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Optimizing your 
WordPress website 
for Speed 
& Performance 
Mary White 
WordPressKC | #wpkc
Grandview Triangle early 90’s
Why should I optimize my website?
How long do you stay 
and wait for a 
website to load? 
Make a mental note…….. 
SHHH don’t 
Tell anyone

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How webpage loading takes place?
How webpage loading takes place?How webpage loading takes place?
How webpage loading takes place?

In this presentation, I have shown how a webpage is loaded on your viewport after you request for the same. The process is simple. Once you click on the URL, the browser makes a request to the webserver. The request is processed by the webserver. Web server files the response to the request and sends it to the browser. The requested page is sent to the web browser. The browser then loads and renders the page content. The requested page is then shown on the viewport.

page loadingpage loading speedseo
The Need for Speed (5 Performance Optimization Tipps) - brightonSEO 2014
The Need for Speed (5 Performance Optimization Tipps) - brightonSEO 2014The Need for Speed (5 Performance Optimization Tipps) - brightonSEO 2014
The Need for Speed (5 Performance Optimization Tipps) - brightonSEO 2014

My talk at #brightonSEO 2014 on how to make websites FAST, covering request optimizations, caching, JS & CSS tweaks and a lot more!

Guide To Web Development
Guide To Web DevelopmentGuide To Web Development
Guide To Web Development

This document is a roadmap for web development created by Google DSC at King Abdulaziz University. It outlines sections for front-end development, back-end development, and design. Each section lists languages and tools to learn along with estimated timeframes and links to resources. The roadmap recommends spending 20% of time on crash courses, 30% applying knowledge, and 50% building projects. It aims to guide learners through a structured plan to become full-stack web developers.

Every raise your hand 
Lower your hands as you hear your 
1-3 seconds 
3-5 seconds 
6-10 seconds 
11-15 seconds 
Look around who would be 
waiting on a slow site to load?
“Studies show that users leave a site if it hasn't loaded in 4 
seconds; keep your users happy and engaged by providing a 
fast performing website! ~~From gtmetric” 
“According to Kissmetrics, nearly half of web users expect a 
site to load in two seconds or less, and they tend to abandon 
sites that don’t load within three seconds.”
Couple more reasons Why? 
Bounce rate-- the amount of time 
before someone leaves your web page 
One of Google points for ranking a 
website is the speed at which it loads. 
Google uses many factors but you don’t 
want to lose out on this one

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Building Faster Websites
Building Faster WebsitesBuilding Faster Websites
Building Faster Websites

This is my latest version of my client side performance presentations. This has been presented at TechEd NZ 2009 & to a couple of .NET user groups around NZ. This presentation focuses on the basics of client-side performance tuning.

performance clientside javascript css frontend xer
How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013
How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013
How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013

The document summarizes strategies for optimizing local search engine results. It discusses using structured data to provide location and contact information, gathering reviews and testimonials, creating geo-sitemap files, and mobilizing websites. Plugins and tools are recommended for implementing structured data, collecting testimonials, and creating responsive mobile designs. The presentation provides specific techniques for local businesses to improve their search engine visibility and customer interactions.

High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5

Modern Web Apps should be focused, rich, and gorgeous, but they also need to be FAST. After all, being rich and beautiful isn't always enough! With web apps, faster is always better; nobody will ever complain that your site is too fast!

application cacheweb workersdata uri
What Affects Performance? 
• Hosting 
• Hardware 
• Server Load 
• Themes 
• PlugIns 
• Graphics 
• Geographical Distance
Hosting Service 
The number of processors 
The processors speed 
Amount of memory 
and disk space
Server Load 
“Wiki --- If the amount of data required exceeds the initial congestion 
window (typically 14.6kB compressed), it will require additional round trips 
between your server and the user’s browser. For users on networks with high 
latencies such as mobile networks this can cause significant delays 
to page loading”

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SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Tom Anthony | An Introduction to HTTP/2 & Service...
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SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Tom Anthony | An Introduction to HTTP/2 & Service...

