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Automating Google
Hamlet Batista // RankSense
2 October | Brighton Centre | 10 Years of brightonSEO
Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse

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Semantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queriesSemantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queries

This document summarizes how Google search results are evolving to include more semantic data through direct answers, structured snippets, and rich snippets. It provides examples of direct answers being extracted from authoritative sources using natural language queries and intent templates. It also discusses how including structured data like tables, schemas, and markup can help search engines understand and display page content in a more standardized way. While knowledge-based trust is an interesting concept, current search ranking still primarily relies on link analysis and does not consider factual correctness.

How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website
How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress websiteHow to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website
How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website

Talk by Louise at SEO Brighton in April 2022. It is really easy to design and build a beautiful but slow WordPress website! The Google update for Core Web Vitals is a set of SEO ranking signals to help website owners improve the speed and user experience for their website. In this talk Louise will share with you how to adjust your WordPress site to improve your Core Web Vital scores. The strategies are different for each metric so she will go through each one and give you some practical ideas you can take back and action or ask your developer to implement.

core web vitalswordpresscwv
Speed up alt text generation without coding skills
Speed up alt text generation without coding skillsSpeed up alt text generation without coding skills
Speed up alt text generation without coding skills

In the UK, there are about 2 million people living with a visual impairment and nearly 36% of Google’s SERPs shows images. Image alt text are essential for making the internet accessible however it isn’t always a priority when it comes to SEO actions due to the challenges of implementing it at scale. This session walks you through easy, scalable alt text generation. This is a very accessible session with most of the heavy lifting already done for you

accessibilitysearch engine optimization
Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon

Avoid the most common SEO issues, challenges and mistakes by going through this presentation with tips, criteria and tools to use independently of your online store Web platform, and grow your organic search results

ecommerceecommerce seoseo for ecommerce
Passage indexing is likely more important than you think
Passage indexing is likely more important than you thinkPassage indexing is likely more important than you think
Passage indexing is likely more important than you think

Whilst passage indexing may seem like a small tweak to search ranking, it is potentially much more symptomatic of the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way that search engines understand unstructured content, determine relevance in natural language, and rank efficiently and effectively. It could also be a means of assessing overall quality of content and a means of dynamic index pruning. We will look at the landscape, and also provide some takeaways for brands and business owners looking to improve quality in unstructured content overall in this fast changing landscape.

seosearch engine optimizationsearch engine marketing
Internal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptx
Internal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptxInternal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptx
Internal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptx

This document discusses internal linking strategies and techniques. It begins by explaining the benefits of connecting entities within content, rather than just words, and translating those connections into internal links. It then provides an overview of technologies like PageRank, the reasonable surfer algorithm, topical PageRank, chunking, and natural language processing that search engines use to understand contexts and how those ideas can be applied to internal linking at scale. Specific options for approaches to internal linking existing pages are also outlined.

Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse

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How Search Works
How Search WorksHow Search Works
How Search Works

Patrick Stox gives a presentation on how search works. He discusses how Google crawls and indexes websites, processes content, handles queries, and ranks results. Some key points include: Google's crawler downloads pages and files from websites; processing includes duplicate detection, link parsing, and content analysis; queries are understood through techniques like spelling correction and query expansion; and search results are ranked based on numerous freshness, popularity, and relevancy signals.

seotechnical seosearch
40 Deep #SEO Insights for 2023
40 Deep #SEO Insights for 202340 Deep #SEO Insights for 2023
40 Deep #SEO Insights for 2023

