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Understanding Artificial Intelligence
• Discover what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and how it is becoming a
“machine trait.”
• Gain an appreciation of AI pioneers like John McCarthy, Alan Turing,
Marvin Minsky et al.
• Explore some applications that could play a role in your library.
• Reflect on the future of AI and the implications for libraries and society
in general.
• Special Guest, Owen Cegielski from STEM School and Academy in
Highlands Ranch, Colorado, will discuss various AI projects.
What is intelligence?
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
What is artificial
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
“If we want our machines to possess anything
approximating human intelligence, maybe we should
think about giving them a childhood, too.”
- Alison Gopnik
Infographic at:
AI Applications:
• Game playing - To beat a world champion by brute force and known reliable heuristics requires
being able to look at 200 million positions per second.
• Speech recognition - it is possible to instruct some computers using speech, most users have
gone back to the keyboard and the mouse as still more convenient.
• Understanding natural language - The computer has to be provided with an understanding of the
domain the text is about, and this is presently possible only for very limited domains.
• Computer vision - full computer vision requires partial three-dimensional information that is not
just a set of two-dimensional views. At present there are only limited ways of representing three-
dimensional information directly, and they are not as good as what humans evidently use.
• Expert systems - A ``knowledge engineer'' interviews experts in a certain domain and tries to
embody their knowledge in a computer program for carrying out some task.
• Heuristic classification - most feasible kinds of expert system is to put some information in one of
a fixed set of categories using several sources of information.
Top 5 best Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence
Play Tic Tac Toe Against AI (Python)
Code available at
Natural Language Processing
• Car User Interface (CUI?)
• Voice biometrics
• How do we interact with connected devices?
• How WILL we interact with connected devices?
• App based? Too many apps for one device (e.g., Philips Hue)
• Sentient?
• Hello Natural Language!
• Internet of Things (IoT) will continue to capture, track, and
share data. What will AI do with it?
Digital Assistants
More info:
Speech Recognition
Google Voice Kit AIY,
Computer Vision
Google Vision Kit AIY,
OpenCV was built to provide a common
infrastructure for computer vision applications
and to accelerate the use of machine
perception in commercial products.
Open Source Computer Vision Library is
an open source computer vision and
machine learning software library.
Painting by Harold Cohen's AARON sold for $2,000!
AI Artist
Artificial Intelligence Pioneers
Professor John McCarthy, 1958 - 2011
Image source:
“I don't see that human intelligence is something
that humans can never understand."
Founded the field of Artificial Intelligence
Alan Turing, (1912–1954)
Educator, Mathematician
“A computer would deserve to be called
intelligent if it could deceive a human into
believing that it was human.”
Turing Machine
Video: Turing Machine Programs,
Marvin Minsky, 1927-2016
Cognitive Scientist
Explore some applications that could play
a role in your library.
Intelligent agents replacing Reference Librarians or
teaching Information Literacy Strategies?
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Uses machine learning
to understand what
users are saying!
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
“Libraries can help secure privacy
by providing anonymous ways of
interacting with AI systems.”
- Ben Johnson
Personal Artificial Intelligence (PAI). Our personalized digital avatars look, sound, sing,
and behave like you, all secured and authenticated on the Project PAI blockchain.
Revolving Discovery, which sees retailers
developing in-store programming and
thematic displays to give customers
something new each time they visit.
Retail OS (or maybe Library OS) would use an underlying layer
of technology (perhaps AI and biometrics) to enhance the in-
store (or in-library) experience.
Reflect on the future of AI and the implications
for libraries and society in general.
Is AI moving too fast?
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Chatting with a Virtual Agent: The SEMAINE Project Character Spike
Installation files:
New Google AI Can Have Real Life Conversations With Strangers
“A super intelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its
goals, and if those goals aren't aligned with ours, we're in trouble.
- Stephen Hawking
“… to fund war gaming, experimentation and the demonstration of new technologies aimed at ensuring
a continued military edge over China and Russia.” The military is looking to develop more advanced
weapons technologies that will include autonomous weapons and deep learning machines.”
Keep your eye on Google:
• Google Neural Machine Translation - Bridging the gap between human
and machine translations.
• Google Deep Dream – Inside an AI brain. A computer vision program that
uses a neural network to find and enhance patterns in images.
• Google Reply - an AI-based messaging technology for Android.
• Google Now - predictive cards with information and daily updates in the
Google app for Android and iOS.
• Google Brain - deep learning artificial intelligence that combines open-
ended machine learning research with system engineering and Google-
scale computing resources.
