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Open Education Resources in Libraries
• Learn what Open Education Resources (OER) are and how they can be
used to engender trust, generate rigorous learning opportunities, and
potentially lead to smarter decision-making strategies.
• Discover a variety of OER and Open Access (OA) repositories to find
accessible and authoritative resources, including textbooks, to use in
• Acquire OER strategies for developing a variety of educational
opportunities using a variety of formats.
• Understand various issues (e.g., GDPR) impacting OER in libraries.
“The average college graduate has $24,000
in education-related debt. So we have two
choices: stop sending as many students to
college or make college more affordable.”
Open Education Resources in Libraries

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How to develop Open Educational Resources policies at national and institutio...
How to develop Open Educational Resources policies at national and institutio...How to develop Open Educational Resources policies at national and institutio...
How to develop Open Educational Resources policies at national and institutio...

Slides from a workshop conducted during the "Open Educational Ideas" conference, Berlin, 7th September 2015.

exploereropen policyoer
The Non-Disposable Assignment: Enhancing Personalised Learning - Session 1
The Non-Disposable Assignment: Enhancing Personalised Learning - Session 1The Non-Disposable Assignment: Enhancing Personalised Learning - Session 1
The Non-Disposable Assignment: Enhancing Personalised Learning - Session 1

Slides from our first meeting of three from a course redesign series on creating non-disposable assignments. As advertised: Do you want to offer students an opportunity to bring their passions, personal interests, and individual strengths into their coursework? How can we design assessment which students feel connected to, value, and are proud to share with their peers? Are you interested in learning how to create a non-disposable assignment for your students? This 3-part assignment redesign workshop will take you through the steps to create a non-disposable assignment from beginning to end. Disposable Assignments: "are assignments that students complain about doing and faculty complain about grading. They’re assignments that add no value to the world – after a student spends three hours creating it, a teacher spends 30 minutes grading it, and then the student throws it away” (Wiley, 2013). This series is about creating a non-disposable assignment. The three sessions will blend a combination of some pre-reading, discussion, and in session time to flesh out the details of a rich assignment that allows students to co-create knowledge, be creative and engage in a personalised learning experience. We’ll focus on crafting projects which meet your existing or redesigned course learning outcomes, explore tools for students to demonstrate their learning, and identify strategies for conducting peer-review. In the end you’ll end up with plan for implementing your redesigned assignment in Spring 2018 or Fall 2018. Throughout the three-part workshop we will also be collectively exposing our own learnings to others in the group through a live reflection and blogging site to support our work. We hope faculty can attend all three parts as they are planned with the intent you are coming for the whole series.

open educational practiceslearning designoer

This document provides an introduction to open access resources for participants. It begins with welcoming the participants and laying out the structure of the paper. The paper will discuss the meaning and definitions of open access resources, their importance and types, the open access movement, the role of librarians, advantages, and conclusions. It introduces how the internet is transforming libraries and the emergence of electronic documents. Open access resources are knowledge resources made freely available online without subscription fees or access charges.

Open Education Resources (OER) are “free and openly
licensed educational materials that can be used for
teaching, learning, research, and other purposes.”
Source: The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
OER represents the "teaching, learning, and research resources that reside
in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual
property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.
Open educational resources include full courses, course materials,
modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other
tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge."
Creative Commons helps you share your knowledge
and creativity with the world. It develops, supports,
and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that
maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation.
Open Education Resources in Libraries

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Introduction to Contributing to OER
Introduction to Contributing to OERIntroduction to Contributing to OER
Introduction to Contributing to OER

This document summarizes a workshop about open educational resources (OER) held at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. It defines OER as educational materials that can be freely used, modified, and shared under an open license. The workshop discussed why OER are important now for increasing visibility, improving learning, and profiling teaching. It also provided practical guidance on identifying content to share as OER, evaluating copyright issues, choosing an open license, hosting options, and contributing to the OER Commons directory.

Introduction to Contributing to OER/OEP
Introduction to Contributing to OER/OEPIntroduction to Contributing to OER/OEP
Introduction to Contributing to OER/OEP

This document summarizes a workshop about open educational resources (OER) held at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. It defines OER as educational materials that can be freely used, modified, and shared under an open license. The workshop discussed why OER are important now for increasing visibility, improving learning, and profiling teaching. It also provided practical guidance on identifying content to share as OER, evaluating copyright issues, choosing an open license, hosting options, and contributing to the OER Commons directory.

oepoeropen education
Open Textbook Network workshop at George Fox University
Open Textbook Network workshop at George Fox UniversityOpen Textbook Network workshop at George Fox University
Open Textbook Network workshop at George Fox University

