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Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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Using the power of Nginx it is easy to implement quite complex logic of file upload with metadata and authorization support, and without need of any heavy application server. In this article you can find the basic implementation of such Fileserver using Nginx and Lua only.

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This Next.js slide is for the short introduction. Next.js is a react framework for projection. Some people call it as a full stack react framework. Because we can write both client and server side code on it.

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Introduction to react native
Introduction to react nativeIntroduction to react native
Introduction to react native

This document introduces React Native, a framework for building mobile apps using React. It allows building Android and iOS apps with shared code. React Native uses a virtual DOM for fast rendering. Components manage state and receive data through props. Lifecycle methods handle mounting, updating, and unmounting. Setting up requires Node.js, React Native CLI, and Android Studio or Xcode. Hot reloading, Flexbox layouts, and libraries like Lottie and React Navigation make development easier.

mobile application developmentandroidreact-native
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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Java Servlets
Java ServletsJava Servlets
Java Servlets

The document discusses the core concepts of Java web technology including servlet containers, types of servlet containers, the javax.servlet package, the servlet lifecycle, servlet configuration using ServletConfig, sharing data using ServletContext, and request dispatching using RequestDispatcher. A servlet container runs servlets and acts as the interface between the web server and servlets. Servlets are loaded, initialized, service requests, and destroyed according to their lifecycle managed by the servlet container.

도커 무작정 따라하기: 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다!
도커 무작정 따라하기: 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다!도커 무작정 따라하기: 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다!
도커 무작정 따라하기: 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다!

도커 무작정 따라하기 - 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다! 도커의 기본 개념부터 설치와 사용 방법까지 설명합니다. 더 자세한 내용은 가장 빨리 만나는 도커(Docker)를 참조해주세요~

E secure transaction project ppt(Design and implementation of e-secure trans...
E secure transaction project  ppt(Design and implementation of e-secure trans...E secure transaction project  ppt(Design and implementation of e-secure trans...
E secure transaction project ppt(Design and implementation of e-secure trans...

e-secure transaction project ppt This is the ppt for thee secure transaction system project for the college student. i did this project on my college days. Here I mentioned some important points for the ppt so you can copy them and make you customize ppt on any topic or project. Design and implementation of e-secure transaction system is my project title and in this, we have different functionalities like transfer funds and recharges,bill pay etc , we also use some encryption algorithms for secure the data.

Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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Apache Traffic Server & Lua

Apache Traffic Server (ATS) is a fast, scalable HTTP caching proxy server. It allows plugins to be written using Lua, a lightweight scripting language. This provides advantages over writing plugins in C/C++, including easier development, testing, and ability to leverage Lua features. The presentation discusses using Lua with ATS, including exposing ATS APIs as Lua functions, implementing plugins, testing plugins, and security considerations like input validation and sandboxing. Future work may include exposing more ATS APIs and providing input validation libraries.

모바일 메신저 아키텍쳐 소개
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모바일 메신저 아키텍쳐 • 모바일 메신저 서비스 현황 • XMPP 소개 • LINE, Kakao Talk 아키텍쳐 소개

Python/Flask Presentation
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This document introduces Flask, a Python framework for building web applications. It explains that Flask uses Python decorators to define routes for the web server. Before writing a Flask application, the reader is instructed to install Python, pip, virtualenv, and Flask within a new project directory. The basics of writing a Flask application are then covered, including running the application and defining routes to return responses. The document ends with quiz questions and resources for learning more about Flask.

pythonflaskweb development
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js that provides a flexible set of features for building web and mobile apps. Express apps use middleware functions that have access to the request and response objects and allow for intermediate processing in the request-response cycle. Middleware functions can execute code, modify requests/responses, and call the next middleware function. Express supports application-level middleware, router-level middleware, error handling middleware, built-in middleware like static file serving, and third-party middleware.

Learning ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6
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Learning ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6

This document provides an overview and introduction to ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6. It discusses the history of ASP.NET and outlines improvements in ASP.NET 5, including being cross-platform, modular, faster, and using NuGet packages. MVC 6 unifies MVC, Web API, and Web Pages and uses view components instead of child actions. Tag helpers generate markup and validation helpers are also introduced.

