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Developer Meet Designer
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Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Brian Leathem
Andrés Galante
Buenos Aires
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)

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High Performance Data Storage in a Microservices Environment
High Performance Data Storage in a Microservices EnvironmentHigh Performance Data Storage in a Microservices Environment
High Performance Data Storage in a Microservices Environment

This document discusses using microservices and in-memory data grids for high performance data storage and analytics. It shows how Apache Spark can be used for real-time analytics on data stored in an in-memory data grid. Examples are provided of SQL queries run on Spark to analyze user data and posts from a social network. The results are collected and written back to the data grid.

data storagedatalinux
Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)
Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)
Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)

Despite the popularity and hype of containers, there is no need to regard containers as a block box. It is important to have an awareness of what's going on under the hood to help optimize your container requirements. In this session, we'll discuss: - Namespacing in the kernel - Copy-on-write storage choices - Portable container formats - Available container alternatives - Validation, trust, and content addressability with image verification See examples and options for your use-cases.

MicroServices for Java Developers
MicroServices for Java Developers MicroServices for Java Developers
MicroServices for Java Developers

The document discusses microservices for Java developers. It introduces Christian Posta, a principal middleware specialist and architect who works with large microservices and is a blogger and speaker on topics like DevOps, integration, and microservices. It then discusses how creating value through software is about speed, iteration, and continuous improvement. It covers concepts like distributed configuration, service discovery, load balancing, circuit breakers, and versioning/routing that are important for microservices. Finally, it mentions container cluster management with Kubernetes and technologies like Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Fabric8 that can help with microservices development.

Bridge image
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Santiago Calatrava

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hibernate, JBoss EAP 7 Application (Ståle Ped...
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hibernate, JBoss EAP 7 Application (Ståle Ped...How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hibernate, JBoss EAP 7 Application (Ståle Ped...
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hibernate, JBoss EAP 7 Application (Ståle Ped...

The fifth major release of Hibernate sports contains many internal changes developed in collaboration between the Hibernate team and the Red Hat middleware performance team. Efficient access to databases is crucial to get scalable and responsive applications. Hibernate 5 received much attention in this area. You’ll benefit from many of these improvements by merely upgrading. But it's important to understand some of these new, performance-boosting features because you will need to explicitly enable them. We'll explain the development background on all of these powerful new features and the investigation process for performance improvements. Our aim is to provide good guidance so you can make the most of it on your own applications. We'll also peek at other performance improvements made on JBoss EAP 7, like on the caching layer, the connection manager, and the web tier. We want to make sure you can all enjoy better-performing applications—that require less power and less servers—without compromising on your developer’s productivity.

Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and JenkinsMicroservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins

By Rafael Benevides and Christian Posta A lot of functionality necessary for running in a microservices architecture have been built into Kubernetes; why would you re-invent the wheel with lots of complicated client-side libraries? Have you ever asked why you should use containers and what are the benefits for your application? This talk will present a microservices application that have been built using different Java platforms: WildFly Swarm and Vert.x. Then we will deploy this application in a Kubernetes cluster to present the advantages of containers for MSA (Microservices Architectures) and DevOps. The attendees will learn how to create, edit, build, deploy Java Microservices, and also how to perform service discovery, rolling updates, persistent volumes and much more. Finally we will fix a bug and see how a CI/CD Pipeline automates the process and reduces the deployment time.

Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pe...
Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pe...Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pe...
Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pe...

Are you ready to innovate with cloud-native app development? Are you ready to accelerate business agility with continuous delivery (CD)? Well, now you can easily do both using CloudBees Jenkins Platform within OpenShift Dedicated by Red Hat. In this session, you'll learn how to seamlessly use this CD solution to fully automate your application development, test, and delivery life cycle. Using the CloudBees platform to automate your CD pipelines allows your developers to focus on what they do best—innovating. Combine that with the elasticity and scale of the Docker-based OpenShift Dedicated environment, and you'll remove many of the obstacles to business growth. Come see the future of digital innovation.

Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
“bridging the division between
structural engineering and
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Santiago Calatrava

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Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)
Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)
Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)

Red Hat Software Collections, OpenShift and the Red Hat Container Development Kit open up many new possibilities for Python developers targeting Red Hat Enterprise Linux. At the same time, the wider Python ecosystem is undergoing two significant transitions - one being the ongoing migration from Python 2 to Python 3, and the other the shift to correctly validating HTTPS connections by default. In this session we will cover the currently available options for developing with Python on Red Hat platforms, as well as provide some insight into where things are headed in the context of the wider Python ecosystem.