The document discusses the high cost of textbooks and its negative impact on students. It notes that textbook prices have risen much faster than inflation, with the average student budgeting $1,200-1,400 for books and materials annually. The rising costs have led many students to delay purchasing textbooks, not buy required books, or take fewer courses overall. Open educational resources (OER) such as open textbooks are presented as an alternative to help increase access and affordability for students while maintaining quality. The Open Textbook Library currently hosts over 250 openly licensed textbooks that are complete, free to use, and have received positive reviews.

open textbooksoerhigher education
"NASA and menchville high school robotics team setting up at #madexpo" by Pete Brown is licensed under
CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit:

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Open Source Ware (Osw)
Open Source Ware (Osw)Open Source Ware (Osw)
Open Source Ware (Osw)

The document discusses open source software and open educational resources. It defines key terms like open source ware, free/libre open source software, open courseware, and open education resources. It provides examples of open courseware projects at universities like MIT and explains that open courseware makes educational materials freely available online for non-commercial use and adaptation under open licenses.

How Open Textbooks, Resources & MOOC's are Changing Education
How Open Textbooks, Resources & MOOC's are Changing EducationHow Open Textbooks, Resources & MOOC's are Changing Education
How Open Textbooks, Resources & MOOC's are Changing Education

Open educational resources (OER), open textbooks, and massive open online courses (MOOCs) are changing education. OER include learning materials that are freely available under open licenses allowing reuse, revision, remixing, and redistribution. Open textbooks are openly licensed textbooks available online for free or low cost. MOOCs make university-level courses available to a worldwide online audience for free. However, MOOCs vary in their openness regarding policies, content, pedagogy, and student work. OER, open textbooks, and open pedagogies promote sharing and collaboration in education.

open datauniversity of british columbiamooc's
The Role of Librarians in Supporting Textbook Affordability Initiatives at Th...
The Role of Librarians in Supporting Textbook Affordability Initiatives at Th...The Role of Librarians in Supporting Textbook Affordability Initiatives at Th...
The Role of Librarians in Supporting Textbook Affordability Initiatives at Th...

Presentation delivered at the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Annual Online Conference on June 17, 2020.

oeropen educational resourcesatla
Open Education Resources in Libraries
Development of Open Access
October 21- 27, 2019
A global event promoting Open Access as a new
norm in scholarship and research.

Recommended for you

Open Access Textbooks
Open Access TextbooksOpen Access Textbooks
Open Access Textbooks

This document discusses open access textbooks. Open access textbooks are openly licensed textbooks offered online by their authors for free. They are created by faculty, researchers, and teams who are often supported by grants or foundations. Open access textbooks offer many advantages over traditional textbooks, including lower costs for students, easy customization, and immediate corrections. They can be found through catalogs like the University of Minnesota Open Access Textbook Catalog or publishers like OpenStax. The document encourages the use and creation of open access textbooks to help lower the costs of education for students.

Open Scenarios in Higher Education
Open Scenarios in Higher EducationOpen Scenarios in Higher Education
Open Scenarios in Higher Education

Invited talk given to faculty and staff at Kwantlen Polytechnic University 2-Apr-2013. Explores the many ways Creative Commons and open are impacting higher education with a particular focus on OER, Open Textbooks, Open Access and MOOC's.

open dataopen source softwareopen access
Open Access: Which Side Are You On
Open Access: Which Side Are You OnOpen Access: Which Side Are You On
Open Access: Which Side Are You On

Open access (OA) to scholarly literature recently hit a major milestone: Half of all research articles published become open access, either immediately or after an embargo period. Are the articles you read among them? What about the articles you write? Are the journals to which you submit open-access friendly? What about the journals for which you peer review? Are there any reasons why the public should not have access to the results of taxpayer-funded research? In this slideshow, Jill Cirasella (Associate Librarian for Public Services and Scholarly Communication, Graduate Center, CUNY) explains the motivation for OA, describes the details of OA, and differentiates between publishing in open access journals (“gold” OA) and self-archiving works in OA repositories (“green” OA). She also dispels persistent myths about OA and examines some of the challenges to OA.

scholarly communicationscholarly publishingopen access
Select OER Repositories
• OER Commons
• BC OpenEd Textbooks
• MIT Open Courseware
• OpenStax Textbooks
• SOL*R Online Resources
• Saylor
• OpenLearn
• Khan Academy
• HippoCampus
• Curriki
• P2PU
• edX
• Open Education Consortium
Slide adapted from Open Education Resources by Passos,
Uncommonly Open: The New Digital
Commons Network,
Every article that PLoS publishes is open-access,
freely available online for anyone to use. Sharing
research encourages progress, from protecting
the biodiversity of our planet to finding more
effective treatments for diseases such as cancer.

