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Need for Speed:
                Website Edition

Presented by Devin Walker
About Me - @wordimpress
    ● WordPress-focused Developer
    ● Enjoy Web Design, Blogging and Golf
Website Optimization - What does this mean?
How Fast is your website?

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How webpage loading takes place?
How webpage loading takes place?How webpage loading takes place?
How webpage loading takes place?

In this presentation, I have shown how a webpage is loaded on your viewport after you request for the same. The process is simple. Once you click on the URL, the browser makes a request to the webserver. The request is processed by the webserver. Web server files the response to the request and sends it to the browser. The requested page is sent to the web browser. The browser then loads and renders the page content. The requested page is then shown on the viewport.

page loadingpage loading speedseo
Life in the Fast Lane: Speed, Usability & Search Engine Optimization
Life in the Fast Lane: Speed, Usability & Search Engine OptimizationLife in the Fast Lane: Speed, Usability & Search Engine Optimization
Life in the Fast Lane: Speed, Usability & Search Engine Optimization

In 2010, Google announced that site speed was a ranking factor and the reaction was a collective shrug. When you load your site in Chrome, it’s quick, right? So why worry? Mobile. We know that you bought the iPhone 5 as soon as it came out, but what about the poor sucker who’s still on a Blackberry? Did you know that every added second on load time on a mobile device causes 20% of your audience to bail? You can be #1 on Google, but if your site takes 10 seconds to load, you might as well be #10,000. And responsive design won’t save you. In this seminar, learn tactics to make your WordPress site blazing fast, including responsive designs. It’s speed, usability and SEO, mashed together in delicious harmony.

wordpressusabilityweb design
Web performance
Web performanceWeb performance
Web performance

1. Definition of Web performance. 2. Why Important. 3. Webpage Rendering. 4. Browsers render. 5. Web Performance Rules. 6. Web Performance Tools. 7. Research

html css jsperformanceperformance tools
Why is Website Performance Important?
It requires 50% more concentration when
using badly performing websites
The Faster the Website, the Lower the
Bounce Rate and the Higher the
Conversions (more leads, sales... money)
Milliseconds are Money

● Google: 500ms slower = 20% drop in traffic

● Amazon: 100ms slower = 1% drop in sales

● Facebook: 500ms slower = 3% traffic drop

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The document summarizes strategies for optimizing local search engine results. It discusses using structured data to provide location and contact information, gathering reviews and testimonials, creating geo-sitemap files, and mobilizing websites. Plugins and tools are recommended for implementing structured data, collecting testimonials, and creating responsive mobile designs. The presentation provides specific techniques for local businesses to improve their search engine visibility and customer interactions.


Speed! presentation given at the CMS Expo on May 2011. Presentation talks about why it is important to speed up a website and how to do it.

Website performance optimization
Website performance optimizationWebsite performance optimization
Website performance optimization

This presentation is made for how to optimize the performance of the website, different tools used and future trends in website development

web designwebsiteweb2.0
Decrease costs, improve visitor satisfaction
Matt Cutts
Head of Google Web Spam
"Google is incorporating site speed as one
  of the over 200 signals that we use in
      determining search rankings"
                 - Matt Cutts
A faster website can improve your
      search engine visibility

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A performance optimization presentation for WordCamp Sacramento 2016. Presented by Austin Gil. This presentation addresses issues in design, development, and project management, where performance is most greatly affected. We look at various opportunities and techniques within each stage that may offer more speed. The subjects range from beginner to advanced with tips and advice that just about anyone can walk away with, and we end with a collection of recommended tools. This presentation was designed so the slides would be useful even out of context of the presentation. Please enjoy.

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How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site (and get A+ scores)How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site (and get A+ scores)
How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site (and get A+ scores)

Full Guide - In this site speed optimization guide, we provide 25-Tips to get blazing fast website speeds of under 0.5s.

