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Unyielding Spirit:
A Study of ‘Still I Rise’
by Maya Angelou
Name : Rajdeep Bavaliya A.
Roll No. : 12
Enrollment No. : 3176205820210012
Sem. : 6 (T. Y. - B. A.) (2023 – 2024)
Paper Name : A Study of American Literature – 2
Paper No. : 19
Paper Code : 24262
Unit : 4 – Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
Topic : Unyielding Spirit: A Study of ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou
Submitted To : M. R. R. Monapara Arts College, SPEI, Bhavnagar, Department of English.
Submitted Date : April 9, 2024
E-mail :
Table of Contents
• Questions to be
• Introduction
• About the Author
• Analysis
• Key Literary Devices
Used in the Poem
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. Repetition
4. Rhetorical Question
5. Structure and Form
6. Imagery
7. Symbolism
• Conclusion
• References
Questions to be Addressed
• How does the meaning of the poem evolve as we
progress through each stanza?
• How do similes and metaphors enhance the
imagery in “Still I Rise”?
• What effect does the repetition of certain phrases
have on the overall tone of the poem?
• How does Maya Angelou use symbolism to convey
her message of resilience and empowerment?

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This document provides an overview of the objectives and activities for an English 1 poetry unit. The unit will introduce students to various poetic devices and have them analyze poems by authors like Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Maya Angelou. Students will choose one poet to research and create a project on, selecting from options like an essay, presentation, or biography. Daily assignments include journal entries and a poetry test, and students can earn extra credit by presenting poems to the class.

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This ppt gives a detailed analysis of the poem Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins

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The most Amazing English Story of all the time

This is one of the best story that you do not need to read at all. Don't waste your time reading stupid english literature. Try exploring your own culture and avoid this devoid of humanity culture. You know why I am writing this description. Just to fill out this description. So in order to increase my scores and your scores, oh not your scores, I am writing these things which doesn't even make sense. Does it make sense to you? Obviosly not at all. So don't waste your time reading this? Are you still reading this? Oh no, You are obsessed with my writing. You made me happy not at all. Since I don't want to waste your time. I am just writing a long description for my own gains and you are here wasting your precious time. May be it's not precious but at least it is valuable and shouldn't be wasted at all. You get it?

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• “Still I Rise” is a poem by the
American civil rights activist and
writer Maya Angelou.
• The poem was published in
Angelou’s third poetry collection
“And Still I Rise” in 1978. (Image Source: DALL-E 3)
• Broadly speaking, the poem is an assertion of the dignity and
resilience of marginalized people in the face of oppression.
• “Still I Rise” can also be read more specifically as a critique of
anti-black racism.
Still I Rise by Maya Angelou | Summary and Analysis
About the Author
(Image Source: Wikipedia)
• Born Marguerite Annie Johnson; on April 4,
1928 – May 28, 2014.
• She was an American memoirist, poet, and
civil rights activist.
• She published seven autobiographies, three
books of essays, several books of poetry, and is
credited with a list of plays, movies, and
television shows spanning over 50 years.
• The first, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
(1969), tells of her life up to the age of 17 and
brought her international recognition and
• ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou – 1987 – Live Performance:
Click Here
Stanza: 1
• Asserts determination and courage despite oppression.
• Rejects false historical narratives and others’
Stanza: 2
• Challenges societal reaction to her success.
• Mocks societal discomfort with her confidence and

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The document provides summaries and analysis of 14 poems from the English Literature anthology. For each poem, it outlines the poet and their background, the main ideas, tone, and literary methods used. The methods section analyzes the linguistic and structural techniques employed by the poet to convey their ideas and tone. These include imagery, metaphor, rhythm, rhyme, repetition and more. The document also provides potential exam questions focusing on how different poets present themes like conflict, war, social class and more through their writing. It concludes with a glossary of poetic devices.


