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Responsive Web Design & Mobile Web Development A Technical and Business approach
WHY WE SHOULD GO ON WEB ? And now what ?
Why Web ? The WEB is the final approach to aim natively virtually all screened devices

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Now you see me... Adaptive Web Design and Development
Now you see me... Adaptive Web Design and DevelopmentNow you see me... Adaptive Web Design and Development
Now you see me... Adaptive Web Design and Development

Progressive enhancement is still an important approach for building responsive websites and web applications. While JavaScript can now be assumed to be widely available, progressive enhancement avoids single points of failure and improves performance by loading critical content first before non-essential enhancements. The distinction between websites and applications is also blurred, so progressive techniques remain applicable to most digital experiences on the web.

responsible web designadaptive web designawd
Overall presentation multiplatform_ux_patterns
Overall presentation multiplatform_ux_patternsOverall presentation multiplatform_ux_patterns
Overall presentation multiplatform_ux_patterns

This document discusses various user experience (UX) patterns and antipatterns for multiplatform mobile app design. It begins with definitions of UX and provides overviews of common mobile navigation patterns like side drawers and tab menus. The document then covers antipatterns to avoid such as splash screens, forcing registration, and excessive confirmation messages. It also discusses dark patterns designed to mislead users. Throughout, it provides examples and recommendations for implementing positive patterns and avoiding antipatterns to create a good user experience.

Responsive web design
Responsive web designResponsive web design
Responsive web design

Responsive web design involves creating layouts that adapt to different screen sizes using flexible grids and media queries. It allows for a device-agnostic approach and is easier to build than separate mobile sites. Key aspects of responsive design include planning with a mobile-first approach, prototyping, using consistent breakpoints based on content, usability testing, writing for different screens, designing visually hierarchical layouts, and addressing images and media. Testing is important throughout the process. While responsive design is a good base, other solutions like responsive or native apps may still be needed, and the job requires ongoing review.

responsive web designresponsiveweb
What about web ? There  is  and there  should be No Desktop Web No Internet Explorer Web No Mobile Web No Blackberry Web No Tablet Web
Web ? What Web ?
Web ? What Web ?   One Web  means making, as far as is reasonable, the same information and services available to users  irrespective of the device  they are using. However, it  does not mean  that exactly the same information is available in exactly the  same representation  across all devices - Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 - 2008

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Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work EverywhereUsing Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

The document discusses responsive web design and strategies for creating websites that adapt to different screen sizes. It recommends taking a mobile-first approach, using fluid layouts and media queries to make content responsive. Key tips include starting small and resizing the browser, using Chrome's device mode to emulate different devices, and the matchMedia API to bind JavaScript to breakpoints. The overall goal is to provide an optimal viewing experience across all devices.

responsive web designhtml5mobile web
The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016
The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016
The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016

A presentation about the Future of the Web at the Cold Front conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep 1 2016.

Responsive images are here. Now what?
Responsive images are here. Now what?Responsive images are here. Now what?
Responsive images are here. Now what?

The document discusses responsive images and issues around their implementation. It begins by outlining the new <picture> element and srcset/sizes attributes that allow images to adapt based on screen size and resolution. It then discusses challenges like managing many images, the need for image breakpoints to determine appropriate file sizes, and the tension between responsive images and the browser's lookahead parser. Overall, the document examines both the promise and difficulties of responsive images on the modern web.

responsive web designwebresponsive images
http:// dowebsitesneedtolookexactlythesameineverybrowser .com/
Interests of the Any Web devices approaches Our goal is to design Web Pages available and optimized on all web-able devices Two short term goals :  Create unique Websites for all devices !  Create Web App for mobile devices , with native equivalent quality ,
Interests of the Any Web devices approaches Our goal is to design Web Pages available and optimized on all web-able devices One long term goal :  Create ________ an  _____ ,  _____ ,  ___ , ____ ____________________  ___________ industrially Unique Smooth Sexy Fast Single Page Web App  for all devices !

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Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan
Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, JapanProgressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan
Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan

This document provides a history of the development of the web from 1991 to the present. It discusses technologies like HTML, HTTP, XMLHttpRequest, AJAX, and mobile web development. It then introduces progressive web apps, which are web applications that are reliable, fast and engaging like native apps through the use of technologies like service workers, web app manifests and push notifications. Examples are given of companies like Flipkart that have seen success adopting progressive web apps.

progressive web appspwatokyo
Optimizing User Experience with Responsive Web Design
Optimizing User Experience with Responsive Web DesignOptimizing User Experience with Responsive Web Design
Optimizing User Experience with Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design allows a single website to be accessed from any device by dynamically adjusting the layout depending on screen size. The content remains the same across devices but is formatted appropriately for each screen width through techniques like adjusting column numbers and widths. Designing first for mobile forces focus on essential content and ensures parity across devices. Examples demonstrate how navigation, images and text restructure seamlessly for an optimized experience on any device.

user experience designmobile firstweb design
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016

You can improve how well your website works and looks across different devices using responsive web design techniques. But did you know you can also improve access for all users, including those with disabilities, by applying responsive techniques? Learn how.

responsive webweb designmobile
To Do so, we need so increase our knowledge.
Interests of the Any Web devices approaches Our goal is to design Web Pages available and optimized on all web-able devices One long term goals :  Create an Unique Single Page Web App  for all devices ! Navigation Caching URL Testing Browser support Ergonomic designing HTML5 support SEO Javascript
But We (kinda) did it !
ADAPT OR DIE Create One Web site

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Responsive Web Design - but for real!
Responsive Web Design - but for real!Responsive Web Design - but for real!
Responsive Web Design - but for real!