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Most machine learning researchers expect machines
will be able to create top quality music by 2036.
More studies:
Predictions of Human-Level AI Timelines
Microsoft deletes 'teen girl' AI after it became a
Hitler-loving sex robot within 24 hours
Which photo is real?
AI-Generated Photos:
Check out FaceApp too!
In reference to Roko's Basilisk!
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Introducing Owen Cegielski, STEM School
& Academy Highlands Ranch, Colorado
AI in the
History To
Owen Cegielski
MA History
World History and Archaeology
Specializing in “STEMified History”
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
About STEM School Highlands Ranch
At STEM School Highlands Ranch we put innovation in the center of learning to unleash the potential of all students
and prepare them for an exponentially changing world. Don't just read about our school; See what we do every day!
We are more than a school. We are a think tank, a learning lab and a catalyst for creativity.
We infuse STEM into all classrooms. We challenge students with STEM-based, real-world problem solving fueled
by constant exploration, inquiry and discovery.
We empower students. We put students in the driver’s seat of their learning, engaging and empowering them to
push their own unique boundaries of innovative learning, thinking and doing.
We see teachers as catalysts. Here, teachers are role models and innovation coaches who provide the framework
for learning.
We innovate and learn together. Here, we leverage the power of collaboration, teamwork and group think to build,
design and create solutions to real world problems.
Our goal is not only to prepare students to thrive in the constant world of re-invention, but to lead it.
We were covered all over the
news for this AI project!
● Here’s the 9News Story!
● Check out the Denver Post story
● Colorado Public Radio’s
Interview here!
● KOA “I Heart Radio” here!
It starts at 1 hour, 26 minutes
and 9 seconds (I think?)
World History &
courses should
be engaging
and relevant to
our 21st C.
Digital Natives!
1) Virtual and Augmented Reality
2) Game-Based Learning
3) Robotics and AI integration
4) Digital 3D modeling
5) Socratic Seminars and debates
6) Historical Performances
7) Experiential, Innovative learning
8) Archaeological mysteries featuring problem-
9) GIS mapping of data
10) Students as designers and inventors!
Q. Why stress a cross-disciplinary focus with
problem-based learning in history? Why AI?
“You know the
greatest danger facing
us is ourselves, an
irrational fear of the
unknown. But there’s
no such thing as the
unknown– only things
temporarily hidden,
temporarily not
understood.” - Capt.
James T. Kirk
“Woolf, et al., (2013) proposed some “grand challenges” that artificial
intelligence in education should work to address, including:
● Virtual mentors for every learner: Omnipresent support that
integrates user modeling, social simulation and knowledge
● Addressing 21st century skills: Assist learners with self-
direction, self-assessment, teamwork and more.
● Analysis of interaction data: Synthesize data about
individual learning, social and learning contexts and
personal interests.
● Provide opportunities for global classrooms: Increase the
interconnectedness and accessibility of classrooms
● Lifelong and lifewide technologies: Taking learning outside
of the classroom and into the learner’s life outside of school.Check out this Forbes’ article and NPR’s report on
artificial intelligence in education.
Exemplar: Opening PBL Statement for the WWI AI Lesson!
You will program your AI as a game simulation, similar to a “Choose
your Own Adventure!” Requirements:
● 1) Explore use of the software at: A good
written guide can be found here. Please view this STEM
student-made video tutorial here which includes additional
code to help your AI have a temperament, an AI with
attitude! You may also need to download the Google Home
App on Google Play or Itunes. Once you program your AI
with the API.AI software, you’ll need export and upload it into
Google Home via the APP. Extra Note: Google Home
● Other software option: TensorFlow for more advanced
“Machine Learning.”
The WWI AI Lesson:
The Process
Kaiser Wilhelm II brought back to
life 100 years later!
● 2) Based on your collected information above, program a dialogue in AI, in which you defend your country’s position. Your AI will
be the historical leader of your country who will interact with a yet to be determined delegate team of another country. So, for
example, your AI will be activated by “OK, Tsar Nicholas II.” Your AI should be prepared to present biographical detail of your
country’s leader.
● 3) Next, program your country’s initial position in a short speech, providing some historical background leading up to the July
Crisis. Begin your dialogue initially hostile and aggressive, defending why you want to declare war. Remember, you will also need
to predict what questions your AI will be asked and feature an appropriate response.
