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Localize and Mobilize
Presented by:
Scott Hendison
Search Commander, Inc.
Scott Hendison
• Started marketing online in 1998 selling
software and computer repair services
• Began online marketing for others in 2002
• Co-founded SEMpdx in Portland OR in 2006
• 9th Las Vegas Pubcon, and it’s an honor to be
here on this panel!
What we do for local sites
• Structured data use
• Facilitate interaction w/ review sites
• Gathering testimonials & ratings
• Mobilization
What is Structured Data?
• The search and data industries have come
together to standardize, and make the sharing
of information simpler.
• Google recognizes, microformats,
microdata, RDFa and even has a tool now in
Webmster Tools called Data Highlighter

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Speed up with hiphop php 2014 01-22
Speed up with hiphop php 2014 01-22Speed up with hiphop php 2014 01-22
Speed up with hiphop php 2014 01-22

Hiphop-PHP is a virtual machine created by Facebook that executes PHP code at speeds comparable to C++. The presenter demonstrated Hiphop-PHP by installing it via YUM on a server and running it as a daemon. He then took questions and provided his contact information for further discussion.

High Performance Web/Mobile Pages - Automation
High Performance Web/Mobile Pages - AutomationHigh Performance Web/Mobile Pages - Automation
High Performance Web/Mobile Pages - Automation

This document discusses optimizing website performance and speed. It notes that slow page speeds can negatively impact key metrics like conversion rates. It then outlines several standard optimization methods like reducing HTTP requests, using content delivery networks, caching files, and image/file compression. The document introduces HTTP/2 and its benefits over HTTP/1.1. It proposes automating performance optimization with a proxy server that intercepts requests, applies optimizations like payload reduction and caching, and returns optimized content to users. Results show the proxy reduced page sizes by 70% and load times by over 30%.

Introduction to web development
Introduction to web developmentIntroduction to web development
Introduction to web development

This document provides an introduction and overview of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development. It covers the basics of each language, including common tags and elements in HTML, syntax and selectors in CSS, and how to incorporate JavaScript in HTML pages. It also discusses tools used for web development and lists learning resources for further studying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Structured Data =
Structured Data =
First Thing
• We lookup the client address at the USPS, and
change the address on the site to match.
• For a single location business, we place the
address in the footer of the site.
• We ensure that we‘re presenting that info
using the correct schema structured data
• provides a collection of html tags
so webmasters can markup their pages in ways
recognized by major search providers.
• ‘Search providers‘ means not only G, Y and B,
but everything from Global Positioning Systems
like TomTom to services like Apple Maps

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Fast Websites: The What, Why, and How
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Fast Websites: The What, Why, and How

What makes a WordPress site feel slow? Why does it matter? We'll discuss a few plugins and technical advice on how you can ensure that your site loads quickly so your visitors aren't kept waiting. Presented at: Dayton WordPress Meetup (August 2017), Cincinnati WordPress Meetup (March 2017)

Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed
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Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed

This document discusses how caching can improve website speed. It begins by explaining how websites load files sequentially and sets a goal of under 2 seconds. It recommends getting a fast web host as the first step, then optimizing images, code minification/concatenation, and lazy loading. There are different types of caches like browser, server, and memcache caches that store content to reduce load times. Common caching plugins like WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are recommended, or paying for WP Rocket for e-commerce sites. The key steps are to get a fast host, optimize the site, then cache it to improve performance.

Front-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance OptimizingFront-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance Optimizing

Front-end performance optimizing involves optimizing a website's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files to achieve the fastest possible loading speed. This includes minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, compressing files, optimizing code by removing unused code and errors, leveraging browser caching, and parallelizing downloads across domains. The document outlines nine techniques for front-end optimization, such as optimizing file sizes, reducing download size through compression and caching, and minimizing HTTP requests through file combining and CSS sprites.

Schema – by Raventools – by Raventools

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Front end optimization
Front end optimizationFront end optimization
Front end optimization

Front end optimization is important because 80% of end-user response time is spent on the front-end and front-end optimization can cut page load times by 25-50%. Page load times significantly impact user experience and business metrics. Tools like Yslow and Google PageSpeed can help identify optimization opportunities. Image optimization, minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, and reducing payload sizes are some techniques that should be applied from the start of a project. Progressive page loading, splitting components across domains, browser caching, and preloading components can further improve performance.

drupaldrupal themingperformance
I Can Haz More Performanz?
I Can Haz More Performanz?I Can Haz More Performanz?
I Can Haz More Performanz?