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Open Access Open Minds - Opportunity Side of Open
Open Access Open Minds - Opportunity Side of OpenOpen Access Open Minds - Opportunity Side of Open
Open Access Open Minds - Opportunity Side of Open

Keynote given by Paul Stacey May 10, 2012 at the Kings University Open Access Open Minds conference.

access copyrightcreative commonsopen source software
Incorporating information literacy outcomes into your course
Incorporating information literacy outcomes into your courseIncorporating information literacy outcomes into your course
Incorporating information literacy outcomes into your course

Presented by Jane Lewandoski and Kendra Lake at the St. Clair County Community College Fall 2019 adjunct faculty welcome back event on August 13, 2019.

information literacylibrary services
Challenges in oer
Challenges in oerChallenges in oer
Challenges in oer

This document discusses open educational resources (OER) and summarizes some of the key findings from an OECD/CERI study on OER. It finds that while the number of OER initiatives is growing, there is still conceptual ambiguity around what constitutes an OER. Preliminary results suggest that typical OER users are well-educated individuals, and that lack of time and reward systems are barriers to wider involvement. Proponents argue that open sharing of educational resources can increase access to knowledge and support academic values.
Learn more at
(Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)

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Open educational resources: What are they and where do i find them?
Open educational resources: What are they and where do i find them?Open educational resources: What are they and where do i find them?
Open educational resources: What are they and where do i find them?

Presented at the Excellence in Teaching 2017 conference on February 10, 2017. Abstract: Have you ever considered using an open textbook in your class? How about open courses, quizzes, lab manuals, or other course materials? Open Educational Resources (OERs) are free and free to reuse resources or course materials that you can repurpose in your classes, including both written and multimedia content. There are OERs available for every subject matter and academic level. Tarleton librarians, Margie Maxfield Huth (Systems Librarian) and Amy Castillo (Periodicals & Electronic Resources Librarian) will discuss what OERs are, and how they can be used in the classroom. They will also show resources for identifying OERs that might be appropriate for use in your classes.

oeropen education tarletonstateuniversity
Open Access Explained
Open Access ExplainedOpen Access Explained
Open Access Explained

Going for Gold and Greener Pastures: Open Access Explained Presentation by Lisa Kruesi, Helen Morgan and Andrew Heath from The University of Queensland Scholarly Publishing and Digititisation Service for Open Access Week, October 2012.

open accessopen access weekthe university of queensland
Open Educational Resources & MOOC
Open Educational Resources & MOOCOpen Educational Resources & MOOC
Open Educational Resources & MOOC

This document provides an overview of open educational resources (OERs) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) presented by Gerry McKiernan at the Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference in 2014. It defines OERs and MOOCs, outlines ways for librarians to develop professional knowledge in these areas through activities like training, conferences, and literature, and suggests how librarians can promote awareness of OERs on their campuses through guides and research. The document encourages librarians to learn more by taking the free OER-101 and OER MOOC courses themselves.

moocopen textbookoers
Transitioning Your Journal from
Subscription to Open Access
Many university libraries have established programs to assist in the
transitioning of journals from the subscription model to open
access. Resources related to university publishing programs include the
•The Library Publishing Directory (Library Publishing Coalition)
•Campus-Based Publishing Partnerships: Browse by Institution (Columbia
University Libraries)
•Campus-Based Publishing Resources (SPARC)
Source: and
OpenStax Textbooks OpenStax CNX
OpenStax TutorOpenStax Concept Coach

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Open Educational resources(OER)
Open Educational resources(OER)Open Educational resources(OER)
Open Educational resources(OER)

The document provides an overview of open educational resources (OER). It discusses the history of OER, including early initiatives like Project Gutenberg and MIT OpenCourseWare. It defines OER according to organizations like UNESCO and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The document outlines the principles of OER, including being freely available, adaptable, and openly licensed. It discusses advantages like lower costs, improved access, and customization possibilities. Potential weaknesses include issues with quality control, sustainability, and reliance on internet access.

open accessopen sourceoer
Finding & Evaluating OER - SCORE Workshop Activity by Non Scantlebury
Finding & Evaluating OER - SCORE Workshop Activity by Non ScantleburyFinding & Evaluating OER - SCORE Workshop Activity by Non Scantlebury
Finding & Evaluating OER - SCORE Workshop Activity by Non Scantlebury

Activity Document by Non Scantlebury for Day 1 of the SCORE Short Term Fellowship Course, 6th to 10th December 2010

Building a Global Adult Learning Commons
Building a Global Adult Learning CommonsBuilding a Global Adult Learning Commons
Building a Global Adult Learning Commons

Presentation given at 2012 Adult Learning and Global Change Institute in Cape Town South Africa 12-Dec-2012.

cape towncreative commonsalgc institute 2012
Access the book at OER Commons:
This book is out of print. None of
the publishers had the rights to it.
We were able to locate one of the
sons, via the author’s obituary,
and permission was granted for us
to use it in a course.
Image source:

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Open sesame
Open sesameOpen sesame
Open sesame

This document provides an outline for a presentation on strategies for promoting open educational resources (OERs) and massive open online courses (MOOCs). It discusses how librarians can become more knowledgeable about OERs and MOOCs through professional development, current awareness, and promotion activities. These include reading literature on the topics, exploring relevant websites and course offerings, attending conferences, taking MOOCs, following blogs and listservs, and engaging in research. The document also provides examples of guides and articles librarians can create to promote OERs and MOOCs within their communities.

oers & mooc
“Open” Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Educational Practices & Open ...
“Open” Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Educational Practices & Open ...“Open” Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Educational Practices & Open ...
“Open” Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Educational Practices & Open ...