40 Deep #SEO Insights for 2023: -In 2022, I told to focus on Natural Language Generation, and it happened. -In 2023, F-O-C-U-S on "Information Density, Richness, and Unique Added Value" with Microsemantics. I call the collection of these, "Information Responsiveness". 1/40 🧵. 1. PageRank Increases its Prominence for Weighting Sources Reason: #AI and automation will bloat the web, and the real authority signals will come from PageRank, and Exogenous Factors. The expert-like AI content and real expertise are differentiated with historical consistency. 2. Indexing and relevance thresholds will increase. Reason: A bloated web creates the need for unique value to be added to the web with real-world expertise and organizational signals. The knowledge domain terms, or #PageRank, will be important in the future of a web source. 3. AI and #automation filters will be created. Reason: Google needs to filter the websites that publish 500 articles a day on multiple topics to find non-expert websites. This is already happening. 4. #Google will start to make mistakes in filtering websites that use spam and AI. Reason: The need for AI-generated content filtration forced Google to check and audit "momentum", in other words, content publication frequency. I used the "momentum" first in TA Case Study. 5. Google uses #Author Vectors, and Author Recognition. Reason: LLMs use certain types of language styles and word sequences by leaving a watermark behind them. It is easy to understand which websites do not use a real expert for their articles, and content to differentiate. 6. #Microsemantics will be the name of the next game. Reason: The bloating on the web will create bigger web document clusters, and being a representative source will be more important. Thus, micro-differences inside the content will create higher unique value. 7. Custom #LLMs will be rented. Reason: Custom and unique LLMs will be trained and rented to the people who try to create 100 websites with 100,000 content items per website. NLP in SEO will show its true monetary value in mid-2023. 8. Advanced Semantic SEO will be a must for every SEO. Reason: 20 years of websites will lose their rankings to the new websites that come with 60,000 articles. This creates the need for advanced #Semantics and Lingusitics capabilities for SEOs. 9. Cost-of-retrieval will be a base concept for #SEO, as TA. Reason: TA explains a big portion of how the web works. Information Responsiveness and Cost-of-retrieval will complete it further. For two books, I will be publishing only these two concepts. 10. Google Keys Reason: The biggest Google leak after Quality Rater Guidelines will happen in 2023. And, I will be involved, but no more information, for now, I am not allowed to share more. Check the slides for the next SEO Insights for 2023. #searchengineoptimization #future #nlp #semantic #chatgpt #ai #content #quality #publishing #trend #seotrend #seo #searchengineoptimisation

seosearch engine optimizationsemantic search engine
SEO Tool Overload😱... Google Data Studio to the rescue
SEO Tool Overload😱... Google Data Studio to the rescueSEO Tool Overload😱... Google Data Studio to the rescue
SEO Tool Overload😱... Google Data Studio to the rescue

Google Sheet Template >>> Ask any person in SEO what tool they use, and you'll more likely than not get a list of tools answered. SEO's need different perspectives, the right tool for the right job, but with an explosion of data produced by these tools, things get overwhelming really fast. To be able to tie things together, Nils will explore ways to streamline the data from your tools and build a single source of truth with Google Data Studio, helping you to make the right decisions. You'll learn about using QUERY functions in Google Sheets, applying Machine Learning to do fuzzy matching on keywords and search queries, and much more... --- Want access to the Google Sheets and Google Data Studio TEMPLATES --> ---

Automating Google Lighthouse
• Set up a test Gatsby site and deploy it to Netlify
• Set up a Github repository for the site
• Add Github Action to run Lighthouse CI automatically
when new changes are published
• Set up performance budgets to halt deployment to
production if changes lower page speed performance
• Set up a LightHouse CI server to host the reports and to
visualize changes overtime
Setting up Gastby with
an ecommerce template site
Automating Google Lighthouse

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Log File Analysis
Log File AnalysisLog File Analysis
Log File Analysis

This document discusses parsing and analyzing large web server log files at scale. It summarizes that log files are usually huge in size and cannot be loaded entirely into memory. It proposes sequentially parsing chunks of lines and saving them to an efficient file format like Parquet to combine the files. This allows faster writing, reading and ingestion times compared to the raw log file format. Specific Python libraries like Pandas, Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet are used to efficiently convert and store the log data. A logs_to_df function is also defined that parses common/combined log formats line by line and saves chunks as Parquet files for scalable analysis of large log datasets.

big datadata scienceweb analytics
The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf
The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdfThe Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf
The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf

The document discusses featured snippets in Google search results. It begins by explaining what featured snippets are and their value for searchers. It then provides tips for developing a featured snippet strategy, including focusing keyword research on question keywords and optimizing content with headers, images, and schema markup. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of keyword research and checking all SEO best practices to start winning featured snippets.