This document summarizes Andy Melichar's presentation at WordCamp Omaha about optimizing WordPress performance. He began with introductions and explained his background in web development. He then discussed common performance issues hosting companies see and why performance matters for user experience and revenue. Andy outlined key areas to optimize like WordPress plugins/themes, web server configuration, and using content delivery networks. He demonstrated the significant impact of enabling caching, compression, browser caching and switching to Nginx on a test site's performance. In the end, Andy emphasized there are many options to try and the WordPress community can help with configurations.

a2 hostingcachingoptimization
WordPress Performance 101
WordPress Performance 101WordPress Performance 101
WordPress Performance 101

WordPress Performance 101 provides tips to optimize WordPress site performance in 3 sentences: It discusses how poor performance can negatively impact users, money and SEO, and outlines steps to diagnose a site using tools to measure speed before and after installing caching plugins like W3 Total Cache and a CDN like Cloudflare. Proper server configuration, hosting, plugin usage, image optimization and caching are emphasized as ways to boost speed for a better user and search engine experience.

wordpressperformancewordpress performance
In WordPress, we put it in Footer.php
To get it on one line, you can just put it in a table…
<div align="center"><table><tr><td><div itemscope
itemtype=""><div itemprop="name"><strong>Business
Name</strong></div></td><td><div itemprop="address" itemscope
itemtype=""><span itemprop="streetAddress"> 1234
5th Street</span> <span itemprop="addressLocality">City</span>, <span
itemprop="addressRegion">CA</span> <span

Business Name - 1234 5th Street Cityname, CA 12345
Then we create a
better contact page
Local Search Contact Page

Contact form
Lat / Long info
Use structured data
Local Search SEO Contact Page

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Front End Website Optimization
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Front End Website Optimization

Yahoo has developed the de facto standard for building fast front-ends for websites. The bad news: you have to follow 34 rules to get there. The good news: I'll take a subset of those rules, explain them, and show how you can implement those rules in an automated fashion to minimize impact on developers and designers for your high-traffic website.

How to Speed up your Website
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How to Speed up your Website

Learning how to speed up your website is one of the most important things you can do as fast loading speed is necessary for website success.

Introduction to WordPress Security
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Introduction to WordPress Security

This document provides an introduction to WordPress security. It outlines why security is important to protect websites and investments. It then gives basic security tips, such as keeping WordPress, themes, and plugins updated, using strong passwords, installing security plugins, and backing up websites. The document also discusses common ways websites can be compromised and provides additional resources for learning about WordPress security.

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Local Search Contact Page
Local Search Contact Page
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Basic Wordpress Session

Basic Wordpress ppt talks about the basic wordpress session. It includes an overview on wordpress, themes in wordpress, finding the right host, use of plugins and all about basics in Wordpress.

wordpresswordpress pluginswordpress themes
How to make your website blazing fast
How to make your website blazing fastHow to make your website blazing fast
How to make your website blazing fast

This document provides tips for making websites load faster, which can improve user experience and business metrics like conversion rates and revenue. It discusses how front-end performance impacts load times more than back-end performance. Specific recommendations include gzipping files, stripping unnecessary content from files, optimizing images, using a content delivery network, reducing HTTP requests by combining files, and leveraging browser caching with far future expires headers and cache-busting filenames. Mobile performance can also be improved by leveraging the browser localStorage API to cache static resources.

wpo500startupsjosh frase

Speed! presentation given at the CMS Expo on May 2011. Presentation talks about why it is important to speed up a website and how to do it.

Local Search Contact Page
Local Search Contact Page
Local Search Contact Page
Local Search Contact Page


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The Power of a Video Library - WordCamp Raleigh

This document discusses the power of including video content on websites. It provides statistics that show video helps convey emotion to customers, drive traffic and sales. It recommends including types of video like product demonstrations, instructions and testimonials. It also discusses tools for creating a video library like self-hosting or using third parties, and video gallery plugins that can display videos. It provides best practices like using keywords and catchy titles to optimize videos, and tips for promoting videos through email, landing pages and social media.