This document provides an overview of poetry terms and concepts: - It defines poetry as a type of literature that uses specific forms like lines and stanzas to express ideas and feelings. - Key terms are introduced like line, stanza, rhyme, and rhyme scheme. Different types of poems are also outlined like free verse, acrostic poems, haikus, and limericks. - Figurative language devices like similes, metaphors, and personification are explained. - Examples of poems are provided to illustrate different concepts.


Poetry can be summarized in 3 sentences: Poetry is a type of literature that uses specific forms and techniques to convey ideas, feelings, or tell a story. It uses elements like rhyme, rhythm, imagery and figurative language to express experiences or emotions in a unique way. There are many different types of poems including haikus, acrostics, free verse, couplets and more which vary in structure, length, and style.

Stanza: 3
• Compares herself to the moon and sun, emphasizing
Stanza: 4
• Directly confronts racism and societal expectations.
• Exposes societal desire to see her broken and subdued.
Stanza: 5
• Sarcastically questions society’s discomfort with her pride.
• Highlights society’s double standards and her confidence.
Stanza: 6
• Declares society’s inability to defeat her spirit.
• Asserts resilience and determination to rise
above oppression.
Stanza: 7
• Continues to question societal norms and
• Places society on trial for its injustices.
Stanza: 8
• Condemns the lingering effects of historical
• Refuses to be defined or limited by past injustices.
Stanza: 9
• Declares intention to transcend fear, terror, and
• Repeats the phrase “I rise” as a triumphant
affirmation of resilience.
Key Literary Devices Used in the Poem
1. Simile
• A simile is a comparison of two unlike items that employs the terms “like”
or “as”.
• A poet utilizes this type of figurative language to express that one item is
comparable to another, as opposed to metaphor, which states that it “is”
• “But still, like dust, I’ll rise.”
• “’Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells”
• “Just like moons and like suns,”
• “Just like hopes springing high,”
• “But still, like air, I’ll rise.”
● Examples

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The document discusses poetry and provides examples of different types of poetry. It defines poetry as a form of literature written in a rhythmic style using verse. It then explains different poetic elements such as lines, stanzas, rhyme schemes, and various stanza forms including couplets, triplets, quatrains, and more. The document also provides examples of different types of poetry like lyrical poetry, narrative poetry, concrete poetry, haikus, cinquains, acrostics, and Shakespearean sonnets. It discusses the purpose of poetry and how teachers can use model poems to guide students in writing their own poetry.

Running head POETRY ANALYSIS1Castille1Lauriana Castille.docx
Running head POETRY ANALYSIS1Castille1Lauriana Castille.docxRunning head POETRY ANALYSIS1Castille1Lauriana Castille.docx
Running head POETRY ANALYSIS1Castille1Lauriana Castille.docx

Running head: POETRY ANALYSIS 1 Castille1 Lauriana Castille Professor Ford English 1302 April 14, 2019 Perfect Imperfections Poets use many symbols in poetry to create a specific meaning for the audience and many poses use literary devices to convey the meanings for example if a poet says, "I am alone" he often refers to the moon in dark night, he just symbolizes for the sake of giving meanings to the poetry. Symbols can be objects, representing the other objects and they can change meanings according to the contexts. Hawthorne, the writer of the poem says that birthmark is used as a symbol. In birthmark Georgiana’s humanity is described which equal to the flaws as Hawthorne. According to him, it is the nature of human being to be mortal and imperfect. He wants to remove the unattractive birthmark from the face of his wife, he actually wants to remove her flaws. He was successful in doing so. There was the singular mark on Georgian’s left cheek, so he describes it very beautifully in the poem. He says that this mark is "deeply interwoven" on Georgiana’s face and it represents that flaws of human beings are related to its character. He says in one line that Georgian,s birthmark is like a "tiny hand" so we can assume that he is representing towards the hand of God who made it perfectly but later he says that is like a hand of the human, so here idea gets complicated but actually, it shows that is the sign of mortality and humanity of Georgiana (Hawthorne, 2015). In this short hot air balloon is used as a symbol with the moon, it shows that the guy dreams about a better life. He says that moon is giving light to the chores, he wants to fly with the balloon and want to start a new life and after his death, the moon gives meaning when it is related to the hot balloon and gives meanings. The balloon also represented the dreams that never came true. It is about freedom from slavery and the poverty. The boy wants to come out of these situations. (Lark Catalpa, 2017). Byatt chooses a forest in which penny and prime roses are present with mystery, and day and night came and opens new chapter of mystery and a girl wanders there and it is a symbol of mystery, she feels traumatic experiences and in this whole story forest is represented as a symbol and symbolizes the forest as a dark place where access is very difficult (Byatt, 2011). All the above three poems use symbols and the center point for them is the freedom and desire of being perfect. Hawthorne wants to vanish the birthmark from his wife because he wants to make it perfect, both in shape and in character and symbolizes the word "birthmark" ion his poem. In wall of fire rising the writer uses a symbol of hot “balloon", he wants to use this balloon to fly away in a place where he can start his new and perfect life, in the thing in the forest writer uses the word "forest" as a symbol and a girl wanders there, forest is a dark place where she wandering around, her experience is traumatic and sh.

