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20 Tips
for tweaking your website’s performance
Andrew Siemer
Founder & CEO
(866) 500-2706
Extreme Example
Performance should be in mind from the start!
(866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization
Aggie Muster - From Concept to Production in 3 weeks
(1) Concept
(2) Wireframe
(3) Prototype
Delivered (4)
Aggie Muster - Site for live streaming and real-time communication
● 200,000 users could log on - targeted 400k users
● Prototyped, built, load tested, & deployed in 3 weeks
● Load tested 50,000 concurrent write operations
○ During 4 hour test
○ Processed 4 million messages
○ 2,500 requests per second
● During Muster we saw 50,000 unique visitors
○ 14,000 registrations
○ 15,000 HERE messages
○ 1000 reflections
○ At peak around 7pm: 27,516 active users
■ 800 requests per second across
35 servers
○ Average request duration for reads <10ms
● Hosting costs
○ Day of event: $565
○ Outside of the event: $60-$80/month
What is Performance?
Now let's understand the problem
(866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization
What is Performance?
● Page load speed
39% leave sites that render slowly
● Time to first render
74% leave if the site doesn’t load on the phone in 5 seconds
● Time to interactive (useable)
52% cite that quick page load is important to site loyalty
● Perceived performance
16% satisfaction decrease for 1 second page speed delay
20 tips for website performance
Without performance
● Not an enjoyable experience
A 0.4 second lag time results in decrease of 0.44% traffic
● Users won’t stick around
A 1 second delay in page load time means 11% decline in page views
● Google will demote you
0.5 second in each search page generation causes traffic to drop by 20%
● Now indexes your mobile site
experience by default
● Should provide a 100% identical
experience as desktop
● Render speed of mobile should
be blazing fast and lightweight
● Accessibility friendly
Test with your users in mind
Look at your Google analytics to understand who your users are
- 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take longer than 3 seconds to load
20 tips for website performance
Device performance varies
Sometimes significantly!
- 75% of users won’t return to a webpage if it takes more than 4 seconds to load
Device Considerations
● Processor speed
● Memory available
● Wifi vs cellular connectivity
● Signal strength
20 tips for website performance
Did you know?
Not all bytes are equal!
100kb of JS “weighs” more than 100kb of image.
20 tips for website performance
Performance Issues
What to look for...
(866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization
Quick Fixes
1. HTTP Requests
○ Reduce DNS lookups
○ Minimize redirects
○ Remove query strings from static
○ Avoid bad requests
2. Specify a character set
3. Fonts
○ System Font Stack
○ Font subsetting
4. CSS at the top, JS at the bottom
5. Images
○ Optimize Images
○ Specify image dimensions
○ Image sprites
○ Lazy load below the fold
Other Fixes
1. Hosting
○ HTTP/2
2. Expires header
3. GZIP compression
4. Use a CDN
5. Cached 302 redirects
6. Tree shaking / UnCSS
7. Code splitting
8. Minify your code
Quick Fixes
Easy fixes that are directly under
your control
Quick Fixes
● HTTP Requests
● Character sets
● Fonts
● External resources
● Images
HTTP Requests
● Reduce DNS lookups
● Minimize redirects
● Remove query strings from
static resources
● Avoid bad requests
HTTP Requests
● Reduce DNS lookups
● Minimize redirects
● Remove query strings from
static resources
● Avoid bad requests
How a 301 redirect works
HTTP Requests
● Reduce DNS lookups
● Minimize redirects
● Remove query strings from
static resources
● Avoid bad requests
HTTP Requests
● Reduce DNS lookups
● Minimize redirects
● Remove query strings from
static resources
● Avoid bad requests
Character Sets
● Specify the character set to
make the browser’s job easier!
● Must be in the first 1024 bytes
of the document!