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Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)
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Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)

While the principles of responsive web design can make sites look better on mobile devices, they don’t necessarily load faster than a site designed for desktops. And as more and more sophisticated WordPress themes emerge, with their multiple options and fancy sliders, websites just keep getting more and more bloated. This presentation will help cut out the junk that’s larding up your sites so you can better meet the demand of users wanting fast-loading user experiences–no matter the device or connection. Presented at WordCamp Salt Lake City 2013 (

100 Ways to Transform Your Business Online
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Over 100 tips and tricks from on digital marketing in 2019. Influencer Marketing, Facebook ADS, Mobility Scoring, Google Ads, Google My Business, and more...learn more at 1-602-497-1011

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Local Search Contact Page
The free plug-in does not –
• Support Multi-location (premium does)
• Have a widget (premium does)
• Add a KML Sitemap – (premium does not)
KML Sitemap
• KML = Keyhole Markup Language
• For expressing geographic information and
visualization for telling apps like Google Earth,
Maps, etc. exactly where you are located
• May be overkill to use one, but is certainly
can‘t hurt you, so why not make one?
KML Sitemap
KML Sitemap

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An orientation to internet based marketing for small business owners. Topics addressed include building a website, good website design practices, website search engine optimization, use of google SEO, and social media marketing. This is the first of a series of 5 workshops. Contact b2bplanner for more information.

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School of Internet Marketing is the best training institute for digital marketing in Pune as they provide theory and practical knowledge to their students.

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A comprehensive overview of digital marketing, including SEO, PPC, marketing automation, analytics, and dashboarding.

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KML Sitemap - Multilocation
KML Sitemap
KML Sitemap
• Create a KML sitemap & upload to your site
• Google no longer supports direct submission
• Reference the KML sitemap file from your
regular sitemap.xml file
• Clicking on the locations.kml file will open it in
Google Earth.
• Data Overkill? Maybe, but why not do it?

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From WordCamp Phoenix 2014, I shared a series of helpful tips for business-minded WordPress users so they can improve their marketing and sales performance with their WordPress sites.

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This presentation was given in June of 2014 to a group of business owners, and includes my "four pillars of search" info - good beginner stuff.

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Technical SEO Best Practices
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Technical SEO Best Practices

The document provides tips on building SEO compliant websites. It discusses various technical aspects of websites that impact SEO, such as domain structure, hosting, website architecture, URLs, internal links, page speed, and keyword targeting. The presenter aims to help businesses, marketers, web developers, and consultants understand important technical SEO concepts and best practices to build search-friendly websites.

seo servicesseo

Facilitate user interaction w/ review sites
Would you rather have a review than a link?
Ask for them (despite what “they“ tell you)
Send links, postcards, use QR codes on the
tables and doors.
• Make it easy for users to leave them by sending
them to a specific feedback page
How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013

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Lean Analytics & Analytics Dashboards
Lean Analytics & Analytics DashboardsLean Analytics & Analytics Dashboards
Lean Analytics & Analytics Dashboards

Analytics is more than "slap on the google analytics tag and we're done". Any good Digital project starts out with a good set of Goals & Objectives...but when was the last time that you measured the result of those goals & objectives? Lean Analytics is about integrating the analytics in the whole process...from the start. In a LEAN way

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Insidelocal - Advanced Onsite Local SEO Techniques - July 31st 2013
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This webinar covered advanced onsite local SEO techniques for both single location and multi-location businesses. For single location businesses, the presentation focused on optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, headlines, content, schema markup and reviews. For multi-location businesses, topics included keyword research, URL structures, using local landing pages with Google Places listings, optimizing titles and descriptions for each location, and ensuring proper schema markup and reviews for locations. The webinar provided examples and best practices for implementing these advanced onsite optimization techniques to improve local SEO and rankings.

How To Build a Website That Converts Traffic into Qualified Leads
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How To Build a Website That Converts Traffic into Qualified Leads

This presentation gives you the process to build a website that will convert traffic into qualified leads. The process begins with marketing strategy and planning. This is to work out your marketing messages and your target audience. We show you how to profile your target audience using persona mapping. This is the secrete of website conversion.

marketing strategyperson profilingstrategic marketing
How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013
How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013

Not to be confused with “reviews“
Just as important though
Don‘t steal your content from review sites ;)
Follow up post-sale with telephone interviews
to ensure and improve customer satsfaction.
• Use forms to gather customer info, then
display it with schema / aggregate ratings

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Search Engine Optimisation and Google AdWords
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A Comprehensive look at Web Marketing from conversions on your website through to creating a virtuous circle of performing ads with AdWords.

