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Design Fundamentals
• Understand 3D printing and how it works.
• Learn basic 3D design fundamentals (e.g., understanding 3D space and
geometry, modeling, surfaces, textures, and rendering images).
• Gain hands-on experience designing a 3D object that can be 3D printed.
• Discover a variety of free 3D design applications and repositories.
Create an account for later …
What is 3D printing?
First off, 3D printing is not new. Chuck Hull invented
stereolithography (i.e., solid imaging) in the mid-1980s.
3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing ,
which is a process of making, layer by layer, three
dimensional objects from a digital file.

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What is 3D Printing History of 3D Printing 3D Printing Capabilities How 3D Printing Works Application of 3D Printing

3d printingprint
3D Modeling
3D Modeling3D Modeling
3D Modeling

We can accelerates design and drawings with cad modelling, which saves time and development costs, and mainly boost productivity with 3d Solid Modeling capabilities using 3d Design software or 3d drawing preparation.

3D Printing Technology
3D Printing Technology3D Printing Technology
3D Printing Technology

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, involves using computer-aided design to create three-dimensional solid objects by depositing material layer by layer. It was invented in 1984 and allows for complex shapes to be produced quickly and with less waste than traditional manufacturing. 3D printers work by taking a digital file and building the object layer by layer, with some common types being selective laser sintering, stereolithography, and fused deposition modeling. 3D printing has many applications in fields like engineering, industrial design, automotive, aerospace, medical, dental and jewelry manufacturing.

• Vat Photopolymerisation
• Material Jetting
• Binder Jetting
• Material Extrusion – Most desktop printers use Fused Deposition
Modeling (FDM) technology
• Powder Bed Fusion
• Sheet Lamination
• Directed Energy Deposition
Seven processes are:
The Innovation Lab
[Makerspace @ SPC]
has a Monolith printer.
3D Printing File Types
.STL – STereoLithography or Standard Tessellation Language
.OBJ – Object files define the geometry for objects. Includes textures.
.X3D – used for color printing. Also added shaders, geo-location etc.
.VRML – used for color printing. Includes 3D geometry etc.
3D Printing Process
1. Design an object via computer aided design (CAD) or animation modeling
software. Not design-oriented? Try Shapeways, Sculpteo or Thingiverse.
2. The software will export the object as an .STL file, which will then be built
(printed) layer-by-layer (i.e., Additive Manufacturing).
3. Load the .STL file into the printer. (e.g., via Repetier).
4. Slice (i.e., create layers for the object). Note: Repetier integrates Slic3r
into the software.
5. 3D printing materials vary. We use PLA (Polylactic Acid) filament. Visit for more information.

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3D printer introduction
3D printer introduction3D printer introduction
3D printer introduction

This is brief introduction about 3D printer. I think 3D printer is 4th wave. First wave: Neolithic revolution 2nd wave: industrial revolution 3rd wave: information age 4th wave: manufacture revolution by 3D printer

3d printer
Lecture 3
Lecture 3Lecture 3
Lecture 3

This document provides an overview of various AutoCAD commands. It begins by explaining that nearly every action in AutoCAD is based on a command, and that commands are used to tell AutoCAD what actions to perform. It then lists some common ways to start commands, such as through menus, toolbars, or the command line. The document proceeds to explain important keyboard shortcuts and details of the command prompt. It concludes by listing and briefly explaining key drawing, editing, and text commands in AutoCAD.

3 d printing
3 d printing3 d printing
3 d printing

3D printing allows architects to test design concepts faster by creating physical models layer by layer directly from digital files, saving weeks of time compared to traditional modeling. It reduces costs by up to 75% and produces models for a few thousand dollars that previously cost $100,000. Architects can now 3D print fully functional metal structures like bridges that would be nearly impossible to construct by hand.

presentation on 3d printing3d3d machine
Download Repetier at
G-code is a language where people tell
computerized machine tools how to make something. G-code
can also be used for CNC machines, knitting, tattoos etc.
Visit for a large list of other 3D modeling, Slicer, 3D Printer Hosts etc.
Image source:
Fused Deposition Modeling with the Monolith
Watch at

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3 d printing ppt
3 d printing ppt3 d printing ppt
3 d printing ppt

The document discusses the history and principles of 3D printing. It provides details on the different 3D printing technologies including stereolithography, fused deposition modeling, and selective laser sintering. Applications of 3D printing discussed include industrial design, agriculture, and defense/aerospace. The document outlines the 3D printing process and common materials used such as plastics and metals.

