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Questions tagged [numbers]

数字. The various spoken and written forms of words and characters covering digits, numbers, numerals, including derived forms such as ordinals.

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Pitch accent of numbers with 万

I know that for the numbers 1-10, 万 changes the pitch accent to fall on the first mora of 万 (i.e. 一万(イチマ'ン), 五万(ゴマ'ン), 十万(ジューマ'ン)). But what about for words like 二十万, 十五万, 三百万. Do 二十, 十五, and 三百 keep ...
Tosaku's user avatar
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How are numbers used here in this sentence?

「多数派ではありますが、決して総意ではありません。感覚として、六四で復権派の方が多い、というくらいでしょうか。しかも、復権派のほとんどは土御門系ですね」 The character asks "Is the hope for the restoration the consensus of the people?" to which the character replies ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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In which situations is it okay to exceptionally prefix いち/一 to powers of 10 (ten) which are not powers of 10000 (ten thousand)?

My textbook (みんなの日本語, 2e, TWnese edition by 大新書局) and teacher teach that いち/一 is added for powers of 10000 (ten thousand), but not for other powers of 10 (ten). (That's not exactly how they phrase it, ...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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The history of ◯ being used to denote zero

What is the history behind ◯? Can someone shed some light on when it started getting used to represent zero in numbers and the like. For a kanji, it is quite peculiar as it looks like a kanjified 0. ...
Saegusa's user avatar
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How does one pronounce "11.53 cups"?

I am uncertain how to handle the combination of the fraction, counter, and rendaku. Is it じゅういっぱいてんごじゅうさん or maybe じゅういちてんごじゅうさんばい? It occurred in this sentence here: 全日本【ぜんにほん】コーヒー協会【きょうかい】の2020年【...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Pitch accent of 第+counter

What are the pitch patterns for 第+number/counter combinations?
Tosaku's user avatar
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When years are (or were) written using kanji numerals, what are the usual variants/options?

I believe that these days, years would be written almost always using western/Arabic numerals in either the Japanese era or Gregorian calendar. But it must sometimes be written using the kanji ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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What does 一人 mean in a sentence like this?

こちらは負傷者を一人抱えている "We are carrying a wounded person alone" or is it "We have one wounded person?" In the second case why 一人 is placed after 負傷者
Bluegate's user avatar
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When (or how) were simplified numbers in Japanese used e.g. mi = 3, na = 7, etc

There seems to be a cultural convention in Japanese that allows for "old" (simplified) versions of numbers to be used. An example of this would be the idol group 3776 which is known as "...
Noel Whitemore's user avatar
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What is 18坪? (じゅうはち + つぼ = ?)

What is 18坪? (じゅうはち + つぼ = ?) I found this sentence 18坪の店内【てんない】は落【お】ち着【つ】いた雰囲気【ふんいき】で、壁面【へきめん】にはぐるりとSP、LPレコードなどが1万枚【いちまんまい】並【なら】ぶ I did not ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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A problem with numbers

I ask again today a question that will probably be completely trivial for those who know the language. What is the difference between 一〇〇四六 and 一万四十六 ? Or (I think the difference is the same, but I ...
Ange Cornwell's user avatar
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Is か(個)/ヶ a productive component in measure words (助数詞)?

I have only seen か(個/カ/ヶ) in か月、か年(五か年計画)、か国(六か国会議)、か所、か条. Is it a productive component which can be used in making other new measure words?
Kotoba Trily Ngian's user avatar
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Is 77 ななじゅうなな or しちじゅうしち here?

One of the sentences I found in an online paper and put into my Anki deck is 77年前【ねんまえ】、原爆【げんばく】はなぜ長崎【ながさき】に落【お】とされたのか? Why was the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki 77 years ago? How is 77 read? If I ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Number+counter when NOT used as an adverb

Following up from this question, I'm curious how Japanese people naturally describe the numbers of things when NOT used like an adverb. Do they still use 「thing + number + counter」, just like when ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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All the ways of writing numbers

I couldn't find any sites where I could get a comprehensive list of possible number writing formats. My question is mainly about mixing and matching different ideas I've seen online. For general, ...
GorbitGames's user avatar

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