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Speed!... it up please
     Rafael Corral, Lead Developer 'corePHP'
                            CMS Expo 2011

  Lead Developer @ 'corePHP'
  Creator of WordPress for Joomla
  Creator of JPhoto
  Creator of jomCDN
Speed? Who cares?

  Your customers!
     Customer satisfaction is important!
     Happy customers = Returning customers
  You
     SEO Improvements
     More page views
     Improved server performance
     Higher conversion rates

  Who takes performance seriously?
  Custom developed extensions for a CMS?
  Do you rely on your website for most of your
  Has no interest in looking at any code?

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WordCamp RVA 2011 - Performance & Tuning
WordCamp RVA 2011 - Performance & TuningWordCamp RVA 2011 - Performance & Tuning
WordCamp RVA 2011 - Performance & Tuning

This document discusses optimizing WordPress performance. It recommends minimizing frontend assets like CSS and images, using caching plugins to improve load times, optimizing themes and plugins, and choosing a fast web server like Nginx. Real-world tests show Nginx outperforming Apache. Specific tips include simplifying themes, deleting unused plugins, moving scripts to the bottom, and using a CDN with caching plugins to serve static assets quickly. The document emphasizes improving perceived performance through responsiveness, feedback and progressive loading.

Building faster websites: web performance with WordPress
Building faster websites: web performance with WordPressBuilding faster websites: web performance with WordPress
Building faster websites: web performance with WordPress

Nobody likes a slow website. Faster sites lead to happier users, and happier users lead to more conversions and revenue. That’s why you should take performance into account in your WordPress project. Learn what practical techniques and WordPress plugins to use in order to optimize your site for speed.

Optimizing WordPress - WordPress SF Meetup April 2012
Optimizing WordPress -  WordPress SF Meetup April 2012Optimizing WordPress -  WordPress SF Meetup April 2012
Optimizing WordPress - WordPress SF Meetup April 2012

The document discusses various levels of WordPress optimization. Level 1 focuses on keeping WordPress updated, using caching plugins like W3 Total Cache, deactivating unused plugins, and reviewing themes. Level 2 includes offloading images, feedburning RSS feeds, repairing the MySQL database, and using multiple subdomains. Level 3 suggests logging slow queries, profiling with tools, using a CDN, optimizing images, and using an opcode cache. Level 4 covers more advanced techniques like reverse proxying with Nginx, Varnish caching, Memcache, HyperDB, and static hosting on S3. The document advises against editing core files and notes that Amazon EC2 alone does not optimize performance.

What we think we are delivering…
What we actually deliver…
Why is my website slow?

  How slow is slow?
  Too many assets
  Images not optimized
  Files not compressed
  Slow server
  No caching
  No CDN
Your users are what matter!

  Users are likely to leave when waiting
  Akamai sets the bar to 2 seconds
  Google sets the bar to 1.5 seconds
  50% of users stated that a quick site is
   important for loyalty

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The Power of a Video Library - WordCamp Raleigh
The  Power of a Video Library - WordCamp RaleighThe  Power of a Video Library - WordCamp Raleigh
The Power of a Video Library - WordCamp Raleigh

This document discusses the power of including video content on websites. It provides statistics that show video helps convey emotion to customers, drive traffic and sales. It recommends including types of video like product demonstrations, instructions and testimonials. It also discusses tools for creating a video library like self-hosting or using third parties, and video gallery plugins that can display videos. It provides best practices like using keywords and catchy titles to optimize videos, and tips for promoting videos through email, landing pages and social media.

wordpressvideo galleryvideo library
Wordpress Page Load Speed - Kenneth sytian
Wordpress Page Load Speed - Kenneth sytianWordpress Page Load Speed - Kenneth sytian
Wordpress Page Load Speed - Kenneth sytian

Every website has to improve their speed or otherwise they are just giving away easy customer conversions, higher rankings and overall better user experience.

sedevelopersweb development
Optimizing the performance of WordPress
Optimizing the performance of WordPressOptimizing the performance of WordPress
Optimizing the performance of WordPress

Optimizing the performance of WordPress by Josh Highland of NewLeaf Labs. Presentation was given at Orange County WordCamp 2011

wordpressoptimizationorange county wordcamp
Your Goal: Reduce HTTP Requests
           Less is more
         Keep this in mind!
Combine, combine, combine!