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Ctrl+F5 Bangalore 2017: Super charge you word press website by Justin Thomas
Ctrl+F5 Bangalore 2017: Super charge you word press website by Justin ThomasCtrl+F5 Bangalore 2017: Super charge you word press website by Justin Thomas
Ctrl+F5 Bangalore 2017: Super charge you word press website by Justin Thomas

Justin delves into the issues encountered by WordPress Developers and Designers with different kinds of Hosting, looks at the solutions, learns how to ensure limits are not breached with your hosting provider and how to get the best performance for your website without overspending on infrastructure.

wordpress websiteswordpress
How to Gauge a Website's Speed
The 3-second Rule
Google Webmaster Tools
Webpage Test -

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My improved presentation on how to speed up Wordpress and optimize it's performance. Also covers why we still need to care about page load time.

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HTTP/2 and Service Works are becoming more established, yet the SEO community lacks awareness of what they are what they may mean for us. A lot of us know we need to know about them but we manage to keep putting it off. However, for both of these technologies, the next 12 months are going to be the turning point where we really can't avoid learning more about them. Tom will provide and accessible introduction to both, with a focus on what they are, how they work and what SEOs need to know. If you have been scared of jumping in to them until now, this session will help get you up to speed.

searchlovesearchlove sandiego
Battling Google PageSpeed Insights
Battling Google PageSpeed InsightsBattling Google PageSpeed Insights
Battling Google PageSpeed Insights

This document discusses how to improve website speed by optimizing page loading performance. It provides tips for reducing render-blocking scripts, minifying files, prioritizing visible content, lazy loading below the fold content, optimizing images, leveraging browser caching with custom expire headers, reducing server response time, and enabling GZIP compression. Tools mentioned for measuring site speed include Google PageSpeed Insights and GTMetrix.

Webpage Test -

 ● Detailed Speed Report

 ● Nice A-F Grading System

 ● Ability to Change Browser and
   Location of Server
Pingdom Tools -
Pingdom Tools -

 ● Detailed test history

 ● Default tests are public*

 ● Commercial company

 ● No ability to change browser and
   only 3-locations
Google Analytics -

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Slides from presentation given at WordCamp Stuttgart 2019 See blog at for more tips!

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WordPress optimization
WordPress optimizationWordPress optimization
WordPress optimization

hether you run a high traffic WordPress installation or a small blog on a low cost shared host, you should optimize WordPress and your server to run as efficiently as possible. This article provides a broad overview of WordPress optimization with specific recommended approaches. However, it's not a detailed technical explanation of each aspect.

wordpressoptimizationwordpress optimization
Is your website's speed letting you down?
Is your website's speed letting you down?Is your website's speed letting you down?
Is your website's speed letting you down?

The document discusses page speed and provides tips for optimizing website page speed. It introduces tools like Google Page Speed and Yahoo YSlow for measuring page speed. It then provides steps on how to use these tools and makes recommendations for improving page speed through image optimization, CSS and JavaScript minification, reducing errors, caching assets, and reducing the number of HTTP requests and third party widgets.

Google Analytics -

 ● Measure across entire site

 ● Content: which pages are slowest?

 ● Traffic Sources: which campaign corresponds
   to faster page loads?

 ● Geographies: where in the world is my site

 ● Technology: how fast does my site load in
   different browsers?
Additional Tools

 ● Google Page Speed Tools

 ● YSlow (Yahoo)

 ● Which Loads Faster?

 ● ShowSlow
How to Improve Website Speed
#1 Hosting Provider
Who is hosting your website and how are they hosting it?

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How To Make Your Wordpress Website Load Faster - 20 Tips
How To Make Your Wordpress Website Load Faster - 20 TipsHow To Make Your Wordpress Website Load Faster - 20 Tips
How To Make Your Wordpress Website Load Faster - 20 Tips

These 20 tips will help you speed up your Wordpress website and make it load faster. For more, please visit -

wordpresswebsitewebsite speed
AMP up Your WordPress Site
AMP up Your WordPress SiteAMP up Your WordPress Site
AMP up Your WordPress Site

1. What is AMP 2. Why should you care about AMP 3. The AMP way of doing things 4. How to get started with AMP 5. Additional resources

Tips to improve your page load speed
Tips to improve your page load speedTips to improve your page load speed
Tips to improve your page load speed

This document provides tips to improve website loading speed in order to increase traffic. It recommends optimizing images by compressing file sizes and using appropriate formats. Other tips include minimizing HTTP requests, placing stylesheets and JavaScript files strategically, reducing cookie sizes, minifying code, avoiding unnecessary redirects, optimizing DNS lookups and DOM elements. The document offers for a free site health check from PixelCrayons to analyze loading speed and suggest improvements. Contact details are provided to get help optimizing a website for faster loading.