3d printinguse in agriculture
Design thinking and Role Playing
Design thinking and Role PlayingDesign thinking and Role Playing
Design thinking and Role Playing

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem solving that involves empathizing with users, defining problems from their perspective, generating creative ideas, building prototypes, and testing solutions iteratively. It is an iterative process that emphasizes understanding user needs through observation and interviews, developing creative solutions, and refining designs based on user feedback to prototypes.

design thinkingpersonarole playing
3D Modeling Techniques : Types and Specific Applications
3D Modeling Techniques : Types and Specific Applications3D Modeling Techniques : Types and Specific Applications
3D Modeling Techniques : Types and Specific Applications

3D modeling has revolutionized the design, manufacturing, research & development, and the advertising industries. With 3D modeling, it is now possible to visualize an outcome even before it is given a practical, real shape. 3D modeling allows inventors and designers to evaluate their concepts and to identify potential flaws that may lead to project failure at a later stage. These slides provide details about the various types of 3D modeling techniques and their specific uses and applications.

types of 3d modelingpolygonal modeling techniques3d modeling process
What to Expect with 3D Printing
• It is a slow process.
• It can be very frustrating.
• You will learn how to unclog the extruder and do other repairs.
• Setup a way to remotely monitor your prints (e.g., use a webcam via
RealVNC or Repetier-Server etc.)
• Have a web form for print submissions with brief explanation.
• Create procedures/policies.
• It is a slow process.
• It can be very frustrating.
DIY Monitoring with RealVNC
Note: you do not need to use a Raspberry
Pi, but you will be cooler if you do. ;-)
3D Printer/Printing Tips

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3D Printing
3D Printing3D Printing
3D Printing

Contains all information you need for an introduction to 3d printing. Includes: What is 3d printing? Why use 3d printing? When did it begin? How does it work? + 2 small videos to show the same Recent developments and future

3d printing
3d printing3d printing
3d printing

The document provides an overview of 3D printing, including its history and projected growth. It describes the 3D printing process of using CAD software to design an object and then printing it layer by layer. Examples are given of 3D printing being used for concept modeling, functional prototyping, manufacturing tools, end use parts, and finishing. Intriguing applications of 3D printing in fields like medicine, food, entertainment, DIY, defense, and fashion are also summarized.


This document discusses Google SketchUp, a 3D modeling software that allows users to create 3D models. It can be used to teach students how to build 3D models of buildings, trees, cars and more. SketchUp helps students learn critical thinking, problem solving, geometry, collaboration and more. It can be integrated into multiple subjects and used to visualize mathematical concepts. The document provides an overview of the SketchUp interface and basic tools, and provides an example hands-on activity of using it to build a house model.

Re-scaling Objects
Re-positioning Objects
Need support?
Recycle PLA?
It’s not

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3d Printing technology, materials and slicer
3d Printing technology, materials and slicer3d Printing technology, materials and slicer
3d Printing technology, materials and slicer

3D printing involves using computer-controlled layering to create 3D objects from digital files. The most common technologies are Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Stereolithography (SLA), and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS). To get started with 3D printing, you need a 3D printer, filament or resin, a CAD program, 3D model files, and a slicer program to prepare files for printing. Popular desktop 3D printers start around $183, or you can access printers through services like 3D Hubs. Common materials include PLA, ABS, and resins for SLA printers.

3dprint3d_print3d print
Google Sketch Up Presentation
Google Sketch Up PresentationGoogle Sketch Up Presentation
Google Sketch Up Presentation

The document discusses using Google Sketch-Up in classrooms. It includes an agenda for a presentation that involves a KWL chart about Sketch-Up, a video tutorial, showing student work, and a discussion on using Sketch-Up. Students are given a task to create a 3D swimming pool in Sketch-Up. Additional features like textures and steps are suggested. Student work is displayed and ways to engage higher-order thinking through design tasks are discussed. Teachers are asked to plan a design task for their class using Sketch-Up.

Introduction to 3D Modelling
Introduction to 3D ModellingIntroduction to 3D Modelling
Introduction to 3D Modelling

Here's the slideshow for my first course at Fablab Milan March 27th, about "Introduction to 3D modelling".