HTTP/2 and Service Works are becoming more established, yet the SEO community lacks awareness of what they are what they may mean for us. A lot of us know we need to know about them but we manage to keep putting it off. However, for both of these technologies, the next 12 months are going to be the turning point where we really can't avoid learning more about them. Tom will provide and accessible introduction to both, with a focus on what they are, how they work and what SEOs need to know. If you have been scared of jumping in to them until now, this session will help get you up to speed.

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Don't make me wait! or Building High-Performance Web Applications
Don't make me wait! or Building High-Performance Web ApplicationsDon't make me wait! or Building High-Performance Web Applications
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Slides from a brownbag tech talk at eBay. A holistic approach to web performance and intimate details on YSlow's points and grading algorithm.

implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflowimplement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow

This presentation is about implementing the performance as first approach in web development and a bit of real case study. Then implement the Lighthouse-CI in the development workflow to keep the site performance high.

Code JS jQuery 
Look for Light frameworks and 
very minimalistic theme Layouts 
Theme Frank was created 
just for speed
Not are Candy
Geographical Distance
How do you Check your speed? 
Google PageSpeed 
GT metrix 

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Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)
Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)
Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)

This document discusses how search engines like Google render and digest web page content. It notes that Google places more importance on text appearing above the fold, without needing to scroll. The document also references Google patents from 2012-2018 that focus on page layout. It indicates that Google limits the CPU consumption used to render pages, and that the prominence and location of content within the rendered page layout is important. Finally, it poses the question of whether optimizing for rendering and search engine processing can help websites rank better in search results.

renderingrendering seoseo
Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceBrowser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

This document summarizes the history and evolution of web browsers and internet technologies from the early 1990s to the late 1990s. It traces the development of key browsers like Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. It also outlines the introduction of important web standards like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML. Major events included the commercialization of the web in the mid-1990s, the browser wars between Netscape and Microsoft in the late 90s, and the consolidation of online services providers toward the end of the decade.

How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site (and get A+ scores)
How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site (and get A+ scores)How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site (and get A+ scores)
How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site (and get A+ scores)

Full Guide - In this site speed optimization guide, we provide 25-Tips to get blazing fast website speeds of under 0.5s.

fastsite speedslow
Tools for Performance Testing** 
Google Developers: PageSpeed Insights 
Mozilla Firefox + Firebug + Hammerhead 
Yahoo! YSlow 
Google Chrome + Google Speed Tracer 
Gomez Instant Test Pro 
Resource Expert Droid 
Web Caching Tests 
Port80 Compression Check 
A simple online web page compression / deflate / gzip test tool 
Web Page Analyzer 
GT Metrix 
What I did…. 
I first took a Baseline with the following three tools.. 
Three times the first day to see if the time of day impacted the results.. 
• PageSpeed Insights 
My early Baselines 
at 10:30 am on a Wednesday using Firefox Browser 
PageSpeed Insight gave me 58/100 
Pingdom gave me 73/100 load time 3.10s 
GT Metric gave me 56% on pagespeed and 71 on Yslow Grade loadtime 
at 11:00 am on a Wednesday using Chrome Browser 
pageSpeed Insight gave me 70/100 
Pingdom gave me 73/100 load time 2.42s 
GT Metrix gave me 75% on pagespeed and 72 on Yslow Grade loadtime 
Afternoon Baselines 
About 1:45 using Firefox Browser 
PageSpeed Insight gave me 69/100 
Pingdom gave me 85/100 load time 3.01 
GT Metrix gave me 75% on pagespeed and 72 on Yslow Grade loadtime 

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WordPress website optimization
WordPress website optimizationWordPress website optimization
WordPress website optimization

The document provides tips for optimizing the speed of a WordPress site. It recommends benchmarking loading times to identify performance issues, prioritizing problems by severity and fix time, reducing page size by limiting posts per page and using progressive loading. Other tips include minimizing social widgets and external fonts, optimizing images, avoiding bloated themes, minifying CSS and JS, enabling compression, leveraging browser caching, moving scripts to footers, caching content, and using object caching and CDNs. Regular optimization is important to see ongoing rewards in site speed.

