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7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
7 must-try user experience tactics for developers
by Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson
Users have higher
than ever.
seconds to make a
good impression
minutes to
achieve a goal

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Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)

Large-scale Javascript applications benefit from a modular approach that let code be reused both within the application and across repeated implementations. In this session, we'll look at the modular approach used to build reusable Javascript modules in the Red Hat mobile field workforce management application (WFM) showcased in this year's Summit middleware keynote demo. Reusable modules for WFM are packaged as node package manager (npm) modules, providing a consistent format for both server and client sides using Node.js and Browserify. Modules are loosely coupled using the Mediator pattern and they broadcast user actions and state changes giving the application and other modules the opportunity to hook into those events. Additionally, visual components are packaged in a framework-agnostic manner, providing reusable UI components. You'll leave this session understanding the challenges faced when building reusable modules for large-scale applications, and the solutions employed in building out the reusable WFM modules.

CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)
CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)
CDK 2.0: Docker, Kubernetes, And OSE On Your Desk (Langdon White)

Scale changes everything. What once was quite adequate for enterprise messaging can't scale to support "Internet of Things". We need new protocols, patterns and architectures to support this new world. This session will start with basic introduction to the concept of Internet of Things. Next it will discuss general technical challenges involved with the concept and explain why it is becoming mainstream now. Now we’re ready to start talking about solutions. We will introduce some messaging patterns (like telemetry and command/control) and protocols (such as MQTT and AMQP) used in these scenarios. Finally we will see how Apache ActiveMQ is gearing up for this race. We will show tips for horizontal and vertical scaling of the broker, related projects that can help with deployments and what the future development road map looks like.

High Performance Data Storage in a Microservices Environment
High Performance Data Storage in a Microservices EnvironmentHigh Performance Data Storage in a Microservices Environment
High Performance Data Storage in a Microservices Environment

This document discusses using microservices and in-memory data grids for high performance data storage and analytics. It shows how Apache Spark can be used for real-time analytics on data stored in an in-memory data grid. Examples are provided of SQL queries run on Spark to analyze user data and posts from a social network. The results are collected and written back to the data grid.

data storagedatalinux
Tiffany Nolan Catherine Robson
Manager, User Experience Design
Red Hat, Inc
Interaction Designer
Red Hat, Inc
About us
How many of you
are developers?
Question time!
How many of you
work with a UX
designer already?
Learning UX tactics
will make you a
better developer.
User stories

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Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)
Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)
Containers: Under The Hood (Vincent Batts)

Despite the popularity and hype of containers, there is no need to regard containers as a block box. It is important to have an awareness of what's going on under the hood to help optimize your container requirements. In this session, we'll discuss: - Namespacing in the kernel - Copy-on-write storage choices - Portable container formats - Available container alternatives - Validation, trust, and content addressability with image verification See examples and options for your use-cases.

Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)
Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)
Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)

With the recent advancements in modern browsers, more native app-like features are coming to the browser. Things like push notifications, background sync, offline capabilities and home screen app icons have been added to browsers allowing developers to continue building web apps, but now include features that users expect from native apps. In this session we'll take an existing web app and transform it into a progressive web app. We’ll learn how to make the web app installable, how to make it work offline and finally we’ll learn how to add push notifications to re-engage our users.

MicroServices for Java Developers
MicroServices for Java Developers MicroServices for Java Developers
MicroServices for Java Developers

The document discusses microservices for Java developers. It introduces Christian Posta, a principal middleware specialist and architect who works with large microservices and is a blogger and speaker on topics like DevOps, integration, and microservices. It then discusses how creating value through software is about speed, iteration, and continuous improvement. It covers concepts like distributed configuration, service discovery, load balancing, circuit breakers, and versioning/routing that are important for microservices. Finally, it mentions container cluster management with Kubernetes and technologies like Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Fabric8 that can help with microservices development.

Always start with
user stories.
TACTIC #1 | User stories
As a <user type>
I want <feature>
so <reason>
TACTIC #1 | User stories
TACTIC #1 | User Stories
Find Food Buddies at your next conference or event.
Establishes a connection and similar interests to be
able to chat at receptions.
No one wants to eat alone, and especially when you’re
on the road and in a new city. There are so many
unique and delicious restaurants to try out!

Recommended for you

Kubernetes for Java Developers
 Kubernetes for Java Developers Kubernetes for Java Developers
Kubernetes for Java Developers

By Rafael Benevides and Edson Yanaga Yes, Docker is great. We are all very aware of that, but now it’s time to take the next step: wrapping it all and deploying to a production environment. For this scenario, we need something more. For that “more,” we have Kubernetes by Google, a container platform based on the same technology used to deploy billions of containers per month on Google’s infrastructure. Ready to leverage your Docker skills and package your current Java app (WAR, EAR, or JAR)? Come to this session to see how your current Docker skill set can be easily mapped to Kubernetes concepts and commands. And get ready to deploy your containers in production.

red hatgooglekubernetes
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hibernate, JBoss EAP 7 Application (Ståle Ped...
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hibernate, JBoss EAP 7 Application (Ståle Ped...How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hibernate, JBoss EAP 7 Application (Ståle Ped...
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hibernate, JBoss EAP 7 Application (Ståle Ped...

