In this sentence, how does one read the counters?

There are 16 trains per day.

I found several answers, such as...

My best guess is

  • [1日]【いちひ】あたり[16本]【じゅうろっぽん】運行【うんこう】しています
  • 2
    The question of ほん or ぽん is purely phonetic. It doesn't matter whether the counter is used for trains or, say, pens. If 日 as a measure word was pronounced ひ, 一日 would be いっぴ. In fact, it is sometimes used for ついたち, but not for the period of one day.
    – aguijonazo
    Commented Dec 3, 2023 at 10:05

1 Answer 1

  • This 1日 is read いちにち. Other readings (ついたち, いちじつ, いっぴ, etc) are incorrect. Although there is a phrase ひあたり ("per day"), this is an independent phrase that cannot be used with a number like "1".
  • As for 16本, you can read it either as じゅうろっぽん or じゅうろくほん. Both sound natural, and I don't know which is better.

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