<html …>
<head …>
<meta charset="utf-8">
Fonts & Flash of unstyled content
● Consider not loading a font! Or
use “System Font Stack”
● Use CDN for font hosting
● Use WOFF2 format
● Us subset fonts including only needed characters
External Resources
● Images covered below
● CSS at the top
● JS at the bottom
● Inline critical CSS for above the
fold content
● Asynchronously load
non-critical CSS
○ Prohibits progressive
rendering of critical styles
○ Avoid redraws
○ Improves web standard
compliance according to
● Optimize Images
● Specify image dimensions
● Image sprites
● Lazy load below the fold
● Optimize Images
● Specify image dimensions
● Image sprites
● Lazy load below the fold
● Optimize Images
● Specify image dimensions
● Image sprites
● Lazy load below the fold
● HTTP/1.1 likes one request due
to queuing limitation
● HTTP/2 likes little requests due
to multiplexing
● A sprite with many images in
one file may compress better
that individual images
● If all images in a sprite are used
on one page, that may be a
better option
● Optimize Images
● Specify image dimensions
● Image sprites
● Lazy load below the fold
Other Fixes
These fixes may require a team
Other Fixes
● Hosting
● Expires header
● GZIP compression
● Use a CDN
● Cached 302 redirects
● Tree shaking & UnCSS
● Code splitting
● Minify your code
● Servers near consumers
● Globally available - short hops
● Heavily cached static content
● Scalable infrastructure for
dynamic content
● If monolithic server, be sure
they are performant
● Limit noisy neighbors on shared
● HTTP/2
○ Faster
○ Stream of binary
○ More Secure
- Requires server configuration
Expires Header
● Allows you to leverage browser
● Instructs browser to use local
copy of an already downloaded
● Reduces number of HTTP
requests to load page
- Requires server configuration
GZIP Compression
● Compresses the content on the
● Less for the browser to
● Browser then decompresses
the content for display
- Requires server configuration
CDN for Static Assets
● Get website assets as close to
your user as possible
● Offloads web traffic from your
● Caching on a highly performant
edge network
● Provides a form of redundancy
● Helps with scale
Cached 302 Redirects
● Redirects add latency to a
● Redirects delay page load time
● Remove redirects if possible
● Cache them if you can’t remove
Tree Shaking & UnCSS
● Remove dead code paths
○ From Javascript
○ From CSS
- Best when part of continuous integration
Code Splitting
● Send small specific bundles of code
● Minimizes the size of a request
● Utilize dynamic importing
Minify Your Code
● Removes whitespace
● Shortens variable names
● Shortens function names
Performance must be monitored over time
(866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization
One-time Audit
Isn’t good enough!
Monitoring Tools
● SpeedCurve
● Request Map Generator
● Size Limit
● Google Lighthouse
Monitoring Tools
● SpeedCurve
● Request Map Generator
● Size Limit
● Google Lighthouse
20 tips for website performance
Monitoring Tools
● SpeedCurve
● Request Map Generator
● Size Limit
● Google Lighthouse
Monitoring Tools
● SpeedCurve
● Request Map Generator
● Size Limit
● Google Lighthouse
Monitoring Tools
● SpeedCurve
● Request Map Generator
● Size Limit
● Google Lighthouse
Perceived Performance
Sometimes you can pretend to be performant!
