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The Reason Behind Semantic
Why does Google avoid the word “PageRank”
What’s up with Topical
Am I against buying links?
What’s Up with Topical
Do I Buy Links?
What’s Up with Topical
Does SEO have to make sense?
If you don’t read, No....

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Quality Content at Scale Through Automated Text Summarization of UGC
Quality Content at Scale Through Automated Text Summarization of UGCQuality Content at Scale Through Automated Text Summarization of UGC
Quality Content at Scale Through Automated Text Summarization of UGC

The document discusses using automated text summarization techniques to generate quality content at scale from user-generated content like online product reviews. It proposes a technical plan to download Amazon reviews, remove duplicate sentences using neural semantic textual similarity, and then generate frequently asked questions and corresponding FAQ schema by feeding the review text into a neural question generation model. The goal is to leverage user content and machine learning to automatically create helpful content for websites.

seoartificial intelligenceuser experience
Semantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queriesSemantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queries

This document summarizes how Google search results are evolving to include more semantic data through direct answers, structured snippets, and rich snippets. It provides examples of direct answers being extracted from authoritative sources using natural language queries and intent templates. It also discusses how including structured data like tables, schemas, and markup can help search engines understand and display page content in a more standardized way. While knowledge-based trust is an interesting concept, current search ranking still primarily relies on link analysis and does not consider factual correctness.

SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0

A look at search-related patents from Google that people who do SEO may be interested in learning about

knowledge graphentitiesfeatured snippets
What’s Up with Topical
RankMerge = Actual Traffic + PageRank
What’s Up with Topical
Why is PageRank for a blind librarian?
What’s Up with Topical
How did I structure the concept?
Topical Authority was a protest, but not against link building.
What’s Up with Topical
Topical Authority = Topical Coverage + Historical Data

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How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python
How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With PythonHow to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python
How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python

The document describes a Python script that can automatically generate new subcategories for an ecommerce website based on clustering product names. It discusses: - Using NLTK to generate n-grams from product names to cluster related products - Filtering the n-grams to keep only those with commercial value by checking for search volume and CPC data - Running the script on a large home improvement site to identify over 1,650 new subcategory opportunities with a total search volume of over 13 million - Sharing the script so others can automate subcategory identification for their own sites to scale up an important SEO tactic.

The Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy Marketer
The Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy MarketerThe Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy Marketer
The Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy Marketer

What percentage of an Inbound marketer's day doesn't involve working with spreadsheets? How much of this work is time-consuming and repetitive? In this interactive session, you will learn how to manipulate Google Sheets to automate common data analysis workflows using Python, a very easy to use programming language.

Entity Seo Mastery
Entity Seo MasteryEntity Seo Mastery
Entity Seo Mastery

1) Knowledge graphs are structured databases that represent real-world entities and their relationships to each other. They help search engines like Google understand topics at a deeper level. 2) Entities (topics) are becoming more important than keywords for search engines to understand content. Google's entity understanding can be checked using their natural language processing tool. 3) Semantic SEO techniques like tightly linking topics both internally and to relevant external pages can help improve how search engines understand and represent the entities within a website through their knowledge graphs.

seointernet marketingdixon jones
Sample 1 – TheCoolist
From 800,000 to over 3,000,000 clicks a month.
Over 450,000 new ranking queries.
Language: English
Industry: Generic
Fill Topical Gaps
Entertainment, Architecture, Social Skills –> Personality Types
Prioritize Topics
Create Momentum
Increase Ranking Priority for a Topic.

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7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon

Avoid the most common SEO issues, challenges and mistakes by going through this presentation with tips, criteria and tools to use independently of your online store Web platform, and grow your organic search results

ecommerceecommerce seoseo for ecommerce
SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update
SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core UpdateSEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update
SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update

This document provides SEO metrics and comparisons for the website over several time periods between April 2019 and September 2019. It shows substantial increases in key metrics like organic traffic, clicks, impressions, and average position after Google algorithm updates in May, June, July, and September. However, it also shows significant drops in these metrics during a server outage in early August. Overall the data demonstrates the site's strong SEO performance and organic growth over the 6-month period analyzed.

search engine optimizationcase studyseo
Internal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptx
Internal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptxInternal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptx
Internal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptx

This document discusses internal linking strategies and techniques. It begins by explaining the benefits of connecting entities within content, rather than just words, and translating those connections into internal links. It then provides an overview of technologies like PageRank, the reasonable surfer algorithm, topical PageRank, chunking, and natural language processing that search engines use to understand contexts and how those ideas can be applied to internal linking at scale. Specific options for approaches to internal linking existing pages are also outlined.

Design a Semantic Content
Topical Map + Semantically Organized Content Network with a Knowledge Base
Nothing is Random in a Semantic Content Network
Contextual Vector + Contextual Hierarchy + Contextual Structure +
Contextual Connection + Contextual Coverage and Flow
Every heading, paragraph,
anchor text, list item, sentences
before listings, sentences after
First sentence after heading,
anchor texts, anchor text
positions, tables, table columns,
question and answer formats...
Everything is about context in
Sample 2 - Svalbardi
We sell a botle of water for 90 Euroes. My favourite business model.
A Shopify Store with 27 Articles with Semantics
Get Classified with Top
Language: English
Industry: Luxury Water
Understand Macro Semantics (Topical Map + Context Distribution)

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TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOsTechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs

The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

apps scriptseogoogle sheets
BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Wo...
BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Wo...BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Wo...
BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Wo...

This document discusses SEO testing and experimentation. It provides examples of types of SEO tests that could be done, such as pre-post testing, A/B testing, and combining different measurement approaches. Specific cases are also mentioned, like testing the impact of internal linking, HTML sitemaps, and changes to page titles and meta descriptions. The document emphasizes that SEO testing takes work to set up properly and find meaningful results, but it is important for identifying what strategies are truly effective.

How to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerce
How to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerceHow to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerce
How to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerce

BrightonSEO 2022: presentation by Verbolia's CEO on how to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerce.