The document discusses responsive web design and compares it to other approaches like adaptive web design. It addresses some myths around responsive design, including that every website should be responsive, that it hurts performance, and that it limits creativity. It also discusses technical aspects like media queries and their uses beyond mobile screens.

responsive web designmediaqueryresponsive
jQTouch – Mobile Web Apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
jQTouch – Mobile Web Apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScriptjQTouch – Mobile Web Apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
jQTouch – Mobile Web Apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

The document discusses jQTouch, a plugin for jQuery that allows developers to build mobile web apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by turning regular web pages into touch-friendly "apps" that can be added to a mobile device's home screen. Key points covered include: - jQTouch uses jQuery and adds iPhone-style UI elements and themes - It supports animations between "pages" and touch events - Combined with PhoneGap, web apps built with jQTouch can be wrapped into native mobile apps and distributed through app stores - The presentation demonstrates jQTouch's capabilities and provides information on getting started and further resources

jqtouch mobile webapp iphone jquery
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017

This document contains the transcript of a presentation by Chris Heilmann on web development. Some of the key points discussed include: - The benefits of progressive enhancement and using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together to build robust and accessible websites. - How limitations in early design can foster creativity. - The importance of error handling and defensive coding practices. - Embracing new technologies like Service Workers and Manifests to build Progressive Web Apps. - Rethinking the idea that JavaScript is unreliable and should not be depended on, as modern browsers have made it a capable tool.

What is « Responsive Web design » ?
What is « Responsive Web design » ? How you can  deliver a quality experience  to your users  no matter  how large (or small)  their screen are . Responsive Design Fluid Grids Flexibles images Media Queries
Why is « Responsive Web design » so hype ? Responsive design is hype because : The  « Wahou effect » Very visual and so easy to understand Seen an easy solution to solve all their problem Too hype ? Delivering a quality Experience  not delivering a great looking web site for any screen size It doesn’t solve everything
Adapt or Die As told before, now we  have too many devices, many capabilities, ... Screen :  Screen size from 3 to 80” Resolution from  QVGA to WUXGA Interaction: touch, mouse, remote, … Network :  Latency from 3ms to 1s Bandwidth from 3kB/s to 20MB/s Browser support :  HTML <4 to 5  CSS 2 / 3 Hardware:  RAM From 128mo 20go CPU from 500mHz to 4*3Ghz

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Smart Design
Smart Design Smart Design
Smart Design

// talk given at WordCamp Chicago 2014 // Fast, simple, SMART. Mobile devices have forever changed the way we interact with content. Now we have to consider many things such as HiDPI graphics, responsive design, speed, UI/UX patterns, touch target sizes, gestures, and more. All while not losing track of what’s important: Content. We’re going to discuss the influence of mobile on design trends and learn implementation techniques of smart design such as icon fonts, svg, and other helpful tips.

icon fontsmotionrefinement
Make mobile web apps rock
Make mobile web apps rockMake mobile web apps rock
Make mobile web apps rock

This document provides guidance on how to build effective mobile web apps. It discusses understanding the mobile landscape and user needs, designing for a mobile-first approach, leveraging HTML5 features, optimizing for touch interfaces, and using technologies like CSS3, JavaScript, and device APIs. The key recommendations are to focus on the most common user tasks, reduce content, and make all functionality accessible within 3 taps or clicks.

Progressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App ChallengesProgressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App Challenges

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and outlines key considerations for creating a PWA. It addresses questions around what a PWA is, how to make a website feel like an app, offline functionality, push notifications, and creating a roadmap. Examples from companies that implemented PWAs successfully are provided. The conclusion recommends developing a progressive roadmap that starts with baseline PWA features and builds out functionality over time based on priorities and initiatives.

THE MOBILE WEB NIGHTMARE Developers also should adapt
I’m a Mobile Developper I use daily :  My IDE  My interface designing tools I develop for few devices :  iOS hardware Android Phone & Tablet I use a lots :  Native components API I use the simulator for debugging The documentation on the SDK is rather accurate
I’m a Mobile Developper I‘m asked to get the same results by:  Using Web Technologies Writing Javascript ! Move a part of Rendering server Side Find the good place for code Learn about packaging Thinking differently Rewriting lot of stuff no more handled by the Native APIs
I am a Desktop Web Designer I develop on IE 7, IE8, IE 9 Firefox  Chrome For simplicity I use fix width Debugging on IE is quite difficult

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Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf
Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconfBreaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf
Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf

“If Tetris has taught me anything, it’s that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear” is a common quote and it seems we’re living this to its full extend as web developers. We fail to celebrate the successes we have and the tools that are at our disposal but we’re never short of finding reasons why things don’t work. We also tend to pile on technology on technology to solve problems that may actually not exist and thus clog up the web. In this talk Chris Heilmann wants to remind us what we achieved and how we should celebrate it and how we should stop trying to solve problems that are simply beyond our control.