7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine ...

The document provides an overview of 7 must-try user experience tactics for developers: 1) use user stories to understand user needs, 2) sketch designs to explore options before coding, 3) map user flows to optimize tasks, 4) move away from data tables to reduce overload, 5) use whitespace for readability and prioritization, 6) conduct guerrilla testing of 10 minutes to save re-coding, and 7) gather user feedback through the live experience and provide support tools. The document includes examples and explanations for each tactic.

It's not tools, Stupid
It's not tools, StupidIt's not tools, Stupid
It's not tools, Stupid

DevOps is primarily about culture, not tools. It aims to break down barriers between development and operations teams through continuous improvement. While tools are important, they don't define DevOps or ensure its goals are met. True DevOps requires cultural changes like empowering workers, eliminating fear, and prioritizing quality over metrics. It draws from philosophies like eliminating silos, constant learning, and taking responsibility for organizational change.

devopsculturered hat
Frank Gehry
Frank Lloyd wright
Le Corbusier
Mies van der rohe

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Analyzing Java Applications Using Thermostat (Omair Majid)
Analyzing Java Applications Using Thermostat (Omair Majid)Analyzing Java Applications Using Thermostat (Omair Majid)
Analyzing Java Applications Using Thermostat (Omair Majid)

Ever wondered how your Java application is actually working? How it's making use of scarce resources on your machine? Ever tried to look under the hood of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and felt lost with various tools that don't provide an overall picture, only local details? Thermostat is an open source serviceability tool to help Java developers understand what's happening inside the JVM when their programs are running. Thermostat collects and combines information from various sources—including the Hotspot JVM—to present a complete picture of how the application is behaving. In this session, you'll get a chance to see Thermostat in action as it's used to examine various Java applications, identify what's wrong and fix those problems—often without even modifying the application code. You'll also learn how to add more features to Thermostat through plug-ins. If you're a developer, sysadmin, or QA, and if there's Java in your technology stack, you'll want to learn how Thermostat can make your life easier.

EclipseCon Europe 2016, S. Cela, M.Istria: Eclipse Generic and Extensible Edi...
EclipseCon Europe 2016, S. Cela, M.Istria: Eclipse Generic and Extensible Edi...EclipseCon Europe 2016, S. Cela, M.Istria: Eclipse Generic and Extensible Edi...
EclipseCon Europe 2016, S. Cela, M.Istria: Eclipse Generic and Extensible Edi...

Overview of the Eclipse Platform Generic and Extensible editor and how it can integrate with the Language Server Protocol (LSP)

Putting The 'M' In MBaaS—Red Hat Mobile Client Development Platform (Jay Balu...
Putting The 'M' In MBaaS—Red Hat Mobile Client Development Platform (Jay Balu...Putting The 'M' In MBaaS—Red Hat Mobile Client Development Platform (Jay Balu...
Putting The 'M' In MBaaS—Red Hat Mobile Client Development Platform (Jay Balu...

When you hear the term "MBaaS," or "Red Hat Mobile," there is usually a lot of discussion about powerful scaling, back-end integrations, hosting options, containerization, etc. However, we can't forget what that "M" stands for, and why the platforms exist in the first place, which is to develop and deliver top-notch mobile applications to your users. In this session, we'll review what makes all of this possible—client SDKs, hybrid solutions like Cordova, and Xamarin, and our own Build Farm and Unified Push server. Not stopping there, our AppForms support makes it a snap to tie in back-end systems all the way to your app. And this is all backed by various templates, guides, and new open source resources that will help you get started and join the fun.

Antonio Gaudí
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Renzo Pianno
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)

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Shenandoah GC: Java Without The Garbage Collection Hiccups (Christine Flood)
Shenandoah GC: Java Without The Garbage Collection Hiccups (Christine Flood)Shenandoah GC: Java Without The Garbage Collection Hiccups (Christine Flood)
Shenandoah GC: Java Without The Garbage Collection Hiccups (Christine Flood)

Just like a spoon full of sugar will cure your hiccups, running your JVM with -XX:+UseShenandoahGC will cure your Java garbage collection hiccups. Shenandoah GC is a new garbage collector algorithm developed for OpenJDK at Red Hat, which will produce much better pause times than the currently-available algorithms without a significant decrease in throughput. In this session, we'll explain how Shenandoah works and compare it to the currently-available OpenJDK garbage collectors.

Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)

Large-scale Javascript applications benefit from a modular approach that let code be reused both within the application and across repeated implementations. In this session, we'll look at the modular approach used to build reusable Javascript modules in the Red Hat mobile field workforce management application (WFM) showcased in this year's Summit middleware keynote demo. Reusable modules for WFM are packaged as node package manager (npm) modules, providing a consistent format for both server and client sides using Node.js and Browserify. Modules are loosely coupled using the Mediator pattern and they broadcast user actions and state changes giving the application and other modules the opportunity to hook into those events. Additionally, visual components are packaged in a framework-agnostic manner, providing reusable UI components. You'll leave this session understanding the challenges faced when building reusable modules for large-scale applications, and the solutions employed in building out the reusable WFM modules.

CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)
CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)
CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)

Scale changes everything. What once was quite adequate for enterprise messaging can't scale to support "Internet of Things". We need new protocols, patterns and architectures to support this new world. This session will start with basic introduction to the concept of Internet of Things. Next it will discuss general technical challenges involved with the concept and explain why it is becoming mainstream now. Now we’re ready to start talking about solutions. We will introduce some messaging patterns (like telemetry and command/control) and protocols (such as MQTT and AMQP) used in these scenarios. Finally we will see how Apache ActiveMQ is gearing up for this race. We will show tips for horizontal and vertical scaling of the broker, related projects that can help with deployments and what the future development road map looks like.

Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
83% of accuracy

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Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)
Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)
Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)

With the recent advancements in modern browsers, more native app-like features are coming to the browser. Things like push notifications, background sync, offline capabilities and home screen app icons have been added to browsers allowing developers to continue building web apps, but now include features that users expect from native apps. In this session we'll take an existing web app and transform it into a progressive web app. We’ll learn how to make the web app installable, how to make it work offline and finally we’ll learn how to add push notifications to re-engage our users.

Kubernetes for Java Developers
 Kubernetes for Java Developers Kubernetes for Java Developers
Kubernetes for Java Developers

By Rafael Benevides and Edson Yanaga Yes, Docker is great. We are all very aware of that, but now it’s time to take the next step: wrapping it all and deploying to a production environment. For this scenario, we need something more. For that “more,” we have Kubernetes by Google, a container platform based on the same technology used to deploy billions of containers per month on Google’s infrastructure. Ready to leverage your Docker skills and package your current Java app (WAR, EAR, or JAR)? Come to this session to see how your current Docker skill set can be easily mapped to Kubernetes concepts and commands. And get ready to deploy your containers in production.

red hatgooglekubernetes
User Experience as a Strategic Advantage
User Experience as a Strategic AdvantageUser Experience as a Strategic Advantage
User Experience as a Strategic Advantage

The document discusses user experience (UX) design and provides recommendations for improving a software product's UX. It defines UX and emphasizes the importance of understanding user goals. It recommends using goal-centered design research methods like personas, scenarios, and prototypes to understand users and ensure the interface helps them achieve their goals. The document advocates integrating UX practices like usability testing into the development process with a dedicated UX team to create a "killer UX" that is intuitive and optimized for users.

user experienceuxstrategy
!=Developers Designers
Make shit works
Poop Emoji
– Mr. Hoytt Summers Pittman (the third)
“You make our shit look less shitty!
In fact it actually looks good!”

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Designing for the Right Audience (with notes)
Designing for the Right Audience (with notes)Designing for the Right Audience (with notes)
Designing for the Right Audience (with notes)

Danielle Arvanitis discusses how designers often design for the wrong audience. She provides examples of designing for oneself, design peers, marketing, patents, and gatekeepers rather than actual users. This can lead to unusable products and unhappy users. She emphasizes the importance of hiring designers with different skills like structure, behavior, and presentation. Designers should also be evaluated based on their temperament - whether they are ego-driven and focused on trends or service-driven and motivated to solve users' problems. Designing for the right audience requires considering users' actual needs, skills, and goals rather than just appearances.