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Next.js introduces a new App Directory structure that routes pages based on files, separates components by whether data is fetched on the server or client, and introduces a new way to fetch data using React Suspense. It also supports server-side rendering, static site generation, incremental static regeneration, internationalization, theming, accessibility and alternative patterns to Context API.

Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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React native

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This is the railway ticket service program in c++ for class 12 students for their investigatory projects. this is c++ project which will help students to get good marks in their practical examination and be happy.this is very easy and good project that to be submitted as investigatory project.

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Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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API for Beginners
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API for Beginners

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DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps
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DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps

In 2022 we heard your GitOps questions at meetups and gatherings, big stages and local panels and one question was often top of mind: how do I get started? The benefits of GitOps are calling your name, but getting started isn’t that straightforward. Red Hat is excited to kick off 2023 with a DevNation TechTalk, focused on GitOps to help you sift through your questions. At DevNation you’ll hear from passionate GitOps practitioners about the pitfalls to avoid and hurdles to jump while kicking off or evolving your GitOps practices. This event is aimed at audiences that are new to GitOps or early in their practice development within a cloud native environment. During this live session you’ll learn: Upcoming updates and key milestones in the ArgoCD roadmap and how Red Hat will support them How to simplify the delivery GitOps across multi-cloud environments GitOps best practices from experts at: PostNord Strålfors: Filip Jansson Arbetsförmedlingen: Misho Kmetovski & Richard Hermansson Swiss Railways (SBB): Manuel Wallrapp & Thomas Bruederli Plus stick around for an “Ask me Anything” segment to ask any outstanding questions live.

gitopsdevnationdevnation tech talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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Exploring the power of OpenTelemetry on Kubernetes

Modern cloud-native applications are incredibly complex systems. Keeping the systems healthy and meeting SLAs for our customers is crucial for long-term success. In this session, we will dive into the three pillars of observability - metrics, logs, tracing - the foundation of successful troubleshooting in distributed systems. You'll learn the gotchas and pitfalls of rolling out the OpenTelemetry stack on Kubernetes to effectively collect all your signals without worrying about a vendor lock in. Additionally we will replace parts of the Prometheus stack to scrape metrics with OpenTelemetry collector and operator.

GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk
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GitHub Makeover | DevNation Tech Talk

GitHub plays a key role in the everyday work of thousands of developers and is a central piece of the open-source software ecosystem. Even though it is getting better and better every day, it still misses some key features that we need. If you want a better way of reviewing PRs, navigating through the code or better yet - writing the code without leaving the browser - this talk is for you! This talk will be demo driven, and as the title suggests, we will start with the aesthetic revamp. But we definitely won’t stop there! You will also learn a few cool things about interacting with GitHub through the command line. So not only your UI will be officially revamped, but you will also gain a productivity boost.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
Quinoa: A modern Quarkus UI with no hassles | DevNation tech Talk
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The Quarkus Quinoa extension takes care of all the web UI build/wiring/dev-mode hassles and lets you focus on your web application logic. In this tech talk, we’ll bring a shopping list app to life with Quarkus, Hibernate as a backend, and React as a frontend. Quinoa will be the glue that makes it all work seamlessly from dev to production.

devnationdevnation tech talkred hat
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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This document discusses using metrics to monitor Quarkus applications. It recommends metrics like throughput, memory usage, queue time, average response time, and error rates. It explains how Quarkus supports Micrometer for instrumenting applications with metrics and integrating with monitoring systems. The document includes a demo of adding metrics to code. It provides tips for using annotations and tags to gain more insights from metrics. Source code examples are linked.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
Event-driven autoscaling through KEDA and Knative Integration | DevNation Tec...
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Event-driven autoscaling through KEDA and Knative Integration | DevNation Tec...

This talk will teach you how to redesign an event-driven autoscaling architecture for cloud-native microservices by utilizing Apache Kafka, Knative, and KEDA infrastructure. You will also learn how to deploy serverless applications (Quarkus) using a Knative service. Finally, KEDA will enable you to autoscale Knative Eventing components (KafkaSource) through events consumption over standard resources (CPU, memory).