Topical Authority requires
Topical Consolidation
From B2B to D2C Transition.
Taking Investment.
Understand Micro Semantics (Semantic Content Network + Context Construction)
Create with Order.
Unite with Momentum.
An example of Topical Map and Semantic Content
Network Creation
A Diagram for a Topical Map
Only %5 is completed.
Understand Ranking
Always exceed the Quality Thresholds. (Initial and Re-ranking)

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How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance
How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performanceHow to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance
How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance

Understanding and diagnosing indexation issues is vital to SEO success, but until very recently, getting good data was nearly impossible. Google’s newly-introduced URL Inspection API opens a new world of possibilities for tracking indexation. In this talk, Simon explores how to leverage this data to monitor status, spot changes, and catch issues in realtime — no coding required!

seoseo software
Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con
Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA ConSemantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con
Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con

1) Google uses various techniques to extract structured information like entities, relationships, and properties from unstructured text on the web and databases. This extracted information is then used to generate knowledge graphs and provide augmented responses to user queries. 2) One key technique is to identify patterns in which tuples of information are stored in databases, and then extract additional tuples by repeating the process and utilizing the identified patterns. 3) Google also extracts entities from user queries and may generate a knowledge graph to answer questions by providing information about the entities from sources like its own knowledge graph and information extracted from the web.

BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags
BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity TagsBrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags
BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags

My talk from BrightonSEO 2021; focusing on using Google's image category labels (glancing into the Knowledge Graph and Google's image annotation processes) for better topic research and content optimization.

seoimage seoimage category labels
How to Take Authority of
another website?
One of the 23 SEO Case Study.
• Get associated with the Top Authority Websites.
• Create Site-wide Topical Entries and Context
• Get most of your traffic from the most important
• Outrank the top authorities to use Algorithmic
Optimize Macro and Micro semantics.
Practical Suggestions for Semantic SEO
‘X website outranks Y website for Z topic for P months’
Creates a Re-ranking Trigger for related topics.
But when, exactly?

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How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...
How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...
How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...

Maximize cost-effective SEO implementation and achieve SEO success with SEO audits that get implemented: * Make your SEO audits solutions focused to develop action driven recommendations * Prioritize your SEO recommendations based on impact and effort, with SEO low-hanging fruits * Establish ongoing actions to prevent new SEO issues & leverage opportunities during the process * Connect each of your SEO recommendations to SMARTER SEO goals * Format SEO recommendations to facilitate actionability and collaboration * Develop frequent recommendations reviews & tests to keep them relevant and impactful

seoseo auditsseo process
What is in a link?
What is in a link?What is in a link?
What is in a link?

This document discusses the value and uses of hyperlinks. It explains that hyperlinks can help understand a person's influence, interests, and peers. Hyperlinks also allow you to find influencers around a topic or identify the authors of a news site. The key takeaway is that having access to true link data and understanding how to analyze link information can provide new insights.

Bearish SEO: Defining the User Experience for Google’s Panda Search Landscape
Bearish SEO: Defining the User Experience for Google’s Panda Search LandscapeBearish SEO: Defining the User Experience for Google’s Panda Search Landscape
Bearish SEO: Defining the User Experience for Google’s Panda Search Landscape

The search sun shifted in March 2011 when Google started rolling out the beginning of the Panda update. Instead of using the famous PageRank, a link-based relevance calculation, Panda rests on a machine interpretation of user experience to decide which sites are most relevant to a searchers quest for knowledge. This means that IA and UX practitioners need to start thinking about the machine implications of the way they structure information on the web, and think ahead about the human implications for how search engines present their sites in response to searcher queries. Bearish SEO will present real, actionable methods for content providers, information architects and user experience designers to directly influence search engine discoverability. Need is an experience. It is a state of being. The goal for this presentation is to ensure that user experience professionals become an integral part of designing search experience.

google panda updatesearch enginessearching
Sample 3 - ABCFinance
What is Ranking State?
Sample 4 - Roxiecosmetics
From a Negative Ranking State to Positive One.
But When?
After a Broad Core Algorithm Update.
Reflect Main Topic of Website

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Search and social patents for 2012 and beyond
Search and social patents for 2012 and beyondSearch and social patents for 2012 and beyond
Search and social patents for 2012 and beyond

The document summarizes Bill Slawski's presentation on search and social media patents from 2012 and beyond. It discusses various patents Google has acquired related to search, social media, hardware, fiber optic networks, and more. It also outlines patents for phrase-based indexing, concept-based indexing, ranking pages based on user interactions, building a knowledge graph, and developing a planet-scale distributed search index. Slawski suggests Google may expand into hardware, entertainment, internet service provision, and more based on its patent portfolio.

patentssearch enginesseo
Search V Next Final
Search V Next FinalSearch V Next Final
Search V Next Final

This document discusses search engine optimization and the development of search systems. It notes that computer science has directed search system development with a focus on results relevance, while neglecting user experience. The intent is to inspire deeper engagement in designing search experiences that do more than just sell products. It also discusses challenges like the volume of online information, differences in language and perception, and the limitations of current search systems.

seoeuroia 2009next generation search
SEO Best Practices Tools and Resources
SEO Best Practices Tools and ResourcesSEO Best Practices Tools and Resources
SEO Best Practices Tools and Resources

1. The document discusses the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for businesses, including keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, local SEO, structured data, mobile SEO, and blogging. 2. It emphasizes that domain authority, keyword usage, on-page factors, web design, and social media impact SEO rankings to varying degrees, with domain authority and keyword usage being most important. 3. The document provides tips for each SEO strategy and explains how implementing all of the strategies can maximize a business's search visibility.

local seoseocontent marketing
Where you get traffic determines main
topic of website.
Website A
Has 999 pages about Porn Has 1 page about Bible
Has 1 sessions for these 999 pages.
Has 1 million organic sessions for this
single page.
Is this a Porn or Bible website?
Link most Quality Web pages from
Homepage for Targeted Topics
Understand Quality Nodes.
Link most Quality Web pages from
Homepage for Targeted Topics
Macro and Micro Semantics
4 more Samples

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How To Use AI To Enhance Your SEO & Create Better Content
How To Use AI To Enhance Your SEO & Create Better ContentHow To Use AI To Enhance Your SEO & Create Better Content
How To Use AI To Enhance Your SEO & Create Better Content

With AI taking the content marketing world by storm, many are wondering about the big questions: can you use AI to create high-ranking, effective content? And what’s the right way to do it? Check out this webinar and hear the key concepts behind successful AI usage, along with real-life case studies from marketers using AI for their SEO and content. You’ll learn: - How to combine SEO data with AI technology - Examples of unconventional uses of AI for content - Case studies of how AI has enhanced SEO and content strategies With Margarita Loktionova, Content Marketing Lead at Semrush, and Andy Crestodina, founder of Orbit Media, we’ll dive into the practical ways you can leverage AI tools for more efficient and effective campaigns that rank higher.

searchenginejournalcontent marketingcontent strategy
Search engines
Search enginesSearch engines
Search engines

The document discusses search engines and how they have evolved over time. It explains that early search engines ranked results based mainly on content, while modern engines also consider factors like page structure, popularity, and reputation. The document provides definitions of key search-related terms and outlines some of the main components and processes involved in how search engines work, such as crawling websites, indexing pages, and ranking results. It also discusses different types of search tools and how to choose the best one depending on your information needs.