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Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con
Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA ConSemantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con
Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con

1) Google uses various techniques to extract structured information like entities, relationships, and properties from unstructured text on the web and databases. This extracted information is then used to generate knowledge graphs and provide augmented responses to user queries. 2) One key technique is to identify patterns in which tuples of information are stored in databases, and then extract additional tuples by repeating the process and utilizing the identified patterns. 3) Google also extracts entities from user queries and may generate a knowledge graph to answer questions by providing information about the entities from sources like its own knowledge graph and information extracted from the web.

Automating Google Lighthouse
npm install -g gatsby-cli
Automating Google Lighthouse

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TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOsTechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs

The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

apps scriptseogoogle sheets
Keyword Research and Topic Modeling in a Semantic Web
Keyword Research and Topic Modeling in a Semantic WebKeyword Research and Topic Modeling in a Semantic Web
Keyword Research and Topic Modeling in a Semantic Web

The document discusses keyword research and topic modeling in the semantic web. It covers identifying named entities, adding schema markup to pages, and verifying listings on Google My Business. It also discusses using context and related phrases to improve search engine optimization, including looking at knowledge bases, disambiguations pages, and clustering related meanings. The document provides examples of using related words and phrases for semantic topic clustering and ranking documents based on included phrases.

SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...
SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...
SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...

Learn how to identify high-impact SEO opportunities in your SEO Process fast, going through common scenarios that you can use to maximize your SEO results.

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gatsby new gatsby-starter-netlify-cms
cd gatsby-starter-netlify-cms
gatsby develop
git config --global
git config --global ”Hamlet Batista”

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How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...
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How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...

Google conducts 800,000 experiments and improvements to search annually to optimize search results for users. In 2021 alone, Google made 5,000 improvements to search. As of August 2022, 92% of all search queries are handled by Google. The document then provides an in-depth overview of how to conduct a comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) analysis, including competitor analysis, entity analysis, sentiment analysis, search intent analysis, language use analysis, and rank analysis. It recommends leveraging tools like Google APIs, Data for SEO, and GPT-3 to automate the analysis and provide classifications. The analysis is intended to guide content and keyword strategy execution rather than replace it.

Semantic Content Networks - Ranking Websites on Google with Semantic SEO
Semantic Content Networks - Ranking Websites on Google with Semantic SEOSemantic Content Networks - Ranking Websites on Google with Semantic SEO
Semantic Content Networks - Ranking Websites on Google with Semantic SEO

Semantic Content Networks are the semantic networks of things with relations, directed graphs, attributes and facts. Every declaration, and proposition for semantic search represent a factual repository. Open Information Extraction is a methodology for creation of a semantic network. The Knowledge Base and Knowledge Graph are connected things to each other in terms of factual repository usage. The Knowledge Base represents a factual repository with descriptions and triples. Knowledge Graph is the visualized version of the Knowledge Base. A semantic network is knowledge representation. Semantic Network is prominent to understand the value of an individual node, or the similar and distant members of the same semantic network. Semantic networks are implemented for the search engine result pages. Semantic networks are to create a factual and connected question and answer networks. A semantic network can be represented and consist of from textual and visual content. Semantic Network include lexical parts and lexical units. Links, Nodes, and Labels are parts of the semantic networks. Procedural Parts are constructors, destructors, writers and readers. Procedural parts are to expand the semantic networks and refresh the information on it. Structural Part has links and nodes. Semantic part has the associated meanings which are represented as the labels. The semantic content networks have different types of relations and relation types. Semantic content networks have "and/OR" trees. Semantic Content Networks have "Relation Type Examples" with "is/A" hierarchies. Semantic Content Networks have "is/Part" Hierarchy. Inheritance, reification, multiple inheritance, range queries and values, intersection search, complex semantic networks, inferential distance, partial ordering, semantic distance, and semantic relevance are concepts from semantic networks. Semantic networks help understanding semantic search engines and the semantic SEO. Because, it contains all of the related lexical relations, semantic role labels, entity-attribute pairs, or triples like entity, predicate and object. Search engines prefer to use semantic networks to understand the factuality of a website. Knowledge-based Trust is related to the semantic networks because it provides a factuality related trust score to balance the PageRank. The knowledge-based Trust is announced by Luna DONG. Ramanathan V. Guha is another inventor from the Google and He focuses on the semantic web and semantic search engine behaviors. He explored and invented the semantic search engine related facts. Semantic Content Networks are used as a concept by Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR who is founder of Holistic SEO & Digital. Expressing semantic content networks helps to shape the semantic networks via textual and visual content pieces. The semantic content networks are helpful to shape the truth on the open web, and help a search engine to rank a website even if there is no external PageRank flow.

