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By Graham (2011)
Muhammad Branikno R
In this section, we will describe the fundamental test process and activities.
These start with test planning and continue through to test closure. For each
part of the test process, we'll discuss the main tasks of each test activity.
In this section, you'll also encounter the glossary terms confirmation testing,
exit criteria, incident, regression testing, test basis, test condition, test
coverage, test data, test execution, test log, test plan, test strategy, test
summary report and testware.
As we have seen, although executing tests is important, we also need a plan of action and a report
on the outcome of testing. Project and test plans should include time to be spent on planning the
tests, designing test cases, preparing for execution and evaluating status. The idea of a
fundamental test process for all levels of test has developed over the years. Whatever the level of
testing, we see the same type of main activities happening, although there may be a different
amount of formality at the different levels, for example, component tests might be carried out
less formally than system tests in most organizations with a less documented test process. The
decision about the level of formality of the processes will depend on the system and software
context and the level of risk associated with the software. So we can divide the activities within
the fundamental test process into the following basic steps:
planning and control;
analysis and design;
implementation and execution;
evaluating exit criteria and reporting;
test closure activities.
During test planning, we make sure we understand the goals and objectives of
the customers, stakeholders, and the project, and the risks which testing is
intended to address. This will give us what is sometimes called the mission of
testing or the test assignment. Based on this understanding, we set the goals and
objectives for the testing itself, and derive an approach and plan for the tests,
including specification of test activities. To help us we may have organization or
program test policies and a test strategy. Test policy gives rules for testing, e.g.
'we always review the design documents'; test strategy is the overall high-level
approach, e.g. 'system testing is carried out by an independent team reporting to
the program quality manager. It will be risk-based and proceeds from a product
(quality) risk analysis' (see Chapter 5). If policy and strategy are defined already
they drive our planning but if not we should ask for them to be stated and
defined. Test planning has the following major tasks, given approxi- mately in
order, which help us build a test plan:
Test planning and control1
Determine the scope and risks and identify the objectives of testing: we consider what
software, components, systems or other products are in scope for testing; the business,
product, project and technical risks which need to be addressed; and whether we are testing
primarily to uncover defects, to show that the software meets requirements, to demonstrate
that the system is fit for purpose or to measure the qualities and attributes of the software.
Determine the test approach (techniques, test items, coverage, identifying and interfacing
with the teams involved in testing, testware): we consider how we will carry out the testing,
the techniques to use, what needs testing and how extensively (i.e. what extent of
coverage). We'll look at who needs to get involved and when (this could include developers,
users, IT infrastruc ture teams); we'll decide what we are going to produce as part of the
testing (e.g. testware such as test procedures and test data). This will be related to the
requirements of the test strategy.
Implement the test policy and/or the test strategy: we mentioned that there may be an
organization or program policy and strategy for testing. If this is the case, during our
planning we must ensure that what we plan to do adheres to the policy and strategy or we
must have agreed with stakeholders, and documented, a good reason for diverging from it.
Determine the required test resources (e.g. people, test environment, PCs): from the
planning we have already done we can now go into detail; we decide on our team
make-up and we also set up all the supporting hardware and software we require for
the test environment.
Schedule test analysis and design tasks, test implementation, execution and evaluation:
we will need a schedule of all the tasks and activities, so that we can track them and
make sure we can complete the testing on time.
Determine the exit criteria: we need to set criteria such as coverage criteria (for
example, the percentage of statements in the software that must be executed during
testing) that will help us track whether we are completing the test activ ities correctly.
They will show us which tasks and checks we must complete for a particular level of
testing before we can say that testing is finished.
Test analysis and design is the activity where general testing objectives are trans-
formed into tangible test conditions and test designs. During test analysis and
design, we take general testing objectives identified during planning and build test
designs and test procedures (scripts). You'll see how to do this in Chapter 4. Test
analysis and design has the following major tasks, in approximately the following
Review the test basis (such as the product risk analysis, requirements,
architecture, design specifications, and interfaces), examining the specifications for
the software we are testing. We use the test basis to help us build our tests. We can
start designing certain kinds of tests (called black-box tests) before the code
exists, as we can use the test basis documents to understand what the system
should do once built. As we study the test basis, we often identify gaps and
ambiguities in the specifications, because we are trying to identify precisely what
happens at each point in the system, and this also pre- vents defects appearing in
the code.