From design specs to user stories (ProductCamp Boston 2016)
From design specs to user stories (ProductCamp Boston 2016)From design specs to user stories (ProductCamp Boston 2016)
From design specs to user stories (ProductCamp Boston 2016)

More and more agile teams began to value good design, to the extend to actually hire in-house designers to be part of the team. However there is often an unspoken tension between the product manager and the designer: who get to define the user experience? An agile product manager is thinking in terms of user stories, which doesn't always align with the design specs. Vice versa. It eventually boils down to: How can design practices become an integral part of an agile team? Between PM and Design, there may be many disagreements on features and priority. But let's start with a common ground: solving the user pain. Eventually I stopped writing design specs, but to help the PM write better user stories. In this session I'd like to share practical lessons on Design/PM collaboration to bring the best out of both. About Shanfan Huang Drawing. Coding. Learning. Making. Exploring. Dancing. bio from Twitter Shanfan Huang is a product designer at Pivotal Labs, an agile development consultancy that helps the clients transform their way of building software. She aspires to bring Lean UX practice into agile development teams.

interaction design trends 2015 _ 2016
interaction design trends 2015 _ 2016interaction design trends 2015 _ 2016
interaction design trends 2015 _ 2016

This document discusses trends in interaction design for 2015-2016. It covers several topics: 1. Invisible design aims to create intuitive user experiences that remove barriers and align with user mental models. 2. Simplifying user flows can improve usability by reducing steps, simplifying individual steps, mapping workflows, and testing with users. 3. Clear communication is key to ensure users understand an interface through consistent signifiers, legible text, integrated interactions, and setting the right mood.

Elevator number
Help users achieve
their goals.
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
“Most people make the mistake of
thinking design is what it looks like. That’s
not what we think design is.
It’s not just what it looks like and feels
like. Design is how it works.”
– Steve jobs

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What is UX v1
What is UX v1What is UX v1
What is UX v1

An intro to what people (and myself) think UX is. Also who is "doing" UX and how you can do it better. Originally presented at Product Camp Nashville - Sep 2018

uxusabilityproduct design
10 Truths to Great Product Experiences
10 Truths to Great Product Experiences10 Truths to Great Product Experiences
10 Truths to Great Product Experiences

There are key things that will give you a much better chance at success. While these are well documented in numerous books, articles, and videos - there are still many stakeholders that don't subscribe to some basic truths, like: product decisions should be based on evidence, or having dedicated UX Designers on product teams. Jeremy will go over his top ten questions to ask any team to see if they're heading toward launching a great product experience. This presentation was originally given @ Refresh Dallas on 2/12/15

user experienceagileproduct development
What is UX v2
What is UX v2What is UX v2
What is UX v2

A high level broad stroke intro to User eXperience, starting with a survey, a dash of my own thoughts, some thoughts from Mike Rapp, and some samples and resources. Also some slides from a presentation I did for Great American Teach in in 2014 to 3rd and 5th graders.

uxux designpsychology
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
DEVs slide
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)

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Building real things for real people 2009
Building real things for real people 2009Building real things for real people 2009
Building real things for real people 2009

The document discusses the convergence of design and development and the importance of collaboration between designers and developers. It argues that design and development should not be siloed and provides an example of Apple where design and engineering leaders work closely together to build better products faster. It also discusses the need for developers to consider user experience and optimize for speed and performance, as these impact usability. Trimmed down code, fewer database queries, and optimized images are some ways developers can improve performance.

Mobile ui design patterns
Mobile ui design patternsMobile ui design patterns
Mobile ui design patterns

Smart keyboards automatically display the most relevant keyboard for the data being entered. For example, in contacts the keyboard will show buttons for entering phone numbers. This saves users from switching between keyboards and makes data entry faster and easier. Animations and gestures are important parts of many new UI patterns as they make interactions intuitive and engaging for users. Gestures like swipes and taps replace buttons and menus in many apps, freeing up screen space.

