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Web performance
By @islamzatary
Definition of Web
speed in which web pages are downloaded and
displayed on the user's web browser.
Why Important:
1. Decrease Bounce rate.
2. Increase Page View.
3. Reduce your costs (Bandwidth, storage usage).
4. Its direct effect on revenues(especially for eCommecrce site).
5. Search engines like Google take site speed into account when determining
search rankings.
6. Mobile devices will soon out number desktop traffic.
7. It all comes down to better user experience.
8. Good for SEO.
Webpage Rendering
1. enter the url to the address bar.
2. a request will be sent to the DNS server.
3. DNS will route you to the real IP of the domain name (The DNS layer
can help direct clients to different servers based on geographical
4. a request(with complete Http header) will be sent to the server.
5. nginx/apatche will try to match the url to its configuration and serve as
an static page or get dynamic content (php,asp,db).

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With the growth of mobile devices, performance is now more important than ever. But the web is actually getting slower! Fight back by learning how to monitor performance, the critical rendering path and finding where to optimize.

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It requires 50% more concentration when using badly performing website. Make it easier for your users, not harder… A faster website can help your website in many ways. The faster the website, the lower the bounce rate and the higher the conversions. This mean higher sales, ad revenue and ultimately money. Here are 10 ways you can speed up your website: Hosting Provider – Who is hosting your website and how are they hosting it? Utilize Caching – Page Cache, Database Cache, Object Cache, Browser Cache, Reverse Proxy Combine CSS and JS files – Load JS in the footer whenever possible Use a CDN -A Content Delivery Network (CDN) will ‘put a rocket behind your static content’ Reduce and Optimize Images – Use CSS3 whenever and wherever possible, save images for web Use Compression – Save bandwidth and speed up your website Use Sprites – Load JS in the footer whenever possible Monitor Your Website – CPU usage, Physical Memory, Average Load, Disk I/O utilization, Network I/O Optimize your Database Regularly – Optimizing database tables regularly will help improve website performance Mobile and Tablet Optimization – Use CSS3 Media Queries, JS and service-side technology to speed up devices

wordpresswebsite optimizationweb design and development
Webpage Rendering #2
6. a html will be sent back to browser with a complete Http response
7. browser will parse the DOM of html using its parser.
8. external resources(JS/CSS/images/flash/videos..) will be requested in
9. JS, it will be executed by JS engine and CSS, it will be rendered by
CSS engine and HTML's display will be adjusted based on the CSS.
10.if there's an iframe in the DOM, then a separate same process will be
11.if response cacheable, response is stored in cache.
Webpage Rendering #3
How do browsers render a
web page(browser actions)
1. The DOM (Document Object Model) is formed.
2. Styles are loaded and parsed (CSSOM ).
3. A rendering tree is created. a set of object to be renderer (webkit =>
renderer, gecko => frame), Render tree reflects the DOM structure
except for invisible elements(head and display none element), Each
text string is represented in the rendering tree as a separate renderer,
so the render tree describes the visual representation of a DOM.
DOM Tree

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Good UX has always been one of the key factors for success in the contemporary web development and there fore has led to huge improvements in our industry in the last years. Nowadays the UX of a software product is not responsibility only of the UX Architects / Producers, but to each individual involved in the creation of an app or a website, including the Front-end developers. The talk presents a summarized list of DOs and DON’Ts, which Stoyan and his team believe should be respected by the Front-end developers if they want to build a useable web product, up to and above industry standards. There will be a lot of case studies and actual examples taken from Despark’s experience in the field.

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Web performance optimization can be done at three levels - general, server-side, and technology. At the general level, techniques include minimizing HTTP requests, optimizing images, minifying files, avoiding redirects and empty sources. Server-side optimizations involve techniques like content delivery networks, cookie-free domains, caching, and gzip compression. At the technology level for dynamic sites like Joomla, optimizations include flushing buffers early and optimizing database queries. Performance can be measured using various online tools.

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How do browsers render a
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Elements Affect on Web
Web Performance Rules
1.Yahoo Rules.
2.Google Rules.
Web Performance Tools
a. ySlow (Firefox).
b. PageSpeed (Firefox).
c. Firebug (Firefox).
d. HTTPWatch (Firefox & IE).
e. Developer tool (Chrome)
a. PageSpeed
b. Webpage Test

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JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that allows for more web functionality on the user's machine, improving server performance and page load times. jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies tasks like HTML document manipulation, event handling, and Ajax calls. To use jQuery, include the jQuery script in an HTML file and use jQuery syntax with $ selectors to target elements and perform actions on them. Callbacks allow functions to execute asynchronously after their parent functions complete.

