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Learn to Code and Have Fun Doing It!
• Learn the basics of some visual programming languages like Scratch,
Hopscotch, App Inventor, Raptor and others.
• Understand basic code syntax to gain important mathematical,
computational, and creative thinking concepts through playful learning!
• Discover alternative tools and applications to give people practice
programming while having fun!
• Gain other programming ideas, computing devices, and apps to help
children & young adults thrive in a world based on technology
Is coding a cryptic visual of typed languages?
Or a process? Or both?
Describe in natural language how to make
a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

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Types Of Artificial Intelligence | Edureka
Types Of Artificial Intelligence | EdurekaTypes Of Artificial Intelligence | Edureka
Types Of Artificial Intelligence | Edureka

YouTube Link: ** Machine Learning Engineer Masters Program: ** This Edureka PPT on "Types Of Artificial Intelligence" will help you understand the different stages and types of Artificial Intelligence in depth. The following topics are covered in this Artificial Intelligence Tutorial: History Of AI What Is AI? Stages Of Artificial Intelligence Types Of Artificial Intelligence Domains Of Artificial Intelligence Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

types of artificial intelligenceartificial intelligence typesartificial intelligence

TinkerCad is a collection of free, easy-to-use software tools that include 3D design, circuit design, and code blocks. It can be used to model 3D objects for 3D printing and laser cutting, create virtual circuits to learn about electronics and Arduino, and design 3D objects using code blocks. TinkerCad is well-suited for educational and small projects due to its low cost and accessibility for students to get hands-on experience with technology.

An introduction to coding
An introduction to codingAn introduction to coding
An introduction to coding

Coding is used to tell computers what to do through written instructions. It is used for websites, games, apps, programming, and more. Understanding coding gives insight into how the digital world works. The document discusses coding skills needed for game development like attention to detail, patience, curiosity, and creativity. It notes that GameMaker uses its own language called GML. The lesson tasks students to code a lives and score system in their platformer game using GML by watching a tutorial video and applying the skills.

Why learn to code?
• Why not?
• Learn the importance of clarity/brevity of expression.
• Be able to think and problem solve more accurately.
• Have a better understanding of how technology works.
• Create a tool that can make your life and many others’ lives easier.
• It can be fun!!
What is computer programming?
• A set of commands a computer understands – like a recipe.
• Computer programs can help cure diseases; drive cars; create video
games; make animated movies/graphics; build websites and apps; and
much more.
• Basic coding concepts are used by most every program and most every
• To learn more visit
Scratch is a programming language for everyone. Create
interactive stories, games, music and art and share them online.
Play and/or remix it!
Create video motion games!

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Artificial intelligence (ai)
Artificial intelligence (ai)Artificial intelligence (ai)
Artificial intelligence (ai)

This presitation include INTRODUCTION TO (AI) EXAMPLES OF (AI) Types of (AI) RISE OF (AI) FUTURE OF (AI) Advantages /Disadvantages OF (AI) How safe is (AI)

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Chat Bots Presentation 8.9.16
Chat Bots Presentation 8.9.16Chat Bots Presentation 8.9.16
Chat Bots Presentation 8.9.16

The document discusses chat bots and their potential future uses. It notes that apps have already created millions of jobs and bots may be the next step. Bots can perform automated tasks like answering questions or taking orders through messaging apps. Currently, people are using messaging apps more than social networks. The document outlines different types of bots including those that operate through rules-based programming and more advanced bots using machine learning that can understand language. It provides examples of potential bots and services to build bots. It concludes by recommending Cisco leverage chat bots for quick answers, analyzing Facebook messages, and developing future uses in tech support, sales, and communications between companies' bots.

What Is Coding And Why Should You Learn It?
What Is Coding And Why Should You Learn It?What Is Coding And Why Should You Learn It?
What Is Coding And Why Should You Learn It?

