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PAGESPEED INSIGHTSJason Yingling | Red8 Interactive | @jason_yingling |
Happy Users
Happy Google
Why Site Speed
HUGE images
Too many scripts
Too many custom fonts
Bad plugins or themes
Common Causes
of Slow Sites
Tools For Measuring Site Speed
Google PageSpeed Insights GTMetrix

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Word campktm speed-security
Word campktm speed-securityWord campktm speed-security
Word campktm speed-security

1. The document discusses speed and security as the active and passive components of a WordPress site. It provides tips to optimize speed through good hosting, CDNs, minification, and caching. 2. For security, it recommends prevention through regular backups, security plugins, and hardening measures. Common vulnerabilities include outdated plugins/themes and lack of security updates or measures. 3. Testing tools like GTmetrix and PageSpeed Insights can evaluate page speed, but their recommendations shouldn't always be followed. Ignoring site speed can lead to abandonment issues.

The Need for Speed (5 Performance Optimization Tipps) - brightonSEO 2014
The Need for Speed (5 Performance Optimization Tipps) - brightonSEO 2014The Need for Speed (5 Performance Optimization Tipps) - brightonSEO 2014
The Need for Speed (5 Performance Optimization Tipps) - brightonSEO 2014

My talk at #brightonSEO 2014 on how to make websites FAST, covering request optimizations, caching, JS & CSS tweaks and a lot more!

Front-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance OptimizingFront-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance Optimizing

Front-end performance optimizing involves optimizing a website's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files to achieve the fastest possible loading speed. This includes minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, compressing files, optimizing code by removing unused code and errors, leveraging browser caching, and parallelizing downloads across domains. The document outlines nine techniques for front-end optimization, such as optimizing file sizes, reducing download size through compression and caching, and minimizing HTTP requests through file combining and CSS sprites.

- Right Click
- Select “Inspect”
- Select “Network” tab
- Safari > Preferences > Advanced
- Check “Show Develop menu in
menu bar”
- Right Click
- Select “Inspect”
- Select “Network” tab
PageSpeed Insights measures how the page can improve its performance on:
-time to above-the-fold load: Elapsed time from the moment a user requests a new
page and to the moment the above-the-fold content is rendered by the browser.
-time to full page load: Elapsed time from the moment a user requests a new page to
the moment the page is fully rendered by the browser.
PageSpeed Insights
JavaScript and CSS
resources that need to be
loaded before a web page
can be rendered
Eliminate Render
Blocking Scripts
Concatenate too.
Plugin: Autoptimize
Minify All of the

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Optimizing WordPress for Speed and Conversions
Optimizing WordPress for Speed and ConversionsOptimizing WordPress for Speed and Conversions
Optimizing WordPress for Speed and Conversions

Optimizing WordPress for speed and conversions can have an immediate impact on your bottom line. Learn how to turn WordPress into a revenue driving machine. Experience level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Target audience: Affiliates/Publishers, Merchants/Advertisers Niche/vertical: WordPress Nicholas Reese, Resident Rockstar, Microbrand Media (Twitter @nickreese) (Moderator) Willie Jackson, Senior Marketer and Engineer, W3 EDGE (Twitter @williejackson) David Vogelpohl, CEO, Marketing Clique (Twitter @davidvmc)

Dynamic website
Dynamic websiteDynamic website
Dynamic website

The document summarizes a student's web development project where they built a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, and SQL. It outlines the technologies used including the laptop specifications, development tools, hosting, and databases. It also details the estimated time spent on various aspects of the project, challenges encountered, technologies learned, and future goals to implement original proposed ideas for the site.

Dynamic Website
Dynamic WebsiteDynamic Website
Dynamic Website

The document discusses the evolution of web browsers and their impact on the advancement of the World Wide Web. It outlines the development of early browsers, the "Browser Wars" between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator that drove innovation, a period of stagnation for Internet Explorer 6, and a second "Browser War" between Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and other browsers. It also provides details on building a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and SQL.

So you’re getting a
JavaScript error.
Exclude scripts from
Oh no! Something
Load what appears
above the fold first
Prioritize Visible
Load below the fold
content later
Works for images,
embeds, and iframe
Plugin: BJ Lazy Load
Lazy Load Below
the Fold
CSS Needed to load initial view of
the site
How to get it
- Go to
- Copy the script to your clipboard
- Navigate to your page
- Open the Console tab in the
- Paste the code and press enter
- Copy the results
Critical CSS

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Web Front End Performance
Web Front End PerformanceWeb Front End Performance
Web Front End Performance

This document discusses various front-end performance tips for ASP.NET web applications, including minimizing HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, adding expiration headers, compressing content, optimizing stylesheet and script placement, avoiding redirects, caching AJAX requests, and minifying JavaScript. It provides details on tools like FireBug and YSlow for testing front-end performance, and how to implement many of the recommendations in ASP.NET.