Add Supports!Need support?
3D Design Fundamentals
3D Design Fundamentals
Image source:

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An introduction to 3D printing
An introduction to 3D printingAn introduction to 3D printing
An introduction to 3D printing

a high level overview of 3D printing (2018) with a focus on consumer printing. Targeted at those with little technical or design knowledge. Includes models and examples to make the material relevant, no matter what level of exposure the audience has had previously. Examples include use of 3D printing in woodworking. Version 2

woordworking3d printingtechnology
Google sketch up
Google sketch upGoogle sketch up
Google sketch up

Google SketchUp is a 3D modeling software that allows users to visualize spaces in three dimensions. The document discusses various tools in SketchUp like the select, line, rectangle, and push/pull tools that allow users to create 3D models. It also covers navigation tools like orbit and pan, and measurement tools like the tape measure and dimensions tool. The overall document provides an overview of the basic tools and functions in Google SketchUp.

What’s New With 3D Design and Printing?
What’s New With 3D Design and Printing?What’s New With 3D Design and Printing?
What’s New With 3D Design and Printing?

3D printing has been a focal point in library makerspaces for several years; however, it seems that interest in the technology has decelerated. The technology may have slowed down, but there is still a lot going on in this space, which can be overwhelming to keep up with it all. In this webinar: - Learn what 3D printing is, how it works, and gain insight on how to implement/maintain, and to perhaps build your own 3D printer. - Get a snapshot of some of the best 3D printers and products on the market, including an overview on resin and carbon printers. - Discover a variety of 3D design applications to help with getting ideas to working prototypes. - Study trends in digital scanning and other emerging 3D design/printing technologies. - Interview an expert 3D designer/printer in the industry to get even more insight into this exciting technology.

3d printingmanufacturing3d design
Adhesion issues
Watch at
The nozzle is too close to the heat bed
Bed Leveling
The nozzle should be about 0.4MM above the
bed. See Slicr3 layer settings next slide.
There should be some friction (i.e., tension from the
paper) on each corner of the bed and in the center.
Nozzle and Heat Bed Heights
Image Source:

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3d printing in higher education
3d printing in higher education3d printing in higher education
3d printing in higher education

Introduction and overview of 3d printing for higher education. Built for a June 2015 NERCOMP workshop,

makerspaceshigher education3dprinting
3d printing meetup
3d printing meetup3d printing meetup
3d printing meetup

This 3D printing meetup agenda covered the following topics in 3 sentences: The meetup was hosted by Dreambox on February 11th at the Berkeley Skydeck to discuss 3D printing technologies and applications. Attendees could sign up online to receive 3D printing material samples and the agenda included discussions on the history and current uses of 3D printing, how to design 3D models, and examples of student 3D printing projects at UC Berkeley. Dreambox also proposed a semester-long student project to collaboratively 3D model and print scale models of major campus buildings.

3d technology rahul
3d technology rahul3d technology rahul
3d technology rahul

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process of making 3D objects from a digital file by successively adding material layer by layer under computer control. It works by slicing a virtual 3D model into thin horizontal layers and then producing the object by depositing one layer at a time. Applications of 3D printing include producing design prototypes, models for education, and customized medical implants and prosthetics. While the technology offers advantages like customization, there remain challenges to address such as cost, speed, and intellectual property issues.

First Layer Height in Slic3r should be 90%
Learn more at
Print Quality Troubleshooting Guide
Cleaning Up After Printing
Watch at
Maintenance Tips
•Clean the heat bed with rubbing alcohol.
•Unclog and clean the nozzle.
•Make sure the belts are tight.
•The screws should all be tightened equally.
•Clean and lube the X and Y rails.

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3 d printing(lesson 1)
3 d printing(lesson  1)3 d printing(lesson  1)
3 d printing(lesson 1)

Hello guys.. Welcome to world of 3D printing! Its next generation technology! Heres my first lesson on 3D printing . Stay tuned for more Lessons.

3d printing introduction!

This document provides an introduction to 3D printing, including the main types of 3D printing technologies and materials used. It describes additive manufacturing techniques like fused deposition modeling and powder bed fusion that build objects layer by layer, as well as subtractive techniques that remove material. The document outlines several common uses of 3D printing in fields like medical research, prosthetics, space exploration, and hobby/home use. It provides details on the 3D printer and software available at the ATLC, along with the process for submitting 3D printing projects.

