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The Actionable Guide to Doing
Better Semantic Keyword
Who Am I?
Read Later:
The Prevalence of Semantic Search (Unstructured)
Search Engines are coming to rely more-and-more on semantic search
technology to understand websites and how users search.
• As a result SEOs need to better understand how language and
keywords relate to each other in order to do more effective
keyword research.
Do semantic keyword
What Is Semantic Search?
Strings can represent things:
• Search Engines are looking past exact match keyword occurrences
on web pages.
• They are learning the meaning behind keywords and examining how
they relate to each other conceptually
• The strength of that conceptual connection being scored for
relevancy within search queries and on-page.

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What Is SEO? A Guide to Search Engine Optimization
What Is SEO? A Guide to Search Engine OptimizationWhat Is SEO? A Guide to Search Engine Optimization
What Is SEO? A Guide to Search Engine Optimization

This document provides an introduction to search engine optimization (SEO). It explains that SEO involves optimizing a website to generate free traffic from search engines like Google by ranking for relevant keywords and becoming an authority on certain topics. It discusses the importance of targeting key internal pages beyond just the homepage. SEO consists of on-site technical elements like meta tags and URLs, on-site content creation through producing high-quality, keyword-rich content, and off-site elements like obtaining inbound links and citations from other websites. Examples are given of how SEO and paid search marketing like AdWords are balanced for different industry keywords.

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Basic Search Engine Optimization techniques & tips
 Basic Search Engine Optimization techniques & tips Basic Search Engine Optimization techniques & tips
Basic Search Engine Optimization techniques & tips

This deck contains details about the importance of Search engine optimization. How should Individual or organization define the search engine optimization objectives How to conduct keywords research, create Site information architecture, handling redirects

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Introduction to SEO
Introduction to SEOIntroduction to SEO
Introduction to SEO

This lengthy (150+ slides), but very comprehensive presentation is designed to help experienced SEOs train those new to the practice over a 2-3 hour, interactive session. It covers the search engine landscape, the SEO process, keyword research, link building and the emergence of social media as a ranking signal.

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What is a mammal that has a
vertebrate and lives in water?
The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (with KNIME)
+1 Probability
+1 Probability
+1 Probability
The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (with KNIME)

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A short introduction to SEO we use at Geronimo What it means, what can you do to help your website. What's SEM and how does it work (the basics!) Thanks go to Eaon Prichard

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Demo of a custom dashboard for Google Analytics, designed by Emily Hill to uncover new angles for content based on user behaviour.

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Google Hummingbird
What’s up with Hummingbird?
“Hummingbird is paying more attention to
each word in a query, ensuring that the whole
query – the whole sentence or conversation or
meaning – is taken into account, rather than
particular words. The goal is that pages
matching the meaning do better, rather than
pages matching just a few words.”
Hummingbird improves semantic understanding of search queries AND
makes conversational search better, which is important for the future of
mobile and voice search.
Hummingbird Summarized
I like Gianluca Fiorelli’s analysis of the theoretical capabilities of a post-
Hummingbird Google search:
1. To better understand the intent of a query;
2. To broaden the pool of web documents that may answer that query;
3. To simplify how it delivers information, because if query A, query B, and query C
substantively mean the same thing, Google doesn't need to propose three
different SERPs, but just one;
4. To offer a better search experience, because expanding the query and better
understanding the relationships between search entities (also based on
direct/indirect personalization elements), Google can now offer results that have
a higher probability of satisfying the needs of the user.
5. As a consequence, Google may present better SERPs also in terms of better
ads, because in 99% of the cases, verbose queries were not presenting ads in
their SERPs before Hummingbird.
How Can SEOs Optimize for Semantic Search?
1. Make sure our content delights our users
 Create quality content and use personas
2. Optimize for searcher intent and build topical authority using semantic
topic modeling
 Understand how users search and
have command of your niche’s language
Now THIS is
great content.