Do you wish to gain thorough knowledge on the topic of computer coding and its numerous benefits? Continue to our blog for a quick lesson on what is coding. (Source URL:

codinglearn codingprogramming
How does moving blocks around teach
Learn more at:
Program robots etc.!

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Artificial Intelligence Presentation
Artificial Intelligence PresentationArtificial Intelligence Presentation
Artificial Intelligence Presentation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study and design of intelligent agents, with no single goal. It aims to put human-level intelligence into machines. The document traces the history of AI from its origins in 1941 to modern applications in areas like military, science, business, and entertainment. It discusses early developments like the Dartmouth conference that defined the field, and the creation of languages like Lisp and Prolog. Future developments may lead to more sophisticated AI in video games, self-governing robot societies, and abilities that surpass humans in games like chess, but this also raises ethical questions about controlling advanced AI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Artificial Intelligence (AI).Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Presentation for an Admin Group of Administrative Assistants, Executive Assistants and Coordinators at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine.

aiartificial intelligenceai in ed
Artificial intelligence - AI Complete Concept
Artificial intelligence - AI Complete ConceptArtificial intelligence - AI Complete Concept
Artificial intelligence - AI Complete Concept

Artificial Intelligence What is Intelligence? Intelligence Composed of Goals of AI Philosophy of AI Types of Intelligence Contributes to AI AI Fields of Study Applications of AI Advantages of Artificial Intelligence Disadvantages / Limitation / Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence Issues of Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligenceaiintelligence
A Snap! user can create new control structures, such as
a for loop (which isn’t built into the language), by writing a
script as shown at the left. Once the for block is created, it
can be used even to make nested loops, as shown in the
center. A sprite carries out that script at the right.
More info:
Use devices with
Scratch for Arduino

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Introduction to Chatbots
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Introduction to Chatbots

Daden Emerging Technology Seminars - Daden Limited is a Virtual Worlds and artificial intelligence solution provider. Our focus is on using virtual worlds, and virtual personalities to deliver more efficient and effective enterprise systems, saving our clients money, time and carbon, and delivering better understanding and collaboration.

virtual charactersdaden limitedvirtual worlds
Web development with Python
Web development with PythonWeb development with Python
Web development with Python

The document outlines the key parts of web applications including the front-end, middleware, and back-end. It then provides a roadmap for learning the four main clusters of knowledge needed for web development: back-end development using Python frameworks like Django and Flask, front-end development using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, version control using Git, and deployment using Heroku. Specific resources like Codecademy, Mozilla Developer Network, and books from ImportPython are recommended for learning each area.

web development for beginnerspythonweb development
AI Presentation.pptx
AI Presentation.pptxAI Presentation.pptx
AI Presentation.pptx

This document discusses artificial intelligence and robotics. It begins by defining artificial intelligence as the ability of computers to learn and solve problems autonomously through algorithms. The document then covers the history and goals of AI, including reasoning, knowledge representation, and learning. It provides examples of modern AI applications and envisions further advances in areas like speech and image recognition. The document also defines robotics and discusses how AI relates to robot sensors, effectors, architecture, and information processing. It concludes by addressing myths about AI and arguing that potential dangers depend more on human decisions about machine goals than the technology itself.

What is App Inventor?
A web-based app development tool that allows
non-developers to create Android apps.
Using it is like putting a puzzle together.
App Inventor resembles …

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Artifical Intelligence
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Artifical Intelligence

This presentation will give you a brief about the Artificial intelligence concept with the below-mentioned contents - What is AI? - Need for AI - Languages used for AI development - History of AI - Types of AI - Agents in AI - How AI works - Technologies of AI - Application of AI

aiartifical intelligencetechnology
What Are the Problems Associated with ChatGPT?
What Are the Problems Associated with ChatGPT?What Are the Problems Associated with ChatGPT?
What Are the Problems Associated with ChatGPT?