● 4) Program different paths and outcomes! If delegates (game players) from another country ask you the “right” questions and
provide appropriate responses, you will begin to consider various paths of peace. If opposing delegates ask you the “wrong”
questions, you will move towards the path of declaring war! So, your AI game will feature two game outcomes: war or peace!
More advanced coders can also program “termperaments” (see guides below for further instructions!)
● 5) Your AI simulation should last approximately 5-10 minutes for the gameplayer, present plenty of historically accurate
biographical info and historical background, and feature multiple paths and outcomes, leading to peace or war depending upon the
player’s actions.
Step 3: Once all groups have finished programming their AI’s, we will rotate delegation groups, facing the different AI simulations from all
countries represented. If enough groups succeed with convincing the AI’s to pursue a path to peace, then World War I will be averted. If
not, the War begins!
The WWI AI Lesson: The Process
Other Applications:
AI Robotic
Droid Lesson
“Archeology followed excavations within
some of these caves located in the
jungle of west-central Belize, Central
America, during the summer of 2000,
with reports straight from the field
during the investigation of elite burials,
stone monuments, and art within the
The caves of West-Central Belize are
areas in which the ancient Maya
performed rituals and sacrifices. Much
of the cave is filled with broken pottery
waiting to be discovered.
Dig Site:
The Maya Caves
of West-Central
Student-Designed Problem Statement
The caves in Belize
have a number of
cramped, compact
areas, (left) and
histoplasmosis is also
a concern (right).
Harmful wildlife is also
present near and at
the site.
Fer-De-Lance (left) and Assassin Bug (right)
Retrieved from
Retrieved from
The RAD Robot
coded with
respond to
To find artifacts
within the cave that
may be difficult or
even dangerous to
find, see, or
To document
artifacts and cave
layouts without
touching or
damaging objects
within the cave.
A motor with an
ultrasonic sensor
and functional
With programming and application components, estimated cost
would be roughly $40,000.
Future AI Plans for Archaeology
● New Project in development between machine
learning with TensorFlow, drones and Google Earth
Engine API
● Drones capture film footage over sites
● Archaeology students use TensorFlow to create an
AI that can visually identify man-made artifacts on the
ground and map GIS data to draw conclusions on
ancient human activities.
● A simple kit version is sold at local stores like Target.
● Case studies using Google Earth Engine for data
Examples of Object Detection with TensorFlow:
Example of how data
from the Tensorflow AI
could be viewed
geospatially in Google
Earth Engine.
Note: This example was
developed by another
corporation, but it’s
similar in concept, in
which students can map
human activity on the
Contact me!

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Understanding Artificial Intelligence

  • 2. Agenda: • Discover what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and how it is becoming a “machine trait.” • Gain an appreciation of AI pioneers like John McCarthy, Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky et al. • Explore some applications that could play a role in your library. • Reflect on the future of AI and the implications for libraries and society in general. • Special Guest, Owen Cegielski from STEM School and Academy in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, will discuss various AI projects.
  • 7. “If we want our machines to possess anything approximating human intelligence, maybe we should think about giving them a childhood, too.” - Alison Gopnik Source:
  • 9. AI Applications: • Game playing - To beat a world champion by brute force and known reliable heuristics requires being able to look at 200 million positions per second. • Speech recognition - it is possible to instruct some computers using speech, most users have gone back to the keyboard and the mouse as still more convenient. • Understanding natural language - The computer has to be provided with an understanding of the domain the text is about, and this is presently possible only for very limited domains. • Computer vision - full computer vision requires partial three-dimensional information that is not just a set of two-dimensional views. At present there are only limited ways of representing three- dimensional information directly, and they are not as good as what humans evidently use. • Expert systems - A ``knowledge engineer'' interviews experts in a certain domain and tries to embody their knowledge in a computer program for carrying out some task. • Heuristic classification - most feasible kinds of expert system is to put some information in one of a fixed set of categories using several sources of information. Source:
  • 10. Top 5 best Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence Source:
  • 11. Play Tic Tac Toe Against AI (Python) Code available at
  • 12. Natural Language Processing • Car User Interface (CUI?) • Voice biometrics • How do we interact with connected devices? • How WILL we interact with connected devices? • App based? Too many apps for one device (e.g., Philips Hue) • Sentient? • Hello Natural Language! • Internet of Things (IoT) will continue to capture, track, and share data. What will AI do with it?
  • 15. Speech Recognition Google Voice Kit AIY,
  • 16. Computer Vision Google Vision Kit AIY,
  • 17. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in commercial products. Open Source Computer Vision Library is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library.
