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Categories Of Test Design
Each testing technique falls into one of a number of different categories.
Broadly speaking there are two main categories, static and dynamic. Dynamic
techniques are subdivided into three more categories:
 specification-based (black-box, also known as behavioral techniques),
 structure-based (white-box or structural techniques) and
 experience-based.
Specification-based techniques include both functional and non-
functional techniques (i.e. quality characteristics). The techniques covered in the
syllabus are summarized in Figure on next slide.
Testing Techniques
 static testing techniques do not execute the code being examined
and are generally used before any tests are executed on the
 They could be called non-execution techniques. Most static
testing techniques can be used to 'test' any form of document
including source code, design documents and models, functional
specifications and requirement specifications.
 However, 'static analysis' is a tool-supported type of static testing
that concentrates on testing formal languages and so is most
often used to statically test source code.
Static testing techniques

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Software testing

Testing software is important to uncover errors before delivery to customers. There are various techniques for systematically designing test cases, including white box and black box testing. White box testing involves examining the internal logic and paths of a program, while black box testing focuses on inputs and outputs without viewing internal logic. The goal of testing is to find the maximum number of errors with minimum effort.

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The document provides answers to various questions related to manual software testing practices. It discusses key concepts like priority and severity levels of defects, examples of high severity low priority defects. It also covers the basis for test case review, contents of requirements documents, differences between web and client-server application testing, defect life cycle, and techniques for test plan preparation. The document is a guide for manual testers that aims to enhance their understanding of software testing concepts and best practices.

Regression testing
Regression testingRegression testing
Regression testing

Regression testing is testing performed after changes to a system to detect whether new errors were introduced or old bugs have reappeared. It should be done after changes to requirements, new features added, defect fixes, or performance improvements. There are various strategies for regression testing including re-running all tests, test selection, test prioritization, and focusing on areas like frequently failing tests or recently changed code. While regression testing helps ensure system quality, managing large test suites over time poses challenges in minimizing tests while achieving coverage. Automating regression testing can help address these challenges.

Notice that the definition mentions both functional and non-functional testing.
Functional testing is concerned with what the system does, its features or functions.
Non-functional testing is concerned with examining how well the system does
something, rather than what it does. Non-functional aspects (also known as quality
characteristics or quality attributes) include performance, usability, portability,
maintainability, etc. Techniques to test these non-functional aspects are less procedural
and less formalized than those of other categories as the actual tests are more
dependent on the type of system, what it does and the resources available for the tests.
Specification-based (black-box)
testing techniques
The first of the dynamic testing techniques we will look at are the
specification-based testing techniques. These are also known as 'black-
box' or input/output-driven testing techniques because they view the
software as a black-box with inputs and outputs, but they have no
knowledge of how the system or component is structured inside the
box. In essence, the tester is concentrating on what the software does,
not how it does it.
Structure-based testing techniques (which are also dynamic rather than
static) use the internal structure of the software to derive test cases. They
are commonly called 'white-box' or 'glass-box' techniques (implying you
can see into the system) since they require knowledge of how the
software is implemented, that is, how it works. For example, a structural
technique may be concerned with exercising loops in the software.
Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and
many times. This may be done regardless of the functionality of the
Structure-based (white-box)
testing techniques
In experience-based techniques, people's knowledge, skills
and background are a prime contributor to the test conditions
and test cases. The experience of both technical and business
people is important, as they bring different perspectives to the
test analysis and design process. Due to previous experience
with similar systems, they may have insights into what could go
wrong, which is very useful for testing.
Experience-based testing techniques
 Specification-based techniques are appropriate at all levels of testing (component testing
through to acceptance testing) where a specification exists. When performing system or
acceptance testing, the requirements specification or functional specification may form the
basis of the tests. When performing component or integration testing, a design document or
low-level specification forms the basis of the tests.
 Structure-based techniques can also be used at all levels of testing. Developers use
structure-based techniques in component testing and component integration testing,
especially where there is good tool support for code coverage. Structure-based techniques
are also used in system and acceptance testing, but the structures are different. For
example, the coverage of menu options or major business transactions could be the
structural element in system or acceptance testing.
Where to apply the different
categories of techniques