(866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization
Optimistic UI
Load and calculate in the
background while showing an
Some additional considerations
(866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization
1. Performance Budget
○ Be 20% faster than your main competitor
2. Performance = Ethics & Accessibility
3. Follow the specialists
○ Performance is an industry
○ Changes over time
Resources Used
An inventive company
solving big problems
with proven solutions
(866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization
An inventive company
solving big problems
with proven solutions
(866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization

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20 tips for website performance

  • 1. 20 Tips for tweaking your website’s performance Slides:
  • 2. 22 @InventiveGroup Andrew Siemer Founder & CEO (866) 500-2706 @asiemer
  • 3. Extreme Example Performance should be in mind from the start! (866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization Slides:
  • 4. IMPROVING LIVES WITH TECHNOLOGY Aggie Muster - From Concept to Production in 3 weeks 4 (1) Concept (2) Wireframe (3) Prototype Delivered (4)
  • 5. IMPROVING LIVES WITH TECHNOLOGY Aggie Muster - Site for live streaming and real-time communication 5 ● 200,000 users could log on - targeted 400k users ● Prototyped, built, load tested, & deployed in 3 weeks ● Load tested 50,000 concurrent write operations ○ During 4 hour test ○ Processed 4 million messages ○ 2,500 requests per second ○ 100 servers TESTED BEYOND REQUIREMENTS ● During Muster we saw 50,000 unique visitors ○ 14,000 registrations ○ 15,000 HERE messages ○ 1000 reflections ○ At peak around 7pm: 27,516 active users ■ 800 requests per second across 35 servers ○ Average request duration for reads <10ms ● Hosting costs ○ Day of event: $565 ○ Outside of the event: $60-$80/month
  • 6. What is Performance? Now let's understand the problem (866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization Slides:
  • 7. What is Performance? ● Page load speed 39% leave sites that render slowly ● Time to first render 74% leave if the site doesn’t load on the phone in 5 seconds ● Time to interactive (useable) 52% cite that quick page load is important to site loyalty ● Perceived performance 16% satisfaction decrease for 1 second page speed delay
  • 9. Without performance ● Not an enjoyable experience A 0.4 second lag time results in decrease of 0.44% traffic ● Users won’t stick around A 1 second delay in page load time means 11% decline in page views ● Google will demote you 0.5 second in each search page generation causes traffic to drop by 20%
  • 10. ● Now indexes your mobile site experience by default ● Should provide a 100% identical experience as desktop ● Render speed of mobile should be blazing fast and lightweight ● Accessibility friendly
  • 11. Test with your users in mind Look at your Google analytics to understand who your users are - 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take longer than 3 seconds to load
  • 13. Device performance varies Sometimes significantly! - 75% of users won’t return to a webpage if it takes more than 4 seconds to load
  • 15. Device Considerations ● Processor speed ● Memory available ● Wifi vs cellular connectivity ● Signal strength
  • 18. Not all bytes are equal! 100kb of JS “weighs” more than 100kb of image.
  • 20. Performance Issues What to look for... (866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization Slides:
  • 21. Highlights Quick Fixes 1. HTTP Requests ○ Reduce DNS lookups ○ Minimize redirects ○ Remove query strings from static resources ○ Avoid bad requests 2. Specify a character set 3. Fonts ○ System Font Stack ○ Font subsetting 4. CSS at the top, JS at the bottom 5. Images ○ Optimize Images ○ Specify image dimensions ○ Image sprites ○ Lazy load below the fold Other Fixes 1. Hosting ○ HTTP/2 2. Expires header 3. GZIP compression 4. Use a CDN 5. Cached 302 redirects 6. Tree shaking / UnCSS 7. Code splitting 8. Minify your code
  • 22. Quick Fixes Easy fixes that are directly under your control
  • 23. Quick Fixes ● HTTP Requests ● Character sets ● Fonts ● External resources ● Images
  • 24. HTTP Requests ● Reduce DNS lookups ● Minimize redirects ● Remove query strings from static resources ● Avoid bad requests
  • 25. HTTP Requests ● Reduce DNS lookups ● Minimize redirects ● Remove query strings from static resources ● Avoid bad requests How a 301 redirect works
  • 26. HTTP Requests ● Reduce DNS lookups ● Minimize redirects ● Remove query strings from static resources ● Avoid bad requests
  • 27. HTTP Requests ● Reduce DNS lookups ● Minimize redirects ● Remove query strings from static resources ● Avoid bad requests