3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping
3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping
3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping

3D Printing aka Rapid Prototyping is a game changing technology that is changing the way that designers produce prototypes and short-run manufacturing. This presentation is part of Delvinia's internal Lunch & Learn workshops and is intended for educational purposes only.

rapid protyping3d printing
3D Design Fundamentals
Navigating 3D Space
Image source:
Three dimensions:
left and right (X axis)
up and down (Y axis)
back and forth (Z axis)
Measure the Position and Size of an Object
Measure the Distance Between Objects

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3 d – printing
3 d – printing3 d – printing
3 d – printing

3D printing is an additive manufacturing process where a three-dimensional object is created by laying down successive layers of material under computer control. It builds an object from a digital file describing its shape in thin cross-sections. The 3D printer reads this file and deposits layers of material one by one until the object is completed. Common materials used include plastics, metals, ceramics, and edible substances. 3D printing offers advantages over traditional manufacturing as it enables the creation of complex geometries and customized parts.

All about 3 d printing
All about 3 d printingAll about 3 d printing
All about 3 d printing

3D printing involves using additive manufacturing to create physical objects from digital files. It works by building up an object layer by layer. There are different 3D printing technologies that use materials like plastic, metal, or sandstone. Key components of a 3D printer include the print bed, extruder, filament, and hot end. 3D scanning allows capturing digital copies of physical objects using techniques like photogrammetry or laser scanning. 3D printing has evolved significantly since its invention in the 1980s and is now used widely in manufacturing.

Presentation1.ppt 3 d printing
Presentation1.ppt 3 d printingPresentation1.ppt 3 d printing
Presentation1.ppt 3 d printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, involves using 3D modeling software to slice a digital design into layers, then depositing materials layer by layer to construct a physical object. Common materials used include plastics, metals, concrete, and potentially human tissue. The key advantages of 3D printing include the ability to customize products, produce prototypes rapidly and at low cost, and eliminate storage and shipping costs. Potential future applications include producing complex engine and aircraft parts, 3D printed lunar bases, and even printing entire homes.

Navigating 3D Space Demo
Vertices, Faces, and Edges
Image source:
Boolean Modeling takes two objects and
adds/subtract/combine into one object
Image Source:
Materials and Textures
Image source:

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3 d printing final (1) (1)
3 d printing final (1) (1)3 d printing final (1) (1)
3 d printing final (1) (1)

Abstract Introduction To 3D Printing History Types of 3D Scanner Components Of 3D Printer Material used for 3D Printing Working Software Required For 3D Printing Advantages Of 3D Printing Limitations Of 3D Printing Applications Future Scope Conclusion References

3D Scanning for 3D Printing: Making Reality Digital and then Physical Again, ...
3D Scanning for 3D Printing: Making Reality Digital and then Physical Again, ...3D Scanning for 3D Printing: Making Reality Digital and then Physical Again, ...
3D Scanning for 3D Printing: Making Reality Digital and then Physical Again, ...

This document provides an overview of Direct Dimensions Inc. and 3D scanning and printing technologies. It discusses Michael Raphael's background and the services DDI offers, including 3D scanning, modeling, data processing and 3D printing. It also summarizes several case studies where 3D scanning was used to create 3D models and prints of objects like sculptures, buildings and artifacts.

3d printing3d scanningscan data
FARO 2014 3D Documentation Presentation by Direct Dimensions "3D Scanning for...
FARO 2014 3D Documentation Presentation by Direct Dimensions "3D Scanning for...FARO 2014 3D Documentation Presentation by Direct Dimensions "3D Scanning for...
FARO 2014 3D Documentation Presentation by Direct Dimensions "3D Scanning for...

Presentation at the 2014 FARO 3D Documentation Conference by Direct Dimensions called "3D Scanning for 3D Printing, Making Reality Digital, and then Physical Again, Part 2"

3d printing3d scanning digital sculpture laser faro polyworksfaro
Image source:
A quick hands-on overview to
show basic functions!
3D Design Fundamentals

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3D Printing
3D Printing3D Printing
3D Printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process where 3D objects are created by laying down successive layers of material from a digital file. 3D scanning uses a laser light to digitally capture the shape and size of physical objects as a 3D digital representation. There are many forms of 3D modeling software available from free open source options to expensive industrial-grade software. While plastic is the most common 3D printing material, other materials like resin, metal, and ceramics can also be used depending on the printer. Some applications of 3D printing include rapid prototyping, medical devices, food production, toys and games, fashion, defense, and more.

3D printing ppt.pptx
3D printing ppt.pptx3D printing ppt.pptx
3D printing ppt.pptx

This document provides an overview of 3D printing. It defines 3D printing as a process of additive manufacturing where a three-dimensional object is created by laying down successive layers of material based on a digital model. The document describes various 3D printing methods like selective laser sintering (SLS), stereolithography, and fused deposition modeling (FDM). It also discusses applications of 3D printing in areas like prototyping, modeling, and custom parts. Challenges regarding intellectual property and potential misuse are also mentioned.