The Beginner's Guide to Blog Optimization & Content Promotion
The Beginner's Guide to Blog Optimization & Content PromotionThe Beginner's Guide to Blog Optimization & Content Promotion
The Beginner's Guide to Blog Optimization & Content Promotion

This document discusses Ryan Stewart's SEO services and methods for growing website traffic. It provides tips for choosing keywords, creating content in different formats, and promoting content across owned, earned, and paid channels. The document contains strategies for keyword research, developing audience profiles, optimizing content for search engines, repurposing content, outreach to influencers and publications, and paid social media advertising. The goal is to generate an online buzz and traffic through content marketing.

seocontent marketingcontent promotion
Sample 5 - Nasdaq
A Company from NASDAQ. – I don’t want to pay half million, sorry.
Sample 5 - Nasdaq
I bought stocks since I do SEO... SEO doesn’t correlate with stock prices.
Sample 6 - Snuffstore
Language: German - Industry: E-cigaratte – Semantics are Language Agnostic.
Sample 7 - Kanbanize
Language: English - Industry: Task Management

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Understanding Seo At A Glance
Understanding Seo At A GlanceUnderstanding Seo At A Glance
Understanding Seo At A Glance

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) concepts, including: 1) The importance of SEO for driving online and offline sales. 2) How search engines work and are composed of web crawlers and databases to index web pages. 3) Key factors search engines use to evaluate and rank pages, such as relevance, importance, links, and content. 4) Techniques for improving rankings, like optimizing titles, meta tags, and adding relevant and quality backlinks.

understanding seo at a glance
The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (...
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The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (...

1) Semantic search relies on understanding the conceptual relationships between keywords rather than exact matches, so SEOs must conduct more thorough semantic keyword research. 2) Tools like KNIME allow SEOs to automate data collection from sources like search engines and social media, analyze the data using techniques like TF-IDF and LDA to group keywords semantically, and visualize relationships to guide on-page optimization. 3) By understanding conceptual topics and how consumer language is used, SEOs can better optimize websites for searcher intent to perform well in semantic search.

brightonseoknimebrighton seo
Marketing AI - How to Build a Keyword Ontology
Marketing AI - How to Build a Keyword OntologyMarketing AI - How to Build a Keyword Ontology
Marketing AI - How to Build a Keyword Ontology

From a workshop presented at MinneWebCon 2018. Keywords are the life’s blood of a marketing enterprise. Most marketing organizations struggle to find the right keywords for their teams. At IBM we built a keyword ontology, which is a fancy name for a set of taxonomies related to the keywords our target audiences most often use in their search queries. We use the ontology to ensure that new pages are built with the language of the customer. This workshop discusses the use of AI-enhanced processes to drive keyword management, as well as practical methods for search and IA success.

Algorithmic Authorship and Content Engineering
Art of organizing humans with algorithmic rules of writing,
and content structuring according to LLMs.
Which sentence is more relevant?
Query: ‘What is a penguin’
Penguin is a flightless seabirds with flippers instead of wings that live almost
exclusively below the equator.
Penguin is a flightless seabirds that live almost exclusively below the equator.
Penguin is a flightless seabirds that live almost exclusively below the equator and they
have flippers instead of wings.
Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Sentence 3
Query: ‘Where does a Penguin Live?’
Prioritize Attributes and Contexts
Interrogative Term: ‘Where’ is a signal for place.
Penguins live below the equator, in the X, Y, Z geographies because their flippers and flightless
Seabirds nature provide.....
Query: ‘Where does a Penguin Live?’
Prioritize Attributes and Contexts
Learn Query Processing,
and Understanding.
What happens if query is a single word
Like, ‘Penguin’?

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Not Your Mom's SEO
Not Your Mom's SEONot Your Mom's SEO
Not Your Mom's SEO

The document discusses issues with how computer science has directed the development of search systems, focusing on efficiency over user experience. It argues search systems have paid minimal attention to the user experience beyond results relevance and ad-matching. The goal of the plenary is to inspire designing search experiences that do more than just sell products well.

seosearch technologyinternational seo
Deck_Rob Flaherty
Deck_Rob FlahertyDeck_Rob Flaherty
Deck_Rob Flaherty

This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and why it is important for findability. It begins by providing a brief history of search and how Google works to index websites and rank pages. It explains that findability, or how easily information can be found on a website, is important for readership and discovery. The document outlines some prerequisites for findability, including how Google needs to be able to find content and value it. It stresses the importance of using keywords that match a site's audience's search terms and language. Finally, it discusses tactics like using descriptive microcontent and titles to help search engines and humans understand what the page is about at a glance. The overall message is that SEO is about optimizing content

asbpe-ny 2012 digital boot camp
The Relationship Between SEO & Content
The Relationship Between SEO & ContentThe Relationship Between SEO & Content
The Relationship Between SEO & Content

Why is SEO still important to content marketing and content creation professionals? Because search engines are getting better at optimizing for humans!

content marketingseocontent strategy
“Understanding” is needed.
• Google focused on
• Microsoft Bing followed the
same purpose, and created
“Understanding” is needed.
• It is not about Stuffing
• It is about Creating a
Knowledge-base in the form
of Content.
“Understanding” is needed.
• Calculate Attribute
• Understand Semantic
• Understand Semantic
“Understanding” is needed.
• Strength-based Re-ranking.
• Coverage-based Re-ranking.

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Digifoot 2012 ppt
Digifoot 2012 pptDigifoot 2012 ppt
Digifoot 2012 ppt

This document provides guidance on how to effectively research topics online. It discusses the importance of using reliable sources like purchased databases, library books, and teacher-approved websites. It also notes the challenges of finding quality information on the open web. The document offers tips for crafting effective search queries, carefully examining search results, and evaluating websites based on factors like the author, date, content quality, and domain extension. It promotes the "triangle method" of cross-referencing information from multiple sources. Key strategies presented include using domain extensions to identify source types, checking for author information and site currency, and looking for inconsistencies or errors.

