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Presented by:
Bill Slawski (@bill_slawski)
Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital
New approaches for Structured Data:
Evolution of Question-Answering
Not This Web Photo By Robert Anasch
At Unsplash
Not This Web, Anymore - A Link Graph

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SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0

A look at search-related patents from Google that people who do SEO may be interested in learning about

knowledge graphentitiesfeatured snippets
Coronavirus and Future of SEO: Digital Marketing and Remote Culture
Coronavirus and Future of SEO: Digital Marketing and Remote CultureCoronavirus and Future of SEO: Digital Marketing and Remote Culture
Coronavirus and Future of SEO: Digital Marketing and Remote Culture

I have attended a great SEO and Digital Marketing webinar with Founder of Stradiji and SEMRush Turkey Lead Mr. Mert Erkal and My Dearest Friend and SEO Consultant Atakan Erdoğan. Small Note: After I uploaded the presentation, Google launched a new Covid-19 news address like Bing/covid-19. You may want to look at it -> I have prepared a Presentation about Coronavirus's Effects on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You will find Coronavirus's changing effects on Digital Marketing and psychology of global society while using Search Engines. I also have focused on Search Engine's and Social Media Brands, E-commerce Site's reflexes against Coronavirus Pandemic. You will see the web sites and categories who earn more traffic and lose traffic. You will also see conversion rate differences because of Coronavirus. Also, I have told about Search Engine's differences and their attitude against the Coronavirus Pandemic, their future, their updates during the pandemic. In the last part, you will see some new 2020 Web Technology and Design Trends with AI. There are also Google Researches for better Search Engine technologies. Questions: 1- What are the differences between Yandex, Google, Bing, and Duckduckgo for Coronavirus Pandemic? 2- Twitter, Instagram, Amazon or Apple, what are they doing? 3- What do people search most for during the Coronavirus Crisis? 4- What changes from country to country? 5- What are the future technologies of Web and App? 6- How and why do Search Engines improve AI, what is the last events? 7- Which sites loose traffic and which earn more? 8- Lots of quotes from International SEOs about the pandemic. And more... I am Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR and a Holistic SEO Expert. I sincerely thank you for my Dearest Friend Atakan Erdoğan and Mr. Mert Erkal for this awesome webinar opportunity and experience. To watch the webinar, please visit Stradiji's Official Youtube Channel.

coronaviruscoronavirus and digital marketingcoronavirus and google trends
Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results
Bill Slawski   SEO and the New Search ResultsBill Slawski   SEO and the New Search Results
Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results

Google's search results now include entities and concepts. Entities refer to people, places, things, and 20-30% of queries are for name entities. Google uses meta data like Freebase to build a taxonomy of entities and their relationships. This supports features like the Knowledge Graph, which provides information panels, and allows querying of nearby entities which may soon be available in search results.

But Now This Web - An
Entity Graph
• Tuple = Object/Verb/Subject
• Planet of the Apes Rated G
• Planet of the Apes Released
in 1968
• Planet of the Apes Directed
by Franklin Schaffner
• Planet of the Apes has actor
Roddy McDowall
• Planet of the Apes has actor
Charlton Heston
• Planet of the Apes has actor
Kim Hunter
Sergey Brin Filed a patent in 1999 on a way
of crawling facts on the Web (Google’s 2nd
Patent after PageRank?)
Extracting Patterns and Relations from
the World Wide Web
Did Sergey Want to Build Amazon?

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How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python

The document describes a Python script that can automatically generate new subcategories for an ecommerce website based on clustering product names. It discusses: - Using NLTK to generate n-grams from product names to cluster related products - Filtering the n-grams to keep only those with commercial value by checking for search volume and CPC data - Running the script on a large home improvement site to identify over 1,650 new subcategory opportunities with a total search volume of over 13 million - Sharing the script so others can automate subcategory identification for their own sites to scale up an important SEO tactic.

William slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-search
William slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-searchWilliam slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-search
William slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-search

Bill Slawski presented a webinar on analyzing patents related to search engines and SEO. He discussed 12 Google patents covering topics like PageRank, Google's news ranking algorithm, analyzing images to detect brand penetration, and building user location history. The patents described Google's work in building knowledge graphs from web pages, ranking entities in search results, question answering, and determining quality visits to local businesses.

SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update
SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core UpdateSEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update
SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update

This document provides SEO metrics and comparisons for the website over several time periods between April 2019 and September 2019. It shows substantial increases in key metrics like organic traffic, clicks, impressions, and average position after Google algorithm updates in May, June, July, and September. However, it also shows significant drops in these metrics during a server outage in early August. Overall the data demonstrates the site's strong SEO performance and organic growth over the 6-month period analyzed.

search engine optimizationcase studyseo
Annotation Framework (Browseable
Fact Repository=1st Knowledge Graph)
Annotation Framework
Patent Filed 8/2007
• Annotations are passed to
requesting objects in
response to queries and are
used to determine search
results. Annotations are also
used to decide whether facts
match and whether facts
contain reasonable values.
MetaWeb’s FreeBase – June 2010
Knowledge Graph – May 2012

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A Timeline to Semantic Web Developments at Google, including Google's Second Patent, the Knowledge Graph, Hummingbird and other inventions.

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What percentage of an Inbound marketer's day doesn't involve working with spreadsheets? How much of this work is time-consuming and repetitive? In this interactive session, you will learn how to manipulate Google Sheets to automate common data analysis workflows using Python, a very easy to use programming language.

Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con
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Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con

1) Google uses various techniques to extract structured information like entities, relationships, and properties from unstructured text on the web and databases. This extracted information is then used to generate knowledge graphs and provide augmented responses to user queries. 2) One key technique is to identify patterns in which tuples of information are stored in databases, and then extract additional tuples by repeating the process and utilizing the identified patterns. 3) Google also extracts entities from user queries and may generate a knowledge graph to answer questions by providing information about the entities from sources like its own knowledge graph and information extracted from the web.

#pubcon@bill_slawski –June
• You Can Subscribe to the
Public Schema Mailing List at:
• To get involved in discussions
and see information about
monthly updates of
It is a good way to keep on top
of one of the fastest growing
areas of SEO
Rich Results
• The Google Developer pages
detail information about how to
get rich snippets in search
• Rich Results are a carrot (reward) for
including Schema Markup on your
pages. Google provides specific
implementation details for the Schema
types listed on the next page.
• They try to influence you to show
richer search results which can help
your content stand out in SERPs, and
earn more clicks.
Types of Rich Results
• Article How-To
Review Snippet
• Breadcrumb Job Posting
Sitelinks Searchbox
• Book Job Training
Software App
• Carousel Livestream
• Corporate Contact Local Business Listing Course
Subscription and Paywalled Content
• Critic Review Logo
• Dataset Movie
• Employer Aggregate Rating Occupation
• Event Product
• Fact Check QnA
• FAQ Recipe
Testing Tools
• The Google Structured Data Testing Tool can be
found at:
The Google Rich Results test can be found at:
• Google Search Console reports on:

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This document discusses internal linking strategies and techniques. It begins by explaining the benefits of connecting entities within content, rather than just words, and translating those connections into internal links. It then provides an overview of technologies like PageRank, the reasonable surfer algorithm, topical PageRank, chunking, and natural language processing that search engines use to understand contexts and how those ideas can be applied to internal linking at scale. Specific options for approaches to internal linking existing pages are also outlined.

Entity Seo Mastery
Entity Seo MasteryEntity Seo Mastery
Entity Seo Mastery

1) Knowledge graphs are structured databases that represent real-world entities and their relationships to each other. They help search engines like Google understand topics at a deeper level. 2) Entities (topics) are becoming more important than keywords for search engines to understand content. Google's entity understanding can be checked using their natural language processing tool. 3) Semantic SEO techniques like tightly linking topics both internally and to relevant external pages can help improve how search engines understand and represent the entities within a website through their knowledge graphs.

seointernet marketingdixon jones
Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO
Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO
Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO

This document provides an overview of entity SEO, including: - What an entity is and why entity SEO is important as search engines have evolved from information engines to knowledge engines - How search algorithms like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird helped drive this transition by prioritizing high-quality content over low-quality sites - Techniques for entity SEO including entity research, topical maps, schema, internal linking, and case studies - Tools like Google's Knowledge Graph that can help with entity research and understanding how entities are ranked

seoknowldege graphsemantic web
Table Data is
Structured Data
• Applying WebTables in
• Ten Years of WebTables
• https://web.eecs.umich.
• Introducing Structured Snippets, now a part of Google Web
Search -
Schema is
Structured Data & Entities in
Augmented Queries

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This document discusses digital marketing strategies focused on establishing authority through valuable, timeless content. It recommends creating content such as articles, videos, and academic papers on topics that will remain relevant for years to establish expertise. Creating a steady stream of high-quality content over time builds an online presence and credibility without major risks of losses, and may lead to job offers, clients, or other opportunities. It provides examples of interactive dashboards and open-source software that gained popularity and users by continuously publishing improvements and documentation without needing to rely on things like resumes or company profiles.

digital marketingonline marketingstrategy
Entity seo
Entity seoEntity seo
Entity seo

How to approach SEO in a world where Google has moved from strings and keywords to things, topics and entities. Dixon JOnes is the CEO of InLinks, who have build a proprietory NLP algorithm and Knowledge Graph designed for the SEO Industry.

seoentitiessearch engine optimization
BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags
BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity TagsBrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags
BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags

My talk from BrightonSEO 2021; focusing on using Google's image category labels (glancing into the Knowledge Graph and Google's image annotation processes) for better topic research and content optimization.

seoimage seoimage category labels
The Evolution of Featured Snippets
The First Step:
Just the facts, fast
Google Q&A - 2005
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash
Facts From the Browseable Fact
• Extracting Facts from Documents
(1) Extract facts, i.e., (subject, attribute,
object) triples, from webpages to
identify values of attributes, i.e.,
“objects” in the extracted triples.
(2) Learn about patterns associated with
those facts and attributes
(3) Score Additional Facts from the
Natural Language Search
Results for Intent Queries

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Passage indexing is likely more important than you think
Passage indexing is likely more important than you thinkPassage indexing is likely more important than you think
Passage indexing is likely more important than you think

Whilst passage indexing may seem like a small tweak to search ranking, it is potentially much more symptomatic of the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way that search engines understand unstructured content, determine relevance in natural language, and rank efficiently and effectively. It could also be a means of assessing overall quality of content and a means of dynamic index pruning. We will look at the landscape, and also provide some takeaways for brands and business owners looking to improve quality in unstructured content overall in this fast changing landscape.

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Automating Google Lighthouse
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Automating Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is super valuable but it only checks one page at a time. Hamlet will show you how to get it to check all pages of a site, and how to run automated Lighthouse checks on-demand at scheduled intervals and from automated tests. He'll also cover how to set performance budgets, how to get alerts when budgets are exceeded, and how to aggregate page reports using BigQuery and Google Data Studio.

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Search and social patents for 2012 and beyond
Search and social patents for 2012 and beyondSearch and social patents for 2012 and beyond
Search and social patents for 2012 and beyond

The document summarizes Bill Slawski's presentation on search and social media patents from 2012 and beyond. It discusses various patents Google has acquired related to search, social media, hardware, fiber optic networks, and more. It also outlines patents for phrase-based indexing, concept-based indexing, ranking pages based on user interactions, building a knowledge graph, and developing a planet-scale distributed search index. Slawski suggests Google may expand into hardware, entertainment, internet service provision, and more based on its patent portfolio.

patentssearch enginesseo
Natural Language
SERPs for Intent
• 1. Get Intent Questions from Authoritative
• 2. Get Intent Questions from Query Logs
• 3. Convert Intent Questions into templates:
a. What are the symptoms of XXXXXX
b. What is the Treatment for
• 4. Question and Answer Data Store is
collected from authoritative sites
Photo by Johann
Siemens on Unsplash
Questions in
Headings w/
• Scoring candidate
answer passages
Questions W/Topic
Answers in Text
Passages + Structured
• Candidate answer
Interpreting Intent Behind Questions
of a search
Granted July
16, 2019
Original ambiguous query: How long is Harry Potter?
Semantic Interpretation: How long is the Book Harry
Semantic Interpretation: How long is the movie Harry
Semantic Interpretation: How tall is the character
Harry Potter?
Semantic Interpretation: How old is the character
Harry Potter?
Format = Template Question (entity) Image by Kristin Mitchell