The fifth major release of Hibernate sports contains many internal changes developed in collaboration between the Hibernate team and the Red Hat middleware performance team. Efficient access to databases is crucial to get scalable and responsive applications. Hibernate 5 received much attention in this area. You’ll benefit from many of these improvements by merely upgrading. But it's important to understand some of these new, performance-boosting features because you will need to explicitly enable them. We'll explain the development background on all of these powerful new features and the investigation process for performance improvements. Our aim is to provide good guidance so you can make the most of it on your own applications. We'll also peek at other performance improvements made on JBoss EAP 7, like on the caching layer, the connection manager, and the web tier. We want to make sure you can all enjoy better-performing applications—that require less power and less servers—without compromising on your developer’s productivity.

DevOps Moves To Production (Lori MacVittie)
DevOps Moves To Production (Lori MacVittie)DevOps Moves To Production (Lori MacVittie)
DevOps Moves To Production (Lori MacVittie)

Delivering an app or service fast and frequently to production isn't the same as delivering the app or service fast and frequently to its intended users. Before an app is actually 'live' it has to run the gauntlet of production deployment that stands between it and real, live users. While DevOps has helped organizations make huge strides toward continuous delivery in dev and test environments, the production environment remains a very real obstacle in realizing continuous deployment. The biggest hurdle in that obstacle course is a narrow definition of DevOps that fails to include a broad set of technologies and tools outside the Dev and Ops domain. In this session we'll explore the underlying elements of a comprehensive DevOps approach (SDN, CD/CI, and Agile) and how they mix, match, and combine to enable the operational transformation DevOps promises to achieve the ultimate goal of IT agility: continuous deployment.

Masters degree in Public Communications
5 - 10 years of experience in her trade
Has changed companies about every 5 years
Is looking to grow in her trade
Social butterfly and excellent networker
Attend the conference to learn more about her trade
Network with others in different companies to open up job opportunities
Have engaging and interesting discussions with colleagues of similar interest
Expand her opportunities for the future
Wants to experience the city and locale of each conference as well as an avid traveler
“Going to conferences is such a great learning experience, but the best part is networking and meeting
new and interesting people I can learn from.
Sometimes it can be hard to locate others who are really looking for the most out of the conference experience
Wants to find the restaurants and experiences that really provide a taste of the locale while at a conference, but doesn’
t always have time to research it
Cheryl always arrives the day before the conference starts, wanting to get the most out of her conference experience. She carefully
plans her sessions, but also knows that part of the value of the conference is open time to meet and network with other colleagues.
She makes sure to leave her evenings available for either conference sponsored events, or to meet with people she meets
throughout the day. She often wants to engage with new contacts that have similar interests and helpful associations, but only
occasionally stumbles across these at a given conference.
Cheryl Conference Attendee
Goes to conferences a few times a
year and loves to socialize
More info...
TACTIC #1 | User stories
Cheryl likes to locate and meet new people
over dinner.
● Cheryl would like to host an open reception
at a local restaurant, so she can choose a
restaurant she likes for people to join.
● Cheryl would like to browse existing
receptions by attendees so she can join the
most interesting evening conversation for her.
TACTIC #1 | User stories
Brainstorm how
you can solve
the problem.

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Taking Control of Chaos with Docker and Puppet
Taking Control of Chaos with Docker and PuppetTaking Control of Chaos with Docker and Puppet
Taking Control of Chaos with Docker and Puppet

"Taking Control of Chaos (with Docker and Puppet)" by Tomas Doran (@bobtfish) of Yelp at Puppet Camp London 2014. Find the video here:

puppet camppuppetconfiguration management
Reactive Distributed Applications with Vert.x
Reactive Distributed Applications with Vert.xReactive Distributed Applications with Vert.x
Reactive Distributed Applications with Vert.x

By Clement Escoffier Sorry, there is no free lunch—distributed applications are complex. You can embrace any trends such as microservices, but developing a distributed application is a challenge. Why? Distributed systems have many reasons to fail: technically they’re complicated, and the theory behind distributed systems is also complicated. Vert.x is a toolkit for building reactive distributed applications on top of the Java Virtual Machine in Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, or Ceylon. Vert.x does not hide the complexity of distributed applications; it lets you manage it. Vert.x applications are able to manage failures, can use several protocols and interaction styles, can handle heavy loads, and can cope with most of the requirements of modern applications.

devopsred hatlinux
Java and DevOps: Supercharge Your Delivery Pipeline with Containers
Java and DevOps: Supercharge Your Delivery Pipeline with ContainersJava and DevOps: Supercharge Your Delivery Pipeline with Containers
Java and DevOps: Supercharge Your Delivery Pipeline with Containers

The document discusses how containers can help supercharge a software delivery pipeline by allowing developers and operations teams to work more collaboratively. It notes that containers offer benefits like resource consolidation and use of developer-friendly tools. It also advertises an upcoming event on optimizing Java applications for microservices using MicroProfile standards.

