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Meychia Hanifah Gaiza
Program studi Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
The idea of a fundamental test process for all levels of
test has developed over the years. Whatever the level of
testing, we see the same type of main activities happening,
although there may be a different amount of formality at
the different levels, for example, component tests might
be carried out less formally than system tests in most
organizations with a less documented test process. The
decision about the level of formality of the processes will
depend on the system and software context and the level
of risk associated with the software.
Test planning and control
During test planning, we make sure we
understand the goals and objectives of the
customers, stakeholders, and the project, and the
risks which testing is intended to address. This will
give us what is sometimes called the mission of
testing or the test assignment. Based on this
understanding, we set the goals and objectives for
the testing itself, and derive an approach and plan
for the tests, including specification of test
activities. To help us we may have organization or
program test policies and a test strategy
Test planning has the following major tasks, given
approxi- mately in order, which help us build a test
• Determine the scope and risks and identify the
objectives of testing.
• Determine the test approach (techniques, test
items, coverage, identifying and interfacing with
the teams involved in testing, testware)
• Implement the test policy and/or the test strategy
• Determine the required test resources (e.g. people,
test environment, PCs)
• Schedule test analysis and design tasks, test
implementation, execution and evaluation
• Determine the exit criteria
Test control has the following major tasks:
• Measure and analyze the results of reviews and testing.
• Monitor and document progress, test coverage and exit
• Provide information on testing.
• Initiate corrective actions.
• Make decisions.
Test analysis and design
Test analysis and design has the following major tasks, in
approximately the following order:
• Review the test basis (such as the product risk analysis,
requirements, architecture, design specifications, and
interfaces), examining the specifications for the software we are
• Identify test conditions based on analysis of test items, their
specifications, and what we know about their behavior and
• Design the tests.
• Evaluate testability of the requirements and system.
Test implementation and
During test implementation and execution, we take the test
conditions and make them into test cases and testware and set
up the test environment. This means that, having put together a
high-level design for our tests, we now start to build them. We
transform our test conditions into test cases and procedures,
other testware such as scripts for automation. We also need to
set up an envi- ronment where we will run the tests and build
our test data. Setting up environ- ments and data often involves
significant time and effort, so you should plan and monitor this
work carefully.
Test implementation and execution have the following
major tasks, in approximately the following order :
 Implementation:
• Develop and prioritize our test cases
• Create test suites from the test cases for efficient test
• Implement and verify the environment.
 Execution:
• Execute the test suites and individual test cases, following our
test proce dures.
• Log the outcome of test execution and record the identities
and versions of the software under test, test tools and
• Compare actual results (what happened when we ran the
tests) with expected results (what we anticipated would
• Where there are differences between actual and expected
results, report discrepancies as incidents. Repeat test activities
as a result of action taken for each discrepancy.
Evaluating exit criteria and
Evaluating exit criteria is the activity where test execution is
assessed against the defined objectives. This should be done for
each test level, as for each we need to know whether we have
done enough testing. Based on our risk assess- ment, we'll have
set criteria against which we'll measure 'enough'. These criteria
vary for each project and are known as exit criteria.
Test closure activities
Test closure activities include the following major tasks:
• Check which planned deliverables we actually delivered and
ensure all incident reports have been resolved through
defect repair or deferral.
• Finalize and archive testware, such as scripts, the test
environment, and any other test infrastructure, for later
• Hand over testware to the maintenance organization who
will support the software and make any bug fixes or
maintenance changes, for use in con firmation testing and
regression testing.
• Evaluate how the testing went and analyze lessons learned
for future releases and projects.
Graham (2011). ISTQB-Fondation of Software Testing. London:
Cengage Learning EMEA.

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  • 1. FUNDAMENTAL TEST PROCESS OLEH : Meychia Hanifah Gaiza 11453201743 Program studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • 2. Introduction The idea of a fundamental test process for all levels of test has developed over the years. Whatever the level of testing, we see the same type of main activities happening, although there may be a different amount of formality at the different levels, for example, component tests might be carried out less formally than system tests in most organizations with a less documented test process. The decision about the level of formality of the processes will depend on the system and software context and the level of risk associated with the software.
  • 3. Test planning and control During test planning, we make sure we understand the goals and objectives of the customers, stakeholders, and the project, and the risks which testing is intended to address. This will give us what is sometimes called the mission of testing or the test assignment. Based on this understanding, we set the goals and objectives for the testing itself, and derive an approach and plan for the tests, including specification of test activities. To help us we may have organization or program test policies and a test strategy
  • 4. Continue… Test planning has the following major tasks, given approxi- mately in order, which help us build a test plan: • Determine the scope and risks and identify the objectives of testing. • Determine the test approach (techniques, test items, coverage, identifying and interfacing with the teams involved in testing, testware)
  • 5. Continue… • Implement the test policy and/or the test strategy • Determine the required test resources (e.g. people, test environment, PCs) • Schedule test analysis and design tasks, test implementation, execution and evaluation • Determine the exit criteria
  • 6. Continue… Test control has the following major tasks: • Measure and analyze the results of reviews and testing. • Monitor and document progress, test coverage and exit criteria. • Provide information on testing. • Initiate corrective actions. • Make decisions.
  • 7. Test analysis and design Test analysis and design has the following major tasks, in approximately the following order: • Review the test basis (such as the product risk analysis, requirements, architecture, design specifications, and interfaces), examining the specifications for the software we are testing. • Identify test conditions based on analysis of test items, their specifications, and what we know about their behavior and structure. • Design the tests. • Evaluate testability of the requirements and system.
  • 8. Test implementation and Execution During test implementation and execution, we take the test conditions and make them into test cases and testware and set up the test environment. This means that, having put together a high-level design for our tests, we now start to build them. We transform our test conditions into test cases and procedures, other testware such as scripts for automation. We also need to set up an envi- ronment where we will run the tests and build our test data. Setting up environ- ments and data often involves significant time and effort, so you should plan and monitor this work carefully.
  • 9. Continue… Test implementation and execution have the following major tasks, in approximately the following order :  Implementation: • Develop and prioritize our test cases • Create test suites from the test cases for efficient test execution • Implement and verify the environment.
  • 10. Continue…  Execution: • Execute the test suites and individual test cases, following our test proce dures. • Log the outcome of test execution and record the identities and versions of the software under test, test tools and testware. • Compare actual results (what happened when we ran the tests) with expected results (what we anticipated would happen). • Where there are differences between actual and expected results, report discrepancies as incidents. Repeat test activities as a result of action taken for each discrepancy.
  • 11. Evaluating exit criteria and reporting Evaluating exit criteria is the activity where test execution is assessed against the defined objectives. This should be done for each test level, as for each we need to know whether we have done enough testing. Based on our risk assess- ment, we'll have set criteria against which we'll measure 'enough'. These criteria vary for each project and are known as exit criteria.
  • 12. Test closure activities Test closure activities include the following major tasks: • Check which planned deliverables we actually delivered and ensure all incident reports have been resolved through defect repair or deferral. • Finalize and archive testware, such as scripts, the test environment, and any other test infrastructure, for later reuse.
  • 13. Continue… • Hand over testware to the maintenance organization who will support the software and make any bug fixes or maintenance changes, for use in con firmation testing and regression testing. • Evaluate how the testing went and analyze lessons learned for future releases and projects.
  • 14. Bibliography Graham (2011). ISTQB-Fondation of Software Testing. London: Cengage Learning EMEA.