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© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Hyuk Lee
DynamoDB SA
Amazon DynamoDB design puzzlers
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
We’re going to collaboratively explore a set of design puzzlers:
1. Starter puzzlers to get us warmed up
2. Three main dish deep dives
3. Dessert
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Starter puzzlers
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
I’m seeing 10,000 requests per
second but am consuming
20,000 WCUs. Why?

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AWS Analytics Services - When to use what? | AWS Summit Tel Aviv 2019
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AWS Analytics Services - When to use what? | AWS Summit Tel Aviv 2019

AWS provides a wide range of data analytics tools with the power to analyze vast volumes of customer, business, and transactional data quickly and at low cost. In this session, we provide an overview of AWS analytics services and discuss how customers are using these services today. We will also discuss the new database and analytics services and features we launched in the last year.

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AWS Analytics Services - When to use what? | AWS Summit Tel Aviv 2019
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AWS provides a wide range of data analytics tools with the power to analyze vast volumes of customer, business, and transactional data quickly and at low cost. In this session, we provide an overview of AWS analytics services and discuss how customers are using these services today. We will also discuss the new database and analytics services and features we launched in the last year.

aws summit tel avivsummitadrian cockroft
Lessons from Migrating Oracle Databases to Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora
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Lessons from Migrating Oracle Databases to Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora

Learn and leverage database migration best practices from moving off commercial Oracle databases to Amazon RDS or Aurora. We’ll cover common pitfalls, issues, the biggest differences between the engines, migration best practices, and how some of our customers have completed these migrations.

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© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
10,000 consuming 20,000
Oh, and my table’s average item size is under 1kb, does that change
your answer?
Could indexes have something to do with this?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
I want to sample 1,000 random
items from my table. How?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Pulling a random item
How does a scan work?
How does a parallel scan work?
How many total segments can
we use with a parallel scan?
Is there a need to use limit?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Main dish -
choosing userID as partition key

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In this session, we will take a look at Amazon DynamoDB and how you can get started building application with it. We will look at table design, common access patterns and compare it to a relational database.

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Presentation from AWS Summit London 2023 In this session CDL an InsurTech from the UK will walk through the entire journey of real-life large-scale database migration from Oracle on premise to PostgreSQL in AWS. We’ll cover the process and share unique details, hits and tips covering zero downtime database migration, change data capture and schema conversion. We’ll show how we made the databases not only cheaper by removing licence costs but also how we sped up our development teams by proving self-service features and made our applications run faster. Finally, we’ll share the extra features we built for PostgreSQL with the AWS Database Freedom team that were missing and how we open sourced these.

© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
I configured userID for my
partition key because it has
high cardinality.
Am I safe now?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
High cardinality for partition key
High cardinality
Sorted by date time
Filter by Status
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
High cardinality for partition key
It makes sense that you choose DeviceID for partition key in IoT
What if a specific user can generate 10,000x traffic more than a
normal user? “Heavy users”
Can you always use userID for partition key and other attributes for
sort key?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
High cardinality for partition key

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Spoločnosti na celom svete presúvajú svoje aplikácie do cloudu tak rýchlo, ako sa len dá, aby sa stali flexibilnejšími a znížili náklady. Niektoré aplikácie však musia ostať v lokálnych dátacentrách, či už z dôvodu nízkej latencie alebo požiadaviek na miestne spracovanie údajov. Riešenie AWS Outposts prináša plne spravované cloudové služby a infraštruktúru do akéhokoľvek dátového centra. Rovnaké API rozhranie cez grafickú konzolu, príkazový riadok či SDK bez ohľadu na to, či je aplikácia v cloude alebo v AWS Outpost umožňuje naplno využiť model hybridného cloudu bez kompromisov. V tomto webinári vám predstavíme fungovanie AWS Outposts, rovnako ako prípady použitia v reálnej zákazníckej prevádzke.

