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Questions tagged [counters]

助数詞. Suffixes attached to numbers to indicate what is being counted. In linguistics, these are sometimes called 'classifiers'. The combination of a number plus a classifier forms a type of 'quantifier', and the movement of quantifiers into other parts of the sentence is called 'quantifier float'.

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Questions with ordinal numbers

I know in Japanese there are multiple ways of saying ordinal numbers, each with their own nuances. 第〜, 〜目, etc. There are also counters that don't need the ordinal marker like ページ, where 三ページ could be ...
Tosaku's user avatar
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Pitch of Intervals of 100 With Counters

Though counters vary quite a bit in pitch, when it comes to large numbers there seem to be rules which force them to be Heiban: However, what about intervals of 100? NHK will often show the pitch ...
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Can �� be used as a counter for ages 1 to 9?

歳 seems to be commonly used as the age counter, but I noticed that this article (see section on ages 1-9) mentions that つ can be used as an age counter: 来年で5つになるんです。 instead of maybe something like ...
user154989's user avatar
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sentence patterns for counters

A number of sources say that there are two patterns in which counters are used. Numeral + Counter + の + Noun Noun + Particle + Numeral + Counter I’ve just come across: 犬は四本足である (although I think I’...
justerman's user avatar
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Pitch accent of ~回

I have a question regarding pitch accent of 二回. As far as I am aware of ~回 accent goes ~か\い. However tokoboto and japandict shows 二回 as (に/かい) and ojad lists it as (にか\い) like I expected it to be. So ...
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Rate/ratio: What are the differences between 「一年一万円」,「一年に一万円」,「一年で一万円」?

When describing a rate or ratio, what are the differences between no particle, に, and で? Also related: In a JLPT N5 sample test booklet, I came across the sentence below. Why is で used in the second ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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回{まわ}り as a counter for 12 years?

In Ryuu ga Gotoku 8 (aka Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth), when asked about getting with a younger lady, a character says the line "[彼女{かのじょ}]下手{へた}すりゃふた回{まわ}りも年下{としした}だぞ" ("at worst, [...
chausies's user avatar
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How does one pronounce "11.53 cups"?

I am uncertain how to handle the combination of the fraction, counter, and rendaku. Is it じゅういっぱいてんごじゅうさん or maybe じゅういちてんごじゅうさんばい? It occurred in this sentence here: 全日本【ぜんにほん】コーヒー協会【きょうかい】の2020年【...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Is there a difference between ふたり or ににん?

In the phrase 2人組, is there any difference between the readings 2人組 【ふたりぐみ】and 2人組 【ににんぐみ】? I found it in this sentence: 男性によると、路上飲みをしていた2人組が、そのまま路上で寝始めたといいます According to the man, a couple who were ...
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How to count trains per day?

In this sentence, how does one read the counters? 1日あたり16本運行しています There are 16 trains per day. I found several answers, such as... 1日【にち】あたり16本【ほん】運行【うんこう】しています ...
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What is 18坪? (じゅうはち + つぼ = ?)

What is 18坪? (じゅうはち + つぼ = ?) I found this sentence 18坪の店内【てんない】は落【お】ち着【つ】いた雰囲気【ふんいき】で、壁面【へきめん】にはぐるりとSP、LPレコードなどが1万枚【いちまんまい】並【なら】ぶ I did not ...
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What’s the difference between 1人のお客さん and お客さんの1人? [duplicate]

Does one have a different meaning? My guess is that 1人のお客さん means "one guest", while お客さんの1人 means "one of the guests", but I'm not sure.
Dee's user avatar
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How does 一つとして work in this sentence?

オリバンダーの杖には一つとして同じ杖はない。 No two Ollivander wands are the same. I'm struggling to parse this sentence. オリバンダーの杖には同じ杖はない on its own seems to make sense -- "there are no wands identical to Ollivander'...
user3856370's user avatar
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Reading of 第1希望?

How does one read the phrase 第1希望? Like this, maybe? 結婚【けっこん】して子【こ】どもがいる人生【じんせい】が第【だい】[1希望]【いっきぼう】だったから、他【ほか】のことは何【なに】も頑張【がんば】ってきていない My first choice was to get married and have children, so I haven'...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Counting lines of text

最初の一行を読んだ。 She read the first line. Is 一行 pronounced as いっこう or いちぎょう? Is a line of text just 行 or is it 一行? I can't figure out if 一行 is simply 'line' or 'one line'. I'm guessing that 行 is a counter ...
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