One thing to keep in mind is that ChatGPT, like all language models, is not perfect and may not always produce the desired results. Therefore, there are several things that businesses should consider before using ChatGPT. Here is a detailed explanation of some of the key limitations of ChatGPT. To know all problems of ChatGPT then visit blog post at

problems with chatgptproblems of chatgptlimitations of chatgpt
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence

This document provides an overview of artificial intelligence, including its branches and fields of application. It discusses how AI aims to create intelligent machines through approaches like symbolic and statistical AI. The document also outlines key differences between human and artificial intelligence, noting that AI is non-creative, consistent, precise, and able to multitask, while humans are more creative but can contain errors or inconsistencies. It concludes by stating that combining knowledge from different fields including computer science, mathematics, psychology and more will benefit progress in creating intelligent artificial beings.

Learn to Code and Have Fun Doing It!
Download it for free and get great handouts at
RAPTOR is a flowchart-based
programming environment.
A program is an ordered set of instructions that tells a
computer to perform the tasks in a pre-arranged
A variable name is actually a location in memory. By
naming the location, one is able to store and retrieve
data from that location.
Learn to Code and Have Fun Doing It!

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Introduction to Algorithm
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Introduction to Algorithm

This slide contains topic about algorithm, flowchart and pseudo codes. This also contains examples about algorithm and its basic concepts.

Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial Intelligence

The document discusses artificial intelligence, including its history, applications, and languages. It provides an overview of AI, noting that it aims to recreate human intelligence through machine learning and problem solving. The document then covers key topics like the philosophy of AI, limits on machine intelligence, and comparisons between human and artificial brains. It also gives brief histories of AI and machine learning. The document concludes by discussing popular AI programming languages like Lisp and Prolog, as well as various applications of AI technologies.

How to Think in the Information Age: Finding Facts in a Post-Truth World
How to Think in the Information Age: Finding Facts in a Post-Truth WorldHow to Think in the Information Age: Finding Facts in a Post-Truth World
How to Think in the Information Age: Finding Facts in a Post-Truth World

With an ever-increasing daily torrent of information raining on people from almost every perceivable angle, it is impossible to process it all and, more importantly, to “separate the wheat from the chaff.” It is vital for everyone to be able to verify the accuracy and authority of information found on the Web while being able to detect bad data and lies to achieve the final goal of making intelligent decisions. As 21st Century library and information professionals, it is essential that we know how to think in the Information Age and to be able to pass this skill on to our users. In this webinar: ~ discover what misinformation is and explore ways to combat it. ~ learn to recognize misleading news, statistics, graphs, infographics, and more. ~ understand basic fallacies and how to detect bias. ~ appreciate how fast information spreads on social media and gather tools to help you become a stronger digital citizen. ~ utilize the scientific method to become a critical thinker in the Information Age.

scientific methodpost-truthfiskkit
Article available at:
Article available at:
A Few Basic Programming Components
• Variables & Arrays
• Operators
• Flow Control
• Functions
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
Variables & Arrays
• A variable is a bucket that holds one piece of information. A
variable can change value when
• Specific conditions are met
• Based on user input
• Examples (concept)
• $string_myhomelibrary = “Montgomery Library”;
• $numeric_variable= 100;
• $myname = “Brian”;
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman

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Scratch Demo Day Beach Cities CUE Talk 2016
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What are the benefits of learning to code? goal-setting brainstorming how to evaluate design choices rapid-prototyping the importance of testing your ideas and critical evaluation.

Advertising Powerpoint
Advertising PowerpointAdvertising Powerpoint
Advertising Powerpoint

This document provides an overview of different types of advertising and examples of each type. It discusses newspaper, magazine, radio, television, outdoor, door-to-door, media, guerrilla, online, print, broadcast, mobile, packaging, and product placement advertising. It also covers design contexts, constraints, and communication strategies in advertising.