Responsive Design
Responsive Design Responsive Design
Responsive Design

Presentation by Clarissa Peterson for LVL Studio's UX Soiree, November 21, 2012, in Montreal, Quebec. Overview of responsive design with focus on user experience.

user experience designresponsive designweb design
Slow Food Youth Network Tokyo 活動紹介
Slow Food Youth Network Tokyo 活動紹介Slow Food Youth Network Tokyo 活動紹介
Slow Food Youth Network Tokyo 活動紹介


I am a Desktop Web Designer Now I have to develop web app for:  iOS 3.1.3, iOS 4.2.1, iOS 5.0.1 Android 2.2, Android 2.3, Android 4.0 Opera Mini, Opera Mobile Firefox / Chrome IE Mobile IE 7, IE8, IE 9 And I can’t install them on my computer to test   Debugging is worst on mobile than on IE. No more fixed width, I do fluid interfaces on very different screen sizes.
I am a Desktop Web Designer And you will be asked:  To do something small  With offline support (poor bandwith) With smooth animation That reacts quickly With touch’y features (like facebook, twitter, …) That works on every mobile. With the same functionalities than the website. Original design Embedded in apps for every market I am not Santa Claus, you will have to choose
One Website For all devices :  Adapt to mobile 3 strategies CSS only Framework driven Handcrafted
One Website For all devices :  CSS only Do media queries, nothing more IE handling Google-Chrome Frame or Respond.js Pros Only impact the CSS Cons Only simple things client side Not reactive interface Avoid jQuery plugins overflow: scroll position: fixed

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Drawing is not Dead!
Drawing is not Dead!Drawing is not Dead!
Drawing is not Dead!

In response to the Yale School of Architecture Symposium, Is Drawing Dead?, we present sketches, illustrations, and renderings by each member of our studio to show that drawing is not dead!

Towards a System of Pattern-Enhanced Cooking in the Inclusively Creative City
Towards a System of Pattern-Enhanced  Cooking in the Inclusively Creative CityTowards a System of Pattern-Enhanced  Cooking in the Inclusively Creative City
Towards a System of Pattern-Enhanced Cooking in the Inclusively Creative City

This presentation will introduce a system of new personas, places, systems, processes, tools, environments, and hearts for cooking in the Inclusively Creative city. These concepts and practices are inspired by the idea and theories of Pattern Language. Cooking, though widely conceived as either a household chore or a professional skill, is the simplest form of design that many of us go through on a daily basis. It is a creative process that requires abstract skills including generating ideas and solving problems. It may seem a highly complex set of skills, but many of us are able to overcome the difficulty with the process driven by hunger. This paper will explore the application of theories by Christopher Alexander into the field of cooking. We will especially take a close look at his principles described in his book The Production of Houses, including the idea of the Architect-Builder and the builder’s yard.

pattern languagefoodchef
I am a Desktop Web Designer
One Website For all devices : Framework driven Aiming Mobile + Tablet (+desktop) Pros:  Unified UI Touch handling Transitions between pages with AJAX partial rendering Cons:  Heavy Limited to jQuery Mobile components Default CSS not so nice on Desktop
I am a Desktop Web Designer
One Website For all devices :  Handcrafted Choose a limited number of devices (2 or 3 max) to test on Webkit/Firefox : 80% mobile market Forget about IE : Google chrome frame Have fun with Zepto on any webkit optimized library Normalize touch and click behavior Use effects, CSS transitions, …

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наш детский сад «ляйсан»
наш детский сад «ляйсан»наш детский сад «ляйсан»
наш детский сад «ляйсан»
Effectiveness of primary correction of traumatic telecanthus
Effectiveness of primary correction of traumatic telecanthusEffectiveness of primary correction of traumatic telecanthus
Effectiveness of primary correction of traumatic telecanthus

This study evaluated 36 cases of traumatic telecanthus (abnormal widening of the distance between the eyes) resulting from naso-orbito-ethmoid fractures that were treated primarily with either direct or indirect canthopexy. Direct canthopexy resulted in a smaller intercanthal distance and less relapse compared to indirect canthopexy. Early primary treatment within 2 weeks led to fewer cases of epiphora (watery eyes) or dacryocystitis (blocked tear duct) compared to later treatment. The study concludes that traumatic telecanthus should receive early primary treatment to achieve the best aesthetic and functional results.

I am a Desktop Web Designer
WebApp with native equivalent quality If your goal is to design Mobile Web applications and Website You should probably think Hybride :  Encapulsation of web pages in Web Views Do navigation in Native Use Native components when needed Communication between Native and WebView by Extending Javascript
A TOUCHING THOUGHT! Create Mobile Apps with Native Equivalent quality
Touch handling Do nothing Terrible user experience: waiting 300ms to know if it’s a click or a double click Works well

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From Chefs to Kitchen Captains: A Leader Figure for Collaborative Networks in...
From Chefs to Kitchen Captains: A Leader Figure for Collaborative Networks in...From Chefs to Kitchen Captains: A Leader Figure for Collaborative Networks in...
From Chefs to Kitchen Captains: A Leader Figure for Collaborative Networks in...