rhelred hatlinux
Quickly and easily
explore design
TACTIC #2 | Sketching
Iterate because
your first idea is
rarely your best.
TACTIC #2 | Sketching
TACTIC #2 | Sketching
Diverge Converge

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Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and JenkinsMicroservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins

By Rafael Benevides and Christian Posta A lot of functionality necessary for running in a microservices architecture have been built into Kubernetes; why would you re-invent the wheel with lots of complicated client-side libraries? Have you ever asked why you should use containers and what are the benefits for your application? This talk will present a microservices application that have been built using different Java platforms: WildFly Swarm and Vert.x. Then we will deploy this application in a Kubernetes cluster to present the advantages of containers for MSA (Microservices Architectures) and DevOps. The attendees will learn how to create, edit, build, deploy Java Microservices, and also how to perform service discovery, rolling updates, persistent volumes and much more. Finally we will fix a bug and see how a CI/CD Pipeline automates the process and reduces the deployment time.

Vert.X: Microservices Were Never So Easy (Clement Escoffier)
Vert.X: Microservices Were Never So Easy (Clement Escoffier)Vert.X: Microservices Were Never So Easy (Clement Escoffier)
Vert.X: Microservices Were Never So Easy (Clement Escoffier)

Vert.x is a toolkit for building reactive and distributed applications on the JVM using asynchronous non-blocking code. It allows building microservices that are responsive, elastic, resilient and message-driven. Vert.x provides components for HTTP servers and clients, event bus messaging, distributed data structures, load balancing and failure handling to help build reactive microservices. The event bus is key to communication in Vert.x applications, allowing different parts of the system to asynchronously send and receive messages regardless of language or location. Reliability patterns like circuit breakers help applications gracefully handle failures that are inevitable in distributed systems.

IPaaS 2.0: Fuse Integration Services (Robert Davies & Keith Babo)
IPaaS 2.0: Fuse Integration Services (Robert Davies & Keith Babo)IPaaS 2.0: Fuse Integration Services (Robert Davies & Keith Babo)
IPaaS 2.0: Fuse Integration Services (Robert Davies & Keith Babo)

Red Hat JBoss Fuse integration services delivers cloud-based integration based on OpenShift by Red Hat to deliver continuous delivery of tested, production-ready integration solutions. Utilizing a drag and drop, code-free UI and combining that with the integration power of Apache Camel, Fuse integration services is the next generation iPaaS. In this session, we'll walk you through why iPaaS is important, the current Fuse integration services roadmap, and the innovation happening in open source community projects to make this a reality.

You don’t have to
be an artist to make
an effective sketch.
TACTIC #2 | Sketching
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
User flows
Map how the
user performs
their tasks.
TACTIC #3 | User flows

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Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pe...
Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pe...Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pe...
Ultimate DevOps: OpenShift Dedicated With CloudBees Jenkins Platform (Andy Pe...

Are you ready to innovate with cloud-native app development? Are you ready to accelerate business agility with continuous delivery (CD)? Well, now you can easily do both using CloudBees Jenkins Platform within OpenShift Dedicated by Red Hat. In this session, you'll learn how to seamlessly use this CD solution to fully automate your application development, test, and delivery life cycle. Using the CloudBees platform to automate your CD pipelines allows your developers to focus on what they do best—innovating. Combine that with the elasticity and scale of the Docker-based OpenShift Dedicated environment, and you'll remove many of the obstacles to business growth. Come see the future of digital innovation.

Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)
Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)
Developing In Python On Red Hat Platforms (Nick Coghlan & Graham Dumpleton)

Red Hat Software Collections, OpenShift and the Red Hat Container Development Kit open up many new possibilities for Python developers targeting Red Hat Enterprise Linux. At the same time, the wider Python ecosystem is undergoing two significant transitions - one being the ongoing migration from Python 2 to Python 3, and the other the shift to correctly validating HTTPS connections by default. In this session we will cover the currently available options for developing with Python on Red Hat platforms, as well as provide some insight into where things are headed in the context of the wider Python ecosystem.

Suck Less At PPT Workshop
Suck Less At PPT WorkshopSuck Less At PPT Workshop
Suck Less At PPT Workshop

This document provides tips and guidance for creating effective PowerPoint presentations. It discusses common problems with PowerPoint presentations like a lack of structure or visual elements. The document recommends focusing on aspects like having a clear framework, using visuals from libraries, practicing simplicity, and understanding the audience. Specific tips include using contrast, grouping, alignment and guidelines for layout, as well as choosing appropriate fonts, colors and graphs. The overall message is that an effective presentation tells a story through structure and visuals rather than just reading text on slides.

Get stakeholder
buy-in early.
TACTIC #3 | User flows
Like sketching,
create user flows
before any coding.
TACTIC #3 | User flows
Solve the problem
without technology
TACTIC #3 | User flows
Browse &
Form Confirmation
I would like to host an open reception.
I want to join the most interesting reception.