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Join me in this session where I'll share our journey of building a fully serverless application that flawlessly managed check-ins for an event with a staggering 80 thousand registrations. We'll dive into three key strategies that made this possible. Firstly, by harnessing DynamoDB global tables, we ensured global service availability and data replication across regions, boosting performance and disaster recovery. Next, we'll explore how we seamlessly integrated real-time updates into the app using Appsync subscriptions, making the experience dynamic and engaging for users. Finally, I'll discuss how provisioned concurrency not only improved performance but also kept costs in check, highlighting the cost-effectiveness of serverless architectures. Through these strategies and the inherent scalability of serverless technology, our application effortlessly handled massive user loads without manual intervention. This session is a real world example to the power and efficiency of modern cloud-based solutions in enabling seamless scalability and robust performance with Serverless

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© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Main dish -
always single table design?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
I am running an IoT service and
want to provide the last 3
months of data to customer.
Do I use single table or
multiple tables on DynamoDB?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
IoT service with the last 3 months of data
Will you design it with single table or multiple tables?
Here is your options with single table design.
Single Table
Throughput = provisioned vs on-demand mode
Storage = Standard vs Standard-IA
TTL enabled
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
IoT service with the last 3 months of data
Here is one of your options with multiple table design.
March April May
No writes, some reads
and lots of data
No writes, some reads
and lots of data
Many writes & reads
and starting zero data
On-demand mode &
On-demand mode &
Provisioned mode &
Reserved Capacity &
We are here!
“Access pattern matters a lot!”

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© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Main dish -
is on-demand mode unlimited?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
I created a table using on-
demand mode. A new large
scale service will open next
week. Am I safe now?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Is on-demand mode unlimited?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Is on-demand mode unlimited?

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Con l’ascesa delle architetture di microservizi e delle ricche applicazioni mobili e Web, le API sono più importanti che mai per offrire agli utenti finali una user experience eccezionale. In questa sessione impareremo come affrontare le moderne sfide di progettazione delle API con GraphQL, un linguaggio di query API open source utilizzato da Facebook, Amazon e altro e come utilizzare AWS AppSync, un servizio GraphQL serverless gestito su AWS. Approfondiremo diversi scenari, comprendendo come AppSync può aiutare a risolvere questi casi d’uso creando API moderne con funzionalità di aggiornamento dati in tempo reale e offline. Inoltre, impareremo come Sky Italia utilizza AWS AppSync per fornire aggiornamenti sportivi in tempo reale agli utenti del proprio portale web.

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© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Is on-demand mode unlimited?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Is on-demand mode unlimited?
I need 1M WCU/RCU in my account.
How can I pre-warm my table?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Is on-demand mode unlimited?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Learn how to architect fully available and scalable Microsoft solutions and environments in AWS. Find out how Microsoft solutions can leverage various AWS services to achieve more resiliency, replace unnecessary complexity, simplify architecture, provide scalability, and introduce DevOps concepts, such as compliance, governance, automation, and repeatability. Also, plan authentication and authorization, and explore various hybrid scenarios with other cloud environment and on-premises solutions or infrastructure. Learn about common architecture patterns for network design, Microsoft Active Directory, and business productivity solutions like Dynamics AX, CRM, and Microsoft SharePoint, also common scenarios for custom .NET, .NET Core with Microsoft SQL deployments and migrations.


Join the FIWARE Global Summit '23 Insight Series! This webinar, which offers an exclusive sneak preview of the Summit, is part of a series of webinars that will highlight the latest tech trends and hot topics ahead of #FIWARESummit23. The 9th edition of the FIWARE Global Summit will be held in the FIWARE-referenced Smart City of Vienna (Austria). As one of the leading Open Source conferences for entrepreneurs, public administrations, academia, developers, start-ups, and technologists, the Summit promises two action-packed days of world-class innovation, collaboration, and networking. Want to know more about what awaits attendees on June 12-13 2023 in one of the most livable and resilient cities in the world? Join us for the second FIWARE Global Summit ‘23 sneak preview on March 28 from 13:00 till 14:00 (CEST). Learn from local game changers, decision-makers, and international experts on how the event connects those who want to change the world, predict the future, and transform markets for the better – based on recognized Open Source technology. This webinar will give in just one hour an insight of what is currently happening and what you can expect to additionally learn during FIWARE Global Summit, where all major European players will be present in personam. This allows you to engage with activities and people from nine common European Data Spaces: Health, Industrial, Agriculture, Finance, Mobility, Green Deal, Energy, Public Administration, and Skills, giving direction and supporting the creation of ecosystems. Data Spaces have been an emerging concept finding their ways into first implementations already - many with the participation and use of FIWARE and FIWARE technology. The European Strategy for Data outlines how and provides guidance for the realization toward a powerful data economy. FIWARE, together with e.g. our partners from the Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA) being BDVA, Gaia-X, and IDSA, and many other international businesses and institutions, sits in the driver seat to make Data Spaces happen.

