Flagging
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Edith Harbaugh, CEO LaunchDarkly discusses the cultural changes that happen - not just in engineering but across the organization - when you add feature flagging to your development cycle and stop relying on long-lived branching. This presentation is from DefragCon 2016.

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QConSF 2017: DevOps 2.0 - When Everyone Can Run What's Built
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The cultural change of “DevOps” beyond just developers and operations is just at the beginning. What happens when an entire organization changes from shipping once a year to once a month, then multiple times a month, week or even daily? How do developers approach a sprint when their code can be live in real time? How does product management change when features can evolve daily? How does marketing change when the features of tomorrow can be immediately influenced by response to messaging today? We’re at the very beginning of thinking of code as a living object instead of a static file thrown over the wall.

feature flagsdevopsqconsf
The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop [Lean and Agile ...
The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop [Lean and Agile ...The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop [Lean and Agile ...
The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop [Lean and Agile ...

The document discusses the need for a service-delivery review feedback loop between customer and delivery teams. It proposes a regular, quantitative review to discuss the fitness of a team's service delivery for its intended purpose. Key metrics like delivery times, blockers, value-demand ratio would be reviewed. Establishing clear service-level expectations and collecting feedback helps teams understand failures and improve their service to better meet customer needs. Regular reviews in a collaborative spirit can strengthen relationships and build customer trust and loyalty.

service deliveryagileagile software development
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and
adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Teams that didn’t learn the true intentions behind a retrospective, are often times
forced to attend them without truly understanding the intention. Lack of trust and
actionable improvements that can be owned by the team.
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and
adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Teams that didn’t learn the true intentions behind a retrospective, are often times
forced to attend them without truly understanding the intention. Lack of trust and
actionable improvements that can be owned by the team.
Conduct retrospective anyway. Even when there are objections.
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
or things you should avoid from the start
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	

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Techniques for Keeping Retrospectives Effective and Fun
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Techniques for Keeping Retrospectives Effective and Fun

This document discusses retrospectives in Agile software development. It outlines the basic structure of retrospectives, including setting the stage, gathering data, generating insights, deciding what to do, and closing. It emphasizes the "prime directive" of understanding that everyone did their best given the circumstances. The document also presents various tools that can be used in retrospectives, such as timelines, silent retrospectives, and team radars. It concludes by advertising an upcoming Agile engineering conference and recommending a book on Agile retrospectives.

Agile ME Meetup: Agile A-Z - Chapter 5: Growing with Agile
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Agile ME Meetup: Agile A-Z - Chapter 5: Growing with Agile

What is Agile? - What are the roles in Agile development? How do we implement or scale with Agile? Which Agile processes should I use in my case? There are so many questions about Agile, so in a series of Meetups, we will try to uncover as many aspects of Agile as possible, in order to provide the full overview of Agility in organisations. The form will be a combination of presentations and discussions, so everyone has a chance to address their thoughts on the matter. In the first chapter, we had a more "general" talk about what Agile software development is, and the value behind it. What does it mean to be Agile? - In the second chapter we looked into the Product Owner role and the many expectations and responsibilities that comes along with the "titel" - and in the third chapter we turned our focus towards the Scrum Master, his role, responsibilities and the ceremonies in SCRUM. Fourth chapter where about the Feedback loop, and the importance on being able to reach upon changes. In this fifth chapter we focussed on growing with Agile. What happens when one development team isn't enough to deliver the requirements of your product, and you need to scale? In the chapter we covered the following topics: • Scaling with Agile • LESS • SAFE

agileagile software developmentmodern agile
Spiking Your Way to Improved Agile Development - Anatoli Kazatchkov
Spiking Your Way to Improved Agile Development - Anatoli KazatchkovSpiking Your Way to Improved Agile Development - Anatoli Kazatchkov
Spiking Your Way to Improved Agile Development - Anatoli Kazatchkov