Identify test conditions based on analysis of test items, their specifications, and
what we know about their behavior and structure. This gives us a highlevel list of
what we are interested in testing. If we return to our driving example, the
examiner might have a list of test conditions including 'behav ior at road
junctions', 'use of indicators', 'ability to maneuver the car' and so on. In testing,
we use the test techniques to help us define the test condi tions. From this we can
start to identify the type of generic test data we might need.
Test analysis and design2
Design the tests (you'll see how to do this in Chapter 4), using techniques to help select representative
tests that relate to particular aspects of the soft ware which carry risks or which are of particular
interest, based on the test conditions and going into more detail. For example, the driving examiner
might look at a list of test conditions and decide that junctions need to include T-junctions, cross
roads and so on. In testing, we'll define the test case and test procedures.
Evaluate testability of the requirements and system. The requirements may be written in a way that
allows a tester to design tests; for example, if the per formance of the software is important, that
should be specified in a testable way. If the requirements just say 'the software needs to respond
quickly enough' that is not testable, because 'quick enough' may mean different things to different
people. A more testable requirement would be 'the soft ware needs to respond in 5 seconds with 20
people logged on'. The testabil ity of the system depends on aspects such as whether it is possible to
set up the system in an environment that matches the operational environment and whether all the
ways the system can be configured or used can be understood and tested. For example, if we test a
website, it may not be possible to iden tify and recreate all the configurations of hardware, operating
system, browser, connection, firewall and other factors that the website might encounter.
Design the test environment set-up and identify any required infrastructure and tools. This includes
testing tools (see Chapter 6) and support tools such as spreadsheets, word processors, project planning
tools, and non-IT tools and equipment - everything we need to carry out our work.
During test implementation and execution, we take the test conditions and
make them into test cases and testware and set up the test environment. This
means that, having put together a high-level design for our tests, we now start
to build them. We transform our test conditions into test cases and
procedures, other testware such as scripts for automation. We also need to
set up an envi- ronment where we will run the tests and build our test data.
Setting up environ- ments and data often involves significant time and effort,
so you should plan and monitor this work carefully. Test implementation and
execution have the following major tasks, in approximately the following
Test implementation and
ļƒ¼ Develop and prioritize our test cases, using the techniques you'll see in Chapter 4,
and create test data for those tests. We will also write instructions for carrying out
the tests (test procedures). For the driving examiner this might mean changing the
test condition 'junc tions' to 'take the route down Mayfield Road to the junction with
Summer Road and ask the driver to turn left into Summer Road and then right into
Green Road, expecting that the driver checks mirrors, signals and maneuvers
correctly, while remaining aware of other road users.' We may need to automate
some tests using test harnesses and automated test scripts. We'll talk about
automation more in Chapter 6.
ļƒ¼ Create test suites from the test cases for efficient test execution. A test suite is a
logical collection of test cases which naturally work together. Test suites often share
data and a common high-level set of objectives. We'll also set up a test execution
ļƒ¼ Implement and verify the environment. We make sure the test envi ronment has
been set up correctly, possibly even running specific tests on it.
ļƒ¼ Execute the test suites and individual test cases, following our test proce dures. We might do this
manually or by using test execution tools, accord ing to the planned sequence.
ļƒ¼ Log the outcome of test execution and record the identities and versions of the software under
test, test tools and testware. We must know exactly what tests we used against what version of the
software; we must report defects against specific versions; and the test log we keep provides an
audit trail.
ļƒ¼ Compare actual results (what happened when we ran the tests) with expected results (what we
anticipated would happen).
ļƒ¼ Where there are differences between actual and expected results, report discrepancies as
incidents. We analyze them to gather further details about the defect, reporting additional
information on the problem, identify the causes of the defect, and differentiate between problems
in the software and other products under test and any defects in test data, in test documents, or
mistakes in the way we exe cuted the test. We would want to log the latter in order to improve the
testing itself.