This document discusses open access, open educational resources (OER), open educational practices (OEP), and open data in Africa. It defines key concepts like open access, green vs. gold open access, and the 5Rs of OER. It outlines benefits of open science like more citations and collaboration. Examples of African open initiatives are provided, as well as the University of Bejaia's vision of encouraging OER use and open access publishing.

oaopen accessopen data
Opportunity Side of Open 2
Opportunity Side of Open 2Opportunity Side of Open 2
Opportunity Side of Open 2

Presentation given June 24, 2011 at the ABC Copyright Conference, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George BC Canada

abc copyrightbccampusopen source software
Are you currently getting rid of
some of your physical collections?
If yes! Then you can donate your books
to Open Library. More information at:
• FlatWorld Knowledge
• Bookboon
• College Open Textbooks
Other textbook resources:
Acquire OER strategies for developing a variety of educational
opportunities using a variety of formats.

Recommended for you

Facets of Academic Openness
Facets of Academic OpennessFacets of Academic Openness
Facets of Academic Openness

Presentation during Open Access Week celebrations at Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa Goal of the presentation: Address broader aspects of openness in higher education

igor leskoopenocwc
Relevance of Open Educational Resources
Relevance of Open Educational ResourcesRelevance of Open Educational Resources
Relevance of Open Educational Resources

This document discusses copyright, open educational resources (OER), and Creative Commons licensing. It defines copyright as a form of intellectual property law that protects original creative works. OER are defined as educational resources that can be freely used and reused without restrictions. The document outlines several reasons for using OER, including zero cost, less time consumption, and supporting innovative teaching materials. It also discusses different types of Creative Commons licenses that can be applied to OER to indicate how others can use and share the content.

Moving Beyond OER: USNH
Moving Beyond OER: USNHMoving Beyond OER: USNH
Moving Beyond OER: USNH

This document discusses moving beyond open educational resources (OER) to broader open education strategies. It defines OER and reviews studies showing OER are of similar or better quality than traditional resources and have similar or better learning outcomes. The document advocates for integrating OER into ongoing course design rather than as a special project. It discusses open pedagogy, policy support for open education, and creating global change through alignment and planting seeds for an open future. The goal is to reconsider approaches to teaching and learning through open education.

year of openopen educationopen education week
Image source:
5 R’s of OER Permissions
Unlocking Knowledge
Empowering Minds

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Latest Developments in Open
Latest Developments in OpenLatest Developments in Open
Latest Developments in Open

Latest developments in open source educational materials including open textbooks. Special talk given to Douglas College Faculty of Science and Technology at their 2012 Christmas Luncheon.

creative commonsopen source softwaredouglas college
Open Educational Resources
Open Educational ResourcesOpen Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources

This document provides an introduction and overview of Open Educational Resources (OER). It begins by defining OER and listing some examples. It then discusses how the OER movement began in the early 2000s, including the MIT OpenCourseWare project in 2001. Key organizations that have supported OER development are also mentioned, such as UNESCO, Creative Commons, and the Hewlett Foundation. The document outlines the 5R framework that characterizes how OER can be reused, revised, remixed, redistributed, and retained. It concludes by summarizing that OER are educational resources that can be freely used or adapted under an open license.

Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them
Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use ThemOpen Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them
Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them

Slides for a talk on "Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them" given by Brian Kelly, Innovation Advocate at Cetis, University of Bolton for a webinar organised by Salford University from 09.30-10.30 on Thursday 5 December 2013. See

Curriculum Builder:
Support the Faculty and Promote
Library Resources Simultaneously
How it works in Desire2Learn …
4. Change the title

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What, Who, Why of OCW (and how Libraries can lead)
What, Who, Why of OCW (and how Libraries can lead)What, Who, Why of OCW (and how Libraries can lead)
What, Who, Why of OCW (and how Libraries can lead)

Presentation by the OCW Consortium to the International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries. Describes the OER and OCW movements and their relation to the values and work of university libraries.

open accessopencoursewareoer
What, Why, Who of OER and How Libraries can Lead
What, Why, Who of OER and How Libraries can LeadWhat, Why, Who of OER and How Libraries can Lead
What, Why, Who of OER and How Libraries can Lead

Overview of open educational resources for university libraries, relating the vision and mission of OER to the Open Access movement in libraries worldwide. Presentation to the International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries by the OpenCourseWare Consortium.