2D Game Development with scratch
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2D Game Development with scratch

2D Game Development with scratch for beginners. For more information on Virtual training, visit hands-on training visit Visit for more information.

nrclcgame developmentbeginners
Variables & Arrays
• An array is a type of variable (or bucket) that holds many pieces of
• Example (language doesn’t matter here; the concept does):
• $FavoriteCities = array(“Orlando”, “Boulder”, “Miami”)
• $FavoriteCities[0] holds “Orlando”
• $FavoriteCities [1] holds “Boulder”
• $States = array(“1” => “Prime”; “FL”=> “Florida”, “CO” => “Colorado”)
• $States[“FL”] holds “Florida”
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
• Arithmetic
+, -, *, / (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
• Assignment
= (assign the value of 2 to the variable called v)
$v = 2;
+= (“Add the value of 3 to the variable that already holds 1”)
$v += 3; // $a now holds 5
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
Flow Control - Sequence
• Reads like a book, the instructions are executed in the same order
they where given:
• OPEN the door
• WALK inside the room
• SIT on a chair
• PICKUP a book
• READ the book.
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
Flow Control - Choice
• If Then
if (something is true/conditions are met) {
then do this
• If Then Else
• Else: XYZ
• Starts the same as “If Then” but allows a result if condition is false
• Else If
if (something is true/conditions are met) {
then do this
} elseif (another something is true/conditions are met) {
then do this instead
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman

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Facebook pixel
Facebook pixelFacebook pixel
Facebook pixel

The Facebook pixel allows advertisers to track user behavior on their website, optimize ad audiences, and retarget website visitors. It is a piece of JavaScript code that is installed on web pages. The pixel tracks user actions like purchases or other conversions and builds custom audiences for ad targeting. It also helps measure cross-device conversions and find similar customers to target. Advertisers can install the pixel code directly or using tag managers and add standard event codes to track objectives actions by website users.

know online advertisingadvertisingfacebook
How To Create Winning Ads On Facebook
How To Create Winning Ads On FacebookHow To Create Winning Ads On Facebook
How To Create Winning Ads On Facebook

If you’ve tried growing your business with Facebook Ads and didn’t get any results from it, it’s not because Facebook Ads don’t work. You simply didn’t have the right formula to let it work for you and that’s what this presentation is about. In it, you will learn: * Three Elements To Creating Successful Facebook Ads
 * The Right Strategy To Get Potential Clients To Respond To Your Ads
 * 4 Elements of a Winning Ad
 * The Secret To Keeping Your Business In your Client's Mind 24/7

social mediasocial media marketingfacebook marketing
Cross curricular scratch
Cross curricular scratchCross curricular scratch
Cross curricular scratch

This document outlines ideas for using the Scratch programming software across the KS1/KS2 curriculum. It discusses using Scratch for character conversations, animations, quizzes, and lists. Examples are provided for each idea. It encourages using Scratch online and creating pupil accounts. Tips are given for differentiation. The document argues that these ideas cover many KS2 computing objectives like repetition, selection, and debugging.

cross curricularprogrammingscratch
Flow Control - Continual
• With continual, instructions are executed based on variables, commands,
outputs, etc … as they remain true
• While (or repeat)
while (something is true) {
do something here
• for
for (something is true) {
do something here
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
Flow Control – Putting It Together
• 1) Sequence
• Go to the library
• Check out a book
• Read the book
• Return the book
• 2) Choice
• If you have a library card, you can check out books. Otherwise open a library card account.
• 3) Repeat
• Continue to read the book till there are no more pages.
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
• A function is type of procedure or routine and usually returns a value.
• A procedure preforms an operation, but typically doesn’t provide a value.
• Most languages have pre-built or pre-defined functions in its library.
• For instance, the “delete” function means to “remove”. You don’t have to
code what “remove” does; only what to remove.
Defining a function in Python
Other ways to learn coding
and have fun doing it!

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Presentation given at CEMASTEA Kenya 23 rd November 2016 based upon paper written by Eyal Bloch & Philippe Scheimann, TOP founders. Help fund the program:

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Code Like A Boss - NETA 2016
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Code Like A Boss - NETA 2016

Go beyond the Hour of Code and get your students coding with some of these kid-tested, teacher-approved projects, games, and apps.