3D Design and Printing
3D Design and Printing3D Design and Printing
3D Design and Printing

A presentation about 3D printing. During the 5th meeting of the REDIC Eramus+ project, pupils had the chance to experiment with the design and printing of 3D objects.

Requests to create 3D models
Matter and Form 3D scanner
Digital Scanning DIY style with Eureka Factory!

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3D Printing Technology PPT by ajaysingh_02
3D Printing Technology PPT by  ajaysingh_023D Printing Technology PPT by  ajaysingh_02
3D Printing Technology PPT by ajaysingh_02

This PPT make on 3D printing Technology or additive manufacturing in which we cover the need, history importants, future scope, trend before the 3DP, advantage and disadvantage, limitations, application of 3DP

Stereolithography (SLA)
Stereolithography (SLA)Stereolithography (SLA)
Stereolithography (SLA)

A brief overview of Stereolithography and 3D printing; the process of additive manufacturing. Advantages and applications briefly elaborated.

manufacturing3d printingadditive manufacturing
20120612 fablab arnhem fabclass 3 d printing
20120612 fablab arnhem fabclass 3 d printing20120612 fablab arnhem fabclass 3 d printing
20120612 fablab arnhem fabclass 3 d printing

FabLab Arnhem organizes Free FabClasses about various subjects which are significant for our FabLab visitors. For example: sales, finance, branding, 3d printing, businessconcepts, etc. Look at for the next one.

arnhemhogeschool arnhem nijmegeninez kohlmann
Try it!
Some Select 3D Printers
• LulzBot Mini, $1,250
• MakerBot Replicator +, $2,499
• Ultimaker 2, $2,499
• XYZprinting Nobel 1.0A, $1,799
• Form 2, $3,499
Visit the “most
comprehensive 3D printer guide available!
Stereolithography (SLA) 3D Printer
Request free samples

Recommended for you

3 d printing
3 d printing3 d printing
3 d printing

This document provides an overview of 3D printing. It discusses the history of 3D printing, which began in 1984 with the development of stereolithography. It then defines 3D printing as a form of additive manufacturing that creates three-dimensional objects by laying down successive layers of material. The document outlines several common 3D printing methods like stereolithography, selective laser sintering, and fused deposition modeling. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing, as well as applications in industries like healthcare, engineering, and consumer products.

Introducing Immersive Technologies for Libraries
Introducing Immersive Technologies for Libraries  Introducing Immersive Technologies for Libraries
Introducing Immersive Technologies for Libraries

Immersive Technologies imitate or extend our physical world via digital simulations to give us the sense of being completely absorbed into something. Spatial computing is a new form of immersive technology that combines computer vision and artificial intelligence to integrate visual content into the real-world around us. In this webinar: • Understand Immersive Technologies and see how they will impact everything ranging from education to entertainment. • Learn the differences between virtual, augmented, and mixed realities to introduce Spatial Computing. • Hear about the tools, devices, and platforms creating these new experiences. • Discuss potential issues these technologies may have when used in learning and teaching. • See what libraries can do to make use of immersive technologies to create new user experiences.

immersive technologyspatial computingaugmented reality
Introducing How to Build a Personal Voice Assistant (AIY Edition)
Introducing How to Build a Personal Voice Assistant (AIY Edition) Introducing How to Build a Personal Voice Assistant (AIY Edition)
Introducing How to Build a Personal Voice Assistant (AIY Edition)

This document provides an introduction to building a personal voice assistant using the AIY Edition kit. It outlines the steps to assemble the hardware components, install the operating system, enable various Google APIs like the Google Assistant API and Cloud Speech-to-Text API, and modify code samples to interact with these APIs using voice. The document also briefly discusses different types of artificial intelligence and mentions some other tools like Dialogflow, Pandorabots, Scratch and Actions on Google for building conversational agents.

smart virtual personal assistantsdigital assistantsartificial intelligence
RepRap – 3D print a 3D printer!
Search for ‘XY Core Printer’ at
Select 3D Applications/Tools:
• 3Ds Max - 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software.
• Autodesk Fusion 360 – the first 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE tool of its kind. It
connects your entire product development process in a single cloud-based
platform that works on both Mac and PC.
• Autodesk Inventor – computer-aided design application for 3D mechanical
design, simulation, visualization, and documentation.
• Autodesk Netfabb – connected software for additive manufacturing and
design, helping to streamline workflows, reduce build errors, and bring
products to market faster.
• Cobalt – ultimate 3D modeling product design and development tool.
• FreeCAD – an open-source parametric 3D CAD modeler.