ļƒ¼ Repeat test activities as a result of action taken for each discrepancy. We need to re-execute tests
that previously failed in order to confirm a fix (confirmation testing or re-testing). We execute
corrected tests and suites if there were defects in our tests. We test corrected software again to
ensure that the defect was indeed fixed correctly (confirmation test) and that the programmers did
not introduce defects in unchanged areas of the software and that fixing a defect did not uncover
other defects (regression testing).
Evaluating exit criteria is the activity where test execution is assessed against the
defined objectives. This should be done for each test level, as for each we need to
know whether we have done enough testing. Based on our risk assess- ment, we'll
have set criteria against which we'll measure 'enough'. These criteria vary for each
project and are known as exit criteria. They tell us whether we can declare a given
testing activity or level complete. We may have a mix of cov- erage or completion
criteria (which tell us about test cases that must be included, e.g. 'the driving test
must include an emergency stop' or 'the software test must include a response
measurement'), acceptance criteria (which tell us how we know whether the
software has passed or failed overall, e.g. 'only pass the driver if they have
completed the emergency stop correctly' or 'only pass the software for release if it
meets the priority 1 requirements list') and process exit criteria (which tell us
whether we have completed all the tasks we need to do,
e.g. 'the examiner/tester has not finished until they have written and filed the end
of test report'). Exit criteria should be set and evaluated for each test level.
Evaluating exit criteria has the following major tasks:
Evaluating exit criteria and
Check test logs against the exit criteria specified in test planning: We look to see
what evidence we have for which tests have been executed and checked, and
what defects have been raised, fixed, confirmation tested, or are out standing.
Assess if more tests are needed or if the exit criteria specified should be
changed: We may need to run more tests if we have not run all the tests we
designed, or if we realize we have not reached the coverage we expected, or if
the risks have increased for the project. We may need to change the exit criteria
to lower them, if the business and project risks rise in impor tance and the
product or technical risks drop in importance. Note that this is not easy to do
and must be agreed with stakeholders. The test manage ment tools and test
coverage tools that we'll discuss in Chapter 6 help us with this assessment.
Write a test summary report for stakeholders: It is not enough that the testers
know the outcome of the test. All the stakeholders need to know what testing
has been done and the outcome of the testing, in order to make informed
decisions about the software.
During test closure activities, we collect data from completed test activities to consolidate
experience, including checking and filing testware, and analyzing facts and numbers. We may
need to do this when software is delivered. We also might close testing for other reasons,
such as when we have gathered the infor- mation needed from testing, when the project is
cancelled, when a particular milestone is achieved, or when a maintenance release or update
is done. Test closure activities include the following major tasks:
Check which planned deliverables we actually delivered and ensure all incident
reports have been resolved through defect repair or deferral. For deferred
defects, in other words those that remain open, we may request a change in a
future release. We document the-acceptance or rejection of the software system.
Finalize and archive testware, such as scripts, the test environment, and any other test
infrastructure, for later reuse. It is important to reuse whatever we can of testware;
we will inevitable carry out maintenance testing, and it saves time and effort if our
testware can be pulled out from a library of existing tests. It also allows us to
compare the results of testing between software versions.
Test closure
Hand over testware to the maintenance organization who will support the software
and make any bug fixes or maintenance changes, for use in con firmation testing
and regression testing. This group may be a separate group to the people who
build and test the software; the maintenance testers are one of the customers of
the development testers; they will use the library of tests.
Evaluate how the testing went and analyze lessons learned for future releases and
projects. This might include process improvements for the soft ware development
life cycle as a whole and also improvement of the test processes. If you reflect on
Figure 1.3 again, we might use the test results to set targets for improving reviews
and testing with a goal of reducing the number of defects in live use. We might
look at the number of incidents which were test problems, with the goal of
improving the way we design, execute and check our tests or the management of
the test environments and data. This helps us make our testing more mature and
cost-effective for the organization. This is documented in a test summary report or
might be part of an overall project evaluation report.