New feature development in agile should almost always start with a spike. Spikes help to define feature scope, uncover technical unknowns, and provide accurate estimates. In this session we will cover how to introduce spikes into your development cycles and show how Atlassian defines spike goals, focuses spike efforts, and makes feature development more effective.

jira agileagileatlassian
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on

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Agile Testing
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Agile Testing

This document discusses how testers can contribute in an agile environment. It begins by defining agile testing as testing done incrementally and in parallel with development. Testers should have a mindset of collaboration, communication, ongoing planning, and viewing failures as opportunities to learn. Testers can contribute in agile events like planning, refinement, and retrospectives. They can help write user stories and acceptance criteria. They also help determine if work is done by demonstrating increments and providing feedback. Defects are viewed as unfinished work rather than managed in a separate phase. The document discusses metrics that matter like working software, velocity trends, and release burndowns. It emphasizes documentation should be "just enough" and

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Agile: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Webinar by Clarke Ching Agile - Septe...
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Agile: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Webinar by Clarke Ching Agile - Septe...

Webinar by Clarke Ching Agile and ToC expert. Agile: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. If your Agile is broken then this is how to fix it! Your Agile teams are busy. Busy delivering. Busy improving. Your quality is amazing. Rework is low. The product looks great. Your users love it. You are a high performing team! But your internal customers say your teams are slow. This session will teach you how to use the Theory of Constraints to figure out how to speed up, by finding the one thing that’s slowing them down. This webinar will cover how, in an Agile environment: - to better control scope creep, - to reinforce your relationship with the I.T. Development team’s client, - to be able to make commitments and honour them and - to decide where your bottleneck should be. About the speaker Clarke Ching is a computer scientist with an MBA who discovered Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (ToC) in 2003 and has been using it ever since to accelerate Agile initiatives. He is fascinated by Agile and obsessed with ToC. He wrote the amazon best-sellers Rolling Rocks Downhill and The Bottleneck Rules. Rolling Rocks Downhill teaches 3 things: the fundamentals of Agile combined with ToC; how to use those fundamentals to deliver big projects faster and on time; and how to deliver quietly huge transformations. It’s been featured in The Guardian newspaper and The Spectator magazine. It was one of Barbara Oakley’s top 10 books of 2019. It was the #2 best-selling Leadership book on, just behind Steven Covey’s 7-habits book. He has been Agile / Lean / ToC expert in: GE Energy, Dell, Royal London (life insurance & pensions), Gazprom and Standard Life Aberdeen among other organizations. He is the past Chairperson of Agile Scotland. He is a lecturer at Victoria University School Of Management in New Zealand where he now lives. Today he is the founder and Chief Productivity Officer of Odd Socks Consulting

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Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)

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@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on

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Node.js is a very popular framework for developing asynchronous, event-driven, reactive applications. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, an in-memory distributed database designed for fast access to large volumes of data and scalability, has recently gained compatibility with Node.js letting reactive applications use it as a persistence layer. Thanks to near caching, JBoss Data Grid offers excellent response times for data queried regularly, and its continuous remote event support means data can get pushed from the data grid to the Node.js application instead of having to wait for the data grid to serve it. In this session, we'll show how to build Node.js applications that use JBoss Data Grid as a persistence layer.

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@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on

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MicroServices for Java Developers
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The document discusses microservices for Java developers. It introduces Christian Posta, a principal middleware specialist and architect who works with large microservices and is a blogger and speaker on topics like DevOps, integration, and microservices. It then discusses how creating value through software is about speed, iteration, and continuous improvement. It covers concepts like distributed configuration, service discovery, load balancing, circuit breakers, and versioning/routing that are important for microservices. Finally, it mentions container cluster management with Kubernetes and technologies like Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Fabric8 that can help with microservices development.

@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
“You succeed first and foremost
because of the people.
A distant second is the process.
Third are the tools.”
Thanks	to	Jon	Kern	for	this	gem	of	wisdom.	It’s	one	of	my	favorites.
@mrry550	|	#DevNa/on	
Don’t forget to fill out the
post session survey!

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