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360° Tours and More
360° Tours and More360° Tours and More
360° Tours and More

This document discusses 360-degree photography and video technologies. It begins with an agenda that covers understanding 360 cameras, live 360 video streaming, best practices for creating 360 tours, and emerging trends. Examples of 360 cameras are provided. Formats for 360 video and the stitching process needed to create panoramic images are explained. Tools for viewing 360 content on smartphones and creating virtual reality experiences are presented. The document concludes by introducing 3D photography technologies like light field and volumetric video.

360360 images360 degree video
Taking the Magical Leap with Immersive Technologies in Libraries
Taking the Magical Leap with Immersive Technologies in LibrariesTaking the Magical Leap with Immersive Technologies in Libraries
Taking the Magical Leap with Immersive Technologies in Libraries

Spatial computing is a new form of computing that combines computer vision and artificial intelligence to seamlessly integrate visual content into the real world around us. Read more about the tools, devices, platforms and implications for these technologies that can be used in learning, teaching and more. Presented at Computers in Libraries 2019 with Alex Haber (Head of Education at Magic Leap), Washington D.C.

spatial computingimmersive technologyxr
Open Education Resources in Libraries
Open Education Resources in LibrariesOpen Education Resources in Libraries
Open Education Resources in Libraries

According to the Open Education Consortium, “sharing is probably the most basic characteristic of education: education is sharing knowledge, insights, and information with others, upon which new knowledge, skills, ideas, and understanding can be built." Whether they are purchased or freely acquired, librarians should be open to sharing their resources to everyone who wants to use them to enrich their lives through education. Open Education Resources (OER) include resources or tools that can be used and modified for free and without any legal or technical barriers, and when used properly can help foster a transparent culture of learning and engagement in our communities. In this webinar: • Learn what Open Education Resources (OER) are and how they can be used to engender trust, generate rigorous learning opportunities, and potentially lead to smarter decision-making strategies. • Discover a variety of OER and Open Access (OA) repositories to find accessible and authoritative resources, including textbooks, to use in curriculum. • Acquire OER strategies for developing a variety of educational opportunities using a variety of formats. •Understand various issues (e.g., GDPR) impacting OER in libraries.

open accessopen education resourcesoer
Select 3D Applications/Tools:
• Onshape – a computer-aided design (CAD) software system, delivered over the
Internet via a Software as a Service (SAAS) model.
• OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller.
• Pro/Engineer – a 3D CAD/CAM/CAE feature-based, associative solid modeling
• Rhino3D – commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design
application for Mac.
• SolidWorks – solid modeling computer-aided design and computer-aided
engineering computer program
• TurboCAD – a CAD software application for 2D and 3D design and drafting.
• Zbrush - a digital sculpting tool that combines 3D/2.5D modeling, texturing and
Select 3D Applications/Tools:
• SketchUp – download a free trial and check out their 3D Warehouse!
• AutoCAD - free for students! You can visit this site for a list of other free software
available to students.
• Tinkercad – free and easy to use online application for 3D printing/modeling.
• Blender - free open source 3D content creation suite.
• Kinect Studio - record and play back depth and color streams from a Kinect.
• Meshmixer - a free tool for making 3D stuff without too much hassle.
• Skanect – capture a full color 3D model of an object.
• ReconstructMe - 3D real-time scanning system.
• 123D Catch – free app that lets you create 3D scans of any object.
• Even more 3D software
Medium for Oculus Rift
Watch at
Watch at
3D Design in Virtual Reality to 3D Print

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How to Repurpose Library Space: Listening Lab Edition
How to Repurpose Library Space: Listening Lab EditionHow to Repurpose Library Space: Listening Lab Edition
How to Repurpose Library Space: Listening Lab Edition

In 2008, iTunes "listening stations" were created in the library so students could have easy access to a large, albeit hidden, CD collection. Hundreds of CDs were digitized and added to an iTunes collection that was shared to other computers located inside the library. The idea was to be more like a record store where people can browse for and listen to music before they buy it; but, in this case, it would be before they bring the CDs home. Fast forward to 2018 and see the vision of this “Listening Lab” becoming more clear and distinct. In this webinar, - Learn how to digitize CDs and create a web page based on iTunes XML data. - Discover how the donated/purchased music collection is being cataloged and shared. - Explore a variety of programming ideas ranging from small concerts to workshops. - Understand the basics of valuing CDs, vinyl, VHS, and other mediums. - Highlight how people are using the space and interacting with the collection. - Use technologies like 3D printing, graphic design, and videography for promotional purposes.