semantic websemantic searchsemantic seo
Intro to Github Actions @likecoin
Intro to Github Actions @likecoinIntro to Github Actions @likecoin
Intro to Github Actions @likecoin

Github Action is the CI/CD tool made by Github. Deeply integrated with Github features, it can not only automate deployments, but also Githu.b repository management. In this sharing I will talk about how we use Github action in LikeCoin and some issues we encountered.

githubgithub actionsci
Setting up a Github repo to host the
source code of the site
Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse

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Take your CI to the next level! Learn how to optimize your pipelines for faster and more efficient builds through parallelization, caching, failing early, and more.

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Istio Introduction Setup Shopping Portal Microservice Deployment Canary Deployment Routing Rules based on User Agent and Weight Distributed Tracing Visualizing Metrics

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Automating Google Lighthouse
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The document discusses Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which provides a set of cloud computing services including computing, storage, databases, networking, big data, machine learning, and IoT. Some key benefits of GCP include running applications on Google's global infrastructure, focusing on product development rather than system administration, mixing and matching different cloud services, and scaling applications easily to handle millions of users in a cost-effective way. GCP offers both fully managed platform services and flexible virtual machines. It also provides storage, database, and networking services to store and access data.

cloud computing
Supercharge your app with Cloud Functions for Firebase
Supercharge your app with Cloud Functions for FirebaseSupercharge your app with Cloud Functions for Firebase
Supercharge your app with Cloud Functions for Firebase

Say you have an existing app that uses Firebase. But now you want to add payment processing, image processing, send push notifications, or other functionality that really can't be done in the app itself. How can you do these things without spinning up your own servers? Firebase has you covered. In this codelab you learn how to write JavaScript functions that run in response to events that happen in Firebase. You then deploy these functions to Cloud Functions for Firebase, where they run auto-scaled on Google's infrastructure. To get the most value out of attending, be sure to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine along with your favorite text editor.

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Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)
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Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)

This document discusses considerations for making serverless applications production ready. It covers topics like testing, monitoring, logging, deployment pipelines, performance optimization, and security. The document emphasizes principles over specific tools, and recommends focusing on shipping working software through practices like embracing external services for testing instead of mocking.

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Automating Google Lighthouse
Setting up Lighthouse CI
as a Github Action
Automating Google Lighthouse

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I will tell you war stories from Kubernetes implementations in two startups: a fashion ecommerce - Lykehq - and Fintech/Machine Learning - SMACC. Getting them to Continuous Deployment, mistakes I made, and how we solve them. Show why K8S is such a powerful tool and -- most important for me -- it gives you learn-as-you-go experience. The new linux, the new application server some say. Check:

Play with azure functions
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Play with azure functions

This document provides an overview of serverless computing and Azure Functions. It discusses why serverless computing is useful, compares various platforms like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions, and provides examples of use cases for Azure Functions. It also demonstrates creating and managing functions using the Azure portal, Kudu, and Visual Studio. Durable Functions are introduced and limitations of the serverless model are discussed. Code samples are provided.

