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• Learn what Python is and what it is capable of doing.
• Install Python’s IDE for Windows and gain an appreciation of the Python shell.
• Use calculations, variables, strings, lists, if statements, and more.
• Discover Python’s built-in functions and understand modules.
• Create simple programs to build on later.
What is computer programming?
• A set of commands a computer understands – like a recipe.
• Computer programs can help cure diseases; drive cars; create video
games; make animated movies/graphics; build websites and apps; and
much more.
• Basic coding concepts are used by most every program and most every
• To learn more visit
What is a programming language?
• A programming language is a set of rules that provides a way of telling
a computer:
• What operations to perform
• Communicating an algorithm
• Receives an input from the user and generates an output.
• A programming language is a system for describing a computation
(math) or algorithms (logic) in a machine-readable and human-
readable form.
• Has words, symbols, and grammatical rules (natural language)
• Grammatical rules = syntax
• Each language has a different set of syntax rules
• Has semantics (meaning)
Slide courtesy of Brian Pichman

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Python Tutorial | Python Tutorial for Beginners | Python Training | Edureka

This Edureka Python tutorial will help you in understanding the various fundamentals of Python programming with examples in detail. This Python tutorial helps you to learn following topics: 1. Introduction to Python 2. Who uses Python 3. Features of Python 4. Operators in Python 5. Datatypes in Python 6. Flow Control 7. Functions in Python 8. File Handling in Python

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Python Basics | Python Tutorial | EdurekaPython Basics | Python Tutorial | Edureka
Python Basics | Python Tutorial | Edureka

Youtube Link: ** Python Certification Training: ** This Edureka PPT on 'Python Basics' will help you understand what exactly makes Python special and covers all the basics of Python programming along with examples. Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

python basicspython basics for beginnerspython tutorial for beginners
Python programming | Fundamentals of Python programming
Python programming | Fundamentals of Python programming Python programming | Fundamentals of Python programming
Python programming | Fundamentals of Python programming

Basic Fundamentals of Python Programming. What is Python, History of python, Advantages, Disadvantages, feature of python, scope, and many more. Data Structure using Python, Object Oriented Programming using

pythonpython programmingdata science with python
Why learn to code?
• Why not?
• Learn the importance of clarity/brevity of expression.
• Be able to think and problem solve more accurately.
• Have a better understanding of how technology works.
• Create a tool that can make life easier and/or fun.
What is Python and what can it do?
• Python was named after Monty Python’s Flying Circus TV show.
• Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-
purpose programming.
• Interpreted means that the interpreter (embedded in Idle) can execute
instructions directly without compiling.
• Compiling is a translation from source code to a lower-level language (e.g.,
machine code)
• High-level programming resembles human languages, not machine languages, and
are easier to read and write.
• Python has helped build some famous applications like YouTube,
DropBox, Instagram, BitTorrent, Spotify, Reddit etc.
Python helped build Quora too!
Read more:
Raspberry Pi (Python) programming
Blinking LED code at:

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This document provides an overview of the Python programming language. It covers Python basics like syntax, datatypes, modules, and control structures. It also discusses topics like functions, classes, files, and popular Python modules. The document contains an agenda that outlines these topics and provides code samples to illustrate Python concepts hands-on. It aims to equip readers with foundational Python programming knowledge.

Introduction to python
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Introduction to python

This document provides an overview of the Python programming language. It discusses what Python is, its key features, who uses it, common applications, and how to download and install Python. It then covers Python syntax concepts like identifiers, keywords, multiline statements, docstrings, indentation, comments, and string formatting. The document also introduces Python data types like numbers, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets and how to work with them. It describes how to convert between number types and access/update strings and lists. Finally, it discusses Python development environments like Anaconda and Spyder.