2014 oct7 cemca-hyd-session-1-introduction to OERs
2014 oct7 cemca-hyd-session-1-introduction to OERs2014 oct7 cemca-hyd-session-1-introduction to OERs
2014 oct7 cemca-hyd-session-1-introduction to OERs

The document discusses the history and development of open educational resources (OER). It notes that while the term OER was coined in 2002, initiatives sharing openly licensed educational content began earlier, including MIT's OpenCourseWare project launched in 2001. Key developments included the introduction of the term "learning object" in 1994, the coining of "open content" in 1998, and the founding of Creative Commons in 2001 to provide improved open licenses.

mit opencoursewarewikieducatorcreative commons licenses
5. Enter search terms
“I use it for journal articles and general Internet resources as a
‘Reading List’ for my students. Since I don’t use a textbook for
Introduction to Humanities, these primary sources serve as the
foundation for what we do in class. I really enjoy the tracking
feature, which allows me to see who is accessing the readings.”
Marc Unger
Humanities Professor
St. Petersburg College
Open Access
Harvesting open education?

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"What the &%# is OER"
"What the &%# is OER" "What the &%# is OER"
"What the &%# is OER"

Robin DeRosa and Dan Blickensderfer give a talk about OER and Open Pedagogy at at SNHU's Sandbox CoLABorative. We provided definitions and context around OER, introduced Creative Commons and the licenses they provide that make OER possible, and introduced Open as a framing ethos for pedagogy.

openopen educational resourcesopen education
Introduction to Open Educational Resources for New Teachers
Introduction to Open Educational Resources for New Teachers Introduction to Open Educational Resources for New Teachers
Introduction to Open Educational Resources for New Teachers

Slides presented to new teachers in our Bachelor of Education Program at Vancouver Island University. Provided an overview of the landscape for content creation, fair dealings, public domain, embeddable content, and Creative Commons

open educationopen educational resourcesteacher
Open Educational Resources in Aquaculture Education and Training
Open Educational Resources in Aquaculture Education and TrainingOpen Educational Resources in Aquaculture Education and Training
Open Educational Resources in Aquaculture Education and Training

The document discusses open educational resources (OER) in aquaculture education and training. It defines OER as teaching and learning materials in the public domain or released under an open license allowing free use and modification. While OER offer benefits like cost savings and quality improvements, there are also barriers to their widespread adoption. For aquaculture, the availability of OER is currently limited, though initiatives like the Aqua-tnet project have increased resources. Further developing OER in aquaculture could help educators and provide educational opportunities, but challenges around funding, copyright, and pedagogy remain.

creative commonsoeraquaculture
Adding Open Textbooks to Catalog
Open Education Resources in Libraries
Open Education Resources in Libraries
Open Education Resources in Libraries

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Libraries Lead the Way: Open Courses, Open Educational Resoursces, Open Policies
Libraries Lead the Way: Open Courses, Open Educational Resoursces, Open PoliciesLibraries Lead the Way: Open Courses, Open Educational Resoursces, Open Policies
Libraries Lead the Way: Open Courses, Open Educational Resoursces, Open Policies

Libraries are playing a leading role in promoting open educational resources (OER) and open access. Many libraries have created catalogs and guides to curate and provide access to open textbooks and other OER. They are also actively involved in OER initiatives on their campuses to reduce costs for students. The webinar highlighted several examples of libraries that have open textbook catalogs and guides to connect faculty with high-quality OER. It also discussed the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition's (SPARC) efforts to build a librarian network and provide resources to expand librarians' involvement in OER issues.

creative commonsoct 2013 | tagged cccoercommunity college
Introducing Immersive Technologies for Libraries
Introducing Immersive Technologies for Libraries  Introducing Immersive Technologies for Libraries
Introducing Immersive Technologies for Libraries

Immersive Technologies imitate or extend our physical world via digital simulations to give us the sense of being completely absorbed into something. Spatial computing is a new form of immersive technology that combines computer vision and artificial intelligence to integrate visual content into the real-world around us. In this webinar: • Understand Immersive Technologies and see how they will impact everything ranging from education to entertainment. • Learn the differences between virtual, augmented, and mixed realities to introduce Spatial Computing. • Hear about the tools, devices, and platforms creating these new experiences. • Discuss potential issues these technologies may have when used in learning and teaching. • See what libraries can do to make use of immersive technologies to create new user experiences.

immersive technologyspatial computingaugmented reality
Introducing How to Build a Personal Voice Assistant (AIY Edition)
Introducing How to Build a Personal Voice Assistant (AIY Edition) Introducing How to Build a Personal Voice Assistant (AIY Edition)
Introducing How to Build a Personal Voice Assistant (AIY Edition)