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Writing a great blog post or having a productive blog doesn't just happen. It takes planning and valuable content. This presentation covered that.

erperpvarleading results
• Schema rating scores are supposed to be for
the review sites, and *not* for testimonials
displayed on your own site.
• However, I would ask... why not?
• I see no problem with aggregating the ratings
and presenting them in structured data.
• We ARE doing this for clients, and IMO there‘s
nothing wrong with doing so, if they‘re legit.
• I‘m 100% positive... that I think so ;)
Plugins for Testimonials
Plugins for Testimonials

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Local SEO Schema
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Local SEO Schema

I reupload this from Dennis Seymour's Presentation, just for save it on my file and share on my personal collage, thanks Dennis ..

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Peepcon schema presentation
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Peepcon schema presentation

This is my Peepcon presentation about schema. Enjoy! Hit me up on social media Google+, Twitter, Instagram (or whatever) @denseymour (currently for Peepcon attendees only) I hope this turns out right because Slideshare wont let me upload Keynote files. Sorry guys.

peepcon 2015schema pluginlocal schema presentation
Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Why, How, and Resources
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Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Why, How, and Resources

Understand Why Local Search Engine Optimization is important to your business and How to accomplish better rankings. This presentation concludes with an extensive list of resources to use.

inbound marketingdigital strategylocal search engine optimization
Plugins for Testimonials
Gather Testimonials
What did I want?

Easy for non-programmers (me)
Shortcodes for use in the body or in widgets
Customizable options for their display
Customizable collection form
Rating scale (for rich snippets / stars)
Image upload for the testimonial writers
Structured data output including aggregation
Really, how hard could this be?
Testimonials Widget

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Website optimization by vikas sharma
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Optimization is an act, process, or methodology of making something (as a design, system, or decision) as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible. Website optimization is a technique to designing and developing a website in such a way that it should be capable to satisfy some key points. Optimizing website, you can attract relevant customers who are searching for your service using search engines like Google and Yahoo. In other words SEO means finding ways to increase your site's appearance in web visitors' search results. Web Site Optimization include 1. Serving websites faster and uptime of the site 2. Search engine optimization (SEO) 3. Website design 4. Usability

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This document discusses search engine marketing and optimization. It covers organic search, paid search, local search, and Google Analytics. It provides an overview of the consultant's background and experience in search engine marketing. It also lists current clients and the services provided, which include search engine optimization, paid search, local search optimization, social media marketing, and tracking/reporting.

Greenwich library workshop SEO overview 11.3.15
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Greenwich library workshop SEO overview 11.3.15

This document discusses search engine marketing and optimization. It covers organic search, paid search, local search, and Google Analytics. It provides an overview of the consultant's background and experience in search engine marketing. It also lists current clients and the services provided, which include search engine optimization, paid search, local search optimization, social media marketing, and tracking/reporting.

Testimonials Widget
Testimonials Widget
• I almost didn’t try it because “widget” was
included in the name.
• The free version NOW offers almost everything
I need, and is just about perfected.
• I bought the premium version because after
our interactions, rating stars were integrated.
• The pages pass the Rich Snippet Tester with
flying colors, and pages are good looking, and
easily styled with CSS
Highly Recommended

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Search Smart Marketing Westport CT Library Presentation October 2014

Search Smart Marketing Overview to SEO, Paid Search and Local Search. Westport CT Library, October, 2014

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This presentation was given at Pubcon Pro, in Las Vegas NV on October 17, 2018. In the presentation I explain the steps I took to protect myself and become compliant with a WordPress website.

Google Tag Manager - Introduction & Implementation
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Google Tag Manager - Introduction & Implementation

A beginners look at Google Tag Manager, as precented by shown by Scott Hendison at Pubcon Las Vegas, on November 8th, 2017.

• Responsive Design – I’m not a big fan because
text is often too small for me. Responsive does
NOT have to mean “eliminate pinch & zoom”!
• Give me mobile CTA’s
• Keep it fast!
• Limit my navigation
• Give me a full desktop view option
• There are TONS of mobile option$
Mobilize – WP Touch
Mobilize – WP Touch

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The document discusses Google's AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) project. It provides an overview of what AMP is, including its history and timeline, key components like AMP HTML and the AMP JavaScript library. It also discusses how AMP aims to improve page load speeds and user experience on mobile, as well as tracking conversions on AMP pages and implementing AMP on WordPress sites.