Running head POETRY ANALYSIS1Castille1Lauriana Castille.docx
Running head POETRY ANALYSIS1Castille1Lauriana Castille.docxRunning head POETRY ANALYSIS1Castille1Lauriana Castille.docx
Running head POETRY ANALYSIS1Castille1Lauriana Castille.docx

Running head: POETRY ANALYSIS 1 Castille1 Lauriana Castille Professor Ford English 1302 April 14, 2019 Perfect Imperfections Poets use many symbols in poetry to create a specific meaning for the audience and many poses use literary devices to convey the meanings for example if a poet says, "I am alone" he often refers to the moon in dark night, he just symbolizes for the sake of giving meanings to the poetry. Symbols can be objects, representing the other objects and they can change meanings according to the contexts. Hawthorne, the writer of the poem says that birthmark is used as a symbol. In birthmark Georgiana’s humanity is described which equal to the flaws as Hawthorne. According to him, it is the nature of human being to be mortal and imperfect. He wants to remove the unattractive birthmark from the face of his wife, he actually wants to remove her flaws. He was successful in doing so. There was the singular mark on Georgian’s left cheek, so he describes it very beautifully in the poem. He says that this mark is "deeply interwoven" on Georgiana’s face and it represents that flaws of human beings are related to its character. He says in one line that Georgian,s birthmark is like a "tiny hand" so we can assume that he is representing towards the hand of God who made it perfectly but later he says that is like a hand of the human, so here idea gets complicated but actually, it shows that is the sign of mortality and humanity of Georgiana (Hawthorne, 2015). In this short hot air balloon is used as a symbol with the moon, it shows that the guy dreams about a better life. He says that moon is giving light to the chores, he wants to fly with the balloon and want to start a new life and after his death, the moon gives meaning when it is related to the hot balloon and gives meanings. The balloon also represented the dreams that never came true. It is about freedom from slavery and the poverty. The boy wants to come out of these situations. (Lark Catalpa, 2017). Byatt chooses a forest in which penny and prime roses are present with mystery, and day and night came and opens new chapter of mystery and a girl wanders there and it is a symbol of mystery, she feels traumatic experiences and in this whole story forest is represented as a symbol and symbolizes the forest as a dark place where access is very difficult (Byatt, 2011). All the above three poems use symbols and the center point for them is the freedom and desire of being perfect. Hawthorne wants to vanish the birthmark from his wife because he wants to make it perfect, both in shape and in character and symbolizes the word "birthmark" ion his poem. In wall of fire rising the writer uses a symbol of hot “balloon", he wants to use this balloon to fly away in a place where he can start his new and perfect life, in the thing in the forest writer uses the word "forest" as a symbol and a girl wanders there, forest is a dark place where she wandering around, her experience is traumatic and sh.