Search Engine Optimisation: A High Level View
Search Engine Optimisation: A High Level ViewSearch Engine Optimisation: A High Level View
Search Engine Optimisation: A High Level View

High level view of what SEO is; Keyword optimisation; building websites optimally for search; Social Media search and the Future of Search

seo keywords search 101
Bryan Bell Presentation
Bryan Bell PresentationBryan Bell Presentation
Bryan Bell Presentation

The document summarizes a presentation about semantic search and semantic networks. It defines semantic search as utilizing an understanding of word meanings and relationships to provide more precise and complete search results. It then explains that a semantic network maps associations and meanings of words, including definitions, relationships, and enables both high precision and recall in search results. The presentation demonstrates how a semantic disambiguator and automated question answering system utilizing semantics can analyze language more accurately than traditional keyword searches.

Be Cheaper
Cost of Retrieval (Another concept for me)
Source: Search Quality Meeting: Spelling for Long Queries (Annotated) – March 12, 2012
What is the Cost of Understanding you?
Source: Improving Search Over the Years – 1 April
Source: Webmaster Hangout, Zurich, 2021.

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Attacat- Turing Festival presentation August 16th 2016
Attacat- Turing Festival presentation August 16th 2016Attacat- Turing Festival presentation August 16th 2016
Attacat- Turing Festival presentation August 16th 2016

This document discusses how search engine optimization has evolved from focusing on keywords to focusing more on concepts, questions, themes, and understanding entities and their relationships. It provides tips for tracking rankings taking into account different devices, locations, and other factors. It also discusses developing content around topics and themes, using tools to understand topics and entities, and using question-focused content and schema markup to help search engines understand the content.

mozjoel lumsdenturing festival
Advanced google searching (1)
Advanced google searching (1)Advanced google searching (1)
Advanced google searching (1)

This document provides information on advanced Google searching techniques. It discusses how search engines work and user expectations. Various search operators and strategies are described, such as phrase searches, Boolean operators, title searches, URL searches, and site-limited searches. The document recommends beginning with a title field search using Boolean expressions that is limited to a top-level domain or specific website to find the most relevant information.

How AI/ML Can Supercharge Your SEO (a TNW round table)
How AI/ML Can Supercharge Your SEO (a TNW round table)How AI/ML Can Supercharge Your SEO (a TNW round table)
How AI/ML Can Supercharge Your SEO (a TNW round table)

This document discusses how AI/ML can be used for SEO purposes. It describes WordLift, a semantic platform for SEO that uses NLP, ANNs and other techniques. It demonstrates how WordLift can be used to improve image alt text through image captioning, build knowledge graphs from URLs to enrich structured data, and analyze semantic similarity between titles and queries to boost click-through rates. The document also discusses challenges around data and the need for subject matter experts, and how the ML/AI stack is evolving to become simpler.

wordliftaimachine learning
Cost of Ranking A Website can’t be higher
than Cost of Not Ranking the Website.
Which one is Cheaper?
Website B
1400 Content Item (Web Pages)
1200 Triples
94% Accuracy
7 Connected Topics
Clarity %96
Website A
600 Content Item (Web Pages)
900 Triples
59% Accuracy
3 Connected Topics
Clarity %78
To satisfy 9 Million Search Queries
I won’t rank 9 million different website.
Topical Authority is born from the idea
of Decreasing the Cost of Retrieval.

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idealaunch - Content Marketing Webinar August 2009
idealaunch - Content Marketing Webinar August 2009idealaunch - Content Marketing Webinar August 2009
idealaunch - Content Marketing Webinar August 2009

It's not just another buzz term! Content Marketing is the most effective way to grow your business. It’s the art of discovering what your customers need and want to know, and the science of delivering it to them in a compelling and engaging way. Learn the secrets of creating great content and how to optimize it for both readers and search engines. Learn how to put A/B and multivariate testing to work improving conversion rates and maximizing ROI. Content creation, content optimization and content testing add up to content marketing.

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The digital marketing industry is changing faster than ever and those who don’t adapt with the times are losing market share. Where should marketers be focusing their efforts? What strategies are the experts seeing get the best results? Get up-to-speed with the latest industry insights, trends and predictions for the future in this panel discussion with some leading digital marketing experts.

digital marketingmarketingsales
webs jyoti php training in gurgaon
webs  jyoti  php training   in   gurgaonwebs  jyoti  php training   in   gurgaon
webs jyoti php training in gurgaon

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is particularly suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is primarily used for server-side scripting but can also be used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is renowned for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with various databases and web servers, making it one of the most popular languages for building dynamic websites and web applications.led by Mr. Hirdesh Bharadwaj, is an ideal choice for summer training in PHP in Delhi. With Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years of experience in the field, Webs Jyoti offers top-notch training in PHP development. One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.Ducat offers comprehensive PHP training with a strong focus on practical implementation and live projects. Their course covers the latest industry standards and trends, ensuring that students are well-prepared for job placements​ ​. Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Voice Search Optimization ACIL Computer Education: Known for its industry-standard training, ACIL offers various PHP courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. They emphasize hands-on training with real-world simulations and provide job assistance and placement guarantees for certain courses​. APTRON Gurgaon: APTRON offers a well-structured PHP course with modules on basic to advanced PHP concepts, webs jyoti, and CodeIgniter. They also provide live project experience and job placement assistance. ​​SLA Consultants India: SLA offers an advanced PHP training program designed by experienced professionals. Their course includes live projects, instructor-led classroom sessions, and extensive practical exposure to ensure students are industry-ready​ ​. Each of these institutes has its own strengths, so you might choose one based on specific criteria such as course content, faculty experience, or placement records.Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Webs Jyoti ensures that students receive top-notch education and support to kickstart their careers in coding and software development.One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects. Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years experien

#keyword research#social media marketing#affiliate marketing
Have Query Responsiveness
Optimize for Large Language Models, not
for Blind Librarians
Information Retrieval Information Extraction
• Query to Document Relevance
• Document to Query Relevance
• Document to Document Similarity
• Query to Query Similarity
• Query to Question, and Question to
• Focus on Question and Answer
Generation for IR.
Generate Unique Questions
Information Responsiveness
Information Responsiveness is involving
the respective entity, attribute,
Value combinations with a macro and
micro context distribution across multiple
Semantically organized content network
to prove overall quality and relevance of
Sample 9 – Entity Identity Creation
Use Information Responsiveness, Quality and Accuracy to
Change Google’s perception against Popular and High-level
PageRank sources.
If you can convince Google that ‘X is Y’ but not ‘Z’ with semantics,
İt means that your topical map will be knowledge base.
A website will rank only if they are similar to you.
Make your competitors imitate you.