Python Functions
Python   FunctionsPython   Functions
Python Functions

Python functions allow for reusable code through defining functions, passing arguments, returning values, and setting scopes. Functions can take positional or keyword arguments, as well as variable length arguments. Default arguments allow functions to specify default values for optional parameters. Functions are objects that can be assigned to variables and referenced later.
Installing Python
IDLE - Integrated DeveLopment Environment)
The third line is a print statement (function), which prints the stored name “Hello World.”
variables, strings,
and lists.
20 * 6.789
250 – 45
40 / 8.9
5 + 30 * 20
(5 + 30) * 20
((5+30) * 20) / 10
chad = 100
sam = chad
myscore = 1000
message = 'I scored %s
print(message %
music_list = ['The Beatles', 'Led
Zeppelin' , 'Pink Floyd' , 'Mr.
music_list.append('The Clash')
>>> print(music_list)

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This document provides an introduction to the Python programming language. It covers Python's history and features, including its syntax, types, operators, control flow, functions, classes, and tools. Python is a readable, dynamic language suitable for web development, GUIs, scripting, and more. It has a focus on readability and productivity. Major companies and organizations that use Python include Google, NASA, Dropbox, IBM, Instagram, and Mozilla.

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The document provides an introduction and overview of the Python programming language. It discusses that Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language that is easy to learn and read. It also covers Python features such as portability, extensive standard libraries, and support for functional, structured, and object-oriented programming. The document then discusses Python data types including numbers, strings, and various Python syntax elements before concluding with the history and evolution of the Python language through various versions.

dictionariesloops in pythonpython dictionries
Python Presentation
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Python Presentation

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1990. It has a clear, readable syntax and is designed to be highly extensible. Python code is often much shorter than equivalent code in other languages like C++ or Java due to features like indentation-based blocks and dynamic typing. It is used for web development, scientific computing, and more.

myfunc is the name of the function.
myname is the parameter (i.e., a variable
while the function is being used).
‘Chad’ is a string.
This function is defined by the def statement.
• A function is a piece of code that tells Python to do something. It is a type
of procedure or routine and usually returns a value. Functions are used to
utilize code in more than one place in a program.
• A procedure preforms an operation, but typically doesn’t provide a value.
• Most languages have pre-built or pre-defined functions in its library.
• For instance, the “delete” function means to “remove”. You don’t have to code what
“remove” does; only what to remove.
Defining a function in Python
If statements,

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Python Data-Types

This document provides an overview of key concepts in Python including: - Python is a dynamically typed language where variables are not explicitly defined and can change type. - Names and identifiers in Python are case sensitive and follow specific conventions. - Python uses indentation rather than brackets to define blocks of code. - Core data types in Python include numeric, string, list, tuple, dictionary, set, boolean and file types. Each has specific characteristics and operators.

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This document provides an overview of the Python programming language. It discusses Python's history, key features such as being easy to use, scalable, high-level, object-oriented, interpreted, and having a rich core library. It also covers Python's uses in areas like web development, databases, GUI programming, and more. The document is intended to introduce readers to Python and provide context for a book on making use of the language.

Introduction to python
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pythonpython learningpython code
If statements:
If age > 20:
== equal to
!= not equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
for x in range(0,5):
Creating Simple Programs
A place to “host and review code, manage projects, and
build software alongside millions of other developers.”
Explore …
Play Tic Tac Toe Against AI
Code available at

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The document provides an introduction to Python programming by discussing statements and syntax. It covers assignment statements, expression statements, print operations, conditional statements like if/else, and loop statements like while and for. It explains how Python programs are composed of modules containing statements with expressions. Truth tests for conditionals and built-in functions like range, zip that can be used in loops are also overviewed.

Python 101: Python for Absolute Beginners (PyTexas 2014)
Python 101: Python for Absolute Beginners (PyTexas 2014)Python 101: Python for Absolute Beginners (PyTexas 2014)
Python 101: Python for Absolute Beginners (PyTexas 2014)

If you're absolutely new to Python, and to programming in general, this is the place to start! Here's the breakdown: by the end of this workshop, you'll have Python downloaded onto your personal machine; have a general idea of what Python can help you do; be pointed in the direction of some excellent practice materials; and have a basic understanding of the syntax of the language. Please don't forget to bring your laptop! Audience: "Python 101" is geared toward individuals who are new to programming. If you've had some programming experience (shell scripting, MATLAB, Ruby, etc.), then you'll probably want to check out the more intermediate workshop, "Python 101++".

