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Testing Life Cycle(TLC) Test plan preparation Test case design Test execution and Test Log preparation Defect Tracking Test report preparation
TLC Test Plan : A document that defines the overall    testing approach is called Test Plan. Test Case Design : Document that defines what is    selected to test,and describes the    expected result is called Test    Design.Set of procedures inorder to    find out the defects. Test Execution : Executing the test cases.
TLC Test log : Pass and fail information will be    stored in this test log. Defect tracking : All the failed items will come under    the defect tracking. (closing defect) Test report : Reports are generated during    the TLC.Final test summary report.  (generated at the end of testing for   making decisions)
Test Plan Preparation (manual) Test Objective  :  A test objective is simply a   testing “goal”.It is a statement of   what the tester is expected  to   perform during the testing activity.  Test strategy   : 1.   Techniques that are going to be used  during    the testing. 2. What types of tests must be conducted.   3. What stages of testing are    required.(e.g.unit,system)

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University Of Baltistan Easy and Simple Presentation of the topic of Software Testing Technique in the Course of Software Engineering.

Test cases for effective testing - part 1
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Test cases for effective testing - part 1

The document discusses test case components and approaches for writing test cases. It provides guidelines for writing test cases such as covering all requirements, prioritizing test cases based on importance, using simple steps and validation input data, focusing on common user scenarios, and ensuring each defect has a linked test case. The document also outlines a test case format including an ID, title, summary, preconditions, steps, and expected results.

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Static Testing
Static TestingStatic Testing
Static Testing

Static testing is a software testing method that involves examination of program's code and its associated documentation but does not require the program to be executed. Static Testing Techniques Informal Reviews Formal Reviews Technical Reviews Walk Through Inspection Process Static Code Review

walkthroughinformal reviewstesting
Test Risk Analysis: A risk is a condition that can result in a loss.The risk that may occur/arise during the analysis of the testing. * The probability that the negative event      will occur.
Risk identified  - - - Unavailability of  resources - software hardware  etc . Mitigation plan  - - -  What are the ways  to overcome
Test schedule & Resources Task  Duration  Resource Test plan  3  1 Test design  5  3
Roles and Responsibilities Test Manager   - Manages the entire    testing activity (approve). Test leader   - Prepare the test plan, Review    test case, monitor defect    tracking and Reports    Preparation. Test Engineer  - Prepare test case design and   Daily reports.

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The document discusses various software development life cycle models and testing methodologies. It introduces the waterfall model, prototyping model, rapid application development model, spiral model, and component assembly model. It then covers testing fundamentals, test case design, white box and black box testing techniques, and the relationships between quality assurance, quality control, verification and validation.

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Dynamic testing analyzes the dynamic behavior of code by executing it with different inputs and checking the outputs. There are two main types: black box testing which tests functionality without viewing internal structure, and white box testing which tests based on internal structure. Black box techniques include boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, error guessing, cause-effect graphing, and state transition testing. White box techniques include code coverage and complexity analysis. Dynamic testing can find errors not detected through static analysis but takes more time than static testing.

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The document discusses several key aspects of manual testing, including: - What makes a good test engineer, including having a "test to break" attitude and strong communication skills. - The qualities of a good QA engineer, such as understanding the software development process. - The traits of a good test manager, like maintaining team enthusiasm and communicating with different stakeholders. - The importance of documentation in QA and having repeatable practices. - The significance of requirements and ensuring they are clear, testable, and involve all relevant customers.

Communications Approach The communications during the project  will be informed through this communication  approach.
Test Environment The Test Bed for the Testing Activity is identified. Like, * Software Requirements.   * hardware Requirements.
Automated Test Tools Identify which tools is used for each individual test Should know the test level criteria
Test Case Design (manual) Test case ID     : Sys_xyz_o1 Test case description   : A short note about    the testing. Test case procedure   : Each and every step    has to be mentioned    in test case    procedure. Test inputs (or) Test Data  : Input data

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The document describes the key stages of the software testing life cycle (STLC), including contract signing, requirement analysis, test planning, test development, test execution, defect reporting, and product delivery. It provides details on the processes, documents, and activities involved in each stage. Risk analysis and bug/defect management processes are also summarized. Various test metrics and bug tracking tools that can be used are listed.

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Static testing examines and reviews software without executing it, while dynamic testing executes the software. There are different types of testing like unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. Testing techniques include white box, black box, incremental, and thread testing. White box testing examines internal program structure and logic, while black box testing verifies requirements without considering internal structure.

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Software Testing Life Cycle refers to 6 phases of the software testing process. Learn about each phase of STLC in-depth in our article. (Source:

software testing life cyclesoftware testing
Expected result : The Expected out come of the test case.   Test Execution Actual result   : What we have received is the actual result. Expected result = Actual result  then the test is pass otherwise it is fail.
Test Log *  Failed test case are going to be the defects Fail dfgdfg Sys_xyz_01 Pass hgfhgfh Sys_xyz_02 Test status/Result Test Case Description Test Case ID
Defect Tracking All the failed test execution/defects  will come under the defect tracking. Defect Tracking Contains : Defect Id  : Sys_def_xyz_o1 Test case Id   : Sys_xyz_o1
Defect Tracking Defect Description  : Specify the defect. Defect Recovery procedure :   Repeating the same test cases with some modifications.

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STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)
STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)
STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)

The document discusses the phases of the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). It begins by introducing the group members and defining software testing as a process to find bugs by executing a program. It then outlines the six main phases of the STLC: 1) Requirements analysis to understand requirements and identify test cases, 2) Test planning to create test plans and strategies, 3) Test case development to write test cases and scripts, 4) Environment setup to prepare the test environment, 5) Test execution and bug reporting to run tests and log defects, and 6) Test cycle closure to review testing artifacts and lessons learned. Each phase is described in 1-2 sentences with its activities, deliverables, and examples provided.