This document provides an introduction to building a personal voice assistant using the AIY Edition kit. It outlines the steps to assemble the hardware components, install the operating system, enable various Google APIs like the Google Assistant API and Cloud Speech-to-Text API, and modify code samples to interact with these APIs using voice. The document also briefly discusses different types of artificial intelligence and mentions some other tools like Dialogflow, Pandorabots, Scratch and Actions on Google for building conversational agents.

smart virtual personal assistantsdigital assistantsartificial intelligence
Open Education Resources in Libraries
Open Education Resources in Libraries
Open Education Resources in Libraries

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360° Tours and More
360° Tours and More360° Tours and More
360° Tours and More

This document discusses 360-degree photography and video technologies. It begins with an agenda that covers understanding 360 cameras, live 360 video streaming, best practices for creating 360 tours, and emerging trends. Examples of 360 cameras are provided. Formats for 360 video and the stitching process needed to create panoramic images are explained. Tools for viewing 360 content on smartphones and creating virtual reality experiences are presented. The document concludes by introducing 3D photography technologies like light field and volumetric video.

360360 images360 degree video
Taking the Magical Leap with Immersive Technologies in Libraries
Taking the Magical Leap with Immersive Technologies in LibrariesTaking the Magical Leap with Immersive Technologies in Libraries
Taking the Magical Leap with Immersive Technologies in Libraries

Spatial computing is a new form of computing that combines computer vision and artificial intelligence to seamlessly integrate visual content into the real world around us. Read more about the tools, devices, platforms and implications for these technologies that can be used in learning, teaching and more. Presented at Computers in Libraries 2019 with Alex Haber (Head of Education at Magic Leap), Washington D.C.

spatial computingimmersive technologyxr
How to Repurpose Library Space: Listening Lab Edition
How to Repurpose Library Space: Listening Lab EditionHow to Repurpose Library Space: Listening Lab Edition
How to Repurpose Library Space: Listening Lab Edition

In 2008, iTunes "listening stations" were created in the library so students could have easy access to a large, albeit hidden, CD collection. Hundreds of CDs were digitized and added to an iTunes collection that was shared to other computers located inside the library. The idea was to be more like a record store where people can browse for and listen to music before they buy it; but, in this case, it would be before they bring the CDs home. Fast forward to 2018 and see the vision of this “Listening Lab” becoming more clear and distinct. In this webinar, - Learn how to digitize CDs and create a web page based on iTunes XML data. - Discover how the donated/purchased music collection is being cataloged and shared. - Explore a variety of programming ideas ranging from small concerts to workshops. - Understand the basics of valuing CDs, vinyl, VHS, and other mediums. - Highlight how people are using the space and interacting with the collection. - Use technologies like 3D printing, graphic design, and videography for promotional purposes.

Edit Wikipedia articles and include OER library resources.
More info:
Open Education Resources in Libraries
No Textbook!

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Using CoSpaces Edu to Create Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences
Using CoSpaces Edu to Create Virtual and Augmented Reality ExperiencesUsing CoSpaces Edu to Create Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences
Using CoSpaces Edu to Create Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences

Virtual Reality (VR), a simulated computer environment in three dimensions, is becoming more popular for gaming, movies, and education. According to CoSpaces Edu, their creative platform “complements traditional teaching methods by immersing students into a world where they can create, consume and connect with the curriculum on a completely new level, even through the revolutionary visual mediums of Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR).” Take what you learn here to create your own library programs to teach your users how to create meaningful and interactive experiences using VR/AR. In this webinar: - Discover what Virtual Reality is and gain a brief historical summary of it. - Learn and explore the differences between virtual, augmented, and mixed realities. - Explore 360° video and photograph technologies to include in a variety of formats. - Create your own 3D/360° environments using CoSpaces EDU to test in Virtual Reality. - Learn how to use CoSpaces EDU as a student and as a teacher.

virtual realityaugmented realitymixed reality
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Understanding Artificial IntelligenceUnderstanding Artificial Intelligence
Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly moving from a science-fiction concept to reality where machines now have the capability to perform tasks commonly associated with humans. We are starting to see our society transformed because of AI, so having a better understanding of what it is and what it is capable of doing is essential. AI helps power Amazon’s Alexa personal assistant, Google’s Deep Dream neural network, various marketing initiatives, health applications, the aviation industry, and much more. In this keynote, - Discover what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and how it is becoming a “machine trait.” - Gain an appreciation of AI pioneers like John McCarthy, Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky et al. - Learn how AI works and explore some applications that could play a role in your library. - Reflect on the future of AI and the implications for libraries and society in general. Presented at the Leading Edge Libraries Conference, hosted by the Special Library Association Florida and Caribbean Chapter. Orlando, Florida. September 21, 2018. Keynote address.

artificial intelligenceaideep learning
Web Design Trends: 2018 Edition
Web Design Trends: 2018 EditionWeb Design Trends: 2018 Edition
Web Design Trends: 2018 Edition