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LLMo Optimization for SEO
1. Fine-tune a LLM.
2. Create a Topical Map.
3. Create a Semantic Content Network.
4. Generate Content
5. Include Human Effort
6. Improve your Knowledge Base
7. Make your website a Speaking AI.
Human Effort with Microsemantic Optimization is must.
Find a Knowledge Base

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Use Natural Language Inference with
Chain of Reasoning
Understand Author Vectors
Optimize for Web Entity, not Website
Web Entity:
Social Media Accounts
Local Address
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Who is gonna win?
The SEO who understands,
not the SEO who imitates.
Semantics are Language Agnostic.
Source: Facilitating communications with automated assistants in multiple languages
Cross-lingual Embeddings for Semantic Search
A Cross Lingual Embeddings Example for the Sentence
‘Semantic search is an opportunity for Conversational Generative AI Search.’

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Word Embeddings with Semantic Distance and Context Associations.
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Word Embeddings with Semantic Distance and Context Associations.
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David C. Taylor – Context and Knowledge Domains with Embeddings

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Hexagon is connected to Ultrasonic.
Ultrasonic is not a primary connection to Hexagon.
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«Hexagon» is an «Ultrasonic Wave» type.
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‘Quartz’ and ‘Cleaner’.
Macro Context: ‘Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines‘.
How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
‘Quartz’ and ‘Cleaner’.

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Understand Search Engine
‘Cleaners’ and ‘ultrasonic’
How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
‘Cleaner’ and ‘Ultrasonic’.
How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
‘Quartz’ and ‘Ultrasonic’.
How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
‘Quartz’ and ‘Ultrasonic’.
• ‘Quartz’ and ‘Ultrasonic’.
• Macro Context: ‘ Quartz Ultrasonic
Absorption and Measurement‘.
• Micro Context: Ultrasonic Cleaning for
Qaurtz Surfaces
• Zertec and its Products is signifier.

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What is Large Language Model Optimization?
A Language Interpretiy Tool by Google is published. You can check ‘Word Compositionality’ and ‘Embeddings’
for certain contexts.
How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
Large Language Model Optimization and Answer Engine Optimization are different technical expressions for
Semantic Search Engine Optimization.
Sequence Modeling (Word Compositionality Modeling)
İs backbone of Semantic SEO.
• What is the possibility of ‘Cat’ appears with predicates of
‘chase’, ‘eat’, or ‘fly’?.
Optimize Sequences of Words. (Sequence Modeling).
How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
A manual exercise for ‘sensing search engine’
An Example of Relevance Configuration
‘Financial Advisor helps families to achieve financial independence.’ ‘Families achieve financial independence with the help of the financial
Macro Context: ‘Financial Advisor’ Macro Context: ‘Family Economics’
Possible Search Queries: ‘Financial Advisor + Family’
Possible Representative Question: ‘What does
Financial Advisor help families for?’
Possible Search Queries: ‘Family + Financial Independence’
Possible Representative Question: ‘How does a
family achieve financial independence?’

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How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
‘Purple Yam’ -> ‘Sweet Potatoes’
What’s the game of Google?
How does Google Prepare itself?
From Document Ranking to Contextual
Answer Ranking

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From Document Ranking to Contextual
Answer Ranking
• Quality
• Sensibleness
• Specifity
• Interestingness
• Safety
• Groundedness
From Document Ranking to Contextual
Answer Ranking
From Document Ranking to Contextual
Answer Ranking
Holistic SEO Community

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Semantic SEO Course
‘Black is the new white.’
Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR
Thank you, Saigon!
Did I write Saigon correctly?

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There is no difference between keyword stuffing
and entity stuffing.
Gibberish is gibberish.
What is a Blind Librarian?
Sources for Future AI Search with
• Generation of text segment dependency analysis using neural networks
• Facilitating communications with automated assistants in multiple languages
• Processing techniques for text capture from a rendered document
• Training and/or determining responsive actions for natural language input using coder models
• Automatically determining language for speech recognition of spoken utterance received via an automated assistant
• Non-deterministic task initiation with personal assistant module
• Systems and methods for biomechanically-based eye signals for interacting with real and virtual objects
• On-device projection neural networks for natural language understanding
• End of query detection
• Voice recognition system
• Annotations in software applications for invoking dialog system functions
• Enhancing functionalities of virtual assistants and dialog systems via plugin marketplace
• Determining Dialog States for Language Models
• Parameter collection and automatic dialog generation in dialog systems
Google merged with
• Company started to focus on “Information Extraction”, not
to “Information Retrieval” and “PageRank”.
• Oingo is the inventor of Open Information Extraction.
• Open Information Extraction is to create a structured data
network from prose-type content.
• It requires to create a “Knowledge Base”.
Sergey Brin tried first
Semantic Search Engine
attempt in 1999.
• The First Semantic Search Engine Patent is filled in
• It focused on “Patterns” and “Relations” in databases.
• It didn’t work out due to high cost, low confidence.

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Authors, Books, HTML Tags,
URL Patterns, and Queries
• Books and Authors (Tuples) were the first trial of
the Semantic Search Engine creation.
• But there were problems; fake authors, wrong
titles, wrong genre names.
Source: Extracting Patterns from Databases, Sergey Brin
DUAL Iterative Pattern
Extraction became a norm.
• Sergey Brin suggested using “Dual
Iterative Pattern Extraction
• Dual means a “tuple” in the form
of an “entity” and an “attribute”.
• Pattern recognition became a
fundamental step for semantic
Google didn’t give up.
• They created “Phrase-posting” lists for
different contexts.
• They extracted “Co-occurrences” to
construct a Proximity Search methodology.
• They used tokenization, lemmatization,
and stemming for words.
• They have used TF-IDF, BM25, and Query
Likelihood models.
• They have invented Word2Vec, and GlovE.
• But none of these were good enough to
change the state from “Blind Librarian” to
“Understanding Search Engine”.
Is TF-IDF so good? No…
TF-IDF helps SEOs for many years to understand Document
Statistics, but it has some flaws.
• Longer Documents has “Higher Relevance” for TF-IDF.
• Document Frequency (Corpus Size) manipulates the
• Term Frequency for X is 50, Document Size is 50,
Relevance 0.
• Term Frequency for X is 50, Document Size 51,
Relevance 1%.
• Term Frequency for X is 50, Document Size 5001,
Relevance is 90%+.
• Term Frequency is 500 (Because document is longer),
Document Size is 900, relevance will be increased
We are still blind.
Source: Christophher D.
Manning, and Prabhakar