Using CoSpaces Edu to Create Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences
Using CoSpaces Edu to Create Virtual and Augmented Reality ExperiencesUsing CoSpaces Edu to Create Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences
Using CoSpaces Edu to Create Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences

Virtual Reality (VR), a simulated computer environment in three dimensions, is becoming more popular for gaming, movies, and education. According to CoSpaces Edu, their creative platform “complements traditional teaching methods by immersing students into a world where they can create, consume and connect with the curriculum on a completely new level, even through the revolutionary visual mediums of Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR).” Take what you learn here to create your own library programs to teach your users how to create meaningful and interactive experiences using VR/AR. In this webinar: - Discover what Virtual Reality is and gain a brief historical summary of it. - Learn and explore the differences between virtual, augmented, and mixed realities. - Explore 360° video and photograph technologies to include in a variety of formats. - Create your own 3D/360° environments using CoSpaces EDU to test in Virtual Reality. - Learn how to use CoSpaces EDU as a student and as a teacher.

virtual realityaugmented realitymixed reality
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Understanding Artificial IntelligenceUnderstanding Artificial Intelligence
Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly moving from a science-fiction concept to reality where machines now have the capability to perform tasks commonly associated with humans. We are starting to see our society transformed because of AI, so having a better understanding of what it is and what it is capable of doing is essential. AI helps power Amazon’s Alexa personal assistant, Google’s Deep Dream neural network, various marketing initiatives, health applications, the aviation industry, and much more. In this keynote, - Discover what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and how it is becoming a “machine trait.” - Gain an appreciation of AI pioneers like John McCarthy, Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky et al. - Learn how AI works and explore some applications that could play a role in your library. - Reflect on the future of AI and the implications for libraries and society in general. Presented at the Leading Edge Libraries Conference, hosted by the Special Library Association Florida and Caribbean Chapter. Orlando, Florida. September 21, 2018. Keynote address.

artificial intelligenceaideep learning
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3D Design Fundamentals