2. Metaphor
• Metaphor appears in the last section of “Still I Rise.”
• In lines 21-23, for example, the speaker used figurative
language when outlining the different things her oppressor
may do to harm her:
● Examples
“You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,”
3. Repetition
• The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of
multiple lines, usually in succession.
● Examples
“You may shoot me with your
You may cut me with your
You may kill me with your
But still, like air, I’ll rise.”
“Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.”
4. Rhetorical Question
• A rhetorical question is one that is not intended
to be answered; rather, it is presented to clarify
the point.
● Examples
• “Does my sassiness upset you?”
• “Does my sexiness upset you?”
• “Did you want to see me broken?”
5. Structure and Form
• The poem ‘Still I Rise’ is nine stanzas long and
divided into unequal lines. The first seven
stanzas include four lines, known as quatrains,
while the eighth has six and the ninth has nine.
• The first seven stanzas have a rhyme scheme of
ABCB, the eighth ABABCC, and the ninth

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This document provides activities related to identifying and using various literary devices including similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, irony and more. The activities involve matching examples to definitions, identifying the literary devices in poems, completing sentences that demonstrate specific literary devices, and other interactive exercises.

Critical analysis of 'Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou by Husain Necklace
Critical analysis of 'Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou by Husain NecklaceCritical analysis of 'Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou by Husain Necklace
Critical analysis of 'Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou by Husain Necklace

This article contains a critical analysis of the poem 'Still I rise'. It contains the poem and its literary devices (please refer to the comments section on Microsoft word to view them) along with an in-depth analysis conducted by the author himself.

analysis of "still i rise"maya angelouenglish literature
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning's famous love poem "How Do I Love Thee" explores the depth and passion of the speaker's love for her beloved. The speaker uses vivid language to describe the many ways in which she loves her partner, from the deepest parts of her soul to her everyday needs. She expresses how her love will only continue to grow stronger, even after death. The poem follows the structure and rhyme scheme of a Petrarchan sonnet, using literary and poetic devices to convey the themes of enduring love and faith.

6. Imagery
• The first line shows a picture of “dust” that helps
the speaker say what she wants.
• We can see oil wells that are spilling oil.
• The third stanza has pictures of the moon, the sun,
and the water that moves up and down. In this
poem, the water goes very high. It is like “hope.”
• Gold mines
• Diamonds
• Black ocean
7. Symbolism
• “Dirt” as a symbol.
• “Oil wells”, “Gold mines”, and “Diamonds”.
• The moon and sun symbolize the speaker herself.
• “Bowed head and lowered eyes.”
• The eighth verse contains an essential symbol of the
“black ocean”.
• Another sign appears in the final stanza’s use of the
term “night”.
• In the poem’s conclusion, Angelou speaks with
clear confidence.
• She declares that no matter the pain or oppression,
she will always rise.
• It’s a simple yet strong message of resilience and
• Her words encourage everyone to stand tall and
face challenges with the belief that they can rise
above them.
• Chen, Wendy. "Still I Rise." LitCharts. LitCharts
LLC, 28 Oct 2019.
angelou/still-i-rise. 8 Apr 2024.
• Corfman, Allisa. "Still I Rise by Maya Angelou".
Poem Analysis,
angelou/still-i-rise/. Accessed 8 April 2024.
• OpenAI. ChatGPT. OpenAI, 2021.

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This document discusses the key elements of poetry, including form, line, stanza, rhyme, and meter. It provides examples of different forms of poetry like haiku, couplet, tanka, cinquain, and limerick. Each form has its own rules regarding line length, number of lines, and rhyme scheme. The document aims to describe the basic structural components and styles that define different types of poems.