Mobile UI Design Patterns 2014
Mobile UI Design Patterns 2014Mobile UI Design Patterns 2014
Mobile UI Design Patterns 2014

The document discusses various user interface design patterns used in popular mobile apps. It begins by defining what UI design patterns are and how they should be used. It then covers some key patterns including gestures, animations, smart keyboards, default values and autocomplete, immediate immersion, action bars, social login, and huge buttons. The document provides examples of popular apps that utilize each pattern and short descriptions of how the pattern solves common user problems.

design thinkingdesignproduct management
Help users achieve
their goals.
UXDevelopers Designers
1. Trust, respect and communicate
2. Understand the user goals
3. Meet in the middle
1. Trust, respect and communicate

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Uxpin mobile ui_design_patterns_2014
Uxpin mobile ui_design_patterns_2014Uxpin mobile ui_design_patterns_2014
Uxpin mobile ui_design_patterns_2014

The document discusses various user interface design patterns used in popular mobile apps. It begins by defining what UI design patterns are and how they should be used. It then covers some key patterns including gestures, animations, smart keyboards, default values and autocomplete, immediate immersion, action bars, social login, and huge buttons. The document provides examples of popular apps that utilize each pattern and short descriptions of how the pattern solves common user problems.

24 Hours of UX, 2023: Preventing the Future
24 Hours of UX, 2023: Preventing the Future24 Hours of UX, 2023: Preventing the Future
24 Hours of UX, 2023: Preventing the Future

On our current trajectory, the future of UX design will look much like the present, only worse. The gold rush mentality towards UX design as a “career” combined with Gresham’s Law (“bad money drives out good”) applied to design combined with automation from software platforms means we are increasing the pace at which bad designs proliferate. In this talk Joshua Randall will cite data from larger research companies like Baymard and Nielsen Norman Group as well as draw on examples from his career to paint a picture of the coming dystopia.

user experienceuxdystopia
Unleash Your Inner Unicorn
Unleash Your Inner UnicornUnleash Your Inner Unicorn
Unleash Your Inner Unicorn

Unicorns are considered to be the rare person who can do both design and development. But, why are they considered rare? Because consider design and development to be separate disciplines. In this talk, I explore the spectrum of design and development, how designers can be empowered by learning about development, and how developers can be empowered by learning about design. I gave this talk at the Big Design Conference in Addison, TX on September 6, 2014.

Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
CLI Tool
The rest of us

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How to design enterprise apps that sell
How to design enterprise apps that sellHow to design enterprise apps that sell
How to design enterprise apps that sell

Your customers expect great UX from your enterprise app. So do you. With gnarly legacy code to wrangle, complex requirements to manage, and results to deliver, you need to have the right process. Arm yourself with techniques and methods to craft successful enterprise apps. This in-depth webinar from Jessica Tiao of Kissmetrics gives you the tools, advice, and best practices you need to succeed.

designuser experienceweb design
User Interface Design For Programmers
User Interface Design For ProgrammersUser Interface Design For Programmers
User Interface Design For Programmers

This is a talk I gave at a Day of .NET event on user interface design concepts targeted at programers.

Jason Moore - Interaction design in enterprise teams
Jason Moore - Interaction design in enterprise teamsJason Moore - Interaction design in enterprise teams
Jason Moore - Interaction design in enterprise teams

The document discusses interaction design for enterprise teams. It outlines 3 key ideas: 1) what interaction design (IxD) is, which is a design discipline focused on defining the behavior of products; 2) how IxD teams at Workiva are structured to support product success, focusing on discovery through methods like customer interviews, journey mapping, and prototyping; 3) how product discovery plays a key role in Workiva teams by helping them evolve ideas into actionable plans through techniques like empathy mapping, customer interviews, and story mapping to define minimum viable products. The document emphasizes the importance of discovery techniques in understanding user needs and validating solutions before development.

designbig sky dev coninteraction
2. Understand the user goals
User Stories
As a <type of user>,
I want <some goal>
so that <some reason>.
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)

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UI Design Patterns for the Web, Part 1
UI Design Patterns for the Web, Part 1UI Design Patterns for the Web, Part 1
UI Design Patterns for the Web, Part 1

This document provides an overview of UI patterns for user input, controls, and navigation. It discusses common UI patterns like forms, menus, searches and discusses best practices for using patterns. It emphasizes the importance of consistency both within a design system and with external expectations. It also discusses testing new patterns with users to innovate while still meeting expectations. The document provides many examples of patterns and guidance on selecting, applying and improving patterns for user experience.

ui design patternsweb
New York Design Systems Coalition - Bridging the Gap
New York Design Systems Coalition - Bridging the GapNew York Design Systems Coalition - Bridging the Gap
New York Design Systems Coalition - Bridging the Gap

A talk about how to exist in between the worlds of design and engineering, and ways the speaker has flourished and added value in a new role between design and engineering.