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Nasdaq Pro/Design Masterclass at the Entrepreneurial Center
Nasdaq Pro/Design Masterclass at the Entrepreneurial CenterNasdaq Pro/Design Masterclass at the Entrepreneurial Center
Nasdaq Pro/Design Masterclass at the Entrepreneurial Center

A free, half-day masterclass of panels, lectures, and workshops exploring how startups can create a culture that enables great design to thrive.

startupuser experiencedesign
UX Istanbul 2015: Why Design Has A Set At the Table
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UX Istanbul 2015: Why Design Has A Set At the Table

Prarthana Johnson shares how design has a seat at the table at Microsoft. She walks through a case study where user research conducted an ethnography to influence a new strategy called groupsonas. This work has influenced many products across Microsoft such as Teams, OneNote, Office, Skype, Surface Hub and more.

designgroupsonaprarthana johnson
How Do You Interview for a Podcast?
How Do You Interview for a Podcast?How Do You Interview for a Podcast?
How Do You Interview for a Podcast?

Tim Brien from Gagglepod presented "Asking the stupid questions before you are afraid to ask them" that went into his interviewing process, how to land good guests, and what to do when your interview goes sideways.

7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
Your goal is to
optimize the task.
TACTIC #3 | User flows

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Building A Lead Generating Chatbot
Building A Lead Generating ChatbotBuilding A Lead Generating Chatbot
Building A Lead Generating Chatbot Adi: Inbound partner professor with HubSpot Academy. Former consultant. Professional musician

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7 YouTube Tactics to Grow a Large Following
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7 YouTube Tactics to Grow a Large Following

The document summarizes a webinar about email marketing for teams using Pinpointe. The webinar featured a special guest speaker, Antoine Dupont, and was moderated by Pinpointe. It discussed how Pinpointe allows teams to create email campaigns more quickly and at scale. Key features of Pinpointe include drag and drop campaign building, advanced analytics and reporting, and testing and predictive sending options. The webinar also covered industries Pinpointe serves and provided an offer for attendees to receive a free one month trial of Pinpointe.

youtubevideo marketingmarketing
Build an Application from Idea to Release
Build an Application from Idea to ReleaseBuild an Application from Idea to Release
Build an Application from Idea to Release

The speaker will highlight various tools and best practices to help you build your idea into a solid app, if you aren’t doing the coding yourself. The speaker will address the following issues: 1) How do you make sure that you get from your contractors what you asked for? 2) How do you manage your budget and not get stuck with a lousy build? 3) Can you do any of the work yourself if you have little or no design and development skills? 4) Where can you find the right developers and how do you properly vet them? 5) What’s the best way to communicate with your developer during the various stages of development? and more.....!

Downloads user flow
Current (March 10, 2016) - 8 Screens, 6 Clicks to accept all T&Cs and get download bits
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Info: Email
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Possible for Week of March 14 - 6 Screens, 5 Clicks to accept all T&Cs and get download bits
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Desired for End of March - 4 Screens, 3 Clicks to accept all T&Cs and get download bits
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Email verification not required
Email verification not required T&Cs added to Register Form
New form with
checkboxes for
& Filter
Form Confirmation
I would like to host an open reception.
I want to join the most interesting reception.
Cheryl would like to host an open reception at a local
restaurant, so she can choose a restaurant she likes for
people to join.
Cheryl would like to browse existing receptions by
attendees so she can join the most interesting evening
conversation for her.
Move away from the
data table!
Data tables
create information
TACTIC #4 | Move away from the data table!

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Founders institute: Session on product development
Founders institute: Session on product developmentFounders institute: Session on product development
Founders institute: Session on product development

This document provides guidance on product development including defining a product roadmap, user stories, and specifications. It emphasizes understanding the user experience through developing actor personas and mapping out their goals and needs in episodic stories. Guidelines are presented for communicating vision through style guides, pattern libraries, and tone of voice. Resources are listed for further learning in product management, usability, design thinking, and more.

product designproduct management
How to build an NLP chatbot for customer support automation
How to build an NLP chatbot for customer support automationHow to build an NLP chatbot for customer support automation
How to build an NLP chatbot for customer support automation

At Tars, we’ve helped businesses automate the bulk of their customer service requests using NLP chatbots and in this webinar, we want to share what we’ve learned from those experiences with you. Specifically, in this session, we will talk about: * Where it makes sense to use NLP in a chatbot (and where it doesn’t) * How NLP in your chatbot can help you deliver a better customer experience * How you can build and deploy an NLP chatbot on the Tars platform

by Tars
nlpchatbotsconversational marketing
OSCON 2015 - Introduction to Planning and Running Tech Events
OSCON 2015 - Introduction to Planning and Running Tech EventsOSCON 2015 - Introduction to Planning and Running Tech Events
OSCON 2015 - Introduction to Planning and Running Tech Events

This document provides an overview of planning and running tech events. It begins with introducing the presenters and their backgrounds in tech events. The agenda then covers various aspects of planning events including determining the purpose and goals, constraints, event structures, working as a team, content, venue selection, costs, sponsorships, logistics and on-site considerations. The document emphasizes documenting all plans in a single shared document for transparency and updating plans as needed. It also stresses considering diversity and empowering the community when selecting speakers and content.