WordPress optimization
WordPress optimizationWordPress optimization
WordPress optimization

hether you run a high traffic WordPress installation or a small blog on a low cost shared host, you should optimize WordPress and your server to run as efficiently as possible. This article provides a broad overview of WordPress optimization with specific recommended approaches. However, it's not a detailed technical explanation of each aspect.

wordpressoptimizationwordpress optimization
Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)
Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)
Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)

While the principles of responsive web design can make sites look better on mobile devices, they don’t necessarily load faster than a site designed for desktops. And as more and more sophisticated WordPress themes emerge, with their multiple options and fancy sliders, websites just keep getting more and more bloated. This presentation will help cut out the junk that’s larding up your sites so you can better meet the demand of users wanting fast-loading user experiences–no matter the device or connection. Presented at WordCamp Salt Lake City 2013 (

Pagespeed Insight
Pagespeed Insight
GT Metrix
GT Metrix

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Minimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tips
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Minimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tips

Website Page speed is a big ranking factor and we all know that. Google has already announced that they will give less priority to slow sites and even mark site with SLOW tag in SERPs. Lets understand what makes your site slow and how can you make your site lightening fast..If your website is also struggling with slow page load time..checkout our tips here You can contact our page load optimization experts - | 347-732-2736

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The document discusses the importance of front-end performance optimization for web pages. It provides 14 rules for optimizing front-end performance, including minimizing HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, gzipping components, and others. Case studies show front-end optimizations can yield 40-50% performance improvements. Research found the percentage of users with empty caches is higher than expected, so pages should be optimized for both primed and empty caches.

Increase Your WordPress Website's Google PageSpeed Score
Increase Your WordPress Website's Google PageSpeed ScoreIncrease Your WordPress Website's Google PageSpeed Score
Increase Your WordPress Website's Google PageSpeed Score

This document provides guidance on optimizing a WordPress website to improve Google PageSpeed scores. It recommends optimizing JavaScript and CSS by combining and minifying files, deferring non-critical scripts, and using plugins. It also recommends optimizing images using plugins like ShortPixel or WP-Smushit to compress large images. Following these steps, the author was able to increase their mobile speed score from 62 to 95 and desktop suggestion score from 72 to 85.

Backup Your WordPress Website 
Please backup your site and have an 
exit strategy if something causes problems 
with your site configurations. 
I have always been told there is no Silver Bullet 
strategy that works for everyone. 
Quick fixes 
Remove all unused code 
• Extra themes 
• Extra plugin 
• Extra photos 
Off site Storage 
• Off Load Images (Flikr, Amazon AWS, 
Amazon S3…) 
• Use Third Party Videos (Vimeo, YouTube..)
Cache your webpages
WordPress for PlugIns Caching 
• W3 total Cache 
• WP Super Cache 
• WP Fastest Cache 
• Quick Cache

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3 simple steps improving pageSpeed in Wordpress
3 simple steps improving pageSpeed in Wordpress3 simple steps improving pageSpeed in Wordpress
3 simple steps improving pageSpeed in Wordpress

This document outlines 3 easy steps to improve a WordPress site's page speed ranking: 1. Compress images to reduce file sizes using plugins like ImageOptim or EWWW Image Optimizer. 2. Minify code by removing whitespace and comments using a plugin like Autoptimize. 3. Implement caching using a plugin like WP Fastest Cache to create static versions of pages and improve loading times. Testing page speeds with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix before and after making changes can show measurable improvements.

