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Endang Setianingsih
Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Sains DanTeknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
The idea of a fundamental test process for all levels
Of test has developed over the years. Whatever the level Of
testing, we see the same type of main activities happening,
although there may be a different amount of formality at the
different levels, for example, component tests might be
carried out less formally than system Tests in most
organizations with a less documented test process.The
decision about the level of formality of the processes will
depend on the system and Software context and the level of
risk associated with the software.
During test planning, we make sure we
Understand the goals and objectives of the customers,
stakeholders, and the project, and the risks which
testing is intended to address.This will give us what is
sometimes called the mission of testing or the test
assignment. Based on this understanding, we set the
goals and objectives for the testing itself, and derive an
approach and plan for the tests, including specification
of test activities.
Test control has the following major tasks:
 Measure and analyze the results of reviews
and testing.
 Monitor and document progress, test
coverage and exit criteria.
 Provide information on testing.
 Initiate corrective actions.
 Make decisions

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Bab i fundamental of testing
Bab i fundamental of testingBab i fundamental of testing
Bab i fundamental of testing

The document summarizes the fundamental test process which consists of 5 basic steps: 1) planning and control which involves determining test objectives, approach, and resources; 2) analysis and design which involves reviewing requirements, identifying test conditions, and designing test cases; 3) implementation which involves developing and prioritizing test cases and creating test suites; 4) execution which involves executing test cases and logging results; 5) evaluating exit criteria and reporting which involves checking test logs and writing a summary report. The fundamental test process is used for dynamic testing but can also be applied to reviews. Testing is done to determine if a system is suitable for use.

Testing Process
Testing ProcessTesting Process
Testing Process

The document outlines the software testing process, which includes defining test policies and strategies, preparing test plans, establishing testing objectives, designing test scenarios and cases, executing test cases, analyzing test results, and performing retesting and regression testing. Key steps involve writing test cases, defining test data, creating a test bed for execution, and logging and analyzing results to identify errors or missing requirements. The overall goal is to check if actual results match expected outcomes and ensure the software is defect-free.

software development
Qa team in project mission,
Qa team in project   mission,Qa team in project   mission,
Qa team in project mission,

The QA team's mission is to define, design, develop and implement test plans, test projects to ensure they meet specifications, and use documentation to verify it correctly explains installation and handling of errors. Their role is to participate in change management, assist with isolating discrepancies between expected and actual results, prepare for acceptance testing, check test data, obtain and review expected test results, ensure new modules follow procedures, analyze and report results by comparing them to expectations and documenting all defects. The QA team structure includes a director, lead, senior and junior engineers, and interns.

Test analysis and design has the following major
tasks, in approximately the following order:
 Review the test basis (such as the product risk
analysis, requirements, architecture, design
specifications, and interfaces), examining the
specifications for the software we are testing.
 Identify test conditions based on analysis of test
items, their specifications, and what we know
about their behavior and structure.
 Design the tests
During test implementation and execution,
we takeThe test conditions and make them into
test cases and testware and set up the test
environment.This mean that, having put together
a high-level design for our tests,
we now start to build them.We transform our test
conditions into test cases and procedures, other
Testware such as scripts for automation.
Test implementation and execution have the following majortasks, in
approximately the following order:
 Implementation:
 Develop and prioritize our test cases
 Create test suites from the test cases for efficient test execution
 Implement and verify the environment.
 Execute the test suites and individual test cases, following our test proce
 Log the outcome of test execution and record the identities and versions
of the software under test, test tools and testware.
 Compare actual results (what happened when we ran the tests) with
expected results (what we anticipated would happen).
 Where there are differences between actual and expected results, report
discrepancies as incidents. Repeat test activities as a result of action
taken for each discrepancy.
Evaluating exit criteria is the activity whereTest
execution is assessed against the defined objectives.
This should be done for each test level, as for each we
need to know whether we have Done enough testing.
Based on our risk assess- ment, we'll have set criteria
againstwhich we'll Measure 'enough'.These criteria
vary for each project and are known as exit criteria

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Regression testing
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Regression testing

Regression testing is retesting software after changes to ensure bugs have not been introduced or detected. It has the objectives of checking that bugs have been addressed, testing related areas that could be affected, and achieving a bug-free system. Strategies for regression testing include retesting all tests, selecting some tests to rerun based on areas affected by changes, and prioritizing test cases based on business impact and importance. An effective regression strategy can save organizations time and money by automating regression testing.

Risk and Testing
Risk and TestingRisk and Testing
Risk and Testing

This document discusses risk and risk-based testing in software development. It defines risk as the possibility of a system or software failing to meet a customer or stakeholder expectation. Product risks include issues with functionality, security, reliability, usability, maintainability and performance. Risk-based testing prioritizes and emphasizes tests according to identified risks. It aims to reduce the likelihood of defects in critical areas. Project risks also apply to testing and include logistical issues, excessive changes invalidating tests, and insufficient testing environments. Managing risks appropriately involves understanding likelihood and impact, and balancing risks with quality, features and schedules.
Bab i fundamental of testing (yoga)
Bab i fundamental of testing (yoga)Bab i fundamental of testing (yoga)
Bab i fundamental of testing (yoga)

The document summarizes the fundamental test activities from planning to closure. It describes the main tasks for each stage of testing including: planning and control, analysis and design, implementation and execution, evaluating exit criteria and reporting, and test closure activities. For each stage, it lists the major tasks in the typical order they are performed such as determining test objectives, designing test cases, executing tests, analyzing results, and finalizing test documentation.