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
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Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥ is a new Web framework based on Quarkus. This framework focuses not on microservices but web applications and makes Quarkus even easier to use for web apps: - Endpoints based on convention, even easier than RESTEasy Reactive and JAX-RS - Server-side templating with Qute - Validation with Hibernate Validation - Data with Hibernate ORM or Reactive with Panache - Simple authentication with OpenID Connect or WebAuthn Quarkus Renarde 🦊♥ can deliver all this while still providing the joy of developing with Quarkus, with live reload, continuous testing, the Dev, and more.

red hatred hat developerdevnation
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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Hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud patterns are the next application deployment architectures, and Kubernetes is the de facto container orchestration engine. 50% of production Kubernetes workloads involve some form of microservices applications. How can we manage this inter-cluster application connectivity? Meet Skupper: an open-source project that solves multi-cloud communication for Kubernetes. In this Tech Talk, you will briefly learn about Skupper and watch a live demo of an e-commerce application with 10 microservices spanning three OpenShift clusters running on three different public cloud providers.

red hatred hat developerdevnation tech talk
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red hatred hat developerdevnation live
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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DevOps solved the conflict between development and operations, but other essential aspects of the delivery lifecycle—security, compliance, and audit—were left out. DevSecOps is an excellent reminder that security must be DevOps’d, but compliance and audit are still missing. There’s no need for a new DevSecAuditComplianceOps buzzword; instead, let’s talk about continuous authorization, which applies Zero Trust principles to continuous monitoring. In this tech talk, Bill Bensing will discuss practical ways to start with continuous authorization for the software delivery lifecycle using Ploigos.

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What's your favorite IDE? VS Code? IDEA? Eclipse? Visual Studio? The right IDE is fundamental to your productivity as a developer, but you might need something else to become more outstanding. Why don't we take a look at your terminal? Come to this session to learn eleven CLI tools that will boost your developer productivity.

red hatred hat developerdevnation live
A Microservices approach with Cassandra and Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
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We will dissect the world famous todo app that provides a REST API (which is the foundation of microservices) with data backed by Apache Cassandra. We will leverage the TODO MVC and the TODO backend projects with the back end that we will build with Quarkus and Cassandra. Attendees will get an overview of Cassandra, including the driver for Quarkus. Through live coding (that attendees can try out later) in a cloud-based environment, primarily in Quarkus and Cassandra, attendees will understand how to implement and connect the APIs to the backend and leverage the generic client(s)provided. After attending this session attendees will walk away with a good understanding of implementing microservices using Cassandra and Quarkus. They will also get a working knowledge of how Astra (Cassandra as a service) can be leveraged in other solutions.

red hatred hat developermicroservices
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk
Integrating Loom in Quarkus | DevNation Tech Talk

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Every software developer wants more productivity. What if the only commands you needed to deploy were "git commit" and "git push"? Join us as we walk you through a live demonstration of how you can ship your lovely application code from your local machine to a free OpenShift cluster, fully automated through GitHub Actions. By the end of this session, you'll have a sound understanding of building a GitHub Action workflow for your codebase that leverages OpenShift to deploy your application.

red hatred hat developerdevnation live
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Since moving to a 6 monthly release cadence, the Java platform is evolving more dynamically than ever before. It can be quite a challenge to stay on top of all the changes and new features. In this talk we're going to explore the most important developments in the Java API: which classes have been added, and what has been removed? Join Duke, the Java mascot, for a trip to space and learn which exciting new APIs provided by the Java platform can help him with his journey: The Java Vector API for utilizing the SIMD capabilities of modern CPU architectures The Foreign Linker API for integrating with native code The JFR Event Streaming API for publishing JDK Flight Recorder Events We'll also take a look at some useful changes to the Java runtime, such as CDS archives for a faster spaceship..., uhm, application launch!

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Did you know that OpenJDK comes with Java Flight Recorder (JFR), an embedded production time profiler? Cryostat provides easy and secure access to JFR across container boundaries so you can profile that performance bottleneck, or find that annoying bug. Join this session to learn about using Cryostat to profile Java applications in production on OpenShift.

red hatred hat developerdevnation

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도커 무작정 따라하기: 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다!
도커 무작정 따라하기: 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다!도커 무작정 따라하기: 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다!
도커 무작정 따라하기: 도커가 처음인 사람도 60분이면 웹 서버를 올릴 수 있습니다!
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