Hardening WordPress Security
Hardening WordPress SecurityHardening WordPress Security
Hardening WordPress Security

This document discusses hardening WordPress security. It begins by defining security and explaining why increased security is needed due to WordPress' popularity. It then covers various dangers like vulnerabilities, attacks, and human errors. Solutions presented include regular backups, using strong unique passwords, keeping software updated, removing version references, securing logins through .htaccess rules and two-factor authentication, hiding the login page, and changing the WordPress file structure for added protection. The document also provides .htaccess configuration tips and recommends monitoring and security tools.

WordPress: cómo aumentar la velocidad y la seguridad de una web
WordPress: cómo aumentar la velocidad y la seguridad de una webWordPress: cómo aumentar la velocidad y la seguridad de una web
WordPress: cómo aumentar la velocidad y la seguridad de una web

Este documento resume un webinar sobre cómo aumentar la velocidad y seguridad de un sitio web WordPress. Se explican varias formas de optimizar el rendimiento, incluyendo optimizar imágenes, habilitar la caché, actualizar plugins y WordPress, eliminar plugins innecesarios, y optimizar archivos HTML, CSS y JavaScript. También se cubre la seguridad con el plugin Wordfence para proteger el sitio web de ataques y monitorear el tráfico. El objetivo general es mejorar la experiencia del usuario y el posicionamiento de motores de

velocidad wordpressseguridad wordpresswordfence
Back to Case Study 
I used W3 total Cache working with GTMetrix 
About 1:45 Using Firefox browser 
PageSpeed Insight gave me 71/100 server speed 1.3s 
Pingdom gave me 75/100 load time 1.3s 
Gtmetric gave me 81% on pagespeed and 79 on Yslow Grade loadtime 3.35s
Setup CDN (Content Delivery Network) 
I was able to setup CloudFlare via 
a Hostgator Icon on C-panel 
CloudFlare is a Free CDN 
-Other CDN------------------------------ 
Amazon cloudfront…
A Picture is worth a thousand words...... 
… Unless no one sees it

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Wordpress Page Load Speed - Kenneth sytian

Every website has to improve their speed or otherwise they are just giving away easy customer conversions, higher rankings and overall better user experience.

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Come migliorare le performance di WordPress con il Visual Composer
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Introduzione al Visual Composer. Se un tempo sul web bastava esserci ed avere un sito, oggi non è nemmeno più sufficiente essere trovati con una buona ottimizzazione SEO, ma esserci con contenuti originali e interessanti e una immagine, per immagine intendo estetica, ben curata, con un’architettura ordinata che sappia trasmettere professionalità e valorizzare il contenuto.

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Queue Data Structure
Queue Data StructureQueue Data Structure
Queue Data Structure

The document discusses queue data structures. A queue is a linear data structure where additions are made at the end/tail and removals are made from the front/head, following a First-In First-Out (FIFO) approach. Common queue operations include add, remove, check if empty, check if full. A queue can be stored using either a static array or dynamic linked nodes. The key aspects are maintaining references to the head and tail of the queue.

Optimizing Images Plug-Ins 
a. WP 
b. EWWW Image Optimizer 
c. CW Image Optimizer 
d. Imsanity 
e. Hammy 
f. PB Responsive Images 
g. SEO Friendly Images
What Other Plug-Ins 
Larger Changes 
Change Hosting Services 
Digital Ocean ssd 
WPEngine Managed Hosting 
SiteGround Managed Hosting 
FlyWheel Managed Hosting
Re-Work your Theme 
Design with a Minimalist view 
What is the purpose and work from that point out 
Remove Bells and Whistles 
Slider or Carousel on the Home Page 

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Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]
Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]
Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]

Core Web Vitals to improve your website performance for better SEO results with CWV. CWV Topics include: - Understanding the latest Core Web Vitals including the significance of LCP, INP and CLS + their impact on SEO - Optimisation techniques from our experts on how to improve your CWV on platforms like WordPress and WP Engine - The impact of user experience and SEO

Optimizing WordPress Performance
Optimizing WordPress PerformanceOptimizing WordPress Performance
Optimizing WordPress Performance

Site speed is a ranking factor in Google, and for good reason. Visitors have a short attention span, and will quickly navigate away from a slow website, especially on mobile. This presentation covers essential tools and techniques for improving your load times and PageSpeed score, such as caching, image optimization, and plugin performance.

Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there
Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get thereOptimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there
Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there

Learn why you should improve your WordPress site's loading speed, and what steps to take to load your site in under two seconds.

cachingwordpressresponsive images
Minify CSS…Minify JS 
Code for Humans 
Code for Computers 
Just the Facts 
body { 
background-color: #d0e4fe; 
h1 { 
color: orange; 
text-align: center; 
p { 
font-family: "Times New Roman"; 
font-size: 20px; 
Times New Roman";font-size:20px}
Manually Minify Code
Minify Plug-In 
• Autoptimize 
• W3 Total Cache 
• WP Super Cache 
• Quick Cache
Defer parsing of Scripts 
You can place this above the end body tag </body> 
<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer” 

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Why is Web Performance Optimization Important and what are some things developers can do to ensure their applications perform well and please end users?

css3web design and developmentjavascript
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During our second SEO webinar lesson, we spoke about the importance of site speed. We ran through an explanation of the Google Page Speed insights tool and how to take care of the most common optimizations the tool sugests to site oweners.

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10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
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Web Performance is a serious issues these days. 80% of web performance issues are in the client. Many developers either do not realize what they are leaving on the table and how that affects the success of their application. These are 10 things any web developer can do in about 30-60 minutes to drastically increase page load times and thus increase the application's profitability.

html5css3mobile web
.htacess redirects 
Redirects of your pages or posts 
• Old URL to New URL 
• to 
Redirect 301 /oldpage.html 
Redirect 301 /oldpage2.html 
• Quick Page Post Redirect 
• Redirections
Check again and check often 
This is something you want as part of your maintenance 
You never know when things are going to change 
• new admin add a ton of pictures without optimizing 
• Shared server gets a client that is hogging most of your processing 
• Other…
Or Hire someone to do it 
• WPEngine 
• SiteGround 
• FlyWheel
Give aways 
• Google Pagespeed Insights Premium 
• GT Metrix Pro 
• Quick Cache Pro

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PrairieDevCon 2014 - Web Doesn't Mean Slow

Web sites can be fast and responsive once you understand the process web browsers use to load and run web pages. We'll look at using tools like WebPageTest to analyze and optimize web pages.

web developmentweb performance
Web Performance Optimization
Web Performance OptimizationWeb Performance Optimization
Web Performance Optimization

Overview on why web performance matters, how to measure it and some discussion on 3rd-party content. Presented t the DC area Web Manager's Roundtable group on 12/7/2011.

Web Performance Optimization (WPO)
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Web Performance Optimization (WPO)

This document discusses web performance optimization and provides tips to improve performance. It emphasizes that performance is important for user experience, search engine optimization, conversion rates, and costs. It outlines common causes of performance issues like round-trip times, payload sizes, browser rendering delays, and inefficient JavaScript. Specific recommendations are given to optimize images, stylesheets, scripts, and browser rendering through techniques like compression, caching, deferred loading, and efficient coding practices. A variety of tools for measuring and improving performance are also listed.

Google Pagespeed Insights Premium
Report Summary
GT Metrix
Quick Cache Pro

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Web performance tuning
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Web performance tuning

This document discusses various techniques for improving front-end web performance. It states that 80% of end-user response time is spent downloading page components like images, CSS, JavaScript, and that speed is important for user experience and functionality. Various methods are presented for minimizing file sizes like JavaScript minification and combining files. It also recommends techniques like using CSS sprites and lazy loading images. Browser tools for analyzing performance are listed, and references for further information are provided.