This presentation will explore the advantages of a kitchen setting as a place to enhance collaborative learning and design. We will then introduce a special persona present in such a collaborative cooking session – the Kitchen Captain – who enhances communication and ideas among the participants while giving cooking support to whoever might need it. We will introduce her traits as a pattern language. These concepts were all mined out from actual experiences of collaborative cooking – CoCooking – and were derived from a broader persona called the Generator.

creativitypattern languagekitchen


Touch handling Events touchstart touchmove touchend
Touch handling Yes but :  Doesn’t work on desktop Nor on Windows Phone Nor on Opera Mini …
Touch handling $.support.touch = ('ontouchstart' in window) if no touch support $(‘body’).bind(‘click’, function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(‘tap’); });
Touch handling Ok, but You have to trigger your router manually every time you click on a link You can’t validate forms by clicking on the input[type=«  submit »] You can’t open external links in a new tab.

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Management of complications of mandibular trauma
Management of complications of mandibular traumaManagement of complications of mandibular trauma
Management of complications of mandibular trauma

This document discusses the management of complications from improperly treated mandibular fractures. It begins with an introduction on mandibular fractures and challenges in management. Key points include evaluating patients, analyzing initial unsatisfactory results due to errors or poor technique, and surgical considerations for reoperation in cases of non-union, mal-union/malocclusion, condylar fractures, and facial asymmetry. Reoperation techniques aim to achieve adequate reduction, fixation, bone contact and occlusion. Careful preoperative planning including imaging and models can help address post-traumatic mandibular deformities.

Soft tissue response and healing in omfs
Soft tissue response and healing in omfsSoft tissue response and healing in omfs
Soft tissue response and healing in omfs

The document discusses wound healing in the maxillofacial region. It begins with an introduction to wound healing processes and the layers of soft tissue in the maxillofacial region, including skin, muscle, cartilage, nerve and mucosa. It then covers soft tissue reactions to trauma, the phases of healing for different tissue types, and factors that can affect wound healing such as infection, ischemia and medication. Improper healing can lead to complications like dehiscence or scarring. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of understanding wound healing to optimize outcomes after facial injuries.

Bone biology and bone healing
Bone biology and bone healingBone biology and bone healing
Bone biology and bone healing

This document provides an overview of maxillofacial bone biology and healing. It discusses the embryology and development of craniofacial bones, their structure and chemical composition, and biomechanical properties. Primary mechanisms of bone fracture and healing are described, including primary healing through contact or a small gap, and secondary healing involving callus formation. Complications of bone healing like non-union and malunion are also covered. The document concludes with sections on metals and implant surfaces, and potential future uses of biodegradable fixation materials.

Touch handling Ok but we can do it : var externalLinkRegex = new RegExp(&quot;^([a-z;A-Z;0-9])+:&quot;); // Catch click so no page reload occurs $('body').on('click', 'a', function (e) { var $link = $('a'); var href = $link.attr('href'); // do not prevent click on external links if(!href || !externalLinkRegex.test(href)){ e.preventDefault(); } }); $('body').on('tap', 'a', function (e) { var $link = $('a'); var href = $link.attr('href'); if(!href) return false; if(href === '#') return false; if(externalLinkRegex.test(href)) return true; // only navigate if href is not # router.navigate(href, true); return false; }); // Submit forms $('body').on('tap', 'a', function (e) { var $target = $(; if(!$target.closest('input[type=&quot;submit&quot;]').length)  return; var $form = $target.closest('form'); if($form.length){ $form.first().submit(); return false; } });
Touch handling Good but when I click on a link, and an other link appear under my finger, multiple click events are triggered. Just give up here…  
Touch handling Don’t do it again. Use jQuery Mobile instead.
DISCOVERING A NEW WORLD Technology and spirits

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Preliminary care in maxillofacial injuries
Preliminary care in maxillofacial injuriesPreliminary care in maxillofacial injuries
Preliminary care in maxillofacial injuries

Maxillofacial trauma requires aggressive airway management and preliminary care. The document outlines the steps for preliminary care which include: 1) Initial assessment of the patient using ABCDE to evaluate airway, breathing, circulation, disability and exposure. 2) Securing the airway through basic maneuvers like jaw thrust or advanced techniques like endotracheal intubation if needed. 3) Assessing breathing and managing thoracic injuries. 4) Controlling hemorrhage through circulation management and fluid resuscitation to restore perfusion. 5) Conducting a full secondary survey to identify all injuries.


