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Difference between ... 椅子が三つ and 三つの椅子? [duplicate]

Please, is there a difference between these two sentences!? Duolingo translates them both the same! 部屋に 椅子が三つ あります。 部屋に 三つの椅子が あります。 I believe they should have slightly different meanings, but I don'...
Juliana Pacheco's user avatar
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Counters with and without の

I'm currently reading a short paragraph here that has the following sentences: 男{おとこ}はそう言{い}うと、もう一枚{いちまい}マントを出{だ}して、急{いそ}いで着{き}ました。北風{きたかぜ}は二{に}枚{まい}のマントを脱{ぬ}がせるために、もっと強{つよ}く風{かぜ}を吹{ふ}きました。 In ...
user154989's user avatar
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What is the difference between 「女性一人」 and 「一人の女性」?

So far, I've learnt that a quantity (number + counter) can be attached to a noun to quantify it by using の: 一人の女性。One woman. However, I came across a sentence in my textbook where the noun an the ...
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