  • 18. Painting by Harold Cohen's AARON sold for $2,000! Source: AI Artist
  • 21. Professor John McCarthy, 1958 - 2011 Image source: “I don't see that human intelligence is something that humans can never understand." Founded the field of Artificial Intelligence
  • 22. Alan Turing, (1912–1954) Educator, Mathematician “A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human.”
  • 23. Turing Machine Video: Turing Machine Programs,
  • 25. Explore some applications that could play a role in your library.
  • 26. Intelligent agents replacing Reference Librarians or teaching Information Literacy Strategies?
  • 29. Source: Uses machine learning to understand what users are saying!
  • 31. “Libraries can help secure privacy by providing anonymous ways of interacting with AI systems.” - Ben Johnson
  • 32. Personal Artificial Intelligence (PAI). Our personalized digital avatars look, sound, sing, and behave like you, all secured and authenticated on the Project PAI blockchain.
  • 33. Revolving Discovery, which sees retailers developing in-store programming and thematic displays to give customers something new each time they visit. Libraries??!! Source: Retail OS (or maybe Library OS) would use an underlying layer of technology (perhaps AI and biometrics) to enhance the in- store (or in-library) experience.
  • 34. Reflect on the future of AI and the implications for libraries and society in general.
  • 35. Is AI moving too fast?
  • 37. tVideo: Chatting with a Virtual Agent: The SEMAINE Project Character Spike Installation files:
  • 38. New Google AI Can Have Real Life Conversations With Strangers Video:
  • 39. “A super intelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren't aligned with ours, we're in trouble. - Stephen Hawking
  • 40. “… to fund war gaming, experimentation and the demonstration of new technologies aimed at ensuring a continued military edge over China and Russia.” The military is looking to develop more advanced weapons technologies that will include autonomous weapons and deep learning machines.” Source:
  • 41. Keep your eye on Google: • Google Neural Machine Translation - Bridging the gap between human and machine translations. • Google Deep Dream – Inside an AI brain. A computer vision program that uses a neural network to find and enhance patterns in images. • Google Reply - an AI-based messaging technology for Android. • Google Now - predictive cards with information and daily updates in the Google app for Android and iOS. • Google Brain - deep learning artificial intelligence that combines open- ended machine learning research with system engineering and Google- scale computing resources.
  • 43. Most machine learning researchers expect machines will be able to create top quality music by 2036. More studies: Predictions of Human-Level AI Timelines
  • 44. Microsoft deletes 'teen girl' AI after it became a Hitler-loving sex robot within 24 hours Source:
  • 45. Which photo is real? AI-Generated Photos: Check out FaceApp too!
  • 50. Introducing Owen Cegielski, STEM School & Academy Highlands Ranch, Colorado
  • 51. AI in the Classroom Bringing History To Life! Owen Cegielski MA History World History and Archaeology Specializing in “STEMified History”
  • 53. About STEM School Highlands Ranch At STEM School Highlands Ranch we put innovation in the center of learning to unleash the potential of all students and prepare them for an exponentially changing world. Don't just read about our school; See what we do every day! We are more than a school. We are a think tank, a learning lab and a catalyst for creativity. We infuse STEM into all classrooms. We challenge students with STEM-based, real-world problem solving fueled by constant exploration, inquiry and discovery. We empower students. We put students in the driver’s seat of their learning, engaging and empowering them to push their own unique boundaries of innovative learning, thinking and doing. We see teachers as catalysts. Here, teachers are role models and innovation coaches who provide the framework for learning. We innovate and learn together. Here, we leverage the power of collaboration, teamwork and group think to build, design and create solutions to real world problems. Our goal is not only to prepare students to thrive in the constant world of re-invention, but to lead it.
  • 54. We were covered all over the news for this AI project! ● Here’s the 9News Story! ● Check out the Denver Post story here! ● Colorado Public Radio’s Interview here! ● KOA “I Heart Radio” here! It starts at 1 hour, 26 minutes and 9 seconds (I think?)
  • 55. World History & Archaeology courses should be engaging and relevant to our 21st C. Digital Natives! 1) Virtual and Augmented Reality 2) Game-Based Learning 3) Robotics and AI integration 4) Digital 3D modeling 5) Socratic Seminars and debates 6) Historical Performances 7) Experiential, Innovative learning 8) Archaeological mysteries featuring problem- solving 9) GIS mapping of data 10) Students as designers and inventors! Q. Why stress a cross-disciplinary focus with problem-based learning in history? Why AI?