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Google Analytics Referral Spam - Pubcon Las Vegas 2015
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What is it, where does it come from, and how do you stop it? I showed people how in this Google Spamalytics" presentation last week.

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Yoast SEO Plugin - 2015 Pubcon Vegas
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This is a lot of slides, but covers pretty much every area of the free Yoast SEO plugin, and the redirects area in premium.

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Mobilize – WP Touch
Mobilize – WP Touch
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Configuring the Yoast Wordpress SEO Plugin
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Configuring the Yoast Wordpress SEO Plugin

Yoast's WordPress SEO plugin provides many features for optimizing websites for search engines. The plugin has good default settings but often needs tweaking to individual sites' needs. Key areas the plugin addresses include titles and metas, variables, XML sitemaps, permalinks, and on-page SEO elements. The plugin saves significant time through features like importing/exporting settings and editing files. Proper configuration requires understanding different sections, uniquely identifying pages, and applying "noindex, follow" appropriately.

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Local Listing Fundamentals
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Local Listing Fundamentals

Presented at last weeks Travel Portland event, geared towards local travel and tourism businesses, like hotels, restaurants, car services, etc. Good basic info with an invaluable and downloadable "business worksheet" that I created myself.

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WebHosting Performance / WordPress - Pubcon Vegas - Hendison
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This document summarizes a presentation about improving WordPress performance and security. It provides tips for optimizing WordPress like avoiding unnecessary plugins, caching, image optimization techniques like sprites, and setting expiration headers. It warns that WordPress is a major target for hackers due to its popularity and that web hosts are restricting plugins for security. It emphasizes monitoring the site for changes to protect it.

Mobilize – WP Touch
Mobilize – WP Touch

Don’t forget to add Analytics code!
Heavy customization is possible
Pro version offers even more design options
Tap to Call SHOULD be built in, but it’s not ��
<a href="555-555-5555">Tap to Call</a>
Add the link in any post or page
(Or add a class for styling)
<a class="call" href="555-555-5555">Call Now!</a>
.call {
Mobilize – WP Touch
Thank You
Scott Hendison - @shendison
All the links:
USPS lookup

A few more extras:

Client Business Profile Sheet

Schema Creator

SEO Automatic Tools

KML / Geo sitemap generator

Local Keyword Tool

Lat / Long tool

Neighborhood Lookup Tool

Local Search Contact Page Plugin

Bright Local

Google Structured Data Tool


Our Profiles - WP Plugin


Testimonials Widget – WP Plugin


WP Touch for Mobile - WP Plugin

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Local/Mobile - Hendison - Pubcon Vegas 2012
Local/Mobile - Hendison - Pubcon Vegas 2012 Local/Mobile - Hendison - Pubcon Vegas 2012
Local/Mobile - Hendison - Pubcon Vegas 2012

Scott Hendisons slides, an overview of why mobilization is necessary, and some specifics about how to get it done.

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Non Tech Local Search Presentation
Non Tech Local Search PresentationNon Tech Local Search Presentation
Non Tech Local Search Presentation

Tonight I'm speaking to a group of non IM folks, just brick and mortar business owners, most of them members of the East Portland Chamber of Commerce. It's SUPER basic, and even includes instructions on how to copy& paste and how to make a secure password. It's not to be considered "SEO education" by any means, but I worked hard on it so thought I'd share.

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How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013