  • 28. Character Sets ● Specify the character set to make the browser’s job easier! ● Must be in the first 1024 bytes of the document! <html …> <head …> <meta charset="utf-8">
  • 29. Fonts & Flash of unstyled content ● Consider not loading a font! Or use “System Font Stack” ● Use CDN for font hosting ● Use WOFF2 format ● Us subset fonts including only needed characters
  • 30. External Resources ● Images covered below ● CSS at the top ● JS at the bottom ● Inline critical CSS for above the fold content ● Asynchronously load non-critical CSS ○ Prohibits progressive rendering of critical styles ○ Avoid redraws ○ Improves web standard compliance according to W3
  • 31. Images ● Optimize Images ● Specify image dimensions ● Image sprites ● Lazy load below the fold
  • 32. Images ● Optimize Images ● Specify image dimensions ● Image sprites ● Lazy load below the fold
  • 33. Images ● Optimize Images ● Specify image dimensions ● Image sprites ● Lazy load below the fold ● HTTP/1.1 likes one request due to queuing limitation ● HTTP/2 likes little requests due to multiplexing ● A sprite with many images in one file may compress better that individual images ● If all images in a sprite are used on one page, that may be a better option
  • 34. Images ● Optimize Images ● Specify image dimensions ● Image sprites ● Lazy load below the fold
  • 35. Other Fixes These fixes may require a team effort
  • 36. Other Fixes ● Hosting ● Expires header ● GZIP compression ● Use a CDN ● Cached 302 redirects ● Tree shaking & UnCSS ● Code splitting ● Minify your code
  • 37. Hosting ● HTTP2 ● Servers near consumers ● Globally available - short hops ● Heavily cached static content ● Scalable infrastructure for dynamic content ● If monolithic server, be sure they are performant ● Limit noisy neighbors on shared hosting
  • 38. Hosting ● HTTP/2 ○ Faster ○ Stream of binary frames ○ More Secure - Requires server configuration
  • 39. Expires Header ● Allows you to leverage browser caching ● Instructs browser to use local copy of an already downloaded file ● Reduces number of HTTP requests to load page - Requires server configuration
  • 40. GZIP Compression ● Compresses the content on the server ● Less for the browser to download ● Browser then decompresses the content for display - Requires server configuration
  • 41. CDN for Static Assets ● Get website assets as close to your user as possible ● Offloads web traffic from your host ● Caching on a highly performant edge network ● Provides a form of redundancy ● Helps with scale
  • 42. Cached 302 Redirects ● Redirects add latency to a request ● Redirects delay page load time ● Remove redirects if possible ● Cache them if you can’t remove them
  • 43. Tree Shaking & UnCSS ● Remove dead code paths ○ From Javascript ○ From CSS - Best when part of continuous integration
  • 44. Code Splitting ● Send small specific bundles of code ● Minimizes the size of a request ● Utilize dynamic importing
  • 45. Minify Your Code ● Removes whitespace ● Shortens variable names ● Shortens function names
  • 46. Monitoring Performance must be monitored over time (866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization Slides:
  • 48. Monitoring Tools ● SpeedCurve ● Request Map Generator ● Size Limit ● Google Lighthouse
  • 49. Monitoring Tools ● SpeedCurve ● Request Map Generator ● Size Limit ● Google Lighthouse
  • 51. Monitoring Tools ● SpeedCurve ● Request Map Generator ● Size Limit ● Google Lighthouse
  • 52. Monitoring Tools ● SpeedCurve ● Request Map Generator ● Size Limit ● Google Lighthouse
  • 53. Monitoring Tools ● SpeedCurve ● Request Map Generator ● Size Limit ● Google Lighthouse
  • 54. Perceived Performance Sometimes you can pretend to be performant! (866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization Slides:
  • 56. Animations Load and calculate in the background while showing an animation
  • 57. Extras Some additional considerations (866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization Slides:
  • 58. Extras 1. Performance Budget ○ Be 20% faster than your main competitor 2. Performance = Ethics & Accessibility 3. Follow the specialists ○ Performance is an industry ○ Changes over time
  • 59. Resources Used ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
  • 60. An inventive company solving big problems with proven solutions MORE THAN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IMPROVING LIVES WITH TECHNOLOGY60 (866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization QUESTIONS?
  • 61. An inventive company solving big problems with proven solutions MORE THAN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IMPROVING LIVES WITH TECHNOLOGY61 (866) 500-2706 - - | Web Applications & Sites, Mobile Apps, Modernization QUESTIONS?