Fundamental test process

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Fundamental test process

  • 2. In this section, we will describe the fundamental test process and activities. These start with test planning and continue through to test closure. For each part of the test process, we'll discuss the main tasks of each test activity. In this section, you'll also encounter the glossary terms confirmation testing, exit criteria, incident, regression testing, test basis, test condition, test coverage, test data, test execution, test log, test plan, test strategy, test summary report and testware. Introduction
  • 3. As we have seen, although executing tests is important, we also need a plan of action and a report on the outcome of testing. Project and test plans should include time to be spent on planning the tests, designing test cases, preparing for execution and evaluating status. The idea of a fundamental test process for all levels of test has developed over the years. Whatever the level of testing, we see the same type of main activities happening, although there may be a different amount of formality at the different levels, for example, component tests might be carried out less formally than system tests in most organizations with a less documented test process. The decision about the level of formality of the processes will depend on the system and software context and the level of risk associated with the software. So we can divide the activities within the fundamental test process into the following basic steps: planning and control; analysis and design; implementation and execution; evaluating exit criteria and reporting; test closure activities. Contā€¦
  • 4. During test planning, we make sure we understand the goals and objectives of the customers, stakeholders, and the project, and the risks which testing is intended to address. This will give us what is sometimes called the mission of testing or the test assignment. Based on this understanding, we set the goals and objectives for the testing itself, and derive an approach and plan for the tests, including specification of test activities. To help us we may have organization or program test policies and a test strategy. Test policy gives rules for testing, e.g. 'we always review the design documents'; test strategy is the overall high-level approach, e.g. 'system testing is carried out by an independent team reporting to the program quality manager. It will be risk-based and proceeds from a product (quality) risk analysis' (see Chapter 5). If policy and strategy are defined already they drive our planning but if not we should ask for them to be stated and defined. Test planning has the following major tasks, given approxi- mately in order, which help us build a test plan: Test planning and control1
  • 5. Determine the scope and risks and identify the objectives of testing: we consider what software, components, systems or other products are in scope for testing; the business, product, project and technical risks which need to be addressed; and whether we are testing primarily to uncover defects, to show that the software meets requirements, to demonstrate that the system is fit for purpose or to measure the qualities and attributes of the software. Determine the test approach (techniques, test items, coverage, identifying and interfacing with the teams involved in testing, testware): we consider how we will carry out the testing, the techniques to use, what needs testing and how extensively (i.e. what extent of coverage). We'll look at who needs to get involved and when (this could include developers, users, IT infrastruc ture teams); we'll decide what we are going to produce as part of the testing (e.g. testware such as test procedures and test data). This will be related to the requirements of the test strategy. Implement the test policy and/or the test strategy: we mentioned that there may be an organization or program policy and strategy for testing. If this is the case, during our planning we must ensure that what we plan to do adheres to the policy and strategy or we must have agreed with stakeholders, and documented, a good reason for diverging from it. Contā€¦
  • 6. Determine the required test resources (e.g. people, test environment, PCs): from the planning we have already done we can now go into detail; we decide on our team make-up and we also set up all the supporting hardware and software we require for the test environment. Schedule test analysis and design tasks, test implementation, execution and evaluation: we will need a schedule of all the tasks and activities, so that we can track them and make sure we can complete the testing on time. Determine the exit criteria: we need to set criteria such as coverage criteria (for example, the percentage of statements in the software that must be executed during testing) that will help us track whether we are completing the test activ ities correctly. They will show us which tasks and checks we must complete for a particular level of testing before we can say that testing is finished. Contā€¦