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CloudStack is an open source cloud computing platform that allows management of virtual servers and storage. SaltStack allows configuration management of those servers. Libcloud provides a Python API to interface with multiple cloud providers including CloudStack. The Salt Cloud module uses libcloud to provision nodes on CloudStack and configure them using SaltStack. This allows defining profiles for nodes to deploy on CloudStack and provisioning them using Salt Cloud commands.

saltstackhackconfiguration management
Get a Lighthouse report alongside every pull request.
Prevent regressions in accessibility, SEO, offline support, and performance best practices.
Track performance metrics and Lighthouse scores over time.
Set and keep performance budgets on scripts and images.
Run Lighthouse many times to reduce variance.
Compare two versions of your site to find improvements and regressions of individual resources.
Automating Google Lighthouse

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The document discusses how the Qovery deployment engine works. It is written in Rust and uses a state machine approach to deploy applications across multiple steps in a transactional manner. It pulls deployment requests from a control plane and executes them on user AWS accounts, building and deploying containers through APIs. The document also provides an overview of Qovery and how developers can use it to deploy apps on AWS, as well as suggestions for getting started with the Rust programming language.

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Automate Your Automation | DrupalCon Vienna
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Automate Your Automation | DrupalCon Vienna

Greg Anderson provides guidance on automating various development and deployment tasks. He discusses automating tasks like development, testing, deployment and maintenance. Some key tools mentioned are Travis CI, Circle CI, Composer and hub. Automating tasks improves reliability, makes onboarding easier and allows doing more work. The costs of not automating include increased risk of errors and lost knowledge over time.

Bringing JAMStack to the Enterprise
Bringing JAMStack to the EnterpriseBringing JAMStack to the Enterprise
Bringing JAMStack to the Enterprise

Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL Jamund Ferguson talks about some of the challenges PayPal faced with their Node.js application servers and why they think the JAMStack approach improves performance for both their apps and their developers. He includes discussions around performance, security, development experience and deploy speed. Filmed at Jamund Ferguson is a JavaScript architect at PayPal. He loves to look at how following patterns consistently can prevent bugs in applications. He’s previously contributed to the ESLint and StandardJS open-source projects and has as of late become a fan of FlowType and TypeScript.

jamund fergusoninfoqqcon
Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse
git clone
cd gatsby-starter-netlify-cms
mkdir .github/workflows/
cd .github/workflows/
Adding the Lighthouse CI
Action to the repo (cont.)
• This is the file
• This is all we need to create a test
• I left the test URLs in the example.
We will change them later

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Building a Cauldron for Chef to Cook In

Regardless of whether you're using chef or any other automated devops tool, you still need to consider where you are going to host things. Redundancy is good, so in this talk I will describe the tools I used as well as how and why I set up my own chef+git server to provide my own cauldron in which to cook up server deployments.

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Serverless in Production, an experience report (AWS UG South Wales)
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Serverless in Production, an experience report (AWS UG South Wales)

AWS Lambda has changed the way we deploy and run software, but this new serverless paradigm has created new challenges to old problems - how do you test a cloud-hosted function locally? How do you monitor them? What about logging and config management? And how do we start migrating from existing architectures? In this talk Yan and Scott will discuss solutions to these challenges by drawing from real-world experience running Lambda in production and migrating from an existing monolithic architecture.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Advanced technic for OS upgrading in 3 minutes
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Advanced technic for OS upgrading in 3 minutes

This document discusses strategies for rapidly automating operating system upgrades and application deployments at scale. It proposes a two-phase image creation strategy using official OS images and Packer to build minimal and role-specific images. Automated tools like Puppet, Capistrano, Consul and Fluentd are configured to allow deployments to complete within 30 minutes through infrastructure-as-code practices. Continuous integration testing with Drone and Serverspec is used to refactor configuration files and validate server configurations.