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Mike King examines the state of the SEO industry and talks through knowing information retrieval will help improve our understanding of Google. This talk debuted at MozCon

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1  SEO1  SEO

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses how search engines work by crawling websites, indexing content, processing search queries, calculating relevancy, and retrieving results. It then covers SEO strategies including on-page techniques like optimizing keywords, content, technical elements, page tags and links, and off-page techniques like building backlinks and social signals. The benefits of SEO including driving targeted traffic and standing out from competition are also summarized. Key metrics for measuring SEO performance like rankings, traffic, and conversions are outlined. Finally, the document discusses white hat versus black hat SEO and major search engine algorithm updates like Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird.

Build Topical Authority for a Subject
When conducting keyword research, optimizing on-page, or creating
content, have a deep understanding of your niche’s language:
1. Understand how concepts relate to one another and which
keywords pertain to those concepts.
2. Ensure these concepts are well represented.
Optimize for Searcher Intent
Have an exceptional understanding of consumer language and the
myriad of ways users may search about your niche
1. What are consumers looking for when they are familiar with your
• Language used should represent core keywords.
2. What are consumers looking for when they are not familiar with
your niche?
• Language tends to be more conversational. You may
uncover more related terms when exploring your niche
from this perspective.
3. What else do these two groups search for?
• These searches may be directly and/or indirectly related.
Actually doing Semantic Keyword
Social Media Is an Awesome Data Source
Social Media Is an AWESOME Data Source
for Semantic Keyword Research
1. Social media data helps us expand our collection of keyword
ideas—especially new, breaking keywords.
2. Social media language is inherently conversational and can help us
understand how conversation queries may be phrased.
3. We can use it to mimic the language of the customer, which has a
secondary CRO benefit.

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SEMrush is proud to present the largest and most comprehensive study on ranking factors based on 600,000 keywords. On top of analysing on-page factors and backlinks, SEMrush exclusively uncovers how traffic and user behaviour affect rankings. The study reveals if changing to HTTPs has indeed had any positive impact on website’s positions. SEMrush data volume was big enough to give the local perspective and identify local differences for US, UK, Australia, and top European countries. Regarding keywords, analysis shows the comparison between short and long tail, and high and low volume keywords. The research also contains insights about featured snippets in SERPs.

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Search Engine Optimisation - Conscious Solutions - Digital Marketing MasterclassSearch Engine Optimisation - Conscious Solutions - Digital Marketing Masterclass
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Presentation on search engine optimisation by David Gilroy at the Digital Marketing Masterclass for law firms run by Conscious Solutions in November 2013.

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Secondary CRO Benefit: The Echo Effect
While you’re at it, use social media language to mimic the language of
your consumer. There are several studies that indicate it may help build
trust and boost conversions
• Study published in the International Journal of Hospitality
 Waitresses who verbally mimicked a person’s order were more
likely to receive higher tips.
• Study publish in the Journal of Language and Social Psychology:
 Mirroring people’s words can be very important in building
likability, safety, rapport, and social cohesion.
Once We Collect SERP and Social Media Data...
There are some way we can break it down and analyze.
• How often two or more words appear along side each other in a
corpus of documents.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
• Finds semantically related keywords and groups them into topical
TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)
• Reflects how important a keyword is to a document in a whole
collection of documents.
The Ultimate Tool
KNIME Is the One Tool to Rule Them All
• Free and open source, running on every platform
• Allows you to do things using a drag-and-drop interface that you would
normally need a developer or programming background to accomplish.
• Synergizes data-oriented tasks and helps easily automate:
 Data collection
 Data manipulation
 Analysis
 Visualization
 Reporting

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Linking SEO & PR
Linking SEO & PRLinking SEO & PR
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SEO and PR have become closely integrated, with PR techniques now playing an important role in SEO. Creating high-quality content and building relationships with journalists, bloggers and influencers helps improve a website's authority and generates natural links and signals that search engines like Google use to determine rankings. A focus on optimizing content for users by addressing their intent and goals, as well as creating content that can be widely shared, has become more important to SEO success than outdated techniques like keyword stuffing or hidden text.

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The document discusses strategies for creating content that both satisfies human readers and is well understood by search engines, referred to as "Humantics". It outlines the CARL framework for context, aim, relationships, and links and provides examples of tools that can be used to analyze content, find entities, connections, and questions to ensure the content will be salient for search engines. The goal is to build content that search engines can fully understand in order to rank well without relying solely on keywords.

