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Does the tsu つ counter have a kanji associated with it?

I can't seem to find anything online or in any dictionary. My conclusion is that there is no kanji but can anyone confirm this? Is there an archaic version that has gone out of use?
Kantura's user avatar
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What is the counter for kanji characters?

I want to count the number of kanji characters in a word. What is the counter for characters? I am thinking that the term mai would be used as they are written on paper.
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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How do I count pieces of Halloween candy of different shapes?

I know that a bag of candy is counted as fukuro. Are the pieces counted differently based on the shape, long, thick, square, round, triangular, or is everything ko?
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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What's the meaning of "十力所"

I'm currently reading 極主夫道 and I'm not sure I understand "十力所". Do you have any ideas? Is it 10 powerful people of the office or something else? Thank you!
sowon's user avatar
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幾人も or 一杯? Kanji or hiragana?

I am writing the following sentence: サン・パウロに日本人がいっぱいいるから。。。よかったですね! And I'd like to know if 幾人も could be a more respectful/more natural replacement for 一杯, and whether I should be using kanji.
Rodrigo's user avatar
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What is the correct way to read chapter numbers? (e.g.: 第1話)

I see this form often in manga book indexes. My dictonary gives me ダイ and テイ as possible readings for the first kanji, and I'm also not sure if the number should be read as a counter (like 一つ is read ...
chesterbr's user avatar
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Looking for a kanji/symbol used for counting noodles

Just to add some context: I was with a Japanese friend at a うどん and そば restaurant in 浅草 where they had a small sign by the counter to buy their fresh noodles. However, the size of the portion was not ...
Urukann's user avatar
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What does 着 mean in 「六時着」 and in 「六着」?

One of the kanji we recently learned in class was 着. We learned it could be used for to wear [着]{き}る, to arrive [着]{つ}く, and as either a "classifier for arrival" or a "counter for jacket". In our ...
Snowy Coder Girl's user avatar
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Why is 「人口」 used to denote population?

I'm just curious at the appearance of 「口」 that makes this word mean "population". Why should it be 「口」 as opposed to any other body part or anything else? Is there a definitive reason or story ...
Chris's user avatar
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