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WordCamp Denmark Keynote
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Frederick Townes presented on optimizing websites for performance. He discussed working backwards from user experience, prioritizing the largest issues. Factors that can improve performance include front-end and back-end optimization, reducing payload size, caching, optimizing databases and runtime, reducing workload, and using content delivery networks. Key metrics to measure include page load time, time to first byte, and time on site. Common cases like JavaScript optimization and recommended plugins were also covered.

20 tips for website performance
20 tips for website performance20 tips for website performance
20 tips for website performance

Lets look at an example of what a performant website can look like. This discuss what concepts should we be considering when looking at website performance. Next we will go over two areas pertaining to website performance: 1) website performance tweaks that you as a web developer can directly make 2) website performance tweaks that you may have to work with your hosting provider or IT department to achieve

website performanceweb performance testingweb performance monitoring
Mary White 
MW for Designs 
Continuing Educator at JCCC

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Optimizing your WordPress website

  • 1. Optimizing your WordPress website for Speed & Performance Mary White WordPressKC | #wpkc
  • 3. Why should I optimize my website?
  • 4. Question? How long do you stay and wait for a website to load? Make a mental note…….. SHHH don’t Tell anyone
  • 5. Every raise your hand Lower your hands as you hear your number…..
  • 6. 1-3 seconds 3-5 seconds 6-10 seconds 11-15 seconds Look around who would be waiting on a slow site to load?
  • 7. “Studies show that users leave a site if it hasn't loaded in 4 seconds; keep your users happy and engaged by providing a fast performing website! ~~From gtmetric” “According to Kissmetrics, nearly half of web users expect a site to load in two seconds or less, and they tend to abandon sites that don’t load within three seconds.”
  • 8. Couple more reasons Why? Bounce rate-- the amount of time before someone leaves your web page One of Google points for ranking a website is the speed at which it loads. Google uses many factors but you don’t want to lose out on this one
  • 9. What Affects Performance? • Hosting • Hardware • Server Load • Themes • PlugIns • Graphics • Geographical Distance
  • 11. Hardware The number of processors The processors speed Amount of memory and disk space
  • 12. Server Load “Wiki --- If the amount of data required exceeds the initial congestion window (typically 14.6kB compressed), it will require additional round trips between your server and the user’s browser. For users on networks with high latencies such as mobile networks this can cause significant delays to page loading”
  • 13. Theme Graphics Styles Code JS jQuery Look for Light frameworks and very minimalistic theme Layouts Theme Frank was created just for speed
  • 16. How do you Check your speed? Google PageSpeed GT metrix Pingdom *
  • 17. Tools for Performance Testing** Google Developers: PageSpeed Insights Mozilla Firefox + Firebug + Hammerhead Yahoo! YSlow Google Chrome + Google Speed Tracer Pingdom WebPagetest Gomez Instant Test Pro Resource Expert Droid Web Caching Tests Port80 Compression Check A simple online web page compression / deflate / gzip test tool Web Page Analyzer GT Metrix **From