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Visualizations KNIME Produces
That Will Help Optimize for Semantic Search
Keyword Node GraphsSegmented Word Clouds
Basics of KNIME
What’s a Node?
• Pre-built drag-and-drop boxes designed to do a single task.
• They are combined together into “workflows”
to do larger, more complex tasks.
• Nodes can be grouped together into meta-nodes which can be
configured in unison.
How Do You Add Nodes and How Do They Connect?
How do you add nodes?
How do you connect nodes to one-another?

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The book is NOW available for FREE till 23:59 IST TODAY. Offer valid for first 100 clicks/buys. ORDER LINK: AUTHOR LINK: Best wishes for your online success. Happy Reading. Delightful learning. Successful Practicing. What is SEO? Scope? Options? Importance? Types of SEO – OnPage, OffPage, Black, Grey, White Hat SEO How search works ? OnPage & OffPage SEO Techniques. (4 lessons) Wordpress SEO & Yoast SEO Plugin-Installation & Features (5 lessons) Local SEO, Technical SEO Myths and Realities of SEO Practice (4 lessons) Keyword Research & Analysis 100 proven ways of SEO. (4 lessons) 30 Tricks of SEO to rank in just 3-4 Weeks Google Algorithm Updates

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Exploring how you can harness the huge amounts of data available to build an effective, empirically-led SEO strategy using machine learning resource such as natural language processing (NLP). Including useful and practical tips on areas such as topic modelling, categorisation and clustering, so you can get started on using NLP in your own SEO strategy right away.

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Configuring Nodes and Running Workflows
Configuring Nodes
Running Workflows
Accessing Data from SERP and Twitter +
Common Node Configurations We’ll Be Using
Get a Twitter API Key
Fill out the forms!
• Application “Name”,
“Description”, and “Website”
don’t matter for our
Go to “Keys and Access Tokens”
tab and grab:
• Consumer Key (API Key)
• Consumer Secret (API Secret)
Click “Create my access token”
and grab:
• Access Token
• Access Token Secret
Go to:
Accessing Social Data – Twitter API Nodes
Right-Click and “Configure”
to input API information
Right-Click and “Configure”
Twitter Search Query (and

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This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) and writing for the web. It discusses how search engines work and the key factors they consider, such as relevant content, user traffic, metadata, URLs, and hyperlinks. The document also offers tips for writers, such as understanding the audience, integrating keywords, building site architecture, and regularly updating content. Writers are advised to write for both search engines and humans, and to tailor their writing for different devices and platforms.

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Semantic SEO, Topical Authority & Lots of Fun.pdf

The document summarizes a marketing workshop about semantic SEO, topical authority, and on-page optimization. The workshop covered key topics like semantic SEO strategies to improve search rankings, what topical authority is and how to build it, and best practices for on-page optimization including keyword placement and internal linking. The presentation provided references and recommendations for tools to use when implementing these SEO techniques.

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Keyword research can be overwhelming! But finding the right keywords can unlock organic traffic for your website See how to: • Find the right keywords • Use free and paid SEO tools • Understand and analyse search intent • Compare and prioritise keyword opportunities As the complexity of language itself, understanding the language your target customers use can be bewildering! So how do you work out what language they’re speaking? Effective keyword research Targeted keyword research can help to cut through the confusion and unlock opportunities for your website. Keyword research is pivotal to all your marketing efforts. Getting it right helps: • Drive traffic • Increase sales • Greater ROI Knowing your keywords also helps you to better understand your business and brand. Whether you’re providing information, product, or service, finding the right keywords will enable you to: • Know which keywords to rank for • Discover popular keywords and phrases frequently searched for • Complete competitor analysis • Where and how to use your findings You can find out how to complete effective keyword research using a range of free and paid tools. Get to know your customers intent and give them what they want rather than guessing

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It’s Stupid Easy
Extract Only the Links from Twitter
A little trickier than it should be since you have to expand links and
URL shorteners.
Accessing SERP Data – Inputting Data Manually
Manually input URLs with Excel Spreadsheet or CSV (Desktop Rank
Manually input URLs with “Table Creator” node (Right-Click Configure –
edit just like a spreadsheet)
Accessing SERP Data – Inputting Data via API (Better)
Example – GetSTAT
More-Complicated Meta Node Method

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The document discusses how content analytics can enhance search capabilities. It provides examples of how key phrases, collocations, and statistically improbable phrases can be used to power related searches, cluster results, and enable faceted search. Beyond search, these content analytics techniques can be applied to applications like product recommendations, social media analysis, and customer experience analytics.