  Combine all scripts into one script
  Even if they are not needed for that page
  Combine all CSS into a single style sheet
  CSS can be tricky mostly when using a CMS

                                         Step 1
Optimize images & CSS Sprites

  Convert GIFs to PNGs, possible savings
  Combine images to reduce HTTP requests
  Group them by color
  Arrange images horizontally (smaller file sizes)

                                              Step 2
Optimize, Compress & Gzip

  Optimize JS
  Compress CSS and JS
  Gzip CSS and JS before sending them to the

                                                Step 3

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Front-End Performance Optimizing
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Front-End Performance Optimizing

Front-end performance optimizing involves optimizing a website's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files to achieve the fastest possible loading speed. This includes minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, compressing files, optimizing code by removing unused code and errors, leveraging browser caching, and parallelizing downloads across domains. The document outlines nine techniques for front-end optimization, such as optimizing file sizes, reducing download size through compression and caching, and minimizing HTTP requests through file combining and CSS sprites.

Front End Website Optimization
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Front End Website Optimization

Yahoo has developed the de facto standard for building fast front-ends for websites. The bad news: you have to follow 34 rules to get there. The good news: I'll take a subset of those rules, explain them, and show how you can implement those rules in an automated fashion to minimize impact on developers and designers for your high-traffic website.

Minimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tips
Minimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tipsMinimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tips
Minimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tips

Website Page speed is a big ranking factor and we all know that. Google has already announced that they will give less priority to slow sites and even mark site with SLOW tag in SERPs. Lets understand what makes your site slow and how can you make your site lightening fast..If your website is also struggling with slow page load time..checkout our tips here You can contact our page load optimization experts - | 347-732-2736

web designseo tipsseo web design
Script Placement

  Place Stylesheets at the top
     Inside the <head> tag
  Place Scripts at the bottom
     Before the ending </body> tag

                                      Step 4
No 404s

  HTTP calls are expensive!
  Useless calls are even worse
  If a css or js is not there, the browser tries
   to parse through that 404 page that the
   server returns.

                                                    Step 5
Use a CDN

  Focus on dispersing static content only
    Images, CSS, JS, Flash, etc...
  Separate assets across domains
    No more than 4 different domains

  WordPress – W3 Total Cache

                                             Step 6

  Server cache
    APC
    Opcode
  Browser cache
    Expires
    Cache-Control
    ETags

                     Step 7

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Speed up your site! #wcmtl2015 by Meagan Hanes
Speed up your site! #wcmtl2015 by Meagan HanesSpeed up your site! #wcmtl2015 by Meagan Hanes
Speed up your site! #wcmtl2015 by Meagan Hanes

7 ways to speed up a website are discussed: choosing a lightweight theme, disabling unnecessary plugins, optimizing files by minifying CSS/JS and image compression, implementing caching, using a content delivery network (CDN), cleaning up the database, and optimizing theme and plugin performance. The document provides details on each method, emphasizing measuring site speed before and after changes, using appropriate tools, and backing up the site when making optimizations. The overall message is that many small improvements can significantly increase site speed.

Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there
Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get thereOptimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there
Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there

Learn why you should improve your WordPress site's loading speed, and what steps to take to load your site in under two seconds.

cachingwordpressresponsive images
Meta Refresh 2014
Meta Refresh 2014Meta Refresh 2014
Meta Refresh 2014

This document discusses techniques for improving perceived performance of websites. It explains that perceived performance is how quickly a site seems to load from a user's perspective, rather than actual technical performance metrics. Some key techniques discussed include using skeleton screens, progressive enhancement, and showing loading progress to trick users into thinking a site is loading faster than it actually is. The document also advocates for measuring real user performance data through APIs to identify actual bottlenecks and prioritize improvements.