1. The document discusses negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), including its history, mechanisms of action, clinical applications, and future perspectives. 2. NPWT uses subatmospheric pressure to promote wound healing through mechanisms like hemostasis, modulation of inflammation, angiogenesis, and granulation tissue formation. 3. Studies show NPWT can effectively treat wounds in complex areas like the head and neck region, and may help close submandibular fistulas. However, wounds with pockets or deep shapes are more prone to infection with NPWT.

wound healing
Approaches to maxillofacial skeleton
Approaches to maxillofacial skeletonApproaches to maxillofacial skeleton
Approaches to maxillofacial skeleton

The document discusses various surgical approaches for the facial skeleton, including extraoral and intraoral incisions. It covers key principles for placing incisions such as following natural lines and avoiding vital structures. Specific approaches are described for the mandible, condyle, orbit, maxilla, and nasal skeleton. Factors to consider for any facial incision include scar visibility, underlying anatomy, and adequate surgical access. Both open and endoscopic techniques are presented.

jQuery Mobile jQuery Mobile :  Support + Browser sniffing vMouse + event Position fixed without GPU acceleration issue ( Soon in 1.1 < 3 Months) Transition between pages Partial AJAX rendering Unit tests !!! Normalized Inputs with native interface  for Select Butons (with image, grouped, …, flipped), sliders, … navbars Position fixed Dialog / Page  Grid accordions Lists A list of supported devices Next version would make it easier just to grab the functionnality that you want OpenSource, licence, mailing list,
jQuery Mobile and URLs URLs are an important part on the WEB :  Access Bookmarks  SEO Stats To render your site quickly, you may want :  the  full page  to be rendered in HTML,  No Ajax Loading on cold URL invocation and: Then in the same site, you may not want the full page to be reloaded Partial content replacement   And :  You want to deal correctly with others link :  Router
Routing Plugins UI DOM Ajax Plugins Touch Feature Detection jQuery Mobile jQuery Mobile Plugins
Zepto, jQMobi A little part of the jQuery API querySelectorAll Dom Traversing attr, CSS, text, html, addClass, … ajax Events : bind, trigger, on, … Lighter because written for new browsers: Webkit, Firefox  But mobile is hard, forget about Windows Phone, Opera Mini on BlackBerry, … Write everything, do not trust jQuery plugins

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Use of grafts & alloplastic material in maxillofacial trauma
Use of grafts & alloplastic material in maxillofacial traumaUse of grafts & alloplastic material in maxillofacial trauma
Use of grafts & alloplastic material in maxillofacial trauma

The document discusses various graft materials that can be used for head and neck reconstruction. It covers bone grafts, cartilage grafts, muscle grafts, skin grafts, nerve grafts, vessel grafts, fat grafts, and alloplastic graft materials. For each type of graft, it discusses principles of harvesting and placement, as well as outcomes. Regional sites are described for harvesting bone grafts. Principles of skin graft healing and nerve repair techniques are also summarized. Common alloplastic graft materials discussed include silicone, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, and high-density polyethylene.

advanced trauma life support
advanced trauma life supportadvanced trauma life support
advanced trauma life support

This document outlines Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines. It covers the initial assessment and management of trauma patients, including the primary and secondary surveys, as well as specific treatments for injuries like airway management, shock, head trauma, spinal trauma, thoracic trauma, abdominal trauma, burns, pediatric trauma, and geriatric trauma. It emphasizes the need for a systematic approach to rapidly triage and stabilize injured patients before transferring them to definitive care facilities.

Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework
Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile FrameworkBuilding a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework
Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework

Presented June 8, 2012 (Online) at the 'Access by Touch: Delivering Library Services Through Mobile Technologies' conference sponsored by Amigos Library Services. Description: By the end of 2012, it is expected that more than 80% of the world’s population will have access to a smartphone. Your library users will assume that your library can be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Now is the time to be ready! During this webinar, you will: - learn what a mobile framework is. - acquire best practices in mobile Web development. - understand the various technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and how they work together to build mobile Web apps. - recognize the differences between native and web apps. - have an opportunity to continue to work with Chad after the webinar to demonstrate what you learned. - gain access after the webinar to a free Web server so you can see your mobile Web app live.

frameworksjquery mobilemobile web
Routing Plugins UI DOM Ajax Plugins Touch Feature Detection jQuery Mobile jqMobi Zepto jQuery Mobile Plugins
Modernizr sur mobile Modernizr : Which features are available in this browser ? Works well on IE, Chrome and Firefox Need some work around on Mobile (Touch, …)
Routing Plugins UI DOM Ajax Plugins Touch Feature Detection jQuery Mobile Modernizr jqMobi Zepto jQuery Mobile Plugins
Performance Web performance is a broad topic ! Lots of papers  Some dedicated Workshop Some business With lots of influence factors :  Dom Overload, CPU usage, JavaScript Speed, Networking bandwidth and latency, Shim Quality, touch handling, speed of the loading wheel, … With  one and only one goal  :  Increase the  Perceived performance

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HTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do ThatHTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do That

Slides from a presentation I gave at these conferences: — Big Design — Front Porch — Thunder Plains — Web Afternoon I co-presented at Big Design with Matt Baxter.

Trip advsiorhybridpresentation
Trip advsiorhybridpresentationTrip advsiorhybridpresentation
Trip advsiorhybridpresentation

This document discusses hybrid mobile app development. It defines hybrid apps as combining the best of mobile web apps and native apps by developing basic features with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and leveraging native APIs for more advanced features. This allows for quicker development and updates across platforms while still accessing device-level capabilities. The document outlines several techniques hybrid apps can use such as URL modification and interception to trigger native functionality from web views and pass data between web and native components. It promotes choosing the right development approach for each feature rather than relying solely on web or native.

Best Practices for Mobile Web Design
Best Practices for Mobile Web DesignBest Practices for Mobile Web Design
Best Practices for Mobile Web Design

According to the International Telecommunication Union, at the end of 2011 there were more than 1 billion mobile‐broadband subscriptions worldwide! With more of your library users using mobile devices to access information they will assume that your library can be available from anywhere, at any time, and on most any device. Now is the time to be ready for this demand. In this webinar: - Explore some innovative library mobile website designs and see how they were built. - Understand how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together to build mobile websites. - Learn what a mobile framework is and why they are used. - Provide some existing mobile services/apps that can be included in library-created mobile websites. - Acquire best practices in mobile Web development from start to finish.

jquery mobilelibrariesmobile web
How to increase the perceived performance ? Reduce network time :  Avoid mixing SSLs sites Avoid CORS (OPTIONS request make it slow) Avoid small files ( Sprites, JS and CSS minification) Don’t load anything useless Make It fluid A 30fps list scrolling is better than a 60fps with some latency Ask your users
Mobile First Mobile First ? Think for mobile Extend for others Mobile First is: Hype A Philosophy to structure  your Development Accept, understand, embrace, but don’t be extremist Performance Ergonomic Capabilities Design Usage Focus Dynamic  Loading
Mobile First Accept, understand, embrace, but don’t be extremist “ should be on the lips of every web designer . “ Ethan  Marcotte   ,  Responsive Web Design
Packaging of Web Apps What about packaging ? VS

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Mobile ux sot a and challenges
Mobile ux sot a and challengesMobile ux sot a and challenges
Mobile ux sot a and challenges

This document discusses the state of mobile UX and challenges in choosing a development approach. It outlines the options of native, web, and responsive design. Native apps offer rich features but require high costs and platform fragmentation. Web apps have broad reach but limited functionality. Responsive design provides continuity across devices but not all content is equally suited. The key is understanding user needs and balancing capabilities with costs for the optimal strategy.

Mobile UX Challenges
Mobile UX ChallengesMobile UX Challenges
Mobile UX Challenges

This document discusses the state of mobile UX and challenges in choosing a development approach. It outlines the options of native apps, mobile web, and responsive design. Native apps provide the best experience but are more expensive, while mobile web has broader reach but limited features. Responsive design aims for continuity across devices but may not be optimal for all situations. The document emphasizes understanding user needs and having a clear strategy to determine the best approach for each use case and business goals.

uxnativeresponsive web design
Fake it 'til you make it
Fake it 'til you make itFake it 'til you make it
Fake it 'til you make it

This document discusses how to create mobile apps that feel native using only web technologies. It covers supporting features in Mobile Safari like local storage, CSS3 features, and geolocation. It recommends using web technologies over native due to quicker iteration times. Specific techniques covered include detecting browser type, adding home screen icons, startup images, going full screen, and viewport settings. The document also discusses frameworks like jQuery Mobile but notes native DOM APIs may be sufficient. It covers input features, touch vs click, animations, locking orientation, and performance tips. It acknowledges limitations of Android and webOS and recommends testing on actual devices. Finally, it discusses hybrid mobile frameworks like PhoneGap and Titanium that allow developing for multiple platforms using one code

A LAST SMALL ADVICE Before you start this adventure,
A word to Manager Managers please:  Considers this move as mush as from a technologist point of view than an human one Consider all the technical possibilities to :  Minimize risks Reduce frustrations Satisfy your customers Cost reduction ? Going on new platforms Uniformisation of the user Experience
A word to Developper Developer :  Don’t be afraid :  lot’s of fun, new stuff  Be careful : lot’s of traps too Always look for the good mix :  Innovation, sexy stuff Working stuff Don’t forget :  Mobile First, More Communication and more Brainstorming Ask the users
About us

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Breaking the Box: Pushing the Boundaries of UX with Drupal
Breaking the Box: Pushing the Boundaries of UX with DrupalBreaking the Box: Pushing the Boundaries of UX with Drupal
Breaking the Box: Pushing the Boundaries of UX with Drupal

The document discusses pushing the boundaries of user experience with Drupal. It talks about using responsive design and progressive enhancement to build websites that automatically adapt to different screen sizes like desktop, tablet, and mobile. Responsive design uses CSS media queries and a fluid, data-driven approach to layouts. This allows a single website to effectively serve users on any device. The document recommends using responsive frameworks like Omega or Mojo themes for Drupal, and discusses building custom "UX modules" to enhance the user experience for different devices.

drupaluser experience
From mobile browser to mobile app
From mobile browser to mobile appFrom mobile browser to mobile app
From mobile browser to mobile app

A presentation I gave at D2WC on workflow for creating an experience that spans mobile web to mobile app.

Web Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX DesignersWeb Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX Designers

An overview of web development essentials that will help you as a user experience designer to not only understand how to integrate designs with development components, but also to learn some tips on interacting effectively with developers.

user experience designhtml5web development
Thank you This is an internal technical presentation done by BSD. Our twitter : @AtosWorldline Atos, the Atos logo, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldline, Atos Sphere, Atos Cloud and Atos WorldGrid are registered trademarks of Atos SA. June 2011

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  • 1. Responsive Web Design & Mobile Web Development A Technical and Business approach
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  • 3.  
  • 4. Why Web ? The WEB is the final approach to aim natively virtually all screened devices
  • 6. What about web ? There is and there should be No Desktop Web No Internet Explorer Web No Mobile Web No Blackberry Web No Tablet Web
  • 7. Web ? What Web ?
  • 8. Web ? What Web ?   One Web  means making, as far as is reasonable, the same information and services available to users irrespective of the device they are using. However, it does not mean that exactly the same information is available in exactly the same representation across all devices - Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 - 2008
  • 11. Interests of the Any Web devices approaches Our goal is to design Web Pages available and optimized on all web-able devices Two short term goals : Create unique Websites for all devices ! Create Web App for mobile devices , with native equivalent quality ,
  • 12. Interests of the Any Web devices approaches Our goal is to design Web Pages available and optimized on all web-able devices One long term goal : Create ________ an _____ , _____ , ___ , ____ ____________________ ___________ industrially Unique Smooth Sexy Fast Single Page Web App for all devices !
  • 13. To Do so, we need so increase our knowledge.
  • 14. Interests of the Any Web devices approaches Our goal is to design Web Pages available and optimized on all web-able devices One long term goals : Create an Unique Single Page Web App for all devices ! Navigation Caching URL Testing Browser support Ergonomic designing HTML5 support SEO Javascript
  • 15. But We (kinda) did it !
  • 16. ADAPT OR DIE Create One Web site
  • 17. What is « Responsive Web design » ?
  • 18. What is « Responsive Web design » ? How you can deliver a quality experience to your users no matter how large (or small) their screen are . Responsive Design Fluid Grids Flexibles images Media Queries
  • 19. Why is « Responsive Web design » so hype ? Responsive design is hype because : The  « Wahou effect » Very visual and so easy to understand Seen an easy solution to solve all their problem Too hype ? Delivering a quality Experience not delivering a great looking web site for any screen size It doesn’t solve everything
  • 20. Adapt or Die As told before, now we have too many devices, many capabilities, ... Screen : Screen size from 3 to 80” Resolution from QVGA to WUXGA Interaction: touch, mouse, remote, … Network : Latency from 3ms to 1s Bandwidth from 3kB/s to 20MB/s Browser support : HTML <4 to 5 CSS 2 / 3 Hardware: RAM From 128mo 20go CPU from 500mHz to 4*3Ghz
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  • 23. I’m a Mobile Developper I‘m asked to get the same results by: Using Web Technologies Writing Javascript ! Move a part of Rendering server Side Find the good place for code Learn about packaging Thinking differently Rewriting lot of stuff no more handled by the Native APIs
  • 24. I am a Desktop Web Designer I develop on IE 7, IE8, IE 9 Firefox Chrome For simplicity I use fix width Debugging on IE is quite difficult
  • 25. I am a Desktop Web Designer Now I have to develop web app for: iOS 3.1.3, iOS 4.2.1, iOS 5.0.1 Android 2.2, Android 2.3, Android 4.0 Opera Mini, Opera Mobile Firefox / Chrome IE Mobile IE 7, IE8, IE 9 And I can’t install them on my computer to test  Debugging is worst on mobile than on IE. No more fixed width, I do fluid interfaces on very different screen sizes.
  • 26. I am a Desktop Web Designer And you will be asked: To do something small With offline support (poor bandwith) With smooth animation That reacts quickly With touch’y features (like facebook, twitter, …) That works on every mobile. With the same functionalities than the website. Original design Embedded in apps for every market I am not Santa Claus, you will have to choose
  • 27. One Website For all devices : Adapt to mobile 3 strategies CSS only Framework driven Handcrafted
  • 28. One Website For all devices : CSS only Do media queries, nothing more IE handling Google-Chrome Frame or Respond.js Pros Only impact the CSS Cons Only simple things client side Not reactive interface Avoid jQuery plugins overflow: scroll position: fixed
  • 29. I am a Desktop Web Designer
  • 30. One Website For all devices : Framework driven Aiming Mobile + Tablet (+desktop) Pros: Unified UI Touch handling Transitions between pages with AJAX partial rendering Cons: Heavy Limited to jQuery Mobile components Default CSS not so nice on Desktop
  • 31. I am a Desktop Web Designer
  • 32. One Website For all devices : Handcrafted Choose a limited number of devices (2 or 3 max) to test on Webkit/Firefox : 80% mobile market Forget about IE : Google chrome frame Have fun with Zepto on any webkit optimized library Normalize touch and click behavior Use effects, CSS transitions, …
  • 33. I am a Desktop Web Designer
  • 34. WebApp with native equivalent quality If your goal is to design Mobile Web applications and Website You should probably think Hybride : Encapulsation of web pages in Web Views Do navigation in Native Use Native components when needed Communication between Native and WebView by Extending Javascript
  • 35. A TOUCHING THOUGHT! Create Mobile Apps with Native Equivalent quality
  • 36. Touch handling Do nothing Terrible user experience: waiting 300ms to know if it’s a click or a double click Works well
  • 37. Touch handling Events touchstart touchmove touchend
  • 38. Touch handling Yes but : Doesn’t work on desktop Nor on Windows Phone Nor on Opera Mini …
  • 39. Touch handling $.support.touch = ('ontouchstart' in window) if no touch support $(‘body’).bind(‘click’, function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(‘tap’); });
  • 40. Touch handling Ok, but You have to trigger your router manually every time you click on a link You can’t validate forms by clicking on the input[type=«  submit »] You can’t open external links in a new tab.
  • 41. Touch handling Ok but we can do it : var externalLinkRegex = new RegExp(&quot;^([a-z;A-Z;0-9])+:&quot;); // Catch click so no page reload occurs $('body').on('click', 'a', function (e) { var $link = $('a'); var href = $link.attr('href'); // do not prevent click on external links if(!href || !externalLinkRegex.test(href)){ e.preventDefault(); } }); $('body').on('tap', 'a', function (e) { var $link = $('a'); var href = $link.attr('href'); if(!href) return false; if(href === '#') return false; if(externalLinkRegex.test(href)) return true; // only navigate if href is not # router.navigate(href, true); return false; }); // Submit forms $('body').on('tap', 'a', function (e) { var $target = $(; if(!$target.closest('input[type=&quot;submit&quot;]').length) return; var $form = $target.closest('form'); if($form.length){ $form.first().submit(); return false; } });
  • 42. Touch handling Good but when I click on a link, and an other link appear under my finger, multiple click events are triggered. Just give up here… 
  • 43. Touch handling Don’t do it again. Use jQuery Mobile instead.
  • 44. DISCOVERING A NEW WORLD Technology and spirits
  • 45. jQuery Mobile jQuery Mobile : Support + Browser sniffing vMouse + event Position fixed without GPU acceleration issue ( Soon in 1.1 < 3 Months) Transition between pages Partial AJAX rendering Unit tests !!! Normalized Inputs with native interface for Select Butons (with image, grouped, …, flipped), sliders, … navbars Position fixed Dialog / Page Grid accordions Lists A list of supported devices Next version would make it easier just to grab the functionnality that you want OpenSource, licence, mailing list,
  • 46. jQuery Mobile and URLs URLs are an important part on the WEB : Access Bookmarks SEO Stats To render your site quickly, you may want : the full page to be rendered in HTML, No Ajax Loading on cold URL invocation and: Then in the same site, you may not want the full page to be reloaded Partial content replacement And : You want to deal correctly with others link : Router
  • 47. Routing Plugins UI DOM Ajax Plugins Touch Feature Detection jQuery Mobile jQuery Mobile Plugins
  • 48. Zepto, jQMobi A little part of the jQuery API querySelectorAll Dom Traversing attr, CSS, text, html, addClass, … ajax Events : bind, trigger, on, … Lighter because written for new browsers: Webkit, Firefox But mobile is hard, forget about Windows Phone, Opera Mini on BlackBerry, … Write everything, do not trust jQuery plugins
  • 49. Routing Plugins UI DOM Ajax Plugins Touch Feature Detection jQuery Mobile jqMobi Zepto jQuery Mobile Plugins
  • 50. Modernizr sur mobile Modernizr : Which features are available in this browser ? Works well on IE, Chrome and Firefox Need some work around on Mobile (Touch, …)
  • 51. Routing Plugins UI DOM Ajax Plugins Touch Feature Detection jQuery Mobile Modernizr jqMobi Zepto jQuery Mobile Plugins
  • 52. Performance Web performance is a broad topic ! Lots of papers Some dedicated Workshop Some business With lots of influence factors : Dom Overload, CPU usage, JavaScript Speed, Networking bandwidth and latency, Shim Quality, touch handling, speed of the loading wheel, … With one and only one goal : Increase the Perceived performance
  • 53. How to increase the perceived performance ? Reduce network time : Avoid mixing SSLs sites Avoid CORS (OPTIONS request make it slow) Avoid small files ( Sprites, JS and CSS minification) Don’t load anything useless Make It fluid A 30fps list scrolling is better than a 60fps with some latency Ask your users
  • 54. Mobile First Mobile First ? Think for mobile Extend for others Mobile First is: Hype A Philosophy to structure your Development Accept, understand, embrace, but don’t be extremist Performance Ergonomic Capabilities Design Usage Focus Dynamic Loading
  • 55. Mobile First Accept, understand, embrace, but don’t be extremist “ should be on the lips of every web designer . “ Ethan Marcotte   , Responsive Web Design
  • 56. Packaging of Web Apps What about packaging ? VS
  • 57. A LAST SMALL ADVICE Before you start this adventure,
  • 58. A word to Manager Managers please: Considers this move as mush as from a technologist point of view than an human one Consider all the technical possibilities to : Minimize risks Reduce frustrations Satisfy your customers Cost reduction ? Going on new platforms Uniformisation of the user Experience
  • 59. A word to Developper Developer : Don’t be afraid : lot’s of fun, new stuff Be careful : lot’s of traps too Always look for the good mix : Innovation, sexy stuff Working stuff Don’t forget : Mobile First, More Communication and more Brainstorming Ask the users
  • 61. Thank you This is an internal technical presentation done by BSD. Our twitter : @AtosWorldline Atos, the Atos logo, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldline, Atos Sphere, Atos Cloud and Atos WorldGrid are registered trademarks of Atos SA. June 2011