Guide To Web Development
Guide To Web DevelopmentGuide To Web Development
Guide To Web Development

This document is a roadmap for web development created by Google DSC at King Abdulaziz University. It outlines sections for front-end development, back-end development, and design. Each section lists languages and tools to learn along with estimated timeframes and links to resources. The roadmap recommends spending 20% of time on crash courses, 30% applying knowledge, and 50% building projects. It aims to guide learners through a structured plan to become full-stack web developers.

Front End Website Optimization
Front End Website OptimizationFront End Website Optimization
Front End Website Optimization

Yahoo has developed the de facto standard for building fast front-ends for websites. The bad news: you have to follow 34 rules to get there. The good news: I'll take a subset of those rules, explain them, and show how you can implement those rules in an automated fashion to minimize impact on developers and designers for your high-traffic website.

Remove extra data from
images and compress
Plugin: Imagify (25mb/
Fully Free: ImageOptim,
FileOptimizer (Windows)
Optimize Images
Store and serve static files
to visitors
Hosting: WordPress hosts
may have their own
Plugins: WP Super Cache
Leverage Browser
Add custom expire headers
to your .htaccess file
Be careful in there
Custom Expire
- Upgrade your PHP
- Upgrade your hosting
- Determine the cause
with Query Monitor
Reduce Server
Response Time

Recommended for you

Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed
Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For SpeedPerformance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed
Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed

This document discusses the importance of web page speed and provides tips to optimize performance. It emphasizes that speed is important for user experience and engagement. Slow pages can lead to high bounce rates and negatively impact SEO. It then provides the "golden rules" of optimization, which include reducing HTTP requests, minimizing file sizes, caching assets, and using techniques like lazy loading. Specific tools are recommended for measuring performance, including PageSpeed, Speed Tracer, and Dynatrace Ajax. Browser limitations and upcoming technologies that may improve speed are also briefly covered. The goal is to make the web faster by optimizing code, images, assets and more.

web apps tuningweb apps optimizationsweb apps speed
Web development today
Web development todayWeb development today
Web development today

The document discusses HTML5 Boilerplate, which is a popular front-end template that helps developers build fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. It includes tools like Modernizr, which detects HTML5 and CSS3 browser support, and HTML5 Shiv, which allows styling of HTML5 elements in older IE browsers. Using HTML5 Boilerplate follows best practices for performance, like minifying code and setting the viewport.

Keep the Web Fast
Keep the Web FastKeep the Web Fast
Keep the Web Fast

With the growth of mobile devices, performance is now more important than ever. But the web is actually getting slower! Fight back by learning how to monitor performance, the critical rendering path and finding where to optimize.

- Enable GZIP Compression
in the .htaccess
- Gist:
- Avoid landing page
A Few For The
Questions &
Battling Google PageSpeed Insights

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Battling Google PageSpeed Insights

  • 1. BATTLING GOOGLE PAGESPEED INSIGHTSJason Yingling | Red8 Interactive | @jason_yingling |
  • 2. 2 Happy Users Happy Google Why Site Speed Matters
  • 3. HUGE images Too many scripts Too many custom fonts Bad plugins or themes Common Causes of Slow Sites
  • 4. Tools For Measuring Site Speed Google PageSpeed Insights GTMetrix
  • 5. 5 Chrome - Right Click - Select “Inspect” - Select “Network” tab Safari - Safari > Preferences > Advanced - Check “Show Develop menu in menu bar” - Right Click - Select “Inspect” - Select “Network” tab Inspector
  • 6. PageSpeed Insights measures how the page can improve its performance on: -time to above-the-fold load: Elapsed time from the moment a user requests a new page and to the moment the above-the-fold content is rendered by the browser. -time to full page load: Elapsed time from the moment a user requests a new page to the moment the page is fully rendered by the browser. Google PageSpeed Insights
  • 7. JavaScript and CSS resources that need to be loaded before a web page can be rendered Eliminate Render Blocking Scripts
  • 9. So you’re getting a JavaScript error. Exclude scripts from concatenation Oh no! Something Broke!
  • 10. 10 Load what appears above the fold first Prioritize Visible Content
  • 11. Load below the fold content later Works for images, embeds, and iframe Plugin: BJ Lazy Load Lazy Load Below the Fold
  • 12. 12 CSS Needed to load initial view of the site How to get it - Go to PaulKinlan/6284142  - Copy the script to your clipboard - Navigate to your page - Open the Console tab in the Inspector - Paste the code and press enter - Copy the results Critical CSS
  • 13. Remove extra data from images and compress quality Plugin: Imagify (25mb/ month) Fully Free: ImageOptim, FileOptimizer (Windows) Optimize Images
  • 14. 14 Store and serve static files to visitors Hosting: WordPress hosts may have their own options Plugins: WP Super Cache Leverage Browser Caching
  • 15. Add custom expire headers to your .htaccess file Be careful in there Gist: 3bc3c111137c47a2981e3e405a4ce577 Custom Expire Headers
  • 16. 16 - Upgrade your PHP - Upgrade your hosting - Determine the cause with Query Monitor Reduce Server Response Time
  • 17. - Enable GZIP Compression in the .htaccess - Gist: yingles/ 3d61caa4910e8919b948be7b5abf5a50 - Avoid landing page redirects A Few For The Road