  Total page load time
  Total page size
  Number of assets
  Time to render
  Check Google Analytics statistics

                                       Step 8

  YSlow
  Google Pagespeed
  Pingdom

   Combined Files
     `corePHP`
   Optimized images, CSS Sprites and pre-loading
   Script placement
   CDN
     Google Maps
   Caching
     Mashable

   <FilesMatch "(?i)^.*.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|js|css)$">
   Header unset Last-Modified
   Header set Expires "Fri, 21 Dec 2012 00:00:00
   Header set Cache-Control "public, no-transform”
   </FilesMatch>

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Introduction to web development

This document provides an introduction and overview of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development. It covers the basics of each language, including common tags and elements in HTML, syntax and selectors in CSS, and how to incorporate JavaScript in HTML pages. It also discusses tools used for web development and lists learning resources for further studying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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WordPress Multisite allows multiple sites to run under a single WordPress installation. UpDraftPlus and BackWPUp are popular plugins for backing up sites. A child theme allows modifications to an existing theme's files while still receiving updates, whereas a custom theme requires building all files from scratch. Local development tools like WAMP, DesktopServer, and Local by Flywheel allow running WordPress locally with PHP and MySQL. Source code repositories like GitHub and code editors help with development workflow.

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Need for Speed: Website Edition – Website Optimization Tools and Techniques P...
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It requires 50% more concentration when using badly performing website. Make it easier for your users, not harder… A faster website can help your website in many ways. The faster the website, the lower the bounce rate and the higher the conversions. This mean higher sales, ad revenue and ultimately money. Here are 10 ways you can speed up your website: Hosting Provider – Who is hosting your website and how are they hosting it? Utilize Caching – Page Cache, Database Cache, Object Cache, Browser Cache, Reverse Proxy Combine CSS and JS files – Load JS in the footer whenever possible Use a CDN -A Content Delivery Network (CDN) will ‘put a rocket behind your static content’ Reduce and Optimize Images – Use CSS3 whenever and wherever possible, save images for web Use Compression – Save bandwidth and speed up your website Use Sprites – Load JS in the footer whenever possible Monitor Your Website – CPU usage, Physical Memory, Average Load, Disk I/O utilization, Network I/O Optimize your Database Regularly – Optimizing database tables regularly will help improve website performance Mobile and Tablet Optimization – Use CSS3 Media Queries, JS and service-side technology to speed up devices

wordpresswebsite optimizationweb design and development
Developer improvements

  Use GET for AJAX requests
  Uses one TCP packet instead of two
  Post-load components
    Load the JavaScript to do animation only when needed
    Load images that are not needed
  Preload components
    Unconditional
    Conditional
    Anticipated
  Use <link> over @import
Developer improvements

  Reduce number of DOM Elements
  Don't scale images in HTML
  Keep components under 25k
     iPhone does not cache anything bigger
  Avoid empty src=""
  Lazy load images
What about the server?

  Think about the 80/20 rule
  Ideally the page should be stitched together in
      A page should load in 1.5 seconds
      ~20% of the time you spend requesting the
  ~80% is spent retrieving the assets
      Images
      CSS
      and JS files
Thank you!

Questions? or Site review?

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This document summarizes challenges faced by the Flipkart frontend team. It discusses how they handle over 4 million pageviews per day across browsers using an in-house CDN. Key challenges include secure cross-domain calls, scalable CSS, and cleaning up old code. Techniques used include iframes, window.postMessage(), and for cross-domain transport. The document also covers their approach to webfonts, CSS architecture using OCSS, and an experimental tool to clean up redundant CSS declarations.

Speed Up Wordpress, Wordpress Horsepower
Speed Up Wordpress, Wordpress HorsepowerSpeed Up Wordpress, Wordpress Horsepower
Speed Up Wordpress, Wordpress Horsepower

My improved presentation on how to speed up Wordpress and optimize it's performance. Also covers why we still need to care about page load time.

wordpresspage timeloading

The document summarizes many of the new features introduced in PHP 5, including an overhauled object model with reference handling, visibility, constructors and destructors. It also discusses the Standard PHP Library (SPL) which provides classes and interfaces to solve common problems. New functions, extensions and other language improvements like type hinting and exceptions are covered. The presentation encourages developers to adopt PHP 5 features for improved object oriented programming.