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Is B25 so good? No…
A document that mentions “cat” 60 times is
not twice more as relevant as a document
that mentions “cat” 30 times.
• BM25 has an extra parameter (k1) to
normalize “term saturation”.
How about short articles?
• BM25 finds short articles more relevant.
• Long-form articles lost relevance.
We are still blind.
Source: Christophher D.
Manning, and Prabhakar
Term Saturation x Term Stuffing
An example of Lexical
If query has both “USA” and “Moon”, the phrase posting list
Moon -> 24, 66, 54, 21, 09, 43, 421
USA -> 42, 31, 56, 72, 31, 54, 51
• 54 exists on both inverted index.
• “…. Bla bla bla bla….. Moon…… bla bla bla USA….. Bla bla bla…..
• We are still blind.
Lastly, Query Likelihood …
What is the possibility of ‘Query terms’ to appearing in a
Query Likelihood is a transition between ‘Lexical Search’
and ‘Semantic Search’.
But still, it doesn’t understand.
Transition starts with LLMs.
“Understanding” is needed.
• Google focused on
• Microsoft Bing followed the
same purpose, and created

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“Understanding” is needed.
• It is not about Stuffing
• It is about Creating a
Knowledge-base in the form
of Content.
“Understanding” is needed.
• Calculate Attribute
• Understand Semantic
• Understand Semantic
“Understanding” is needed.
• Strength-based Re-ranking.
• Coverage-based Re-ranking.
Google didn’t give up.
“The destiny of [Google’s
search engine] is to become
that Star Trek computer, and
that’s what we are building.”
- Amit Singhal

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Google didn’t give up.
“Google is
designed for
users, not for
- Lawrance Page
How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
‘Purple Yam’ -> ‘Sweet Potatoes’
How to Understand Language Models and
Semantic Connections within them
‘Breville Juicer’ -> ‘Product’ + ‘Book’ Search
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The Reason Behind Semantic SEO: Why does Google Avoid the Word PageRank?