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KG Tech(the registered SEO company in India) provides services in SEO, PPC, Social Media, Web designing, development and more for clients around the world.For More Information visit:

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KG Tech(the registered SEO company in India) provides services in SEO, PPC, Social Media, Web designing, development and more for clients around the world.For More Information visit: call us: +917845920090 , +914424350693

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Make Webpages Plain Text (for Analysis)
Use Boilerpipe API (pre-made meta-node download to be provided)
The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (with KNIME)
Getting Things into a Text Analysis Format
Use the built-in “Strings To Document” node
A Few More Useful Base Nodes for Text Analysis

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Georgetown University Guest lecture on SEO and online marketing
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The document discusses SEO (search engine optimization) strategies and best practices. It recommends developing content with keywords in mind to drive relevant traffic to websites. An effective SEO plan involves researching keywords and competitors, developing a strategy, designing optimized content, launching and promoting content, and evaluating results over time. Key aspects include optimizing content and code with target keywords, internal linking structure, and regularly refreshing content.

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Parts of Speech Tagging (POS)
Calculate TF-IDF
Co-Occurrence Nodes
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) Node

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This document provides an overview of online marketing strategies for non-profit organizations to drive volunteers to their websites. It discusses the importance of search engine optimization to be found online. It outlines steps to optimize content and keywords, register the site with search engines and directories, build internal and external links, and use social media and other tactics to improve search engine rankings. Regularly reviewing web traffic reports is also recommended to measure results and identify areas for improvement.

Color Manager & Word Cloud
Network Graph
Process: Using KNIME for Semantic
Topic Modeling and Keyword Research
Bringing It All Together:
Applying Concepts to Visualizations
1. Search Twitter for keyword and collect all of the Tweet text
2. Search Twitter for keyword, extract links only, scrape text from links
3. Extract top 10 ranking pages keyword and scrape text from links
4. Isolate single word keywords and/or multi-word N-grams
5. Calculate TF-IDF
THEN we can…
• Tag Parts of Speech (Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, etc.) and display in
Word Cloud
• Do Co-Occurrence Analysis and display in Node Graph (remember
earlier patent?)
• Identify semantic topic groupings with LDA and display in Node Graph

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The document discusses the importance of keywords in SEO and provides best practices for keyword research, selection, mapping to webpages, and ongoing optimization. It explains how to categorize keywords as primary, secondary or LSI, and outlines tools for keyword research and an Excel template for organizing keywords. Proper keyword selection and mapping are emphasized as crucial elements of a successful SEO strategy.

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Analysis We Can Do Based on a Google Patent
Simplified with a smaller corpus, but easily replicable with KNIME:
1. Filter out too common terms using TF-IDF
2. Take the top 20 or so terms that are above a certain threshold based
upon TF-IDF and remove the rest.
3. Calculate Co-occurrence of the remaining terms.
4. Optimize your site for these!
Bill Slawski Patent Analysis:
Bringing It All Together – Parts of Speech Output
Bringing It All Together – TF-IDF + Co-Occurence Output
Bringing It All Together – TF-IDF + LDA Output

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website in organic search engine results. It involves optimizing on-page and off-page factors like keywords, content, links and social media to help search engines understand relevance and rank websites accordingly. The main goals of SEO are to increase qualified traffic and conversions by ranking high for targeted search terms. It is an ongoing process that requires understanding search engine algorithms and user behavior to maintain high rankings over time.

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TCDrupal 2018: SEO! Snippets! Schema!

The world of search engine optimization is changing faster than ever, thanks to artificial intelligence, and marketers are clamoring for new updates to websites to meet these changes. What changes are most important to the website and how do you manage these? What should you be proactive about, and how do you stay on track with an ever-evolving discipline? Learning Objectives & Outcomes: In this session, attendees will learn the key points behind the biggest changes in search, and the common requests they'll hear from their marketing teams. Attendees will leave equipped to speak to these requests and prioritize according to their capacity and impact on site performance.