Writing Codes Instead of Tweets
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How allowing kids to partake in technology through coding will make their relationships with technology healthier and prepare them for the future

Kano OS powered by Raspberry Pi
See how things on the Web work behind the scenes using …

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What I Learned While Teaching Kids at Flying Robot School - YOW! Night August...
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What I Learned While Teaching Kids at Flying Robot School - YOW! Night August...

Kids at country schools face more barriers to further education after secondary school than their city counterparts. Of those kids continuing after secondary school, fewer are choosing STEM streams, and too few of them are girls. To make an impact on this issue, in 2014 Pete Cohen, Paula Ngov, and I founded Flying Robot School (FRS). FRS teaches rural kids the theory, flying, and coding of drones to solve real-world problems. In this talk I will tell the story of what happened when we took drones to schools, and what we have learned. I’ll explain how the kids have benefited and how benefits also flowed to our employers, sponsors, and ourselves. FRS is how we wanted to tackle a social issue that concerned us, but there are many great ways to make a social impact with your tech skills. This talk will offer some ways to think about the types of impact your skills can make, how to apply them for maximum effect, and why the benefits outweigh the effort.

stemrural educationvolunteering
ABCs of Social Media Advertising by Crystal Vilkaitis
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ABCs of Social Media Advertising by Crystal Vilkaitis

This document summarizes a seminar on using paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram for business purposes. It discusses three advertising strategies: 1) increasing exposure and engagement through ads like memory recall ads and video ads; 2) increasing traffic and sales by targeting customers who have engaged with content or offering promotions; and 3) growing the Facebook audience through consistent posting, memory recall ads, live videos, and page like ads targeted at similar audiences. Case studies are presented that demonstrate increased sales and engagement through these advertising approaches. The seminar emphasizes regularly testing ads and audiences to optimize performance.

society of american floristssocial media
How to run and manage Facebook Ads
How to run and manage Facebook AdsHow to run and manage Facebook Ads
How to run and manage Facebook Ads

The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise has also been shown to increase gray matter volume in the brain and reduce risks for conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia.

promote websitepower editorpromote page
Lego WeDo / Lego Mindstorms
Dash and Dot
Interact with the real world
using the Tickle App
Learn to program Arduino, drones, robots, connected
toys, and smart home devices, all wirelessly.

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Para poder hacer anuncios en Instagram hay que vincular ambas cuantas desde la configuración de las páginas en Facebook. Esto no significa que, los anuncios que hacemos en Facebook, puedan salir a Instagram.

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Teach your kids to code
Teach your kids to codeTeach your kids to code
Teach your kids to code

The document provides tips and resources for teaching kids to code. It discusses several coding platforms including Hour of Code, Alice, Scratch, Ozobot, and LearnToMod. For each, it provides a brief description and highlights features. It emphasizes finding activities tied to subjects kids find interesting, letting them work at their own pace, and providing positive feedback. Overall, the document aims to introduce parents to different options for introducing coding to children in a fun and engaging way.

Coding Basics with Scratch
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Coding Basics with Scratch

This document provides an introduction and overview of Scratch, an educational programming tool. It explains that Scratch uses a drag-and-drop interface to teach coding basics. It describes the main components of the Scratch interface, including the stage, sprites, scripts, costumes, sounds, and programming area. It encourages readers to create an account, follow a tutorial to get started, and experiment freely with creating their own programs before saving their work.

Some great resources to help you learn to code
Learn to code interactively, for free.

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Programming from scratch™
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Programming from scratch™

This document discusses an introductory programming lesson using Scratch that covers manipulating images, playing sounds, program control, making decisions, and repeating actions. The lesson uses Scratch to import ballerinas and make one dance forever by duplicating a movement block. It also imports a background and uses variables to prevent a character called Nibbles from walking off the screen. The document provides instructions and questions to guide users through the basic Scratch programming concepts.