7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
TACTIC #4 | Move away from the data table!
TACTIC #4 | Move away from the data table!
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)

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More leads, more exposure for our company’s thought leaders, and more chances to share our message is all that we want from delivering a webcast. But what about the people who attend those webcasts? On the bottom line, our webcasts are only successful when everyone gets what they need and giving your attendees what they really want means understanding why your attendees is attending, and ensuring that you cater to their content needs. How do you achieve that? Easy! Just follow these guidelines for giving your attendees what they really want:

webcastingweb conferencingonline meetings
Let's Sharpen Your Agile Ax, It's Story Splitting Time
Let's Sharpen Your Agile Ax, It's Story Splitting TimeLet's Sharpen Your Agile Ax, It's Story Splitting Time
Let's Sharpen Your Agile Ax, It's Story Splitting Time

No, this is not a well-formed acceptance criterion because it is not a present tense indicative statement that can be clearly determined as true or false. It does not provide enough information to determine if the requirement has been met.

user storyagilescrum
Sharpen your Agile Axe by Brian Sjorber
Sharpen your Agile Axe by Brian SjorberSharpen your Agile Axe by Brian Sjorber
Sharpen your Agile Axe by Brian Sjorber

This document discusses splitting large user stories into smaller tasks. It begins with an introduction and outline. It then covers topics like the types of issues teams track like user stories and tasks. The document emphasizes that user stories represent value to customers, while tasks represent work. It also discusses other artifacts like epics, technical stories, and information that doesn't belong in user stories. The presentation concludes with a review of key points and the definition of ready.

agilescrumuser stories
TACTIC #4 | Move away from the data table!
Whitespace the amount of
space between
TACTIC #5 | Whitespace
Breathing room
and balance.
It’s important.
TACTIC #5 | Whitespace

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Integrating Bots into your Digital Workplace Strategy #spfestdc
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Integrating Bots into your Digital Workplace Strategy #spfestdc

Is your organizations looking to become smarter? Attend this session to better understand the benefit of bots and how integrating them into your organization can help common tasks automated. It's the first step toward better integration between business applications together. At the end of this session, we'll demo bots and sample solutions currently available in the Office 365 space.

botsoffice 365digital workplace
Intro to Sponsorship Workshop - MLH Hackcon VI
Intro to Sponsorship Workshop - MLH Hackcon VIIntro to Sponsorship Workshop - MLH Hackcon VI
Intro to Sponsorship Workshop - MLH Hackcon VI

This document summarizes a presentation about hackathon sponsorship. It discusses the three main types of sponsors - recruitment, developer evangelism, and marketing. It provides tips on finding sponsors through people known, companies known, and cold contacts. It outlines how sponsors evaluate events based on cost per attendee, attendee value, and other factors. Finally, it discusses how to effectively pitch sponsors by focusing on attention, interest, benefits, and next steps.

Secrets to a Successful Eloqua Experience
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Secrets to a Successful Eloqua Experience

The document provides tips for maximizing the value of attending the Eloqua Experience conference in person. It recommends planning ahead, focusing full attention on sessions and networking, and taking advantage of casual moments to meet new people and learn from vendors. Specific best practices are outlined for taking strategic notes during sessions in a organized way and reviewing them promptly after the event.

eloquamarketing automationoracle
readability &
shows content
TACTIC #5 | Whitespace
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
The space doesn't
have to actually
be white.
TACTIC #5 | Whitespace
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)

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Sxsw Preliminary Panel How to Hack hack hackathons for non-technical hackers

How to Hack Hackathons for non-technical Hackers. SXSW Panel Picker preliminary presentation to be added to should the panel get accepted.

Fun With Words: A Toolkit for Designing Great Content, First
Fun With Words: A Toolkit for Designing Great Content, FirstFun With Words: A Toolkit for Designing Great Content, First
Fun With Words: A Toolkit for Designing Great Content, First

During my years of agency work, I collected and created a set of content strategy games inspired by the book Gamestorming. In this session, I'll walk you through my bag of tricks, and arm you with a fun set of discovery and design tools to help you connect with your most skeptical clients and get the content right. I gave this presentation at the 2015 UXDC conference.

content strategycontent firstuser experience
Intro to the LA Design Community Resources
Intro to the LA Design Community ResourcesIntro to the LA Design Community Resources
Intro to the LA Design Community Resources

Resources from the Intro to the LA Design Community presentation at General Assembly on March 19 in Downtown Los Angeles.

by Huge
Guerrilla testing
Test 10 minutes
to save 10 days
TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing
TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing
TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing
Be casual.
Listen; don’t talk.