improve websitepage loading timetips and tricks
#2 Utilize Caching
Page Cache, Database Cache, Object Cache, Browser Cache, Reverse Proxy
#3 Combine CSS and JS files
Load JS in the footer whenever possible
#4 Use a CDN
A Content Delivery Network (CDN) will 'put a rocket behind your static content'
#5 Reduce and Optimize Images
 Use CSS3 whenever and wherever possible, save images for web


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Optimizing WordPress Performance
Optimizing WordPress PerformanceOptimizing WordPress Performance
Optimizing WordPress Performance

Site speed is a ranking factor in Google, and for good reason. Visitors have a short attention span, and will quickly navigate away from a slow website, especially on mobile. This presentation covers essential tools and techniques for improving your load times and PageSpeed score, such as caching, image optimization, and plugin performance.

How to improve your website performance
How to improve your website performanceHow to improve your website performance
How to improve your website performance

The document provides tips on how to improve website performance for mobile users. It recommends taking a mobile-first approach and measuring key performance metrics like speed index, load time and file size. Some tips include optimizing images, caching and compressing files, automating performance testing, and using plugins to help optimize HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It also discusses using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to make mobile sites load faster. The overall message is that mobile web speed is important for search engine optimization, user experience and business goals.

20 tips for website performance
20 tips for website performance20 tips for website performance
20 tips for website performance

Lets look at an example of what a performant website can look like. This discuss what concepts should we be considering when looking at website performance. Next we will go over two areas pertaining to website performance: 1) website performance tweaks that you as a web developer can directly make 2) website performance tweaks that you may have to work with your hosting provider or IT department to achieve

website performanceweb performance testingweb performance monitoring
#6 Use Compression
 Save bandwidth and speed up your website
#7 Use Sprites
One image, fewer HTTP-Requests and faster image loading
#8 Monitor Your Website
It is always good to know how well your server is performing
#9 Optimize your Database Regularly
Optimizing database tables regularly will help improve website performance

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Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]
Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]

Core Web Vitals to improve your website performance for better SEO results with CWV. CWV Topics include: - Understanding the latest Core Web Vitals including the significance of LCP, INP and CLS + their impact on SEO - Optimisation techniques from our experts on how to improve your CWV on platforms like WordPress and WP Engine - The impact of user experience and SEO

Making Web Sites Fast - Greg Keith
Making Web Sites Fast - Greg KeithMaking Web Sites Fast - Greg Keith
Making Web Sites Fast - Greg Keith

How do you make your Web site blazingly fast? This presentation describes what Google and end-users mean by "fast", and lists some tools to help you get better server response and page load times for your Web site.

web site speedseoweb sites
Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements
Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvementsBoosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements
Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements

This document discusses ways to improve web performance and boost conversion rates. It begins by explaining how slow page loads can negatively impact businesses, costing Amazon $1.6 billion per year for every second of slowdown. The document then discusses various metrics that impact performance like page size, number of HTTP requests and JavaScript size. It provides tips for testing and improving performance, such as optimizing images, minifying files, leveraging caching and CDNs. The document stresses that web performance optimization is an ongoing process of testing, setting budgets and refactoring code over time.

#10 Mobile and Tablet Optimization
Use CSS3 Media Queries, JS and server-side technology to speed up devices
More Ways to Make Websites Faster
Optimization is addictive; after one boost in speed, you'll want more...

   ● Redirects are expensive; reduce them

   ● Use a fast DNS web service
   ● Responsive image replacement

   ● Minimize CSS bloat
   ● Optimize server-side code and
     intensive database queries
Optimization for WordPress
WordPress-specific tips to make your website faster

   ● Deactivate and delete unused plugins
     (and themes)
   ● Use the Latest Version of WordPress

   ● Delete post revisions (and deactivate)

   ● Delete Spam Comments
Website Optimization is
 like Losing Weight

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How to Boost the performance of your Wordpress powered websites

Pratik has 12 years of experience in the Hosting industry and knows what are the kind of limitations hosting providers implement on their servers. He has insight on what works on these servers and what does not. He is looking to share this experience with the all of us and share the tricks that work with most of the hosting providers. These tweaks should help you to get maximum performance from your current package without spending anything on resources or additional upgrades or services.

