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回{まわ}り as a counter for 12 years?

In Ryuu ga Gotoku 8 (aka Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth), when asked about getting with a younger lady, a character says the line "[彼女{かのじょ}]下手{へた}すりゃふた回{まわ}りも年下{としした}だぞ" ("at worst, [...
chausies's user avatar
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Why are there so many words that mean "first" (and other ordinal numbers)? What are the differences?

Here are the words that roughly mean "first" that I'm aware of, but feel free to add more: 最初 一番 一番目 一次 第一次 第一 第一位 一位 首位 What are the differences (if any) between all of them?
aviraldg's user avatar
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How does one express uncertainty when describing numbers e.g. 170-odd cases

I found myself stuttering when I tried to tell my boss that I had finished sending a-hundred-some-odd emails yesterday. I've ask a similar question on HiNative a long time ago, and here I quote the ...
Yeti Ape's user avatar
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The meaning of 四五町ほど(隔たる)

While reading Ryūnosuke Akutagawa's "In a Grove," I came across the sentence; 「山科の駅路からは、四五町ほど隔たって居りましょう。」山科 I understand to be a place and everything else is understandable for me other than 四五町. ...
nn1984K's user avatar
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How do I count pieces of Halloween candy of different shapes?

I know that a bag of candy is counted as fukuro. Are the pieces counted differently based on the shape, long, thick, square, round, triangular, or is everything ko?
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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Are Japanese counters the same when viewing items online?

As an example, I read three books online, would the counter 冊 still be used? I know that counters are based on size and shape of physical items, do the same rules apply when reading a book online?
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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Would the same counter be used to order a slice of pizza and a whole one?

When I order a pizza, would I use ichimai 一枚 to order a slice or the whole thing? Thank you.
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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What is the term used for a baby's age at birth?

Is a babies age determined by date of conception or date of birth? What is the term used for determining the age? A Japanese friend told me that a pregnancy is 10 months. I have always used tanjoubi ...
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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How to say "The other sister" and "I don't have any brothers"

Can someone explain to me how to say the other (younger) sister when talking about family? I have to younger sister and want to discuss their professions, like in One sister is a... and the other ...
Astro Jets's user avatar
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What does this mean in context? [幾本も幾本も]

From 銀河鉄道の夜(宮沢賢治) 二人がその白い道を 、 肩をならべて行きますと 、 二人の影は 、 ちょうど四方に窓のある部屋 の中の 、 二本の柱の影のように 、 また二つの車輪の輻のように幾本も幾本も四方へ出るのでした. What does 幾本も幾本も mean exactly and how is it used? How is it pronounced? Is it ...
Ontic's user avatar
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Letter change in counting strides

Here is something that has been bothering me for a while now: How to know how the letter changes inside words like for example 一杯、二杯? More concretely, I really need to know how to correctly count ...
ナウシカ's user avatar
3 votes
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What's the counter for episodes?

How can I say "I watched 13 episodes so far" in Japanese? What is the counter for episodes? I also would like to know the right word for episode. Is it 挿話? That's what I found on but since ...
ナウシカ's user avatar
5 votes
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"Line of code" in Japanese

I've been doing a bit of work with rendering 縦書き【たてがき】 in HTML, and was having a running internal monologue in Japanese about how things were progressing when I hit on a missing word: "line" as in "...
Kaji's user avatar
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Does 両目 have a special meaning or is it just a mistake?

Today I found this sentence on my Japanese textbook (みんなの日本語中級I - 本冊 pg. 70) And it didn't make any sense to me. 前から2両目の電車を降りたところで待っています。 I looked for 両目 on 電子辞書 and it says it means both eyes. ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Why is 「人口」 used to denote population?

I'm just curious at the appearance of 「口」 that makes this word mean "population". Why should it be 「口」 as opposed to any other body part or anything else? Is there a definitive reason or story ...
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