Adding the Lighthouse CI
Action to the repo (cont.)
• git add .
• git commit -m "added LHCI action"
• git push origin master
Automating Google Lighthouse
Setting up Lighthouse
CI performance budgets

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GR8Conf 2011: myBalsamiq

This document discusses myBalsamiq, a product from Balsamiq that allows thousands of users to collaborate on mockups in the cloud. It provides a demo of myBalsamiq's features, discusses how Grails has helped with development, and outlines future plans including improved collaboration and alternative data stores. Community contributions include plugins for payments via Spreedly and real-time notifications with Beaconpush.

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Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse

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Git hooks
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Git hooks

This document discusses using Git hooks for deployment to staging and production environments. It provides examples of a simple scenario using a post-update hook to automatically deploy code on push to a single production server. It also outlines a more advanced setup using Git hooks to deploy to staging and production environments with different processes, including emails on staging deploys and manual gem updates for production.

A Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript Frameworks
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A Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript Frameworks

This document summarizes a presentation on SEO tactics for modern JavaScript frameworks. It discusses using application shells for initial HTML rendering, adding SEO meta tags, handling client-side navigation and redirects, and testing search bot capabilities. Examples are provided using ReactJS, NextJS, VueJS and NuxtJS for application shells, meta tags, navigation and redirects. The document also describes experiments conducted to evaluate features supported in Googlebot and Bingbot.

Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions
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Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions

Avoid duplicate content and don’t leave money on the table with unoptimized groups of pages linked by canonical declarations! Particularly in e-commerce, you can increase Google’s confidence by making sure your groups of product URLs are perfectly canonicalized and clear to search engines.

Adding a performance
budget (cont.) • git add ../../budget.json
• git commit -
m ”added budget.json to home dir”
• git push origin master
Automating Google Lighthouse
Setting up Lighthouse CI server with a
Postgres backend to host the reports

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Presentation for SEMrush Live with Nitin Machanda. You can find the recording here

Creando una Sección de FAQS y su Marcado de Datos Estructurados en 30 Minutos
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Sin magia o secretos, Hamlet Batista, fundador y CEO de RankSense nos estará mostrando en tiempo real como realizar un correcto marcado de datos estructurados en FAQ, lo cual te permitirá mejorar tu visibilidad de cara a las intenciones de búsqueda de los usuarios en los buscadores.

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Doing More with Less: Automated, High-Quality Content Generation
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Doing More with Less: Automated, High-Quality Content Generation

You're dealing with shrinking budgets, disappearing clients, and taking on the work of furloughed coworkers. How do you continue to deliver amazing results with limited time and resources? Writing quality content that educates and persuades is still a surefire way to achieve your traffic and conversion goals. But the process is an arduous, manual job that doesn't scale. Fortunately, the latest advances in Natural Language Understand and Generation offer some promising and exciting results. Hamlet will walk you through what is possible right now using practical examples (and code!) that technical SEOs can follow and adapt for their business.

seocontent marketingartificial intelligence
Automating Google Lighthouse
Setting up the
Lighthouse CI Server
• npm install -D @lhci/cli @lhci/server
• Create an instance
• Set up user and password
• Create a database named lighthouse
• Find your LHCI server P using:
• In Connections, add this IP to whitelist it.
For example,

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Agile SEO: Faster SEO ResultsAgile SEO: Faster SEO Results
Agile SEO: Faster SEO Results

Webinar with Dale Bertrand, President of Fire&Spark, in which I talk about technologies and techniques to accelerate the SEO timeline.

Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps
Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content GapsScaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps
Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps

This document discusses scaling keyword research to find content gaps. It begins by explaining how keyword research has changed from 2013 to focus more on SERP features replacing the top blue links. The presenter then outlines an agenda to map SERP features to content formats, use those to research gaps in content formats for underperforming keywords, and automate the process using Python. Code examples are provided to extract keywords from Google Search Console, get their SERP features from SEMrush, check web pages for expected content formats, and generate a report of missing formats. Resources for learning more about the techniques are also shared.

seopythoncontent marketing
For example:
of database instance>/lighthouse
This will allow the LHCI Server to
persist the reports to the database
we created
First, we need to install the Postgres driver for Node using:
npm install -g pg
lhci server --storage.sqlDialect=postgres --
We get “Server listening on port 9001”
First, we need to install the Postgres driver for Node using:
npm install -g pg
lhci server --storage.sqlDialect=postgres --
We get “Server listening on port 9001”
First time we run it we get this screen
Initialize the LHCI
• lhci wizard

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“Machine learning can help you understand and predict intent in ways that simply aren’t possible manually. It can also help you find missed or unexpected connections between business goals and the habits of your key customer segments.”