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12 | P a g e English 1B – Essay Two (Poetry – Theme) Length: 6-7 pages Due date: Check Canvas The Task: Select one of the options from below and write a five to six-page essay that, through explications of the poems, explores the themes mentioned below. Option One: Using Elizabeth Bishop’s “Quai D’Orleans” and “One Art,” compose an essay that considers the ways that Bishop explores the nature of loss and memory. Your discussion and conclusion should must draw on connections between the two poems. Make sure that you discuss the tone of each poem. Make sure that you include any literary devices (metaphors, alliteration etc.). Option Two: Using Seamus Heaney’s “Death of a Naturalist” and “Blackberry Picking” explore the childhood lessons that the poet illustrates in each poem. What are those lessons? How does the tone of each poem differ? Focus on the similarities of the poems (the differences should not be your focus). Do not skip any language of the poem. You must pay careful attention to the tone of each poem—and how that tone shifts. Make sure that you also pay close attention to the music of the language. Make sure that you include any literary devices (metaphors, alliteration etc.). Option Three: Using Seamus Heaney’s “Blackberry Picking” and Galway Kinnell’s “Blackberry Eating” explore how each poet writes about the pleasures and / or disappointments of gathering and eating blackberries. Focus on the similarities of the poems (the differences should not be your focus). Do not skip any language of the poem. You must pay careful attention to the tone of each poem. Make sure that you also pay close attention to the music of the language. Make sure that you include any literary devices (metaphors, alliteration etc.). Option Four: Using Emily Dickinson’s “There’s Been a Death in the Opposite House” and “I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died,” explore how Dickinson considers death in both poems. Option Five: Using Robert Frost’s poems “Bereft” and “Desert Places” consider how Frost explores the way we project our emotions into how we experience the landscape. Make sure that you discuss the tone of each poem. Make sure that you include any literary devices (metaphors, alliteration etc.). Option Six: Using Robert Frost’s poems “Desert Places” and Wallace Stevens’ “The Snow Man” consider how each poet explores the way we project our emotions onto the winter landscape. Make sure that you discuss the tone of each poem. Make sure that you include any literary devices (metaphors, alliteration etc.). To Prepare: To help you better prepare for the essay, I want you, before you begin, to print out copies of the poems you are writing about and then, in the margins, summarize, word for word, what the poet is describing/discussing. I’d also like you to write down your initial reflections and analyses about what you might infer from the language of the poems. This way, before you begin ...

Thank You.
Still I Rise by Maya Angelou | Summary and Analysis

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Still I Rise by Maya Angelou | Summary and Analysis