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Marc Loveridge Citizen Marketing
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Marc Loveridge Citizen Marketing

Marc Loveridge's presentation to eMarketing students at UWA. Citizen Marketing Your brand is only what people say it is Listening, Talking, Supporting & Embracing

emarketingozebuzzcase studies
DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps
DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOpsDevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps
DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps

In 2022 we heard your GitOps questions at meetups and gatherings, big stages and local panels and one question was often top of mind: how do I get started? The benefits of GitOps are calling your name, but getting started isn’t that straightforward. Red Hat is excited to kick off 2023 with a DevNation TechTalk, focused on GitOps to help you sift through your questions. At DevNation you’ll hear from passionate GitOps practitioners about the pitfalls to avoid and hurdles to jump while kicking off or evolving your GitOps practices. This event is aimed at audiences that are new to GitOps or early in their practice development within a cloud native environment. During this live session you’ll learn: Upcoming updates and key milestones in the ArgoCD roadmap and how Red Hat will support them How to simplify the delivery GitOps across multi-cloud environments GitOps best practices from experts at: PostNord Strålfors: Filip Jansson Arbetsförmedlingen: Misho Kmetovski & Richard Hermansson Swiss Railways (SBB): Manuel Wallrapp & Thomas Bruederli Plus stick around for an “Ask me Anything” segment to ask any outstanding questions live.

gitopsdevnationdevnation tech talk
Exploring the power of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes
Exploring the power of OpenTelemetry on KubernetesExploring the power of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes
Exploring the power of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes

Modern cloud-native applications are incredibly complex systems. Keeping the systems healthy and meeting SLAs for our customers is crucial for long-term success. In this session, we will dive into the three pillars of observability - metrics, logs, tracing - the foundation of successful troubleshooting in distributed systems. You'll learn the gotchas and pitfalls of rolling out the OpenTelemetry stack on Kubernetes to effectively collect all your signals without worrying about a vendor lock in. Additionally we will replace parts of the Prometheus stack to scrape metrics with OpenTelemetry collector and operator.

TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing
Record if possible.
TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing
Respect their time.
User feedback
It’s not over once
the solution is live.
TACTIC #7 | User feedback

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GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk
GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech TalkGitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk
GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk

GitHub plays a key role in the everyday work of thousands of developers and is a central piece of the open-source software ecosystem. Even though it is getting better and better every day, it still misses some key features that we need. If you want a better way of reviewing PRs, navigating through the code or better yet - writing the code without leaving the browser - this talk is for you! This talk will be demo driven, and as the title suggests, we will start with the aesthetic revamp. But we definitely won’t stop there! You will also learn a few cool things about interacting with GitHub through the command line. So not only your UI will be officially revamped, but you will also gain a productivity boost.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
Quinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech Talk
Quinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech TalkQuinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech Talk
Quinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech Talk

The Quarkus Quinoa extension takes care of all the web UI build/wiring/dev-mode hassles and lets you focus on your web application logic. In this tech talk, we’ll bring a shopping list app to life with Quarkus, Hibernate as a backend, and React as a frontend. Quinoa will be the glue that makes it all work seamlessly from dev to production.

devnationdevnation tech talkred hat
Extra micrometer practices with Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
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This document discusses using metrics to monitor Quarkus applications. It recommends metrics like throughput, memory usage, queue time, average response time, and error rates. It explains how Quarkus supports Micrometer for instrumenting applications with metrics and integrating with monitoring systems. The document includes a demo of adding metrics to code. It provides tips for using annotations and tags to gain more insights from metrics. Source code examples are linked.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
Provide tools for
feedback, bugs &
TACTIC #7 | User feedback
Think about the
details you need to
solve an issue.
TACTIC #7 | User feedback
Expose the
feedback to a
wider audience.
TACTIC #7 | User feedback
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)

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This talk will teach you how to redesign an event-driven autoscaling architecture for cloud-native microservices by utilizing Apache Kafka, Knative, and KEDA infrastructure. You will also learn how to deploy serverless applications (Quarkus) using a Knative service. Finally, KEDA will enable you to autoscale Knative Eventing components (KafkaSource) through events consumption over standard resources (CPU, memory).

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
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Loom is among the most highly anticipated projects in the Java world. It promises to address concurrency and Java execution model issues by providing virtual threads. Thus, there is no need to write concurrent programs using asynchronous or reactive APIs; it will be possible to use the traditional imperative model and let Loom handle the rest. The JVM will execute the program and leverage non-blocking APIs automatically! Sounds good, doesn't it? How does it work, though? Are there any hidden costs? What is Loom going to change in modern Java frameworks? We will answer these questions in this talk. Starting with the integration of Loom in Quarkus, we will compare the different approaches we considered, discuss their respective pros and cons, and show how Loom might change the Java world.

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
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Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥ is a new Web framework based on Quarkus. This framework focuses not on microservices but web applications and makes Quarkus even easier to use for web apps: - Endpoints based on convention, even easier than RESTEasy Reactive and JAX-RS - Server-side templating with Qute - Validation with Hibernate Validation - Data with Hibernate ORM or Reactive with Panache - Simple authentication with OpenID Connect or WebAuthn Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥ can deliver all this while still providing the joy of developing with Quarkus, with live reload, continuous testing, the Dev, and more.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)
Don’t be afraid
to follow up
with the user!
TACTIC #7 | User feedback

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Containers without docker | DevNation Tech Talk
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This document summarizes a talk about running containers without Docker. It discusses alternatives like Podman and Buildah that can replace Docker functionality. The talk demonstrates installing and using Podman to run containers, Buildah to build images from Dockerfiles, and Skopeo to copy images between registries. The presentation encourages understanding containers beyond just Docker and knowing other tools in the ecosystem.

red hatred hat developercontainers
Distributed deployment of microservices across multiple OpenShift clusters | ...
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Hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud patterns are the next application deployment architectures, and Kubernetes is the de facto container orchestration engine. 50% of production Kubernetes workloads involve some form of microservices applications. How can we manage this inter-cluster application connectivity? Meet Skupper: an open-source project that solves multi-cloud communication for Kubernetes. In this Tech Talk, you will briefly learn about Skupper and watch a live demo of an e-commerce application with 10 microservices spanning three OpenShift clusters running on three different public cloud providers.