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My improved presentation on how to speed up Wordpress and optimize it's performance. Also covers why we still need to care about page load time.

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Speed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate Performance

This document provides tips for optimizing a Joomla site for speed. It recommends keeping Joomla updated, choosing extensions wisely, simplifying templates, enabling compression, caching plugins and .htaccess rules. Specific extensions like JCH Optimize are suggested for combining and minifying CSS/JS and images. Server-level optimizations include using a CDN, opcode caching, moving PHP to RAM, and reverse proxy caching. Testing speed with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights is advised. Application optimizations alone can improve page load times from over 5 seconds to 3 seconds, while full server optimizations achieve over 1 second load times.

Case Study
1 second delay in page load time equals 11% fewer
page views, a 16% decrease in customer
Satisfaction and 7% loss in conversions.
The End
By @islamzatary

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Yahoo has developed the de facto standard for building fast front-ends for websites. The bad news: you have to follow 34 rules to get there. The good news: I'll take a subset of those rules, explain them, and show how you can implement those rules in an automated fashion to minimize impact on developers and designers for your high-traffic website.

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A technical guide on website speed optimization for webmasters. A complete goto guide for every publisher.

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Front-end performance optimizing involves optimizing a website's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files to achieve the fastest possible loading speed. This includes minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, compressing files, optimizing code by removing unused code and errors, leveraging browser caching, and parallelizing downloads across domains. The document outlines nine techniques for front-end optimization, such as optimizing file sizes, reducing download size through compression and caching, and minimizing HTTP requests through file combining and CSS sprites.


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Web performance

  • 2. Definition of Web performance: speed in which web pages are downloaded and displayed on the user's web browser.
  • 3. Why Important: 1. Decrease Bounce rate. 2. Increase Page View. 3. Reduce your costs (Bandwidth, storage usage). 4. Its direct effect on revenues(especially for eCommecrce site). 5. Search engines like Google take site speed into account when determining search rankings. 6. Mobile devices will soon out number desktop traffic. 7. It all comes down to better user experience. 8. Good for SEO.
  • 4. Webpage Rendering 1. enter the url to the address bar. 2. a request will be sent to the DNS server. 3. DNS will route you to the real IP of the domain name (The DNS layer can help direct clients to different servers based on geographical location). 4. a request(with complete Http header) will be sent to the server. 5. nginx/apatche will try to match the url to its configuration and serve as an static page or get dynamic content (php,asp,db).
  • 5. Webpage Rendering #2 6. a html will be sent back to browser with a complete Http response header. 7. browser will parse the DOM of html using its parser. 8. external resources(JS/CSS/images/flash/videos..) will be requested in sequence. 9. JS, it will be executed by JS engine and CSS, it will be rendered by CSS engine and HTML's display will be adjusted based on the CSS. 10.if there's an iframe in the DOM, then a separate same process will be executed. 11.if response cacheable, response is stored in cache.
  • 7. How do browsers render a web page(browser actions) 1. The DOM (Document Object Model) is formed. 2. Styles are loaded and parsed (CSSOM ). 3. A rendering tree is created. a set of object to be renderer (webkit => renderer, gecko => frame), Render tree reflects the DOM structure except for invisible elements(head and display none element), Each text string is represented in the rendering tree as a separate renderer, so the render tree describes the visual representation of a DOM.
  • 9. How do browsers render a web page(browser actions)
  • 10. Elements Affect on Web Performance 1.HTML. 2.CSS. 3.JS. 4.Images. 5.Network.
  • 11. Web Performance Rules 1.Yahoo Rules. 2.Google Rules.
  • 12. Web Performance Tools 1.Extensions: a. ySlow (Firefox). b. PageSpeed (Firefox). c. Firebug (Firefox). d. HTTPWatch (Firefox & IE). e. Developer tool (Chrome) 2.WebSite: a. PageSpeed b. Webpage Test
  • 14. Research 1 second delay in page load time equals 11% fewer page views, a 16% decrease in customer Satisfaction and 7% loss in conversions.
  • 15. References ● views-or-unique-visitors ● ● ● websites-for-inspiration ● ● ● thair

Editor's Notes

  1. ⇒ definition
  2. ⇒ why important
  3. ⇒ Request/Response
  4. ⇒ Browser render
  5. ⇒ DOM
  6. ⇒ render
  7. ⇒ Elements
  8. ⇒ Rules
  9. ⇒ tools
  10. ⇒ Case study
  11. ⇒ research
  12. ⇒ references