  • 1. Unyielding Spirit: A Study of ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou
  • 2. Information Name : Rajdeep Bavaliya A. Roll No. : 12 Enrollment No. : 3176205820210012 Sem. : 6 (T. Y. - B. A.) (2023 – 2024) Paper Name : A Study of American Literature – 2 Paper No. : 19 Paper Code : 24262 Unit : 4 – Still I Rise by Maya Angelou Topic : Unyielding Spirit: A Study of ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou Submitted To : M. R. R. Monapara Arts College, SPEI, Bhavnagar, Department of English. Submitted Date : April 9, 2024 E-mail :
  • 3. Table of Contents • Questions to be Addressed • Introduction • About the Author • Analysis • Key Literary Devices Used in the Poem 1. Simile 2. Metaphor 3. Repetition 4. Rhetorical Question 5. Structure and Form 6. Imagery 7. Symbolism • Conclusion • References
  • 4. Questions to be Addressed • How does the meaning of the poem evolve as we progress through each stanza? • How do similes and metaphors enhance the imagery in “Still I Rise”? • What effect does the repetition of certain phrases have on the overall tone of the poem? • How does Maya Angelou use symbolism to convey her message of resilience and empowerment?
  • 5. Introduction • “Still I Rise” is a poem by the American civil rights activist and writer Maya Angelou. • The poem was published in Angelou’s third poetry collection “And Still I Rise” in 1978. (Image Source: DALL-E 3) • Broadly speaking, the poem is an assertion of the dignity and resilience of marginalized people in the face of oppression. • “Still I Rise” can also be read more specifically as a critique of anti-black racism.
  • 7. About the Author (Image Source: Wikipedia) • Born Marguerite Annie Johnson; on April 4, 1928 – May 28, 2014. • She was an American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist. • She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. • The first, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969), tells of her life up to the age of 17 and brought her international recognition and acclaim.
  • 8. Analysis • ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou – 1987 – Live Performance: Click Here Stanza: 1 • Asserts determination and courage despite oppression. • Rejects false historical narratives and others’ mistreatment. Stanza: 2 • Challenges societal reaction to her success. • Mocks societal discomfort with her confidence and achievements.
  • 9. Stanza: 3 • Compares herself to the moon and sun, emphasizing resilience. Stanza: 4 • Directly confronts racism and societal expectations. • Exposes societal desire to see her broken and subdued. Stanza: 5 • Sarcastically questions society’s discomfort with her pride. • Highlights society’s double standards and her confidence.
  • 10. Stanza: 6 • Declares society’s inability to defeat her spirit. • Asserts resilience and determination to rise above oppression. Stanza: 7 • Continues to question societal norms and prejudices. • Places society on trial for its injustices.
  • 11. Stanza: 8 • Condemns the lingering effects of historical oppression. • Refuses to be defined or limited by past injustices. Stanza: 9 • Declares intention to transcend fear, terror, and sorrow. • Repeats the phrase “I rise” as a triumphant affirmation of resilience.
  • 12. Key Literary Devices Used in the Poem 1. Simile • A simile is a comparison of two unlike items that employs the terms “like” or “as”. • A poet utilizes this type of figurative language to express that one item is comparable to another, as opposed to metaphor, which states that it “is” another. • “But still, like dust, I’ll rise.” • “’Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells” • “Just like moons and like suns,” • “Just like hopes springing high,” • “But still, like air, I’ll rise.” ● Examples
  • 13. 2. Metaphor • Metaphor appears in the last section of “Still I Rise.” • In lines 21-23, for example, the speaker used figurative language when outlining the different things her oppressor may do to harm her: ● Examples “You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness,”
  • 14. 3. Repetition • The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of multiple lines, usually in succession. ● Examples “You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise.” “Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise.”
  • 15. 4. Rhetorical Question • A rhetorical question is one that is not intended to be answered; rather, it is presented to clarify the point. ● Examples • “Does my sassiness upset you?” • “Does my sexiness upset you?” • “Did you want to see me broken?”
  • 16. 5. Structure and Form • The poem ‘Still I Rise’ is nine stanzas long and divided into unequal lines. The first seven stanzas include four lines, known as quatrains, while the eighth has six and the ninth has nine. • The first seven stanzas have a rhyme scheme of ABCB, the eighth ABABCC, and the ninth ABABCCBBB.
  • 17. 6. Imagery • The first line shows a picture of “dust” that helps the speaker say what she wants. • We can see oil wells that are spilling oil. • The third stanza has pictures of the moon, the sun, and the water that moves up and down. In this poem, the water goes very high. It is like “hope.” • Gold mines • Diamonds • Black ocean
  • 18. 7. Symbolism • “Dirt” as a symbol. • “Oil wells”, “Gold mines”, and “Diamonds”. • The moon and sun symbolize the speaker herself. • “Bowed head and lowered eyes.” • The eighth verse contains an essential symbol of the “black ocean”. • Another sign appears in the final stanza’s use of the term “night”.
  • 19. Conclusion • In the poem’s conclusion, Angelou speaks with clear confidence. • She declares that no matter the pain or oppression, she will always rise. • It’s a simple yet strong message of resilience and hope. • Her words encourage everyone to stand tall and face challenges with the belief that they can rise above them.
  • 20. References • Chen, Wendy. "Still I Rise." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 28 Oct 2019. angelou/still-i-rise. 8 Apr 2024. • Corfman, Allisa. "Still I Rise by Maya Angelou". Poem Analysis, angelou/still-i-rise/. Accessed 8 April 2024. • OpenAI. ChatGPT. OpenAI, 2021.