  • 56. “You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there’s no such thing as the unknown– only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.” - Capt. James T. Kirk “Woolf, et al., (2013) proposed some “grand challenges” that artificial intelligence in education should work to address, including: ● Virtual mentors for every learner: Omnipresent support that integrates user modeling, social simulation and knowledge representation. ● Addressing 21st century skills: Assist learners with self- direction, self-assessment, teamwork and more. ● Analysis of interaction data: Synthesize data about individual learning, social and learning contexts and personal interests. ● Provide opportunities for global classrooms: Increase the interconnectedness and accessibility of classrooms worldwide. ● Lifelong and lifewide technologies: Taking learning outside of the classroom and into the learner’s life outside of school.Check out this Forbes’ article and NPR’s report on artificial intelligence in education.
  • 58. You will program your AI as a game simulation, similar to a “Choose your Own Adventure!” Requirements: ● 1) Explore use of the software at: A good written guide can be found here. Please view this STEM student-made video tutorial here which includes additional code to help your AI have a temperament, an AI with attitude! You may also need to download the Google Home App on Google Play or Itunes. Once you program your AI with the API.AI software, you’ll need export and upload it into Google Home via the APP. Extra Note: Google Home simulator. ● Other software option: TensorFlow for more advanced “Machine Learning.” The WWI AI Lesson: The Process Kaiser Wilhelm II brought back to life 100 years later!
  • 59. ● 2) Based on your collected information above, program a dialogue in AI, in which you defend your country’s position. Your AI will be the historical leader of your country who will interact with a yet to be determined delegate team of another country. So, for example, your AI will be activated by “OK, Tsar Nicholas II.” Your AI should be prepared to present biographical detail of your country’s leader. ● 3) Next, program your country’s initial position in a short speech, providing some historical background leading up to the July Crisis. Begin your dialogue initially hostile and aggressive, defending why you want to declare war. Remember, you will also need to predict what questions your AI will be asked and feature an appropriate response. ● 4) Program different paths and outcomes! If delegates (game players) from another country ask you the “right” questions and provide appropriate responses, you will begin to consider various paths of peace. If opposing delegates ask you the “wrong” questions, you will move towards the path of declaring war! So, your AI game will feature two game outcomes: war or peace! More advanced coders can also program “termperaments” (see guides below for further instructions!) ● 5) Your AI simulation should last approximately 5-10 minutes for the gameplayer, present plenty of historically accurate biographical info and historical background, and feature multiple paths and outcomes, leading to peace or war depending upon the player’s actions. Step 3: Once all groups have finished programming their AI’s, we will rotate delegation groups, facing the different AI simulations from all countries represented. If enough groups succeed with convincing the AI’s to pursue a path to peace, then World War I will be averted. If not, the War begins! The WWI AI Lesson: The Process
  • 61. “Archeology followed excavations within some of these caves located in the jungle of west-central Belize, Central America, during the summer of 2000, with reports straight from the field during the investigation of elite burials, stone monuments, and art within the caves.” The caves of West-Central Belize are areas in which the ancient Maya performed rituals and sacrifices. Much of the cave is filled with broken pottery waiting to be discovered. Dig Site: The Maya Caves of West-Central Belize
  • 62. Student-Designed Problem Statement The caves in Belize have a number of cramped, compact areas, (left) and histoplasmosis is also a concern (right). Harmful wildlife is also present near and at the site.
  • 63. Fer-De-Lance (left) and Assassin Bug (right) Retrieved from de-Lance/ Retrieved from ent-1003/
  • 64. SOLUTION: The RAD Robot coded with API.AI to respond to voice commands! Purpose: To find artifacts within the cave that may be difficult or even dangerous to find, see, or retrieve. Function: To document artifacts and cave layouts without touching or potentially damaging objects within the cave. Design: A motor with an ultrasonic sensor and functional treads. Cost: With programming and application components, estimated cost would be roughly $40,000.
  • 65. Future AI Plans for Archaeology ● New Project in development between machine learning with TensorFlow, drones and Google Earth Engine API ● Drones capture film footage over sites ● Archaeology students use TensorFlow to create an AI that can visually identify man-made artifacts on the ground and map GIS data to draw conclusions on ancient human activities. ● A simple kit version is sold at local stores like Target. ● Case studies using Google Earth Engine for data sets References: playing-the-field
  • 66. Examples of Object Detection with TensorFlow:
  • 67. Example of how data from the Tensorflow AI could be viewed geospatially in Google Earth Engine. Note: This example was developed by another corporation, but it’s similar in concept, in which students can map human activity on the ground.