  • 7. Test analysis and design is the activity where general testing objectives are trans- formed into tangible test conditions and test designs. During test analysis and design, we take general testing objectives identified during planning and build test designs and test procedures (scripts). You'll see how to do this in Chapter 4. Test analysis and design has the following major tasks, in approximately the following order: Review the test basis (such as the product risk analysis, requirements, architecture, design specifications, and interfaces), examining the specifications for the software we are testing. We use the test basis to help us build our tests. We can start designing certain kinds of tests (called black-box tests) before the code exists, as we can use the test basis documents to understand what the system should do once built. As we study the test basis, we often identify gaps and ambiguities in the specifications, because we are trying to identify precisely what happens at each point in the system, and this also pre- vents defects appearing in the code. Identify test conditions based on analysis of test items, their specifications, and what we know about their behavior and structure. This gives us a highlevel list of what we are interested in testing. If we return to our driving example, the examiner might have a list of test conditions including 'behav ior at road junctions', 'use of indicators', 'ability to maneuver the car' and so on. In testing, we use the test techniques to help us define the test condi tions. From this we can start to identify the type of generic test data we might need. Test analysis and design2
  • 8. Design the tests (you'll see how to do this in Chapter 4), using techniques to help select representative tests that relate to particular aspects of the soft ware which carry risks or which are of particular interest, based on the test conditions and going into more detail. For example, the driving examiner might look at a list of test conditions and decide that junctions need to include T-junctions, cross roads and so on. In testing, we'll define the test case and test procedures. Evaluate testability of the requirements and system. The requirements may be written in a way that allows a tester to design tests; for example, if the per formance of the software is important, that should be specified in a testable way. If the requirements just say 'the software needs to respond quickly enough' that is not testable, because 'quick enough' may mean different things to different people. A more testable requirement would be 'the soft ware needs to respond in 5 seconds with 20 people logged on'. The testabil ity of the system depends on aspects such as whether it is possible to set up the system in an environment that matches the operational environment and whether all the ways the system can be configured or used can be understood and tested. For example, if we test a website, it may not be possible to iden tify and recreate all the configurations of hardware, operating system, browser, connection, firewall and other factors that the website might encounter. Design the test environment set-up and identify any required infrastructure and tools. This includes testing tools (see Chapter 6) and support tools such as spreadsheets, word processors, project planning tools, and non-IT tools and equipment - everything we need to carry out our work. Contā€¦
  • 9. During test implementation and execution, we take the test conditions and make them into test cases and testware and set up the test environment. This means that, having put together a high-level design for our tests, we now start to build them. We transform our test conditions into test cases and procedures, other testware such as scripts for automation. We also need to set up an envi- ronment where we will run the tests and build our test data. Setting up environ- ments and data often involves significant time and effort, so you should plan and monitor this work carefully. Test implementation and execution have the following major tasks, in approximately the following order: Test implementation and execution 3
  • 10. Implementation: ļƒ¼ Develop and prioritize our test cases, using the techniques you'll see in Chapter 4, and create test data for those tests. We will also write instructions for carrying out the tests (test procedures). For the driving examiner this might mean changing the test condition 'junc tions' to 'take the route down Mayfield Road to the junction with Summer Road and ask the driver to turn left into Summer Road and then right into Green Road, expecting that the driver checks mirrors, signals and maneuvers correctly, while remaining aware of other road users.' We may need to automate some tests using test harnesses and automated test scripts. We'll talk about automation more in Chapter 6. ļƒ¼ Create test suites from the test cases for efficient test execution. A test suite is a logical collection of test cases which naturally work together. Test suites often share data and a common high-level set of objectives. We'll also set up a test execution schedule. ļƒ¼ Implement and verify the environment. We make sure the test envi ronment has been set up correctly, possibly even running specific tests on it. Contā€¦
  • 11. Execution: ļƒ¼ Execute the test suites and individual test cases, following our test proce dures. We might do this manually or by using test execution tools, accord ing to the planned sequence. ļƒ¼ Log the outcome of test execution and record the identities and versions of the software under test, test tools and testware. We must know exactly what tests we used against what version of the software; we must report defects against specific versions; and the test log we keep provides an audit trail. ļƒ¼ Compare actual results (what happened when we ran the tests) with expected results (what we anticipated would happen). ļƒ¼ Where there are differences between actual and expected results, report discrepancies as incidents. We analyze them to gather further details about the defect, reporting additional information on the problem, identify the causes of the defect, and differentiate between problems in the software and other products under test and any defects in test data, in test documents, or mistakes in the way we exe cuted the test. We would want to log the latter in order to improve the testing itself. ļƒ¼ Repeat test activities as a result of action taken for each discrepancy. We need to re-execute tests that previously failed in order to confirm a fix (confirmation testing or re-testing). We execute corrected tests and suites if there were defects in our tests. We test corrected software again to ensure that the defect was indeed fixed correctly (confirmation test) and that the programmers did not introduce defects in unchanged areas of the software and that fixing a defect did not uncover other defects (regression testing). Contā€¦