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Competition for customers time and money is high and growing, especially in local and regional markets. Developers need to do more than just deliver functionality and good code. They must work with others on their teams to develop sites and apps with an eye on actual user data from Analytics, SEO research, and usability. We will talk about how a developer or a team can get into such a mindset.

Now Start Building More Effective
semantically Optimized Websites!
© 2015 by Catalyst Digital. All rights reserved.

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The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (with KNIME)

  • 1. The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research
  • 2. Who Am I? Read Later:
  • 3. The Prevalence of Semantic Search (Unstructured) Search Engines are coming to rely more-and-more on semantic search technology to understand websites and how users search. • As a result SEOs need to better understand how language and keywords relate to each other in order to do more effective keyword research. Do semantic keyword research!
  • 4. What Is Semantic Search? Strings can represent things: • Search Engines are looking past exact match keyword occurrences on web pages. • They are learning the meaning behind keywords and examining how they relate to each other conceptually • The strength of that conceptual connection being scored for relevancy within search queries and on-page.
  • 5. What is a mammal that has a vertebrate and lives in water?
  • 10. What’s up with Hummingbird? “Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query, ensuring that the whole query – the whole sentence or conversation or meaning – is taken into account, rather than particular words. The goal is that pages matching the meaning do better, rather than pages matching just a few words.” Hummingbird improves semantic understanding of search queries AND makes conversational search better, which is important for the future of mobile and voice search.
  • 11. Hummingbird Summarized I like Gianluca Fiorelli’s analysis of the theoretical capabilities of a post- Hummingbird Google search: 1. To better understand the intent of a query; 2. To broaden the pool of web documents that may answer that query; 3. To simplify how it delivers information, because if query A, query B, and query C substantively mean the same thing, Google doesn't need to propose three different SERPs, but just one; 4. To offer a better search experience, because expanding the query and better understanding the relationships between search entities (also based on direct/indirect personalization elements), Google can now offer results that have a higher probability of satisfying the needs of the user. 5. As a consequence, Google may present better SERPs also in terms of better ads, because in 99% of the cases, verbose queries were not presenting ads in their SERPs before Hummingbird. Source:
  • 12. How Can SEOs Optimize for Semantic Search? 1. Make sure our content delights our users  Create quality content and use personas 2. Optimize for searcher intent and build topical authority using semantic topic modeling  Understand how users search and have command of your niche’s language Now THIS is great content.
  • 13. Build Topical Authority for a Subject When conducting keyword research, optimizing on-page, or creating content, have a deep understanding of your niche’s language: 1. Understand how concepts relate to one another and which keywords pertain to those concepts. 2. Ensure these concepts are well represented. keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d keywor d
  • 14. Optimize for Searcher Intent Have an exceptional understanding of consumer language and the myriad of ways users may search about your niche 1. What are consumers looking for when they are familiar with your niche? • Language used should represent core keywords. 2. What are consumers looking for when they are not familiar with your niche? • Language tends to be more conversational. You may uncover more related terms when exploring your niche from this perspective. 3. What else do these two groups search for? • These searches may be directly and/or indirectly related.
  • 15. Actually doing Semantic Keyword Research… Social Media Is an Awesome Data Source
  • 16. Social Media Is an AWESOME Data Source for Semantic Keyword Research 1. Social media data helps us expand our collection of keyword ideas—especially new, breaking keywords. 2. Social media language is inherently conversational and can help us understand how conversation queries may be phrased. 3. We can use it to mimic the language of the customer, which has a secondary CRO benefit. #Awesome