website performancewordpress best practiceswordpress performance
SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained
SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained
SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained

During our second SEO webinar lesson, we spoke about the importance of site speed. We ran through an explanation of the Google Page Speed insights tool and how to take care of the most common optimizations the tool sugests to site oweners.

google page speed insightssite speed seoseo 101
Drupal Effect on High Performance Websites
Drupal Effect on High Performance Websites Drupal Effect on High Performance Websites
Drupal Effect on High Performance Websites

Drupal has amazing features that can help in the performance optimisation of the website and remove the sluggishness to make it a high performing space.

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    Thank You!
    This presentation is available at:

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Need for Speed: Website Edition – Website Optimization Tools and Techniques Presentation

  • 1. Need for Speed: Website Edition Presented by Devin Walker
  • 2. About Me - @wordimpress ● WordPress-focused Developer ● Enjoy Web Design, Blogging and Golf v ● ● ●
  • 3. Website Optimization - What does this mean?
  • 4. How Fast is your website?
  • 5. Why is Website Performance Important?
  • 6. It requires 50% more concentration when using badly performing websites
  • 7. The Faster the Website, the Lower the Bounce Rate and the Higher the Conversions (more leads, sales... money)
  • 8. Milliseconds are Money ● Google: 500ms slower = 20% drop in traffic ● Amazon: 100ms slower = 1% drop in sales ● Facebook: 500ms slower = 3% traffic drop
  • 9. Decrease costs, improve visitor satisfaction
  • 10. Matt Cutts Head of Google Web Spam
  • 11. "Google is incorporating site speed as one of the over 200 signals that we use in determining search rankings" - Matt Cutts
  • 12. A faster website can improve your search engine visibility
  • 13. How to Gauge a Website's Speed
  • 16. Webpage Test -
  • 17. Webpage Test - ● Detailed Speed Report ● Nice A-F Grading System ● Ability to Change Browser and Location of Server
  • 18. Pingdom Tools -
  • 19. Pingdom Tools - ● Detailed test history ● Default tests are public* ● Commercial company ● No ability to change browser and only 3-locations
  • 20. Google Analytics -
  • 21. Google Analytics - ● Measure across entire site ● Content: which pages are slowest? ● Traffic Sources: which campaign corresponds to faster page loads? ● Geographies: where in the world is my site slowest/fastest? ● Technology: how fast does my site load in different browsers?
  • 22. Additional Tools ● Google Page Speed Tools ● YSlow (Yahoo) ● Which Loads Faster? ● ShowSlow
  • 23. How to Improve Website Speed
  • 24. #1 Hosting Provider Who is hosting your website and how are they hosting it?
  • 25. #2 Utilize Caching Page Cache, Database Cache, Object Cache, Browser Cache, Reverse Proxy
  • 26. #3 Combine CSS and JS files Load JS in the footer whenever possible
  • 27. #4 Use a CDN A Content Delivery Network (CDN) will 'put a rocket behind your static content'
  • 28. #5 Reduce and Optimize Images Use CSS3 whenever and wherever possible, save images for web
  • 29. #6 Use Compression Save bandwidth and speed up your website
  • 30. #7 Use Sprites One image, fewer HTTP-Requests and faster image loading
  • 31. #8 Monitor Your Website It is always good to know how well your server is performing
  • 32. #9 Optimize your Database Regularly Optimizing database tables regularly will help improve website performance
  • 33. #10 Mobile and Tablet Optimization Use CSS3 Media Queries, JS and server-side technology to speed up devices
  • 34. More Ways to Make Websites Faster Optimization is addictive; after one boost in speed, you'll want more... ● Redirects are expensive; reduce them ● Use a fast DNS web service ● Responsive image replacement ● Minimize CSS bloat ● Optimize server-side code and intensive database queries
  • 35. Optimization for WordPress WordPress-specific tips to make your website faster ● Deactivate and delete unused plugins (and themes) ● Use the Latest Version of WordPress ● Delete post revisions (and deactivate) ● Delete Spam Comments
  • 36. Website Optimization is like Losing Weight
  • 37. v Thank You! Questions? This presentation is available at: