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HTML5 Can’t Do That
Surveying the Mobile Landscape
Matt Baxter
UX Designer

Nathan Smith
Principal UI Architect
Take notes if you like. Or, you can get the slides here…
Obligatory Intro Slide…

— on Twitter: @mbxtr & @nathansmith
— UI Developers (caffeine


— We do UX/web/mobile stuff at
— We have mixed feelings about HTML5
In all honesty…

And hey, so do you. We’re creating software UI in a
document language. It’s a wonder anything works.
State of mobile in 2007, before the iPhone was introduced…
What is the most frequently
used app on your phone?
(Ironically, probably not the “phone” app.)
HTML5 Can't Do That
What is the most frequently used app on your phone?

(Tough to say)
What is the most frequently
used app on your computer?
What is the most frequently used app on your computer?

Probably one of these…
HTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do That
This is what the Web would look
like if there were no native apps.
The browser is arguably the
most important native app.
Actually, this
(No browser UI)
Or, how would things look
if native “beat” the Web?
HTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do That
…asked the headline, on a site
with an HTML5 doctype.
Are we seriously saying that native versus HTML5 is like this?

HTML5 Can't Do That
Can’t we all just
get along?
HTML5 Can't Do That
Firefox can run the Unreal
game engine in native JS!
Okay, so it’s not mobile.
But it’s still cool, right?
HTML5 Can't Do That
Fun Fact:

iOS game Candy Crush Saga
makes $850,000 per day.*
*Assuming this peak number, sustained over an entire
calendar year, that’s annual revenue of $310,250,000.
Fun Fact:

Amazon’s revenue is roughly
$167,378,082 per day.*
*61B total revenue in 2012. After operating expenses
of 45.9B, that’s a gross profit of approximately 15.1B.
So, at the very least…
HTML5 is what you use to buy
things that don’t run in HTML5.
This quote is sometimes (mis?) attributed to Napoleon…

“It is not enough that
I succeed, everyone
else must fail.”
He said, as he
reached for the
phone in his pocket.
So what?

Hopefully by now we can all
agree that HTML5 needn’t fail
for native apps to be considered
successful, or vice versa.
How we see the mobile landscape…
Approaches to Mobile Development
Web Development

Responsive or
Mobile Web App

Native Development






JavaScript API

Cross-platform C# API

C#, Java, or Objective-C



Android, Blackberry, iOS,
Windows Phone, etc.

Multiple OS (browsers)


Android, iOS


Android, iOS,
Windows Phone

Android, Blackberry, iOS,
Windows Phone, etc.

Application Services API — JSON to/from XML, etc.










Business Logic and Data Aggregation


SQL Server
When making an app, especially if not 100% native…

It’s important to strive for 60
FPS* and avoid interactions
that feel awkward, lest you fall
into the “uncanny valley” of UX.

*FPS = Frames per second. Most movies are 24 FPS. Video games aim for 60 FPS.
In case you are unfamiliar with the term “uncanny valley”

The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in
the field of human aesthetics which
holds that when human app features
look and move almost, but not
exactly, like natural human beings
native apps, it causes a response of
revulsion among human observers.
HTML5 Can't Do That
Let’s talk about

HTML5 Can't Do That
How PhoneGap Works

— It embeds a WebView in a native app
— Native app gives access to OS API’s
— All the UI is built via HTML/CSS
— JavaScript handles everything else
— The app wrapper compiles via…
Xcode, Eclipse, Visual Studio, or
“the cloud”
Robots. ‘nuff said…
Benefits of PhoneGap

— It is “the web you already know”
— Debugging via desktop browser
— Access to device API’s (GPS, etc)
— Strives to implement W3C specs
— Camera API, etc.
— Supports Windows Phone, too
Drawbacks of PhoneGap

— WebView dependent on OS
— “Browser” on old Android
— IE on Windows Phone, etc.
— Not as performant as “native”
— Presupposes mad web skills
— (Okay, maybe that’s a “pro”)
HTML5 Can't Do That
“Topcoat is a brand new open
source CSS library designed
to help developers build web
apps with an emphasis on
speed. It evolved from the
Adobe design language
developed for Brackets, Edge
Reflow, and feedback from
the PhoneGap app developer
— Brian LeRoux
HTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do That
Side-by-side comparison: Native vs. HTML5
Let’s talk about

HTML5 Can't Do That
Benefits of Titanium
— Native UI (not necessarily look & feel)
— Code organization: Alloy MVC approach
— Views are XML, JS for Models/Controllers
— Build for iOS, Android, and Blackberry
— Some code reuse across platforms
— Entirely JavaScript based
— Uses CommonJS’s AMD approach
— Except for WebView (+HTML/CSS)
Drawbacks of Titanium
— Slow apps… I end up using WebViews
— Workflow: code, compile, rinse, repeat
— It’s XML/JS, but no DOM traversal
— No first-party way to test your code
— Regression testing is difficult
— Added file size, due to Ti framework
— Non-transferrable support license
— Can’t hand off to a coworker
Abstraction layers tend to be
harder to debug than “native”
languages: C#, Objective-C,
or Java — when using an IDE
such as Visual Studio, Xcode,
Eclipse, or Android Studio.
With “the web,” you have
familiar developer tools, built
into all major browsers.
Let’s talk about

HTML5 Can't Do That
Benefits of Xamarin

— Speed… It compiles to native code
— 1:1 mapping of native API’s to C#
— Code reuse: Android, iOS, Windows
— Visual IDE, lets designers see the UI
— Big-name apps use it (Rdio, anyone?)
— Transferrable support license
HTML5 Can't Do That
Drawbacks of Xamarin

— Still need to learn the native API’s
— Doesn’t abstract that away
— Need to know C# (“pro” if you do)
— Added file size, due to Mono framework
— Commercial, has licensing fees
Let’s talk about

Developer Sites for Various Platforms — —
Benefits of Native Development

— Default OS look & feel (UI conventions)
— Performance (“closer to the metal”)
— Access to device hardware (GPS, etc)
— Benefit from latest OS enhancements
— Able to hire specialists in that area — —
Drawbacks of Native Development

— Tied to the particular OS you built for
— Maintaining a multi OS team/skill-set
— Keeping app in sync with OS updates
— Having multiple devices for testing — —
Let’s talk about

The Web
(This applies to PhoneGap, too)
Page Layout, Today

Page Layout, Tomorrow*


*When IE11+ is prevalent. After IE8, IE9, and IE10 finally die off.
HTML5 Can't Do That
A serendipitous use of HTML5

HTML5 Cant Do That
Last year, we were anticipating writing a lot of
JavaScript to generate a barcode for a mobile
app. To my surprise, I found a barcode font:
“IDAutomationHC39M.” What would’ve taken
days was mere minutes, adjusting font-size.
But what about JavaScript? — Glad you asked! :)

Helpful utility libraries:
— jQuery or Zepto

— Underscore or LoDash

— Handlebars
There are also plenty of JavaScript MV* Frameworks


— Backbone

— Ember


*MVC: Model, View, Controller — MVVM: Model, View, View Model, etc.

— Knockout
& Durandal


— Angular

We’ve  begun  using  this
We’ve dabbled in these JS frameworks at projekt202…

And now, just
a few caveats
HTML5 Can't Do That
SunSpider JS benchmarks, circa 2010 (lower is better)
HTML5 Can't Do That
Safari on iOS 6 vs. Safari on iOS 7
So… Web, Cross-Platform, or Native?

Key Considerations:
— Features needed
— Target market
— Existing skill-sets
— Talent availability
— User experience
How we see the mobile landscape (revised)…
Approaches to Mobile Development

Responsive or
Mobile Web App


Uncanny  valley

Web Development




Android, Blackberry, iOS,
Windows Phone, etc.

Multiple OS (browsers)



JavaScript API


Native Development

Cross-platform C# API

C#, Java, or Objective-C

Android, iOS



Android, iOS,
Windows Phone

Android, Blackberry, iOS,
Windows Phone, etc.

Application Services API — JSON to/from XML, etc.










Business Logic and Data Aggregation


SQL Server
Why? Because: “I fight for the users.” — Tron
Why Durandal
& Knockout?

Highlights of Knockout.js

— Model, View, View Model (MVVM)
— Two-way data binding
— If user interacts with page, you can
— reflect these changes in your data
— Declarative UI: in markup, not in JS
— Observables: If data changes, UI updates
Whenever I see “ko” in the code, I think of Street Fighter…
Highlights of Durandal.js

— Built on KO, picks up where it left off
— Routing: based on changes to URL
— View/state change transitions
— Async data fetching, with Promises
— Manage code modules with Require.js
— Enforces consistent code structure
Around the office, we refer to Durandal.js as “Duran Durandal”
HTML5 Can't Do That
Below a certain width,
the layout switches
to a “mobile” view.

The table rows & cells
are display:block, and
text from each <th>
is inserted as a label,
preceding the data.
<th scope="col" data-key="first_name">
<div class="cell">
<a href="#">First Name</a>
<th scope="col" data-key="last_name">
<div class="cell">
<a href="#">Last Name</a>
<th scope="col" data-key="character_first_name">
<div class="cell">
<a href="#">Character First Name</a>
<th scope="col" data-key="character_last_name">
<div class="cell">
<a href="#">Character Last Name</a>
<tbody data-bind="foreach: data">
<td data-th="First Name:">
<span data-bind="text: first_name || '&mdash;'"></span>
<td data-th="Last Name:">
<span data-bind="text: last_name || '&mdash;'"></span>
<td data-th="Character First Name:">
<span data-bind="text: character_first_name || '&mdash;'"></span>
<td data-th="Character Last Name:">
<span data-bind="text: character_last_name || '&mdash;'"></span>
// In a real app, this data would potentially be dynamic.
// But for the purposes of this demo, is hard-coded here.
"first_name": "Amy",
"last_name": "Poehler",
"character_first_name": "Leslie",
"character_last_name": "Knope"
"first_name": "Nick",
"last_name": "Offerman",
"character_first_name": "Ron",
"character_last_name": "Swanson"
"first_name": "Aziz",
"last_name": "Ansari",
"character_first_name": "Tom",
"character_last_name": "Haverford"
// Extend KO array, to make it sortable
ko.observableArray.fn.sort_by = function(key, reverse) {
var self = this;
self.sort(function(a, b) {
var a_key = String(a[key]);
var b_key = String(b[key]);
var n, val;
if (reverse) {
n = a_key - b_key;
val = !isNaN(n) ? n : b_key.localeCompare(a_key);
else {
n = b_key - a_key;
val = !isNaN(n) ? n : a_key.localeCompare(b_key);
return val;
// APP.models
models: {
// APP.models.table_view_model
table_view_model: function() {
var self = this;
// This data comes from "/json/data.js" = || ko.observableArray(DATA_JSON); =;
// APP.init.sort_by
sort_by: function(key) {
var event = 'click.sort_by';
var str = '.table-data th[data-key] a';, str, function(ev) {
var el = $(this);
var th = el.closest('th');
var th_other = th.siblings('th');
var key = th.attr('data-key');
var sort = th.attr('data-sort');
var asc = 'ascending';
var desc = 'descending';
var dir = asc;
if (!sort || sort === asc) {
dir = desc;
var reverse = dir !== asc;
th.addClass(on).attr('data-sort', dir);
th_other.removeClass(on).removeAttr('data-sort');, reverse);
Questions? Comments?

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HTML5 Can't Do That

  • 1. HTML5 Can’t Do That Surveying the Mobile Landscape Matt Baxter UX Designer Nathan Smith Principal UI Architect
  • 2. Take notes if you like. Or, you can get the slides here…
  • 3. Obligatory Intro Slide… — on Twitter: @mbxtr & @nathansmith — UI Developers (caffeine code) — We do UX/web/mobile stuff at — We have mixed feelings about HTML5
  • 4. In all honesty… I BUILD THE LEGACY APPS OF TOMORROW! And hey, so do you. We’re creating software UI in a document language. It’s a wonder anything works.
  • 5. State of mobile in 2007, before the iPhone was introduced…
  • 6. NON-SCIENTIFIC SURVEY: What is the most frequently used app on your phone? (Ironically, probably not the “phone” app.)
  • 8. What is the most frequently used app on your phone? (Tough to say)
  • 9. NON-SCIENTIFIC SURVEY: What is the most frequently used app on your computer?
  • 10. What is the most frequently used app on your computer? Probably one of these…
  • 13. This is what the Web would look like if there were no native apps. The browser is arguably the most important native app.
  • 15. Or, how would things look if native “beat” the Web?
  • 18. …asked the headline, on a site with an HTML5 doctype.
  • 19. Are we seriously saying that native versus HTML5 is like this? VS.
  • 21. Can’t we all just get along?
  • 23. Firefox can run the Unreal game engine in native JS! Okay, so it’s not mobile. But it’s still cool, right?
  • 25. Fun Fact: iOS game Candy Crush Saga makes $850,000 per day.* *Assuming this peak number, sustained over an entire calendar year, that’s annual revenue of $310,250,000.
  • 26. Fun Fact: Amazon’s revenue is roughly $167,378,082 per day.* *61B total revenue in 2012. After operating expenses of 45.9B, that’s a gross profit of approximately 15.1B.
  • 27. So, at the very least… HTML5 is what you use to buy things that don’t run in HTML5.
  • 28. This quote is sometimes (mis?) attributed to Napoleon… “It is not enough that I succeed, everyone else must fail.” He said, as he reached for the phone in his pocket.
  • 29. So what? Hopefully by now we can all agree that HTML5 needn’t fail for native apps to be considered successful, or vice versa.
  • 30. How we see the mobile landscape… Approaches to Mobile Development Web Development Responsive or Mobile Web App Native Development PhoneGap Titanium Xamarin Native HTML, CSS, JS JavaScript API Cross-platform C# API C#, Java, or Objective-C or or Android, Blackberry, iOS, Windows Phone, etc. Multiple OS (browsers) or Android, iOS or Android, iOS, Windows Phone Android, Blackberry, iOS, Windows Phone, etc. Application Services API — JSON to/from XML, etc. Java AS/400 .NET MySQL Node.js PHP Oracle Python PostgreSQL Business Logic and Data Aggregation Ruby SQL Server
  • 31. When making an app, especially if not 100% native… It’s important to strive for 60 FPS* and avoid interactions that feel awkward, lest you fall into the “uncanny valley” of UX. *FPS = Frames per second. Most movies are 24 FPS. Video games aim for 60 FPS.
  • 32. In case you are unfamiliar with the term “uncanny valley” The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human aesthetics which holds that when human app features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural human beings native apps, it causes a response of revulsion among human observers.
  • 36. How PhoneGap Works — It embeds a WebView in a native app — Native app gives access to OS API’s — All the UI is built via HTML/CSS — JavaScript handles everything else — The app wrapper compiles via… Xcode, Eclipse, Visual Studio, or “the cloud”
  • 38. Benefits of PhoneGap — It is “the web you already know” — Debugging via desktop browser — Access to device API’s (GPS, etc) — Strives to implement W3C specs — Camera API, etc. — Supports Windows Phone, too
  • 39. Drawbacks of PhoneGap — WebView dependent on OS — “Browser” on old Android — IE on Windows Phone, etc. — Not as performant as “native” — Presupposes mad web skills — (Okay, maybe that’s a “pro”)
  • 41. “Topcoat is a brand new open source CSS library designed to help developers build web apps with an emphasis on speed. It evolved from the Adobe design language developed for Brackets, Edge Reflow, and feedback from the PhoneGap app developer community.” — Brian LeRoux
  • 44. Side-by-side comparison: Native vs. HTML5
  • 47. Benefits of Titanium — Native UI (not necessarily look & feel) — Code organization: Alloy MVC approach — Views are XML, JS for Models/Controllers — Build for iOS, Android, and Blackberry — Some code reuse across platforms — Entirely JavaScript based — Uses CommonJS’s AMD approach — Except for WebView (+HTML/CSS)
  • 48. Drawbacks of Titanium — Slow apps… I end up using WebViews — Workflow: code, compile, rinse, repeat — It’s XML/JS, but no DOM traversal — No first-party way to test your code — Regression testing is difficult — Added file size, due to Ti framework — Non-transferrable support license — Can’t hand off to a coworker
  • 49. Abstraction layers tend to be harder to debug than “native” languages: C#, Objective-C, or Java — when using an IDE such as Visual Studio, Xcode, Eclipse, or Android Studio. With “the web,” you have familiar developer tools, built into all major browsers.
  • 52. Benefits of Xamarin — Speed… It compiles to native code — 1:1 mapping of native API’s to C# — Code reuse: Android, iOS, Windows — Visual IDE, lets designers see the UI — Big-name apps use it (Rdio, anyone?) — Transferrable support license
  • 54. Drawbacks of Xamarin — Still need to learn the native API’s — Doesn’t abstract that away — Need to know C# (“pro” if you do) — Added file size, due to Mono framework — Commercial, has licensing fees
  • 56. Developer Sites for Various Platforms — —
  • 57. Benefits of Native Development — Default OS look & feel (UI conventions) — Performance (“closer to the metal”) — Access to device hardware (GPS, etc) — Benefit from latest OS enhancements — Able to hire specialists in that area — —
  • 58. Drawbacks of Native Development — Tied to the particular OS you built for — Maintaining a multi OS team/skill-set — Keeping app in sync with OS updates — Having multiple devices for testing — —
  • 59. Let’s talk about The Web (This applies to PhoneGap, too)
  • 62. Page Layout, Tomorrow* X *When IE11+ is prevalent. After IE8, IE9, and IE10 finally die off.
  • 64. A serendipitous use of HTML5 HTML5 Cant Do That Last year, we were anticipating writing a lot of JavaScript to generate a barcode for a mobile app. To my surprise, I found a barcode font: “IDAutomationHC39M.” What would’ve taken days was mere minutes, adjusting font-size.
  • 65. But what about JavaScript? — Glad you asked! :) Helpful utility libraries: — jQuery or Zepto ¬ ¬ — Underscore or LoDash ¬ ¬ — Handlebars ¬
  • 66. There are also plenty of JavaScript MV* Frameworks ¬ — Backbone ¬ — Ember ¬ *MVC: Model, View, Controller — MVVM: Model, View, View Model, etc. — Knockout & Durandal ¬ ¬ > — Angular We’ve  begun  using  this
  • 67. We’ve dabbled in these JS frameworks at projekt202… &
  • 68. And now, just a few caveats
  • 70. SunSpider JS benchmarks, circa 2010 (lower is better)
  • 72. Safari on iOS 6 vs. Safari on iOS 7
  • 73. So… Web, Cross-Platform, or Native? Key Considerations: — Features needed — Target market — Existing skill-sets — Talent availability — User experience