  • 1. Localize and Mobilize Presented by: Scott Hendison Search Commander, Inc.
  • 2. Scott Hendison • Started marketing online in 1998 selling software and computer repair services • Began online marketing for others in 2002 • Co-founded SEMpdx in Portland OR in 2006 • 9th Las Vegas Pubcon, and it’s an honor to be here on this panel!
  • 3. What we do for local sites • Structured data use • Facilitate interaction w/ review sites • Gathering testimonials & ratings • Mobilization
  • 4. What is Structured Data? • The search and data industries have come together to standardize, and make the sharing of information simpler. • Google recognizes, microformats, microdata, RDFa and even has a tool now in Webmster Tools called Data Highlighter
  • 7. First Thing • We lookup the client address at the USPS, and change the address on the site to match. • For a single location business, we place the address in the footer of the site. • We ensure that we‘re presenting that info using the correct schema structured data
  • 8. Schema • provides a collection of html tags so webmasters can markup their pages in ways recognized by major search providers. • ‘Search providers‘ means not only G, Y and B, but everything from Global Positioning Systems like TomTom to services like Apple Maps
  • 13. In WordPress, we put it in Footer.php To get it on one line, you can just put it in a table… <div align="center"><table><tr><td><div itemscope itemtype=""><div itemprop="name"><strong>Business Name</strong></div></td><td><div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="streetAddress"> 1234 5th Street</span> <span itemprop="addressLocality">City</span>, <span itemprop="addressRegion">CA</span> <span itemprop="postalCode">12345</span></td></tr></table></div> </div> Business Name - 1234 5th Street Cityname, CA 12345
  • 14. Then we create a better contact page
  • 15. Local Search Contact Page • • • • • • • • Phone Address Hours Map Directions Contact form Lat / Long info Use structured data
  • 16. Local Search SEO Contact Page
  • 24. Local Search Contact Page ,LLC
  • 25. Local Search Contact Page The free plug-in does not – • Support Multi-location (premium does) • Have a widget (premium does) • Add a KML Sitemap – (premium does not)
  • 26. KML Sitemap • KML = Keyhole Markup Language • For expressing geographic information and visualization for telling apps like Google Earth, Maps, etc. exactly where you are located • May be overkill to use one, but is certainly can‘t hurt you, so why not make one?
  • 29. KML Sitemap - Multilocation
  • 31. KML Sitemap • Create a KML sitemap & upload to your site • Google no longer supports direct submission • Reference the KML sitemap file from your regular sitemap.xml file • Clicking on the locations.kml file will open it in Google Earth. • Data Overkill? Maybe, but why not do it?
  • 33. Reviews • • • • Facilitate user interaction w/ review sites Would you rather have a review than a link? Ask for them (despite what “they“ tell you) Send links, postcards, use QR codes on the tables and doors. • Make it easy for users to leave them by sending them to a specific feedback page
  • 40. Testimonials • • • • Not to be confused with “reviews“ Just as important though Don‘t steal your content from review sites ;) Follow up post-sale with telephone interviews to ensure and improve customer satsfaction. • Use forms to gather customer info, then display it with schema / aggregate ratings
  • 42. Testimonials • Schema rating scores are supposed to be for the review sites, and *not* for testimonials displayed on your own site. • However, I would ask... why not? • I see no problem with aggregating the ratings and presenting them in structured data. • We ARE doing this for clients, and IMO there‘s nothing wrong with doing so, if they‘re legit. • I‘m 100% positive... that I think so ;)
  • 47. What did I want? • • • • • • • Easy for non-programmers (me) Shortcodes for use in the body or in widgets Customizable options for their display Customizable collection form Rating scale (for rich snippets / stars) Image upload for the testimonial writers Structured data output including aggregation Really, how hard could this be?
  • 50. Testimonials Widget • I almost didn’t try it because “widget” was included in the name. • The free version NOW offers almost everything I need, and is just about perfected. • I bought the premium version because after our interactions, rating stars were integrated. • The pages pass the Rich Snippet Tester with flying colors, and pages are good looking, and easily styled with CSS
  • 53. Mobilize • Responsive Design – I’m not a big fan because text is often too small for me. Responsive does NOT have to mean “eliminate pinch & zoom”! • Give me mobile CTA’s • Keep it fast! • Limit my navigation • Give me a full desktop view option • There are TONS of mobile option$
  • 62. Mobilize – WP Touch • • • • Don’t forget to add Analytics code! Heavy customization is possible Pro version offers even more design options Tap to Call SHOULD be built in, but it’s not – <a href="555-555-5555">Tap to Call</a> Add the link in any post or page (Or add a class for styling) <a class="call" href="555-555-5555">Call Now!</a> .call { font-size:19px; font-style:italic; }
  • 64. Thank You Scott Hendison - @shendison All the links: USPS lookup A few more extras: Client Business Profile Sheet Schema Creator SEO Automatic Tools KML / Geo sitemap generator Local Keyword Tool Lat / Long tool Neighborhood Lookup Tool Local Search Contact Page Plugin Bright Local Google Structured Data Tool Infogroup Our Profiles - WP Plugin Localeze Testimonials Widget – WP Plugin Acxiom WP Touch for Mobile - WP Plugin