  • 18. What I did…. I first took a Baseline with the following three tools.. Three times the first day to see if the time of day impacted the results.. • • PageSpeed Insights •
  • 19. My early Baselines at 10:30 am on a Wednesday using Firefox Browser PageSpeed Insight gave me 58/100 Pingdom gave me 73/100 load time 3.10s GT Metric gave me 56% on pagespeed and 71 on Yslow Grade loadtime 8.38s at 11:00 am on a Wednesday using Chrome Browser pageSpeed Insight gave me 70/100 Pingdom gave me 73/100 load time 2.42s GT Metrix gave me 75% on pagespeed and 72 on Yslow Grade loadtime 4.11s
  • 20. Afternoon Baselines About 1:45 using Firefox Browser PageSpeed Insight gave me 69/100 Pingdom gave me 85/100 load time 3.01 GT Metrix gave me 75% on pagespeed and 72 on Yslow Grade loadtime 4.42s
  • 25. Backup Your WordPress Website Please backup your site and have an exit strategy if something causes problems with your site configurations. I have always been told there is no Silver Bullet strategy that works for everyone. Disclaimer….
  • 26. Quick fixes Remove all unused code • Extra themes • Extra plugin • Extra photos Off site Storage • Off Load Images (Flikr, Amazon AWS, Amazon S3…) • Use Third Party Videos (Vimeo, YouTube..)
  • 27. Cache your webpages
  • 28. WordPress for PlugIns Caching • W3 total Cache • WP Super Cache • WP Fastest Cache • Quick Cache
  • 29. Back to Case Study I used W3 total Cache working with GTMetrix About 1:45 Using Firefox browser PageSpeed Insight gave me 71/100 server speed 1.3s Pingdom gave me 75/100 load time 1.3s Gtmetric gave me 81% on pagespeed and 79 on Yslow Grade loadtime 3.35s
  • 31. Setup CDN (Content Delivery Network) I was able to setup CloudFlare via a Hostgator Icon on C-panel CloudFlare is a Free CDN -Other CDN------------------------------ maxcdn…. Amazon cloudfront…
  • 32. Images A Picture is worth a thousand words...... … Unless no one sees it
  • 33. Optimizing Images Plug-Ins a. WP b. EWWW Image Optimizer c. CW Image Optimizer d. Imsanity e. Hammy f. PB Responsive Images g. SEO Friendly Images
  • 35. Larger Changes Change Hosting Services Digital Ocean ssd WPEngine Managed Hosting SiteGround Managed Hosting FlyWheel Managed Hosting
  • 36. Re-Work your Theme Design with a Minimalist view What is the purpose and work from that point out Remove Bells and Whistles Slider or Carousel on the Home Page Parallax
  • 37. Minify CSS…Minify JS Code for Humans Whitespace Comments Readability Code for Computers Just the Facts body { background-color: #d0e4fe; } h1 { color: orange; text-align: center; } p { font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: 20px; } body{background-color:#d0e4fe}h1{color:orange;text-align:center}p{font-family:" Times New Roman";font-size:20px}
  • 38. Manually Minify Code
  • 39. Minify Plug-In • Autoptimize • W3 Total Cache • WP Super Cache • Quick Cache
  • 40. Defer parsing of Scripts You can place this above the end body tag </body> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer” src="YOUR_SOURCE_HERE"></script>
  • 41. .htacess redirects Redirects of your pages or posts • Old URL to New URL • to Redirect 301 /oldpage.html Redirect 301 /oldpage2.html Plug-Ins • Quick Page Post Redirect • Redirections
  • 42. Check again and check often This is something you want as part of your maintenance You never know when things are going to change • new admin add a ton of pictures without optimizing • Shared server gets a client that is hogging most of your processing • Other…
  • 43. Or Hire someone to do it • WPEngine • SiteGround • FlyWheel
  • 44. Give aways • Google Pagespeed Insights Premium • GT Metrix Pro • Quick Cache Pro
  • 49. Mary White MW for Designs @mw4designs Continuing Educator at JCCC