  • 17. Secondary CRO Benefit: The Echo Effect While you’re at it, use social media language to mimic the language of your consumer. There are several studies that indicate it may help build trust and boost conversions • Study published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management:  Waitresses who verbally mimicked a person’s order were more likely to receive higher tips. • Study publish in the Journal of Language and Social Psychology:  Mirroring people’s words can be very important in building likability, safety, rapport, and social cohesion.
  • 18. Once We Collect SERP and Social Media Data... There are some way we can break it down and analyze. Co-occurrence • How often two or more words appear along side each other in a corpus of documents. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) • Finds semantically related keywords and groups them into topical buckets. TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) • Reflects how important a keyword is to a document in a whole collection of documents.
  • 20. KNIME Is the One Tool to Rule Them All • Free and open source, running on every platform • Allows you to do things using a drag-and-drop interface that you would normally need a developer or programming background to accomplish. • Synergizes data-oriented tasks and helps easily automate:  Data collection  Data manipulation  Analysis  Visualization  Reporting
  • 21. Visualizations KNIME Produces That Will Help Optimize for Semantic Search Keyword Node GraphsSegmented Word Clouds
  • 23. What’s a Node? • Pre-built drag-and-drop boxes designed to do a single task. • They are combined together into “workflows” to do larger, more complex tasks. • Nodes can be grouped together into meta-nodes which can be configured in unison.
  • 24. How Do You Add Nodes and How Do They Connect? How do you add nodes? How do you connect nodes to one-another?
  • 25. Configuring Nodes and Running Workflows Configuring Nodes Running Workflows OR
  • 26. Accessing Data from SERP and Twitter + Common Node Configurations We’ll Be Using
  • 27. Get a Twitter API Key Fill out the forms! • Application “Name”, “Description”, and “Website” don’t matter for our purposes. Go to “Keys and Access Tokens” tab and grab: • Consumer Key (API Key) • Consumer Secret (API Secret) Click “Create my access token” and grab: • Access Token • Access Token Secret Go to:
  • 28. Accessing Social Data – Twitter API Nodes Right-Click and “Configure” to input API information Right-Click and “Configure” Twitter Search Query (and type)
  • 30. Extract Only the Links from Twitter A little trickier than it should be since you have to expand links and URL shorteners.
  • 31. Accessing SERP Data – Inputting Data Manually Manually input URLs with Excel Spreadsheet or CSV (Desktop Rank Checkers) Manually input URLs with “Table Creator” node (Right-Click Configure – edit just like a spreadsheet)
  • 32. Accessing SERP Data – Inputting Data via API (Better) Example – GetSTAT More-Complicated Meta Node Method
  • 33. Make Webpages Plain Text (for Analysis) Use Boilerpipe API (pre-made meta-node download to be provided)
  • 35. Getting Things into a Text Analysis Format Use the built-in “Strings To Document” node
  • 36. A Few More Useful Base Nodes for Text Analysis
  • 37. Parts of Speech Tagging (POS)
  • 40. LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) Node
  • 41. Color Manager & Word Cloud
  • 43. Process: Using KNIME for Semantic Topic Modeling and Keyword Research
  • 44. Bringing It All Together: Applying Concepts to Visualizations 1. Search Twitter for keyword and collect all of the Tweet text 2. Search Twitter for keyword, extract links only, scrape text from links 3. Extract top 10 ranking pages keyword and scrape text from links 4. Isolate single word keywords and/or multi-word N-grams 5. Calculate TF-IDF THEN we can… • Tag Parts of Speech (Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, etc.) and display in Word Cloud • Do Co-Occurrence Analysis and display in Node Graph (remember earlier patent?) • Identify semantic topic groupings with LDA and display in Node Graph
  • 45. Analysis We Can Do Based on a Google Patent Simplified with a smaller corpus, but easily replicable with KNIME: 1. Filter out too common terms using TF-IDF 2. Take the top 20 or so terms that are above a certain threshold based upon TF-IDF and remove the rest. 3. Calculate Co-occurrence of the remaining terms. 4. Optimize your site for these! Bill Slawski Patent Analysis:
  • 46. Bringing It All Together – Parts of Speech Output
  • 47. Bringing It All Together – TF-IDF + Co-Occurence Output
  • 48. Bringing It All Together – TF-IDF + LDA Output
  • 49. Now Start Building More Effective semantically Optimized Websites!
  • 50. © 2015 by Catalyst Digital. All rights reserved.

Editor's Notes

  1. Google Understand the query better, understands the meaning on text on pages, use query rewriting to be more efficient – return same results for searches that mean the same thing Understands the connections between keywords and entity keywords
  2. In Addition to Data from Ranking Webpages in the SERP…
  3. Better than a spreadsheet – makes looking and the relation of keywords less onerous task – keyword relations are easier to identify