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The document discusses the evolution of search engines from basic keyword search to semantic search using knowledge graphs and structured data. It provides examples of how search engines like Google are now able to provide direct answers to queries by searching structured data rather than just documents. It emphasizes the importance of representing web content as structured data using schemas like to be discoverable in semantic search and knowledge graphs.

semantic searchsemantic seoentities
Google's Hummingbird and the Entity Search Revolution
Google's Hummingbird and the Entity Search RevolutionGoogle's Hummingbird and the Entity Search Revolution
Google's Hummingbird and the Entity Search Revolution

Google retooled its search engine late last year, introducing a new system called "Hummingbird" that moves beyond keyword search and into "entity search." Learn the difference between entity vs. keyword search on both Google and Bing, and how SEOs can _ and should _ take advantage of this change.

How to evaluate the whole web (without being Google)
How to evaluate the whole web (without being Google)How to evaluate the whole web (without being Google)
How to evaluate the whole web (without being Google)

Could you build your own, private view of the Internet? One that isn't reliant on Google or Bing? Majestic has done this and now has one of the largest web indexes on the planet. Whilst known and a backlink analysis engine, Majestic infact has its own, unique view of the Internet and is able to derive meaning, influence and context out of its dataset. Here's how they did it. (2018)

serach engineinternetinformation retrieval
The Evolving Knowledge Graph
• Computerized
systems and
methods for
extracting and
Extract Entities, Related Entities and Entity
Classes and Attributes of Entities
Save Information in Tuples:
Generate Association Scores between
Entities and Attributes Based upon Factors
Association Scores
• An association score may reflect a likelihood or
degree of confidence that an attribute, attribute
value, relationship, class hierarchy, designated
context class, or other such association is valid,
correct, and/or legitimate.
Scores in
• A degree of
Confidence that
something is
accurate or more
likely to be true.
Weights Behind
Association Scores
• Association scores
incorporate weights for each
occurrence of an entity or
• temporal weights (recent
documents or occurrences)
• reliability weights (more
reliable sources, more
• popularity weights (more
popular sources, more
• proximity weights
(entities/contexts occurring
in closer proximity to one
another on a page, more
Photo by Victor
Freitas on Unsplash

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Lily Ray, Sr. SEO Director and Head of Organic Research at Amsive, talks about blending SEO, Discover, & entity extraction to analyze data at scale at MozCon SEOktoberfest 2022.

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y Keynote Presentation from today at SMXL Milan 2019 - Loving Italy about entities and augmentation queries and question answer through building knowledge graphs.

Designing Big Content - Search Exchange 2013
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Designing Big Content - Search Exchange 2013

I had the benefit to deliver a presentation in Charlotte, NC at Search Exchange on the topic of Designing Big Content.

big contentsearch exchangeadapt partners
How the Knowledge Graph Grows
• Automatic discovery of new entities using graph
Question Answering Using Knowledge
Processing With
An N-Gram
May 2, 2019
1. Use a question as a Query
2. Collect the SERPs from that Query
3. Break Pages from those SERPs into tuples
4. Build a Knowledge Graph From those
5. Answer the Question
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash
Thank You
• Bill Slawski
• Author at
• Director of SEO Research at Go Fish
• Twitter: @bill_slawski
Photo by Bill Slawski, Cardiff Tidal Pools

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This document summarizes a presentation on the future of SEO. It discusses trends like the shift to mobile, voice search, social media optimization, and brand building. Core tactics include optimizing content for search and social media, using schemas, monitoring links and traffic for spam, and prioritizing mobile compliance. The future of SEO is focused on search optimization across all platforms where audiences engage online.

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