Coding: the smart future for our kids - Chau Au
Coding: the smart future for our kids - Chau AuCoding: the smart future for our kids - Chau Au
Coding: the smart future for our kids - Chau Au

Chau Au presents on her experience volunteering as a Code Club facilitator at the local library. She discusses how she got involved in Code Club and shares details about running coding clubs for children over multiple terms, including the types of projects and curriculum used, resources available, and the types and number of students. She also provides case studies of three students who demonstrated growth in confidence, independence, and problem-solving over the terms. Overall, the presentation emphasizes the benefits of coding for children and provides recommendations for others interested in starting coding clubs.

codingpublic librarieseducation
Primary Programming and Scratch
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Primary Programming and Scratch

Presentation at Naace 2010 Strategic Conference on the place of programming in the UK primary curriculum and MIT's Scratch programming language / environment.


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Computer coding resources for your library
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Computer coding resources for your library

This document provides a comparison of over 50 coding tools for learning programming. It lists tools categorized by those for learning visual blocks, hands-on hardware, and formal coding languages. For each tool, it provides information on required math prerequisites, preparation time, and price. Many of the tools are free to use, including Scratch, Code Combat, Codecademy, and Khan Academy for learning formal languages as well as tools like Kodable, BotLogic and CargoBot for visual blocks. Hands-on tools like Arduino, Lego Mindstorms and Sphero require additional hardware and have higher prices but provide interactive experiences. The document serves as a useful starting point for finding coding tools suitable for different ages,

Programming the Real World: Javascript for Makers
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Programming the Real World: Javascript for Makers

Hardware is becoming easier to design and manufacture, approaching the ease of software. This presentation: - takes you on a tour of the changes in hardware - a crash course in building circuits - teaches the basics of using and programming Arduino - introduces Javascript libraries for controlling hardware and robots - how to get involved with hardware projects If you'd like me to present this or similar content at your event, please contact me: peter at pchristensen dot com

Maker Boot Camp
Maker Boot CampMaker Boot Camp
Maker Boot Camp

Libraries are about discovery. Giving people a safe and comfortable place to dream, think, and create is very important because it gives them a chance to explore various technologies and educational opportunities that they can use to enrich their lives. STEAM education refers to teaching and learning, mostly hands-on, in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Learn in this webinar how St. Petersburg College’s Innovation Lab managed to incorporate the STEAM education framework via their well-received and grant supported Maker Boot Camp. In the first Maker Boot Camp, children between 10 and 14 years old learned video game design, how to build a synthesizer and control sounds/voltage with littleBits, 3D design/printing, robotics, basic circuitry and electronics, virtual reality, creating holograms, and more. In this webinar: - Understand what it takes to create and manage a collaborative learning space. - Explore a variety of technologies and tools to help enhance learning. - Learn how Maker Boot Camp was organized and how it continues to excite people of all ages. - Realize the importance of partnering with businesses and other organizations.

3d printingcomputer programmingcircuitry
Image source:

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Inspiring Kids to Code Using Scratch and Other Tools
Inspiring Kids to Code Using Scratch and Other ToolsInspiring Kids to Code Using Scratch and Other Tools
Inspiring Kids to Code Using Scratch and Other Tools

This document discusses inspiring kids to learn coding using tools like Scratch and provides an overview of coding concepts and resources for learning coding including Scratch,, Lightbot, and Hopscotch. It emphasizes that coding helps problem solving and clarity of thought, and encourages learning to code because it is fun and valuable for understanding technology.

computer programmingprogrammingscratch
Inspiring Kids to Code Using Scratch and Other Tools
Inspiring Kids to Code Using Scratch and Other ToolsInspiring Kids to Code Using Scratch and Other Tools
Inspiring Kids to Code Using Scratch and Other Tools