The document discusses various topics related to web design trends and technologies. It provides an agenda for learning key elements of good web design, technologies used to build websites like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, highlights current design trends defining modern sites, and suggests developing a toolkit to analyze other sites.

web designhtmlcss
Understand various issues surrounding OER in libraries.
Opening the Curriculum: Open Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2014 by Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman.
General Data Protection Regulation is a “legal
framework that sets guidelines for the collection and
processing of personal information of individuals
within the European Union (EU).”
In a nutshell:
• The General Data Protection Regulation came into force on May 25, 2018.
• It affects companies located in and outside the European Union.
• The key principle of GDPR is to give consumers control of their data.
• Companies face fines of up to 4 percent of total global turnover if they
breach the rules.

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What’s New With 3D Design and Printing?
What’s New With 3D Design and Printing?What’s New With 3D Design and Printing?
What’s New With 3D Design and Printing?

3D printing has been a focal point in library makerspaces for several years; however, it seems that interest in the technology has decelerated. The technology may have slowed down, but there is still a lot going on in this space, which can be overwhelming to keep up with it all. In this webinar: - Learn what 3D printing is, how it works, and gain insight on how to implement/maintain, and to perhaps build your own 3D printer. - Get a snapshot of some of the best 3D printers and products on the market, including an overview on resin and carbon printers. - Discover a variety of 3D design applications to help with getting ideas to working prototypes. - Study trends in digital scanning and other emerging 3D design/printing technologies. - Interview an expert 3D designer/printer in the industry to get even more insight into this exciting technology.

3d printingmanufacturing3d design
Creating a Program to Assist Users Cutting Cable
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Creating a Program to Assist Users Cutting Cable

Are you receiving questions about cutting cable? Are you working on a program to help users get on board with this growing trend? Cutting cable is one of the biggest consumer trends of 2017 and often libraries are faced with helping users navigate this seemingly complex and daunting task. During this webinar, we will help you create a toolbox to help users: - Understand how the cable and satellite industry works. - Discover various hardware solutions to gain access to high-quality TV stations. - Learn the pros and cons of streaming media services. - Construct a checklist to you prepare users to successfully cut their cable Audio with slides:

cablestreaming servicesnetflix
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
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Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly moving from a science-fiction concept to reality where machines now have the capability to perform tasks commonly associated with humans. We are starting to see our society transformed because of AI, so having a better understanding of what it is and what it is capable of doing is essential. AI helps power Amazon’s Alexa personal assistant, Google’s Deep Dream neural network, various marketing initiatives, health applications, the aviation industry, and much more. In this webinar: - Discover what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and how it is becoming a “machine trait.” - Gain an appreciation of AI pioneers like John McCarthy, Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky et al. - Learn how AI works and explore some applications that could play a role in your library. - Reflect on the future of AI and the implications for libraries and society in general. - Special Guest, Owen Cegielski from STEM School and Academy in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, will discuss various AI projects.

artificial intelligencemachine learninggoogle deepdream
Open Education Resources in Libraries
Open Education Resources in Libraries
Read more:

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Beginning Python Programming
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Beginning Python Programming

Python is a widely-used and powerful computer programming language that has helped system administrators manage computer networks and problem solve computer systems for decades. Python has also built some popular applications like BitTorrent, Blender, Calibre, Dropbox, and much more. Going further, the “Pi” in Raspberry Pi stands for Python, so learning Python will instill more confidence when working with Raspberry Pi projects. Python is usually the first programming language people learn primarily because it is easy to learn and provides a solid foundation to learn other computer programming languages. In this webinar, • Learn what Python is and what it is capable of doing. • Install Python’s IDE for Windows and work in the Python shell. • Use calculations, variables, strings, lists, and if statements. • Discover Python’s built-in functions and understand modules. • Create simple programs to build on later. The recording is available at

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3D Design Fundamentals
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3D Design Fundamentals

This document provides an overview of 3D printing and 3D design fundamentals. It discusses the history and process of 3D printing, different 3D printing technologies, common 3D file types, the basic 3D printing process, and tips for 3D printing. It also covers basic 3D design concepts like navigating 3D space, modeling techniques, materials, and rendering. Additionally, it introduces several free and paid 3D design applications as well as 3D printing services and repositories.

3d printing3d design3d printer
STEM Demystified
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STEM Demystified

Are you being asked to do STEM activities in your classes and workshops and have no idea where to start or have little to no budget? STEM education refers to teaching and learning, mostly hands-on, in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Integrating STEM activities in any discipline teaches how all things relate to each other, in school and in life. As a result, librarians, media specialists, and teachers are being asked to incorporate STEM learning activities into their curriculum, regardless of the subject matter, and many of these educators are unsure how to proceed. There are several ways to mix engaging STEM activities into your library programs and curriculum and this webinar will touch on the following and more to help you demystify STEM: - Understand the importance of STEM education. - Practice the four Cs of learning: collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. - Collect best practices to create good and inexpensive (many free) STEM lessons. - Teach 21st Century skills without technology. - Learn strategies (e.g., productive struggle) to creatively solve real-world problems. - Assess the success of your activities.

GDPR and Open Education
To meet the GDPR requirements regarding consent, personal data must meet the following tests:
Freely given: The consent must be freely given and capable of being withdrawn at any time.
Specific: Separate consents must be obtained for different processing operations.
Fully informed: Organizations should clearly communicate to individuals what they are consenting to and of their
right to withdraw consent.
Consent must be unambiguous and be a positive indication of agreement: consent will no longer be presumed
or inferred from silence, inactivity or pre-ticked boxes.
Tracking Learning with the Experience API (xAPI)
Do we know what our vendors are collecting on our patrons? How
granular are usage statistics?
OR, does (or did, thanks to the GDPR) ease of access, delivery of
digital content, and user demand eclipse customer privacy?
A Year’s Worth of Free Resources for E-Learning

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Learn to Compose, Record, and Produce Songs and Podcasts Using GarageBand
Learn to Compose, Record, and Produce Songs and Podcasts Using GarageBandLearn to Compose, Record, and Produce Songs and Podcasts Using GarageBand
Learn to Compose, Record, and Produce Songs and Podcasts Using GarageBand

GarageBand is a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) that includes a large sound library, software instruments, guitar amplifiers and effects, music lessons, and even a virtual session drummer that can adapt to your songs. Since GarageBand has an easy-to-learn interface and there are no formal music training and/or instruments required, you will be composing, recording, producing, and sharing professional recordings and/or podcasts for your library in no time! In this webinar: Learn what GarageBand is capable of doing (e.g., audio recording, music lessons, podcasts etc.). Become familiar and comfortable with GarageBand’s interface Understand basic recording terminology and practices that will translate to any DAW. Appreciate how easy it is to create a podcast to include sounds, images, and videos. See how GarageBand can be used to create multimodal assignments/activities. Find alternatives to GarageBand and learn ways to run it virtually within other Operating Systems.

Learning Kodu: Basic Video Game Design for Kids
Learning Kodu: Basic Video Game Design for KidsLearning Kodu: Basic Video Game Design for Kids
Learning Kodu: Basic Video Game Design for Kids

According to a 2016 “Sales, Demographic, and Usage Data” report released by the Entertainment Software Association, 63% of U.S. households have at least one person who plays video games for 3 hours or more each week. This same report states that consumers spent $23.5 billion on games in 2015 and that games are “personal learning gateways” where we will start to see them more in schools and in professional life. Libraries that provide basic video game design classes can provide that spark that ignites the next wave of video game designers. In this webinar: • Learn the basic components of video games. • Receive step-by-step instructions for using Kodu Game Lab. • Discover a variety of alternative gaming engines (GameMaker, etc.) where people can learn to experiment and ultimately to design their own video games.

kodu game labkódůunity
Learn to Code and Have Fun Doing It!
Learn to Code and Have Fun Doing It! Learn to Code and Have Fun Doing It!
Learn to Code and Have Fun Doing It!

In today’s age, it is important to have a basic understanding of computer programming. Although not everyone will become a computer programmer as a result, it is helpful these days to understand how computers and various software applications run code behind the scenes; plus, troubleshooting esoteric messages becomes much easier with some computer programming essentials under your belt. Without a doubt, it can be difficult to teach coding skills, but if fun and engaging tools are introduced it won’t be too bad. Thinking like a programmer does involve problem solving, but it can enhance creative confidence and inventive learning. In this webinar: • Learn the basics of some visual programming languages like Scratch, Hopscotch, App Inventor, Raptor and others. • Understand basic code syntax to gain important mathematical, computational, and creative thinking concepts through playful learning! • Discover alternative tools and applications to give people practice programming while having fun! • Gain other programming ideas, computing devices, and apps to help children & young adults thrive in a world based on technology.

roboticscomputer programmingraptor
Select Resources:
Open Access Directory - a compendium of simple factual lists about open access (OA) to science
and scholarship.
Achieving Personalized Learning: Text-Neutral Course (video) by Nathan Muehl and Jeff
OER Commons – discover, share, and create open educational resources.
Opening the Curriculum: Open Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2014 by Elaine
Allen and Jeff Seaman.
Open Education Resources: OER Issues and Trends – Curated by Boston College Libraries.
OER Planning Resources – copyright and fair use decision tools, evaluation models, lesson plans
Center for Open Education - A source of openly licensed textbooks available for anyone to
download and use for free. An alliance of higher education institutions committed to improving
access, affordability, and academic success through the use of open textbooks.
Contact me!

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