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Compelling data and visualizations make your content stand out by making it more credible, impactful, and engaging. If you could collect and analyze any data you need yourself, you could iterate faster and find insights that your developer may never find. A small investment of time learning Python, an easy-to-learn programming language, will pay off in higher-impact content.

big datastorytellingpython
Setting up our LHCI Github Action to upload
reports to the LHCI Server on every push
Automating Google Lighthouse
Updating our workflow
• We add three lines to replace the
temporary storage
• upload.serverBaseUrl: ${{
secrets.LHCI_SERVER }}
• upload.token: ${{
secrets.LHCI_TOKEN }}

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Writing quality content and meta data at scale is a big problem for most enterprise sites. In this webinar we are going to explore what is possible given the latest advances in deep learning and natural language processing.Our main focus is going to be about generating metadata: titles, meta descriptions, h1s, etc that are critical for technical SEO performance. But, we will cover full article generation as well.

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The New Renaissance of JavaScript
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The New Renaissance of JavaScript

This document discusses various techniques for improving JavaScript rendering for SEO purposes, including: - Using automated tests to prevent JavaScript-related SEO errors before deployment. Unit and end-to-end tests can check for issues like missing tags. - Choosing an appropriate rendering technique depending on how often content changes, whether it be pre-rendering, server-side rendering, or dynamic rendering. - Leveraging universal JavaScript to avoid accidental cloaking issues and ensure consistency between what users and search engines see. Workarounds are discussed when universal JavaScript is not practical.

javascripttechnical seopwa
Data and Evidence-driven SEO
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Data and Evidence-driven SEO

This document discusses using data and evidence-driven approaches with Python and machine learning for SEO. It covers hunting for evidence to leverage technological advances, scaling SEO success from keywords to image searches, turning negative reviews into positive insights through sentiment analysis, and how to get started with Python to analyze SEO data. The agenda also includes a section on turning review trash into gold with machine translation and sentiment style transfer.

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Hamlet Batista is presenting on advanced data-driven SEO. He will discuss diagnosing common SEO problems like link equity, robots.txt files, XML sitemaps, duplicate content and stale content. He will also cover performing competitive analyses, improving content and keyword strategy, and measuring SEO progress. Attendees can receive a complimentary SEO ebook by providing their business card or emailing Hamlet after the presentation.

Technical SEO "Overoptimization"
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Technical SEO "Overoptimization"

The document discusses technical SEO best practices and common mistakes for e-commerce websites. It covers topics like site architecture, duplicate content, rich snippets, video/image search optimization, mobile optimization, and making dynamic content visible to search engines. Specific techniques are presented for each topic to improve search rankings and organic traffic. Common pitfalls are also outlined to avoid technical SEO issues.

Why Pay for Performance When You Can Lead the World To Your Door for Free?
Why Pay for Performance When You Can Lead the World To Your Door for Free?Why Pay for Performance When You Can Lead the World To Your Door for Free?
Why Pay for Performance When You Can Lead the World To Your Door for Free?

This document provides an overview of 15 proven SEO tactics and their impact, implementation costs, and potential results. The tactics include writing descriptive titles and meta descriptions, optimizing mobile pages, displaying video thumbnails, optimizing images and videos, finding keyword opportunities, rewriting manufacturer descriptions, fixing infinite crawl spaces, fixing stale content issues, fixing canonicalization issues, and fixing duplicate meta data. For each tactic, the document outlines the goal, time to see results, impact, key performance indicators, and assumptions used to estimate potential results. The overall document aims to educate on SEO best practices and tactics to improve search visibility and organic traffic.


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