  • 12. Evaluating exit criteria is the activity where test execution is assessed against the defined objectives. This should be done for each test level, as for each we need to know whether we have done enough testing. Based on our risk assess- ment, we'll have set criteria against which we'll measure 'enough'. These criteria vary for each project and are known as exit criteria. They tell us whether we can declare a given testing activity or level complete. We may have a mix of cov- erage or completion criteria (which tell us about test cases that must be included, e.g. 'the driving test must include an emergency stop' or 'the software test must include a response measurement'), acceptance criteria (which tell us how we know whether the software has passed or failed overall, e.g. 'only pass the driver if they have completed the emergency stop correctly' or 'only pass the software for release if it meets the priority 1 requirements list') and process exit criteria (which tell us whether we have completed all the tasks we need to do, e.g. 'the examiner/tester has not finished until they have written and filed the end of test report'). Exit criteria should be set and evaluated for each test level. Evaluating exit criteria has the following major tasks: Evaluating exit criteria and reporting 4
  • 13. Check test logs against the exit criteria specified in test planning: We look to see what evidence we have for which tests have been executed and checked, and what defects have been raised, fixed, confirmation tested, or are out standing. Assess if more tests are needed or if the exit criteria specified should be changed: We may need to run more tests if we have not run all the tests we designed, or if we realize we have not reached the coverage we expected, or if the risks have increased for the project. We may need to change the exit criteria to lower them, if the business and project risks rise in impor tance and the product or technical risks drop in importance. Note that this is not easy to do and must be agreed with stakeholders. The test manage ment tools and test coverage tools that we'll discuss in Chapter 6 help us with this assessment. Write a test summary report for stakeholders: It is not enough that the testers know the outcome of the test. All the stakeholders need to know what testing has been done and the outcome of the testing, in order to make informed decisions about the software. Contā€¦
  • 14. During test closure activities, we collect data from completed test activities to consolidate experience, including checking and filing testware, and analyzing facts and numbers. We may need to do this when software is delivered. We also might close testing for other reasons, such as when we have gathered the infor- mation needed from testing, when the project is cancelled, when a particular milestone is achieved, or when a maintenance release or update is done. Test closure activities include the following major tasks: Check which planned deliverables we actually delivered and ensure all incident reports have been resolved through defect repair or deferral. For deferred defects, in other words those that remain open, we may request a change in a future release. We document the-acceptance or rejection of the software system. Finalize and archive testware, such as scripts, the test environment, and any other test infrastructure, for later reuse. It is important to reuse whatever we can of testware; we will inevitable carry out maintenance testing, and it saves time and effort if our testware can be pulled out from a library of existing tests. It also allows us to compare the results of testing between software versions. Test closure activities 5
  • 15. Hand over testware to the maintenance organization who will support the software and make any bug fixes or maintenance changes, for use in con firmation testing and regression testing. This group may be a separate group to the people who build and test the software; the maintenance testers are one of the customers of the development testers; they will use the library of tests. Evaluate how the testing went and analyze lessons learned for future releases and projects. This might include process improvements for the soft ware development life cycle as a whole and also improvement of the test processes. If you reflect on Figure 1.3 again, we might use the test results to set targets for improving reviews and testing with a goal of reducing the number of defects in live use. We might look at the number of incidents which were test problems, with the goal of improving the way we design, execute and check our tests or the management of the test environments and data. This helps us make our testing more mature and cost-effective for the organization. This is documented in a test summary report or might be part of an overall project evaluation report. Contā€¦