  • 2. Agenda • Understand 3D printing and how it works. • Learn basic 3D design fundamentals (e.g., understanding 3D space and geometry, modeling, surfaces, textures, and rendering images). • Gain hands-on experience designing a 3D object that can be 3D printed. • Discover a variety of free 3D design applications and repositories.
  • 4. What is 3D printing? First off, 3D printing is not new. Chuck Hull invented stereolithography (i.e., solid imaging) in the mid-1980s. 3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing , which is a process of making, layer by layer, three dimensional objects from a digital file. Source:
  • 5. • Vat Photopolymerisation • Material Jetting • Binder Jetting • Material Extrusion – Most desktop printers use Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technology • Powder Bed Fusion • Sheet Lamination • Directed Energy Deposition Seven processes are:
  • 6. Source: The Innovation Lab [Makerspace @ SPC] has a Monolith printer.
  • 7. 3D Printing File Types .STL – STereoLithography or Standard Tessellation Language .OBJ – Object files define the geometry for objects. Includes textures. .X3D – used for color printing. Also added shaders, geo-location etc. .VRML – used for color printing. Includes 3D geometry etc.
  • 8. 3D Printing Process 1. Design an object via computer aided design (CAD) or animation modeling software. Not design-oriented? Try Shapeways, Sculpteo or Thingiverse. 2. The software will export the object as an .STL file, which will then be built (printed) layer-by-layer (i.e., Additive Manufacturing). 3. Load the .STL file into the printer. (e.g., via Repetier). 4. Slice (i.e., create layers for the object). Note: Repetier integrates Slic3r into the software. 5. 3D printing materials vary. We use PLA (Polylactic Acid) filament. Visit for more information. Source:
  • 9. Download Repetier at
  • 10. G-code is a language where people tell computerized machine tools how to make something. G-code can also be used for CNC machines, knitting, tattoos etc. Visit for a large list of other 3D modeling, Slicer, 3D Printer Hosts etc.
  • 12. Fused Deposition Modeling with the Monolith Watch at
  • 13. What to Expect with 3D Printing • It is a slow process. • It can be very frustrating. • You will learn how to unclog the extruder and do other repairs. • Setup a way to remotely monitor your prints (e.g., use a webcam via RealVNC or Repetier-Server etc.) • Have a web form for print submissions with brief explanation. • Create procedures/policies. • It is a slow process. • It can be very frustrating.
  • 15. Note: you do not need to use a Raspberry Pi, but you will be cooler if you do. ;-)
  • 26. Watch at The nozzle is too close to the heat bed
  • 28. The nozzle should be about 0.4MM above the bed. See Slicr3 layer settings next slide. There should be some friction (i.e., tension from the paper) on each corner of the bed and in the center. Nozzle and Heat Bed Heights Image Source:
  • 29. First Layer Height in Slic3r should be 90%
  • 30. Learn more at Print Quality Troubleshooting Guide
  • 31. Cleaning Up After Printing Watch at
  • 32. Maintenance Tips •Clean the heat bed with rubbing alcohol. •Unclog and clean the nozzle. •Make sure the belts are tight. •The screws should all be tightened equally. •Clean and lube the X and Y rails.
  • 34. Navigating 3D Space Image source: Three dimensions: left and right (X axis) up and down (Y axis) back and forth (Z axis)
  • 35. Measure the Position and Size of an Object
  • 36. Measure the Distance Between Objects
  • 38. Vertices, Faces, and Edges Image source:
  • 39. Boolean Modeling takes two objects and adds/subtract/combine into one object Image Source:
  • 40. Materials and Textures Image source:
  • 42. A quick hands-on overview to show basic functions!
  • 46. Requests to create 3D models
  • 47. Matter and Form 3D scanner
  • 48. Digital Scanning DIY style with Eureka Factory!
  • 50. Some Select 3D Printers • LulzBot Mini, $1,250 • MakerBot Replicator +, $2,499 • Ultimaker 2, $2,499 • XYZprinting Nobel 1.0A, $1,799 • Form 2, $3,499 Visit the “most comprehensive 3D printer guide available!
  • 51. Stereolithography (SLA) 3D Printer Watch:
  • 53.
  • 54. RepRap – 3D print a 3D printer!
  • 55. Search for ‘XY Core Printer’ at
  • 56. Select 3D Applications/Tools: • 3Ds Max - 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software. • Autodesk Fusion 360 – the first 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE tool of its kind. It connects your entire product development process in a single cloud-based platform that works on both Mac and PC. • Autodesk Inventor – computer-aided design application for 3D mechanical design, simulation, visualization, and documentation. • Autodesk Netfabb – connected software for additive manufacturing and design, helping to streamline workflows, reduce build errors, and bring products to market faster. • Cobalt – ultimate 3D modeling product design and development tool. • FreeCAD – an open-source parametric 3D CAD modeler.
  • 57. Select 3D Applications/Tools: • Onshape – a computer-aided design (CAD) software system, delivered over the Internet via a Software as a Service (SAAS) model. • OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller. • Pro/Engineer – a 3D CAD/CAM/CAE feature-based, associative solid modeling software. • Rhino3D – commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design application for Mac. • SolidWorks – solid modeling computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering computer program • TurboCAD – a CAD software application for 2D and 3D design and drafting. • Zbrush - a digital sculpting tool that combines 3D/2.5D modeling, texturing and painting.
  • 58. Select 3D Applications/Tools: • SketchUp – download a free trial and check out their 3D Warehouse! • AutoCAD - free for students! You can visit this site for a list of other free software available to students. • Tinkercad – free and easy to use online application for 3D printing/modeling. • Blender - free open source 3D content creation suite. • Kinect Studio - record and play back depth and color streams from a Kinect. • Meshmixer - a free tool for making 3D stuff without too much hassle. • Skanect – capture a full color 3D model of an object. • ReconstructMe - 3D real-time scanning system. • 123D Catch – free app that lets you create 3D scans of any object. • Even more 3D software
  • 59. Medium for Oculus Rift Watch at
  • 60. Watch at 3D Design in Virtual Reality to 3D Print
  • 61. Select 3D Printing Services/Repositories • Shapeways - 3D Printing Service & Marketplace • UPS 3D Printing - UPS Stores have expanded 3D printing services to meet the growing demands. • i.materialize - turn your ideas into 3D printed reality • Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects • Sculpteo – 3D prints your ideas/products •’s 3D Printing – Customization, Sandboxr etc. • Smithsonian X 3D - print historic artifacts.