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How does one pronounce "11.53 cups"?

I am uncertain how to handle the combination of the fraction, counter, and rendaku. Is it じゅういっぱいてんごじゅうさん or maybe じゅういちてんごじゅうさんばい? It occurred in this sentence here: 全日本【ぜんにほん】コーヒー協会【きょうかい】の2020年【...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Is there a difference between ふたり or ににん?

In the phrase 2人組, is there any difference between the readings 2人組 【ふたりぐみ】and 2人組 【ににんぐみ】? I found it in this sentence: 男性によると、路上飲みをしていた2人組が、そのまま路上で寝始めたといいます According to the man, a couple who were ...
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What is 18坪? (じゅうはち + つぼ = ?)

What is 18坪? (じゅうはち + つぼ = ?) I found this sentence 18坪の店内【てんない】は落【お】ち着【つ】いた雰囲気【ふんいき】で、壁面【へきめん】にはぐるりとSP、LPレコードなどが1万枚【いちまんまい】並【なら】ぶ I did not ...
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Reading of 第1希望?

How does one read the phrase 第1希望? Like this, maybe? 結婚【けっこん】して子【こ】どもがいる人生【じんせい】が第【だい】[1希望]【いっきぼう】だったから、他【ほか】のことは何【なに】も頑張【がんば】ってきていない My first choice was to get married and have children, so I haven'...
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Are these counter readings correct? [closed]

Are these furigana correct? 多【おお】い日【ひ】で [1日]【いちにち】 に [10袋]【じっぷくろ】 以上【いじょう】出【で】ますので、約【やく】 [100]【ひゃく】 [kg]【キロ��ラム】 程度【ていど】出【で】ます On a typical day, we produce more than 10 bags (of bread crusts) a day, ...
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expressing fractions of people?

One pronounces "two people" as 二人【ふたり】, but what happens with "2.7 people"? Is the following reading of this sentence correct? このうち[2.7]{にてんなな}人【にん】に1人【ひとり】が「重【おも】い荷物【にもつ】を背負【せお】...
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Is いっしゅるい the correct reading of 1種類?

「いろいろやると大変【たいへん】になるから」と、メニューはカレーライス[1種類]【いっしゅるい】のみ He opened a small curry shop with only one type of curry rice on the menu, saying, "If I do too many things, it will be too much work." Is ...
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reading of the counter 種

How does one read the counter 種 in this dictionary entry?三毒/#jn-91663 仏語【ぶつご】。人【ひと】の善心【ぜんしん】を害【がい】する3種の煩悩【ぼんのう】。貪【とん】・瞋【しん】・痴【ち】。 There are three kinds of vexations ...
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Is1人 always ひとり? [duplicate]

This sentence appeared in Mainichi the other day: [1人]【ひとり】のために[10人]【じゅうにん】の未来【みらい】をつぶしていいんですか Is it okay to destroy the future of ten people for the sake of one person? Is the reading of 1人 in this ...
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二百十日 is read as にひゃくとおか. What about 百十日 or 三百十日? [duplicate]

十日 is read as とおか and 二十日 is read as はつか. 二百十日 is read as にひゃくとおか (not にひゃくじゅうにち) and 二百二十日 is read as にひゃくはつか. 三十日 is read as さんじゅうにち or みそか, 四十日 is read as しじゅうにち or よそか, 五十日 (50 days/50th day) is ...
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How does one know when to use ~ふん or ~ぷん when telling time in Japanese?

I'm wondering if there are any linguistic reasons or rules that can be applied to find out which to use, or do I just need to memorize them individually?
Morella Almånd's user avatar
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一部屋一部屋 Meaning and reading

I'm having some trouble with the following sentence: 一部屋一部屋が大きいのだろう、部屋のドアの間隔が広かった。 What's the meaning of the double "一部屋"? I think it's supposed to be each/every room, but I'm not sure. Also, is ...
DimKyp's user avatar
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Reading of 七時: why しちじ and not ななじ [duplicate]

Why does 7時「七時」use "しちじ" and not use "ななじ" ?
Nguyen Ngoc Quy's user avatar
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Decimal points and sound change of counters

I understand that when a series of numbers in Japanese includes a decimal point each number is voiced individually with the decimal point pronounced as てん as in the following example: 9.76 = ...
mattb's user avatar
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What is the correct way to read chapter numbers? (e.g.: 第1話)

I see this form often in manga book indexes. My dictonary gives me ダイ and テイ as possible readings for the first kanji, and I'm also not sure if the number should be read as a counter (like 一つ is read ...
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