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  • 2. What’s up with Topical Authority? Am I against buying links? No....
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  • 4. What’s Up with Topical Authority? Does SEO have to make sense? If you don’t read, No....
  • 5. What’s Up with Topical Authority? RankMerge RankMerge = Actual Traffic + PageRank
  • 6. What’s Up with Topical Authority? RankMerge Why is PageRank for a blind librarian?
  • 7. What’s Up with Topical Authority? How did I structure the concept? Topical Authority was a protest, but not against link building.
  • 8. What’s Up with Topical Authority? Topical Authority = Topical Coverage + Historical Data
  • 10. Sample 1 – TheCoolist From 800,000 to over 3,000,000 clicks a month. Over 450,000 new ranking queries. Language: English Industry: Generic
  • 11. Fill Topical Gaps Entertainment, Architecture, Social Skills –> Personality Types
  • 12. Prioritize Topics Create Momentum Increase Ranking Priority for a Topic.
  • 13. Design a Semantic Content Network Topical Map + Semantically Organized Content Network with a Knowledge Base
  • 14. Nothing is Random in a Semantic Content Network Contextual Vector + Contextual Hierarchy + Contextual Structure + Contextual Connection + Contextual Coverage and Flow Every heading, paragraph, anchor text, list item, sentences before listings, sentences after listings, First sentence after heading, anchor texts, anchor text positions, tables, table columns, question and answer formats... Everything is about context in Semantics.
  • 15. Sample 2 - Svalbardi We sell a botle of water for 90 Euroes. My favourite business model. A Shopify Store with 27 Articles with Semantics
  • 16. Get Classified with Top Authorities Language: English Industry: Luxury Water Understand Macro Semantics (Topical Map + Context Distribution)
  • 17. Topical Authority requires Topical Consolidation From B2B to D2C Transition. Taking Investment. Understand Micro Semantics (Semantic Content Network + Context Construction)
  • 18. Create with Order. Unite with Momentum. An example of Topical Map and Semantic Content Network Creation
  • 19. A Diagram for a Topical Map Only %5 is completed.
  • 20. Understand Ranking Algorithms Always exceed the Quality Thresholds. (Initial and Re-ranking)
  • 21. How to Take Authority of another website? One of the 23 SEO Case Study. • Get associated with the Top Authority Websites. • Create Site-wide Topical Entries and Context Vectors. • Get most of your traffic from the most important topic. • Outrank the top authorities to use Algorithmic Hierarchy. Optimize Macro and Micro semantics.
  • 22. Practical Suggestions for Semantic SEO Vastness-Depth-Momentum
  • 23. ‘X website outranks Y website for Z topic for P months’ Creates a Re-ranking Trigger for related topics.
  • 25. Sample 3 - ABCFinance What is Ranking State?
  • 26. Sample 4 - Roxiecosmetics From a Negative Ranking State to Positive One.
  • 27. But When? After a Broad Core Algorithm Update.
  • 28. Reflect Main Topic of Website
  • 29. Where you get traffic determines main topic of website. Website A Has 999 pages about Porn Has 1 page about Bible Has 1 sessions for these 999 pages. Has 1 million organic sessions for this single page. Is this a Porn or Bible website?
  • 30. Link most Quality Web pages from Homepage for Targeted Topics Understand Quality Nodes.
  • 31. Link most Quality Web pages from Homepage for Targeted Topics
  • 32. Macro and Micro Semantics 4 more Samples
  • 33. Sample 5 - Nasdaq A Company from NASDAQ. – I don’t want to pay half million, sorry.
  • 34. Sample 5 - Nasdaq I bought stocks since I do SEO... SEO doesn’t correlate with stock prices.
  • 35. Sample 6 - Snuffstore Language: German - Industry: E-cigaratte – Semantics are Language Agnostic.
  • 36. Sample 7 - Kanbanize Language: English - Industry: Task Management
  • 37. Algorithmic Authorship and Content Engineering Art of organizing humans with algorithmic rules of writing, and content structuring according to LLMs.
  • 38. Which sentence is more relevant? Query: ‘What is a penguin’ Penguin is a flightless seabirds with flippers instead of wings that live almost exclusively below the equator. Penguin is a flightless seabirds that live almost exclusively below the equator. Penguin is a flightless seabirds that live almost exclusively below the equator and they have flippers instead of wings. Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Query: ‘Where does a Penguin Live?’
  • 39. Prioritize Attributes and Contexts Interrogative Term: ‘Where’ is a signal for place. Penguins live below the equator, in the X, Y, Z geographies because their flippers and flightless Seabirds nature provide..... Query: ‘Where does a Penguin Live?’
  • 40. Prioritize Attributes and Contexts Learn Query Processing, and Understanding. What happens if query is a single word Like, ‘Penguin’?
  • 41. “Understanding” is needed. • Google focused on “Understanding”. • Microsoft Bing followed the same purpose, and created “Satori”.
  • 42. “Understanding” is needed. • It is not about Stuffing Entities. • It is about Creating a Knowledge-base in the form of Content.
  • 43. “Understanding” is needed. • Calculate Attribute Distance. • Understand Semantic Similarity. • Understand Semantic Relevance.
  • 44. “Understanding” is needed. • Strength-based Re-ranking. • Coverage-based Re-ranking.
  • 47. Cost of Retrieval (Another concept for me) Source: Search Quality Meeting: Spelling for Long Queries (Annotated) – March 12, 2012
  • 48. What is the Cost of Understanding you? Source: Improving Search Over the Years – 1 April 2020 Source: Webmaster Hangout, Zurich, 2021.
  • 49. Cost of Ranking A Website can’t be higher than Cost of Not Ranking the Website.
  • 50. Which one is Cheaper? Website B 1400 Content Item (Web Pages) 1200 Triples 94% Accuracy 7 Connected Topics Clarity %96 Website A 600 Content Item (Web Pages) 900 Triples 59% Accuracy 3 Connected Topics Clarity %78
  • 51. To satisfy 9 Million Search Queries I won’t rank 9 million different website.
  • 52. Topical Authority is born from the idea of Decreasing the Cost of Retrieval.
  • 54. Optimize for Large Language Models, not for Blind Librarians Information Retrieval Information Extraction • Query to Document Relevance • Document to Query Relevance • Document to Document Similarity • Query to Query Similarity • Query to Question, and Question to Answer. • Focus on Question and Answer Generation for IR.
  • 55. Generate Unique Questions Information Responsiveness Information Responsiveness is involving the respective entity, attribute, Value combinations with a macro and micro context distribution across multiple Semantically organized content network to prove overall quality and relevance of information.
  • 56. Sample 9 – Entity Identity Creation Use Information Responsiveness, Quality and Accuracy to Change Google’s perception against Popular and High-level PageRank sources. If you can convince Google that ‘X is Y’ but not ‘Z’ with semantics, İt means that your topical map will be knowledge base. A website will rank only if they are similar to you. Make your competitors imitate you.
  • 57. Sample 9 – Entity Identity Creation
  • 59. Prepare for Future Generative AI Search
  • 60. Sample 10 – AI Search Language: English Industry: Alcoholic Drinks
  • 61. Sample 10 - AI Search Language: English Industry: Alcoholic Drinks
  • 62. Sample 10 - AI Search Language: English Industry: Alcoholic Drinks
  • 63. Sample 11 - Human Search Language: English Industry: Promised to not share
  • 64. Sample 11 - Human Search Language: English Industry: Promised to not share
  • 65. Sample 12 – Ultra AI Search
  • 66. Sample 13 – Ultra AI Search
  • 67. LLMo Optimization for SEO 1. Fine-tune a LLM. 2. Create a Topical Map. 3. Create a Semantic Content Network. 4. Generate Content 5. Include Human Effort 6. Improve your Knowledge Base 7. Make your website a Speaking AI. Human Effort with Microsemantic Optimization is must.
  • 70. Use Natural Language Inference with Chain of Reasoning
  • 72. Optimize for Web Entity, not Website Web Entity: Website Social Media Accounts CEO Teammates Products Sub-brands Departments Local Address Environmental Policy Scholarship Website: ...
  • 73. Who is gonna win?
  • 74. The SEO who understands, not the SEO who imitates.
  • 75. Semantics are Language Agnostic. Source: Facilitating communications with automated assistants in multiple languages
  • 76. Cross-lingual Embeddings for Semantic Search A Cross Lingual Embeddings Example for the Sentence ‘Semantic search is an opportunity for Conversational Generative AI Search.’