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acceptance testingtest automationcontinuous integration
Experience-based techniques are used to complement
specification-based and structure-based techniques, and are also
used when there is no specification, or if the specification is
inadequate or out of date. This may be the only type of technique
used for low-risk systems, but this approach may be particularly
useful under extreme time pressure – in fact this is one of the
factors leading to exploratory testing.
Where to apply the different
categories of techniques
Graham (2006)

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Categories of test design techniques

  • 1. Categories Of Test Design Techniques
  • 2. Each testing technique falls into one of a number of different categories. Broadly speaking there are two main categories, static and dynamic. Dynamic techniques are subdivided into three more categories:  specification-based (black-box, also known as behavioral techniques),  structure-based (white-box or structural techniques) and  experience-based. Specification-based techniques include both functional and non- functional techniques (i.e. quality characteristics). The techniques covered in the syllabus are summarized in Figure on next slide. Introduction
  • 4.  static testing techniques do not execute the code being examined and are generally used before any tests are executed on the software.  They could be called non-execution techniques. Most static testing techniques can be used to 'test' any form of document including source code, design documents and models, functional specifications and requirement specifications.  However, 'static analysis' is a tool-supported type of static testing that concentrates on testing formal languages and so is most often used to statically test source code. Static testing techniques
  • 5. Notice that the definition mentions both functional and non-functional testing. Functional testing is concerned with what the system does, its features or functions. Non-functional testing is concerned with examining how well the system does something, rather than what it does. Non-functional aspects (also known as quality characteristics or quality attributes) include performance, usability, portability, maintainability, etc. Techniques to test these non-functional aspects are less procedural and less formalized than those of other categories as the actual tests are more dependent on the type of system, what it does and the resources available for the tests. Specification-based (black-box) testing techniques The first of the dynamic testing techniques we will look at are the specification-based testing techniques. These are also known as 'black- box' or input/output-driven testing techniques because they view the software as a black-box with inputs and outputs, but they have no knowledge of how the system or component is structured inside the box. In essence, the tester is concentrating on what the software does, not how it does it.
  • 6. Structure-based testing techniques (which are also dynamic rather than static) use the internal structure of the software to derive test cases. They are commonly called 'white-box' or 'glass-box' techniques (implying you can see into the system) since they require knowledge of how the software is implemented, that is, how it works. For example, a structural technique may be concerned with exercising loops in the software. Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and many times. This may be done regardless of the functionality of the software. Structure-based (white-box) testing techniques
  • 7. In experience-based techniques, people's knowledge, skills and background are a prime contributor to the test conditions and test cases. The experience of both technical and business people is important, as they bring different perspectives to the test analysis and design process. Due to previous experience with similar systems, they may have insights into what could go wrong, which is very useful for testing. Experience-based testing techniques
  • 8.  Specification-based techniques are appropriate at all levels of testing (component testing through to acceptance testing) where a specification exists. When performing system or acceptance testing, the requirements specification or functional specification may form the basis of the tests. When performing component or integration testing, a design document or low-level specification forms the basis of the tests.  Structure-based techniques can also be used at all levels of testing. Developers use structure-based techniques in component testing and component integration testing, especially where there is good tool support for code coverage. Structure-based techniques are also used in system and acceptance testing, but the structures are different. For example, the coverage of menu options or major business transactions could be the structural element in system or acceptance testing. Where to apply the different categories of techniques
  • 9. Experience-based techniques are used to complement specification-based and structure-based techniques, and are also used when there is no specification, or if the specification is inadequate or out of date. This may be the only type of technique used for low-risk systems, but this approach may be particularly useful under extreme time pressure – in fact this is one of the factors leading to exploratory testing. Where to apply the different categories of techniques

Editor's Notes

  1. May require more than one slide