Editor's Notes

  1. I will say lower amounts to large amount of seconds you would wait
  2. Shared hosting -a solution for a small company or Business with less that 1000 hits to the website per day. Your Website is on a server with possibly thousands of other websites VPS – this give you a part of a server that is specifically for your websites and the server is still shared but you are guaranteed your space Dedicated- this is a server that you alone are on and is normally for large companies that with have lots of traffic 100-1000s of request an hour iCloud- this is possible a shared group of servers or a dedicated servers for your website
  3. Okay the commadore 64 is just a joke but really you want to be hosted on hardware that is current Question your Hosting Service about there Data Center Locations and what are the server they are using window or Linux…. Hosting service normally offer higher performance at a price Some hosting services offer SSDs (Solid State Drives) at affordable prices
  4. Uptime for your server and how much data is going to and from your server… If you are sharing a server and in a perfect world you all share equally you are find BUT.. This not a perfect world and if your website is competing with a site getting 50 request an hour you may be waiting Single or Multiple Request to the servers browser asking server for data (php fires up the server and database) 1st get blueprint to build the pages (HTML static page) 2nd get everything else content images, CSS and JS Single page could have as many as 50 or more request to your server
  5. Heavy Graphic themes with animations… video… images and more can hinder your performance What is more important the site looking good or people being able to look at your site? Is there a common ground between the two? What do you really need?
  6. Plug-Ins are great and I am at fault as much as anyone else I love to see what this plug_in really will do for my site. Then I try the next great one I read about or hear about until I have 10-15 extra plug-ins on my site that I am not using… Plug-Ins or some plug-ins even when deactivated can cause you to slow down your system Some Plug-Ins may perform the function they need to but they place their script in the header of your page and slow down your website loading until their script is loaded Plug-in maybe something that is not seen…
  7. If your hosting has the server over in a foreign country and your uses are here in Kansas or Missouri this is going to slow things down. Make sure your hosting data centers are close to your audience
  8. is an excellent way to measure your WordPress site's performance and receive clear, specific feedback on how to make improvements. New Relic also provides a free library for measuring server performance in PHP and MySQL Linux Top provides a dashboard for your server's real time performance. If using Varnish Cache, VarnishStat helps assess the performance aspects of your caching tools. Zend Server Z-Ray provides X-Ray vision and deep insight into your WordPress PHP application
  9. W3 total Cache Easy Web Performance Optimization (WPO) using caching: browser, page, object, database, minify and content delivery network support WP Super Cache A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files. WP Fastest Cache The simplest and fastest WP Cache system (video on setup) Quick Cache Speed up your site (BIG time!) — Quick Cache provides reliable page caching for WordPress. Easy-to-use (very simple installation) One button but Pro version Has a lot of options
  10. Free CDN Content Delivery Network that is on HostGator and other cPanels Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an Internet standard that extends the format of email to support: Text in character sets other than ASCII Non-text attachments Message bodies with multiple parts Header information in non-ASCII character sets Although MIME was designed mainly for SMTP protocol, its use today has grown beyond describing the content of email and now often includes descriptions of content type in general, including for the web An Internet media type[1] is a standard identifier used on the Internet to indicate the type of data that a file contains. Common uses include the following: email clients use them to identify attachment files, web browsers use them to determine how to display or output files that are not in HTML format, search engines use them to classify data files on the web.
  11. My Hosting is with HostGator with four of my WordPress web sites on this server
  12. A Picture is worth a thousand words… Unless no one sees it Optimizing images is two fold first people will see it Second it will help with performance if you are optimizing your images A pixel is a pixel
  13. Images often account for most of the downloaded bytes on a web page and also often occupy a significant amount of visual space. As a result, optimizing images can often yield some of the largest byte savings and performance improvements for your website: the fewer bytes the browser has to download, the less competition there is for the client's bandwidth and the faster the browser can download and render useful content on the screen.
  14. Above the fold: You want your page to load fast and have everything above the fold to display and you don’t want to wait on script to load before your page loads If Themes or Plug-Ins have a hook to place the script in the wp-header you may need to changed that to place it in the wp-footer Or use a plug-in to defer your code
  15. A 301 code means that you want to tell the browser (or Google, bing, etc.) that your new page has permanently moved to a new location. This is great for search engines because it lets them know that there was a page there once, but now go to the new place to get it - and they update there old link to is so future visitors will not have to go through the same process
  16. This is a fairly complicated process and If you can afford it hiring someone to manage your site optimization, SEO , Security are all worth it. These are just a few of the providers I have heard of and most of them with give you statistic on how much they can optimize your site. You having the understanding and tools to get a baseline can help you tell if they are getting the job done.