designdesign systemsfront-end development
Human Interaction Keynote Brushfire Interactive July 2015
Human Interaction Keynote Brushfire Interactive July 2015Human Interaction Keynote Brushfire Interactive July 2015
Human Interaction Keynote Brushfire Interactive July 2015

AZIMA Keynote from July 23, 2015. Ryan Smeets, Director of Client Strategy at Brushfire Interactive lead a discussion on the topic of UX/UI: Design for Human Interaction

The truck driver
The dispatcher
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Enterprise IT guy
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)

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3 common ux mistakes killing good design
3 common ux mistakes killing good design3 common ux mistakes killing good design
3 common ux mistakes killing good design

1. The document discusses 3 common mistakes that can undermine good UX design: designing for oneself rather than users, mistaking UX for UI, and asking users for too much information in forms. 2. It provides tips to avoid these mistakes such as conducting user research, creating user journeys and personas, prioritizing content structure before visual design, and testing short forms against long forms. 3. Additional advice includes keeping designs simple, building navigation with a mobile-first approach, and drawing on principles of psychology in design.

DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps
DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOpsDevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps
DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps

In 2022 we heard your GitOps questions at meetups and gatherings, big stages and local panels and one question was often top of mind: how do I get started? The benefits of GitOps are calling your name, but getting started isn’t that straightforward. Red Hat is excited to kick off 2023 with a DevNation TechTalk, focused on GitOps to help you sift through your questions. At DevNation you’ll hear from passionate GitOps practitioners about the pitfalls to avoid and hurdles to jump while kicking off or evolving your GitOps practices. This event is aimed at audiences that are new to GitOps or early in their practice development within a cloud native environment. During this live session you’ll learn: Upcoming updates and key milestones in the ArgoCD roadmap and how Red Hat will support them How to simplify the delivery GitOps across multi-cloud environments GitOps best practices from experts at: PostNord Strålfors: Filip Jansson Arbetsförmedlingen: Misho Kmetovski & Richard Hermansson Swiss Railways (SBB): Manuel Wallrapp & Thomas Bruederli Plus stick around for an “Ask me Anything” segment to ask any outstanding questions live.

gitopsdevnationdevnation tech talk
Exploring the power of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes
Exploring the power of OpenTelemetry on KubernetesExploring the power of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes
Exploring the power of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes

Modern cloud-native applications are incredibly complex systems. Keeping the systems healthy and meeting SLAs for our customers is crucial for long-term success. In this session, we will dive into the three pillars of observability - metrics, logs, tracing - the foundation of successful troubleshooting in distributed systems. You'll learn the gotchas and pitfalls of rolling out the OpenTelemetry stack on Kubernetes to effectively collect all your signals without worrying about a vendor lock in. Additionally we will replace parts of the Prometheus stack to scrape metrics with OpenTelemetry collector and operator.

3. Meet in the middle
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
1. Trust, respect and communicate
2. Understand the user goals
3. Meet in the middle

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GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk
GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech TalkGitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk
GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk

GitHub plays a key role in the everyday work of thousands of developers and is a central piece of the open-source software ecosystem. Even though it is getting better and better every day, it still misses some key features that we need. If you want a better way of reviewing PRs, navigating through the code or better yet - writing the code without leaving the browser - this talk is for you! This talk will be demo driven, and as the title suggests, we will start with the aesthetic revamp. But we definitely won’t stop there! You will also learn a few cool things about interacting with GitHub through the command line. So not only your UI will be officially revamped, but you will also gain a productivity boost.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
Quinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech Talk
Quinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech TalkQuinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech Talk
Quinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech Talk

The Quarkus Quinoa extension takes care of all the web UI build/wiring/dev-mode hassles and lets you focus on your web application logic. In this tech talk, we’ll bring a shopping list app to life with Quarkus, Hibernate as a backend, and React as a frontend. Quinoa will be the glue that makes it all work seamlessly from dev to production.

devnationdevnation tech talkred hat
Extra micrometer practices with Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Extra micrometer practices with Quarkus | DevNation Tech TalkExtra micrometer practices with Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Extra micrometer practices with Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

This document discusses using metrics to monitor Quarkus applications. It recommends metrics like throughput, memory usage, queue time, average response time, and error rates. It explains how Quarkus supports Micrometer for instrumenting applications with metrics and integrating with monitoring systems. The document includes a demo of adding metrics to code. It provides tips for using annotations and tags to gain more insights from metrics. Source code examples are linked.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
Story Time
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)
Developer Meet Designer (Andres Galante & Brian Leathem)

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Event-driven autoscaling through KEDA and Knative Integration | DevNation Tec...
Event-driven autoscaling through KEDA and Knative Integration | DevNation Tec...Event-driven autoscaling through KEDA and Knative Integration | DevNation Tec...
Event-driven autoscaling through KEDA and Knative Integration | DevNation Tec...