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
DevNation Workshop: Object detection with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science [Mar...
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In this workshop, you’ll learn an easy way to incorporate data science and AI/ML into an OpenShift development workflow. As an example, you’ll use an object detection model to detect ‘dog(s)’ in an image. You will: Use Jupyter Notebooks and TensorFlow to explore a pre-trained object detection model Serve the model in a REST API as a Flask App Use Source-to-Image (S2I) to build and deploy the Flask app Explore Kafka streams from Notebooks Deploy a Kafka consumer with the same object detection model You’ll be able to do all of this without having to install anything on your own computer, thanks to Red Hat OpenShift Data Science and Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka. Note:  Beginner data handling and Python skills are required for this workshop.

red hatred hat developerdevnation live
7 user experience tactics
1. User stories
2. Sketching
3. User flows
4. Move away from the data table!
5. Whitespace
6. Guerrilla testing
7. User feedback
seconds to make a
good impression
minutes to
achieve a goal
Research, Personas, User Stories
Interaction and Visual Design
Testing and Feedback
Additional UX Resources
Tiffany Nolan Catherine Robson
Manager, User Experience Design
Red Hat, Inc
Interaction Designer
Red Hat, Inc
Connect with usQuestions?

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Dear security, compliance, and auditing: We’re sorry. Love, DevOps | DevNatio...
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DevOps solved the conflict between development and operations, but other essential aspects of the delivery lifecycle—security, compliance, and audit—were left out. DevSecOps is an excellent reminder that security must be DevOps’d, but compliance and audit are still missing. There’s no need for a new DevSecAuditComplianceOps buzzword; instead, let’s talk about continuous authorization, which applies Zero Trust principles to continuous monitoring. In this tech talk, Bill Bensing will discuss practical ways to start with continuous authorization for the software delivery lifecycle using Ploigos.

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What's your favorite IDE? VS Code? IDEA? Eclipse? Visual Studio? The right IDE is fundamental to your productivity as a developer, but you might need something else to become more outstanding. Why don't we take a look at your terminal? Come to this session to learn eleven CLI tools that will boost your developer productivity.

red hatred hat developerdevnation live
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We will dissect the world famous todo app that provides a REST API (which is the foundation of microservices) with data backed by Apache Cassandra. We will leverage the TODO MVC and the TODO backend projects with the back end that we will build with Quarkus and Cassandra. Attendees will get an overview of Cassandra, including the driver for Quarkus. Through live coding (that attendees can try out later) in a cloud-based environment, primarily in Quarkus and Cassandra, attendees will understand how to implement and connect the APIs to the backend and leverage the generic client(s)provided. After attending this session attendees will walk away with a good understanding of implementing microservices using Cassandra and Quarkus. They will also get a working knowledge of how Astra (Cassandra as a service) can be leveraged in other solutions.

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7 Must-Try User Experience Tactics For Developers (Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson)