  • 74. How we see the mobile landscape (revised)… Approaches to Mobile Development Responsive or Mobile Web App X Uncanny  valley Web Development PhoneGap Titanium or Android, Blackberry, iOS, Windows Phone, etc. Multiple OS (browsers) Xamarin Native JavaScript API HTML, CSS, JS or Native Development Cross-platform C# API C#, Java, or Objective-C Android, iOS or or Android, iOS, Windows Phone Android, Blackberry, iOS, Windows Phone, etc. Application Services API — JSON to/from XML, etc. Java AS/400 .NET MySQL Node.js PHP Oracle Python PostgreSQL Business Logic and Data Aggregation Ruby SQL Server
  • 75. Why? Because: “I fight for the users.” — Tron
  • 78. Highlights of Knockout.js — Model, View, View Model (MVVM) — Two-way data binding — If user interacts with page, you can — reflect these changes in your data — Declarative UI: in markup, not in JS — Observables: If data changes, UI updates
  • 79. Whenever I see “ko” in the code, I think of Street Fighter…
  • 80. Highlights of Durandal.js — Built on KO, picks up where it left off — Routing: based on changes to URL — View/state change transitions — Async data fetching, with Promises — Manage code modules with Require.js — Enforces consistent code structure
  • 81. Around the office, we refer to Durandal.js as “Duran Durandal”
  • 84. Below a certain width, the layout switches to a “mobile” view. The table rows & cells are display:block, and text from each <th> is inserted as a label, preceding the data.
  • 85. <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" data-key="first_name"> <div class="cell"> <a href="#">First Name</a> </div> </th> <th scope="col" data-key="last_name"> <div class="cell"> <a href="#">Last Name</a> </div> </th> <th scope="col" data-key="character_first_name"> <div class="cell"> <a href="#">Character First Name</a> </div> </th> <th scope="col" data-key="character_last_name"> <div class="cell"> <a href="#">Character Last Name</a> </div> </th> </tr> </thead>
  • 86. <tbody data-bind="foreach: data"> <tr> <td data-th="First Name:"> <span data-bind="text: first_name || '&mdash;'"></span> </td> <td data-th="Last Name:"> <span data-bind="text: last_name || '&mdash;'"></span> </td> <td data-th="Character First Name:"> <span data-bind="text: character_first_name || '&mdash;'"></span> </td> <td data-th="Character Last Name:"> <span data-bind="text: character_last_name || '&mdash;'"></span> </td> </tr> </tbody>
  • 87. // In a real app, this data would potentially be dynamic. // But for the purposes of this demo, is hard-coded here. [ { "first_name": "Amy", "last_name": "Poehler", "character_first_name": "Leslie", "character_last_name": "Knope" }, { "first_name": "Nick", "last_name": "Offerman", "character_first_name": "Ron", "character_last_name": "Swanson" }, { "first_name": "Aziz", "last_name": "Ansari", "character_first_name": "Tom", "character_last_name": "Haverford" }, ... ]
  • 88. // Extend KO array, to make it sortable ko.observableArray.fn.sort_by = function(key, reverse) { var self = this; self.sort(function(a, b) { var a_key = String(a[key]); var b_key = String(b[key]); var n, val; if (reverse) { n = a_key - b_key; val = !isNaN(n) ? n : b_key.localeCompare(a_key); } else { n = b_key - a_key; val = !isNaN(n) ? n : a_key.localeCompare(b_key); } return val; }); };
  • 89. // APP.models models: { // APP.models.table_view_model table_view_model: function() { var self = this; // This data comes from "/json/data.js" = || ko.observableArray(DATA_JSON); =; } }, ...
  • 90. // APP.init.sort_by sort_by: function(key) { var event = 'click.sort_by'; var str = '.table-data th[data-key] a';, str, function(ev) { var el = $(this); var th = el.closest('th'); var th_other = th.siblings('th'); var key = th.attr('data-key'); var sort = th.attr('data-sort'); var asc = 'ascending'; var desc = 'descending'; var dir = asc; if (!sort || sort === asc) { dir = desc; } var reverse = dir !== asc; th.addClass(on).attr('data-sort', dir); th_other.removeClass(on).removeAttr('data-sort');, reverse); }); },
  • 91. Questions? Comments? Get the slides Say hi on Twitter @mbxtr @nathansmith