This talk will teach you how to redesign an event-driven autoscaling architecture for cloud-native microservices by utilizing Apache Kafka, Knative, and KEDA infrastructure. You will also learn how to deploy serverless applications (Quarkus) using a Knative service. Finally, KEDA will enable you to autoscale Knative Eventing components (KafkaSource) through events consumption over standard resources (CPU, memory).

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech TalkIntegrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

Loom is among the most highly anticipated projects in the Java world. It promises to address concurrency and Java execution model issues by providing virtual threads. Thus, there is no need to write concurrent programs using asynchronous or reactive APIs; it will be possible to use the traditional imperative model and let Loom handle the rest. The JVM will execute the program and leverage non-blocking APIs automatically! Sounds good, doesn't it? How does it work, though? Are there any hidden costs? What is Loom going to change in modern Java frameworks? We will answer these questions in this talk. Starting with the integration of Loom in Quarkus, we will compare the different approaches we considered, discuss their respective pros and cons, and show how Loom might change the Java world.

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥: an old-school Web framework with today's touch | DevNatio...
Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥: an old-school Web framework with today's touch | DevNatio...Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥: an old-school Web framework with today's touch | DevNatio...
Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥: an old-school Web framework with today's touch | DevNatio...

Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥ is a new Web framework based on Quarkus. This framework focuses not on microservices but web applications and makes Quarkus even easier to use for web apps: - Endpoints based on convention, even easier than RESTEasy Reactive and JAX-RS - Server-side templating with Qute - Validation with Hibernate Validation - Data with Hibernate ORM or Reactive with Panache - Simple authentication with OpenID Connect or WebAuthn Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥ can deliver all this while still providing the joy of developing with Quarkus, with live reload, continuous testing, the Dev, and more.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
1. Trust, respect and communicate
2. Understand the user goals
3. Meet in the middle
1. Trust, respect and communicate
2. Understand the user goals
As a <type of user>,
I want <some goal>
so that <some reason>.

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Containers without docker | DevNation Tech Talk
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Containers without docker | DevNation Tech Talk

This document summarizes a talk about running containers without Docker. It discusses alternatives like Podman and Buildah that can replace Docker functionality. The talk demonstrates installing and using Podman to run containers, Buildah to build images from Dockerfiles, and Skopeo to copy images between registries. The presentation encourages understanding containers beyond just Docker and knowing other tools in the ecosystem.

red hatred hat developercontainers
Distributed deployment of microservices across multiple OpenShift clusters | ...
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Hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud patterns are the next application deployment architectures, and Kubernetes is the de facto container orchestration engine. 50% of production Kubernetes workloads involve some form of microservices applications. How can we manage this inter-cluster application connectivity? Meet Skupper: an open-source project that solves multi-cloud communication for Kubernetes. In this Tech Talk, you will briefly learn about Skupper and watch a live demo of an e-commerce application with 10 microservices spanning three OpenShift clusters running on three different public cloud providers.

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
DevNation Workshop: Object detection with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science [Mar...
DevNation Workshop: Object detection with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science [Mar...DevNation Workshop: Object detection with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science [Mar...
DevNation Workshop: Object detection with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science [Mar...

In this workshop, you’ll learn an easy way to incorporate data science and AI/ML into an OpenShift development workflow. As an example, you’ll use an object detection model to detect ‘dog(s)’ in an image. You will: Use Jupyter Notebooks and TensorFlow to explore a pre-trained object detection model Serve the model in a REST API as a Flask App Use Source-to-Image (S2I) to build and deploy the Flask app Explore Kafka streams from Notebooks Deploy a Kafka consumer with the same object detection model You’ll be able to do all of this without having to install anything on your own computer, thanks to Red Hat OpenShift Data Science and Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka. Note:  Beginner data handling and Python skills are required for this workshop.

red hatred hat developerdevnation live
3. Meet in the middle
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