Evaluating exit criteria has the following major tasks:
 Check test logs against the exit criteria specified in test planning:We
look to see
 what evidence we have for which tests have been executed and checked,
and what
 defects have been raised, fixed, confirmation tested, or are out standing.
 Assess if more tests are needed or if the exit criteria specified should be
 We may need to run more tests if we have not run all the tests we
designed, or if we realize we have not reached the coverage we
expected, or if the risks have increased for the project.We may need to
change the exit criteria to lower them, if the business and project risks
rise in impor tance and the product or technical risks drop in importance.
Note that this is not easy to do and must be agreed with stakeholders.
 The test manage ment tools and test coverage tools that we'll discuss in
Chapter 6
help us with this assessment.
Test closure activities include the following major tasks:
 Check which planned deliverables we actually
delivered and ensure all incident reports have been
resolved through defect repair or deferral.
 Finalize and archive testware, such as scripts, the
test environment, and any other test infrastructure,
for later reuse.
 Hand over testware to the maintenance organization
who will support the software and make any bug fixes
or maintenance changes, for use in con firmation
testing and regression testing.
 Evaluate how the testing went and analyze lessons
 learned for future releases and projects.
Graham (2011). ISTQB-Fondation of
SoftwareTesting. London: Cengage Learning

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Fundamental test process endang

  • 1. FUNDAMENTALTEST PROCESS By: Endang Setianingsih Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains DanTeknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • 2. The idea of a fundamental test process for all levels Of test has developed over the years. Whatever the level Of testing, we see the same type of main activities happening, although there may be a different amount of formality at the different levels, for example, component tests might be carried out less formally than system Tests in most organizations with a less documented test process.The decision about the level of formality of the processes will depend on the system and Software context and the level of risk associated with the software.
  • 3. During test planning, we make sure we Understand the goals and objectives of the customers, stakeholders, and the project, and the risks which testing is intended to address.This will give us what is sometimes called the mission of testing or the test assignment. Based on this understanding, we set the goals and objectives for the testing itself, and derive an approach and plan for the tests, including specification of test activities.
  • 4. Test control has the following major tasks:  Measure and analyze the results of reviews and testing.  Monitor and document progress, test coverage and exit criteria.  Provide information on testing.  Initiate corrective actions.  Make decisions
  • 5. Test analysis and design has the following major tasks, in approximately the following order:  Review the test basis (such as the product risk analysis, requirements, architecture, design specifications, and interfaces), examining the specifications for the software we are testing.  Identify test conditions based on analysis of test items, their specifications, and what we know about their behavior and structure.  Design the tests
  • 6. During test implementation and execution, we takeThe test conditions and make them into test cases and testware and set up the test environment.This mean that, having put together a high-level design for our tests, we now start to build them.We transform our test conditions into test cases and procedures, other Testware such as scripts for automation.
  • 7. Test implementation and execution have the following majortasks, in approximately the following order:  Implementation:  Develop and prioritize our test cases  Create test suites from the test cases for efficient test execution  Implement and verify the environment. Execution:  Execute the test suites and individual test cases, following our test proce dures.  Log the outcome of test execution and record the identities and versions of the software under test, test tools and testware.  Compare actual results (what happened when we ran the tests) with expected results (what we anticipated would happen).  Where there are differences between actual and expected results, report discrepancies as incidents. Repeat test activities as a result of action taken for each discrepancy.
  • 8. Evaluating exit criteria is the activity whereTest execution is assessed against the defined objectives. This should be done for each test level, as for each we need to know whether we have Done enough testing. Based on our risk assess- ment, we'll have set criteria againstwhich we'll Measure 'enough'.These criteria vary for each project and are known as exit criteria
  • 9. Evaluating exit criteria has the following major tasks:  Check test logs against the exit criteria specified in test planning:We look to see  what evidence we have for which tests have been executed and checked, and what  defects have been raised, fixed, confirmation tested, or are out standing.  Assess if more tests are needed or if the exit criteria specified should be changed:  We may need to run more tests if we have not run all the tests we designed, or if we realize we have not reached the coverage we expected, or if the risks have increased for the project.We may need to change the exit criteria to lower them, if the business and project risks rise in impor tance and the product or technical risks drop in importance. Note that this is not easy to do and must be agreed with stakeholders.  The test manage ment tools and test coverage tools that we'll discuss in Chapter 6 help us with this assessment.
  • 10. Test closure activities include the following major tasks:  Check which planned deliverables we actually delivered and ensure all incident reports have been resolved through defect repair or deferral.  Finalize and archive testware, such as scripts, the test environment, and any other test infrastructure, for later reuse.  Hand over testware to the maintenance organization who will support the software and make any bug fixes or maintenance changes, for use in con firmation testing and regression testing.  Evaluate how the testing went and analyze lessons  learned for future releases and projects.
  • 11. Graham (2011). ISTQB-Fondation of SoftwareTesting. London: Cengage Learning EMEA.