  • 77. Some Research Papers and Patents from Google Word Embeddings with Semantic Distance and Context Associations.
  • 78. Some Research Papers and Patents from Google Word Embeddings with Semantic Distance and Context Associations.
  • 79. Some Research Papers and Patents from Google Word Embeddings with Semantic Distance and Context Associations.
  • 80. Some Research Papers and Patents from Google David C. Taylor – Context and Knowledge Domains with Embeddings
  • 81. Some Research Papers and Patents from Google Hexagon is connected to Ultrasonic. Ultrasonic is not a primary connection to Hexagon.
  • 82. Some Research Papers and Patents from Google «Hexagon» is an «Ultrasonic Wave» type.
  • 83. Some Research Papers and Patents from Google ‘Quartz’ and ‘Cleaner’. Macro Context: ‘Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines‘.
  • 84. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them ‘Quartz’ and ‘Cleaner’.
  • 86. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them ‘Cleaner’ and ‘Ultrasonic’.
  • 87. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them ‘Quartz’ and ‘Ultrasonic’.
  • 88. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them ‘Quartz’ and ‘Ultrasonic’. • ‘Quartz’ and ‘Ultrasonic’. • Macro Context: ‘ Quartz Ultrasonic Absorption and Measurement‘. • Micro Context: Ultrasonic Cleaning for Qaurtz Surfaces • Zertec and its Products is signifier.
  • 89. What is Large Language Model Optimization? A Language Interpretiy Tool by Google is published. You can check ‘Word Compositionality’ and ‘Embeddings’ for certain contexts.
  • 90. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them Large Language Model Optimization and Answer Engine Optimization are different technical expressions for Semantic Search Engine Optimization. Sequence Modeling (Word Compositionality Modeling) İs backbone of Semantic SEO. • What is the possibility of ‘Cat’ appears with predicates of ‘chase’, ‘eat’, or ‘fly’?. Optimize Sequences of Words. (Sequence Modeling).
  • 91. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them A manual exercise for ‘sensing search engine’
  • 92. An Example of Relevance Configuration ‘Financial Advisor helps families to achieve financial independence.’ ‘Families achieve financial independence with the help of the financial advisor.’ Macro Context: ‘Financial Advisor’ Macro Context: ‘Family Economics’ Possible Search Queries: ‘Financial Advisor + Family’ Possible Representative Question: ‘What does Financial Advisor help families for?’ Possible Search Queries: ‘Family + Financial Independence’ Possible Representative Question: ‘How does a family achieve financial independence?’
  • 93. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them ‘Purple Yam’ -> ‘Sweet Potatoes’
  • 94. What’s the game of Google?
  • 95. How does Google Prepare itself?
  • 96. From Document Ranking to Contextual Answer Ranking
  • 97. From Document Ranking to Contextual Answer Ranking • Quality • Sensibleness • Specifity • Interestingness • Safety • Groundedness
  • 98. From Document Ranking to Contextual Answer Ranking
  • 99. From Document Ranking to Contextual Answer Ranking
  • 103. ‘Black is the new white.’ Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR
  • 104. Thank you, Saigon! Did I write Saigon correctly?
  • 105. There is no difference between keyword stuffing and entity stuffing. Gibberish is gibberish. What is a Blind Librarian?
  • 106. Sources for Future AI Search with Conversations • Generation of text segment dependency analysis using neural networks • Facilitating communications with automated assistants in multiple languages • Processing techniques for text capture from a rendered document • Training and/or determining responsive actions for natural language input using coder models • Automatically determining language for speech recognition of spoken utterance received via an automated assistant interface • Non-deterministic task initiation with personal assistant module • Systems and methods for biomechanically-based eye signals for interacting with real and virtual objects • On-device projection neural networks for natural language understanding • End of query detection • Voice recognition system • Annotations in software applications for invoking dialog system functions • Enhancing functionalities of virtual assistants and dialog systems via plugin marketplace • Determining Dialog States for Language Models • Parameter collection and automatic dialog generation in dialog systems
  • 107. Google merged with Oingo • Company started to focus on “Information Extraction”, not to “Information Retrieval” and “PageRank”. • Oingo is the inventor of Open Information Extraction. • Open Information Extraction is to create a structured data network from prose-type content. • It requires to create a “Knowledge Base”.
  • 108. Sergey Brin tried first Semantic Search Engine attempt in 1999. • The First Semantic Search Engine Patent is filled in 2001. • It focused on “Patterns” and “Relations” in databases. • It didn’t work out due to high cost, low confidence.
  • 109. Authors, Books, HTML Tags, URL Patterns, and Queries • Books and Authors (Tuples) were the first trial of the Semantic Search Engine creation. • But there were problems; fake authors, wrong titles, wrong genre names. Source: Extracting Patterns from Databases, Sergey Brin
  • 110. DUAL Iterative Pattern Extraction became a norm. • Sergey Brin suggested using “Dual Iterative Pattern Extraction (DIPRE). • Dual means a “tuple” in the form of an “entity” and an “attribute”. • Pattern recognition became a fundamental step for semantic search.
  • 111. Google didn’t give up. • They created “Phrase-posting” lists for different contexts. • They extracted “Co-occurrences” to construct a Proximity Search methodology. • They used tokenization, lemmatization, and stemming for words. • They have used TF-IDF, BM25, and Query Likelihood models. • They have invented Word2Vec, and GlovE. • But none of these were good enough to change the state from “Blind Librarian” to “Understanding Search Engine”.
  • 112. Is TF-IDF so good? No… TF-IDF helps SEOs for many years to understand Document Statistics, but it has some flaws. • Longer Documents has “Higher Relevance” for TF-IDF. • Document Frequency (Corpus Size) manipulates the results. • Term Frequency for X is 50, Document Size is 50, Relevance 0. • Term Frequency for X is 50, Document Size 51, Relevance 1%. • Term Frequency for X is 50, Document Size 5001, Relevance is 90%+. • Term Frequency is 500 (Because document is longer), Document Size is 900, relevance will be increased further. We are still blind. Source: Christophher D. Manning, and Prabhakar Raghavan
  • 113. Is B25 so good? No… A document that mentions “cat” 60 times is not twice more as relevant as a document that mentions “cat” 30 times. • BM25 has an extra parameter (k1) to normalize “term saturation”. How about short articles? • BM25 finds short articles more relevant. • Long-form articles lost relevance. We are still blind. Source: Christophher D. Manning, and Prabhakar Raghavan Term Saturation x Term Stuffing
  • 114. An example of Lexical Search If query has both “USA” and “Moon”, the phrase posting list Moon -> 24, 66, 54, 21, 09, 43, 421 USA -> 42, 31, 56, 72, 31, 54, 51 • 54 exists on both inverted index. • “…. Bla bla bla bla….. Moon…… bla bla bla USA….. Bla bla bla….. • We are still blind.
  • 115. Lastly, Query Likelihood … What is the possibility of ‘Query terms’ to appearing in a document? Query Likelihood is a transition between ‘Lexical Search’ and ‘Semantic Search’. But still, it doesn’t understand. Transition starts with LLMs.
  • 116. “Understanding” is needed. • Google focused on “Understanding”. • Microsoft Bing followed the same purpose, and created “Satori”.
  • 117. “Understanding” is needed. • It is not about Stuffing Entities. • It is about Creating a Knowledge-base in the form of Content.
  • 118. “Understanding” is needed. • Calculate Attribute Distance. • Understand Semantic Similarity. • Understand Semantic Relevance.
  • 119. “Understanding” is needed. • Strength-based Re-ranking. • Coverage-based Re-ranking.
  • 120. Google didn’t give up. “The destiny of [Google’s search engine] is to become that Star Trek computer, and that’s what we are building.” - Amit Singhal
  • 121. Google didn’t give up. “Google is designed for users, not for websites.” - Lawrance Page
  • 122. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them ‘Purple Yam’ -> ‘Sweet Potatoes’
  • 123. How to Understand Language Models and Semantic Connections within them ‘Breville Juicer’ -> ‘Product’ + ‘Book’ Search
  • 124. Some Research Papers and Patents from Google