Introduction to Python
Introduction to Python  Introduction to Python
Introduction to Python

This document provides an introduction to the Python programming language. It discusses Python's design philosophy emphasizing readability. It also covers printing messages, reading input, variables and data types, operators, and basic syntax like comments and identifiers. Arithmetic, relational, logical and bitwise operators are explained along with examples.

Flow Chart
Image source:
Creating Madlibs
variable function string
Some great resources to help you learn to code

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The document provides an overview of the Python programming language. It discusses that Python is an easy to learn, high-level, open-source programming language. It describes Python's design philosophy of code readability and how it allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code compared to languages like C++ and Java. The document also discusses Python's powerful libraries, wide use across industries, and how to get started with Python programming using the IDLE integrated development environment.

Introduction To Python
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Introduction To Python

Python is an interpreted programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It has an elegant syntax, large standard library, and is used widely for data science, machine learning, web development, and more. Key Python libraries for data analysis include NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib. Pandas allows importing and cleaning data from files like CSVs, and matplotlib can be used to visualize and present analyzed data. For example, a program can use pandas to read baby name data from a CSV, find the most popular name with the highest birth count, and plot the results to clearly present the findings.

An Introduction To Python - Python, Print()
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An Introduction To Python - Python, Print()

This presentation is a part of the COP2271C college level course taught at the Florida Polytechnic University located in Lakeland Florida. The purpose of this course is to introduce Freshmen students to both the process of software development and to the Python language. The course is one semester in length and meets for 2 hours twice a week. The Instructor is Dr. Jim Anderson. A video of Dr. Anderson using these slides is available on YouTube at:

computer sciencewaterfallit
Learn to code interactively, for free.

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This document introduces programming and why it is useful. It discusses how computers are built to be helpful by performing tasks described through programming languages. It explains that programmers understand computer ways and languages, allowing them to build new tools for users or automate tasks for themselves. The document also discusses different types of programs, including those for entertainment or accomplishing tasks. Overall, it provides a high-level introduction to programming and why people pursue it.

Introduction to python for Beginners
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Introduction to python for Beginners

Python is a general purpose programming language that can be used for both programming and scripting. It was created in the 1990s by Guido van Rossum who named it after the Monty Python comedy troupe. People use Python for a variety of tasks due to its readability, object-oriented capabilities, extensive libraries, and ability to integrate with other languages. To run Python code, it must first be compiled into bytecode which is then interpreted by the Python virtual machine.

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The type of a value refers to the kind of data it represents. In Python, the main types are: - int - integer numbers like 1, 2, 100 - float - floating point numbers like 1.5, 3.14159 - str - strings, sequences of characters like 'hello' - bool - boolean values True or False When you write code, Python assigns a type to each value. The type determines how it can be used and what operations are valid on it. For example, you can add two integers but not add an integer to a string. Checking and understanding types is important for writing correct Python code.

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Python is a general purpose programming language that can be used for both programming and scripting. It was created in the 1990s by Guido van Rossum. Python is an interpreted language that is free, powerful, and portable. It can be used for tasks like web development, data analysis, and system scripting. The document provides an overview of Python including its history, uses, data types like strings and lists, and basic programming concepts like variables, conditionals, and loops. It recommends Python as a principal teaching language due to its free and easy installation, flexibility, use in academia and industry, and ability to offer a more rapid and enjoyable learning experience for students.

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Introduction python

Python is a general purpose programming language that can be used for both programming and scripting. It was created in the 1990s by Guido van Rossum to address the need for a higher level language in the Amoeba operating system project. Python is widely used today for web development, science, system administration, and more due to its readability, object orientation, powerful libraries, and portability across operating systems. To use Python, one installs an IDE like Python 2.7 and then writes and runs code either in the Python command line or IDE.

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