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[D3T1S01] Gen AI를 위한 Amazon Aurora 활용 사례 방법
[D3T1S01] Gen AI를 위한 Amazon Aurora  활용 사례 방법[D3T1S01] Gen AI를 위한 Amazon Aurora  활용 사례 방법
[D3T1S01] Gen AI를 위한 Amazon Aurora 활용 사례 방법

DBA들이 Aurora MySQL과 Amazon Bedrock서비스를 연동한 생성형 AI를 어떻게 업무에 활용할지에 대해서 예제를 통해서 살펴보고, Aurora PostgreSQL의 pgVector를 Vector DB로써 어떻게 활용할수 있는지에 대해서 알아봅니다

© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
I have PITR on a large table.
Someone ran a bad bulk job
Monday at noon that deleted
important items. How can I
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Is there anything better than a full table restore at 11:50 AM?
Hint: Don’t do a restore, do an export
Hint: Don’t do a full export
Consider an incremental export from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM that puts
on disk the OldImage and NewImage of all modified items!
What’s the cost savings if the table is 100 TB?
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Incremental export to Amazon S3
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Incremental export file format
{ "Metadata":
{ "WriteTimestampMicros": "1680109764000000" },
"Key": { "PK": { "S": "CUST#200" } },
"OldImage": {
"PK": { "S": "CUST#200" },
"FirstName": { "S": "Mary" },
"LastName": { "S": "Grace" } },
"NewImage": {
"PK": { "S": "CUST#200" },
"FirstName": { "S": "Mary" },
"LastName": { "S": "Smith" } } }

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최근 관심이 많은 GenAI RAG 를 위한 Vector Similarity Search를 2023년 re:invent에서 발표한 Neptune Analytics 를 통해 구현하여 Graph Query를 함께 할 수 있는 구성을 예제와 함께 설명합니다.

[D3T1S04] Aurora PostgreSQL performance monitoring and troubleshooting by use...
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[D3T1S04] Aurora PostgreSQL performance monitoring and troubleshooting by use...

Aurora PostgreSQL에서 가장 일반적인 performance use case 들에 대해 Aurora PostreSQL의 모니터링 Tool들을 통해 어떤게 문제를 식별하고 분석하는지 그리고 이 문제를 해결해나가는 절차와 방법에 대한 Deep Dive입니다.

[D3T1S07] AWS S3 - 클라우드 환경에서 데이터베이스 보호하기
[D3T1S07] AWS S3 - 클라우드 환경에서 데이터베이스 보호하기[D3T1S07] AWS S3 - 클라우드 환경에서 데이터베이스 보호하기
[D3T1S07] AWS S3 - 클라우드 환경에서 데이터베이스 보호하기

클라우드에서 Database를 백업하고 복구하는 방법에 대해 설명드립니다. AWS Backup을 사용하여 전체백업/복구 부터 PITR(Point in Time Recovery)백업, 그리고 멀티 어카운트, 멀티 리전등 다양한 데이터 보호 방법을 소개합니다(데모 포함). 또한 self-managed DB 의 데이터 저장소로 Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP 스토리지 서비스를 사용할 경우 얼마나 신속하게 데이터를 복구/복제 할수 있는지 살펴 봅니다.

© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Write intensive
• IoT / Monitoring
• User activity logging
• Tracking
• Notification service
• Step count
• Chatting
• Cart
• Recommendation
Consistent latency
• Ad
• Session store
• User profile
• Metadata store for assets
• Product detail
• Purchase history
No Ops
• DevOps
• Global service
• No versions
• No maintenance
DynamoDB usage patterns
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
© 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Thank you!
Hyuk Lee

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[D3T1S03] Amazon DynamoDB design puzzlers

  • 1. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Hyuk Lee DynamoDB SA AWS Amazon DynamoDB design puzzlers
  • 2. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 2 Agenda We’re going to collaboratively explore a set of design puzzlers: 1. Starter puzzlers to get us warmed up 2. Three main dish deep dives 3. Dessert
  • 3. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Starter puzzlers 3
  • 4. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 I’m seeing 10,000 requests per second but am consuming 20,000 WCUs. Why? 4
  • 5. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 10,000 consuming 20,000 Oh, and my table’s average item size is under 1kb, does that change your answer? Could indexes have something to do with this? 5
  • 6. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 I want to sample 1,000 random items from my table. How? 6
  • 7. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Pulling a random item How does a scan work? How does a parallel scan work? How many total segments can we use with a parallel scan? Is there a need to use limit? 7
  • 8. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Main dish - choosing userID as partition key 8
  • 9. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 I configured userID for my partition key because it has high cardinality. Am I safe now? 9
  • 10. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 High cardinality for partition key 10 High cardinality Sorted by date time Filter by Status
  • 11. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 High cardinality for partition key It makes sense that you choose DeviceID for partition key in IoT workload. What if a specific user can generate 10,000x traffic more than a normal user? “Heavy users” Can you always use userID for partition key and other attributes for sort key? 11
  • 12. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 High cardinality for partition key 12
  • 13. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Main dish - always single table design? 13
  • 14. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 I am running an IoT service and want to provide the last 3 months of data to customer. Do I use single table or multiple tables on DynamoDB? 14
  • 15. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 IoT service with the last 3 months of data Will you design it with single table or multiple tables? Here is your options with single table design. 15 Single Table Throughput = provisioned vs on-demand mode Storage = Standard vs Standard-IA TTL enabled
  • 16. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 IoT service with the last 3 months of data Here is one of your options with multiple table design. 16 March April May No writes, some reads and lots of data No writes, some reads and lots of data Many writes & reads and starting zero data On-demand mode & Standard-IA On-demand mode & Standard-IA Provisioned mode & Reserved Capacity & Standard We are here! “Access pattern matters a lot!”
  • 17. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Main dish - is on-demand mode unlimited? 17
  • 18. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 I created a table using on- demand mode. A new large scale service will open next week. Am I safe now? 18
  • 19. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Is on-demand mode unlimited? 19
  • 20. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Is on-demand mode unlimited? 20
  • 21. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Is on-demand mode unlimited? 21
  • 22. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Is on-demand mode unlimited? I need 1M WCU/RCU in my account. How can I pre-warm my table? 22
  • 23. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Is on-demand mode unlimited? 23
  • 24. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Dessert 24
  • 25. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 I have PITR on a large table. Someone ran a bad bulk job Monday at noon that deleted important items. How can I recover? 25
  • 26. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 PITR Is there anything better than a full table restore at 11:50 AM? Hint: Don’t do a restore, do an export Hint: Don’t do a full export Consider an incremental export from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM that puts on disk the OldImage and NewImage of all modified items! What’s the cost savings if the table is 100 TB? 26
  • 27. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Incremental export to Amazon S3 27
  • 28. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Incremental export file format { "Metadata": { "WriteTimestampMicros": "1680109764000000" }, "Key": { "PK": { "S": "CUST#200" } }, "OldImage": { "PK": { "S": "CUST#200" }, "FirstName": { "S": "Mary" }, "LastName": { "S": "Grace" } }, "NewImage": { "PK": { "S": "CUST#200" }, "FirstName": { "S": "Mary" }, "LastName": { "S": "Smith" } } } 28
  • 29. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 Write intensive • IoT / Monitoring • User activity logging • Tracking • Notification service • Step count • Chatting • Cart • Recommendation Consistent latency • Ad • Session store • User profile • Metadata store for assets • Product detail • Purchase history No Ops • DevOps • Global service • No versions • No maintenance DynamoDB usage patterns
  • 30. © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS DATA & AI ROADSHOW 2024 © 2024, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Thank you! Hyuk Lee