  • 2. 7 must-try user experience tactics for developers by Tiffany Nolan & Catherine Robson
  • 4. 10 seconds to make a good impression 20 minutes to achieve a goal
  • 5. Tiffany Nolan Catherine Robson Manager, User Experience Design Red Hat, Inc @catwrobson Interaction Designer Red Hat, Inc @tiffanolan About us
  • 6. How many of you are developers? Question time! How many of you work with a UX designer already?
  • 7. Learning UX tactics will make you a better developer.
  • 9. Always start with user stories. TACTIC #1 | User stories
  • 10. As a <user type> I want <feature> so <reason> TACTIC #1 | User stories
  • 12. Fuddy Find Food Buddies at your next conference or event. Establishes a connection and similar interests to be able to chat at receptions. No one wants to eat alone, and especially when you’re on the road and in a new city. There are so many unique and delicious restaurants to try out!
  • 13. Masters degree in Public Communications 5 - 10 years of experience in her trade Has changed companies about every 5 years Is looking to grow in her trade Social butterfly and excellent networker Attend the conference to learn more about her trade Network with others in different companies to open up job opportunities Have engaging and interesting discussions with colleagues of similar interest Expand her opportunities for the future Wants to experience the city and locale of each conference as well as an avid traveler “Going to conferences is such a great learning experience, but the best part is networking and meeting new and interesting people I can learn from. GOALS Sometimes it can be hard to locate others who are really looking for the most out of the conference experience Wants to find the restaurants and experiences that really provide a taste of the locale while at a conference, but doesn’ t always have time to research it Cheryl always arrives the day before the conference starts, wanting to get the most out of her conference experience. She carefully plans her sessions, but also knows that part of the value of the conference is open time to meet and network with other colleagues. She makes sure to leave her evenings available for either conference sponsored events, or to meet with people she meets throughout the day. She often wants to engage with new contacts that have similar interests and helpful associations, but only occasionally stumbles across these at a given conference. Cheryl Conference Attendee PAIN POINTS BACKGROUND Goes to conferences a few times a year and loves to socialize DAY IN THE LIFE …. More info...
  • 14. TACTIC #1 | User stories Epic Cheryl likes to locate and meet new people over dinner.
  • 15. ● Cheryl would like to host an open reception at a local restaurant, so she can choose a restaurant she likes for people to join. ● Cheryl would like to browse existing receptions by attendees so she can join the most interesting evening conversation for her. TACTIC #1 | User stories
  • 16. Brainstorm how you can solve the problem.
  • 18. Quickly and easily explore design options. TACTIC #2 | Sketching
  • 19. Iterate because your first idea is rarely your best. TACTIC #2 | Sketching
  • 20. TACTIC #2 | Sketching Diverge Converge Create choices Make choices
  • 21. You don’t have to be an artist to make an effective sketch. TACTIC #2 | Sketching
  • 24. Map how the user performs their tasks. TACTIC #3 | User flows
  • 26. Like sketching, create user flows before any coding. TACTIC #3 | User flows
  • 27. Solve the problem without technology restrictions. TACTIC #3 | User flows
  • 28. Home Browse & Filter Receptions Browse Locations Location Details Booking Form Confirmation Reception Details Confirmation I would like to host an open reception. I want to join the most interesting reception. CREATE ATTEND SELECT SELECT BOOK IT! JOIN SUBMIT
  • 32. Your goal is to optimize the task. TACTIC #3 | User flows
  • 33. Downloads user flow Current (March 10, 2016) - 8 Screens, 6 Clicks to accept all T&Cs and get download bits Click Download latest Click REGISTER Click CREATE MY ACCOUNT Info: Email verification Click link to verify email Click ACCEPT Click CONTINUE DOWNLOAD Software downloads Downloads Log in Register Verify T&Cs More info Get started Possible for Week of March 14 - 6 Screens, 5 Clicks to accept all T&Cs and get download bits Click Download latest Click REGISTER Click CREATE MY ACCOUNT Click ACCEPT Click CONTINUE DOWNLOAD Software downloads Downloads Log in Register T&Cs More info Get started Desired for End of March - 4 Screens, 3 Clicks to accept all T&Cs and get download bits Click Download latest Click REGISTER Click CREATE MY ACCOUNT Software downloads Downloads Log in Register Get started Email verification not required Email verification not required T&Cs added to Register Form New form with multiple checkboxes for T&Cs
  • 34. Home Browse & Filter Receptio ns Browse Location s Location Details Booking Form Confirmation Receptio n Details Confirmat ion I would like to host an open reception. I want to join the most interesting reception. Cheryl would like to host an open reception at a local restaurant, so she can choose a restaurant she likes for people to join. Cheryl would like to browse existing receptions by attendees so she can join the most interesting evening conversation for her.
  • 35. TACTIC #4 Move away from the data table!
  • 36. Data tables create information overload. TACTIC #4 | Move away from the data table!
  • 38. TACTIC #4 | Move away from the data table!
  • 39. TACTIC #4 | Move away from the data table!
  • 41. TACTIC #4 | Move away from the data table!
  • 43. the amount of space between elements. TACTIC #5 | Whitespace
  • 44. Breathing room and balance. It’s important. TACTIC #5 | Whitespace
  • 47. The space doesn't have to actually be white. TACTIC #5 | Whitespace
  • 50. Test 10 minutes to save 10 days re-coding. TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing
  • 51. TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing
  • 52. TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing Be casual. Listen; don’t talk.
  • 53. TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing Record if possible.
  • 54. TACTIC #6 | Guerrilla testing Respect their time.
  • 56. It’s not over once the solution is live. TACTIC #7 | User feedback
  • 57. Provide tools for feedback, bugs & issues. TACTIC #7 | User feedback
  • 58. Think about the details you need to solve an issue. TACTIC #7 | User feedback
  • 59. Expose the feedback to a wider audience. TACTIC #7 | User feedback
  • 64. Don’t be afraid to follow up with the user! TACTIC #7 | User feedback
  • 65. 7 user experience tactics 1. User stories 2. Sketching 3. User flows 4. Move away from the data table! 5. Whitespace 6. Guerrilla testing 7. User feedback
  • 66. 10 seconds to make a good impression 20 minutes to achieve a goal
  • 67. Research, Personas, User Stories Interaction and Visual Design Testing and Feedback Additional UX Resources
  • 68. Tiffany Nolan Catherine Robson Manager, User Experience Design Red Hat, Inc @catwrobson Interaction Designer Red Hat, Inc @tiffanolan Connect with usQuestions?