#testing life cycle#software testingchaudhry fahadi
Test case writing
Test case writingTest case writing
Test case writing

Test cases are documents that contain test data, preconditions, test steps, expected results, and postconditions to verify a specific requirement. They provide a starting point for test execution and leave the system in a defined state. Good test cases are accurate, economical, traceable, repeatable, reusable, simple, objective, relevant, avoid duplication and dependency. Test cases should be written based on requirements documents and cover both positive and negative scenarios using clear language. An ideal test case includes an ID, use case ID, test objective, preconditions, test data, test steps, expected results, actual results, cycle, date, tester, status, severity, and resolution status.

quality assurancesqatest case

The document describes the phases of the software testing life cycle (STLC), which includes requirement, planning, analysis, design, implementation, execution, conclusion, and closure phases. Each phase has specific goals and deliverables. The requirement phase involves analyzing requirements to determine testability. The planning phase identifies testing activities, resources, and metrics. The analysis phase defines what to test by identifying test conditions. The design phase defines how to test by detailing test conditions and creating test data. The implementation phase involves creating and reviewing test cases. The execution phase runs the test cases and logs any defects. The conclusion phase focuses on reporting and exit criteria. The closure phase verifies all testing is complete and identifies lessons learned.

Defect Status The Current Status of the defects New Open Fixed Reopen Closed Rejected
Defects Severity Critical Major Minor
Defect Classification Defects that affect limited areas of functionality that either can be worked around or ignored Minor/Trivial Major functions disabled or incorrect Non-conformance to standards Defects that cause incorrect behavior with known workaround Important areas of the system are affected which would not cause operational failure Major System inoperable Implementation that does not meet the requirement Defects that may cause the system to hang, crash, produce incorrect or unexpected behavior, corrupt user data with no work around  Critical
Defects Priority High Moderate Low

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Static analysis is a static testing technique that analyzes source code without executing it. It can find faults like unreachable code, undeclared variables, and array bound violations. Some key advantages are that it can find faults difficult to see otherwise and provides an objective assessment of code quality. However, it also has limitations like not being able to distinguish fail-safe code from actual faults. Reviews are also useful for finding faults early and help achieve consensus, while inspections are more formal reviews.

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  • 1. Testing Life Cycle(TLC) Test plan preparation Test case design Test execution and Test Log preparation Defect Tracking Test report preparation
  • 2. TLC Test Plan : A document that defines the overall testing approach is called Test Plan. Test Case Design : Document that defines what is selected to test,and describes the expected result is called Test Design.Set of procedures inorder to find out the defects. Test Execution : Executing the test cases.
  • 3. TLC Test log : Pass and fail information will be stored in this test log. Defect tracking : All the failed items will come under the defect tracking. (closing defect) Test report : Reports are generated during the TLC.Final test summary report. (generated at the end of testing for making decisions)
  • 4. Test Plan Preparation (manual) Test Objective : A test objective is simply a testing “goal”.It is a statement of what the tester is expected to perform during the testing activity. Test strategy : 1. Techniques that are going to be used during the testing. 2. What types of tests must be conducted. 3. What stages of testing are required.(e.g.unit,system)
  • 5. Test Risk Analysis: A risk is a condition that can result in a loss.The risk that may occur/arise during the analysis of the testing. * The probability that the negative event will occur.
  • 6. Risk identified - - - Unavailability of resources - software hardware etc . Mitigation plan - - - What are the ways to overcome
  • 7. Test schedule & Resources Task Duration Resource Test plan 3 1 Test design 5 3
  • 8. Roles and Responsibilities Test Manager - Manages the entire testing activity (approve). Test leader - Prepare the test plan, Review test case, monitor defect tracking and Reports Preparation. Test Engineer - Prepare test case design and Daily reports.
  • 9. Communications Approach The communications during the project will be informed through this communication approach.
  • 10. Test Environment The Test Bed for the Testing Activity is identified. Like, * Software Requirements. * hardware Requirements.
  • 11. Automated Test Tools Identify which tools is used for each individual test Should know the test level criteria
  • 12. Test Case Design (manual) Test case ID : Sys_xyz_o1 Test case description : A short note about the testing. Test case procedure : Each and every step has to be mentioned in test case procedure. Test inputs (or) Test Data : Input data
  • 13. Expected result : The Expected out come of the test case. Test Execution Actual result : What we have received is the actual result. Expected result = Actual result then the test is pass otherwise it is fail.
  • 14. Test Log * Failed test case are going to be the defects Fail dfgdfg Sys_xyz_01 Pass hgfhgfh Sys_xyz_02 Test status/Result Test Case Description Test Case ID
  • 15. Defect Tracking All the failed test execution/defects will come under the defect tracking. Defect Tracking Contains : Defect Id : Sys_def_xyz_o1 Test case Id : Sys_xyz_o1
  • 16. Defect Tracking Defect Description : Specify the defect. Defect Recovery procedure : Repeating the same test cases with some modifications.
  • 17. Defect Status The Current Status of the defects New Open Fixed Reopen Closed Rejected
  • 19. Defect Classification Defects that affect limited areas of functionality that either can be worked around or ignored Minor/Trivial Major functions disabled or incorrect Non-conformance to standards Defects that cause incorrect behavior with known workaround Important areas of the system are affected which would not cause operational failure Major System inoperable Implementation that does not meet the requirement Defects that may cause the system to hang, crash, produce incorrect or unexpected behavior, corrupt user data with no work around Critical
  • 20. Defects Priority High Moderate Low