In today’s age, it is important to have a basic understanding of computer programming, but it can be difficult to teach these skills to kids unless fun tools are introduced to help make programming easy. In this webinar, learn Scratch, a “programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art” that will teach “important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.” Other tools and applications will be covered to give kids practice programming while having fun! Source:

codingscratchcomputer programming
STEM Programming Ideas at the Library.pdf
STEM Programming Ideas at the Library.pdfSTEM Programming Ideas at the Library.pdf
STEM Programming Ideas at the Library.pdf

With all the latest gadgets, gizmos, and everything in between, what are the latest programming ideas within library spaces? How can we use AI in different ways to engage our community? What about low costs or low-tech opportunities? Join Brian Pichman of the Evolve Project as he highlights some awesome programming ideas that you can implement within your library spaces! Bring in more patrons, build more collaboration, and improve your community outreach with some out-of-the-box STEM activities that really get your creative minds flowing. 

Coding Resources
• Lightbot is a programming puzzle game that gives the user a one-to-one relationship with programming concepts. Try it today
• Hopscotch: Coding for Kids is an iPad programming language. Download it today at .
• wants to bring Computer Science classes to every K-12 school. Check it out at and find some
excellent computer programming tutorials.
• Scratch helps children create stories, games, animations, and also lets them share these projects with others around the world.
More info at
• is a free iPad app that brings coding to students as young as age five.
• gives children opportunities to program in order to solve puzzles. is similar.
• Visit Medium for a “2 minute read” listing other ideas and resources to help inspire children and teens to code.
• There are several MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) and other freely available resources that offer computer programming
classes. Coursera, Udacity, and Edx are great examples. Also, Khan Academy has some great resources for kids and adults too!
• A Google search query for computer programming resources for kids limited to the last year can be found at
Contact me!

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L1 L2- NLC PPT for Grade 10 interventionL1 L2- NLC PPT for Grade 10 intervention
L1 L2- NLC PPT for Grade 10 intervention
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Bedok NEWater Photostory - COM322 Assessment (Story 2)Bedok NEWater Photostory - COM322 Assessment (Story 2)
Bedok NEWater Photostory - COM322 Assessment (Story 2)
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Learn to Code and Have Fun Doing It!