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  • 1. Speed!... it up please Rafael Corral, Lead Developer 'corePHP' CMS Expo 2011
  • 2. Hi!   Lead Developer @ 'corePHP'   Creator of WordPress for Joomla   Creator of JPhoto   Creator of jomCDN
  • 3. Speed? Who cares?   Your customers!   Customer satisfaction is important!   Happy customers = Returning customers   You   SEO Improvements   More page views   Improved server performance   Higher conversion rates
  • 4. Discovery   Who takes performance seriously?   Custom developed extensions for a CMS?   Do you rely on your website for most of your income?   Has no interest in looking at any code?
  • 5. What we think we are delivering…
  • 6. What we actually deliver…
  • 7. Why is my website slow?   How slow is slow?   Too many assets   Images not optimized   Files not compressed   Slow server   No caching   No CDN
  • 8. Your users are what matter!   Users are likely to leave when waiting   Akamai sets the bar to 2 seconds   Google sets the bar to 1.5 seconds   50% of users stated that a quick site is important for loyalty
  • 9. Your Goal: Reduce HTTP Requests Less is more Keep this in mind!
  • 10. Combine, combine, combine!   Combine all scripts into one script   Even if they are not needed for that page   Combine all CSS into a single style sheet   CSS can be tricky mostly when using a CMS Step 1
  • 11. Optimize images & CSS Sprites   Convert GIFs to PNGs, possible savings    Combine images to reduce HTTP requests   Group them by color   Arrange images horizontally (smaller file sizes) Step 2
  • 12. Optimize, Compress & Gzip   Optimize JS    Compress CSS and JS     Gzip CSS and JS before sending them to the browser Step 3
  • 13. Script Placement   Place Stylesheets at the top   Inside the <head> tag   Place Scripts at the bottom   Before the ending </body> tag Step 4
  • 14. No 404s   HTTP calls are expensive!   Useless calls are even worse   If a css or js is not there, the browser tries to parse through that 404 page that the server returns. Step 5
  • 15. Use a CDN   Focus on dispersing static content only   Images, CSS, JS, Flash, etc...   Separate assets across domains   No more than 4 different domains   WordPress – W3 Total Cache   management/content-networking Step 6
  • 16. Cache   Server cache   APC   Opcode   Browser cache   Expires   Cache-Control   ETags Step 7
  • 17. Testing   Total page load time   Total page size   Number of assets   Time to render   Check Google Analytics statistics Step 8
  • 18. Tools   YSlow   Google Pagespeed   Pingdom 
  • 19. Examples   Combined Files   `corePHP`   Optimized images, CSS Sprites and pre-loading    Script placement   CDN   Google Maps   Caching   Mashable
  • 20. Examples   <FilesMatch "(?i)^.*.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|js|css)$">   Header unset Last-Modified   Header set Expires "Fri, 21 Dec 2012 00:00:00 GMT”   Header set Cache-Control "public, no-transform”   </FilesMatch>
  • 21. Developer improvements   Use GET for AJAX requests   Uses one TCP packet instead of two   Post-load components   Load the JavaScript to do animation only when needed   Load images that are not needed   Preload components   Unconditional   Conditional   Anticipated   Use <link> over @import
  • 22. Developer improvements   Reduce number of DOM Elements   Don't scale images in HTML   Keep components under 25k   iPhone does not cache anything bigger   Avoid empty src=""   Lazy load images
  • 23. What about the server?   Think about the 80/20 rule   Ideally the page should be stitched together in 200-500ms   A page should load in 1.5 seconds   ~20% of the time you spend requesting the HTML   ~80% is spent retrieving the assets   Images   CSS   and JS files
  • 24. Thank you! Questions? or Site review?
  • 25. References  press_091409.html  page=checklist.cs&tab=1095542   speed-in-web-search-ranking.html  web-20.html   