  • 2. Agenda: • Learn the basics of some visual programming languages like Scratch, Hopscotch, App Inventor, Raptor and others. • Understand basic code syntax to gain important mathematical, computational, and creative thinking concepts through playful learning! • Discover alternative tools and applications to give people practice programming while having fun! • Gain other programming ideas, computing devices, and apps to help children & young adults thrive in a world based on technology
  • 3. Is coding a cryptic visual of typed languages? Or a process? Or both?
  • 4. Describe in natural language how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  • 5. Why learn to code? • Why not? • Learn the importance of clarity/brevity of expression. • Be able to think and problem solve more accurately. • Have a better understanding of how technology works. • Create a tool that can make your life and many others’ lives easier. • It can be fun!!
  • 6. What is computer programming? • A set of commands a computer understands – like a recipe. • Computer programs can help cure diseases; drive cars; create video games; make animated movies/graphics; build websites and apps; and much more. • Basic coding concepts are used by most every program and most every programmer. • To learn more visit
  • 7. Scratch is a programming language for everyone. Create interactive stories, games, music and art and share them online.
  • 8. Play and/or remix it! Create video motion games!
  • 11. How does moving blocks around teach programming? Learn more at:
  • 13. A Snap! user can create new control structures, such as a for loop (which isn’t built into the language), by writing a script as shown at the left. Once the for block is created, it can be used even to make nested loops, as shown in the center. A sprite carries out that script at the right. More info:
  • 17. What is App Inventor? A web-based app development tool that allows non-developers to create Android apps. Using it is like putting a puzzle together.
  • 18. App Inventor resembles … Scratch LEGO MINDSTORMS
  • 22. Download it for free and get great handouts at RAPTOR is a flowchart-based programming environment. DEMO
  • 23. A program is an ordered set of instructions that tells a computer to perform the tasks in a pre-arranged manner. A variable name is actually a location in memory. By naming the location, one is able to store and retrieve data from that location.
  • 25. Article available at:
  • 26. Article available at:
  • 27. A Few Basic Programming Components • Variables & Arrays • Operators • Flow Control • Functions Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
  • 28. Variables & Arrays • A variable is a bucket that holds one piece of information. A variable can change value when • Specific conditions are met • Based on user input • Examples (concept) • $string_myhomelibrary = “Montgomery Library”; • $numeric_variable= 100; • $myname = “Brian”; Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
  • 29. Variables & Arrays • An array is a type of variable (or bucket) that holds many pieces of information. • Example (language doesn’t matter here; the concept does): • $FavoriteCities = array(“Orlando”, “Boulder”, “Miami”) • $FavoriteCities[0] holds “Orlando” • $FavoriteCities [1] holds “Boulder” • $States = array(“1” => “Prime”; “FL”=> “Florida”, “CO” => “Colorado”) • $States[“FL”] holds “Florida” Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
  • 30. Operators • Arithmetic +, -, *, / (add, subtract, multiply, divide) • Assignment = (assign the value of 2 to the variable called v) $v = 2; += (“Add the value of 3 to the variable that already holds 1”) $v += 3; // $a now holds 5 Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
  • 31. Flow Control - Sequence • Reads like a book, the instructions are executed in the same order they where given: • OPEN the door • WALK inside the room • SIT on a chair • PICKUP a book • READ the book. Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
  • 32. Flow Control - Choice • If Then if (something is true/conditions are met) { then do this } • If Then Else • Else: XYZ • Starts the same as “If Then” but allows a result if condition is false • Else If if (something is true/conditions are met) { then do this } elseif (another something is true/conditions are met) { then do this instead } Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
  • 33. Flow Control - Continual • With continual, instructions are executed based on variables, commands, outputs, etc … as they remain true • While (or repeat) while (something is true) { do something here } • for for (something is true) { do something here } Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
  • 34. Flow Control – Putting It Together • 1) Sequence • Go to the library • Check out a book • Read the book • Return the book • 2) Choice • If you have a library card, you can check out books. Otherwise open a library card account. • 3) Repeat • Continue to read the book till there are no more pages. Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman
  • 35. Functions • A function is type of procedure or routine and usually returns a value. • A procedure preforms an operation, but typically doesn’t provide a value. • Most languages have pre-built or pre-defined functions in its library. • For instance, the “delete” function means to “remove”. You don’t have to code what “remove” does; only what to remove. Defining a function in Python
  • 36. Other ways to learn coding and have fun doing it!
  • 37. Kano OS powered by Raspberry Pi
  • 39. See how things on the Web work behind the scenes using …
  • 41. Lego WeDo / Lego Mindstorms
  • 44. Interact with the real world using the Tickle App Learn to program Arduino, drones, robots, connected toys, and smart home devices, all wirelessly.
  • 46.
  • 47. Some great resources to help you learn to code
  • 48. .com Learn to code interactively, for free.
  • 57. Coding Resources • Lightbot is a programming puzzle game that gives the user a one-to-one relationship with programming concepts. Try it today at! • Hopscotch: Coding for Kids is an iPad programming language. Download it today at . • wants to bring Computer Science classes to every K-12 school. Check it out at and find some excellent computer programming tutorials. • Scratch helps children create stories, games, animations, and also lets them share these projects with others around the world. More info at • is a free iPad app that brings coding to students as young as age five. • gives children opportunities to program in order to solve puzzles. is similar. • Visit Medium for a “2 minute read” listing other ideas and resources to help inspire children and teens to code. • There are several MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) and other freely available resources that offer computer programming classes. Coursera, Udacity, and Edx are great examples. Also, Khan Academy has some great resources for kids and adults too! • A Google search query for computer programming resources for kids limited to the last year can be found at